Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Chatzy Madness Volume 263: Gatorade (red)

M Sheep looking at Battlebots
M Sheep: Holy Guacamole, The Brain
M Sheep: i can't get over that there's a brain in this battlebot
M Sheep finally watching it now
iKomodo: Hahaha
iKomodo: oh yeah, there was a competitor in Robot Wars called Draven
iKomodo: it jobbed to hell :U
Jumpropeman: it's funny: The reason I'm wary of Robot Wars is how much the arena and the house bots get involved in the match. But in Battlebots, I'm always like "USE THE FLOOR SAWS PLEASE!"
M Sheep: Oh good lawd, they gave it mini bots
M Sheep: as if the brain wasn't enough


ivel: I forgot about the Fitelympics
M Sheep: Fiteloompas here, it would seem
SteelKomodo: yep
M Sheep: Of course it happens when my one athletic character is indisposed
M Sheep Junkos to floor
M Sheep: oh well, she got her chance
EggerChao: father squad attends the dexterity contest
EggerChao: strengths: he was in a war, y'know
EggerChao: weakness: THE CHILDREN
M Sheep: The Father Squad
M Sheep: He's just been a bunch of father's standing on each other's shoulders in a big smock THE WHOLE TIME
ivel: lel


Draco goes on the fishing trip a week early apparently and misses Mulciferplot, letting Zeldoten's fat be a mystery for another week.
Draco: *fate
HotelInternetRopeman: I must know if Zeldoten lost any weight since being captured D:
KnightChao: we will never learn if zeldoten is actually fat
HotelInternetRopeman: to be fair, this was how she looked last we saw her


Jumpropeman: actual boxart for Donkey Kong on the Atari
SteelKomodo: what
Spy: Somebody got confused
Jumpropeman: I gotta wonder what part of the game the "drill cyclops with a mohawk on a moving platform" was inspired by


Spy: Guys oh mygod look at this game title
Spy: "Shrek 2: Beg for Mercy"
ivel: welp
Spy: I'm sorry
Spy: It's beautiful
ivel: Shrek thirsts for blood
ivel: you can beg for mercy, but there will be none
Spy: Oh god its hideous
YoumuChao: GBA Licensed Platformer.txt
ivel: yeah looks about right
Spy: Obviously this is my next creepypasta masterpiece
Spy: and then shrek lookededc at me and said "IT'S OGRE FOR YOU LADDEH"
ivel: 3spoop5me
Draco: I don't know. After The Shrekoning, nothing can scare me.


YoumuChao: bree, we need to set up the next big feud at some point
Bree: are you talking about kasumi or are you talking about VEW
YoumuChao: VEW
Bree: okay
Gooper Blooper: Kasumi joins VEW, loses every match
Bree: VEW kasumi would basically be heel!tenshi but without the gimmick of being indestructible
Bree: just a tiny, wimpy megaheel that everyone hates
Bree: ​kasumi becomes tenshi's manager​
ivel wyndkorn: that would imply Tenshi could stand having a manager :U


Minish Sheep: When's Rachel vs. Red?
Gooper Blooper: Sumireko and Rachel vs Red and Dustine
Minish Sheep: Dustine proceeds to do nothing as they beat the tar out of Red
Minish Sheep: "oh no"
Minish Sheep: "how could this happen"
Gooper Blooper: "they're invincible, I forfeit"
Minish Sheep: ^Basically what she did when Dawn stormed in and beat everybody up during the Race to Catch Ray Pile-up
Gooper Blooper: That event was pretty great
Gooper Blooper: It was just such a chaotic mess of like four different groups all going for the same thing
Minish Sheep: I've been wanting do at least something like for a long while
Bree: chaotic messes are ray's specialty
Minish Sheep: since I have so many characters, within my own roster, working at side and cross purposes with each other
Minish Sheep: "Yesss, my brilliant plan, meticulously acted out over these small events shall now bloo-​the hell are you, people?​"


Del: sorry about the lateness of my post
Del: i have many forums to post on
Im Dying: I can't believe we're Del's forum mistress
Gooper Blooper: del's cheating on us
Del: look i have to help a shitty teenager pilot a robot and date a clone girl
Im Dying: Jinshi get in the fucking robot
Del: franklin is way cooler than shinji


YoumuChao: "Misery Science Theater 3666"
YoumuChao: holyyyy shit
YoumuChao: i need to read this one
Gooper Blooper: I can tell that one's a winner
YoumuChao: unrelated totally spoop
YoumuChao: This is where I noted something was off, now the opening in the main show was low budget and badly done intentionally to mimic the horribad quality of the special effects of the movies being made fun of. Here it was even cheaper with Joel being present the whole time and re-inacting the opening with cheap GI Joe toys that were painted very poorly to vaguely resemble the characters he was singing about. It was at the Robot Rollcall that things began to look distressing.
Tom Servo’s fishbowl head was broken open as if someone had taken a baseball bat to the puppet, Crow was looking no better as his beak was crooked and off-center with his eyes completely missing, his golden paint job hadn’t been done yet so he was all black. Overall I’d say Crow looked a lot like his shadowy evil doppleganger Timmy from the episode Fire Maidens Of Outer Space only without eyes and he too was cracked and broken as if beaten senseless.
Gypsy was the one that had concerned me because she appeared to not a puppet at all, instead she was a blow up doll with tape over the nipples wearing a Fez. At first I had assumed that Gypsy’s puppet wasn’t finished yet and that Tom and Crow had merely been vandalized from bad on-set security. Afterall, these were the days from before it was cool to read Iron Man comic books, where if you played Dungeons And Dragons you were in the public’s eyes an undateable dweeb with Santanic leanings. So it was likely that some dumb jock beat up on the sci-fi robots because it looked like some “Star Wars Stupidity”, I could see it happening.

YoumuChao: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa​aaaa
Im Dying: Chao you found the promised land
Im Dying: Wait, no, there's only one promised land
Im Dying: And it is King K. Rool country
Im Dying: Where the rivers run red and hyperrealistically
Im Dying: And men can be free to gnaw gnaw gnaw wherever they choose
Im Dying: Where skeletons, haunted programs, and even herons can all live in peace


YoumuChao: goops, harps, you have my permission to do things with petchy while i'm out
Gooper Blooper: *patchy does nothing, chao comes back and compliments us on our expert patchy portrayal*


Jumpropeman: did Ko eat all the bagel bites again
Jumpropeman: I was saving those for the neighborhood kids >:I


Jumpropeman: i still love how we dealt with Mr. X in the end. Just everyone standing around going "animals be animals!" and shrugging as Tupai eats him up *is only slightly delirious*
Jumpropeman: Pteron could learn something from Tupai
Jumpropeman: that chupacabra got things done
Gooper Blooper: I was all set to kill Center-Sensei but I knew I wouldn't be able to go through with it when a tiny old dying bunny looked Dolby right in the eyes and said "do your worst"
LiveAChao: i wasn't sure what nitori was going to do
LiveAChao: but then
LiveAChao: time warner forced me to fob it off on jrm anyway :V
Gooper Blooper: Oh, was that all him?
Jumpropeman: I was all set for you all to kill Center-Sensei and then I couldn't write an ending to his rant so that happened
Jumpropeman: Chao gave me two ideas
LiveAChao: the first line was me but the rest was JRM
Jumpropeman: one had a direct Nitori quote and the end result sort of laid out
LiveAChao: since a back and forth would have been basically impossible on phone
Jumpropeman: the other was "Nitori shoots him in the head i dunno"
LiveAChao: i was getting really frustrated by the internet outage at that point :V
Gooper Blooper: If he'd attacked us one more time, somehow, I would have done it
Gooper Blooper: But if the villain surrenders I tend to lay off unless they're REALLY fucked up
Jumpropeman: "Asobin gyrates at the Kobbers menacingly" (1) "TAKE HIM OUT DOLBY"
Gooper Blooper: XD
Gooper Blooper: I'm just
Gooper Blooper: I'm just imagining him doing some ridiculous hip swivel and then Dolby just fucking pulls out a gun
Gooper Blooper: "NOT THIS TIME" *BLAM*


Minish Sheep Sees precarious meeting happening
Minish Sheep urge to Ray rising

Minish Sheep grasps for pills
Gooper Blooper: oh god, if fucking Ray showed up it would totally ruin everything :V
LiveAChao: ray powerslides in


Jumpropeman: i've never seen Akira
Jumpropeman: but I've seen wulf's tumblr
Jumpropeman: which you can piece together the entirety of the film from
Jumpropeman: in small gif sets and still images that she reblogs multiple times
LiveAChao: that's how i feel about steven universe
LiveAChao: i don't need to watch the show
LiveAChao: clips on youtube give me the entire thing
Minish Sheep: :I
GUN: . . . I mean, okay, yeah, your average cartoon network sneak preview is a third of any given episode
GUN: But :I
Jumpropeman: :i
Cheap Substitutions: The manga is better, but the film is remembered for reason.
GUN: JRM no, that's neutral with a bit of spit on the corner of your mouth
GUN: Sheep and I are chubby cheeks
GUN: You're ruining our gang
Jumpropeman: :|
Gooper Blooper: going full shimmerpout
ivel wyndkorn: :!
LiveAChao: from what i hear the film is like
Harp-A-Live: .n.
LiveAChao: a third of the manga or something?
Gooper Blooper: :I is shimmerpout and :| is Dustine
Gooper Blooper: because I think Dustine purses her lips about every ten seconds or so
Minish Sheep: Ahahaha
Minish Sheep can't stop laughing


Gooper Blooper: I had considered MSPainting Dustine for Sheep, she probably would have come out different if it'd been me to do the "official art" :V
Jumpropeman: no nose mainly
Jumpropeman: *makes Gooper draw the Nose Snail, watches him squirm*
 Gooper Blooper: *it's just a snail shell*


Gooper Blooper: I got it
Gooper Blooper: Lure Stranglehold and Woe to the same location
Gooper Blooper: they kill each other
LiveAChao: oh god, you're right
LiveAChao: alternatively we fight them in one three-sided battle
Harp-A-Live: do it
Gooper Blooper: "I HATE WOMEN" "I HATE MEN" *they see each other* "AAAAAA" "AAAAAA"
Gooper Blooper: ​Frisk shows up, they don't know what to do
Harp-A-Live: ​i'll make it happen
Jumpropeman: and den dey fall in wub <3
LiveAChao: "I HATE ALL WOMEN... except you~"


Draco: Ariel has the strength of five Sumis.
Draco: Or eight Glorias.
Draco: Or three-hundred thousand Patchoulis.


Gooper Blooper: gatorade (red)
LiveAChao: look, i know it's a spoiler
Draco: Sure.
LiveAChao: but defeating anderson is going to hinge on what flavor of gatorade he drinks
Draco: It's a good thing the bottle has a label on it. How would we know looking at an empty bottle? *Zeldoten wipes her face*
Bree: why is he even drinking gatorade
Jumpropeman: we'll lure him into a trap with gatorade before we throw down the accusations
Jumpropeman: but unfortunately... we used gatorade (blue) instead D:
Jumpropeman: he gets away forever
Draco: Gatorade is refreshing no matter how rich you are.
Bree: btw I'm laughing forever at how unprofessional the kobber investigation is, we're taking all of anderson's stuff and because it's RP we just get away with it
LiveAChao: pretty much :V
Gooper Blooper: This is how AA games work too
Gooper Blooper: take the things
LiveAChao: yep
Jumpropeman: Theodore Rex is a professional cop and this is standard procedure I'll have you know *he picks a booger and rubs it on the underside of the desk* STANDARD PROCEDURE
Bree: drink the gatorades
LiveAChao: phoenix and apollo and athena and edgeworth will all gladly pick up physical evidence
LiveAChao: and walk away with it
LiveAChao: and not tell anyone until it's court time
LiveAChao: also bree: he likes the taste


Jumpropeman: Anderson made his fortune investing in gatorade (red), and he keeps the first every gatorade he sold in his desk to remind him how far he came
The Ice Cream Has Measles: That gatorade would taste TERRIBLE
LiveAChao: the gatorade is eleven years old
Gooper Blooper: So you're saying the Gatorade (red) was the equivalent of Mr. Krabs' first dollar
LiveAChao: theodore ends up in the hospital
Gooper Blooper: ​AND WE GOT PAINT ON IT
Bree: I bet Anderson has framed money in his office
Draco: Scrooge McDuck's lucky dime.
Bree: but it's not a one-dollar bill
Draco: ......
Bree: it's like, a 100-dollar bill
LiveAChao: i don't know if i should be proud or embarassed that everyone keeps calling it gatorade (red)
Draco: Why wouldn't we call it gatorade (red)?
Gooper Blooper: I can't stop laughing
Gooper Blooper: help
Bree: the color is important goddammit
Draco stabs Goops.
Bree: dumb joke I just thought of and wish I'd made earlier: why does anderson drink gatorade, he should drink POWERADE
Bree: it has "power" in the name
LiveAChao: because anderson is actually half gator


Draco: Obviously Anderson keeps gatorade (red) to spill on the carpet after he murders people.
Draco: If murders a Smurf, he uses gatorade (blue).
Gooper Blooper: *obtained Gatorade (brown)* "maybe don't drink this one"


Gooper Blooper: Summary of tonight's plot
Bree: goops you're the best
Bree: #thebest


Gooper Blooper: "Gadget points to the bookcase and A Perfectly Normal Gadgetini investigates it, delicately grabbing records with his big meaty hands."
Bree: lel


ivel wyndkorn: chocolate is always the answer


Draco: ​Yamame sees 'Sephine and Sarah's wrestling costumes, notices a theme, and explodes after imagining Gloria's.


Draco: Tomorrow: Rickshawplot
Gooper Blooper: get hype
Draco: If you want your character being pulled around Las Vegas by a spider, just post saying they're in the rickshaw. By the time we're done, it'll be like one of those double-decker buses they have in jolly old Albion.
Gooper Blooper: how many mages can yamame pull
Draco rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 8
Draco: Eight.
Bree: komachi joins rickshawplot just so she can sleep on all these fat, snuggly mages
Draco: Yew has to walk
Bree: "nitori, I'm leaving you. I've found my soulmate." *komachi and patchouli spend the rest of eternity being fat seals together*
LiveAChao: nitori heel turns
LiveAChao: proves that all the evidence against anderson is useless, he gets away
LiveAChao: you ruined it, komachi
Bree: ruined NITORI'S HEART
Bree: nitori spends the rest of her life sad and bitter
Gooper Blooper: and pastryless
Bree: no, komachi taught her how to buy her own pastries
Bree: you know what they say
Bree: give a kappa a pastry, she's fed for a day
Bree: teach a kappa to buy pastries, she's fed for life
Gooper Blooper: If You Give A Kappa A Cookie
Jumpropeman: give a kappa a pastry
Jumpropeman: and she'll want to have a cucumber
Jumpropeman: im glad gooper and I were on the same page
LiveAChao: i tried cucumber juice recently
LiveAChao: didn't like it
Bree: ruby confirmed not a kappa


LiveAChao: so would anyone be offended
LiveAChao: if payne made a deduction :V
Gooper Blooper: Of course not
Gooper Blooper: it's his job
Bree: komachi would be proud of the cinnamon roll
Bree: he's helping! isn't that precious
Jumpropeman: is it because we aren't picking up on something?
LiveAChao: nah, you've got it all
Bree: (jk she would not think that, she's not that condescending towards payne)
Jumpropeman: because I haven't been saying it, but I noticed his drapes were god awful but I didn't want to spoil the mystery
Gooper Blooper: XD


Draco: Jackal X Zeldoten "Dear Diary: today Jackal-sempai noticed me!"


Jumpropeman: for some reason someone on Deviantart has drawn all the cute MySims characters like DJ Candy getting brutally attacked by Left 4 Dead special infected
Jumpropeman: "Salinlovecake dislikes DJ Candy Supersnooze, and thinks she needs to do something with her life other then partying"
Jumpropeman: I am uncovering a strange world of MySims fandom just trying to find a picture of DJ Candy for Olympics picture


Jumpropeman: look at that fucking beast
Jumpropeman: absolute monster
Jumpropeman: so swole it hurts
LiveAChao: not buff enough
Jumpropeman: she's gonna break the Strength competition in half
Draco: The dress is poofy to hide all that muscle.


Gooper Blooper: you gave me fuckin hiccups with that one, christ lol
LiveAChao: rip goops
Harp-A-Live: behind her cute looks
Harp-A-Live: lies a monster who will crush your bones
Gooper Blooper: I remember when Draco first pitched Yamame as his version of Sarah
Gooper Blooper: kek
LiveAChao: kek
Harp-A-Live: no wonder she wanted to eat her so much!
Gooper Blooper: My Little Sarah Can't Be This Swole
Harp-A-Live: joseline would like you to say that to her face
Harp-A-Live: she'll bop you
Draco: Did I really pitch Yamame as a Sarah?
Gooper Blooper: Lemme see if I can dig it up
Gooper Blooper: Found it
Gooper Blooper: Draco: Yamame gets to be the Sarah of Dracocast: cute, chubby, and mildly murderous. ;D
Draco: Oh. Whoops.
Gooper Blooper: Said... 230 days ago!
Draco: Plans went awry I guess.
Draco: She's 2/3 at least.
Draco: 1/3


Jumpropeman: link


Harp-A-Live: time to tickle a goop


ivel: wow
ivel: I summmoned Shenron in Xenoverse
ivel: "You again..."
ivel: he's tired of my shit
SteelKomodo: ivel pls
ivel: I wish for Shenron to stop having such an attitude :I
Cornwind Evil: Well look at it from Shenron's perspective
Cornwind Evil: He gets created
Cornwind Evil: And who knows how many times he's summoned in the hundred or so years that follow
Cornwind Evil: Twice, maybe? Three times?
Cornwind Evil: Then sudden he starts getting summoned on a yearly basis by the same group of people every time
ivel: at least I'm not wishing for underwear


Bree: remind me to have komachi refer to nitori as her marshmallow cuddly pie
Gooper Blooper: marshmallow cuddly pie snugglebug
Bree: sugar pie honey bun


Jumpropeman: there's OP
Jumpropeman: and above OP
Jumpropeman: is God-Level OP
Jumpropeman: and above THAT
Jumpropeman: is Powers Wiki

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