Thursday, November 17, 2016

Chatzy Madness Volume 264: Donuts, The Snack Choice Of EVIL

(Regarding Yew's ghost phobia)

Jumpropeman: you know who else was afraid of ghosts
Jumpropeman: Moosh
Gooper Blooper: Yewsh
Jumpropeman: I know more about that bear than most Zelda characters thanks to Rainbow Dash
Jumpropeman: eke out every bit of detail from the Oracle games to make him more interesting :V
Gooper Blooper: Probably my favorite thing about the JRM sisters entering the Brawl each year is seeing what you do with their characters in the preshow and fite itself
Gooper Blooper: A neat little study in what happens when one gives the fitemaster an essentially blank slate
Gooper Blooper: This reached its' extreme with Blind Scorpion Nun, who was an OC with literally nothing but a name, not even an image
Gooper Blooper: And yet JRM made a whole dang character out of that
Jumpropeman: I was given a wheel and a hill, the rolling with it just comes naturally


Harp-A-Live: look at that Angie sass
iKomodo: ...I misread that as Angie's ass
iKomodo: Three years of RP'ing dirk has ruined me


M Sheep: Oh, save me from myself, the college put the mug of the last guy who student directed on the FRONT PAGE of the site.
CouncilChao: oh dear
CouncilChao: the eldritch true form of the sheep will surely drive everyone away
M Sheep: So, good for him, it was one of the best shows I've ever seen. Hands up. Good little bit of signal boosting for him since he's either graduating or already graduated. He totally deserves all the best, hard worker, good at what he does, ect.
M Sheep: On the other hand
M Sheep blood pressure steadily rising
M Sheep: I'm steadily turning into the Hulk
M Sheep: but with less muscle
M Sheep: so, not The Hulk, basically
Harp-A-Live: sheep slowly turning into Attwater


iKomodo: ​From your drawing of Big Money Jo, goops, I didn't realize Jo was generally chubby. I thought it was just all on the booty :P
Draco: Dittos what SK said.
Gooper Blooper: A girl with her stats with all the weight in the booty would probably look kinda ridiculous, lel​
Jumpropeman: thicc
Gooper Blooper: XD
HONK HONK BUTT HONK BUTT: Terrifying thought: 295 pounds of booty, 5 pounds of person
HONK HONK BUTT HONK BUTT: With major badonkadonk
Harp-A-Live: pretty sure you'd be dead!


Jumpropeman: the 2 foot pizza is here
Jumpropeman: and somehow its bigger than expected
Jumpropeman: despite the big deal I've been making about its exact size
Gooper Blooper: >​JRM actually ordered the 2-foot pizza
Gooper Blooper: of course
ivel: the fuck
Harp-A-Live: beautiful
ivel: I'm shocked but also not really that surprised
Harp-A-Live: i expected nothing less
HONK HONK BUTT HONK BUTT: JRM you gotta show us
ivel: Endorphine: whos your friend and where do they live
-Endorphine: im their friend now

ivel: jrm made a friend
Jumpropeman: *looks at pizza*
Jumpropeman: you were a tad slow spy :V it's already somewhat smaller now
ivel: lel


HONK HONK BUTT HONK BUTT: No Pelswick video game
HONK HONK BUTT HONK BUTT: I'll have to buy JRM Shrek 2: Beg For Mercy instead
Jumpropeman: Pelswick is the show that Nickelodeon needs to revive with a TV movie, not Hey Arnold or Rocko


Goddamn Kobbering Online: blade mourns the loss of his bike
Goddamn Kobbering Online: but worry not my friend
Goddamn Kobbering Online: your current bike will serve you just as-
Goddamn Kobbering Online: *blade proceeds to roll low for the entire event*
Gooper Blooper: IT'S NOT THE SAME
Goddamn Kobbering Online: the bike has a curse placed on it, hina help


Jumpropeman: *sees discussion of Sonic Man x Aggie* The slightest bit of affection gets you folks riled up don't it :V
Bree: wasn't me!


Gooper Blooper: Originally we were going to do a one-way desert course and Christine would attack on the way back as a boss fight
Gooper Blooper: but thanks to the baby park discussion
Gooper Blooper: it's baby park but in a desert and christine's in it, christine is competing
Goddamn Kobbering Online: i helped change plot
Goddamn Kobbering Online: somehow
Goddamn Kobbering Online: what the fuck


LiveAChao: Meteoid Fun Fac
LiveAChao: *Fact
LiveAChao: *Metroid
Gooper Blooper: METTOD FAN FECD


M Sheep: >​And this time, he wasn't wearing poofy pants.
M Sheep: You have disappointed me, Ricard.


M Sheep: "Unplug it from the generator, blow on it, and plug it back in. If it still doesn't work, smack it." Conquest advised, laying her head back on the pillow and covering it with a wing. Famine blinked before she got up and did just that, passing Death, tuning her violin and blind to anything else.
M Sheep: Brine and his ability to get maximum characterization out of minimum words
M Sheep: You could read THIS, having read NOTHING ELSE about them, and still pick out their dynamic and an overarching trait of each.


M Sheep: >​Bernice takes another bite of her donut and makes a call
M Sheep: I'm just imagining her trading stock and peoples' lives over the phone as donut crumbs tumble out of her mouth.
PhoneDel: The small evils of NBN
M Sheep: And then getting stuck as she goes to issue horrible mandates through email because her fingers are covered in frosting, and a guy's just sitting there, waiting for the go ahead before he replaces a man's life while she tries to find a napkin
M Sheep: But then she just uses her shirt because THAT'S how you make management.
GIEV JOSHY: del is this canon
GIEV JOSHY: it should be canon


Jumpropeman: "8/13-8/14: It's All Your Vault: Aggie and Sonic Man vs Woe and her minions"
Jumpropeman: there is a quest in Final Fantasy 11, no a particularly exciting or interesting one
Jumpropeman: called It's Not Your Vault
Jumpropeman: and my brother used to CONSTANTLY say "It's Not Your Vault" to me
Jumpropeman: no real reason behind it besides to bug me
Gooper Blooper: my apologies for dredging up bad memories :V
Jumpropeman: he has a few jokes or sayings like that
Jumpropeman: I'll find some way to live, Gooper
M Sheep pushes JRM down some stairs
Jumpropeman: *spends the rest of his life falling down some stairs*
Jumpropeman: *meets a woman, finds a career, has some kids, retires, spends the evenings looking at the sunset until I pass away in my sleep*


Jumpropeman: "Thank you for shopping with us. You ordered "Good Smile Touhou Project: Cirno Nendo..." and 2 other items. We’ll send a confirmation when your items ship."
DoverChao: jrm nooooo
Gooper Blooper: link
DoverChao: she finally got to you :<
DoverChao: (now let's hope they actually ship this one)
Gooper Blooper: Ice Shimmer is on her way
Gooper Blooper: hopefully
DoverChao: (as opposed to "lol it didn't work and we just didn't tell you")
Gooper Blooper: (it's two more cirnos)
Jumpropeman: one is a late birthday gift for my niece since I planned to buy her something at Chuck E. Cheese but they want your whole wallet for a regular sized plush
Gooper Blooper: those chuck e cheats
Jumpropeman: gotta incentivize buying tokens i suppose
Jumpropeman: the other is related to Rory
Gooper Blooper: You bought a sniper rifle off of amazon?
Jumpropeman: in that it's Nunya Business
Gooper Blooper: oh, lel
DoverChao: lol
Jumpropeman: :V


Jumpropeman: Cirno came in the mail today
Jumpropeman: she's standing front and center amidst all my amiibo
LiveAChao: the place of honor
LiveAChao: take a picture
Jumpropeman: although my big Wario figure looks like he's creeping on her
Gooper Blooper: don't even think about it wario
PhoneDel: He's gonna ween

Jumpropeman: her stand has a giant 9 on it
Gooper Blooper: That amiibo selection is very you, JRM


DoverChao: According to dot-com theory, an Internet company’s survival depended on expanding its customer base as rapidly as possible, even if it produced large annual losses. For instance, Google and did not see any profit in their first years. Amazon was spending to alert people to its existence and expand its customer base, and Google was busy spending to create more powerful machine capacity to serve its expanding web search engine.[citation needed] The phrase “Get large or get lost” was the wisdom of the day.[11] At the height of the boom, it was possible for a promising dot-com to make an initial public offering (IPO) of its stock and raise a substantial amount of money even though it had never made a profit—or, in some cases, earned any revenue whatsoever. In such a situation, a company’s lifespan was measured by its burn rate: that is, the rate at which a non-profitable company lacking a viable business model ran through its capital.
DoverChao: that last part though
Gooper Blooper: In the early days of the Internet, literally no one knew what they were doing
Gooper Blooper: not even giant companies
Gooper Blooper: we all just kind of barfed up text, animated gifs, and tiny jpgs onto a webpage and hoped it would work
Gooper Blooper: also frames, don't forget frames


DoverChao: so guys
DoverChao: do you remember that story i once told you about TOA WALUIGI
Gooper Blooper: it even named a chatzy madness
Gooper Blooper: that ending was the best
DoverChao: he did art of TOA WALUIGI
DoverChao: do you dare see
Gooper Blooper: show us dammit

Gooper Blooper: It's gorgeous
Gooper Blooper: okay, next question
Gooper Blooper: Is this an old thing you just now found, or did he resurface and post ​this​ instead of resuming his story he abandoned
Draco: Waa
DoverChao: an old thing i found from like 2007
Gooper Blooper: aw
DoverChao: the guy eventually started spamming the wiki and got banned
DoverChao: and he left the community


The robot grabbed Quan Chi's pale head and shoved it into his fan, screaming as he was sliced into chunks. Air Man did not stop there, continuing to chunk Quan Chi as if shoving his entire body into a wood chipper. Soon all that was left of Quan Chi was a bunch of indescribable red chunks, which Air Man thoughtfully cleaned away with a tornado."

Gooper Blooper: So far back he was still called Air Man
Jumpropeman: Air Man you sensitive soul <3


Jumpropeman: Rainbow Dash is playing Jigglypuff singing outside my door
Jumpropeman: i am legitimately yawning because of it
Gooper Blooper: lel
Gooper Blooper: (and then jigglypuff enters BBB7)
ivel: no, Jigglypuff is the DJ
Jumpropeman: jigglypuff sings the BBB anthem, it just becomes the Big Slumber Party instead


LiveAChao: working through this post is basically "ARE THERE ANY OTHER BIKKERS I SHOULD KNOW ABOUT?"
Harpy: can we rename this plot to "Bikkerpocolypse"
Harpy: because current bikker count: 3
Harpy: two appear to be hostile
M Sheep: Current Bikker count: 4, actually
Gooper Blooper: There's The Bikker We Know
Gooper Blooper: There's Flamboyant Bikker
Harpy: coat bikker
Gooper Blooper: and there's Coat Bikker
Harpy: crowned bikker
Harpy: and the cooler bikker
Gooper Blooper: Didn't catch the fourth one
M Sheep: They aren't here


LiveAChao: you know who was totally misunderstood!
LiveAChao: ridley
LiveAChao: he didn't ​mean​ to kill samus's parents and everyone else, honest
ivel: BI
Gooper Blooper: Chao, that's nice and all but
Gooper Blooper: you also have to rationalize his Metroid fanfic
LiveAChao: oh well shit you're right i can't
LiveAChao: nevermind, ridley is the blackhearted villain we all knew him to be
lone: I don't know if ​Sheep​ could rationalize the metroid fanfic
Gooper Blooper: it was a livin
Jumpropeman: what if it wasn't a Ridley fanfic, but Computer Adam trying to make his original human self look like the biggest badass ever
LiveAChao: fun fact: ridley justified the metroid queen taking out himself as "the amazing space dragon could only be taken out by something that produces the galaxy's deadliest monsters"
LiveAChao: as for the deleter he was like
LiveAChao: "uhhh shit"
Jumpropeman: ridley forgot he ever wrote that character
LiveAChao: "look i didn't have any good ideas to end that plot thread okay"
LiveAChao: the real question is
LiveAChao: who is the better writer
LiveAChao: Ridley or Sakamoto?


lone: Where even iiiis Koridai and Gamelon on a map?
LiveAChao: i think Koridai is implied to be an island somewhere in the far seas
Gooper Blooper: Just look for the Faces Of Evil, can't miss em
LiveAChao: judging by THE MAP that Gwonam presents
LiveAChao: no idea about Gamelon
Jumpropeman: wonder how much a CDi costs


Bree: hi, what is happen
M Sheep awaits explanation with trepidation
LiveAChao: bees


Gooper Blooper fills wine glass with mountain dew
Jumpropeman: i feel like fans of modern series like Call of Duty have it rougher than fans of the really old games
Gooper Blooper: SOMEONE SAY CALL OF DUTY *dumps bucket of MLG memes*
Gooper Blooper: OHHH BABY A TRIPLE
Harpy: do tell
LiveAChao: they do
LiveAChao: in my experience, everyone talks about "oh the kids at my school make fun of me for liking mario" and the like
LiveAChao: but i never actually see evidence of it
LiveAChao: meanwhile call of duty fans are the go-to joke
Jumpropeman: you can say you're a fan of Adventure on the Atari and peeps be like "well it's good to appreciate the old stuff" but if you buy two Call of Duties in a row or play Madden and enjoy it you're a tool of the corporate fat cats at EA and you sit in your mom's basement drinking mountain dew, eating doritos and saying you fucked someone's mom on Xbox Live
Harpy: dew dew dew dew


Jumpropeman: when do we fight the Meme Nostalgia Elemental
Jumpropeman: who uses old memes like All Your Base and Flea Market Montgomery
Gooper Blooper: I had considered one
Gooper Blooper: but nah
Bree: all your base is best meme
Jumpropeman: they could've been named
Jumpropeman: Boxxy
Gooper Blooper: much meme, such old, wow


lone: H'astra: Back in my day, we had rocks, and we took the ones that were pretty and hurt the little humans' hands less, and we threw them. And that was a game. Or we spun them! And that was another one. Or sometimes they would throw them at each other even if I said stop, and that was less fun.


Jumpropeman: even as a kid, Jumpropeman knew that Land Before Time 6 and on were somehow worse than the previous sequels
Jumpropeman: Wait
Jumpropeman: WAIT
Jumpropeman: after a nine year break
Jumpropeman: they made another new Land Before Time movie
lone eyes JRM
Jumpropeman: why won't you let it dieeeeeeeeee
lone: No. Don't. Noooo. Don't hurt yourself.
lone wraps old friend in a blanket
lone leads him away from the Land Before Time

Draco: It never ends because it's BEFORE TIME.


Draco: You know who SHOULD have been on this plot? ​Sakura Atari
Gooper Blooper: If I wasn't the one running the plot and could handle more characters :V
Jumpropeman: she's still reeling from the other day
Draco hosts a special plot even where Draco tries to steal all the copies of ET just so she can ​be relevant​ and appear.
Jumpropeman: Sakura Atari's had those stars above her head so long that scientists are starting to name them
Gooper Blooper: I don't have a lot of sakura reactions
Gooper Blooper: too many pics of her source character using the cyborg arm
Draco: lel
Jumpropeman: i googled her once and saw as much :P


Draco: Chao: I need this sixty-page document translated into French, Brazilian Portuguese, and Latvian by Friday.
LiveAChao: sorry, i only speak Ven
Draco: Then translate it into Ven!
Draco: Three times!
Bree: the problem with translating sixty pages into Ven is that it'll become 300 pages.
LiveAChao: ^
Bree: but for a small fee, he can translate the 300 pages of Ven into M Sheep, which will make it only 250 pages!
Bree: but also it'll take six years.
Draco: Deal. I'll pay upon completion.
Muddled Sheep: :I


PhoneDel: That fucking srspost
SteelKomodo: seven paragraphs
SteelKomodo: and all of it leading up to a fart joke
SteelKomodo: i don't know if i should be proud or ashamed of myself
DoverChao: ashamed
SteelKomodo: :<
PhoneDel: No be proud
PhoneDel: It owns
Draco: Why not both?
Draco cues mariachi band.
PhoneDel: Ashoud
PhoneDel: Pramed


Gooper Blooper: By the way, I wanted to point out for people (I'm assuming most folks have seen the MSPaint I did of Wrexer)
Bree: I did, it's a thing of beauty
Gooper Blooper: Sheep has a character with freckles and an idiot hair
Gooper Blooper: but it's still 100% sheep
Bree: did he specify that there had to be an idiot hair
Gooper Blooper: He specifically asked for one
Gooper Blooper: and made sure to specify it be on the human head :V
Bree: glorious
Gooper Blooper: wrexer is a huge dork
Gooper Blooper: LITERALLY
Jumpropeman: I want to see the alternate version where the t-rex has the idiot hair and freckles
Bree: prediction: goops is editing the image as we speak
M Sheep: In the middle of set up
M Sheep this has been Sheep Watch
M Sheep it's like Whale Watching, but worse

Gooper Blooper:

Jumpropeman: beautiful
M Sheep: Goopls
M Sheep still saves it onto computer
Jumpropeman: upstaged by his dinosaur half once again
SteelKomodo: hahaha amazing


LiveAChao: sheep :Is when anyone rolls above a 5
LiveAChao: he needs regular dice
Gooper Blooper: so what you're saying is
Gooper Blooper: M Sheep's favorite mutant was Lil' Dice all this time


M Sheep looks up Metal Gear survive
M Sheep falls to ground

Jumpropeman: No sheep don't!
Jumpropeman: you won't survive
M Sheep: I-I can't go on
Draco: Oh well.
Draco begins burying Sheep, leaving the mystery of Junko and Mother unsolved.
M Sheep: Konami, why must you continue to TWIST THAT KNIIIIFE


Cornwind Evil: Wait, who else got frozen besides Yotam?
 M Sheep: >​actually forgot
M Sheep: I love it
Cornwind Evil: Oh right, Red
M Sheep: Cw's favorite Sheep char


(After Chao stays up until 4 AM to participate in a plot)

LiveAChao: alright, alright, that settles it
LiveAChao: literally all of you want me to sleep
LiveAChao: so i will finish this post and then immediately sleep :V
Saltsword: Nah, you're already invested Chao, you might as well just stay up and RP all nightday.
LiveAChao: ​shhh, don't tell them the plans
Bree: brine playing the heel
LiveAChao: oh hey someone else is awake
PhoneDel: Timezonius has no power over this man


M Sheep rolled a die with 31 sides. The die showed: 16
M Sheep rolled a die with 31 sides. The die showed: 21
M Sheep rolled a die with 31 sides. The die showed: 27
M Sheep rolled a die with 31 sides. The die showed: 26
M Sheep rolled a die with 31 sides. The die showed: 17

M Sheep: ...
M Sheep cough
Bree: well
Bree: this RP is over
Bree: time to pack up and move on


iKomodo: Holy shit what did Scarlett do
PhoneDel: Summon netrunner satan
iKomodo: D:


Gooper Blooper: I see JRM has floored the gas pedal on the "develop JRM characters on other people's plots" machine
Jumpropeman: Sheep sent a PM saying "Lacewing's gonna connect Taren and Ingrid if that's okay" and I thought "you know not what you've unleashed"


Jumpropeman: my 2017 plot will just be the entirety of the 1998 family comedy Jack Frost transcribed and with some characters replaced with Kobbers
Jumpropeman: He's the world's coolest, and he's gonna prove it ;D


Gooper Blooper: I need to reread the Shimmer "event" again, this time imagining JRM growing increasingly more baffled with each new response
Jumpropeman: you only have yourselves to blame


Jumpropeman: huh, cleffa has a tail
Jumpropeman: and not just a butt orb
ivel: yep
Jumpropeman: i preferred butt orb
Jumpropeman: unrelated, but I've mentioned how Rainbow Dash keeps saying higher and higher numbers in relation to Jigglypuff like she's been betting on it
Jumpropeman: one day I replied with a counterbet on Clefairy
Jumpropeman: and now I'm accidentally repping Clefairy in this strange family battle I still don't understand
ivel: what
Gooper Blooper: Ah, Jigglypuff vs Clefairy, the age old rivalry
Jumpropeman: I sent RD gifs of the Clefairy/Jigglypuff slapfight
Jumpropeman: sadly they lead to her to the fact that Jigglypuff completely owns the Clefairy
LiveAChao: if only it was a keffy


M Sheep: Okay, let's see how two old men do against a bunch of supernatural warriors
Jumpropeman: truly the most thrilling finale to any plot
M Sheep rolled a die with 31 sides. The die showed: 18
M Sheep rolled a die with 31 sides. The die showed: 31
M Sheep rolled a die with 31 sides. The die showed: 14
M Sheep rolled a die with 31 sides. The die showed: 20
M Sheep rolled a die with 31 sides. The die showed: 17
M Sheep rolled a die with 31 sides. The die showed: 29

M Sheep: ....
LiveAChao: the answer: really fucking well
Jumpropeman: old men
Jumpropeman: more like old MONSTERS
LiveAChao: remember that 2014 plot? Old Men Ruin Everything?
Gooper Blooper: JRM secretly cheering for the old men
M Sheep: oi
M Sheep: Let me, uh, see what i can do here...
Gooper Blooper: this is what happens when you have a guy who is really good at shooting lose his gun and have his shooting arm wrecked, yet he still rolls a 31
Jumpropeman: he has a secret gun hidden in his tongue
LiveAChao: lefty's two left feet can also shoot


Jumpropeman: here's an explanation of Choco Kick
Jumpropeman: it wut when a chocobo does kick you with its feetses

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