Friday, September 2, 2016

Chatzy Madness Volume 261: Welcome To FridgeLand

Cornwind Evil: You might wanna ask, outside of the Federation Force, why Mulcifer's been so quiet
Cornwind Evil: The answer is......prep
GunslingerChao: so what you're saying is
GunslingerChao: Mulcifer has been building up his army of preps, and we must all become goths (or "goffs") to save Vegas
Bree: viola has a headstart on that one
M Sheep: Have I come back to gothplot?


Asmоdeus entered for the first time
Asmоdeus: Wow, I haven't showed up in ages. Sorry about that.
Cornwind Evil: The pudding with a gun got into our Brawl!
Asmоdeus: Holy shit, really?
Asmоdeus: That's so amazing.
Asmоdeus: I hope it wins.
Cornwind Evil: It was just a guest appearance
Cornwind Evil: And the Brawl has happened
Cornwind Evil: And it did not win, sorry
Cornwind Evil: You could say the win was...stolen from it
Asmоdeus: RIP.
Asmоdeus: Oh well, I'm sure it tried its best.


Jumpropeman: I'm trying to not have every Midori sentence end in an exclamation mark


Shiva Dweeb: the mayor must declare a state of emergency
Shiva Dweeb: our precious cinnamon roll stacy
Shiva Dweeb: IS MISSING
Shiva Dweeb: (nah that's silly)


Bree: totally trying to make celestia in sims 4
Bree: butt levels are at maximum, not sure if it's enough butt but it's all I can do :<
Bree: this game doesn't have enough purple clothing
Bree: (I can't make celestia's hair purple so I made it blue and gave her a purple hat)
Draco: Aw
Bree: >​celestia in a sleeveless/shoulderless thigh-length dress
Bree: yyyyyyeah no
Draco: Nooooooooooooooooo yes
Bree: >​exact right shade of purple... and three-inch heels
Bree: why


Jumpropeman: never put two Brodericks in a room
Jumpropeman: you'll beg for the simple small disturbance of the droning over their constant back and forth
Jumpropeman: 500 words where single sentence would do
Jumpropeman: a thousand pardons before either gets started talking about the subject at hand
Jumpropeman: ​and then they both put on the Courier hat and shoot each other dead without another word


Gooper Blooper: anyway, reverse engineering NBN stuff is good because it will hopefully allow me to do the one thing I wanted to do most on NBN plot
YoumuChao: kill jackson howard?
Gooper Blooper: you know the old cliche of the wall of tv monitors getting hijacked by a hacker or a supervillain?
YoumuChao: yep
Gooper Blooper: we need that at the NBN climax
Gooper Blooper: wall to wall celestiafaces
YoumuChao: we do
Bree: *the entire wall is just ohohohohohohohoho-ing celestia*
Gooper Blooper: motherly laughter from 500 speakers
Bree: maybe some tron too
Shiva Dweeb: Siren's mad
Shiva Dweeb: someone took her gimmick
Shiva Dweeb: meanies
SteelKomodo: Beck gets in on that action, pulling stupid faces
Shiva Dweeb: :c
Bree: alternately every monitor is Frolicking Red Panda Cam from the local zoo
Shiva Dweeb: Zeldoten UHUHUHUHUHUHUHUs in the distance
Shiva Dweeb: Stacy's revenge for them taking food network off the air
Shiva Dweeb: they must now endure the pain and suffering of paula deen, 24/7


Shiva Dweeb: today is no longer chao does all the plot
Shiva Dweeb: today is goops does all the plot
Gooper Blooper: GOTTA SAVE STACY
Gooper Blooper: *keeps throwing battlebots at plot until there are enough characters*


Bree: SARAH used FLOAT! your NIGHTMARE evolved into FLIGHTMARE!
Bree: *banned forever*
Gooper Blooper: It's not easy to come up ways for nightmare to fight since normally it's only got the one thing it can do, but I try!
Gooper Blooper: There's a new robot in season 2 that I might use because it has multiple attack methods
Gooper Blooper: It's called Brutus, it has a spinning blade/drum thing... and two guns
Bree: more battlebots sounds fun
Bree: guns!?!?!?!?!
Bree: brutus is hardcore
Gooper Blooper: The rules were altered this year to allow projectiles as long as they don't break the arena
Bree: so is it just two normal guns or what
Gooper Blooper: Brutus basically shoots glorified firecrackers out of modified paintball guns that look like shiny pistols welded gangsta-style on the top of the robot
Bree: that sentence is a thing of beauty
Bree: and the thing it is describing, even moreso
Gooper Blooper: Normally this wouldn't do much to a battlebot, but Brutus' first fight wound up being the ultimate special effects showcase
Shiva Dweeb: please link
Gooper Blooper: their opponent was Mobius, who is one of those "the entire outer shell spins" robots
Gooper Blooper: I don't think the fight is online but lemme check
Gooper Blooper: It iiiiiis
Shiva Dweeb: damn
Shiva Dweeb: he brute forced his way into the next round
Gooper Blooper: The thing is
Gooper Blooper: When Mobius got to the arena for the competition, they found out UPS lost an important part, so they had to throw together a replacement
Shiva Dweeb: what
Gooper Blooper: It was shoddy, so they wound up self-destructing when they tried to spin up... but since Brutus was firing his firecracker guns at the same time, it looked like Brutus was shooting Mobius to pieces
Gooper Blooper: They couldn't have asked for a better first round opponent to make them look good


A Sheep Shaped Crater: "Sure are a lot of Japanese folk here."
A Sheep Shaped Crater: And then Fumes thought Junko was a Touhou
Bree: what, you mean she isn't?!
A Sheep Shaped Crater shakes fist
Bree: everyone is a touhou, some of them just haven't realized it yet
Gooper Blooper: we have too many male characters for all of ZFRP to be touhou
A Sheep Shaped Crater: Melvin is best magical hat girl
Bree: we have a lot of dudes, that's true
Bree: but way more ladies :U
A Sheep Shaped Crater: Melvin's hitbox makes him the hardest character to play
Bree: because for some reason all you dudes want to RP is ladies
Gooper Blooper: kek
Shiva Dweeb: stacy is the best.
Shiva Dweeb: she is
Shiva Dweeb: the best
Bree: #TheBest
Shiva Dweeb: stacy for new cook next year
Shiva Dweeb: *shot*
Gooper Blooper: Early ZFRP was almost all guys- omg yes
Bree: seconded!
Gooper Blooper: I thought stacy would leave us after this year because of her job
Shiva Dweeb: yeah she does have her job
Shiva Dweeb: buuuut
Shiva Dweeb: what if
Shiva Dweeb: Frankie let her run a mini silver diner on the islands


A Sheep Shaped Crater: "So that's what an old homeless man and his teenage girl hand think of all that!"
A Sheep Shaped Crater: ZFRP.txt
A Sheep Shaped Crater: >​Truly, a legendary level of basic discussion was achieved here today.
A Sheep Shaped Crater: Might be my favorite sentence this season


YoumuChao: Gooper Blooper: Year 6 is the Big Bar Brawl and nothing else
YoumuChao: so much for that prediction
Bree: thank goodness that prediction was wrong


Jumpropeman: watching Battlebots now
Jumpropeman: just started a video, Son of Whyachi vs. Poison Arrow
Jumpropeman: its got a like bar spit down the center
Jumpropeman: 170~ likes 130~ dislikes
Jumpropeman: something's gonna go down
Gooper Blooper: uh oh
Jumpropeman: ABC has a Just the Fights playlist on youtube
Jumpropeman: which is good because last year I had to chase down each battle from channels uploading it without permission :P
Jumpropeman: I haven't seen all the fights yet but I can already say this is like the best year towards having consistent quality
Gooper Blooper: ABC is doing a good job
Gooper Blooper: I think they've uploaded every single fight that didn't make it to air
Gooper Blooper: including THIS ONE (1:00 in)
Jumpropeman: !!!
Jumpropeman: that flying drone, so useless
Jumpropeman: XD the little tail wag
Gooper Blooper: I don't understand the living tail but it's beautiful


Jumpropeman: HOLY FRIJOLES Complete Control vs. Warhead
Jumpropeman: no fooling that mighta been one of the best battlebot matches ever


(Re: Leeroy Jenkins)

Jumpropeman: I never realized before
Jumpropeman: apparently they are only fighting the whelps for Leeroy Jenkins's sake since he needs the armor
Jumpropeman: they wanted to bypass them
Witcher crashed: Yeah, the shorter clips usually skip that small but incredibly relevant tidbit for the meme yell. =v
Witcher crashed: "At least I have chicken" will forever be on his tomb one day.


(Owen almost gives Shimmer another monster pet for her birthday)

KungFuChao: ​oh god owen's part made me laugh
KungFuChao: ​just a bit too slow
Gooper Blooper: *owen revives the conqueror worm, gives it to shimmer*
KungFuChao: nah, she gets its lesser known brother
Jumpropeman: *its somehow better behaved than Bubbles*
KungFuChao: the Democratically Annexing Worm
Gooper Blooper: The Politically Motivated Worm
Crafter of Gifts: You mean to say, Goops, that he's just giving her a normal congressman?
KungFuChao: rekt
Jumpropeman: Owen gives Shimmer the brainwashed Trent Johnson of CW's dreams


X Plode: I feel reasonably confident in saying this is one of the best mornings yet, if not the best, for post number and plot resolution/advancement that I've been privy to. =v
X Plode: Very pleasantly surprised how much so even.
Jumpropeman: in that case
Jumpropeman: LETS RP ALL DAYno
X Plode: YEAHwhatawww
Jumpropeman: now it's time for so long
Jumpropeman: but we'll sing just one more song
Jumpropeman: thanks for doing your part
Jumpropeman: you sure are smart!
Jumpropeman: because its me and you
Jumpropeman: and my dog Blue
Jumpropeman: we can do, anything
Jumpropeman: that we want to do!
Jumpropeman: goodbye now!
X Plode: NO
Don't leave us for college
X Plode: G'night, old friend, blue's clues jokes aside.
Jumpropeman: don't worry, I'm sure Joeropeman will be a sufficient substitute
Jumpropeman: and we'll give Magenta glasses
Jumpropeman: and add a live action section where Blue can talk
X Plode: :[
Jumpropeman: and add a cat called
Jumpropeman: PERIWINKLE
X Plode: ​8[
X Plode: You'll break Clash's heart, mannnn


An Onion Of Dogs: There was a trivia question over what a group of dogs is called
An Onion Of Dogs: And one of the choices was 'onion'
Jumpropeman: I thought An Onion of Dogs was just the next Game of Thrones book


M Sheep: "The world needs warriors. It also needs peacekeepers."
M Sheep: Yotam suddenly acquires an awful Cockney accent
Jumpropeman: yotam saying Cheers, Love
Jumpropeman: ​both words he'd never say
M Sheep: Yotam is best Tracer
Jumpropeman: he doesn't have the butt to be tracer
Jumpropeman: he has a flat butt, further cementing his identity as an outsider amidst the ample-butted kobbers
Gooper Blooper: Josephine just doesn't even acknowledge yotam exists


M Sheep: "I suppose that after all this time battling our members, you deserve an answer."
M Sheep recoils, hissing


(Concerning Stacy's VEW stage name)

Shiva Dweeb: i'm still not sure what to name Stacy
Shiva Dweeb: hmmm
Gooper Blooper: Y Cats
Jumpropeman: The POUNDcake
Jumpropeman: oh wait yeah, cat theme
Shiva Dweeb: JRM plz
Jumpropeman: the POUNDcat
Gooper Blooper: the best part is that ​all I did was write Stacy's name backwards
Shiva Dweeb: ...
ivel: I noticed :U
Shiva Dweeb: i didn't even fucking notice
Shiva Dweeb: fuckin
Gooper Blooper: she had cats hidden right in her name this whole time
Shiva Dweeb: the cat theme was there all along


 M Sheep: I suddenly remembered a dream I had last night
M Sheep: It's coming back to me
M Sheep: It was animated. An anime?
M Sheep: A show where all the characters were bears
M Sheep: and it was on a viking-like vessel
M Sheep: but with bears
M Sheep: And all the dialogue was bear noises with subtitles
Bree: this is the best show ever
Bree: you won me over at "bear noises with subtitles"
M Sheep: And the Viking(? I dunno, the guy in charge was wearing a horned helmet)'s ship was being boarded by an enemy vessel
M Sheep: Except no
M Sheep: Instead, they're actually a merchant vessel
M Sheep: And maybe the other one is too?
M Sheep: And they set down to a trade negotiation
M Sheep: and that's the whole series; trade negotiations, economics, talking about currency, and sailing new trade routes
M Sheep: But with bears
M Sheep: I swear I'm not making any of this up
M Sheep: In that I dreamed it, I mean
Jumpropeman: sheep, you might like the anime Spice and Wolf
Jumpropeman: it seems like its about a dude having a romance about with a wolf lady, but it's actually about medieval economy and trade
M Sheep: I only mention the dream, despite it being odd even for me, is that my first thought upon waking was "Purnima would totally watch that."


Jumpropeman: i have been betrayed by my own family
Jumpropeman: I knew I should've hid the bag of chicken strips better
X Plode: They ate them. -looks at JRM's empty bag- They ate them all. Every last one of them.
X Plode: -sobs into kerchief-
CouncilChao: those maniacs
CouncilChao: they blew it all up
CouncilChao screams in anger at a chicken strip bag half-buried in the ground


M Sheep: Each season of Rp features Eggerman ascending another rung on the government ladder
CouncilChao: in 2020, he is elected President of the United Earth
CouncilChao: the entire world roars in approval
CouncilChao: dj candy has a thousand yard stare


Gooper Blooper: I'm heading to bed
Gooper Blooper: gnight guys
Draco: Bye Goops.
CouncilChao: night goops
Jumpropeman: night gooper
CouncilChao: night goops
Bree: you said night goops twice, chao :U
CouncilChao: i love goops ok


Jumpropeman: There was some magic there
Jumpropeman: but the World eated it :3
X Plode: Was it pistachio flavored?
X Plode: Victoria, whyyy, why did you die before you could tell us what magic tasted like?
X Plode: I bet it tasted... ​magical
Jumpropeman: her lips are sealed~
X Plode: Darn. I really can't find that wallet. .-.
Jumpropeman: and obliterated
Jumpropeman: no piece of matter remains of her
X Plode: None whatsoever now.
Jumpropeman: put out some wallet food
Jumpropeman: it'll come running if it smells it
X Plode: ....... I thought that was a mimic....?
X Plode: All my greens are in it anyway. d=


Jumpropeman: alright, heading off in the hopes of sleepytimes
Jumpropeman: night all
X Plode: Sleep well, if you can
Jumpropeman: let's hope I haven't forgotten how to sleep
Jumpropeman: I've been practicing every day for this moment!


SciFiChao: >​imageshack says it safeguards your photos
SciFiChao: *screeching noises of disbelief*


KonpakuChao entered for the first time
KonpakuChao: ha ha time to lurk
SteelKomodo: hai chao
X Plode: Lurkers?! -fires shotgun randomly at water-
KonpakuChao dies, his hand landing on the "cancel Councilplot" button as he does so
X Plode: Nnooonnooooonooooooo
X Plode bribes JRM to reverse time and fix the sitch
KonpakuChao: chao is alive


Spy: If Sumi does super good in a fight
Spy: Did she sumiwrecko
Spy: If Sumi turns into a dinosaur
Spy: Is it a sumirexo
Gooper Blooper: She sumiwrecked the brawl- wait a second
Gooper Blooper: oh man, guys, just noticed a thing
Gooper Blooper: So Tenshi has this running gag where she doesn't really like sumi and thinks she's weird and annoying and probably doesn't understand why Viola hangs out with her
Gooper Blooper: Sumireko placed exactly one spot higher than Tenshi in the brawl
KonpakuChao: sumiwrecked
KonpakuChao: also i like the contrast between tenshi's opinion on sumireko
KonpakuChao: and mine
Gooper Blooper: *tenshi grinding her teeth in the background*


M Sheep: >​Irish folktales
M Sheep reaches out grabby hands
Gooper Blooper: sheep right now


jumanji joined the chat
Jumpropeman joined the chat

Jumpropeman: howdy
Gooper Blooper: >​FV and JRM enter together and JRM opens with "howdy"
Gooper Blooper: well sheee-oot, ain't that just maximum texas


Gooper Blooper: The Anderson plot is 100% combat-free
Gooper Blooper: all ace attorney-esque
Gooper Blooper: ​And then Anderson swells up into a massive hulk and Ariel says it was boring to kill him as she OHKOs him with an arrow


Cornwind Evil: "-Nibbles isn't allowed to eat for Zeldoten"
Cornwind Evil: I read that as "Nibbles is not allowed to eat Zeldoten."
Draco: That's true too.


M Sheep: What can I say about the Big Bar Bawlpost and the the Big Bar Brawl that The Greedy has not already said for me?
M Sheep I can never get enough!
M Sheep omfnomfmunch


Spy: Next year
Spy: The Wordsmith enters some Big Ol' Hooters
Spy: Two huge, jacked bodybuilder owls


iKomodo: >​Daphne and Velma were supposed to kiss
iKomodo: I'm not sure if this is hilariously bad on the part of the writers, or a disappointment to the fans who wanted to see that
iKomodo: either way, I LARFED AND LARFED
Cornwind Evil: They never struck me as gay anyway
iKomodo: Yeah, I NEVER got that vibe in any version of scooby-doo
iKomodo: so I dunno where they pulled that from
Jumpropeman: probably because Velma wasn't traditionally attractive and showed no interest in men
Jumpropeman: MUST be a lesbian then
iKomodo: Ugh, hollywood
Draco: Hollywood obviously didn't watch Johnny Bravo.


Spy: This Deepart site has revolutionized my Creepypasta imagemaking abilities
Spy: Check out the new and improved BLOOD PIANTA
SteelKomodo: hahaha
Spy: It looks exactly like I took it on an awful quality camera while shaking from FEAR OF THE BLOOD
SteelKomodo: amazing


Spy Goes To Refrigerator World: Man, I look up Vallejo paints for my models and see that Sears has them in their online store
Spy Goes To Refrigerator World: "Oh, I'll just go to Sears!" I say
Spy Goes To Refrigerator World: You know what I see when I get there?
Spy Goes To Refrigerator World: Boxes of fridges
Spy Goes To Refrigerator World: That was literally the whole store
Spy Goes To Refrigerator World: A sea of boxes of fridges
Bree: wat
Spy Goes To Refrigerator World: I take a step forward to enter and a guy approaches, asking if I need help
Spy Goes To Refrigerator World: I say "oh, I've been doing minis lately, do you have any Vallejo paints"
Spy Goes To Refrigerator World: "Oh, no, we don't have paint anymore"
Spy Goes To Refrigerator World: I look around the store
Bree: double wat
Spy Goes To Refrigerator World: I re-confirm I am surrounded by boxes of fridges
Spy Goes To Refrigerator World: I can only imagine this man is an ambassador from Refrigerator World, warning us to abandon hope of finding anything but fridges
ivel: welp
Shiva Dweeb: is this like
Shiva Dweeb: a sears outlet
Spy Goes To Refrigerator World: . . . Oh. So it was
Shiva Dweeb: theres your problem
Spy Goes To Refrigerator World: Note to self, do not make travel decisions based on which Sears is a mile closer


Draco: I just realized that Zeldoten is kind of like Vegeta without the world-destroying power.
Draco: Like Vegeta, Zeldoten brought her only friend to Earth and hasn't made any more since. Also: short and has a tail.


Ghost of M Sheep: Ugh, August is too close
Ghost of M Sheep: get awaaaay
Gooper Blooper: it's plot up or shut up time, sheepy my boy
Gooper Blooper: ia ia august ftaghn


Bree: okay I have to be honest, I suggested "celestia interrupts cuddletime" just for that snugglebug line
Bree: that was the full extent of my plan for komachi's involvement
Bree: wingin' it now
Gooper Blooper: kek
Gooper Blooper: mental image, bree has a big thick leather-bound book with "RP PLANS" in gold lettering on the front
Gooper Blooper: open it up
Gooper Blooper: "snugglebug" in tiny type in the middle of an otherwise blank page
Bree: replace book with "notepad file" and you're honestly not too far off
Mustered Rats: The grand tomes of Ven's RP plans sits weighty on a creaky alter once woven of living redwood and grafted pine, with ceremonious trappings hung about it and a grand celestial imagery set into the ceiling. One opens it, in a small cloud of dust, to reveal that the pages are false and hollow, a square hole in the center of the latter sets of human skin vellum only carved to look like the creases and edges of an actual tome and in fact a box, wherein there is a small hand grenade.
Mustered Rats: This is the truth of the process in entirety; pull the cord and run with it.
CavemanChao: sounds about right
Draco gets out a macaroni picture of Glorimame from a bag labeled "RP notez"
Gooper Blooper: lel draco
Gooper Blooper: be honest
Gooper Blooper: neither of us planned for that




CavemanChao: imagine if nitori didn't do Coupon Compounding
CavemanChao: it'd be down to a mere 15%
Shiva Dweeb: you're a monster, nitori
Shiva Dweeb: but hey i guess we all have to stay in business somehow
Shiva Dweeb: sorry nitori but if you see father squid you're done
Bree: what you mean is, if nitori let the coupons stack additively instead of multiplicatively :U
Bree: but they do not
CavemanChao: yep
CavemanChao: nitori finishes with father squid's couponmass
CavemanChao: looks up in fear
CavemanChao: "um"
CavemanChao: "according to this"
CavemanChao: "you get this item, and also i owe you seven dollars"
Bree: komachi advises her to "just pay the nice squid-man his seven dollars and let him go about his lovely day"
Bree: because she doesn't want to see what happens if she doesn't


Bree: sheeplot is extremely frustrating 90% of the time
Bree: it's too convoluted and doesn't give enough answers, my brain can't handle it
Bree: I prefer my mysteries to be slightly less impenetrable but yes it's a damn good mystery
Ghost of M Sheep: either THAT, or it's the sign of a shuckster good at stringing people along with misdirection and half-answers
Ghost of M Sheep: Who can say?
CavemanChao: if sheeplot goes full Chris Carter i am going to ban you :I


ivel: YOU'RE Alice, SHE'S Alice, I'M Alice, are there any MORE Alices I should know about?!
Shiva Dweeb: *ginocini rolls in with an alice dress*
Shiva Dweeb: *and wig*
CavemanChao roleplays Alice Margatroid
Bree: chaopls
ivel changed name to Alicevel
Alicevel: I'd say Harpy no but Gino might do that


Mis Sheep: ​"If they figured out that Rana Cetra was actually Rancette..."​
Mis Sheep: So Anderson's perfectly safe then
MechaChao: yep, andersonplot will end with him laughing at everyone as their case falls apart
MechaChao: it'll be great
Mis Sheep: I can't wait!


MechaChao: ​maria and mizuki show up with pokemon go, dolby literally dies
MechaChao: ​just crumbles into dust right there


MechaChao: do i have any cinnamon rolls
Altair: utsuho counts
Gooper Blooper: Tenshi is, of course, normally not a cinnamon roll in the slightest, but when she confessed to viola, holy shit
Gooper Blooper: she saved all her cinnamon for that moment
MechaChao: and ran out in the process
Altair: Kek
MechaChao: what about... KASUMI
Gooper Blooper: Kasumi is an expired can of walnuts
Altair: Kek
ivel: lel
Shiva Dweeb: Sammy isn't even a roll anymore
Shiva Dweeb: she's like
Shiva Dweeb: a pizza pocket


Gooper Blooper: Okay, look at that product title
Gooper Blooper: BIRD OKUU BUTTON in all caps
Gooper Blooper: did utsuho herself write that
MechaChao: burd
Gooper Blooper: also it's filed under "chicken"
ivel: lel


Gooper Blooper: so many people talking to dolby
Mis Sheep: The Mother stops by to talk to Dolby
Mis Sheep: that's how popular she is
Gooper Blooper: Dolby is the bait that lets us finally deal with The Mother
Gooper Blooper: because The Mother just has to talk about her old vinyl collection
Draco: Dolby is actually a tape full of Dra Co security codes that allows the Kobbers to destroy Dra CO.


ivel: so, remember the #ruined that's in the next Pogey TCG set involving Gardevoir? I just saw what Mega Gardevoir EX's attack is
ivel: ​it is VERY VILLAINOUS
MechaChao: yesss tell us
ivel: ​ Despair Ray 110+ Discard as many of your Benched Pokémon as you like. This attack does 10 more damage for each Benched Pokémon you discarded in this way.
MechaChao: ​that... that fits her attitude towards the Coalition perfectly
Gooper Blooper: this just keeps getting better
MechaChao: ​remember she just left Admiral Boo and Lancer Orange to be arrested when things went wrong


MechaChao: an interesting note:
MechaChao: The first Brawl started with 18 entrants, then it was +8, +14, +6, +14, +6
MechaChao: if the pattern holds, 80 entrants for bbb7!? (probably not)
Gooper Blooper: spoopy
Gooper Blooper: FIVE PER USER
MechaChao: i already have your roster
MechaChao gets hype for 2017 Newcomer, Dolby, Celestia, Dr. Bulgrave, and Sumi Again


(Re: Format Wars)

Gooper Blooper: 90s is my expertise, but there will also be 80s stuff as well as some 50s and even a bit of 2000s
MechaChao: oh hey, something i can actually understand :V
Gooper Blooper wilts
MechaChao: i wasn't pop culturey enough to be a 90s kid!
MechaChao: i'm stuck with being a 00s kid
MechaChao: nobody cares about us
MechaChao: doesn't anyone want to nostalgia over the 2000s
MechaChao: the answer is tragically no
Gooper Blooper: it's like I said, chao
Gooper Blooper: two decades previous seems to be the nostaglia baseline
MechaChao: so i just gotta hold out to 2020
MechaChao: and then everyone will suddenly start being "man remember those shows from the 2000s"
Gooper Blooper: Give it a couple more years and everyone will be clamoring for gamecube t-shirts and action figures of the Travelocity Gnome
MechaChao: "remember the gamecube"
Gooper Blooper: and fifteen years from now people will fondly wax nostalgic over Kars For Kids
Bree: I'm not old enough to remember the 90s so I'm mostly only good for 2000s nostalgia myself
Bree: but then again I don't remember the 2000s very well because my memory is shit
Bree: the only thing you're probably going to get me to engage on is 90s and 2000s music because that shit is my jam
Gooper Blooper: fortunately the plot is more than just nostalgia
Bree: trivia: my favorite radio station used to have the slogan "90s and now"
Bree: just a few years ago, it finally changed
Bree: the new slogan
Bree: "2K and today"
Gooper Blooper: I mean, the 50s stuff
Gooper Blooper: no one here was alive for that
Gooper Blooper: ​not even cornwind
MechaChao: OR WAS HE
Bree: :U
Bree: he was not
Bree: meiling might go on a format wars plot or two just because it would be interesting
Bree: she is trying to learn about new tech and here's these dudes like "NO THE OLD STUFF IS BETTER"
Bree: I just imagine meiling being like "c'mon guys the past and the future can coexist" and they're like "we don't want the future" and meiling's like "well I am ​fucking​ the future so you're either gonna have to meet me halfway or something"
Gooper Blooper: top kek
Bree: the future is here and it is hawt
MechaChao: i'll take her!
Bree: meiling would do her
Bree: and nobody is surprised to hear that
MechaChao ships her with... i dunno, maria
Gooper Blooper: chao that would end terribly
Gooper Blooper: maria plays pokemon go
MechaChao: oh you're right
Bree: dolby x gloria x yamame for the new lesbros


Bree: "Are the tapes and Mizuki's memory of viewing them the only way to prove that it ever existed?"
Bree: this is what sheeplot does to perfectly sane characters
Bree: by the end of october it'll just be mizuki in a padded cell


Brinehammer: Chao for MVP 2016.

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