Thursday, December 29, 2016

Chatzy Madness Volume 266: There's No Such Thing As Bigfoot

Bree: must resist urge to pandapost
Bree: must..... resist......!


RubyChao: "And Kusamochi, and Kusanagi, and Kabi, and Doc, and Timmy, and-"
RubyChao: things i blocked out
RubyChao: there were like 15 kirbies
Gooper Blooper: harpy had a kirby phase and it was impressive
AsteroidDog: regret


RubyChao: enjoy this failure of a boss
RubyChao: i give this thing a boosted tractor and it goes to waste, just like the Golden Torizo
RubyChao: i guess Torizos are just doomed to suck


Deviant: I love how venplot is ambiguous enough that it has almost no listings whatsoever just in case it turns out not to be a plot. =u


Deviant: Whoooop-sie~
Deviant rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 3
Cornwind Evil: WHOOPS
Deviant rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 11
Draco: Good grief, the tractor really freakin' hates you tonight.
Deviant: That's alright. We're not fighting. I can always put it into Shenanigans, as long as you don't mind. =v
Cornwind Evil: I ROLL FOR VEN
Cornwind Evil rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 1
Cornwind Evil: ....NEVER MIND
Deviant: -Rah explodes-
Cornwind Evil: MOVE ALONG
ivel: I roll for Ven?
ivel rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 19


PhoneDel: Gotta accost goop with the question
PhoneDel: Toinetteanime thoughts???
Gooper Blooper: It sounded exactly like a real, mediocre anime
PhoneDel: Gooooood
PhoneDel: So now to make series two batshit


AsteroidDog: look at what you made me do, goops
AsteroidDog: you reminded me of shake 'em up fries
AsteroidDog: (the cheddar ones were so GODDAMN GOOD HRRRNG)


Revanchist: Ivel posted.
Revanchist ascends into another dimension of playing roles
RubyChao: the end times have come


RubyChao: Patchouli watches passively as her bed spawns into existence directly above Lacewing.
"Oh, that's too bad. Guess I'll need a new bed."
Lacewing, honey, you might wanna move. Falling bed.

RubyChao: reminder that this happened
RubyChao: and it was lethal


Jumpropeman: rainbow dash just pranked me really good
Draco: UH OH
Jumpropeman: it's a bit of a story: once upon a time my family and I went to Olive Garden and I decided to tell the story of how I met my good friend Shooter. I first met him in a Gifted and Talented class and I remember the teacher doing this thing where she would have stand on a side of the room depending on if we thought something was real or not. She would ask about the Loch Ness Monster and Bigfoot and all that, and Shooter would stand on the "believe" side to be funny, but for some reason I was getting really worked up about people believing in that stuff. In the middle of the restaurant I did an overblown impression of my younger self, saying "THERE'S NO SUCH THING AS BIGFOOT", and then shaking my head and grumbling like Nixon at Futurama. Later they pointed out how everyone was staring at me and it became a running joke that rainbow dash would bring up Bigfoot existing to bother me
Jumpropeman: well today, we ran out of doctor pepper in my house and my sister decided to order pizza from Dominos and order some Dr. Peppers with it so I have something to drink. She said I should answer the door when he arrives to get the drinks and so when I heard the doorbell I went down
Jumpropeman: The guy asks "are you the guy who ordered four dr. peppers?" and I said "they're for me!" and he said "well if you had ordered one more you could have won a chance to go north and see Bigfoot"
Draco: XD
ivel: welp
RubyChao: XD
ivel: amazing
Draco: She's adorable.
Jumpropeman: as he was leaving and got his tip and everything, he even called out after "Bigfoot is real!"
ivel: XD
Bree: oh man
Bree: that's beautiful XD
Gooper Blooper: the truth is out there
Jumpropeman: approximate Richard Nixon noise
Draco: That was pretty good, JRM. I almost believe you were human. ;D
Jumpropeman: it does not help that I am a hairy man
Jumpropeman: ​who has considered RPing Bigfoot on multiple occassions​


PhoneDel: Im talking to wulf about describing piloting mecha in terms of erectile dysfunction
PhoneDel: Im tired


ivel rolled a die with 100 sides. The die showed: 1
ivel: ...
ivel: Gino plz
AsteroidDog: drunk
Gooper Blooper: pff
Cheaply Made Lightsabers: Gino fails so hard it inverts on itself and he succeeds
Draco: Gino fainted!
RubyChao: gino accidentally drinks energon, explodes for no good reason
RubyChao: grumbles about it for days in the lifestream
ivel: I was rolling to see how much Gino would donate to the vidya, so I'll say that was Ikki and reroll for Gino >​>​
RubyChao: kek
ivel rolled a die with 100 sides. The die showed: 55
ivel: if it was a 2 I would've laughed
AsteroidDog: Ikki donates 1 dollar
AsteroidDog: demands that he appear in the game
ivel: lel
AsteroidDog: "No."
Gooper Blooper: sorry ikki, the first tier is just "THANKS BRO"
ivel: if he was annoying enough they'd make him a generic enemy who dies in one hit
ivel: clearly
AsteroidDog: ikki is so annoying that he's that one enemy that can one shot you if you're not careful about his ambush
AsteroidDog: he's also very weak and easy to handle once you get used to where he spawns


iKomodo: I love writing 2D because he can say something beautiful and deep one moment
iKomodo: and then talk utter crap the next


AsteroidDog: i have no idea what i'm doing!


AsteroidDog: >​sees the name Sammy1998
AsteroidDog: >​in mabi
AsteroidDog: >​while playing as Diadem
AsteroidDog: ruined


Mendacious Sheep: Was rather hoping I'd be around today, but I got mired in rehearsal scheduling muck
Mendacious Sheep: _-_
Mendacious Sheep: But I may-MAY-be around tomorrow, possible, crossing my fingers, knock on wood
Gooper Blooper: Hence why it's good we worked things out beforehand and we kobbered Confortola in August!
AlternateChao: Yep! A sheeplot thing ended all because sheep actually knew his schedule and worked with it
Mendacious Sheep discreetly sweeps document cryptically entitled "Zombietola" under rug
Mendacious Sheep: Y-yes
Mendacious Sheep: Good thing
Gooper Blooper: sheep pls
Gooper Blooper: adding more to your existing plots is what almost killed sheeplot in the first place
Mendacious Sheep: You cannot kill that which does not live
Gooper Blooper: sheeplot is undead, this explains everything
Gooper Blooper: except sheeplot itself, naturally
Mendacious Sheep: As that which rots ossifies to stone, so does the sheeplot spread


CANT STOP THE 500GB: im gluing tiny spaceships together and its very tedious


iKomodo: ...guys
iKomodo: i'm tempted to RP Android 16
iKomodo: just so I can have him ramble about birds
RubyChao: i'm not gonna stop you, sorry :V
weekends: You have nine already, where's the other seven?
RubyChao: i will, however, have okuu cameo
iKomodo: kek
Gooper Blooper: a bird, pit
iKomodo: "That bird is emitting levels of radioactivity."


Gooper Blooper: god that nickname for gloria is so fuckin cute
Gooper Blooper: srs bsns librarian? LET'S CALL HER COOKIE


Moronic Sheep: "I like my game the old fashioned way. But I also like seeing new and exciting ways for people to get smashed."
Moronic Sheep: So Spy has the circular blather of contentless sports commentary down pat


AsteroidDog: and then Tralphium is actually a planeswarden


Moronic Sheep: "We pulled ourselves from the trees and the fields..." Woe said, as she began walking towards Niles. "We found tools and animal friends, learned to work the land...and then came war. Then came greed, and hate."
Moronic Sheep opens mouth
Moronic Sheep raises finger
Moronic Sheep pauses
Moronic Sheep lets out sigh

Moronic Sheep: There are just so many things I must disagree with you here, Woe
Moronic Sheep: But let's hear it; just where are you going with this?
Moronic Sheep: "Then came the same endless cycle of trying to have it all and burning anything that wasn't theirs, up and down, up and down, an endless circle of suffering, babies starve, politicians grow fat, great souls are martyred, and junkies grow legion. Why? Why why why why...why why...what do all these have in common..."
Moronic Sheep: Okay. Okay, a bit broad, but I can follow the logic; I can pick up what you're laying down here. Bring it home for me, Woe.
Moronic Sheep: "MEN."
Moronic Sheep pained hiss and wince


Gooper Blooper: ​silence right now​
Jumproplympics: man
Jumproplympics: my brother used to loop the Yellow Album as we played Timesplitters Future Perfect
Jumproplympics: very much a product of a different time
Jumproplympics: nothing like blasting a head off to Striped Sweater
Gooper Blooper: pfff
Draco: Yamame goes to Silence's rescue!
Draco: And then body slams Silence!
Draco: And then gives her a cookie!
Gooper Blooper: getting a lot of mixed messages right now yamame


Jumproplympics: my sisters know about Consolation Brawl voting, but I didn't tell them the last day of voting in hopes they'll be compelled to vote sooner with no certainty of when to vote


RubyChao: spy
RubyChao: when are you making Leo Luster rp canon
Jumproplympics: I explained why he can't last night
Jumproplympics: RP would come to a grinding halt
Jumproplympics: just one long Leo Luster worship session


Jumproplympics: "From the new Dragon Ball Movie comes the popular Frieza character, major villain and galactic emperor feared for his ruthlessness..." wow, they really are upselling Raspberry- "joined by fellow villains who are capable of their own evil acts"
Jumproplympics: oh there we go
Jumproplympics: Raspberry! Capable of his own evil acts!


Jumproplympics changed name to Jumpropeman
Jumpropeman: only ten or so more images and it's all over
Jumpropeman: *draws stick figures for the last images*
Gooper Blooper: *draws nothing but stick figures for consolation brawl*
Jumpropeman: my name gimmick for alruthine plot should have just been hammering my keyboard
Jumpropeman: kgegaeagep
RubyChao: if you take off the k
RubyChao: Gegaeagep sounds like an actual Alruthine name
AsteroidDog: i see gaea in there
Gooper Blooper: ooh lemme try
Jumpropeman: should name one of the broodmothers Gegaeagep
RubyChao: efihoiowegoijroierioer
RubyChao: anything in there?
Gooper Blooper: sxghxb
AsteroidDog: oituoiaupoufd
Monsterous Sheep: chjbfjgnfkvjk
Monsterous Sheep: Nope, nothing looks very useable there
Jumpropeman: Oituoiau looks like a good one, hard to find a nice splitting point in chao's though
Draco: Huh. Odd way to win but I'll take it.
Gooper Blooper: oierioer
Gooper Blooper: there you go
Gooper Blooper: (from chao's jumble)
Jumpropeman: a broodmother would typically have a shorter name though
Gooper Blooper: oier?
Gooper Blooper: Or Hoiow
Monsterous Sheep: Eisenhower
Jumpropeman: Goijro looks nice
Jumpropeman: almost like Gojira :V
Monsterous Sheep: A Broodmother was one one of our other presidents


Jumpropeman: so guys, since I'm sure you like him more, I'm replacing Shimmer with Cyrano permanently
Jumpropeman: his glass floating coffin will go on so many ZANY adventures!
Gooper Blooper: jrm pls
Gooper Blooper: I can tell you Sheep will love this, at least
Gooper Blooper: It's really unnerving if you get a mental image going
AsteroidDog: jack x cyrano



RubyChao: holy shit
RubyChao: ​what the fuck ricard
RubyChao: ​i'm still laughing
RubyChao: ​how is horse wars so funny, this is far funnier than it should be
Jumproplympics: ​you laugh now, but just you wait until the Horse Wars truly begin
Gooper Blooper: ​I like how the lowest scoring performances are still fucking hilarious
Bree: ​spy is going to love this XD​


HORSE WAR entered for the first time
RubyChao: hi spy
Gooper Blooper: knew it
Jumproplympics: amazing
HORSE WAR: ​You are the best


Jumproplympics: Utsuho Pie-Eating Plot is GO!


Draco: Good thing Parsee's retiring 'cause ​she's basically done with fym
RubyChao: ​Paru paru.
Jumproplympics: WELL WE'RE DONE WITH YOU TOO ​*JRM cries at the "Parsee in BBB" shrine*
Gooper Blooper: ​Back in Season 5 when we were all basically pleading and begging for Draco to enter Parsee he made it pretty clear she wouldn't do it in character and he felt uncomfortable with the idea. She should've left your wanted list right then just to spare you the heartache :V
Jumproplympics: The forbidden fruit always tastes the sweetest


Jumproplympics: I've been looking at Izzy merchandise
Jumproplympics: there is a man on the internet
Jumproplympics: who can't make a website for beans, but his devotion to Izzy is so charming
ivel: welp
Jumproplympics: it's where most info and stuff on Izzy himself comes from
Jumproplympics: is what alerted me to Izzy's backstory with Torch World
Gooper Blooper: why are there so many pins with izzy on them
Jumproplympics: check out the bottom of this page
Jumproplympics: it's amazing
Gooper Blooper: the guy has over 700 unique pins and says he has the fourth or fifth biggest collection
RubyChao: i saw those shirt designs for real
Jumproplympics: this was the Pogs era
Gooper Blooper: What even ​was​ the Rio mascot? Whatever they were I bet they didn't get fuckin 700 goddamn pins
Jumproplympics: maybe they thought Pins was the next big thing
Jumproplympics: Rio had a monkey
Jumproplympics: he was okay but not spectacular
Jumproplympics: there was also like
Jumproplympics: an artichoke he hung out with
Jumproplympics: Artichoke was Paralympics apparently
Jumproplympics: there have been a lot of awful, awful, AWFUL Olympic mascots over the years
Jumproplympics: but I think the 2004 Olympics had some of the worst
Jumproplympics: they make Pelswick look like a work of art
RubyChao: ...are those just
RubyChao: Guys With Big Feet
Gooper Blooper: jesus christ how horrifying
Jumproplympics: they're based on an antique doll, but they look like a five year old drew them
Jumproplympics: "Committee for the Greek Religion Dodecatheon, devoted to the preservation of ancient Greek culture, sued over the mascots, claiming that they "savagely insult" Classical Greek culture."
RubyChao: rekt
Jumproplympics: also nice job putting symbols on Athena's breasts


Gooper Blooper: Big Lump Of Cheese is a lovely name for an RPG item
ivel: it's accurate :U
AsteroidDog: it really is
AsteroidDog: it's a big fat lump of cheese
Gooper Blooper: well I should hope so
Gooper Blooper: if it wasn't big enough or lumpy enough (or cheesy enough) I'd complain


Jumpropeman: fun fact: according to, Izzy is already far better than any human ever at every sport, and he literally doesn't participate in the Olympics to give people a shot.
Jumpropeman: Basically: he's a bad OC :V


RubyChao: you know who shimmer should totally meet
RubyChao: halley!
Bree: no
RubyChao: what if i clarify that by "meet"
RubyChao: i mean "punch in the face"
Bree: then yes


Myopic Sheep: ​“If you’re expecting Springtrap Stand-Up, prepare to be disappointed.”​
Myopic Sheep: I'm disappointed :<
Myopic Sheep: ​"and the best way to do that is to pander to the judges."​
Myopic Sheep: I am no longer disappointed.
Myopic Sheep: ​"​just as quickly producing a canoe and rowing it across the ground with an agonizing screech as its wood grated against the floor.​"
Myopic Sheep: It's all I hoped.
Myopic Sheep: ​"I'm a skilled athlete, definitely more than a giant grub and ‘actually just a store’”.​
Myopic Sheep: ​Springtrap sits down and uses a hand to remove one of his legs, “This doing anything for you?"​
Myopic Sheep: O-Oh, my
Myopic Sheep fans self
Myopic Sheep: “If Cornwind was writing this he could at least call the wrestling moves by name.”​
Myopic Sheep: ​Step it up, Jrm!​
A PS4 That Plays Everything: Sounded like he did a two-armed bulldog
Myopic Sheep: ​“Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears! Alas, poor Yorrick, shall I compare thee to a Summer’s day? Now is the winter of our discontent, but beware the ides of March. Double, double toil and trouble; Fire burn, and cauldron bubble! Out, damned spot, my kingdom for a horse! If you prick me, do I doth protest too much? Oh Romeo, Romeo, what’s in a name? Parting is such sweet sorrow.”​
Myopic Sheep: ​Right then. *gets out torches and pitchforks* Can a user challenge a character to a fite?​
Myopic Sheep: ​“I think I hit all the best beats of Shakespeare. Now then, hand over the tens.”​
A PS4 That Plays Everything: Springtrap: if i make a bad joke about his busy schedule preventing him from probably showing up for the fite, is that going too far?
Myopic Sheep: ​*Gets out the tar and feathers* Where is Joyce Jr. when you need him?​


Myopic Sheep: ​>​THE PIT and a sheep next to it in the picture​
Myopic Sheep: ​I'm sure this will go just swimmingly​


 RubyChao: oh god these faces
RubyChao: aaaaaaaaaaaa
SteelKomodo: oh god it's like she's melting
SteelKomodo: someone stick her in the fridge
Jumpropeman: "Ariel wears her heart on her sleeve" because it literally migrated there from her chest
RubyChao: "Todd Ziller's name is likely a pun on "Godzilla"."
RubyChao: >​likely
CANT STOP THE TOINETTE: Need more research
SteelKomodo: hahaha


Fred Must KILL: for most people the console wars didn't start until the sega genesis, but i was a sega kid long before that
Fred Must KILL: I loved my mster system. it had so many great games on it
Fred Must KILL: but my first and best favorite will always be The Flintstones
RubyChao: mister system
Fred Must KILL: I ve loved the show fr the longest time. i'v e watched every episode, owned every associated piece of media, and yes, played this game all day long
Bree: I want to see spy write a creepypasta about nitori's backpack
Fred Must KILL: I was a short but hard game. i always used to get pissed when barney beat me a tbowling. i swore he was cheating. sometimes i got really mad and wished he was dead
RubyChao: fuckin' barney, man
Fred Must KILL: anyway today i went to pull out my old master system, but i found i had lost my favorite game a long time ago
Fred Must KILL: not one to be deterred, a decided to drive to gamestop to pick up an ew copy. sometimes i get lucky and they have the really retro games how i like them
Fred Must KILL: but on the way to gamestop i saw a little garage sale on the corner. something in my gut told me to stop, so i shrugged, listened, and pulled over
Fred Must KILL: There was a man there staffing the counter. h e was large, wore orange, and had messy black hair, five o clock shadow, and a big nose. immediately i felt like i could trust this man
Fred Must KILL: he looked at me and said "hey, budy, are you by any chance looking for The Flintstones on the sega master system?"
Fred Must KILL: yes! that's exactly what I wanted! this man was a miracle worker for sure
RubyChao: yaaaay
Fred Must KILL: seeing my smile, he pulled out a tihgtly wrapped box and gave it to me. "here is the gam. do not open it until you get back home, though. i never want to see it again"
Fred Must KILL: briefly i wondered how i would know i had the right game, but i figured this man was somebody i could believe in. i asked how much to pay and he said "it's only one dollar."
Fred Must KILL: wow! that's the price of some ice cold water. how could i ever utnr down such an amazing deal? i gave him my muney and he sent me on my way
RubyChao: bbs
Fred Must KILL: when igot home and unwapped the box, i was surprised. master system games were all on a white checkerboard pattenr
Fred Must KILL: like this
Fred Must KILL: and yet the cast of the flintstones was standing in front of a red grid instead
Fred Must KILL: barney looked teririfed. betty was weeping. wilma looked furious. pebbles wasn't there
Fred Must KILL: and instead of a bowling ball on the tip of fred's finger there was a skull. he looked far harpier than usual
Fred Must KILL: i figured it must hve been a prank from the orange man and ignored it. anyone can doodle o nthe box art if they wanted to, right?
Fred Must KILL: besides, i really wanted to play the flintstones
Fred Must KILL: the cartridge did't have The Flintstones written on it. i think it said something like "Lasciate ogne speranza, voi ch'intrate" but i didn't really heck
Fred Must KILL: i was too exited to play!
Fred Must KILL: so i popped the game in and startred
Fred Must KILL: immediately that intro theme washed over me, followed by the first level screen. FRED MUST PAINT THE WALL
Fred Must KILL: all of th games levels were presenjted in this fashion, like some grand presence was ordering fred around. i always found it weird
Fred Must KILL: but before i could dwell on it the game startec. old gsames are so much better than new ones, where every time you want to lpay you have to sit through five loading screens and a ctuscene about Master Chef's nosehair or something like that
Fred Must KILL: so wilma tells fred to pain t the wall and i go to begin. it was a perfectly ordinary level, but usually the paint is gray. why was it red?
Fred Must KILL: pebbles seemed a little too scared to leave her crib, when normally she's sneaking out all the time
Fred Must KILL: and the meter that usually says PAINT instead saidBLOOD
Fred Must KILL: that was pretty weird, i thought, but the level was ocer really quick.. i didn't even notice until i was finished. painting the wall can get pretty intense
Fred Must KILL: next came level 2. FRED MUST GET TO THE BOWLING ALLEY
Fred Must KILL: normally the picture showed fred and barney sitting in their car smiling at the moonlight. however, this trime bareny was tied up in ropes and looked very scarec
Fred Must KILL: the moon seemed to have an evil face on it, and the grass was bronwer than green
Fred Must KILL: but maybe it was just my bad quality tv
Fred Must KILL: Theis level went as normal. you drive and jump over rocks. however, occasionally it wasn't a rock in the road but instead bone
Fred Must KILL: usually a skull or a femur
Fred Must KILL: i ginored it, but they started becoming rreally common. the car klept crashing into them, asi f attracted to the bones. i was never gonna make the bowling alley at this rate!
Fred Must KILL: thankfully they stopped being hazards and turned into decorations, but there were more of them. the whole road started to fill with bones, fred's car jerking as it drove over them
Fred Must KILL: it was up a mountain of bone that fred's car finally pulled into the driveway
SteelKomodo: ...anyway
SteelKomodo: carry on, spy
SteelKomodo joined the chat 18 hours ago
Fred Must KILL: (Okay, sorry)
Fred Must KILL: then came level three. FRED MUST BEAT BARNEY. "i wish" i scoffed
Fred Must KILL: it would be way more satisfying than bowling this jerk
Fred Must KILL: anyway, he was on fire today. his first roll and it was a striek
Fred Must KILL: my first rolll was a gutter ball. the camera panned back to look at fred. he looked disappointed, yet confident
Fred Must KILL: second roll. another gutter ball, this time shaving off one pin on the right. fred was starting to look kind of mad
Fred Must KILL: barney goes up again, another strikje
Fred Must KILL: and another. and another
Fred Must KILL: barney would not stop winning, fred would not stop missing
AlternateChao: canon
Fred Must KILL: slowly fred got angrier and angrier. scoffing turned into clenching his fsts, sotomping his feet, and spitting on the ground
Fred Must KILL: barney was wearing this insufferably smug girn. i really hated barney
Fred Must KILL: he ended the game bowling a perfect 300, where i barely had 20 points to my name
Fred Must KILL: normally this is the inepxplicable platforming level, where Fred Must Find Pebbles And Bring Her Back
Fred Must KILL: instead, the same screen appeared
Fred Must KILL: i groaned. was I going to have to bowl him again?
Fred Must KILL: But no. Instead the camera cut to a close-up view of Barney's face
Fred Must KILL: He was still grinning
Fred Must KILL: But he was so close, i could see way more detail than n master system game should have
Fred Must KILL: i could see the whites of his eyes, the individual strands of his hair, and the wrinkles of his skin
Fred Must KILL: hje was almost hyperrealistic
AlternateChao: NOT THAT
Fred Must KILL: i didn't know what to do, so i hit a button
SteelKomodo: oh god D:
Fred Must KILL: one of fred's fists shot out, punching barney hard across the face
Fred Must KILL: hey, this is pretty fun! i thought. i could finally get my revenge
Fred Must KILL: i began mashing the buttons as fast as possible, pounding barney as hard as i could. this is revenge for all those times he cheated me out of a bowling iwn
Fred Must KILL: i wondered how i never found this level before. i also wondered why the heck it was in a flintstones gmaes
Fred Must KILL: the flintstones was a family cartoon. it wouldn't have shown fred bloodily beating his friend. and yet here iw as
Fred Must KILL: soon instead of fists, fred began hitting him with ab owling trophy. than a bowlng ball
Fred Must KILL: the carnage was interrutped by another level screen
Fred Must KILL: and this one said
Fred Must KILL ​!
Fred Must KILL: i was staring down at a hyperrealistically beaten body, bones sticking out and face smashed to uncrecognizeability. this went from fun to uncomfortable really, really fast
Fred Must KILL: but i wanted to beat the game, even if it was different from how ir emembered
Fred Must KILL: it only had 4 levels, right? i had to be done soon
Fred Must KILL: so i hit the button
Fred Must KILL: fred whipped out a shotgun and blasted barney away, playing the level complete jingle
Fred Must KILL: the levels only got weirder from there
Fred Must KILL: like FRED MUST HIDE THE EVIDENCE, where i had to ground barney's body into a bowl of fruity pebbles. the cops would never suspect that, right??
Fred Must KILL: the bird grinding the body squawked when i interacted it, playing a staticy sound clip of "IT'S A LIVIN' ." At leastr something here was still Flintstones
AlternateChao: delicious
Fred Must KILL: then came FRED MUST AVOID THE POLICE, but that level must have been bugged. it hung on the level screen for at least 7 minutes and 6 seconds, showing only Fred shooting a terrified look toward the window
AlternateChao: 7 minutes and 6 seconds... THAT'S 666!!!!
Fred Must KILL: by the time the level loaded in fred's hosue was surrounded by the cops, and ffred was in handcuffs
Fred Must KILL: fred was ssitting in an electric chair, a furious Wilma glaring at him as she consoled a weeping Betty. No matter how many buttons i pressed i couldn't break the restraints. in another 7 minutes and 6 seconds, the constable flipped the switch
Fred Must KILL: of course, bedrock doesn't have electricity
Fred Must KILL: its a town full of cavemen
Fred Must KILL: so i was starting to really wonder what was up \
Fred Must KILL: thankfully the game was almost done, as the level coming up was labelled LEVEL FINAL
SteelKomodo: i think that's the least of the problems with the Flintstone's setting


ivel: Aeronaut: kek -- my brother
-Aeronaut: He wanted you to know that
-ivel: anyway, your bro?
-ivel: what did your bro want me to know :U
-Aeronaut: "kek"
-Aeronaut: That was all
-ivel: oh
-ivel: I'm confused about what that was regarding but :U
-Aeronaut: He discovered the "kek" meme today and insisted that I type that
-ivel: oh god

ivel: Aerbro plz


CouncilChao: ​are you ready for some SCIENCE
ivel: ​no :I
CouncilChao: ​well too bad

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