Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Chatzy Madness Volume 218: Maximum Overcute

(The battle against Greed, a massive 500-foot blob of treasure and goo, begins and everyone begins throwing tons of characters at it)

RubyChao: small srspost
Gooper Blooper: my post will take a bit
Gooper Blooper: it's... not gonna be small :V
Harpy: mine wasn't small either so uh
Harpy: just imagine alex calling sarah
RubyChao: i don't have very exciting nuclear options
RubyChao: ​then the alliance shows up in the technodrome and CW's life is complete
Harpy: "i've fought bigger"
Harpy: this is 500 ft tall
RubyChao: she's exaggerating
Harpy: well unless she's talking about THE WORLD DEVOURER
RubyChao: that too
RubyChao: the end was way bigger and okuu fought it :V
Jumpropeman: The Tower and The End show up for maximum oversized villain battle
Harpy: that'd be great but 2much
Jumpropeman: *does some math*
Jumpropeman: The Tower's sword was as big as a city block, which is about 250x600 feet long or so, and the Tower was bigger than his sword
Jumpropeman: and his head was in the clouds
Harpy: so about 1000+ feet tall
Jumpropeman: my listed height for him was "pretty fucking big"
RubyChao: yeah he was really distracted during that fight
RubyChao: dohohohohohohoh
Jumpropeman: The Tower and End show up to fight Greed... realize they are all villains and just destroy the world
Jumpropeman: rest of RP is Oversized Villain RP
Jumpropeman: their plot battles are pretty short because they just squish the opponents and get back to drinking


Del Wing: Its time to yiff some dicks
Del Wing rolled a die with 100 sides. The die showed: 40
Gooper Blooper: A moderate amount of dicks yiffed
Del Wing: 40 of them


(re: Saralex wedding)

Harpy: who is even officiating this. WHO IS THE PRIEST
Draco: Rebecca's a ship captain. She can do it! (^_^)/
Gooper Blooper: I was thinking the same thing, I don't think we ever decided on a priest
Harpy: technically captains can't officiate it
Harpy: i was thinking amity for pure shits and giggles
Gooper Blooper: I remember mentioning Reimu and I think she's doing pitsuho's
Harpy: Reimu just took a vaycay anyway
Gooper Blooper: Kisha maybe? Since she showed up in Vegas?
Harpy: Kisha could work again
Draco: Father Squid, if he's not dead.
Harpy: "Sweet Axanon's beard, I have to do this? Oh god, I LEFT MY PRIEST OUTFIT AT HOME"
Draco: Side note: aren't White Mages called Priests in some games? Have Ariel do it.
Harpy: in some games yes
Gooper Blooper: They're called Priests in, of all games, the original FFT :V
Harpy: Kisha is shoving the God of Gods so far away
Gooper Blooper: stupid mental image
Draco: !!!
Gooper Blooper: Kisha needs an outfit, Sarah gives her that Devout costume that was too small for her
Draco: Draco can do it. He's a church official in his own religion. =V
Gooper Blooper: >​Draco officiating Sarah's wedding
Gooper Blooper: so many fat jokes
Draco: ;p
Gooper Blooper: "do you, alex, take this blob"
Harpy: Alex just glares at Draco the entire time
Harpy: do NOT ruin this for Sarah
Draco: ^_~
Harpy: very stupid image: one of the many cakes is brought out
Harpy: xavier is missing
Harpy: where is he
Gooper Blooper: nicky-poo pops out of another cake
Harpy: Ursula is embarassed
Harpy: they are fully clothed
Harpy: not naked
Harpy: fortunately
Harpy: or unfortunately, if you're Stella
Gooper Blooper: "awww"


Jumpropeman: Cian at the eating contest
Jumpropeman: Parsee and ice cream
Jumpropeman: im not even sure what this anime is about


Jumpropeman: more dolls need flamethrower butts to better prepare children for the realities of motherhood


iKomodo: I wonder what Sine's reaction to sudden RAINBOW TRAINS was :P
Cornwind Evil: Sine:........well, it takes all types.
Sleeper Agent: ​Totally too busy making out with Pipa to notice
iKomodo: ...making out with Pipa, though?
Cornwind Evil: Yeah, that's about as likely to happen as Sine learning to fly by lighting her own farts


(Sheep laments his characters being too similar)

Saralex Forever: the main similarity your characters share is that I want to see what's in store for them
Saralex Forever: *it turns out what's in store is MORE SADNESS*
M Sheep: It's always more sadness


(The Saralex wedding in Tridenland begins gearing up. Air, a mysterious character that alternately attacked and helped the kobbers, appears to talk to Sarah)

Jumpropeman: ​Air didn't see the No Villain or No Drama sign​
Jumpropeman: ​Air did at least see the No Outside Food Permitted sign​
M Sheep: ​Air gets in while M Sheep characters line the barrier, peering in​
Jumpropeman: ​*Air begins eating a bag of Cheetos* DAMN IT AIR​


Cornwind Evil: Reminds me, I had a dream last night
Cornwind Evil: Where I was getting married
Cornwind Evil: And Goops was there
Cornwind Evil: But since I have no idea what he looks like he was Widow Maker
Bree: who were you marrying
M Sheep: Best Man Widow Maker
Bree stares intently
Jumpropeman: I think I've had a dream where Gooper was Widow Maker
Cornwind Evil: A friend of my sister's
Saralex Forever: In the earliest days of RP, some users actually called Widow Maker "Gooper Blooper"
Jumpropeman: I was one of them :V
Bree: kek
Saralex Forever: My headcanon at the time was "everyone who calls her Gooper Blooper never played Mario Sunshine"
iKomodo: Pfffft
Jumpropeman: that was back when I didn't realize people wanted their characters to be called something other than their usernames
Saralex Forever: I actually considered joining the original zoofights forums as 'Widow Maker', but held off for two reasons
Saralex Forever: 1) I wanted the reveal that I was bringing Wids back to be a surprise (lel, bringing back a character for Season 1)
Saralex Forever: 2) I was planning ahead for future tournaments where I'd RP as someone else (ow)


M Sheep collapses to the floor
M Sheep: I-if I'm reborn
M Sheep: I want to come back as a sea cucumber


Cornwind Evil: Everyone has always loved my RP
Cornwind Evil: The Lord all the time, everyone loved that!
Cornwind Evil: The Society becoming everything, everyone loved that!
Cornwind Evil: Christopher Ravensky, why haven't I brought him back, EVERYONE loved him!


(Sheep begins trying to give his opinions on GB's characters and plots)

M Sheep: Okay, now, what can be said about Goops, the Rper who has everything?

(Sheep begins talking about morally grey and controversial characters, none of which are mine)

M Sheep: anyway, getting waaaaay off-topic
M Sheep: So, yeah, Goop's characters

(Sheep begins talking about Spiderman 2)

M Sheep: ANY
M Sheep: WAY
M Sheep: GOOPS
M Sheep: i could write fraking thesis on Sine
M Sheep: it would be full of all sorts of leaps of object, but i could do it
M Sheep: ​ANYWAY​
M Sheep: *logic
M Sheep slumps

(Sheep begins talking about Everett)



Spy Simultaneously WoWs + Chat: Man I'm reading Mechanimalplot and actually really enjoying myself
Spy Simultaneously WoWs + Chat: Faith in my writing = restored
M Sheep: Great news, Soy!
M Sheep: ...
M Sheep just leaves
M Sheep out the door
M Sheep into the night


Draco: Huh. Didn't realize Alex and Sarah already had the same last name.
Draco: Really makes it easy to decide on their last name.
Jumpropeman: they've agreed to hyphenate their last name after marriage
Jumpropeman: Alexander Triden-Triden


M Sheep: oh hey
M Sheep: Seth Rollins just called out Jon Stewart again
Jumpropeman: I almost made the social faux pas of asking who Seth Rollins is
Cornwind Evil: At least Stewart had some idea of what he was talking about
Cornwind Evil: It was always embarrassing to have people on who had no clue what was going on
Cornwind Evil: See: Jeremy Reiner, who infamously called Summerslam "The Summerfest"
Jumpropeman: well, im heading out
Jumpropeman: enjoy Summerfest


RubyChao: oh god
RubyChao: dumb thought
RubyChao: squid and alice as game grumps
RubyChao: "Hello, I'm not that grump!" "Fuck off."
Gooper Blooper: "So, what Atari game tape shall we be attempting to play today?" "I don't fuckin care"
Del all the way down: sister alice plays sonic 2006
SteelKomodo: oh god del no D:


Gooper Blooper: >​finds Wedding March rendition that turns into dubstep halfway through
Gooper Blooper: all I can think of is DJ Candy showing up halfway through the song


Jumpropeman: I would make a joke about the mystery fiters showing up to the wedding... but all of them are permadead save Mac Tonight
Jumpropeman: and Mac Tonight is too busy running across America screaming "I'M FREEEEEE!"


Jumpropeman: gosh, these two are getting married and don't even bother fixing their hair!
Jumpropeman: let me get that
Jumpropeman: *snips off the idiot hairs*
Gooper Blooper: NOOOOOO


Harpy: we couldn't find dark pit amiibos
Harpy: so ivel and i got back home and my brother was like
Harpy: "and you didn't even bring back an amiibo" "they didn't have dirk- i mean dark pit amiibos"


(Just before Sarah and Alex are declared husband and wife)

Del Wing: It's time
Del Wing: To inha-
Del Wing is beaten to death


Grapes: Kisha: Cupid has better aim than you think-
Dracojokes demand that we state Sarah would be an improbable target to miss with anything. : p Although the knight of janitors we've not got quite as general a one for.
Gooper Blooper: ​"here comes the bride, big fat and wide" has never been so applicable


Jumpropeman: "From the Luxendarc duo, there's several giftwrapped chocolate bars (they contain praline),"
Jumpropeman: I know what it means
Jumpropeman: but I still like to imagine them opening the chocolate bars and Praline just pokes her head out with a "Hello!"
Gooper Blooper: "mmm delicious choc-" "LOOOOOVE IN THE CROSSFIIIIIRE"


Gooper Blooper: chao confessed to me this morning that I'm ruining sumireko for him. ​I​ am ruining a hu for ​chao
Harpy: sumi is being ruined for me, too
Harpy: then again i haven't played her game quite yet
Gooper Blooper: I got in on the ground floor and it's a big advantage
Bree: pls continue to ruin
Gooper Blooper: nobody has any frame of reference so I can do whatever the hell I want and you'll all go "yeah that's fitting"
Gooper Blooper: mwahahahahahaha
RubyChao: pretty much!
Harpy: kek
Gooper Blooper: although if you take that statement as fact
Gooper Blooper: it makes harpy's ruining of reimu REALLY impressive
RubyChao: it does


Gooper Blooper: one thing we didn't do was the part where the husband and wife write little speeches to each other
RubyChao: the vows
Gooper Blooper: and I am 1000% okay with the idea of sarah and alex exchanging them privately
Harpy: it was just gonna be something short and sweet, like "i'm glad to have met you and spend so much time with you and I love every inch of you, top to bottom, inside and out <3"
Saberwulf: I'm imagining them sitting on the floor eating fondue giggling as they exchange vows and it's very cute
Harpy: i have no idea what vows are actually supposed to sound like so
Harpy: herp
Gooper Blooper: :3 :3 :3
Gooper Blooper: I'm pretty sure it's "whatever you want"
Gooper Blooper: and what I want is maximum cute


RubyChao: hi goops
RubyChao: what you should do
RubyChao: is work
RubyChao: on
RubyChao: being great
RubyChao: oh wait
RubyChao: ​you dont have to
Gooper Blooper: (◕‿◕✿)


RubyChao: plot twist: scourge actually does fuck off to the far reaches of the galaxy
RubyChao: "nope"
RubyChao: "not touching that planet"
Jumpropeman: 2017 Setting: the planet Scourge fled to
RubyChao: "NOOOOO"


Jumpropeman: Cards Against Humanity is really more about appealing to the judge. It is a complex system of social ties and understanding being tested with cards that say "An eternally pooping butt"


Jumpropeman: ​I hope this round's art makes up for the worst picture of Parsee ever drawn :V I tried to have her with her head leaning back but now she just looks like a chunky goblin​
Gooper Blooper: "I'm not a chunky goblin"
RubyChao: "yeah you're a chunky hashihime"


RedSoy: I'll post setup / roll call at 2:30 most likely
RedSoy: Sound good to you guys?
RedSoy: (Only doing it this early because dinner is like at 4)
Harpy: that's good, although maybe we could start later since not many people here
Harpy: although again, I cannot truly partake :S
RedSoy: That's true
Draco: That's three hours away; plenty of time.
Draco: Oh wait, you're in Inferior Standard Time.
Draco: BV
Harpy: a dozen curses to RP happy parsees upon thee, draco
Harpy: for insulting the glorious EDT
Draco: Oh no! I've been cursed! D:
Draco: Urge...to write...Parsee smiling...rising!
Draco: I must...RESIST!
Draco rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 1
Draco: Nooooooooooooooo
Harpy: you can just make her look horrified after drinking some very bitter tea. :U
Draco: That was my "Resist Parsee being happy" roll. Now I HAVE to make her be happy.
Draco: Happy postsee
RedSoy: D'awww


Justin Time: I'm sorry if I worried anyone with my absence. I took this thing I read about called "nap".


Return of the Sleep: Why does pokemon conquest not come with beheadings? :U It has Scyther -and- Masamune. D8 I feel ​so​ cheated.


Gooper Blooper: sorry that was a longer BRB than intended but Goopsmom swung by to hit me with a nostalgia bomb outta nowhere
RubyChao: did you survive
Gooper Blooper: barely
Justin Time: Goopsmom, you're a national hero.
Gooper Blooper: Last Christmas I told you guys about these old Garfield gift bags I had when I was a kid
Gooper Blooper: And how one got ripped apart and the other was lost to the ages
Gooper Blooper: When we were moving we found a closet full of stuff that had been left basically untouched for the ten years we'd lived in the trailer, we basically just took a bunch of shit we never used and crammed it in there
Gooper Blooper: Among said shit was a giant gift bag with more gift bags in it (I'm sure you know where this is going but bear with me)
Gooper Blooper: We move without incident, fast forward to today
Justin Case: she found you a Heathcliff gift bag
Gooper Blooper: tomorrow is goopsbro's birthday, so goopsmom asked if I needed a gift bag and instead of our usual gift bag box which is almost all Christmas stuff she went for the forgotten bags
Gooper Blooper: She pulls out The Garfield Bag
Gooper Blooper: As we're both sitting there stunned, she looks in the big bag again and pulls out the other one
Harpy: *ace attorney music?*
Gooper Blooper: It turns out my brain actually constructed a false memory of the one bag getting destroyed to explain why it had vanished, it's beat up but still intact
Harpy: welp
Gooper Blooper: and so the garfields have returned to me
Gooper Blooper: IT'S BEEN ​3000​ 10 YEARS
Harpy: congrats on your bags


Gooper Blooper: I just imagined Blade/Mary fusion dance but I have no idea what the hell would come out the other side
Gooper Blooper: they're at like opposite spectrums of normal-person-turned-kobber
Harpy: Silence.
Harpy: :D
Justin Credible: ^
Justin Credible: @ Harps
Gooper Blooper: ...Silence is not a bad approximation now that I think about it


Caught Tomwhere In Time: Attempting to mod new vegas in increasingly complicated ways
Caught Tomwhere In Time: all of this so I can be a drugged out, drunk madwoman
SteelKomodo: the best kind of madwoman :U


Gooper Blooper: I thought of the best KO idea for if Parsee had gotten last in the eating contest
Gooper Blooper: Parsee eats the preliminary round (the breakfast/lunch/dinner combo) thinking it's just a unique three-course meal with a cute theme
Gooper Blooper: Pays for her meal and leaves without ever knowing she was actually in a contest
Gooper Blooper: KO shot is an empty chair
Harpy: oh my god
Harpy: that'd be hilarious


Gooper Blooper: while shopping today I saw what I'll call a Viola Starter Kit
Gooper Blooper: It was a plastic Dusk Ball and a Pumpkydoo figure
Gooper Blooper: I would have bought it but it was way overpriced
Gooper Blooper: also bought really good cookies
Gooper Blooper: really, good, guys


Gooper Blooper: so do any of you DBZ fans have enough knowledge to answer my important DBZ lore question?
RubyChao: probably
RubyChao: what is it
M Sheep: Probably not me!
Gooper Blooper: Why are the names so terrible?
RubyChao: because akira toriyama has a horrible, horrible weakness for theme naming and puns
Harpy: because it was intended to be a comedy and then things spiraled out of control
Harpy: ...the theme thing too
Harpy: i am talking out of butts
RubyChao: like all the saiyans are named after vegetables
Gooper Blooper: y'know who was worse with names though
Gooper Blooper: Pokemon Goddamn Colosseum
RubyChao: i was about to say Yudetamago
RubyChao: because of nearly everyone in kinnikuman being Somethingman
RubyChao: whats colosseum's problem
Gooper Blooper: 1) The trainer names are awful
Gooper Blooper: 2) The trainer classes are even worse
Gooper Blooper: Specifically the names are pretty much thrown-together gibberish, with only a few major characters having sensible or fitting or understandable names
Gooper Blooper: And the trainer classes have Literally No Thought put into them, like a trainer class that is a generic dude with glasses and a mustache being called "Guy"
RubyChao: hahahaha, wow
RubyChao: any good name examples?
Gooper Blooper: I'm looking through a FAQ right now
Gooper Blooper: "Guy Gris"
Gooper Blooper: "Fun Old Lady Desla"
Gooper Blooper: "Glasses Man Solek"
RubyChao: >​glasses man
Gooper Blooper: "Lady In Suit Malla"
RubyChao: "It's a guy with glasses, what do we cal-
Harpy: those aren't even names
Harpy: holy shit
RubyChao: okay wow lady in suit is even worse
Gooper Blooper: "Roller Boy Warl"
M Sheep: Her power is wearing a suit
Gooper Blooper: "Fun Old Man Yudan"
M Sheep: I expect the Kobbers having to fight all these people now
Gooper Blooper: "Cooltrainer Boda"
M Sheep: so cool
Gooper Blooper: "Roller Boy Gort"
Harpy: i bet they're on victory road somewhere
Harpy: going to impede Viola's progress
M Sheep: The Disco Devils ride again?!
Gooper Blooper: "Researcher Ribek"
M Sheep: awful alliteration
Spyred: Researcher Ryback
Gooper Blooper: I fuckin knew you were going to do that
Gooper Blooper: almost posted "RIBEK RULES"
Gooper Blooper: but yeah you get the idea
Gooper Blooper: just random generic character models with self-descriptive trainer class names, with their given names being name-like word jumbles
RubyChao: is XD any better
Gooper Blooper: Not from what I recall, lemme pull up some evidence
Spyred: XD weirded me out because the first 2 chars you see talk really weird
Spyred: So I was like "oh god is this the whole game"
Gooper Blooper: okay, the first guide I looked in didn't even bother listing trainer names
Gooper Blooper: but I hit paydirt with the second
Gooper Blooper: We got new trainer classes! Are they any better?
Gooper Blooper: "Navigator Berk"
Gooper Blooper: BERKS
Gooper Blooper: "Casual Guy Cyle"
Harpy: just one letter away from a normal name
Gooper Blooper: "Cooltrainer Gorps"
Harpy: >​Gorps
Harpy: GOOPS?
M Sheep: ya done blorped
Gooper Blooper: "Thug Zook"
Gooper Blooper: And the grunts of Team Cipher are just complete nonsense
Gooper Blooper: Grezle, Ibsol, Kollo, Golog, Targ, Flipis, Angic, Acrod, etc


M Sheep: >​The Devil's Toilet
M Sheep: Dragon Ball reaches a new low
Spyred: I'm proud
Spyred: My plot inspired Sheep to ball some dragons
RubyChao: "Master Roshi is over three hundred years old at the start of the series" i
RubyChao: did not remember this part
RubyChao: he old


Gooper Blooper: I got the clefairy
Gooper Blooper: thank you :3
Jumpropeman: your welcome
Jumpropeman: enjoy your Tropius
Jumpropeman: *you're
Jumpropeman: *Clefairy
Bree: sure harpy, maybe
Harpy: i demand pics
Gooper Blooper: *plush rips apart, a Tropius plush bursting out of it*
Jumpropeman: If I had to give three Pokemon Mega Evolutions, it would be Sunflora, Tropius, and Flygon. Flygon mostly to get it out of the way, but the other two need the love
Bree: bananasaurus rex


(Regarding Raezin the dragon)

Madness: Oh, he's an avid reader. Some might call him a book wyrm, in fact. :v


(M Sheep is catching up on RP)

M Sheep: "I got here as quickly as I could, Rebecca. Now I'll just blast him and-" "No!" "NO?" "This is a training gym! We must do this the proper way: with our fists!"
M Sheep: You must fight fists with fists!
M Sheep Uncle voice
RubyChao: oh man
RubyChao: it's time
M Sheep: "Now get down here and Fusion Dance with me so I can beat them up."
M Sheep: Oh God, what?!
RubyChao: what do you have against ​super pochaco​ vibecca
Gooper Blooper: super vibecco
M Sheep closes spoiler and vows to never speak of this again


M Sheep: aaaand, there are the Bon Para boys
M Sheep: I had a feeling
M Sheep: "Time to lay this one on thick, like Whole Milk!"
M Sheep: It gets me EVERY TIME


M Sheep: "He's back, and he's pissed. He's actually training, and your world's his next stop."
M Sheep: Are we
M Sheep: Are we actually going to fight FRIEZA?!
RubyChao: nah
RubyChao: ​we're going to fight Cooler
Draco: No, we're challenging him to YuGiOh.
M Sheep: ​He's cooler than Frieza, anyway​
M Sheep: ​geddit​
M Sheep: ​do you get it​
M Sheep: ​because his name is COOLER and I sai-​
M Sheep shot


M Sheep: "Sine starts poking and prodding Appule with weird tools."
M Sheep: Sine, you can't just dissect every alien!


Gooper Blooper: not sarah
Harpy: sarah did you dye your hair
Jumpropeman: only the hair ruins it :V


Gooper Blooper: I just thought of a kobber hungry hungry hippos game starring the four finalists of feed yer mates 2 in place of the hippos
Gooper Blooper: just frantically pushing the lever to make plastic utsuho eat
Bree: you mean sarah wasn't already a hippo?
Bree: lel sarah fat, etc
Gooper Blooper: hippopotamusarah


RubyChao: are you guys ready
RubyChao powering up
Gooper Blooper: what if I get so spooked I can't plot correctly
Gooper Blooper: can you take that risk
RubyChao: then it'll turn into creepypastaplot 2
RubyChao: and i'll still be happy
Dacor: I'll take the risk.
RubyChao: first off
RubyChao: just the ending of this one
RubyChao: the rest is dull sameness but the ending is just overkill
RubyChao: "It's 9:16 now, I've been playing forever to get this power-up. I finally got it after five extra minuted of trying. I clicked the "X" button to activate it. Then I saw my mom. Her body on the ground. Rotting. She was dead. Next to her was my dad. Dead. My brother, my sister, and so on. Dead. Lined up in a neat row. Everyone in my family. I started to cry. I could not take it any more. I got up. And I banged my head against the wall. My forehead throbed with pain. I didn't care. I just wanted to die. And my wish was granted. I finally fell dead on the ground."
RubyChao: this is after the main character SAW the powerup kill someone, btw
Gooper Blooper: this video game showed me dead sprites resembling my family, I must suicide
Dacor rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 20
Dacor: Parsee manages to not be scared.
Bree: it doesn't say they're sprites :U
Spyred: Chao's creepypasta in a nutshell
Spyred: Warning, vulgar, but since it's AVGN I figure that's a given
RubyChao: this next one
RubyChao: i will have a bunch to pull from
RubyChao: "One day I bought a copy of Crash Twinsanity at a flea market. The vendor told me not to put it in the PS2 and press Start and Select at the same time. I went home and put the game in the tray, and out of curiosity I pressed start and select when I was on N. Sanity Island."
RubyChao: good decisions.txt
Gooper Blooper: "creepypasta writers prefer games with sprites, so luck was on my side"
Spyred: Oh my god
Spyred: Man, that's such an unusual combo of buttons
Spyred: All you had to do was tell him NOTHING
Gooper Blooper: "hey kid, don't do this thing you'd never fucking do anyway"
RubyChao: "Then on the screen, in big letters, it read: "You have released him! Leave now!" I saw somebody coming downstairs, but he had a very oddly shaped silhouette. He had 2 pointy ears, glowing green eyes, 2 large hands, and then it came to me. What was coming down my stairs was Evil Crash! He leaped down and started chasing me and the Bandicoot Pursuit music started up."
Jumpropeman: bandicoot pursuit is a scary song alright
RubyChao: I jumped in my car and drove away, but he kept going faster and faster. Then it hit me: I have to unplug the PS2. I turned the car around and ran him over. He laid there, dead as a doornail. I rushed into the house, but moments before I unplugged it, he jumped through the window. He ran as fast he could with a very creepy expression on his face. I unplugged the PS2, but he didn't go away. I then opened the tray and snapped the disc. He then evaporated and was gone.
RubyChao: that was easy
Dacor rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 7
Bree: quality writing
Dacor: How'd he open the tray if the PS2 was unplugged?
Gooper Blooper: I have a mini PS2, that one at least lets you open it any time like a gamecube
RubyChao: he just did ok
Dacor: NO. NOT OKAY.
Dacor: OR OK.
Dacor: OR OKY.
RubyChao: also this one other pasta just has the most abrupt ending
RubyChao: "He had a strange smile, growing wider as the moans became louder. I tried hitting escape to end the game, but every time a close up of the Cortex depicted in the game with flowing black hair and a deathly smile appeared, with the caption, 'Vengeance is futile. Now I rule you, too.'"
RubyChao: and then it just ends there
RubyChao: and you're like
RubyChao: "okay?"


Bree falls over
Jumpropeman: *sets Bree back up, makes sure to put up the kickstand this time*
Gooper Blooper: #fatseal
Bree: so fat
Bree: can't move
Bree: :effort:
Bree changed name to Bree Seal


M Sheep: Fat City Motors: The Best Suspension you'll find anywhere
Gooper Blooper: Frost guaranteed that bike's shocks for life when Sarah bought it and by gum she's getting her money's worth


Spyred: So
Spyred: Anyone else notice that when Diddy blinks in the show, half the time its his pupils blinking?
Spyred: Because dear lord I'm terrified now


Spyred: Ultimate Anime ZFRP Question: what happens if Magical Girl Sarah and Kogasa fuse?
M Sheep: A LOT of magic power
M Sheep: That isn't a magical girl, that's a MISSILE
Gooper Blooper: Kevin finally attains a healthy weight
Spyred: I'm not sure if that's lel or holy crap too soon
Spyred: holel crap?


RubyChao: >​enter level with 100 or so lives
RubyChao: >​exit with 587
RubyChao: i think that ended up being worthwhile


Cornwind Evil: So, you heard the ruckus over the newest 'Castlevania' game?
Jumpropeman: Bloodstained?
Jumpropeman: or like, an actual Castlevania game?
Cornwind Evil: It has...irked a few people
Jumpropeman: >​Castlevania Pachinko
Jumpropeman: oh
RubyChao returns to see this
RubyChao: i take back what i said about federation force
RubyChao: at least it's not this
Gooper Blooper: quality konami gaming
Jumpropeman: >​a trailer for a pachinko game
Harpy: ->​pachinko
Spyred: >​Konami


Spyred: My neck's been hurting for days
Spyred: Spy hates this
Jumpropeman: I have one foolproof cure for neck pains
Jumpropeman: *chops Spy's neck off*
Spyred: YAAAY
Spyred: Wait
Spyred: How does that work
Jumpropeman: in fact, you won't feel any pains ever again!
Spyred: Is that a decapittion? Or is only my neck cut off, with my head kind awkwardly landing between my shoulders
Spyred: Am I a turtle now?
Jumpropeman: it's a cure-all
Jumpropeman: I like the idea of spy turtle
Jumpropeman: but we have to chop off you arms and legs too
Jumpropeman: so you can pull in your feet and hands


M Sheep: argh
M Sheep trying to rp while running back and forth
M Sheep: arrrgh


Jumpropeman: just finished watching Gwangi vs. Elephant
Jumpropeman: so many people calmly running away


Draco: Parsee then sees Pride and goes to fight him instead!
Draco rolled a die with 1 sides. The die showed: 1
Harpy rolled a die with 31 sides. The die showed: 19
Harpy: Pride just gently twirls Parsee around and pushes her back towards the action
Jumpropeman: "Yuck! Elf flavor!"


Draco: Ugh...just so I can at least TRY to get a good roll.
Draco rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 1
Draco sobs.


Jumpropeman: it turns out... SARAH IS THE NEO KOBBER! Watchlin was just trying to hold her back!
Draco: GASP
RubyChao: exactly as i suspected
Gooper Blooper: It turns out Sarah and Sara swapped places/clothes during the fight in the storm and nobody's noticed
Harpy: alex did
Harpy: "you are not my beautiful wife"
Harpy: "this is not my beautiful house D:"
Draco: Alex noticed when Sarah only ate a dozen pancakes.


Jumpropeman: ​this is the part where Cornwind tells us none of it will work and we all die in a Meshugah situation​
Harpy: don't have my dreams crushed like that
Harpy: ;;


Draco rolled a die with 16 sides. The die showed: 15
Draco: Parsee loves stickers and is not allergic to sticker adhesive.

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