Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Chatzy Madness Volume 242: Bad News From The Gorilla Galaxy

Eggchao: nobody likes jr. troopa
Eggchao: everyone cheered when okuu beat him up
Paper Mario: 2016 final boss: Jr. Troopa
Paper Mario: he done stole a mecha, by gawd
Paper Mario: or something
SteelKomodo: oh god D:


Eggchao: the only thing that could bury Vyse or Magnolia when it's her turn
Eggchao: is Sarah
Eggchao: ​because she is so large
Paper Mario: WHAT THE FUCK
Gooper Blooper: hahahahaha I remember that
Eggchao: I AM LARGE
Eggchao: i still wonder what the original cover was
Eggchao: i found the original
Eggchao: and
Eggchao: it's still weird
Gooper Blooper: link
Gooper Blooper: 2slow
Eggchao: slower than patchy?
Paper Mario: my what the fuck remains largely unchanged


Eggchao: in Bravely Second, if you beat random encounters in one turn, you get offered the chance to have another battle for bonus EXP, JP, and gold, and can keep cycling
Eggchao: it's not mandatory, there's also a "no i'm done" button
Gooper Blooper: Interesting
Gooper Blooper: sounds like a way to make grinding even less painless than it already was in BD
Gooper Blooper: ...oh god
Gooper Blooper: I just remembered the BD skill that instantly kills enemies if they're low-level
Eggchao: are you also imagining ​infinite obliterate
Eggchao: YES
Eggchao: just mash l over and over
Gooper Blooper: a never-ending conveyor belt of enemies waddling to their death
Gooper Blooper: while your party just sits there
Eggchao: that's a detail i appreciate
Eggchao: they made the "yes give me another random battle" button L instead of A
Eggchao: so you can't screw yourself over with button mashing
Gooper Blooper: See, these Bravely guys are smart
Gooper Blooper: I like the cut of their jib


Chao: would you guys like to know the change to the bestiary
Chao: it's really cool - each entry starts with a basic description
Chao: and as you beat more of each enemy, you get notes added by the player characters (up to four notes)
Chao: bosses and other one-time enemies get the full set added right away
Gooper Blooper: Ah, nice
ivel: huh
ivel: that is neat
Paper Mario: considering you'll be fighting these enemies
Paper Mario: like
Paper Mario: a lot
Gooper Blooper: I'm pretty sure the BD bestiary was written by Ringabel, considering the description always snuck in a compliment for the female humanoid enemies
Paper Mario: "ugh i've been fighting slimes for fucking ever, i wonder what magnolia has to say about it"
Chao: yeah, that'd make sense
Paper Mario: ringabel did it
Paper Mario: he always does it
Gooper Blooper: it was his journal, after all
Paper Mario: but how does he do it
Paper Mario: ​sexily


Draco: Parsee was almost jealous that people don't make cute cards of her, but then she remembered that she's not a Pokemon.
Draco: ​She's an elf.
ivel: so Magic the Gathering then?
Jumpropeman: and she'll never be one, not with that attitude
Gooper Blooper: Parsee the elf jokes
Gooper Blooper: good times
Draco rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 13
Draco: Parsee drinks chocolate milk.


Paper Mario: chao focuses on discoveries in SOA
Paper Mario: i just blitzkrieg the plot
Eggchao: kek
ivel: I did all the side stuff
Paper Mario: b-but i have other games to play
Paper Mario: like ff9


Gooper Blooper: *birds intensify*
Eggchao: don't worry, they'll ​BACK OFF​ soon enough
Paper Mario: fuck
Paper Mario: i read that in aika's voice
Eggchao: good
Gooper Blooper: kek


Draco rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 13
Draco: Parsee drinks another Chocolate Milk.
Draco rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 8
Draco: Yamame doesn't. No chocolate milk for spiders. BU
Paper Mario: chocolate milk was people
Eggchao: no, harpy, that's soylent green
Gooper Blooper: I just imagined yamame picking up a caramel rabbit
Gooper Blooper: and then setting it back down as a hollow chocolate rabbit
Gooper Blooper: because spiders
Eggchao: that is a hilarious mental image
Eggchao: thank


ivel: [8:17:01 PM] HarpyKuro: i almost called oreo
[8:17:03 PM] HarpyKuro: paper mario
[8:17:05 PM] HarpyKuro: what the fuck
ivel: Paper Barkio
Paper Mario: stashe level 2 low to be paper mario


Chao: a very dumb thought
Chao: if sumireko was defeated by the BD crew
Chao: would she drop the esoterism asterisk
Chao: "You can use it to expose the esoteric!" "But-" "Esoteric."
Paper Mario: keeek
Draco rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 20
Draco: Parsee drops the The Boss Asterisk. BI
Paper Mario rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 19
Gooper Blooper: it could be called Occultist and have esoteric in the description, and characters that equip it get the hat, the cape, and the glasses
Chao: i could see it
Paper Mario: It's gonna be hard to force Paper Mario to drop the Papermancer asterisk
Draco: Wait, no, Parsee's Asterisk is ​Kamen Rider.
Chao: everyone expects Nitori to give the Engineer asterisk when she's defeated
Gooper Blooper: the elf asterisk
Chao: they're very surprised when it's Merchant
Draco rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 12
Paper Mario: just don't beat the book; otherwise you'll get the storyteller asterisk
Draco: Yamame drops the Hunter Asterisk.
Draco: Not cool enough to get her own.
Draco rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 15
Chao rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 16

Chao: patchouli is defeated
Chao: she gives
Draco: Koakuma drops the V-V-V-Vampire Asterisk! She's sucking your blood now! Nooooooooooo! D:
Chao: the Fat Seal Asterisk
Draco: lel
Paper Mario: lel
Paper Mario: the scholar asterisk, back from final fantasy 3
Draco rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 2
Gooper Blooper: the fat seal asterisk is the Bravely equivalent of Sleep Kirby
Draco: Labrys drops whatever Asterisk Ringabel is using at the moment.
Paper Mario rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 20
Paper Mario: Stacy would drop the Master Chef asterisk if Edea wasn't already using it!
Gooper Blooper: sarah drops the black mage asterisk, everyone including her just staring at it baffled
Chao: mental image: tiz and company using the fat seal asterisk
Chao: it doesn't even give them patchy's clothes
Chao: it just gives them normal pajamas
Paper Mario: would totes use black mage sarah as a new avvie
Gooper Blooper: sarah finally class changes
Paper Mario: ​i probably need a paper mario avie tho
Paper Mario: ​no. paper mario... AND STACY. breakout chars for 2016 :U
ivel: Black Mage Sarah in Paper Mario art style
Paper Mario: did you mean: merluvlee
ivel: yes
Draco: Fat Seal Asterisk in action.
Paper Mario: ...now i just imagine merluvlee having a sarah voice
Gooper Blooper: http://www.mariowiki.com/images/5/51/MerleePM.png
Paper Mario: which i have no idea how to describe it
Paper Mario: also pudgy behind those robes
Draco: Defeat Sarah, get the ​Starship Captain​ Asterisk.
Paper Mario: ...i appreciate this thought
Gooper Blooper: When we were talking years ago about character voice actors the first one I thought of for Sarah was an older, lower-pitched Bubbles from Powerpuff Girls
Paper Mario: *flops and dwells on stupid ideas*
Paper Mario: so tara strong
Paper Mario: :U
Paper Mario: taraaaa
Gooper Blooper: ​Josephine is Buttercup, Gloria is Blossom​
Paper Mario: ​ARIEL IS... SARA BELLUM?!
Paper Mario: never enough sugar
Paper Mario: just
Paper Mario: never introduce sarah to zest t.
Paper Mario: neverrr


Chao: "everyone reminiscing fondly about the 7 devils fights like 'remember when we killed each other good times right' IM NOT EVEN JOKING THEY LITERALLY ARE JUST LIKE"
Chao: wait, wait
Chao: that kinnikuthing i just posted
Chao: i realized it's basically the same as kobbers reminiscing about the bbb
Chao: "remember when i killed you that time"
Gooper Blooper: pretty much!
Paper Mario: lel


Paper Mario: paper mario wants to be in all your selfies


ShiningChao: oh, fun fact of the day
ShiningChao: i had a SARAHPG dream
ShiningChao: i am hype for this rpg :V
SteelKomodo: oh lawdy
ShiningChao: to summarize: i dreamed that i was playtesting one of the dungeons, which could be summed up in style as "ninja castle"
ivel: welp
SteelKomodo: if goops comes in and says "hey, i did put in a ninja castle"
SteelKomodo: i will flip a table
ShiningChao: kek
ShiningChao: oh, my mind even picked music for it
ShiningChao: for once i can understand my mind's choice
ivel: welp
ivel: I mean that is fitting but :U


CAPTAIN BONES joined the chat
ShiningChao: *rattling intensifies*


Gooper Blooper: I've seen a lot of bootlegs where Mario is recolored to look like Luigi, but this is new
Paper Mario: i'd wear those
Paper Mario: i really would
Paper Mario: i have a problem
iKomodo: Hahaha


Jumpropeman: in my dream last night I began the big bar brawl today but as I started it and had five power rangers fighting some no names and I realized I should probably do the art for it first. I didn't think I should hold signups first, no, the art was the problem
Paper Mario: my god
Gooper Blooper: there are many things wrong with writing the brawl today :V
ShiningChao: hahaha


Gooper Blooper: link
Paper Mario: ...
Paper Mario: ivel, find me this shirt
Paper Mario: i need it
Paper Mario: i need it so bad
ivel looks at the tag
ivel: Savers?
Paper Mario: woah shit its only 5 dollars
Paper Mario: wait does that tag behind that price tag say "monopoly"
Paper Mario: incredible


Jumpropeman asked Chatzy to choose between Scooby, Doo, Meets, The, Boo and Brothers. Chatzy chose: The
Jumpropeman asked Chatzy to choose between Scooby, Doo, Meets, The, Boo and Brothers. Chatzy chose: Meets
Jumpropeman asked Chatzy to choose between Scooby, Doo, Meets, The, Boo and Brothers. Chatzy chose: Doo
Jumpropeman asked Chatzy to choose between Scooby, Doo, Meets, The, Boo and Brothers. Chatzy chose: The
Jumpropeman asked Chatzy to choose between Scooby, Doo, Meets, The, Boo and Brothers. Chatzy chose: Boo
Jumpropeman asked Chatzy to choose between Scooby, Doo, Meets, The, Boo and Brothers. Chatzy chose: Scooby

Paper Mario: amazing
Draco: The Meets Doo The Boo Scooby is my favorite movie.
Jumpropeman: The Boo Scooby is the hottest new dance move
Draco: How doo you Doo?
Jumpropeman: everyone's dooing it
Jumpropeman: even the Meets
Draco: Sweet!
Draco rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 15
Draco: Parsee doos the Doo.
Gooper Blooper: but does she fake the funk on a nasty dunk
Draco rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 10
Draco: Almost.


Paper Mario: heep hasp nop styep
Paper Mario: *stylep
Paper Mario: whoops
Jumpropeman: thank you for correcting your gibberish
N Goat: Chatzy Madness 5000: Thank You for Correcting Your Gibberish


Jumpropeman: I have a song everyone must hear
Jumpropeman: this song here helped me through... some hard times
ivel: that pizza will be disgusting
N Goat: this song escalated
N Goat: not quickly, mind
N Goat: but it did escalate
Jumpropeman: you haven't gotten to the part they put literal animal parts on it
ivel: I had just gotten there actually
N Goat: "hold the eyeballs"
N Goat: I think that's the only thing they did hold
Jumpropeman: the slowed down version is also good
ShiningChao: Jumpropeman: this song here helped me through... some hard times
ShiningChao: i have literally no idea if this is a joke, or if you actually used it to help yourself through emotional hardship
ShiningChao: good work, jrm
Gooper Blooper: I wouldn't put it past him
Gooper Blooper: a rap song from 1995 about five young girls making the worst pizza ever made sounds like JRM heaven
N Goat: Why did I listen to that slowed down
N Goat: I have no one to blame but myself
N Goat: and Jrm
N Goat: but mostly myself


N Goat: Aliens had some great teeth in it
N Goat: ....
N Goat: You know, I don't know if I should actually try and explain or just leave that


Draco: Okay, gonna write a blogpost now. Who should it be about, Chatzy?
Draco asked Chatzy to choose between Rebecca, Labrys and Zook. Chatzy chose: Zook

Draco: Okay, seriously, who am I gonna blogpost tonight, Chat-Z?
Draco asked Chatzy to choose between Labrys, Rebecca and ZOOK GOD DAMMIT. Chatzy chose: ZOOK GOD DAMMIT
Draco: ......
Draco: Okay, sure.
Gooper Blooper: >​asking chatzy
Jumpropeman: geeze chatzy
ivel: lel
Paper Mario: aggressively demands zook
Draco: http://dracowritesthings.blogspot.com/2016/03/by-popular-demand.html
N Goat: Zook cannot escape the plot
Gooper Blooper: beautiful
N Goat: Zookvangelion
Jumpropeman: sorry Draco, can't read this one til work this weekend
Jumpropeman: don't have the time
Jumpropeman: I got three words in before I stopped myself
Paper Mario: my god
Gooper Blooper: man, JRM
Draco: No worries. You really need to read it all in one sitting to get the full effect
Gooper Blooper: how could you stop at that cliffhanger


Paper Mario: ...sammy has ruined me
Paper Mario: now i say bro on a regular basis to people
Jumpropeman: if Sammy ever uses the word "lit", I have to warn you Harpy: I will never again like her as a character
Gooper Blooper: oh my
Paper Mario: pretty sure that'll never happen as I never use "lit"
Jumpropeman: its apparently the latest slang word and I've never heard anyone say it naturally
Jumpropeman: its like someone else dubbed in the word lit later
Gooper Blooper: I'll have one of my villains say "lit" in the slang way so JRM will hate them
ivel: I use lit as shorthand for literature
ivel: :U
ivel: oh wait I've never had to
Gooper Blooper: I use it to refer to the act of a room being illuminated
Jumpropeman: that is so |_ | ⁻|⁻
Jumpropeman changed name to |_ | ⁻|⁻ropeman


N Goat: Meanwhile, Sheep's Movie Night of Movies: What kind of scientist comes face to face with a new lifeform on a distant planet and decides he wants to TOUCH it?!


ShiningChao: oh yeah, sheep
ShiningChao: you might've seen it in chatzy madness
ShiningChao: but i looked up Giriko's power and his DECISIVE BATTLE
ShiningChao: that was
ShiningChao: something
N Goat: >​ Giriko's power and his DECISIVE BATTLE
N Goat: Yeaaaaah
N Goat sigh
N Goat: my dreams
N Goat: crushed
N Goat: well
N Goat: a dream
ShiningChao: i'm kinda amazed
ShiningChao: he just
ShiningChao: didn't even bother
ShiningChao: "meh, screw trying to work out allthe cool battle mechanics"
ShiningChao: "he'll hulk up and die"
ShiningChao: (so when does Attwater hulk up)
N Goat: What are you talking about
N Goat: Attwater is already hulked up
ShiningChao: i just had a stupid mental image
ShiningChao: would you like to hear it, sheep
N Goat: hit me
N Goat: with your idea
N Goat: metaphorically
N Goat: not literally
ShiningChao: attwater returns from the most trying day ever, having defended the hotel from all sorts of lethal threats that planned to tear it down
ShiningChao: and then
ShiningChao: another tidal wave of roaches is dumped into the bar
ShiningChao: suddenly he's giant and green
ShiningChao: ​and then the roaches cut him in half, the end
N Goat: 'cuz he;s mean and greeeeen~
Draco rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 11
Draco: Parsee escapes the roach brigade.


Jumpropeman: I said it as a joke, but I do like the idea that Sine kind of left the development of her daughter's personality on the Kobbers as a character thing for both Sine and Hypo. I wouldn't like it from a human perspective but I like the story part of it :P
Manic Hates Me: Well, Dawn's got a unique viewpoint on life that might benefit more from a wide variety of viewpoints
Jumpropeman: there there Cornwind *pet pet* you don't need to defend yourself when I'm praising you
N Goat: no petting in the chat
Jumpropeman: *pets Sheep aggressively*
N Goat: well
N Goat pushes JRM down some stairs
Jumpropeman: *PETPEtPetpetp....
N Goat: no
N Goat: whyyyy


Jumpropeman: i don't think I've seen a movie with more apologists than Prometheus
Jumpropeman: well, I haven't SEEN Prometheus
Jumpropeman: I've just seen a bunch of people trying to explain why it isn't bad
iKomodo: Ice burn from JRM


iKomodo: "So Marie, what would you recommend for the Gold Standard?" "Warm water, clean towel, cotton cloths, lemon juice, baking soda..."
iKomodo: "Um... Are those tactics, or a shopping list?" "Oh, just the usual stuff..."
iKomodo: "...for maintaining their ​bronze​."
iKomodo: ...sorry, I had to share that
iKomodo: this is Marie in RP, everyone
Jumpropeman: I am looking forward to Squid Sister Fite votes
iKomodo: I will not disapoint you, JRM :)
N Goat: that smile
N Goat: it gets me every time


N Goat: confession time: I saw Zootopia and it wasn't awful


(Regarding Bayonetta having an upcoming Death Battle)

Manic Hates Me: Sine: It's Pit's new girlfriend.
iKomodo: Pit: Wh-why do people keep spreading those rumours?!
Jumpropeman: you acknowledged her in a trailer, you were doomed from that moment. Little Mac and Samus shippers still roam the earth
Jumpropeman: and she literally made fun of him in the trailer
iKomodo: Oh god, the trailer
iKomodo: there was that bit where she grabbed him and he actually started blushing


Jumpropeman: *considers buying premium just to PM Sheep "GIMME PIZZA! P-I-Z-Z-A!"*


Manic Hates Me: http://i.imgur.com/5HT0HRw.png
Jumpropeman: it doesn't look too bad
Jumpropeman: you're freakin smiling
iKomodo: I'm... Not even gonna comment on that one


Manic Hates Me: Statler and Waldorf go on the squid sisters show
Manic Hates Me: The whole show is just a constant trade of zingers
iKomodo: "They say being a Kobber is a terrible strain on your love life!" "Can't strain what you don't have."
Manic Hates Me: Ash:....-coughs-
Jumpropeman: Ash has volunteered himself as the perfect example!
iKomodo: Marie: I'm not changing that :U
Manic Hates Me: Ash: I'll just be over here...with my infant daughter and all.
iKomodo: "I just love listening to Sine when she talks!" "Keep listening - someday, she might say something intelligent."
iKomodo: "Everyone claps when Draco turns up?" "Yeah - their hands over their ears."
Manic Hates Me: Sine: Is this a talk show?
Manic Hates Me: Sine: Because the way these jokes are dying, I thought it was the morgue.
iKomodo: Marie: Funny that, I hear they invented a new coffin that just covers the head. It's for people who are dead from the neck up.
iKomodo: ...ok wow, that was a bit dark
iKomodo: not gonna hold onto that one
Manic Hates Me: That reminds me of a bad joke
Manic Hates Me: The bulk of it is a guy is in a funeral home, and one of the coffins inexplicably animates and starts chasing him
Manic Hates Me: It chases him for a while and he can't escape, and finally he's trapped, so as his last resort, he takes out and eats a cough drop
iKomodo: Oh god D:
Manic Hates Me: The coffin stops
iKomodo: ...oh for fuck's sake I just got that
iKomodo throw tomatoes at CW
Jumpropeman: go to bed Cornwind
Jumpropeman: that's enough outta you
Manic Hates Me: That is the plan
iKomodo: Man, we have some weird convos up in this here chatzy
iKomodo: debating biology with squidkids


iKomodo: >hip hop
iKomodo: ...remember the time Ash stole a bunny girl supehero's powers and did a massive butt bash on a boss?
iKomodo: I do
iKomodo: that was amazing


iKomodo: I thought you would, CW :U
Cornwind Evil: Romulan Heinz sounds like an entry for a Top Ten List on how to Mispronounce Roman Reigns
iKomodo: In fact, I'm pretty sure Sam bought that BBP DVD just for that moment
Cornwind Evil: I remember one for politician Newt Gingrich
iKomodo: Sam: Heheheh tongue
Cornwind Evil: The two entries I specifically recall were "Nuke Greenwich" and "Neutered Lungfish."
Movie Watch With CW? Reading: The parent that names their son newt cannot do worse than mispronounce moments.


Movie Watch With CW? Reading: This sandwich is ninety four percent sand and only three percent witch. It is bummer.
Movie Watch With CW? Reading chews with regret


iKomodo: ​R. Mika sees that moment, thinks Ash is an amazing pro wrestler and tries to make him her new tag-team partner.
Cornwind Evil: Ash: I know some Aikido....
Cornwind Evil: Ash: But I suppose I could fake it....?
iKomodo: Mika: You gotta teach me that move! Whaddya call it? The Falling Peach?
Movie Watch With CW? Reading rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 3
Movie Watch With CW? Reading: I daresay if you've anything like my luck, you really couldna fake it.
Cornwind Evil: Ash: I call it the flying butt bump.
iKomodo: Mika: ... :I
Cornwind Evil: Ash:....I need time for names
Cornwind Evil: Ash: How about.....Heavenly Dynamite?
Cornwind Evil: (Let's see if SK gets that)
Jumpropeman: Ash probably has sixteen finishing moves all named "The Big Attack"
iKomodo: Mika: ...I like it! Keep practicing that!
iKomodo: (I get it :U)
Movie Watch With CW? Reading: Oh, please ​do​ tell me the skinny lad broke a hip doing it. =u He's not got the girth or plush to do the kinda thrust some of these ladies do. |D Maybe if he was a stouter sort or a dwarf, but I just, I see an x-ray ala mortal combat just popping up right in the middle of the attack and, haaaaaaaa.
Movie Watch With CW? Reading: Ah good times. |D
iKomodo: Mika: ...good point. Change of plan - glute workout! We're gonna mould that butt into a deadly weapon in three weeks!
iKomodo: ...did I seriously just type that
Movie Watch With CW? Reading: Yes, you poor man. -pat pat- We all have sins.
Movie Watch With CW? Reading: It's okay.
Cornwind Evil: Ash: Wouldn't it make more sense if I did different moves so we're not carbon copies of each other?
Cornwind Evil: Mika makes Ash an entrance video
Cornwind Evil: It's just thishttp://youtube.com/watch?v=0hlO_1JGTww
Cornwind Evil: With Beck being in place of Ric Flair
Movie Watch With CW? Reading: Flair. ;v Hnek. It's a flaaaahre dancer.
Movie Watch With CW? Reading: Hnehkhkehkehehehh.
Movie Watch With CW? Reading: Why did you remind me that existed, JRM. V': You fiend. -continues laughing to self-
iKomodo: Mika: Aw, c'mon! I can't do the Peach Assault if my partner doesn't have the moves!
Jumpropeman: Ven, you okay? Need a puff of nasal spray? sounds like you're dying
Jumpropeman: alternatively you have turned into a laughing bat
Cornwind Evil: Ash actually tries to do the Peach Assault
Cornwind Evil rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 5
Cornwind Evil: It goes about as well as you'd expect
Jumpropeman: you're under arrest for assaulting a peach BI
iKomodo: Mika: ...okay, maybe you got a point.
Jumpropeman: I know you and Tenshi never got your chance for a match
Jumpropeman: but you don't have to take it out on her fruit
Movie Watch With CW? Reading: Oh, the fanfic that came the day when Manga Carta heard Ash was manhandling Tenshi's peaches badly.
Movie Watch With CW? Reading: Oh, it was gloriously awful. :V
iKomodo: FV PLS D:
Jumpropeman: Ven please they're both taken!
Jumpropeman: ​you can't forget the accompanying Viola x Christine stuff :V​
iKomodo: alternatively, Mika demonstrates so Ash can get it right.
iKomodo rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 6
Movie Watch With CW? Reading: Dohohohohohohoo
iKomodo: they both miss the target and end up bashing butts
iKomodo: Mika: Ow. Yeah, that can happen...
Cornwind Evil: Ash: OW MY COCYXX.
Jumpropeman: I take it bashing butts does not work like it does in Ren and Stimpy here
Movie Watch With CW? Reading: Hey, you have been studying. =D Have a cookie.
Movie Watch With CW? Reading: It does not, JRM.
Cornwind Evil: But yeah, I can only imagine people trying to figure out the context of a spawned Ash x Tenshi thing
Movie Watch With CW? Reading: Nor does it work in the sense of swinging bats at them. :U
iKomodo: It does not, JRM :U
Cornwind Evil: One of the Succubi is like "...is it because he kicked her out of that diner?"
Cornwind Evil: If this gets any worse, we're going to end up with Super Duper Sumos
Cornwind Evil: ....please don't look that up
Cornwind Evil: For your own sake

(Then, SK goes to fetch a video of just how the butt-bashing actually works, while CW brings up comics...)

Cornwind Evil: But truly the ultimate Golden Age Batman moment is Joker's Boner
iKomodo: Hahaha
Cornwind Evil: Which I assume everyone here knows
Cornwind Evil: If they'd just said it once it wouldn't have been all that funny
Cornwind Evil: But they just. keep. SAYING. it.
iKomodo: http://youtube.com/watch?v=z5Wt749qiAA 

iKomodo: see, I can't help but wonder what would happen if they mistimed that...

Jumpropeman: this statement is unrelated to the video SK just linked
Cornwind Evil: Well, gratz, JRM
Cornwind Evil: I rarely legit LOL, but you just managed it
Cornwind Evil: Ash doesn't show much interest in Mika's assets
Cornwind Evil: Ash: What? I'm married. And a face man, too.
iKomodo: Mika: Well, good thing I'm wearing this mask, or we'd both be in big trouble!

iKomodo: Also Beck as Rick Flair in that video is great
iKomodo: just this dull, disappointed stare
Cornwind Evil: Ash: She's very hard to say no to!
iKomodo: Beck: ...don't let Christine hear you say that.


iKomodo: ...still can't believe that there was a conversation about Ash and Mika bumping butts
iKomodo: what is this life
Movie Watch With CW? Reading: An antediluvian portal to madness and horror with corrupting flesh and spirits.
iKomodo: Touche :U
Movie Watch With CW? Reading: Fun, though. :u

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