Saturday, November 12, 2016

Rejected Characters Depot V

It's time once again to dig through the dregs of my Dropbox and go over some of the characters I've considered bringing into RP, but cut for one reason or another. Will any of these guys ever make it to Zetaboards? It's not likely, which is why they're here instead.

Let's cut to the chase and start showing them off!

Bonzi Buddy
Origin: Bonzi Buddy
Intended Seasons: 2, 4, 5, 6
The infamous purple spyware ape has been kicking around for a long time. Clippy once offhandedly named him as a friend, but he never actually appeared. Possibilities included being a Secret Fiter and showing up during Format Wars as part of Egghead's event.

Mike Haggar
Origin: Final Fight
Intended Seasons: 5, 6
I considered giving Las Vegas an ass-kicking, popular mayor. Instead, Eggerman got the job... so we got an ass-kicking, popular mayor anyway! Everything went better than expected!

After Eggerman became mayor, I thought about using Haggar as my Secret Fiter for the sixth Brawl instead, but I decided Animal Soccer World was too stupid an idea to not do.

Origin: Undertale
Intended Season: 7
During the Undertale craze, Shyren was my second pick after Napstablook. Since she'd fit better in the island setting, I filed her away knowing full well I wouldn't be interested 18 months later. Surprise surprise.

Shelly De Killer
Origin: Ace Attorney
Intended Season: 6
Originally part of Sarahplot, Shelly was going to be an assassin hired by Baron Samedi to kill Sarah and Molly. I decided he was too spoilery of a character to talk about, and dropped him. His role was taken by Dr. Welward instead.

Tako Luka
Origin: Vocaloid
Intended Seasons: 6, 7
Another dumb Secret Fiter idea. Tako Luka is a meme born from the above drawing. While the artist was merely drawing the head of Vocaloid character Luka Megurine, people noticed the hair looked like tentacles and promptly invented a character that literally looked exactly as drawn instead of just being a head shot. I decided that whatever my next Secret Fiter was going to be (I still don't know!), it's not gonna be this.

Origin: Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door
Intended Seasons: 5, 6
I considered using this infamously dim penguin detective as a bumbling host character for whatever my next Ace Attorney-style investigation plot would be, but decided he wasn't needed. It's rudimentary, my dear Luigi.

Sumire Hibeno
Origin: McDonalds Japanese Recruitment Video
Intended Seasons: 6, 7
My time with Mary Bishop made clear to me something I'd suspected - I like shopkeeper-type characters. I think there's plenty of RP material to mine in the form of a restaurant worker, but a combination of Edea and Meh Burger covering most of it, bringing Jinako to Kuwahawi, and SK teasing King Koopa's return makes another one kinda redundant. Also, her name is way too similar to Sumireko's, so I'd have probably named her something else and just used the pic as a reference.

Origin: Pokemon
Intended Seasons: 4, 5
Genesect spent a while kicking around in my head. The design is amazing, and boy can he fight! Draco pulled the trigger before I could think of anything to do with him, though, and I think Draco's version filled the Genesect-shaped hole in RP well enough.

Rikako Asakura
Origin: Touhou
Intended Season: 6
So uh yeah, remember when I said I couldn't remember what the initial dayplot version of Sumireko Plot was about? I remembered.

Rikako here was to be the antagonist of Sumireko's plot, which bore no resemblance at all to what she actually got (for one thing, the Occult Balls weren't involved). It was to be a simple Magic vs Science duel. I scrapped it in favor of the bigger plot with the Occult Balls, and Sumireko is actually a blend of magic and science anyway, so it was for the best.

Lord Dominator
Origin: Wander Over Yonder
Intended Season: 6
I'm gonna take a wild guess and say no one saw this one coming. I was immediately intrigued by Lord Dominator's design after running across her for the first time last winter. My original idea for her was to build her up as a stereotypical Kobber Villain who would call defeated villains in jail for tips on how to deal with the Kobbers, and I'd use her as a occasionally-appearing over-the-top goofy villain who could, at best, make the Kobbers annoyed. She would be the inverse of what I did with Colonel Bahamut - instead of a villain who would be hamstrung by a poor budget, Lord Dominator would have all the funding needed but utterly lack the know-how. Basically what Cornwind is doing with Dr. Devastating, actually.

Then I did my research.

Bitch is crazy! A combination of not being comfortable roleplaying a character from a cartoon I never actually watched (aside from the aforementioned research in the form of clips from the show) and discovering (via a catchy hip-thrusting musical number) that Dominator is actually deadly serious and ludicrously powerful was enough for me to decide to scrap the idea, because that wasn't the kind of character I wanted her to be played as and I didn't feel it was simple enough to just invert her character like that. I did consider playing her as a washed-up villain who lost all that power due to something that happened before she met the Kobbers, though... but ultimately I figured I'd just try something else.

Oh, and she was also considered as a Secret Fiter. That happens with a lot of these, doesn't it?

Origin: Original
Intended Season: 6
This pic isn't exactly how she was going to look, but it's remarkably close.

Based on an old, old OC of mine (we're talking like 2006 here) that I never used for anything. In her initial form ten years ago, she was just a girl with an emo haircut. For ZFRP, I reimagined her as part of a gang of street thugs (she may or may not have been the leader). The idea was a character arc involving the Kobbers facing off with her gang and rehabilitating Cathy to help her rediscover how to be a better person. She got pushed out due to how many plots I was running in Vegas, and now that we're changing settings she no longer seems particularly appropriate.

Then again, I've already established Team Skull will be showing up next season... Perhaps some fragment of Cathy's ideas will survive, if only the THUG LYFE part.

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