Monday, August 29, 2016

Chatzy Madness Volume 260: Regards, Gul'dan

M Sheep: OoOoOoOoOoOoOoO
ivel uses the Poltergust 3000
M Sheep: OoOo-aw, maAaAaAaA-*pop*


PremiumChao: god i forgot how ridiculous some of my old rp was
PremiumChao: gallade became a senator
PremiumChao: and he lived in "Unnamed City"
Jumpropeman: Unnamed City
PremiumChao: which was the actual name of the city
Jumpropeman: capital of A State
PremiumChao: Gallade: I'll take three people up to the station with me, and we will-
*Phone rings*
Gallade: Hello? A meeting of Congress? Now? Ack! *Hangs up* Congress is meeting, so I have to leave. General Goomba, you take charge!
*Gallade flies through a wall, and heads off*

PremiumChao: Gallade: "Position Open for Congress Member. The spot of representive of Unnamed City is open...* Hey! I could run for Congress!
Jumpropeman: congress and its wacky impromptu meetings
Viva Vermont: *gallade is thrown into the sea*
PremiumChao: also their billboard was "Welcome to Unnamed City. Now scram!"
Viva Vermont: unnamed city was actually the inside of oscar the grouch's trash can
Jumpropeman: sounds like a joke from a cartoon
Draco: Sounds like a city in Vermont.
PremiumChao: Axem Blue's Hobbies: Slicing stuff, being somewhat evil, being an AoE member.
PremiumChao: i was good at character descriptions


PremiumChao: Gallade: *Looks at the three members of the AoE getting up, then at Eggman-X* Eggman-X, what are you DOING?
Eggman-X: I'm playing golf.
Gallade: Why?
Eggman-X: Because I'm using exploding golf balls.
*Eggman-X takes a swing, but he hits the golf ball too hard, causing it to explode in his face*
Eggman-X: Ow.

f-: Heeheeeenheee.
Jumpropeman: Eggman-X then kicked an exploding blitzball
PremiumChao: *The Pink Chao lands next to Alphashi*
Alphashi: Who are you?
TPC: I am The Pink Chao.
Steelshi: Ahahahahahahah! You're PINK!
TPC: *Fires an Ice Arrow, freezing Steelshi* Why I'm here is to explain the Red Star.
Crystalshi: Red... Star?
TPC: Have you noticed the red comet recently?
Alphashi: Yes.
TPC: That is the Red Star. It is a comet which appears at irregular intervals over this planet. It is only reachable by the Green Launch Star.
Crystalshi: What's on it?
TPC: That's not in the books. Bye! *Flies off*

PremiumChao: i was VERY GOOD at exposition in the old days
PremiumChao: General Goomba: But how will we get it from them?
Jester Chao: Leave it to me!
*Jester Chao puts on a fake moustache. He then walks up to the door and knocks on it. Steelshi opens the door*
Jester Chao: Hello. I'm from the government. We've detected energy spikes coming from this house. We believe you may have a powerful item causing these spikes.
Steelshi: Is it this? *Pulls out Green Power Star*
Jester Chao: Yes. In the interest of national security, I must consficate that.

Viva Vermont: imagine a book called "The Book Of The Red Star"
Viva Vermont: page 1: "The Red Star is a comet which appears at irregular intervals over this planet. It is only reachable by the Green Launch Star."
Viva Vermont: page 2: "we don't know anything else"


Jumpropeman: "There was a length of pipe topped with a skull wearing an aviator's helmet in one aged hand."
Literally Cursed: Oh my god, if JRM ACTUALLY remembers this character
Literally Cursed: I
PremiumChao: i remember the skull too!
PremiumChao: very chatty fellow
Jumpropeman: the better question is how could I forget
Literally Cursed: will be very surpri-oh my god, people actually remember
Literally Cursed: how
PremiumChao: because how could we forget RP's Second Best Skull On A Stick
Viva Vermont: I remember him too
Literally Cursed: is this a dream


Gooper Blooper: okay, I have put it off far too long
Gooper Blooper: Sonic Man's "Hey." is clearly a joke based on the actual game and I need to find a video of it
SpaceChao: i found it!
Gooper Blooper: yep, there it is!
Gooper Blooper: kek
Jumpropeman: the best part about Sonic Man's "Hey" in-game
Jumpropeman: its not even unique to him
Jumpropeman: all male NPCs make that approximate noise
Jumpropeman: save the old and young ones
Gooper Blooper: they put a lot of effort and love into Sonic's 15th anniversary
SpaceChao: from what i know, they were going to
Gooper Blooper: my favorite part about the video is the extremely long loading screen followed by one line of sonic man dialogue followed by another extremely long loading screen
SpaceChao: but then sega said "NO. WE MUST GET IT OUT THIS YEAR."
SpaceChao: and everything died


Gooper Blooper: Zephyrus looks like the rudest guy ever compared to Hina
SpaceChao: imagine zephyrus meeting hina
SpaceChao: they accidentally bump into each other
SpaceChao: the next hour is just an apology loop
SqueeBree: only an hour?


iKomodo: Hi brune
iKomodo: *brine
Brinehammer: Brunehammer, a hammer with a bear tied to the end.
Gooper Blooper: TROUBLE'S BRUIN


SpaceChao: "What about me?" "What ​about​ you? You're going to run out of water and die."
SpaceChao: reminder that nitori and mizuki are BFFs


M Sheep: "I happen to like my arms, they're easily within my four favorite limbs."
M Sheep: The Avatar of Conquest got jokes!
M Sheep: ...and now I'm overthinking it. With the wings, doesn't she have six limbs?
M Sheep: So which limbs got voted off the island?
M Sheep: Diadem, get on that
M Sheep: Inquiring minds want to know!
Gooper Blooper: m sheep asking the hard questions
Brinehammer: ​It's the Wings as least favorite, those were grafted on later. ​
Gooper Blooper: Shee PI does it again
M Sheep: Get me those photos, Peter Parsee, or YOU'RE FIRED!


M Sheep: ​"tossing Floatzel's corpse"
M Sheep: ​Not even a K.O.; what kind of Pokemon battle is this?!​


Gooper Blooper: I finally figured out Game Gear
Gooper Blooper: ​she's lazy and tires easily because it's a battery life joke
Jumpropeman: bingo bango goop :V


Draco: No post
Jumpropeman: *rushes to read Draco's nothing*
Jumpropeman: your best nothing yet Draco!
Gooper Blooper: F5 F5 F5
Gooper Blooper: that is some fine nothing


M Sheep: >​But no time for that! HERE COMES CHICKEN LEG!
M Sheep: HERE COMES CHICKEN LEG! has to be in my top ten sentences in ZFRP this season
Gooper Blooper: Chicken Leg's time in RP was brief, but he made quite the impression
Gooper Blooper: just like in Altered Beast
Jumpropeman: *Mega Drive cringes*
Gooper Blooper: you can kill it fast but if you let it get to you all bets are off


SpaceChao: "Nintendo: Value of Company Now Exceeds Sony on 'Pokémon Go'-Fueled Rally, Analysts Say"
Gooper Blooper: mobile is the future guys
Gooper Blooper becomes dolby
Gooper Blooper holes up in a pillow fort of the past

Draco: "Free-to-Start", eh Nintendo?
Etro: *flops*


Gooper Blooper: segaplot fun fact
Gooper Blooper: I was already listening to ristar music before ristar popped up as a "gosh this one is TOUGH, no way she guesses him" character
ivel: lel
SqueeBree: lel


Jumpropeman: Writing plot epilogue
Jumpropeman: your Jumpropeman will be returned to you afterwards


SqueeBree: I realized komachi has probably bought more cucumber-flavored baked goods from celestia than nitori herself has
SqueeBree: and I find this funny
Draco: It's because Nitori is her little cookie. <3
SqueeBree: yes
SqueeBree: for some reason I can't fathom, komachi loves feeding nitori
SqueeBree: I didn't plan on it :U
Gooper Blooper: delicious fud


SqueeBree: hey ruby
SpaceChao: BREE
SpaceChao: yes?
SqueeBree: do you think nitori's gained any weight from all those baked goods :U
SpaceChao: probably
SqueeBree: what's her booty status
SpaceChao: good but not great
SqueeBree: how many millisephines
SpaceChao: she has yet to measure
SqueeBree: ​komachi's measured​
Jumpropeman: would you describe it as bulbous or firm


SpaceChao: nitori defeats all money-based villains by buying them out
SpaceChao: "what do you mean you're buying my entire finance company" "just what i said, alan"
SpaceDandbree: alternately: meiling in kawashiro ads
SpaceDandbree: it's an entire commercial of nothing but a red panda playing on/around a kawashiro brand laptop
SpaceDandbree: sales go up five hundred percent


PhoneDel Has Died: I found bad netrunner fanfic
PhoneDel Has Died: I had to quit after the first paragraph
Bree: lel
PhoneDel Has Died: Protip: do not begin your story with telling us what your characters motives are explicitly
PhoneDel Has Died: Because then they don't seem like real people


Chao of Songs: famine tries to drain a meh burger
Chao of Songs: it is unchanged
Chao of Songs: "...I don't think this qualifies as food."
Chao of Songs: god i just love the name Meh Burger
Bree: I honestly don't know who I'M entering
Chao of Songs: i don't even know why
Chao of Songs: but it's perfect
Bree: meh burger is amazing
Bree: I love saying it too
Bree: I tried to tell azure about it and she thought I said Man Burger
Bree: but no, that's saxton hale: the food chain
Bree: I somehow forgot his company was called mann co
Bree: it's even more perfect
Chao of Songs: Harper Collins' definition of "meh" included a "real example" of usage:
"As in 'the Canadian election was so meh'."[15]
When complaints arose over this choice of example, Harper Collins' lexicographer Cormac McKeown, who chose the election reference, insisted that he meant "no slight to Canada."


Jumpropeman: "It's a subconscious suggestion, put in every member of the Society, beyond the Champions, the ones with superhuman abilities or capabilities. If it's spoken to a member, they WILL reply with 'But the ice is slippery'. No exceptions. At least, none I've ever seen..."
SuperChao: and then
SuperChao: nothing came of it
Jumpropeman: the ice must've not been that slippery


Jumpropeman: "Be Brave Guy (Labrys)"
Jumpropeman: never forget ; _ ;
Gooper Blooper: he died in real life too
Gooper Blooper: Be Brave Guy qualifies for Dimension's Hasp


PhoneDel: Help me goopy wan kenbloopi
PhoneDel: You're my only hope
PhoneDel: For a Vince image
Gooper Blooper: hmmm
Gooper Blooper: He might come out looking kinda generic but I can hopefully make up for it with a Mary-level non-expression
Gooper Blooper: Shoot me details on things like hair color and whatnot via forum PM if you want me to take a crack at it
Bree: he's supposed to look generic probably
Gooper Blooper: True, but I must know exactly how generic!
PhoneDel: He has a loom
PhoneDel: *look
PhoneDel: No looms
PhoneDel: Though he has considered weaving
Bree: *del just PMs a reference image of critikal*
Gooper Blooper: "close enough"


Gooper Blooper: finally got to see another battlebots episode
Gooper Blooper: this one was full of one-sided quick curbstomps but there was one really good match, and ABC thoughtfully put it on their youtube channel
Gooper Blooper: Lockjaw is the little brother of Fite Club opponent Diesector, anyone who remembers him can probably see the family resemblance
harp: beautiful match
Gooper Blooper: oh, right, the video doesn't say who won
Gooper Blooper: ​Yeti won, but Lockjaw earned a spot in the round of 32 via the "Wild Card" system that lets eight preliminary round losers qualify for the main tournament, so both of them moved on!
harp: ​beautiful
Gooper Blooper: the rest of the show was fights like this
Gooper Blooper: rip in piece
harp: witch doctor just trashed that fucker jesus christ
harp: that design tho
Gooper Blooper: I want a witch doctor toy
Gooper Blooper: thankfully one is being made
Gooper Blooper: The best part about Rotator, though
iKomodo: Oh god, sparks are flying in this thing
Gooper Blooper: Before the fight there was this dramatic "builder profile" talking about how Rotator's builder had made it with his dad, who was sick
iKomodo: this is way more exciting than Robot Wars, you almost never see sparks
Gooper Blooper: and how he was a doctor and all that
Gooper Blooper: and it was totally building up Rotator as this sympathetic underdog
iKomodo: Bloody British safety laws mumble grumble
Jumpropeman: one reason I don't watch battlebots live is so I don't have to see the overly long builder profiles :P
Gooper Blooper: and then THAT happened and I just burst out laughing
Gooper Blooper: it doesn't matter how sympathetic your story is if your bot sucks
MyonChao: hahahahaaaaaaa
Gooper Blooper: (Rotator did not earn a wild card)
Jumpropeman: oh wow there are a lot of sparks
Jumpropeman: even for battlebots
Gooper Blooper: Spark creation depends a lot on the materials involved
harp: friction is a beautiful thing
Gooper Blooper: Perhaps Yeti's weapon is made of spark-causing stuff because it looks more impressive, or perhaps Lockjaw is armored with spark-causing stuff because sparks are better than falling apart
Jumpropeman: ​Yeti won? No way- oh there we go, the smoke :V
Gooper Blooper: ​The smoke, plus Lockjaw's jaws were clearly busted ten seconds in


MyonChao: It was all going smoothly. I was replaying Pokemon Explorers of Sky for the thousandth time, bored out of my mind with it, and I soon begged my mother to get me a new Pokemon game. Finally, she gave into my demands and bought me Pokemon: Forbidden Version. It had a black silhouette(obviously of a Pikachu) on the cover, with its hand on a wall. The Pikachu was crying, and its paw had red liquid on it. I popped the game into my DSI XL and started to play.
MyonChao: I looked at my Pokemon, surprised I even had any at this point. My only Pokemon was an Absol called Vengeful. I shuddered, remembering my experience with a Celebi known as Vengeful. Shakily, I picked Vengeful.
Its attacks were; Slice 1PP, Brutality 30000000 PP and Mercy 1PP.
iKomodo: Fucking hell you people who write these things
iKomodo: does the word "subtlety" not exist in your vocabulary?
MyonChao: nope!
MyonChao: I kept walking and ended up in a place entitled “Death by purple muzic” Now, a smart person like me would know that was a referance to the suicide music of lavender town.
Gooper Blooper: well of course
Gooper Blooper: that's certainly what ​I​ think of when I hear that title
Jumpropeman: I'd think someone really doesn't like Prince
MyonChao: the ending of one pasta
MyonChao: "My god this is bad…I forgot the story I planned."
iKomodo: ...that's either hilariously meta or incredibly stupid
MyonChao: Brendan then started to congratulate Wally, but then I head the noise of a gunshot, someone had shot Brendan!
“Oh my god!” I screamed.
Pixelated blood started to drop from Brendan’s head, he then fell down and died.
Then entered Wally’s parents, Wally’s father was holding a gun while Wally’s mother was holding a kitchen knife.

MyonChao: the heel turn of the century
MyonChao: "The screen had been altered severely. A weird tune was playing… Like a tension noise or maybe a radioactive wasteland. This had been hacked by a Metroid Prime fan alright! (Metroid Prime is a amazing trilogy where you kill stuff with beams and hunt for items and you play as Samus- the most ferocious bounty hunter in the universe! enough about Metroid though)"
Gooper Blooper: "the baby"
MyonChao superkicks Goops


Jumpropeman: Gloria's always going on about how much she likes boobs. Old boobs, big boobs, boobs on tape. She's got a whole building full of boobs she spends all her time in looking at them!
Jumpropeman: *books *books *books *books *books *books


Fertile Fields of Fallen: -buys doctor pepper-
-the label is coated in card facings and casino table covers-
Are you telling me something, Industry?
Is this the year JRM finally ​plays​ his beloved in canon?
Draco: ​You mean Cirno?
Gooper Blooper: lel
Fertile Fields of Fallen: Yes, but also the caffeine. =u No one ever said Pepper was a man.
Jumpropeman: Cirno appears in RP, drinks Dr. Pepper and eats Pizza and Bacon all the time


Jumpropeman: oh yeah, I asked Rainbow Dash about her inexplicable "I put 50 on Jigglypuff" statements
Jumpropeman: turns out she's been saying them before she ever caught a Jigglypuff


Gooper Blooper: "And then someone talked it down and it turned into a naked guy."
Gooper Blooper: excellent plot summary, cindy, thank you


SuperChao: "To reach him, one must earn a Double Flawless Victory without blocking once and then perform a Fatality. In addition, the player must be at the Pit stage and a flying object must appear in the background, sailing in the sky past the moon (witches or Santa Claus). The shadows do not always appear, at random."
SuperChao: i love how insane reptile's first appearance conditions were
SuperChao: how did anyone figure it out
SteelKomodo: years and years of lost quarters and calloused fingers
harp: that sounds like an urban legend
harp: is it really real
SuperChao: it is
harp: my god
harp: spoop
SteelKomodo: yes
SuperChao: that is straight up for real how you fought Reptile in the first MK game
SteelKomodo: those are the actual conditions to unlocking the fight with Reptile in MK1
harp: what the fuck reptile
SuperChao: which is probably part of how there ended up being so many urban legends
SuperChao: because this is just as insane and arbitrary
SuperChao: except it ACTUALLY WORKS


Bree: del
Bree: are you there
SteelKomodo: he's playin splatoon
SteelKomodo: splatting out for the wrong team :I
Bree: go go team callie
harp: toniette made her decision
harp: gogo frandship
SteelKomodo: TEAM MARIE 4 LYFE
Draco: Marie for me.


Gooper Blooper: someone made a hack of SOR2 to put knuckles in it
SuperChao: does he chuckle
Gooper Blooper: possibly
Gooper Blooper: genesis-era knuckles loved chuckling, you may recall
Gooper Blooper: it's only dreamcast-onward knuckles that has such a big problem with it
SuperChao: i wonder what happened
SteelKomodo: back
SuperChao: maybe a chuckling incident lost him the master emerald


iKomodo: so yeah, Marie being a douchebag will be explained
iKomodo: and there's actually three whole layers to this explanation! :D
Gooper Blooper: Inklings are like onions, they have layers
Gooper Blooper: someWOOMY ONCE TOLD ME *pushed down stairs*


Gooper Blooper: Lauren is the smartest idiot I've ever had the pleasure of meeting
Gooper Blooper: "I am a completely perfect being who exists only to learn"
Gooper Blooper: "JAKE WHAT IS SITTING?????? HOW DO I SIT"
SuperChao: if nothing else, it's given me the interesting experience of explaining the things we take for granted
SuperChao: like sitting
Gooper Blooper: Actually, since it's pretty clear Lauren is not what I thought she might be
Gooper Blooper: I think I can share this now
Gooper Blooper: Before the season started, JRM made a joke about RPing as the Yellow M&M, and around that time he also talked about M&M biology. I got the idea that Lauren was actually the Yellow M&M as an eldritch abomination, because that would have been very JRM
Gooper Blooper: Lauren as she is is also very JRM though, so it worked out
Jumpropeman: the Yellow M&M is in my Future folder
Jumpropeman: waiting
Jumpropeman: his day shall come
Bree: scott is the yellow M&M
Gooper Blooper: He's the Mystery Racer for Race Yer Mates III
Bree: actually wait, how do we know lauren isn't the yellow M&M
Bree: she said her "species" or whatever is called The Yellow
Gooper Blooper: I suppose it's possible in the same way JRM could reveal that the cause of Fumes and Midori fusing was Aaaaaaargh The Rat
Gooper Blooper: because you can never be sure with JRM
Bree: okay this is definitely my new pet theory until such time as it is soundly disproven that lauren isn't a yellow M&M
SuperChao: >​Aaaaaaaargh
SuperChao: excuse you, goops!
SuperChao: his name was Aaaaaaaugh
Gooper Blooper: she uses the m&m as "a form you are comfortable with"
Gooper Blooper: if you really thought I was going to look it up, you have another thing coming


SuperChao: my mom happened to catch a glimpse of my computer screen while i was posting
SuperChao: she recognized Inch High Private Eye
Jumpropeman: wow
Bree: impressive


iKomodo: how goes it, CW?
Cornwind Evil: It goes around
Cornwind Evil watches the pinwheel.
Gooper Blooper: >​pinwheel
SuperChao: well, her feelings were finally noticed
SuperChao: it only took forever
Gooper Blooper: TOOK LONG ENOUGH
Bree: that's surprisingly inspirational and heartwarming, viola


iKomodo: i just got an email from this Gul'Dan chap
iKomodo: who wants me to come back to heroes of the storm and buy him
iKomodo: he's awfully polite about it
Gooper Blooper: That's like when you go to delete a program and the mascot pops up all sad and begs you not to
iKomodo: Problem, goops - he's blatantly evil
iKomodo: i think he might be a Warcraft villain?
iKomodo: Allow me to quote from the email
iKomodo: Pitiful human,
I, Gul'dan, sense talent and ambition flowing through your weak flesh. Stand by my side and together we will claim the power of the Nexus for ourselves.
Come back to Heroes of the Storm™ and join me.
I am not the only fel–twisted presence striking fear into the Nexus. If you make any real–money purchase—including me—in the Heroes of the Storm in–game Shop, you'll receive the demonic Hell Billie mount to add to your collection.
Remember—in the end, everything will BURN.

SuperChao: that does sound quite evil
Gooper Blooper: You know what that's like, though
Gooper Blooper: That's like when a villain drops by the lounge and offers a deal
Altair: Lord?
Altair: Lord.
iKomodo: I love how he ends it with "regards"
Altair: He is a polite evil guy


(Re: Chao having to keep quiet about the answers to a puzzle plot)

SuperChao: mostly i distrust myself to avoid accidentally spilling everything ahead of time, i see friends being confused and my first instinct is "help friends"
SuperChao: then i remember "no, the point is they don't know everything yet"
SuperChao: so i have to shove it into a box
Gooper Blooper: Chao's getting a lot of mileage out of The Box That Formerly Held Nitori
Bree: it was a pandora's box
Bree: he thought there was one kappa
Bree: but there were dozens
Bree: and they're taking over zfrp
Bree: multiplying out of control
SuperChao: i apologize if i cause any frustration, btw
SuperChao: 100% unintentional
Bree: ​just as planned​
Gooper Blooper: there's only four!
Gooper Blooper: never mind there was only supposed to be one, with a second one as a very minor extra
Gooper Blooper: the kappakin


Jumpropeman: I think I've mentioned it before, but in FF14, Ingrid is maximum smoll, meaning that, since the game doesn't expect you to be that small, they often have really tall grass I lose my character in sometimes
Bree: that... is hilarious
Gooper Blooper: did you make her maximum smoll because it was cute
SuperChao: amazing
Bree: "help, we lost ingrid again"
M Sheep: Okay, but did you make a max height character too?
Draco: Zeldoten is almost maximum smoll because of die rolls.
Bree: did you noun as verb, jrm?
Draco: lel
Jumpropeman: Lalafells are pretty cute
Jumpropeman: most of her design was me trying to make her ridiculous
Jumpropeman: and then in RP was me justifying it all :V
Jumpropeman: her name comes from Resident Evil 4, where because of my bad old TV, my brother and I though the character Ingrid Hunnigan had cornrows
Jumpropeman: hence Ingrid's dreads with yellow tips. Cornrows, if you will
Jumpropeman: no maximum height character though because its not free to make more characters :P
Draco: I'll make a maximum smoll char in Star Trek Online just to see how smoll they get.
Jumpropeman: and then name her Zeldoten?
M Sheep: So Zeldoten is just a bit taller than Michael (the guy with the hat at the Mutant Museum), And Ingrid is actually significantly shorter. Hm.
M Sheep apparently recording heights now
Draco: We'll have a meeting of the Short Society to make Short Augments later.
Jumpropeman: Shorty Squad, unite!
M Sheep: Michael being probably around 3' 8''
Cornwind Evil: With their new member, the shrinking religious woman
Cornwind Evil: Nun-The-Less
M Sheep: get out


Cornwind Evil: Theodore Rex's method reminds me of when in a D20 RP session my character sussed out a murderer by going up to one of the suspects, yelling "ARE YOU THE MURDERER?" and then rolling a Natural 20 on Insight
Bree: I can confirm that happened
Draco: Nice.


TheoreticalChao: so uh
TheoreticalChao: when i first saw this picture
TheoreticalChao: i looked at it completely wrong
TheoreticalChao: that's a mask, right? my mind interpreted it as a lower jaw and i was going "wat"
Spy: Chao, for the last time
Spy: It's a face, not a ma-
Spy: Wait goddamnit that was actually what you were going to say
Spy: The joke doesn't work
Draco: Marie is the Shredder.


M Sheep: Look at this lighthearted, silly, competition between friends~
M Sheep Red enters food battle
Gooper Blooper: don't you do it
M Sheep: You're right, Goops
M Sheep: What was I thinking?
M Sheep enters Sister Alice
Gooper Blooper: In all honesty I was expecting Sheep to turn up with ​Wall
TheoreticalChao: enter Big Dice
Draco: O.O
TheoreticalChao: so, WALL!!?
Gooper Blooper: Ooh
Bree: but in all seriousness I'd also accept WALL!!
Draco enters Junk too.


M Sheep: Erebus returns to throw food at people
M Sheep: and then immediately leaves after
TheoreticalChao: i would love that
Gooper Blooper: sheepls
TheoreticalChao: just for the hilaritiy inherent in it
Gooper Blooper: "Ave. It has been a long time." *long pause, Erebus chucks a pie at Dave and Dave falls over* "...Well, bye!" *leaves*
M Sheep: Warhammer 40K Calories


Jumpropeman: *watching a supercut of the Sonic 25th anniversary stream*
Jumpropeman: yeesh, Sega
Jumpropeman: I thought I was being cartoonish with how poorly I portrayed your advertising
Gooper Blooper: lel
Jumpropeman: 50 seconds in it starts
Jumpropeman: the start is just disclaimers about not wearing headphones and basically explaining: "this'll be shit"
Jumpropeman: that man in the Sonic Suit is the reason Sonic Man seemed like a better idea to Sega in RP :V
Gooper Blooper: he's so enthusiastic
Jumpropeman: occasionally he even bends his elbows!


Draco: Yamame challenges Celestia and Helios to a 1-on-2 match for the privilege of dating their daughter. ​She wins and learns to her dismay that she won dating rights to Ariel.


TheoreticalChao: i will never get tired of pointing out
TheoreticalChao: that M Sheep is still the only regular we have
TheoreticalChao: who hasn't done an inter-user pairing
TheoreticalChao: it's just
TheoreticalChao: so fitting


sad harpsichord: parsee is like a regular doughnut
sad harpsichord: very plain and ordinary, but delicious nonetheless
sad harpsichord: ...cian no stop the eyebrows
sad harpsichord: control yourself


Bree: squid should NEVER EVER EVER EVER go to kawashiro technologies ever
Bree: he would have a literal heart attack and keel over dead
Bree: *sister alice descends upon the kappa with the wrath of a thousand alices*
M Sheep: I have thought about this, yes
Gooper Blooper: Even if the prices were reasonable
Gooper Blooper: Father Squid wouldn't know what any of that stuff even did :V
M Sheep: Very true


The Spectre: Gooper, explain this
The Spectre: that does not look like Vermont with a maple tap in it
The Spectre: looks like a dude pissing in a bucket
iKomodo: Christ, it does D:


Draco: Best Sister won the Splatfest?
GunslingerChao: no, draco, she lost :<
Draco: SK, is Chao right? Marie lost? D:
SteelKomodo: hi draco
SteelKomodo: nope, Callie lost
SteelKomodo: SUCK IT :D
SteelKomodo throws Marie-only party
GunslingerChao goes to sulk angrily with the other people who made the right decision and lost for it
SteelKomodo: it ain't the right decision if you lost ;P
GunslingerChao: there were just too many people with bad opinions
SteelKomodo: majority vote don't lie, motherfuckaaaaaa
GunslingerChao: ...i am tempted to make a possibly mean joke
GunslingerChao: should i
SteelKomodo: hey, i'm hardened at this point
SteelKomodo: i'm ready for anything
GunslingerChao: okay
GunslingerChao points at Brexit
SteelKomodo: WAIT I LIED
GunslingerChao: too soon?
SteelKomodo: ...except that's completely different and your analogy only works if the peeps who voted for Marie were a bunch of imperialist old fogeys
SteelKomodo: which they clearly aren't :P


Spy: You know who should be in the food fight?
Spy: ​Ice Cold Water Man
Draco: Best entrant. Too bad entering is closed and voting has begun.
Spy: Then he is the tournament ending godbeast


Del: i just watched the cutscenes of wild woody and it might be the most horrifying thing i've witnessed


Gooper Blooper: Mary doing so well in DYM was great, especially since I got to see Chao, Brine, and Harpy losing their shit over the possibility that Mary would actually win
GunslingerChao: it's like how JRM must have felt about Captain Goddamn Underpants


Gooper Blooper: hu hu hu hu
GunslingerChao: hu hu hu
Gooper Blooper: hu hu
GunslingerChao: hu
Jumpropeman: hu let the dogs out
Jumpropeman: hu, hu hu hu


Jumpropeman: so chao
Jumpropeman: should Mary
Jumpropeman: invest in bitcoins
GunslingerChao: no
Shiva Dweeb: jrm you're banned
Jumpropeman: you're right
Jumpropeman: dogecoin is better
GunslingerChao: she should take all her money out
GunslingerChao: sell off grab n go
GunslingerChao: and THEN invest in bitcoins
Gooper Blooper: She should buy a javelina farm
Gooper Blooper: and a nice pair of steel-toe workboots
Jumpropeman: I remember the brief period of time there was a bitcoin variant based on Bill Cosby
Jumpropeman: before that became incredibly unfortunate
Jumpropeman: googling cosbycoin gives you a wasteland of 2011 posts
GunslingerChao: that reminds me of one website i used to be on in like
GunslingerChao: 2009
GunslingerChao: where bill cosby was a major injoke/meme
GunslingerChao: boy, that would be awkard to read now
Gooper Blooper: oh, the good old days of the mid-2000s when YTMND made innocently silly cosby pokemon jokes


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