Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Chatzy Madness Volume 265: I Died, The End

Bree: look at all these brine characters getting pairings
Bree: they're just flying off the shelves!!!!
Murky Sheep: All Brine chars must go!
Bree: clash has a crush on aggie, nylora might have a thing for ingrid, etch is paired up with cole, rory is on a date with toinette, lucky has a thing for priscilla, julius and nasennia have had some shippy undertones...
PhoneDel@Home: Julius is a cinnamon and cannot express his feelings for nobody has explored his sad backstory yet
Murky Sheep: But what about Geth?
PhoneDel@Home: So basically he's a brine character
Polar: Geth is going to pair up with Woe and convince her men ain't so bad, in a twist to shock the ages entirely, along his own path out of hatred.
Polar: *This is not and will not be canon and I will find you if you try, CW. b:
PhoneDel@Home: Also Ko cannot be paired because she is on a soul quest to be the henchest woman alive
Brinehammer: Yeah, really though. Somehow, there's someone for everyone!
Brinehammer: ...except Ko =[
LiveAChao: nobody loves emma, rip
Gooper Blooper: Emma X chainsaw
Harpy: more like emma is too busy RIPing things to care
Harpy: who needs a lover when you have a chainsaw
PhoneDel@Home: Ko seems like a character who ain't got time for that shit


SteelKomodo: aw man, Brine got 2 pairings(?) in the space of one day
Draco: Three. Ko x Bag of Fritos....oh wait, they just broke up.
LiveAChao: brine is very good at this pairing thing
Brinehammer: Ko x Steak sandwich- nevermind, it was a summer fling.
SteelKomodo: indeed he is
PhoneDel@Home: He is
PhoneDel@Home: Right now to set Julius up
SteelKomodo: hahaha
PhoneDel@Home fails


Gooper Blooper: I always thought it was funny that Samus' ship was basically a giant version of her helmet. Like, she wouldn't normally go for that kind of Death Egg-type ego booster, and that makes it even funnier


Draco: For better or worse, Zook is now officially gone. Gloria can't summon him because she never could summon HIM. Can't summon Draco either 'cause of Komachi.
LiveAChao: a-a-are you saying
LiveAChao: zook
Draco: is ded
LiveAChao: zook is gone forever!? D:
Draco: Yes.
Draco: He lives on only in our hearts.
LiveAChao: me right now
SickHarpy: zook isn't alive


Jumpropeman: just seeing what i missed before I sleep
Jumpropeman: that Stand Generator seems awful
Jumpropeman: although that's mostly drawn from the fact it uses the power wiki :V
LiveAChao: just gotta be careful about how to use it
LiveAChao: i imagine anyone getting "electricity" isn't going to be like "WELL I GUESS I'LL MAKE MY CHARACTER ANUBIS 2.0" :V
Jumpropeman: but what if that person is
Jumpropeman: ​ ME MOTHERFUCKAS
Jumpropeman: ​ANUBIS 2.0 IN YO FACE
LiveAChao: ​then i know you wouldn't, because i've listened to your many, many gripes about the power wiki
Jumpropeman: ​this is my dramatic heel turn to drive up PPV sales
LiveAChao: ​we already did that with BBB4


Bree: scarlett has ~safety features~
Bree: pls be sure to read the instruction manual before operating your girlfriend
Bree: for ages 10 and up
Bree: choking hazard
Draco: XD
Bree: ​more like ages 18 and up​
Draco: Parental supervision required
SteelKomodo: bree pls


CANT STOP THE TOINETTE: toinette drawing attempt report
CANT STOP THE TOINETTE: i forgot how to tablet


Ride on the Magic Cool Train: i need to stop making characters i like
Ride on the Magic Cool Train: said
Ride on the Magic Cool Train: NOBODY EVER


Draco cancels Dracoplot?
Draco: Wait, shit, I can't cancel what ended.
notivel: OR CAN YOU
Gooper Blooper: you can still cancel decepticon plot
Murky Sheep: You painted yourself into a corner this time, Draco!
Draco: Good thinking, Goops!
Draco cancels Deceptiplot.
Draco takes his elf and leaves.

Draco left the chat
Draco joined the chat

Draco: Okay, I think I was gone long enough.
Murky Sheep: Eh, it was an okay exit
Murky Sheep: I'd give it like...a 3/5?
Draco: B\



LiveAChao: "Historical inauthenticity. Rick Santorum did not violently burst into green flame upon the discovery of President Obama’s birth certificate."


CANT STOP THE TOINETTE: i just edited my google privacy settings
CANT STOP THE TOINETTE: and jesus NBN is already here i'm sure of it


Other Corn: Dawn hears all the band names
Other Corn: Thinks someone else wants to test the Alternate Stand Arrow
AlternateChao: kek
Other Corn: DJ Candy could use a Fade...
Gooper Blooper: Nah, I already gave her a power upgrade with the asterisk pack
Other Corn: Perhaps Dolby...
Gooper Blooper: I don't want a Stand
Other Corn: -runs around trying to jab characters-
Draco: Parsee gets a Stand. It's called ​Green-eyed Jealousy. It's just another Parsee.


Draco: Just for the record: there's a giant spider at the classical concert.


Draco: Yamame retires for the evening to bask in applause and groupie. I say groupie 'cause I doubt the classical venue has a lot of giant spider fans.
Slpffin: ​You might be surprised
Gooper Blooper: I bet Yamame is very happy with that one groupie though
Harpy: spider spider spider
Draco: Very quality groupie.


Bree: I made the plot great the same way you make the brawl great
Bree: you just love it so fucking much, you're like "HAVE IT, HAVE MY HYPE, FEED OFF MY ESSENCE AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH"
Bree: well okay maybe not exactly like that :V


PhoneDel@Games: I died
PhoneDel@Games: The end


Bree: this is dumb, but is it okay if I borrow julius for this ploot
PhoneDel@Games: Yes
PhoneDel@Games: It is very ok
Bree: he will do nothing but stand in front of the exit and look like an adorable cinnamon roll
PhoneDel@Games: Bree he is a 10-foot tall slab of gold armor and raw creation
PhoneDel@Games: How can he be so cinnamon


Jumpropeman: my room actually has a lot of skellies in it
Jumpropeman: you could see the mummies a bit in my amiibo/cirno pic
Jumpropeman: it's halloween all year in JRM's room
Gooper Blooper: Samhain isn't sure to be proud or afraid
CouncilChao: samhain looks in a mirror
CouncilChao: sees the Halloween Creep looking back at him
CouncilChao: wakes up screaming


Cornwind Evil: Inch do you HAVE to run back and forth on the steering wheel?
Cornwind Evil: That's just asking for trouble
Jumpropeman: a man makes do
Gooper Blooper: XD
Jumpropeman: it's really a surprise it took him so many years to take down a place called Crime Inc.
Cornwind Evil: "It's pronouced CRIE-MAY."


Jumpropeman: The game adaptation of "Hannah Montana: The Movie" was sent to the higher ups for review, but they said the game was too short so they sent it back for more work
Jumpropeman: one of the programmers removed the ability to run and sent it back
Jumpropeman: the game was approved :V
ivelwaffle: welp
Gooper Blooper: quality


(A Format Wars event is about to start)

LiveAChao: you know who it's time for
LiveAChao: Praline and Nitori! and that's it!
Gooper Blooper: lel
Gooper Blooper: like you'd really do it
LiveAChao: well i gotta get started on burying her for when i kill her off for shock value
LiveAChao: it's the perfect twist
Gooper Blooper: you already did that with everyone's favorite joke villain, Floatzel
LiveAChao: oh right, that's true
LiveAChao: nevermind, i guess maria lives
LiveAChao: (Floatzel Status: floatzel is still dead)


The Shittiest Life Coach: are you proud of yourself for devising a way to make komachitori kiss :V
The Shittiest Life Coach: because I did not expect this silly plot to include actual relationship development
Gooper Blooper: The idea for the plot was to be a sort of parody of a generic kobber adventure
Gooper Blooper: but what's a parody of kobbers without a pairing
Gooper Blooper: and lo and behold, a pairing attended
The Shittiest Life Coach: I unwittingly played right into your hands!!!
Gooper Blooper: If there hadn't been a pairing Noir probably would have picked two people at random (chatzy choose) and gone "okay you guys are a pairing now, pretend you're a pairing"
The Shittiest Life Coach: we could have had komachi smooching tenshi
The Shittiest Life Coach: alas
LiveAChao: well whos fault is that, hmm
The Shittiest Life Coach: I know, I know :V
The Shittiest Life Coach: well I'm sure tenshi is glad she didn't have to kiss any shinigami today
The Shittiest Life Coach: just imagine the fake pairing combos we could've gotten though
The Shittiest Life Coach: amity X anyone in this dumb movie
The Shittiest Life Coach: "I need you to kiss this blob" "...wat"
The Shittiest Life Coach: "hi is romance"
Draco asked Chatzy to choose between DJ Candy, Tenshi, Zeldoten, Nitori, Maria, Amity and Komachi. Chatzy chose: Komachi
Draco asked Chatzy to choose between DJ Candy, Tenshi, Zeldoten, Nitori, Maria and Amity. Chatzy chose: Tenshi

unstoppivel: we could've had Amiteshni
Draco: Chatzy supports Komashi
unstoppivel: welp
Gooper Blooper: nothin but girls
Gooper Blooper: does that mean Nitori X Viola
The Shittiest Life Coach: lesbian movie
The Shittiest Life Coach: about lllllllllllllesbians
unstoppivel: I had a funny thought: if Chatzy chose Tenshi first, you left her in there the second time and it chose her again :U
Draco: Lesbian farmers
The Shittiest Life Coach: YOU DON'T HAVE TO BE LONELY


LiveAChao: so i'm finally finishing the final chapter of live-a-live and
LiveAChao: "Welcome to the Labyrinth of Intelligence. I am the Intelligence of Wheatley."
LiveAChao: how do you even exist
Draco: The Labyrinth is a long, straight hallway with arrows pointing at the exit.
ivel: ahahaha
iKomodo: No, no, it's a square room with one door at the end
ivel: but WHICH END


(Regarding the concept of a ZFRP-themed quiz)

LiveAChao: How many forms did the Lord of the Night have?
LiveAChao: A) 1
LiveAChao: B) 4
LiveAChao: C) 5
LiveAChao: D) 1,000,000
Draco: E) 0
Gooper Blooper: kek
Bree: five answer options per question but the fifth answer is always "butts"
Bree: (it's the right answer for at least one question)


Draco: Blade is lucky nobody tried to rope the Spider-Mame into a match like that. He'd wake up the next day with his entire home full of webs.
Draco: Nobody interrupts cookie night. BU
Gooper Blooper: it turns out every night is cookie night
Draco: Darn right. BV


LiveAChao: one thing i found neat in that metroid 2 fan remake
LiveAChao: so in Super Metroid, you can stack the Charge, Wave, and Ice beams, and the Spazer (wide) and Plasma Beams you can only have one of at a time for some reason
LiveAChao: (you can collect both but you have to toggle those two)
LiveAChao: in AM2R you can collect all five beams... and use them at once
LiveAChao: for a single ultimate beam of death
Gooper Blooper: But when does Samus get the Magical Girl Beamu
LiveAChao: in Other M, goops
LiveAChao: in Other M
LiveAChao falls to his knees, sobbing


Jumpropeman: pizza on a stick actually sounds pretty yummy


Brinehammer: Bringing back Draugr in 2017, lol


Bree: I have a doctor appointment on wednesday and I was legit worried about missing format wars because of it and then I realized that's totally stupid
Gooper Blooper: hahaha
Gooper Blooper: INVESTED


Bree: oh my god
Bree: the mental image of dolby just cramming a VHS tape in her mouth
Bree: with the VCR noise
Bree: I'm dying
Gooper Blooper: it's easier with audio cassettes but she can handle a VHS tape
Bree: DYING *falls over*
Draco: #Lewd
Gooper Blooper: draco pls


ivel: I played Trivial Pursuit once
ivel: ivelmom got a question, I think it was "What was Resident Evil called in Japan?" and I was very visibly waiting for her to miss the question so I could answer :U
Bree: and did she miss it
ivel: she did

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