Monday, August 8, 2016

Chatzy Madness Volume 258: Big Bar Brawl 6 Edition

MeleeChao: ​>​music meister interested in praline
MeleeChao: ​i've got a bad feel about this scoob


M Sheep: ​Still getting over Attenborough​
Jumpropeman: ​Attenborough seemed a very Zoofights-y thing to do so I just rolled with the idea when it came to me :P
SteelKomodo: ​ it crazy to say I wanna see him outside this?
SteelKomodo: ​like, maybe narrating stuff that happens in SRS RP?
The betting corner returns!?: ​Oh my god yes
M Sheep: ​Soar the Eagle snags a new hire to the team!​
Jumpropeman: ​"Here we see Dewnine engaging in a playful romp with Aggie. Notice how its slobber swings from its mouth every so briefly before freezing into icicles" *nature documentary music for 2 minutes as the camera watches Dewnine drool up close*​
SteelKomodo: ​hahahaha


Gooper Blooper: ​>​Ceneric's Cuties
M Sheep: ​Somebody get on drawing Ceneric's Cuties in Charlie's Angels poses​


SteelKomodo: ​"Josephine and Mika get in an impromptu wrestling match there on the ground"
SteelKomodo: ​Dirk's nose explodes with blood loud enough to startle Pit. "HOLY CRAP DIRK YOU OKAY"
Jumpropeman: first KO of the Brawl is Dirk
Jumpropeman: and it hasn't even started yet
Gooper Blooper: "Calm down, Dirky, at least wait until I cross off that bingo square!"


MeleeChao: there's 13 feeds
MeleeChao: and in a plot twist
MeleeChao: it turns out Alan Anderson is helping to bankroll the brawl this year
MeleeChao: ...okay that joke was a stretch, sorry
Jumpropeman: The Council storms the Brawl with a plesiosaur, a kaiju with scissors for a nose, and some Modern Dinosaurs like crocs and komodo dragons


Jumpropeman: I'll be missing part of the Brawl too :V
MeleeChao: it just skips from 50 left to 20 left
Jumpropeman: (there will be a small point near 6 o'clock where I'll be busy)
MeleeChao: the other thirty die offscreen
Gooper Blooper: If that means Custardkittensrock posts your updates for you, I'm down


Tableter: So is red just everywhere
Tableter: Hes scary as hell
Gooper Blooper: Yeah, I said before that Red is actually the scariest character Sheep's ever made
Gooper Blooper: he's low-key horror
Gooper Blooper: which is one of the reasons those AND THEN THE SPLATOON INK WAS BLOOD stories don't work
Gooper Blooper: among many
Tableter: The ink was fud
Gooper Blooper: Also CKR tossed him her number one vote so he might be going deep
Gooper Blooper: spoopy
Jumpropeman: I have no clue why she picked him
Jumpropeman: she has not explained herself
iKomodo: kek
MeleeChao: SPLATATATATATAT͏A͘T̛͓ͯ̅ͨ​A̧͎̺̣͑Ţ̜͖̰̪̻͚̎ͫ̓A̿͝T̽ͯ̏​͔̣̋A̧͛̓̔̑̾ͯ̈T̮̜̲̜̎͛̿ͬ̚Ȁ​̐҉̳̪T̐̐ͧ͏̞̤͉͙ͅͅA̫̝͚͓̪ͣ̆͆​̫̲Ţ͔͉̰͕ͣ̀́̽͐̿̚͡͡ͅA͛̔̿̅̉​̴̶͕͇̹͔̙ͫͨͅT̜̼͙͓̎̂͌̂̆̒ͧ̄͊​͖̼̣͍Å̦̫̰̭̩̌ͭ̏T̢̛̼͚̤͔̓̏A​̥͎̗ͭ̌̾̊̍ͣT̴̽̏ͧͦͤͧͦ͏̟A̓̓͑​ͤͣ̏҉̘̮̭̠͚̀T̴͇̫̫̹ͩ͛̈́̏͂ͭͩ͜​̹̙̭̖A̠̯͖̪̯͊̂T͇̭͓̥̬͘O̸̘͢͢​̳̱̱̟̬̦̝͖͇͓̻͈̯̻O̡̫͉̱͈̖͖̕͡​̯̹̙̜̖̥͕̝Ņ̵̛̫͙̘̞͓̳͙̙̀
Jumpropeman: save "notice me sempai"
Gooper Blooper: I'm guessing it was a combination of wanting to make that joke (probably saw the profile, got it in her head, and it needed a release)
Gooper Blooper: and the sisters also tend to vote for characters that need the help
iKomodo: Mmhm
Bree: plus doesn't CKR like horror games? or was that RD?
Jumpropeman: CKR does!
Bree: I seem to recall one of your sisters likes that kind of thing
Jumpropeman: I didn't think of that
Bree: yeah that explains a lot then :U
Bree: she probably thought red's 2spooky concept was cool as fuck
Bree: because, well, it is
Gooper Blooper: I almost gave him an effort during that interview post I did
Gooper Blooper: It would have been Stormtrooper C supporting him, with the reason given as "I want to see the kobbers lose to this asshole, hahaha"


M Sheep: Josephine is cool but rude
M Sheep: and Dirk Angelos is a party dude!
Gooper Blooper: Celestia does machines


Tableter: I wanna see doomguy eat a sandwich
Tableter: He'd demolish it i bet
Bree: but he'd have to take off his helmet D:
Gooper Blooper: rip and tear
Tableter: No he wont hed smash the thing through the grille on the front
Tableter: Vague eating noises are heard
Tableter: It somehow works


Gooper Blooper: The flintstones game is only twelve minutes long and two thirds of that is bowling with barney
Tableter: Oh god why goops
Tableter: Was
Tableter: Was that a yabba dabba doo
Gooper Blooper: it was an attempt
Tableter: Fucking pikachu in pokemon yellow was more intelligible than that
Spy: Wow, this level is depressing


Spy: The Flintstones theme is embedded in my brain
Spy: Help me
Gooper Blooper: *8 bit flintstones theme intensifies*
MeleeChao: that yadda dadda d
Gooper Blooper: paint this wall now fred
Spy: What kidnapped Pebbles
Spy: Where is this
Spy: Is this why we built the wall
MeleeChao: holy shit that ending
MeleeChao: the flintstones game i mean
Gooper Blooper: it's an amazing ending, isn't it
Gooper Blooper: well worth the 12 minutes


Gooper Blooper: "The commercial for Bedrock Blizzard Fruity Pebbles clocked in at just ten seconds, but it made its point. Bedrock gets hammered by snow, and not even its famous hometown cereal is safe.
The hysterical thing is how Barney skips his usual protracted scheme to swipe Fred’s cereal. With a mere ten seconds to get free breakfast and make an ass out of Fred, he just casually chucks a snowball in the guy’s face and runs off. Awesome. The events of this commercial definitely set the speed record on Barney fucking with Fred Flintstone."

Level 5: Fred Must Beat Arena: Goops oh god


Gooper Blooper: I love that subtle burn from mizuki
MeleeChao: mizuki is the one person allowed to get away with telling nitori "i expect you to fail and die" to her face
MeleeChao: best friend privileges are a wonderful thing
Gooper Blooper: "your weapon is two super soakers"
Gooper Blooper: "if you wanted to water biollante, congrats"


Bree: okay so I'm playing google feud which is like family feud except you have to guess what google autocompletes a phrase to
Bree: and I got "penguins are _____"
Bree: and my favorite of the answers
Bree: is #3
Bree: "penguins are just panda chickens"


SPY WINS: >​BigPoppaPump AND Freakzilla are taken on Pokemon Go
SPY WINS: Are you not letting me be Scott Steiner, game?


Jumpropeman: "tracer came back to table (really fast btw i admire that) and i flirted with her i said nice butt"
Jumpropeman: *tempted to make that my forum signature*


ivel: I forgot about this because it was such an early episode of Pokemon
ivel: "In the original version of the episode "Showdown In Pewter City," a creepy vagrant tells Ash that both of Brock's parents split on him, leaving him to support nine siblings with his state-sponsored animal abuse. For whatever reason, 4Kids Entertainment (the production company responsible for the English-language version of Pokemon) didn't think American children were emotionally capable of processing that kind of abandonment, so they decided it'd be better if his mom just died from grief and exhaustion instead."
ivel: "Now, here's the twist: The original creators of the show either didn't know or, far more likely, care what the American censors changed. So they eventually brought Brock's mother back. Rather than re-dub the character as a long-lost aunt or something, 4Kids just plowed ahead and hoped everyone had forgotten about Brock's dead mom."
SteelKomodo: ouch D:
Del: good job 4kids
BrawlChao: kek
M Sheep: NO ONE forgot about Brock's dead mom
Del: m sheeep plot 2019 - brock's dead mom
M Sheep: oh, wait, nevermind...
M Sheep dreaming', don't give it up, give it up
M Sheep: 4Kids lyrics will continue until Dracorale improves
M Sheep: Actually, talking about 4Kids suddenly reminds me of when a friend, my sister, and myself would sit down to watch something produced by them
SteelKomodo: oh lawd
M Sheep: the logo would come up, and a dread would lower down unto the room
M Sheep: Like the lead up to a jump-scare you KNOW is coming but is still going to make you cringe
M Sheep: Because they knew I would inevitably make a bad, terrible, overplayed joke about it being called 4Kids and there being only three of us watching it
ivel: like Freddy's song in FNAF 1, would be my comparison
ivel: welp
BrawlChao: haaaa
ivel: that is an awful joke but amazing
M Sheep: The inevitable "joke" never failed to produce much irritation and shouting
M Sheep: I assume in part because I would tell the same joke EVERY TIME


Jumpropeman: and we are go
BrawlChao: IT'S UP
Gooper Blooper: THERE IT IS
Gooper Blooper clicks with the force of a thousand raging infernos
BrawlChao: ​>​JRM picked Captain Underpants
BrawlChao: ​that's JRM for you
Jumpropeman: ​i was afraid we'd get Scooby Dum because of me :V​
SteelKomodo: ​that would have been the worst thing


Jumpropeman: that goddamn Captain Underpants song is so catchy I've been singing it carefully to myself almost the whole brawl writing period​
M Sheep: ​Ray versus Sir Booby is all I could have ever hoped for​
BrawlChao: ​sheep, no offense, but i'm glad you got absolute last
BrawlChao: ​because you are one of the users here who would take it the best
BrawlChao: ​because you're you :V
M Sheep: ​Ahahaha, it's all good. Jrm always delivers, so I still got everything I wanted! It's also especially hilarious that I've going on about how Red getting dead last; but the character I always worry I'm going to swap his name with by mistake ended up biting it!​


M Sheep: ​“Sharpedo! What’s happened to you?” Matt calls out​
M Sheep: ​Tonight, on a very special episode of Pokemon...​


BrawlChao: ​no JRM characters have died yet. I am concerned.
Gooper Blooper: ​Chocobilly is dead!


M Sheep: ​Ugh, i can't believe i actually watched that whole underpants video​
Gooper Blooper: I've just been looping Rash's theme this whole time


BrawlChao: ​i was totally expecting a sammy KO, i got swerved
BrawlChao: ...​i just realized, t-bone is CW's only remaining character.
BrawlChao: ​the lotto entrant
BrawlChao: ​the tractor was wacky with CW this year
Gooper Blooper: oh man JRM you got me good, sammyyyyyyy
Jumpropeman: in my notes, the most recent post is titled: ​Poor Cornwind​


BrawlChao: ​i want to point out that we are over a third in, and Wet Tiger, Toby, and Captain Underpants are all alive
BrawlChao: ​>​sk and jrm are the only ones left with all their entrants
BrawlChao: ​jrm chars pls start dying
BrawlChao: ​i'm scared
BrawlChao: ​(sk characters you are fine, you can stay)
M Sheep: ​Good gravy, Sara​


BrawlChao: ​>​JRM is the only user with all his characters left
BrawlChao: ​I am ​very​ concerned
Jumpropeman: ​then the final four are all my guys​
BrawlChao: ​it's three posts of us being sad for your sake
BrawlChao: ​we can barely see the remaining pictures through your tears


BrawlChao: ...oh my god, missed opportunity
BrawlChao: ​jester chao should have joked about raw getting a raw deal
Gooper Blooper: edit it in somewhere :V
Cornwind Evil: ​She really did.​
Gooper Blooper: ​Every fite we've ever seen screamed that Raw would KO Sammy there
BrawlChao: edited in at the bottom of page 1
BrawlChao: enjoy
Gooper Blooper: ​Swerve of the night so far
BrawlChao: ​yeah, that was definitely one of the biggest surprises
BrawlChao: ​honestly i liked it, jrm really twists our expectations when we don't expect it
BrawlChao: ​sorry that it had to happen same post as springtrap, though :V
Jumpropeman: If I don't avert things sometimes then it's all too predictable
BrawlChao: that's why we like it! you're willing to both twist and not twist as needed
BrawlChao: and it always keeps me on my toes


BrawlChao: okay now that that post is done, i can confirm ​Captain Underpants is the best performing Mystery Fiter ever
BrawlChao: ​out of all of them
BrawlChao: ​Captain. Underpants.
ivel: ​as he should be
Jumpropeman: ​Underpants, Underpants, we like captain underpants~​
Cornwind Evil: That's the Brawl for you


M Sheep: ​For Sir Booby to have been taken out by Stan Ligature...OF ALL ENTRANTS.....​
M Sheep: Ahahahah
M Sheep: ​Goops response right after​
Gooper Blooper: Sheep: I said this earlier to Chao
Gooper Blooper: Your true ultimate victory tonight was ​antagonizing Sakura Atari by accident AGAIN


M Sheep: ​"So ends... urk... our broadcast day..."​
M Sheep: ​"HA! No more scoops outta him!"​
M Sheep: ​ATARI'S REVENGE! *shakes fist*​


Gooper Blooper: Big Bar Brawl 6, where the knockouts are made up and the votes don't matter. Whose fite is it, anyway?


Etrohus: who is this green text person screaming about butts


Etrohus: alex is still wearing those assless chaps
Jumpropeman: I'll alert the arena janitor to give his seat an extra scrub




M Sheep: ​>​Captain Underpants’s face scrunched up as he tried to think of a way out of the situation, an idea dawning on him as he pulled out a roll of toilet paper and began wiping the blood off him​
M Sheep: ​But where did he-​
M Sheep: ​N-nevermind. I don't want to know anymore.​
ivel: ​some things are better left unknown


Cornwind Evil: "rocking harder than Kiss, Sting, and the Rolling Stones put together."
Cornwind Evil: Is that even possible?
Jumpropeman: do you doubt Eddie


BrawlChao: ...wait.
BrawlChao: ​did SK's secret fiter seriously outperform every one of his main entrants?
Etrohus: ​i think so
Gooper Blooper: Chao is correct


Etrohus: i'm scared
Etrohus: maybe
Etrohus: idk
Gooper Blooper: ​I GOT THIS :V
Etrohus: ​i love you goops but you must lose
Gooper Blooper: ​What if it comes down to Sumireko vs Captain Underpants
Etrohus: ​i'd officially declare my life over
Etrohus: ​and then crawl somewhere to... play vidya


M Sheep: ​OH MY GOD​
M Sheep: ​I CAN'T​
Jumpropeman: that was the last picture Rainbow Dash drew, Sheep
Gooper Blooper: RD had had enough
Jumpropeman: i almost drew it instead
M Sheep: I'm still laughing
Gooper Blooper: "fuck it, he's popeye"
M Sheep: Gops, ply
M Sheep: aha
M Sheep still laughing
M Sheep joined the chat
M Sheep: I
M Sheep: I don't know if I can keep reading
Etrohus: sheep's dead guys
M Sheep: I keep getting to the picture, and jsut start all overr again
M Sheep: Goops comment does not help
Jumpropeman: add "M Sheep (Rainbow Dash)" to the standings
M Sheep: I'm gonns
M Sheep: I'm gonna get a drink of water
Gooper Blooper: ​Sheep's Sides​ (RainbowDash and Gooper Blooper)


Jumpropeman: ​*makes a Cornwind character kill a cat next year, watches CW's brain fry trying to figure out what to do


M Sheep: ​>​Biollante felt her weight beginning to come down on Joe, and she hoped for a moment that she would crush him, but even as her body pressed down on him, it met with the same fate as her vines, gradually breaking apart as Joe continued to break apart the base of the beast.​
M Sheep: ​Can I check off my Mufferaw is Horrifying square yet?​


Jumpropeman: I accidentally made Praline killing Music Meister​ my background for a while and was too busy to change it :V
M Sheep: ​You can bet Big Popeyemaw got saved directly onto my computer​


BrawlChao: ​okay who the hell submitted markiplier




Jumpropeman: you found it Sheep
Jumpropeman: ​I told CKR he was big, but not THAT big​
Jumpropeman: ​reverse Guiron​


Gooper Blooper: THIS IS IT
BrawlChao: "THIS IS IT, LUIGI"
BrawlChao: and then someone chases cd-i mario out of the stands
Gooper Blooper: I still mentally quote that
Gooper Blooper: it is burned into my brain from years of late 2000s youtube poop
Jumpropeman: IT'S A STONE, LUIGI
Jumpropeman: YOU DIDN'T MAKE IT
BrawlChao: i can read most hotel mario lines in the exact voices
Gooper Blooper: me too


Gooper Blooper: Top ten thought: ​HOW IS SUMIREKO IN THERE, WHAT THE FUCK
BrawlChao: ​because Sumireko is Awesome


Gooper Blooper: It's pretty neat that JRM was able to stretch out my art for so long this time
Gooper Blooper: I've never gotten to illustrate anything happening in the top ten before!
Gooper Blooper: but that was the last one :V
Jumpropeman: welcome to wild country
Gooper Blooper: this whole damn brawl has been wild country
Gooper Blooper: the name's country
BrawlChao: topsy turvy brawl
Jumpropeman: gooper why


M Sheep: ​I'm out of fiters and Captain Underpants is still in the Brawl. There is no justice.​
BrawlChao: ​underpants is the biggest heel


M Sheep: ​*face contorting as he watches Animal Soccer World video*​


Draco: ​And here I was thinking "Okay, they just took down the French guy early on. Bottom-third for sure."
Gooper Blooper: ​It turned out that was a Regigigas-KOs-Saxton style "fitting KO" so that they could steal Broque's items
BrawlChao: ​hahaha, yep. That was a pretty good fakeout, too - it definitely made me think of Zeldoten as one of the less likely winners
BrawlChao: ​in fact after she beat sephine, i was even MORE concerned, but nope
BrawlChao: ​just a second fitting KO
Draco: ​No kidding. "Oh shit. She just got a second KO ​and​ Heel Heat."


Draco: ​"GORILLIONAIRE MAKES TOP 20" Yeah, I think that happened.
BrawlChao: ​zeldoten sneaks by, crosses off 20 and scribbles in "top 1"


BrawlChao: on a serious note
BrawlChao: thank you, JRM
Etrohus: thank, you mean :I
BrawlChao: thank you for spending weeks of your life putting all this effort into entertaining us
Draco: Thank you, JRM, for the brawl.
Gooper Blooper: much thank
BrawlChao: and for making an incredible payoff
Gooper Blooper: it was fantabulous
Gooper Blooper: yes we gave the building blocks etc but LOOK AT ALL THOSE WORDS YOU WROTE
Jumpropeman: i'm glad you liked it
Jumpropeman: i managed to avoid a brawl-writing breakdown this year :V
Jumpropeman: although at some points I was like "why do I write this, why must I work..." and then the moment I finished writing the Brawl I was like "now who am I going to enter next year..."
Etrohus: i already know who i am going to enter next year
Etrohus: its frightening


M Sheep: Aaaand read
BrawlChao: how was it, sheep
M Sheep: >​how was it, sheep
M Sheep: How am I to even answer this question
M Sheep: I feel a "it was good" lacks something
M Sheep: and into review to look at all the pretty little spoilers
Jumpropeman: i need to enter review mode as well
Jumpropeman: to see what I missed on brawl work days
BrawlChao: oh god
BrawlChao: goodbye, jrm
Jumpropeman: >​176 days ago
Jumpropeman: I didn't miss THAT many, chatzy


Gooper Blooper: I shall now reveal to people who aren't chao and JRM who my secret fiter was
Gooper Blooper: It was ​Animal Soccer World
Draco: ​You're an even bigger monster than I am when I RP'd Scottie Dog.
BrawlChao: ​draco, why
BrawlChao: ​i had blocked that out
Jumpropeman: ​IT'S PARTY TIME​
Jumpropeman: *mariachi mice gyrating in the same few motions*
Draco: Because how else will I remind you that I'm a monster? BV
BrawlChao: by leaving ​bandanna dee permadead


Gooper Blooper: okay, I need to speep
Gooper Blooper: excellent brorl everyone
BrawlChao: night goops!
Draco: Bye Goops.
Jumpropeman: goodnight gooper!
Jumpropeman: see you next year!
BrawlChao: that was a wonderful, fantastic brawl
Jumpropeman: :V
Gooper Blooper: see you next year, in which it gets even more ridiculous
Jumpropeman: we might even have
Jumpropeman: ​67​ entrants!
Gooper Blooper: but until then, we move on to the next phase of RP
BrawlChao: but goops
Etrohus: i'm not sorry for this plot :U
BrawlChao: i started that phase in may
BrawlChao: what should i do?????
Gooper Blooper: stay the course, soldier
Draco: Sabotage Yamameplot.
BrawlChao: OKAY
Jumpropeman: I can finally get some wheels moving on my plots
Jumpropeman: GET READY FOR
Jumpropeman: WHEELPLOT
BrawlChao crashes Councilplot in Yamameplot, watches Yamame turn out to be The Enigma
BrawlChao: jrm, we killed the wheel two years ago
BrawlChao: you have to let go
Jumpropeman: 4 DRAGONS CHAO
Jumpropeman: 4!


iKomodo: I will say, though, that Beck being so meek threw me off a bit
iKomodo: because I immediately thought "THAT'S NOT BECK"
Jumpropeman: same here, after like, three years with our Beck, that doesn't even feel like Beck in the game
Jumpropeman: it's some other robot
iKomodo: Oh hi jrm
Cornwind Evil: I joked that in the ZFRP Universe, Dawn made Mighty No 9 and made Beck meek as a joke
iKomodo: and yeah, major case of #Ruined there :U


BrawlChao: hi spy!
Jumpropeman: HI SPY
Etrohus: hi spy
BrawlChao: spy, consider it this way
BrawlChao: ​now you can continue The Streak
BrawlChao: ​if you won, you'd HAVE to enter undyne a second time
NGAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHSpy: ​Caitir and Sunshine exceeded my expectations. Undyne was thiiiiiis close
BrawlChao: ​but yes, congratulations on your highest finish ever
NGAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHSpy: ​Brawl was amazing


Jumpropeman: ​Sunshine's wrap-up XD​
NGAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHSpy: ​Had Sunshine died a nobler death, perhaps he'd see mercy


iKomodo: ​Mika and Josephine did the Peach Assault
iKomodo: ​that's all I care about :U


BrawlChao: ​so on a scale of one to ten, how disappointed is Doctor DeMonde that she didn't get to perform crazy tiefling surgery
Draco rolled a die with 10 sides. The die showed: 5
Draco: ​Moderately disappointed. She was going to give Zeldoten bat wings.
NGAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHSpy: ​You are the champion
Draco: ​And I'll keep on fighting to the end.
Draco: ​Most of her annoyance comes from making the trip all the way to Vegas. It's too bright and nobody but the Florist sells any decent Alchemical components. Can you believe the pharmacist doesn't even carry dragon teeth?
Draco: ​She liked the Brawl though. Her heart fluttered for Owen, but she's an old woman and he's....Owen.
BrawlChao: ​poor owen
BrawlChao: ​if only he and his giant monster death worm hadn't been ditched by the tractor
Draco: ​If anything, she's jealous of that Conqueror Worm. Her own adventuring companions vetoed her making anything like that.
Jumpropeman: ​"Conqueror" wasn't a poor name for it, at least killcount wise
BrawlChao: ​triple kill, never forget


Jumpropeman: my reaction to review mode:


BrawlChao: ​golden freddy was great, just for the dick yiffing
BrawlChao: ​i loved how he didn't even need to attack, he killed jukebox jaw just by mentally breaking him
Jumpropeman: ​the dick was yiffed too hard​
Draco: Looking forward to seeing how JRM spins THAT ONE for the nieces when he reads it to them. ;V
Jumpropeman: my two year old niece will NOT be reading the brawl :V
Jumpropeman: although she almost did do art for it
Jumpropeman: as my sisters drew they had her drawing alongside them
Jumpropeman: and I was hoping she might end up drawing a suitable explosion or fire like scribble
Jumpropeman: that I could plop in somewhere
Cornwind Evil: ​And then Golden Freddy....gave him a cake so good he fell into a sugar coma!​
NGAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHSpy: ​I am really curious how JRM handles the Dickyiffing too now
Jumpropeman: sadly... spirals of random colors never came together right
NGAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHSpy: ​Mindbreaking, maybe?
BrawlChao: ​yeah, i'd imagine he'd just call it that
Jumpropeman: i assume they don't know what yiffing is
Jumpropeman: I might just leave out the dick part :V
Jumpropeman: I'M ABOUT TO YIFF SOME body parts
BrawlChao: ​...oh god, you know what's gonna be really hard to explain?
BrawlChao: ​Armstrong and Mika's defeats
Jumpropeman: I showed Rainbow Dash the picture of Armstrong's defeat :V
Jumpropeman: shooby doo
NGAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHSpy: ​I feel like it's impossible to follow us without absorbing #Butts
BrawlChao: kek
NGAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHSpy: ​What was the JRMclan family picture opinion this year, btw?
Jumpropeman: RD saw the picture when I was just starting to draw it and ​it was just Mika's mask and the curve of her back. She thought I was drawing a ninja turtle​
Draco: ​Cowabunga.
Jumpropeman: are you asking me spy?
Jumpropeman: one of my personal favorites of the Brawl image bunch is ​Rainbow Dash's picture of Zeldoten blowing up Broque's head. Just the smile and pose on her​
NGAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHSpy: ​Oh man, yeah, that was great
Jumpropeman: RD's drawing of ​Big Joe killing Seaport almost killed Sheep​
NGAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHSpy: ​Big Joe was the best
NGAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHSpy: Also is it bad if most of my BBB7 roster is done?
Jumpropeman: only if its bad that mine nearly is too :V


M Sheep: Man, I enjoy One Piece
M Sheep: oh hey, what's going on in here?
M Sheep: ^The perpetual state of Sheep


BrawlChao: honestly
BrawlChao: considering our usual pool of joke entrants
BrawlChao: the fact that ​we've had one "dud" winner in six years is actually pretty impressive
Draco: ​That's a terrible thing to say about Zeldoten. D:
Jumpropeman: XD


Jumpropeman: grgl blrgl, the browser crash made me lose my place in my review mode
Jumpropeman: oh well, I'll survive
Jumpropeman joined the chat
Jumpropeman: apparently i won't
Draco: D:
Draco: Well, I'll just go delete all the backlog so there's nothing to Review.
Jumpropeman: you're always looking out for me draco <3
Draco: (b^_^)b


Read, Richards: ​Three within the first two pages. Within the first two kos even. -slumps over and crawls to witcher-
Jumpropeman: ​I tried to do the best with the time I was given with them, I only hope that can make up for the tractor's weirdness this brawl
SteelKomodo: :<
Jumpropeman: In 2015, apparently Ko gave "Nylora" as a false name
Jumpropeman: now she knows someone named Nylora :V
SteelKomodo: hahaha
Read, Richards: I will rouse myself from despair to note that your writing is always worthwhile and we all already knew that luck usually takes the opportunity to kick me in the dick whenever it can, so that's not much on you. And to note that ​sucking on booby was a legitimate thing in the Brawl itself, so far has our lewd spread. b8 I have corrupted all too well.
SteelKomodo: ​oh god I just got that XD
Jumpropeman: ​you gotta give people what they came for, and they came for booby :V


Etrohus: gotta keep updating that list of wanted characters for brawl on my end, otherwise i might give you garbage lottos :U
Jumpropeman: yeah, wouldn't want any garbage lottos like ​oscar the grouch
Etrohus: ​i'm giving you a literal sentient trash can for a lotto just for that >:U
Jumpropeman: ​so Asmodeus? :V
Etrohus: ​would that be character stealing? I feel like it would be. shit >:U


WorkDel: there's a street fighter 5 mod that replaces r mika with a skeleton
SteelKomodo: what
BrawlChao: does the skeleton still use her finisher
WorkDel: yes
WorkDel: its glorious


BrawlChao: ha, i just realized
BrawlChao: in the vote post, it wasn't actually patchy who named zeldoten as a winner
BrawlChao: it was the elvis impersonator
BrawlChao: technically they were all petchy's votes, but still
Gooper Blooper: Elvis Impersonator celebrating
Gooper Blooper: Patchouli comes down from above to sit on him
Gooper Blooper: "no, my vote"


BrawlChao: "He has flying cannons chained to his wrists, a ripped body, the ability to not get affected by death in any plane of existence, ability to recycle natural deities' attacks into becoming something useful for him, omnipotent ghost being that serves as his power generator, can transform into a huge mecha out of will"
BrawlChao: guys
BrawlChao: i found my next brawl entrant
BrawlChao: get hype
Gooper Blooper: That character gets second to last when Unikitty throws some legos and he steps on them
BrawlChao: the Best part is that the description just goes on and on and on
BrawlChao: but i know that if i posted it
BrawlChao: you wouldn't forgive me


BrawlChao: imagine the alternate universe where draco decided to just enter Yogi and Boo-Boo
BrawlChao: and no Zeldoten
Gooper Blooper: this is why you don't enter joke characters from nowhere when you have excellent, personable, and Perfectly Normal entrants available to fite instead
Brinehammer: ​City of beasts got Unbearable. ​
BrawlChao: you're fired


BrawlChao: ​two thieves entered this 66-way fight
BrawlChao: ​one thief got last
BrawlChao: ​and the other got first


BrawlChao: ​Matt definitely got to do more than I expected
Gooper Blooper: You can probably imagine my reaction when JRM gave me those two Matt-related pics
BrawlChao: ​hahaaaaaa, ded dog
BrawlChao: ​...i just realized, thanks to broggy, our proud DOGDEATH tradition continues
BrawlChao: ​even if he was a weird block dog


Altair: Hey ivel
Altair: You should post about Gino
Gooper Blooper: but harpy
Gooper Blooper: that would require ivel to
Gooper Blooper: ​play the roles
Altair: One post is all we deserve :u
Gooper Blooper: *it's just "ginocini is alive"*
Altair: My god goops


ivel: hey Harpy does this remind you of anything :U
Gooper Blooper: so that's what they've been up to
Altair: So I'm like-
Altair: I fucking hate all of you
Gooper Blooper: *Sarah sends an ask that's just "*hugs you all at once*"*
Altair: Green Kirby is Carlos.jpg


BrawlChao: "The aura was forced out the rock’s brain and General Cleft looked up at his opponent with a determined glare. In his eyes Aevar saw waving American flags held by a bald eagle over the Statue of Liberty high-fiving President Lincoln. This rock could not give up his love of country, and Aevar realized he had just ignited the fuels of patriotic fervor in the stone by trying to rid the rock of them."
BrawlChao: never forget
Gooper Blooper: that moment when you realize you know who's going to win the brawl
BrawlChao: aevar poked the patriotism button
BrawlChao: he should not have poked the button


BrawlChao: ​i'm glad the Gorillion keeps making an impact
BrawlChao: ​sir booby didn't really benefit, but Tenshi, Rash, and especially Zeldoten all used it to good effect
Gooper Blooper: ​The Gorillion was a big deal in Zoofights, too - never forget the first one, earned in the first FYM
BrawlChao: ​literally showed up in the fite art and everything
Gooper Blooper: MAKING IT RAIN


Etrohus: who wants psychics?
BrawlChao: sure
Draco: Me
Etrohus: because we're gonna talk about psychics and psychicplot
Draco: Woot
Gooper Blooper: *throws sumireko's corpse into the lounge*
Etrohus: is she not alive yet :I
Etrohus: revive sumi
Etrohus: or stacy gets the hose again
Gooper Blooper: posted
BrawlChao: goops, please
BrawlChao: pls
BrawlChao: ​pls
Gooper Blooper: I'll make a real one when I stop laughing


Etrohus: i'm
Etrohus: i'm terrible for this post
Etrohus: give me a bit
Gooper Blooper: oh boy
Gooper Blooper: the best harposts are the ones she apologizes for
Gooper Blooper: except for the ones where she says stuff like "I'M NOT EVEN SORRY"
Gooper Blooper: those are even better


Gooper Blooper: *puts Zeldoten's original pic into Google Images*
Gooper Blooper: pfffffffff
BrawlChao: porn?
Gooper Blooper: no, better
BrawlChao: oh WOW
BrawlChao: that
BrawlChao: was a surprise
Gooper Blooper: ​Google says its' best guess for the image is "anime" and spits CrunchyRoll at me
BrawlChao: ​well i'd watch a Zeldoten anime
BrawlChao: ​no noble thief stuff
Gooper Blooper: ​Zeld-O King Of Beasts
BrawlChao: ​just 13 episodes of her running aroiund the world to steal the best loot for herself
BrawlChao: ​complete with lots and lots of crab
Draco: I will share with you the story of Zeldoten's image: ​I went to Danbooru and searched for "red_hair" and "horns" and hunted down an image that wasn't pron/ecchi and was an original character.


BrawlChao: i appreciate how relatively quiet the forum has been today
BrawlChao: i needed the calm down after yesterday's insanity
Gooper Blooper: of course it's quiet
Gooper Blooper: everyone's dead
Gooper Blooper: :V
BrawlChao: kek

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