Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Chatzy Madness Volume 262: Ungulate Suffers Most

Ardent Argent Agent: Nylorahug achieved
It's beautiful
I'm going to cry
Ardent Argent Agent will be a moment


Bronn: "Wait, so you can't use a computer to see the pages... and you can't play anything on a DS. What, are you allergic to modern tech or something?"
"...This is going to sound rude, but between your look, your tape gimmicks, and what you just said... you're not human, are you."
"Can I ask just what you are, then?""

Bronn: I KNEW IT
Cornwind Evil: Her name is the Alruthine equivalent of "Sam"
Cornwind Evil: While all the others are named stuff like "Celestine" and "Alistaire."
Mis Sheep: Celestine is the fused form of Celestia and Dustine
Mis Sheep: Also, I return after a lengthier absence than intended
Mis Sheep: What else is new?
Mis Sheep: Fish swims, birds fly, Jrm is actually a supervillain gaslighting us into picking the characters he wants to see in the brawl, and I take a long time to do things


MechaChao: sheep
MechaChao: would you want to do more stuff about
MechaChao: TOADBOY
Mis Sheep: LIKE WHAT?!
Mis Sheep: I mean
Mis Sheep: Probably
Bree: mizuki needs to talk to some forum nerds
Bree: also quoting something I said on skype: "and then Mizuki blows all their minds when she posts a selfie of her and Stan Ligature in front of the KOB"
MechaChao: ^
Mis Sheep: but sure
Bree: are the drunk guys who vote on fites also on this forum
Mis Sheep: I'm not sure they can see straight enough to type
Bree: they tried to write a novel once, together
Bree: their strategy was to simultaneously pour three beers on the keyboard
Bree: it was the greatest novel ever written
Mis Sheep: Ahahhaha
Bree: the computer however did not survive
Bree: also they had to buy more beer
Bree: three beers is half a pack! but they really wanted to give it their all
Mis Sheep: Liter-ary geniuses of their time


Mis Sheep flops in
Mis Sheep: kill me now
Shiva Dweeb: no
Mis Sheep: Put up a post at least
Gooper Blooper: being m sheep is suffering
Mis Sheep: Ungulate suffers most
Gooper Blooper: if I had a billion dollars I'd give a big enough chunk of it to M Sheep so he could live jobless in a nice little spoopy cabin that got good internet and he'd have a friendly robot butler who would type for him
Mis Sheep: Ahahhahah
MechaChao: oh man, the other part i didn't even realize
MechaChao: the deleted posts
MechaChao: that touch, man
Gooper Blooper: Sheep put so much thought into this fake forum
Gooper Blooper: If he had more personal time I dare say he'd just go set up his own Zetaboards and fill it with topics, posting with twenty different accounts as he logs in and out, and then send Chao a link to it and chao has to make a WateryCollector account and post there for real
Gooper Blooper: they have a roleplaying subforum
Gooper Blooper: we have to go deeper
MechaChao: i would do it
MechaChao: i really would


PhoneModo: Hi guys
PhoneModo: I'm drunk
MechaChao: but will be posting anyway
PhoneModo: Wheeeeee


MechaChao: status report: the soup came out very well
MechaChao: especially when considering this is the first meal i've made from scratch on my own
Bree: what kind of soup is it
MechaChao: black bean
Bree: good jorb chao
MechaChao: thanks
Bree: I can't cook at all so it's impressive to me at least!
Bree: soon you will be like spy and be making all the fuds
Bree: then the two of you will start your own cooking show on the youtubes
Bree: then you will be famous and have all the fangirls
MechaChao: curses, you're onto my plan
Bree: but I will get to be proud because I was your fangirl before you got all mainstream
Draco: Bree the hipster. She ate the cookies before they were cool.


Gooper Blooper: "Meanwhile, whereever Maria lives"
Gooper Blooper: she lives in a van down by the river


MechaChao: oh my god
MechaChao: oh my god this #ruined
MechaChao: so in the Mecha Chapter of Live-A-Live, you can check out the TV
MechaChao: and one of them is a news report
Gooper Blooper: the TV the TV is on
MechaChao: and it's from "SNN News"
Shiva Dweeb: Soar fucking played Live a Live
Gooper Blooper: what did woppy say the weather was
MechaChao: kidnapping
Shiva Dweeb: you mean the robot you play is isn't woppy?
Mis Sheep: Ahahahha
Mis Sheep: Oh, that's lovely


Gooper Blooper: pls no bully poor collinscorp


Gooper Blooper: there we go, wrapup barpost from me
MechaChao: >​no more sumi for the night
MechaChao writhes in pain
Draco: Finally. :V
Shiva Dweeb: aw
Gooper Blooper: chao you got sumi tonight and yesterday you got a whole mess of dolby
Gooper Blooper: I'm pandering as hard as I can :V


(Re: hard-to-read text colors)

Shiva Dweeb: sorry for searing your eyes
Gooper Blooper: it's fine :V
Draco: You know what else is fine? Gloria's bootay. BV [/yamame]


Amanda Waller: I assure you I'm an equal opportunity prude
Amanda Waller: if the jimjams in the bimbam it doesn't matter who started it
Mis Sheep: Jrm, would you like a shovel?
Amanda Waller: I wouldn't want to take it from you. How else will you bury Junko harder?
Mis Sheep: I can assure you we are in process of developing better burying technology
Mis Sheep: We have a man on it
Mis Sheep: Not our best man
Mis Sheep: But we got one


Amanda Waller: A banner ad on the forum advertises that you could "Be the Deleter"
Amanda Waller: you might want to tell your bro, SK
iKomodo: I promise only to try :P


Murder Sheep entered for the first time
Shiva Dweeb: we finally learn what the M stands for
Murder Sheep: the M stands for Kill Sheep Volume II


iKomodo: the dulcet tones of Jim Dale singing about boners have calmed me down


Murder Sheep: What about The Nondescript Man?
Draco: We need to descript him.
Murder Sheep: Well
Murder Sheep: He wears glasses
Murder Sheep: I believe he had two eyes, a nose, and two ears
Murder Sheep: Four limbs of some function
Murder Sheep: Oh!
Murder Sheep: He had this substance growing out through his head
Murder Sheep: I believe they may have been minute, individual fibers of some kind


Cornwind Evil: I hate jokes about german sausage
Bree: *prepares for a pun*
Gooper Blooper: don't reread Dr. Hanz' stuff in BBB2, then
Cornwind Evil: No, I just hate sausage
Cornwind Evil: Also they're the wurst
Gooper Blooper: took long enough
Draco: lel
Gooper Blooper: we all knew it was coming :V
Bree: called it
Draco: You just needed to link it together.
Gooper Blooper: I never sausage an obvious joke setup
Draco: Cornwind truly is the weiner of this one.


Birthday Girl: I bought a beanie babies plushie because it's a white seal and it looks like sarahseal
SteelKomodo: yay :3
Gooper Blooper: it better be a fat seal
Gooper Blooper: is this it?
Birthday Girl: yes it is
Birthday Girl: it is maximum fat, as you can see
Gooper Blooper: well they also make this seal
Birthday Girl: wat
Birthday Girl: okay ​that​ is maximum fat but I prefer the other one :U


Gooper Blooper: Sarahplot will be the shortest of my three plots
Gooper Blooper: but it will probably be the biggest deal
Altair: Kek
Altair: Sarah
Altair: Thanks phone
ivel: lel
Altair: DAED
Altair: is what I meant to say
ivel: your phone knows what's really up
Altair: No u
Gooper Blooper: ded sarah
ivel: Sarah is now Pit's mom
ivel: (Daedalus was Icarus's dad :U)
Gooper Blooper: you got me
Gooper Blooper: sarahplot is just the plot of Mama Luigi with Sarah instead of Luigi and Molly instead of Yoshi
Gooper Blooper: she fell for hours
ivel: I thought she fell for Alex
ivel: :U
Gooper Blooper: *rimshot*


MechaChao joined the chat 12 seconds ago
MechaChao joined the chat 12 seconds ago
MechaChao joined the chat 12 seconds ago
MechaChao joined the chat 12 seconds ago
MechaChao joined the chat 12 seconds ago
MechaChao joined the chat 12 seconds ago

MechaChao: wtf


Draco: Jester Chao: the godbeast we need AND deserve.


ivelchao: "Something weird just happened on my Pokemon" ivelmom living a Pogey Go creepypasta? D:
ivelchao: she caught a Poliwag but when she checked it out it was a Starmie suddenly
MORE POKEYS HYPE: lately ive been playing a great game claled pokemon go
MORE POKEYS HYPE: you walk around and try to catch all the pokmemon but only ther orignal good ones
Birthday Girl: oh god here we go
MechaChao: oh my god
MechaChao: it's not blood pianta
MechaChao: but i'm up for a spypasta
Gooper Blooper: tell me all about the old smart phone you found at a yard sale for free
Birthday Girl changed name to Bree
Gooper Blooper: it's over
Draco: Breeday has Breexited for another year.
MORE POKEYS HYPE: there isnt really a gole. you can fite over gyms but its really hard especially when people on the other team are being jerks
MORE POKEYS HYPE: team instinct more like team i stink
MechaChao: wow rude
MORE POKEYS HYPE: anywaay ive been adict to the game for weeks now ever since its been launcheed and i almost have all the pokemon
Draco: BI Team Valor for life.
Live? ALIVE!: i am mystical
Live? ALIVE!: then again i have graced your forum with decent posts
Live? ALIVE!: and plot
MORE POKEYS HYPE: i have almost all the pokemon i have 142 of them. thats all the onesd you can catch rightr now
Bree: such mystical, so awe
MORE POKEYS HYPE: gastly. haunter. gengar.
MORE POKEYS HYPE: i dont care about the birds or mews or ditto thatm uch because theyre events probably
MechaChao: spoopy
MORE POKEYS HYPE: but lately i have wanted the ghosts. like really really really wanted
MORE POKEYS HYPE: my mom tells me its not healthy to walk around at 5 am looking for ghosts and wandering around cemetaries but how else am i supposed t ofind them
MORE POKEYS HYPE: she says im goin o get hurt but i just need one gastly and then its al okjay
Bree: what makes this extra scary is I bet there's people who've done that in pokemon go :U
MORE POKEYS HYPE: nbesides i have friends with me and that makes everything okay even if most of them are jerks on teram valor
MORE POKEYS HYPE: but then there was craig
MORE POKEYS HYPE: craig was the weird kid. every skool has one
MORE POKEYS HYPE: but hes as nuts about pokemon go sas i am. were awlayus fighting over gyms and stuff
MORE POKEYS HYPE: you could say hes my gary oka
Bree: "awlayus" is a truly breathtaking typo masterpiece
MORE POKEYS HYPE: anytway one day when walking around i saw craig and he seemed really happy to see me
MORE POKEYS HYPE: he was grinning reallyh big and he said "hbey jenny youre looking for gastly right"
MORE POKEYS HYPE: i asked how hje knew and he just grined
MORE POKEYS HYPE: "they told me" he said
Bree: jenny, lel
MORE POKEYS HYPE: before i could ask what he means he ran over to me and showed me his phone
MORE POKEYS HYPE: there were like thirtty gastlys on it
MORE POKEYS HYPE: my jaw droped. i had never even seen a gastly and craig had like 30!?
MORE POKEYS HYPE: ir wasnt fair
MechaChao: damn you CRAIG
Bree: shoulda made it 666 gastlys
MORE POKEYS HYPE: i knew cxraig was holding out on me. i asked him where he got the gastlies
MORE POKEYS HYPE: he leaned in really really close and wispered in my ear "if you want to find a gost
MORE POKEYS HYPE: you neesd a corpse"
Draco: Flippin' Craig. D:<
MORE POKEYS HYPE: before i could ask him wha t he meant he ran away, loffing. i couldve sworn i saw purple haze around his head like a gastly
MORE POKEYS HYPE: so i didnt want to think about that and continued walking around
MORE POKEYS HYPE: but stiln o castly
MORE POKEYS HYPE: it stuck in my brane for weeks. i couldnt sleep. i walked around longer and longer looking for gastly
MORE POKEYS HYPE: i skiped school to go on more hunts
MechaChao: and even getting to indulge the latest craze in a way that makes sense
MechaChao: which is a highlight of its own
MORE POKEYS HYPE: i stoped seeing my friends because they didnt want to go to the graveyard. they were just holding me back
MORE POKEYS HYPE: fucking valor
Draco: >​=I
MORE POKEYS HYPE: some nights i didnt come home and slept in the tree, waiting for my phone to vibrate and a gastly tro appear
MORE POKEYS HYPE: i was gfetting really sick of this. i just wanted my gastly
MORE POKEYS HYPE: every day craig came to visit. and he just kept grining
MORE POKEYS HYPE: he didnt look like craig
MORE POKEYS HYPE: his teeh were pointty and his eyes were big and bloudshut
MORE POKEYS HYPE: "i found another gastly" he said, laughing
MORE POKEYS HYPE: "you gotta come to the bodyy"
MORE POKEYS HYPE: "i don't wanna" I said
MORE POKEYS HYPE: "you gotta" he repoeated, then walked away
MORE POKEYS HYPE: except his legs didn't seem to move. he float
Bree: HE FLOAT?!?!??!?!?!?!
MORE POKEYS HYPE: i chalked it up to sleepleness. i had been awake for five days straihgt in my latest hunt
MechaChao: GASP!!!
MORE POKEYS HYPE: a lirrlw coixw in mty head asked "but what if hes right?"?"
MORE POKEYS HYPE: *a little voice
MORE POKEYS HYPE: (This "don't look at the keyboard" method backfires sometimes)
MORE POKEYS HYPE: "he has the gastly and you dont. what if you dfo need a body"
MORE POKEYS HYPE: "thats silly, nintendo wouldnt want me to murder people" i thought. that seems really dark for a kids game
MORE POKEYS HYPE: i promised id hold out for one more day. gastly had to be right around the corner
MORE POKEYS HYPE: but nothing. i was about to pass out from exhaustion. i hit the floor and myp hone spilled from my hand
MORE POKEYS HYPE: and thas when i saw it in the ocrner
MORE POKEYS HYPE: gastly. it was on my radar for the first time
MORE POKEYS HYPE: i ran like i saw an oasis, myh legs being proelled by pure determination
MORE POKEYS HYPE: at one point i fell again, but kep dragging myself forward
Live? ALIVE!: well yeah
MechaChao: to be fair
Live? ALIVE!: i was curious about it
MORE POKEYS HYPE: the gastlty was so close i could almost taste it
MechaChao: it's the latest craze for two people
MechaChao: not sure if it entirely counts
Live? ALIVE!: i asked chao
Live? ALIVE!: i blitz through it
MORE POKEYS HYPE: there was a catacomb at the graveyard. i know because i pass it every day on my walk, since it is a pokestop
MORE POKEYS HYPE: but today . . . . . . .
MORE POKEYS HYPE: this would normaly be the part where i run but not today
MORE POKEYS HYPE: not when my phone was telling me gastly was one footprint
MORE POKEYS HYPE: i dragged myself iinto the comb and flung myself down the stairs, olding onto my phone for dear life
MORE POKEYS HYPE: anyt second no and i would have the thing i wanted mosyt
MORE POKEYS HYPE: as i hit the stone floor, landing and breaking a narm, i saw it
MechaChao: a narm
MORE POKEYS HYPE: the fgastly was on mny screen. i tapped it and went int othe battle screen
MORE POKEYS HYPE: it told me to hold my phone up and look. i did it. but i didnt see gasrly
MORE POKEYS HYPE: i saw craig
MORE POKEYS HYPE: "hi ijenny" hes aid, grinning his grin as usual. it was a mouth as big as his face
MORE POKEYS HYPE: "did you come to see the bodies?" suddenly everything smelled like rotten meat
MORE POKEYS HYPE: i loke to the side and i see at least thirty body stacked on the corner of the rypt
Bree: this creepypasta is actually good
Bree: is it just me? does anyone else think this one is actually good
MORE POKEYS HYPE: my friends were to the side. i hadnt even known they ded because i hadnrtt called them in days
MORE POKEYS HYPE: maybe i shouldve used my phone for something other than pokemon
MORE POKEYS HYPE: "look your friends are here" craig said and he lauhged
MORE POKEYS HYPE: "do you want to join them"
MORE POKEYS HYPE: "no i just want gasrlty" i siad "leavem e alone raig"
MORE POKEYS HYPE: "but jenny" craig said. " i cauht the gastly from these bodies. were going to need another body"
MORE POKEYS HYPE: that's when i saw craig has a knife. his grin split like a madman as he charged at me
MORE POKEYS HYPE: "Craig used CUT!" he shouted, laughing and laughing as he tried to stab me
MORE POKEYS HYPE: byut i didnt lert him. i grabed the ankle and slammed his face into ther stair
MORE POKEYS HYPE: i dont knwo what came over me. i just sdlsamed and slamed and slammeed
MORE POKEYS HYPE: i really ,really really wanted that gastly and this was my one chance
MechaChao: the twist
Bree: *suspense intensifies*
MORE POKEYS HYPE: soon craig stopped moving. i felt a little feeling in my head. craig fainted
MORE POKEYS HYPE: but he hadnt fainted
Gooper Blooper: ded
MORE POKEYS HYPE: i took out my phone and held it oveer the body, waiting for the gastly
MORE POKEYS HYPE: but instead craigs body began to shake and tear
MORE POKEYS HYPE: a big purple hand tore out of his back. then another.
MORE POKEYS HYPE: a huanter tore its way out of craigsd body, grining in my face
MORE POKEYS HYPE: "thank you jenny" it said in that familiar voice. "i'm free now"
Draco: GESP
MORE POKEYS HYPE: "they told me you would help. they dold me youd do anything for pokemon"
MORE POKEYS HYPE: i flicked a pokebal at it but it just laughed at me
MORE POKEYS HYPE: "NO! That is PHONE . I am the reality" it said , tongue rolling oyut of its kmouth as it lauihged
MORE POKEYS HYPE: suddenl;y my screen was catatic. what was once a pokestop was now a gym
MORE POKEYS HYPE: but it wasnt red or yellow or the best colore. it was purple
MORE POKEYS HYPE: the gym leader was a haunter named craig... and its cp was 666
MORE POKEYS HYPE: "come on jenny lets battle" it said. "dcome on! you cant beat me!"
Bree: finally we have the 666
MORE POKEYS HYPE: i grabed my phone and looked at my pokemon, but they were all fainted
Draco: Pffft. Only 666? Not even worth battling. BU
MORE POKEYS HYPE: i only had six left ,one for each of my friends
MORE POKEYS HYPE: a vaporeon, a snorlax, a dragonite, a chairzard, a venusaur, and a blastoise
MORE POKEYS HYPE: it was a really good team and they were rall really strong. i thought i could do it
MORE POKEYS HYPE: besides, it wasn't even a thousand cp. i could beat it easy
Bree: rip chao
MORE POKEYS HYPE: i clicjed on the gym, and it asked "are you sure"
MORE POKEYS HYPE: i said yes. i asked again. i said yes. it asked one final time
MORE POKEYS HYPE: i said yes, and it said ":your soul is forfeit"
MORE POKEYS HYPE: first came my chairzard, stanley. the haunter didn't attack, and i took off half its hp wailing on it
Live? ALIVE!: kind of for reals
MORE POKEYS HYPE: this was easy!
MORE POKEYS HYPE: but then the screen turned purple as the huanter used its move. KILL
Bree: spoop
MORE POKEYS HYPE: stnaley's knife appeared on screen and slashed stanley in the neck, cutting off his head
Gooper Blooper: *adds Craig The Haunter to the villains list*
MORE POKEYS HYPE: i heard a popping noise in the back of the crypt. stanley's head in real life had fallen off his bodyt
MORE POKEYS HYPE: but the huaunter wasn't done yet. it used MAIM
MORE POKEYS HYPE: what? pokemon in go only had one move with a name in gym battles!
Live? ALIVE!: i can't wait for the barchives update
MORE POKEYS HYPE: the kjnife slashed stanley's arm off. then his other arm. then his leg. then his other leg
MORE POKEYS HYPE: then it started carvingb up his chest
MORE POKEYS HYPE: icould hear stanley's body being descerated behind me
MORE POKEYS HYPE: i didnt even want to look. the smell was bad enough
MORE POKEYS HYPE: when stanley the charizard (and stanley the man?) were cut into tiny cubes, my next pokemon came out
MORE POKEYS HYPE: it happen again. KILL. MAIM.
MORE POKEYS HYPE: ito jeff, to mitch, to vanessa, to ashley.
Draco: When I get a Gastly, I'm naming it Craig.
MORE POKEYS HYPE: soon it was just steve. he was younger then the restof us but we lovedh im anyway. he was just a tiny vaporeon, my last hope
MORE POKEYS HYPE: craig didnt KILL steve
MORE POKEYS HYPE: instead craig decided to BULLY
MORE POKEYS HYPE: steve was knocked to exactly one hp. Craig used BULLY again
MORE POKEYS HYPE: mean words began filling my ipod
Bree: wat
MORE POKEYS HYPE: "jerk." "wimp." "losser." 'pussy." "the worst." "i hate you." "i hate you all."
MORE POKEYS HYPE: poor steve stopped attacking as fast, which is strange because vaproeon attack really fast
MORE POKEYS HYPE: he was only making one attack every five seconds, and sobbed each time
MORE POKEYS HYPE: but i kept wearing craig down
MORE POKEYS HYPE: i was hitting him, slowl y but surely. soon he too was at one hp
MORE POKEYS HYPE: i tapped the screen to hit one last time, but crraig dindt die
MORE POKEYS HYPE: ven at 0 hp he stayed there, lauhging at me and steve's attempts at fighting him off
MORE POKEYS HYPE: "FOOL. you cant kill what is already dead. GHOSTS. DONT. DIE."
MORE POKEYS HYPE: and then criag used GORY
MORE POKEYS HYPE: Pokemon Go crashed, and my picture app opened up
MORE POKEYS HYPE: pictures of my friends, dismebmered and with there guts ripped out by a clawed purple hand
MORE POKEYS HYPE: they flooded the screen in a gruesome slideshow
MORE POKEYS HYPE: therew wwere letters carved in each of my friends chests
Bree: spy is writing another creepypasta for us
MORE POKEYS HYPE: i motuhred them to myself as i spelled it out
MORE POKEYS HYPE: "thats right ,i am!" he said, laughing
MORE POKEYS HYPE: "raig, why are you doing this?" I asked, and suddenly he looked very seriously
Live? ALIVE!: craig has bad taste
MORE POKEYS HYPE: "I have killed 34 people. you could say im level 34 now" he said
MORE POKEYS HYPE: "i just need one more level and then i can reach my true power. arent you happy jenny? youre gonna help me evovle"
MORE POKEYS HYPE: "you're finishing the pokedex, just like you wanted!"
MORE POKEYS HYPE: but i never wanted this
MORE POKEYS HYPE: i asked him to stop, but he floated down close to me
Cornwind Evil: ​Also here's some porn, there is porn of everything, I have the power of Rule 34 too.​
MisclickChao: jenny? more like jensen
MORE POKEYS HYPE: the haunter gas enveloped me and eveyrhting went dark
MORE POKEYS HYPE: see legs come from his body as my life sapped away
MORE POKEYS HYPE: as he turned arounf, he grinned not like a haunter but like a gengar
MORE POKEYS HYPE: "thank you jenny" he said. "i always liked you more than anyo f the other dicks at school. thanks to you i can burn this world down!"
MORE POKEYS HYPE: he floated out of the catacomb, and i was too tired to follow. and then it all went cod
MORE POKEYS HYPE: News report, august 2nd 2016
MORE POKEYS HYPE: local girl found dead in a catacomb from gas leakasge
MisclickChao: thanks soar
MORE POKEYS HYPE: we dont know who she is or why she was there, but popular app pokemon go was running on her phone
MORE POKEYS HYPE: interestingly enough, des[ite having a full pokedex, she only had one pokemon
MORE POKEYS HYPE: a cp 6666 gengar, named craig
MORE POKEYS HYPE: polixe are investigatign the matter buit aren ot having much luck
MORE POKEYS HYPE: the gengar only has one move. ERADICATE
MORE POKEYS HYPE: its power is 7.125 billion, and each minutree it drops slightly
MORE POKEYS HYPE: nobody is sure what to do with this mysterious game
MisclickChao: DUN DUN DUUUUN
MORE POKEYS HYPE: but for the trime being, please do not play pokemon go alone at night
MORE POKEYS HYPE: PHEW that was a long one
Live? ALIVE!: goddamn
MisclickChao: that was amazing
Draco: Amazing. :D
MisclickChao: this will tide me over until we get Blood Pianta
Gooper Blooper: I thought the Brawl story ​was​ Blood Pianta
Bree: but we got blood pianta
MisclickChao: we got a blood pianta
MORE POKEYS HYPE: No, that's the side story
MisclickChao: but i wasn't there for it :I
MORE POKEYS HYPE: Blood Pianta Gaiden
Bree: that was a very good creepypasta
Bree: not bad enough to be a crappypasta
Gooper Blooper: It was an excellent terrible story
Bree: also very spoop


Miniscule Sheep: well
Miniscule Sheep: post
Miniscule Sheep: It is now out of my hands


MechaChao: gonna throw some peeps into the bar
Jumpropeman: don't throw them too hard now :shobon:


Jumpropeman: *watches Plot Locks eagerly, as people flirt with the idea of touching the keys*
Jumpropeman: someone got Sonic Man's
Jumpropeman: but we'll see about the others~


Jumpropeman: sorry, checking for typos and all between posts
Jumpropeman: originally Komachi entered with some delicious muscle, so it seems necessary :V
Gooper Blooper: She brought Yuugi as an assistant?


Gooper Blooper: link
Jumpropeman: tumblr fanart is just characters with mild colds


Live? ALIVE!: i am stacy


Craig entered for the first time
ivel: :O
Jumpropeman: it would be even spookier if it said "Craig entered for the last time"
Craig: There is only one thing spookier than Craig
Craig: And that's
KANYES DEAD ZONE entered for the first time
Being Harpy is Suffering: plz
Jumpropeman: THAT'S ​HIS​ ZONE


Captain Atom: there was a point you should have stopped


Captain Atom: Rory looks cool
Captain Atom: Brine is good at finding cool pictures of ladies
Captain Atom: probably because he goes to COOLLADYPICTURES.COM, FOR ALL YOUR COOL LADY PICS! 4.99 A MONTH AND ALL THE CONCEPT ART IS YOURS* (*licensing applies, you don't own anything) JOIN TODAY ;)
Brinehammer: The jig is up, I didn't think anyone else knew about COOLLADYPICTURES.COM :(
Captain Atom: where else would I find a cool lady like this


Jumpropeman: "You may be a tall, powerful, and quite frankly attractive-looking man"
Jumpropeman: Nitori's type confirmed
Konchao: and so, today you learn
Bree: too bad I just said komachi isn't coming along, she could be jealous :V
Konchao: nitori's sexuality
Konchao: at last :V
Jumpropeman: to be fair, I'm sure everyone is Segatasexual
Konchao: yep, lel
Bree: she also likes the ladies :<
Konchao: she does! but there was not an attractive lady on this plot
M Sheep: >​Segata
Konchao: ​since komachi stayed behind
Bree: keeeeek
M Sheep: Oh, the end times have come to the forum already?
Jumpropeman: Saturn starts attacking Nitori
M Sheep: I would have worn a hat.
Gooper Blooper: We already knew the endtimes were coming, seeing as sheeplot is making so much progress
Gooper Blooper: Dolby confirmed unattractive
Konchao: dolby is amazing but i don't think she is nitori's type
Gooper Blooper: though she's pretty much Jack if he could still retain a human outer shell, so
Konchao: ​she's mine though


M Sheep: One day, I will learn not to read YouTube comments
M Sheep: today is not that day


Harpy: ivel and i are now reading RP
Harpy: ivel was singing "in the white room"
Harpy: it was 1000% adorable and i may be in heaven
Konchao: d'aaaaw
ivel: no u
Gooper Blooper: :3
Harpy: i'm never RPing again because i reached nirvana
Gooper Blooper: in the harp room, with the plushies, and the brownies
Harpy: i have no brownies
Harpy: even though i could have bought some
Harpy: i devoured lunchables


Jumpropeman rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 21
Jumpropeman: SEGA SATAN, SHIRO
Harpy: kek
Konchao: i find it fitting that segata is kicking ass
Harpy: he is the ultimate weapon
Gooper Blooper: I was honestly expecting Segata to be the one we have to make stop via some way besides beating him up and the tractor is reflecting this


PhoneDel: The best part about persona Q is summoning Mac Tonight to defeat giant beetles
Draco: lel
PhoneDel: I mean look at that
Jumpropeman: holy crap
Jumpropeman: the brother Mac Tonight doesn't talk about


Jumpropeman: edited Sonic Man's weird cute giggles into more appropriate nervous laughter
Jumpropeman: edited Sonic Man to pull the phone out dramatically
Jumpropeman: edited to remove Herobrine
NinjaChao: i already removed herobrine
NinjaChao: samus killed him in 2014 when he was part of the Creepypasta Army
Gooper Blooper: edited mulcifer's helmet so it's just a countdown until zeldoten gets doused in nickelodeon slime
Jumpropeman: in that case my joke was perfect chao
Jumpropeman: every minecraft update for a while had the patch note: Removed Herobrine
Jumpropeman: they just keep removing him
Draco: edited zeldoten to be parsee
Gooper Blooper: parsee, brawl champ


NinjaChao: WAIT
NinjaChao: i figured it out
NinjaChao: center-sensei's true identity
NinjaChao: is
Caffeine Fiend Returns: ​Lauren
NinjaChao: ​Coldsteel the Hedgeheg
Caffeine Fiend Returns: 8v
Caffeine Fiend Returns: His is better.
iKomodo: Hahaha
NinjaChao: we will learn it when he greets us with "psssh... nothing personnel... kid..."
NinjaChao: written exactly like that
Jumpropeman: but he has a lot of personnel, we just fought them!


Del: teddie is awful
Del: i want him to go away
Del: very very fast


Bree: did I mention, I told jesse about there being kamen riders in ZFRP, he thought that was cool
Bree: although he said kamen rider wizard is the worst kamen rider :V
Bree: or at least I guess he thinks the show was bad
Bree: also he's seen ToQger and told me the train mech has a dick which I didn't know before
Bree: you've gotta make it happen in ZFRP :V
Bree: give us traindong
SteelKomodo: >​worst kamen rider
SteelKomodo: he's not wrong, tbh
SteelKomodo: the actual Kamen Rider Wizard wasn't ​fabulous​ enough
Bree: kek
SteelKomodo: and also the show was just him being invincible and boring
SteelKomodo: also yes, ToQ-Oh had this unfortunate moment where they used the front of the mech to bust out of a trap
SteelKomodo: and it looked like a giant donger
SteelKomodo: i even made an image macro out of it
Bree: it needs to happen in ZFRP
Bree: preferably with dirk commentary
SteelKomodo: i will see what i can do
Bree: lel
Del: "almost as big as mine!"
SteelKomodo: DEL PLS


Bree: sarahseal met a kitty today
Bree: vicky was confused why I was shoving this random stuffed thing at her
Gooper Blooper: sarahseal making all the new friends
Bree: also, vicky gave the sarahseal one experimental lick before apparently determining it is not edible and/or does not need cleaning


iKomodo: Harpy: Josephine needs to become a Dancer
-Gooper Blooper: do you want dirky to die
iKomodo: Holy shit how did I not see this
iKomodo: Dirk would collapse because all the blood went YEAH YOU GET IT
Gooper Blooper: Reminder for SK in case he forgot/didn't know: this is the traditional attire of the Dancer class
iKomodo: Dirk: ...it emphasises completely the wrong area :I
Bree: remember how celestia was a dancer when helios met her
iKomodo: I do indeed
Gooper Blooper: don't worry SK, that's what the dance moves are for
iKomodo: Dirk will be very thankful for that :P


(After Hina cursed Kasumi for being a dick)

Gooper Blooper: hina last night


Cornwind Evil: By the way
Cornwind Evil: The odds of two royal flushes in one hand is something like 1.1 million to one
Gooper Blooper: the federation force overcame the odds
B leh: You'd have better odds of successfully navigating an asteroid field as according to C3PO, you say, CW? :u


Jumpropeman: HAHAHA! PERFECT!
Jumpropeman: The RetroN 5 released some new updates
Jumpropeman: after jumping through some hoops to install them, I put in Izzy's Quest for the Olympic Rings
Jumpropeman: previously, the game froze near the final levels and rebooted
Jumpropeman: but now, the updates having it running smooth... on the day the Olympic games start!


Harpy: >​jester chao is twerking
Harpy: i'm quitting RP

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