Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Chatzy Madness Volume 217: Samoa Dinosaurs

RubyChao: so basically, today you learned that if you ever break kisume's bucket she will come at you in a berserker rage
RubyChao: so don't do it
Slash: -pulls out cell phone-
Sarah? Keiran? Sweetnik? Glass? -darn. They're all out. :U Hmm. Nerique? Christine? Cyborg-Mecha-Jesus? Elohim?
Bree: is she going to get a new bucket that is triple-reinforced
Bree: and magically enchanted with durability
RubyChao: call tenshi
RubyChao: also probably
Slash: Yes. Call Doctor Tenshi. :D
RubyChao: she's definitely toughing up the next bucket
Jumpropeman: My problem with Courier using the Fat Man in RP isn't that he's lobbing around mini-nukes, its that he can ever justify using the sparse ammo for it >:I you gotta horde that shit man, like Elixirs in Final Fantasy or literally every one-time-acquisition TM in Pokemon games up to the most recent Generations
Bree: Dr. Tenshi arrives on scene, says "welp," throws her hands up
Bree: "that's a lot of knives, I think he's dead, sakuya"
RubyChao: "I'm a doctor, not a miracle worker!" "This is exactly what we need a doctor for." "YEAH WELL NOT THIS DOCTOR"
Bree: "did you kill him, did he insult your cooking"
RubyChao: oh my god
RubyChao: that is so awful and yet so funny
Bree: what is :U
RubyChao: tenshi assuming the knives were from sakuya :V
Slash: Reasons to keep those Air Force Base raiding kids on your side? Missiles and fat men ammo.
Slash: F' freeee, JRM.
Slash: FREEE
Bree: well huge barrages of knives are sakuya's thing
Gooper Blooper: "Behold my weapon, the Fat Man!" "That's... that's Anthony's corpse"
Jumpropeman: XD


Harpy: sumireko
Harpy: is my new other favorite touhou
Bree: so many favorite hus
Harpy: please main her in 2016
Harpy: as i wield Yuyus
Harpy: yuyuyuyuyu
Jumpropeman: soon I shall be able to remember her name
Jumpropeman: Sumireko
Jumpropeman: Sumireko
Jumpropeman: Sumireko
Gooper Blooper: It takes time
Jumpropeman: *Sumireko jumps out of the screen and kills me*
Gooper Blooper: Harpy: please main her in 2016
Gooper Blooper: well y'know
RubyChao: at least it's not Shinmyoumaru or Minamitsu
Gooper Blooper: I haven't had any Season 6 newcomer ideas yet
Gooper Blooper: soooo


(Regarding Harpy's newest-at-the-time character, Stacy the biker/chef/martial artist)

Harpy: she will join
Harpy: the motorcycle gang
Gooper Blooper: Blade starts a motorcycle gang
Gooper Blooper: Storm Bikers II featuring Silence and Mary
RubyChao: does he recruit Parsee and Tenshi
Bree: 2hus on motorcycles
Harpy: parsee, tenshi, Stacy (new character to be)
Bree: I want to see okuu in a biker gang
Harpy: Stacy will have a cat
Bree: bikercat
Gooper Blooper: "why are there so many toohoos in this gang"
Harpy: even the cat gets a leather jacket
Bree: "apparently they like their motorcycles in japan"
Gooper Blooper: "because there are so many everywhere else" "good point, mary"


Slash: Take our Superheated Saturnite Fist for when you want to fight ​Cauren​ a kaiju, buddy, Chaaaamp. 8D It's made of a metal that three hundred years of erosion, radiation, and active damage has failed to so much as mark yet. Won't say 'indestructible', or nothin' silly like that, but strong, ya bet. :v And it- get this- sets fire to people when you hit them in the face. And it's shaped to crunch through flesh and bone!
Slash: It's yours for the low low price of a Brawl Champ autograph. ;v
Slash: 100 % fire retardant underneath the saturnite, don't worry. -points to leather looking ensemble- It's some of the best murdertech we ever made at Big Mountain. ... if you feel firepunch of death is a good development of american resources. Otherwise... yeah, we were comic nerds.
Gooper Blooper: Silence's autographs are very sloppy but she tries
Gooper Blooper: comes with being illiterate, y'see
Slash: I had illiterate characters once. :v Then SINE happened.
Slash eyes skype, where she's been trying to get Ceneric to learn to read
Slash: |D
Slash: If he becomes a scientist too, I'm calling it an infectious virus.
Gooper Blooper: It's the Protagonist Strain of Kobberitis
Slash: -gives Ko a lab coat when she's exposed to lesbros too long-


(From Jumpropeman's Brawl wrapup post)

R.E.D.S.P.Y.: "Jonesy began to confirm my theory that everyone save Gooper's characters are basically poisoned by their time with the bar"
R.E.D.S.P.Y.: And this is why Zeph got out while he still could


Rezzedwulf: I think the realization that the singer for Sweater Weather is a guy shocked me so much I feel a bit better


Rezzedwulf: Ooh are we talking about character birthdays
Rezzedwulf: Did you know David is a capricorn because of course he is


Jumpropeman: comment on Billy Joel's Movin' Out on Youtube: "Da hell is so happy about labor day, you morons? labor day was designed by someone who wanted the workers to revolt and have a worker-controlled government, not a 1% of population-controlled capitalism. Wake up you drugged, liquored, sports-and-hollywood shit fed idiots!!!! wake up and look at the chains on your hands and feet!"
Jumpropeman: Joyce Jr. may be trapped in another dimension, but apparently he can access Youtube comments


Harpy: AHAH
Harpy: i think i found the stacy ref
Draco: Stacy or post-marriage Sarah? =p
Harpy: sarah would never have pink hair
Harpy: never


Harpy: *goes to conan wiki*
Harpy: *randomizes a page*
Harpy: *Kaitou Kid*
Harpy: why


SteelKomodo: del is actually right next to me
SteelKomodo: say hi del
SteelKomodo: hi del
SteelKomodo: damn it del
Harpy: i thought you were gonna say "inhale"


Bree: "flandre pls don't kill my boyfriend" "sorry sakuya :<"


Harpy: Stacy slowly becoming more and more awkward as more people come in
Harpy: definitely the weird kid at the cool kids table :U
Gooper Blooper: Sarah likes you! You brought food!
Harpy: it's not hard getting a social link with Sarah
Gooper Blooper: sarah shall be your inner tube in the ocean that is the kobbers


iul joined the chat
Jumpropeman: hello stranger

(iul vanishes)

Harpy: goodbye stranger
Gooper Blooper: iul was from Spain
Gooper Blooper: random hit and run number 12323
Jumpropeman: it was almost ilu
Harpy: hola amigo
Jumpropeman: which would have been a nice sentiment :3


Jumpropeman: hi sheep
M Sheep: always something


M Sheep: "she's trying for a reassuring hug, but she has never, ever taken the lead on a hug before"
M Sheep: NO
Gooper Blooper: how about a bro hug bump
iKomodo: Hahaha
M Sheep smashes Viola and Tenshi together
Gooper Blooper: sheep supports peaches and scream


M Sheep: NOOOO
M Sheep screams up at the heavens on his knees in the rain
RubyChao: it gets worse sheep
RubyChao: random lancer guy dies too
M Sheep: Aw man
M Sheep: and E-DE, too?!
M Sheep: Darnit, that's one of my favorite companions, Ven!
M Sheep shakes fist
Draco: We shall avenge Random Crossbow Guy. Joyce Junior will know a never-ending hell of bottom slaps. D=<
RubyChao: surprised you didn't react to thomas's death
Draco: Thomas is last year's character. Random Crossbow Guy was high on everyone's list of 2015 MVPs.
M Sheep: Pssh, Thomas
M Sheep: More like FAILmas
M Sheep says, holding back the tears


(In a fight against Sunshower, she rolls a 4 to attack)

Brinehammer rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 3
Brinehammer rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 2
Brinehammer rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 3

Jumpropeman: oh god
Brinehammer: Niiiiiiiiiiiiice
Draco: Wow.
Jumpropeman: somehow she's effective
Draco: Team Ko just became Team KO'd.
Jumpropeman: chatzy pities an old lady
RubyChao: rip team ko
Boreas rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 3
RubyChao rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 3
RubyChao rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 14

Jumpropeman: Oh god
Draco chokes.
Boreas rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 4

Jumpropeman: it continues
RubyChao rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 4
Boreas rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 16
RubyChao rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 13

RubyChao: yeah rip okuu
RubyChao: for sure
Boreas rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 12
Draco: I'm almost scared to roll Parsee now. =p
RubyChao: do it
Draco rolled a die with 16 sides. The die showed: 16
RubyChao: i DARE y-
RubyChao: haaaaa
Jumpropeman: dayumn
Jumpropeman: all that luck went to Parsee exclusively
Draco: Parsee is THE OUTRAGE.
Gooper Blooper: YES
Boreas rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 1
RubyChao rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 1

RubyChao: rip tenshi
Boreas: ... Hansel no
Jumpropeman: what are these rolls
Draco: RIP Parsee
Jumpropeman: I wanted my old lady villain to be ineffective
Gooper Blooper rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 1
Gooper Blooper: >​sarah rolls a 1 for swimming
Jumpropeman: this is punishment
Jumpropeman: for ruining Shimmer's party
Gooper Blooper rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 2
RubyChao: uhhhh
Gooper Blooper: beautiful
Jumpropeman: USE RANDOM
Brinehammer rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 2
Cornwind Evil rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 1
Cornwind Evil rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 1

Jumpropeman: sooooo
Jumpropeman: chatzy
Jumpropeman: is premium wearing out or something? what's the deal
Jumpropeman: you are very spiteful tonight


Gooper Blooper: I got EL Fudge cookies and a dove bar
Gooper Blooper: good times
Harpy: yaaay
Jumpropeman: >​dove bar
Jumpropeman: you fiend
Jumpropeman: how dare you remind me they exist
Gooper Blooper waves around food porn
Gooper Blooper: vintage goopy


Brief Spy Cameo joined the chat
Harpy: hi spy
Harpy: *grabs him, shoves him into the bar*
Brief Spy Cameo: Eyo gu-D:


(For winning the Brawl, GB rec eives a plush clefairy)

Gooper Blooper: I will probably get my cleffy doll the first or second week of august
Gooper Blooper: then we will be linked through pink pogeydolls
Harpy: both
Harpy: casual first
Draco: If Stacy, Cindy, and Frank go on Deceptiplot ​they will be outclassed​ they will outdo everyone but Jester Chao.
Jumpropeman: goops no D:
Harpy: then srs
Jumpropeman: you weren't supposed to know I actually bought it
Gooper Blooper: silly JRM
Gooper Blooper: I saw it said "2 sold" when I sent you the link
Harpy: if you think they're gonna be outclassed then I will send my stronger characters
Gooper Blooper: and then I looked a little later and it said "3 sold"
Jumpropeman: now you'll be disappointed when a Rufflet plush arrives at your house


Gooper Blooper: When I wasn't aware of certain details about Songbird I accidentally threw Silence into a plot she was underpowered for and it wound up giving us Silence suplexing the 25-foot Songbird


Cornwind Evil: Hoganplot begins by him inexplicably destroying the KKK
Cornwind Evil: And then hacking into the web and wholly deleting Stormfront


SteelKomodo: oh shit goops is on the forum
SteelKomodo awaits Sarah and Wids
Harpy: it's a bachelor party
Harpy: you can look at goop's roster and count the number of guys on your fingers
Jumpropeman: Helios, Blade, Regigigas, Bulgrave
Bree: helios 4 bachelor party
Bree: father of the bride at the bachelor party?
Bree: yes pls
Harpy: alex awkward


Gooper Blooper: I love how Alex is being a dork at his own party
Gooper Blooper: its so fuckin cute
Gooper Blooper: he just wants to cuddle with sarah


Draco: Because Bree requested it, Parsee has joined the eating contest! =V
RubyChao: paruuuu
Bree: maximum paru
Draco: Maximum Paruff-da when she eats too much.
Draco: Other reasons she'd join: jealous that she can't eat as much as Sarah, hasn't eaten all day, wants the prize.
Bree: the prize is...I don't know what the prize is
Bree: more food?
Draco: She didn't know the prize was more food! D:
Draco: *Parsee thinks she has to eat it all right then and faints*


Cornwind Evil: Sine sitting becomes a viral meme
Cornwind Evil: The Zoofights world must have a very dull internet


Boreas: so I got taken to my mom's chiropractor appointment
Boreas: the things I do for food


Gooper Blooper: oh man
Gooper Blooper: my random googling brought me to a halloween-themed message board
Gooper Blooper: and their mascot is Literally Samhain
Jumpropeman: 46,000 members
Jumpropeman: so much Halloween to talk about
Gooper Blooper: speaking of halloween, halloween creep has hit my town
Gooper Blooper: there was halloween candy in Rite Aid
Gooper Blooper: because when I think july
Gooper Blooper: I think halloween
Jumpropeman: that candy won't be good by the time it is halloween :V


Gooper Blooper: this halloween forum is the embodiment of halloween creep
Gooper Blooper: There's people posting at each other in January about non-Halloween items they can use in craft projects to make Halloween things
Gooper Blooper: "I can put this magnifying sheet inside a bottle for a spooky potion effect"
Jumpropeman: I always wondered what people who make halloween stuff for a living do during the rest of the year
Jumpropeman: apparently, they keep making halloween stuff


Gooper Blooper: hahahahaha this fuckin halloween forum
Gooper Blooper: "I'm a little late to the Halloween game this year!"
RubyChao: what
RubyChao: whaaat
Gooper Blooper: GOTTA GET READY
Jumpropeman: it takes MONTHS to make a proper sexy kitty costume
Brief Spy Cameo: APRIL 7 WHAT
Gooper Blooper: Like I mean I'm sure professional haunted house guys need a lot of time but
Gooper Blooper: but
Gooper Blooper: ​april seven
RubyChao: and you thought christmas creep was bad
RubyChao: so goops when do we fight samhain's evil side, Halloween Creep
RubyChao: wait it's too late, we missed april seventh
Gooper Blooper: One guy posted he went to walmart and was upset because there was no halloween stuff, but there was christmas stuff
Gooper Blooper: I think that one was posted late August of last year IIRC


RubyChao: the least effectual gate guard in history
Bree: for some reason there's a surprising amount of yuugi-in-meiling-outfit art
Jumpropeman: meiling's clothes are dangerously tight in the breast region
Gooper Blooper: #YaDidntNotice
Boreas: Let titty breathe


Saberwulf: This is the funniest fucking thing I've ever read
Saberwulf: BEEFWORLD
Saberwulf: "[21:55:00] GASSY LASSY: its like the willy wonka garden but meat"
Del Wing: Oh god
Gooper Blooper: silence goes to beefworld
Gooper Blooper: it's the new "josephine goes to planet trendy"


Jumpropeman: hmm
Jumpropeman: what to do, what to do
RubyChao: jrm
RubyChao: you say that
RubyChao: like you have an option that isn't play more ​RIDE TO HELL: RETRIBUTION


Bree: name a ZFRP character who deserves to be a pretty pretty princess
Del all the way down: dirk
Del all the way down: mwahahahahahahahahahahah​ahaha
Bree: lel no sorry
SteelKomodo: NO
SteelKomodo: I was right there when he typed that and all >:I
Gooper Blooper: kek
Bree: gonna go with sarah~
Gooper Blooper: sarah~
Gooper Blooper: reminder that her name literally means "princess"


(Meiling leads Sean into the Manga Carta adult section and gives him SeanXDimitri hentai)

Bree: here sean have this horrible thing
RubyChao: oh my god
RubyChao: rip sean
RubyChao: rip
RubyChao: he's going to die
Bree: probably
RubyChao: you just killed suki's boyfriend
Bree: she hasn't shown him all the horrible things yet
RubyChao: i hope you're happy, meiling
RubyChao: you murderer
SteelKomodo: rip


Gooper Blooper: So Goopsmom and I have been going through old boxes of stuff
Gooper Blooper: and I re-found one of the worst joke books I've ever owned
SteelKomodo: oh god
Gooper Blooper: I remember even when I was a kid and collected joke books, this one underwhelmed me
SteelKomodo: oh god the author name
Gooper Blooper: So, what do you think the biggest problem with this book might be?
Gooper Blooper: The answer may surprise you
RubyChao: there's only 101 jokes
SteelKomodo: the jokes all suck
Gooper Blooper: The majority of the jokes aren't dinosaur jokes
SteelKomodo: ...wow
SteelKomodo: talke about false advertising
Gooper Blooper: Like, dinosaurs are mentioned, but they have no bearing on the joke and it'd work just as well being about anything else
Gooper Blooper: Lemme give a couple examples
Gooper Blooper: "Why do dinosaurs avoid dates?"
Gooper Blooper: "Because they're partial to bananas!"
SteelKomodo: boooo
SteelKomodo: booooooooooooo
Gooper Blooper: this one is even worse
Gooper Blooper: "Dinosaur 1: 'How do I get to Carnegie Hall?'"
Gooper Blooper: "Dinosaur 2: 'Practice!'"
SteelKomodo: i do not even get this
Gooper Blooper: it's just a normal joke but with dinosaurs shoved into it
Gooper Blooper: "copyright 1994"
SteelKomodo: no i mean, i do not even get the original joke
Gooper Blooper: Carnegie Hall is a concert venue. The first dinosaur wanted directions, but the second one interpreted him as "how do I get to the point where I can play instruments at carnegie hall"
SteelKomodo: oh ok
SteelKomodo: ...boooooooooooooooooooo​oooo
Gooper Blooper: And a bunch of the jokes are "dinosaur-related" by just making the punchline 'something-saurus' or shoving a dinosaur in there like the Pac-Man Joke Book used 'pac'
Gooper Blooper: "What do you call a dinosaur that earns a living by playing cards?"
Gooper Blooper: "A Sharkosaurus!"
SteelKomodo: D:<
Gooper Blooper: "Have you heard about the new movie directed by Tyrannosaurus Rex?"
Gooper Blooper: "No, what is it?"
Gooper Blooper: "A Few Good Dinosaurs!"
RubyChao: oh my god
SteelKomodo: ...that just reminds me of that cracked article i linked
Gooper Blooper: PAC PAC
SteelKomodo: which basically amounted to "typos that ruined films" and was a photoplasty of films with a word or letter changed
SteelKomodo: and one of them was the poster for .REC changed to .REX with a dinosaur in it
SteelKomodo: and I still say I'd watch that - shakycam dinos are a niche that hasn't been exploited yet
Gooper Blooper: "Knock knock!"
Gooper Blooper: "Who's there?"
Gooper Blooper: "Samoa."
Gooper Blooper: "Samoa who?"
Gooper Blooper: "SAMOA DINOSAURS"

SteelKomodo: ...ded


(JRM downloads Avast antivirus)

Jumpropeman: avast is talking to me D:


Jumpropeman: hmmm, how to test this new antivirus... BY DOWNLOADING A BUNCH OF VIRUSES OF COURSE
RubyChao: JRM PLS


Jumpropeman: anyone entering Manga Carta


Gooper Blooper: There's a hair salon not far from my home, and their logo features an angel
Gooper Blooper: it's a boy angel with brown hair and he looks way too much like a shirtless pit
SteelKomodo: hahahaha
SteelKomodo: #Ruined
Jumpropeman: I got my haircut today, sadly, no shirtless Pit in sight
RubyChao shoves Utsuho off his keyboard


iKomodo: Ok
iKomodo: never hit undo typing if you haven't done any typing
iKomodo: safari will freak out and crash
Gooper Blooper: "B-BUT THERE'S NOTHING TO UNDOOOOOO-" *explodes*
iKomodo: Yep :U


Jumpropeman: >​checks email
Jumpropeman: "Naked Busty Wife wants dates!"
Jumpropeman: so... is she naked all the time?
Gooper Blooper: she's just sitting there at her pc, messaging
Gooper Blooper: while lewd


Gooper Blooper: I imagine Draco knows what Captain Gordon's secret weapon is
Gooper Blooper: and the britbros probably do, too
Draco: It's his sword.
Gooper Blooper: that's not secret, silly
Draco: I thought it was ​Jigglypuff seen from above!
Gooper Blooper: it's an omanyte shell
Draco: Praise Helix


Draco: As if we didn't need more proof that Garfield exists solely to sell merchandise
Jumpropeman: spy linked some gameplay from that a while back
Gooper Blooper: Garfield Kart will forever be remembered by me as the last subject we discussed in chatzy together before I moved out of my old home
Gooper Blooper: the trailer was the last youtube video I watched there
Gooper Blooper: almost spelled youtube "toutube"
Gooper Blooper: a website devoted to videos of touhous
Draco: Oh wow.
RubyChao: so nicovideo? *shot*
Draco: Side note: the last thing I did in my previous house was play Pokemon Yellow.
Gooper Blooper: the last vidya I played there was Pokemon White 2
Gooper Blooper: and I decided to be cute and make the first vidya I played in my new house the first vidya I ever played, Space Invaders for the 2600
RubyChao: aw


Draco: I somehow also remember the last thing I did before 2000: I was playing Pokemon at my aunt's house. I was in the Lavender Town tower and I was battling a wild Haunter with my Butterfree.
Jumpropeman: I remember during the New Year's Eve celebration I was looking out a glass door and praying that Jesus would come visit us like the priest at Church wanted... misinterpreting the sermon about the possible apocalypse and Jesus's return coming from Y2K
Gooper Blooper: I remember New Year's Eve 1999
Gooper Blooper: I was sitting on my bed and letting my imagination run wild about what might happen when the clock rolled over
Jumpropeman: Dear God: Please start apocalypse, Love 8 year old Jumpropeman
Cornwind Evil: Yeah, I was at a friend's house because my mom was at a church and my sister was in America
Cornwind Evil: And my dad was in Toronto
Cornwind Evil: When it clicked over I waited several seconds to see if the lights went out
Cornwind Evil: ....it didn't
Harpy: I never got any of the 2k hype
RubyChao: i don't really remember new year's hype
RubyChao: alas
Jumpropeman: you were probably like 6
RubyChao: lemme MATH it up
Harpy: i was very tiny yes
Gooper Blooper: I was old enough to understand enough of Y2K but young enough for what little I knew to be scary
RubyChao: i was 7
Gooper Blooper: I shrugged it off and was skeptical
Gooper Blooper: but I still was a bit nervous that night, JUST IN CASE
RubyChao: and thus began a long tradition of not taking any creepypasta seriously
Gooper Blooper: tiny babby harpy and chao
Gooper Blooper: you guys weren't 90s Kid enough
Jumpropeman: CKR was born in 1999 and she was trying to get in on 90s Kid cred when that was a thing
Harpy: I was 9 then
Harpy: well, 8
Jumpropeman: anybody else remember those 1999 diapers?
Gooper Blooper: I was born in October 89, so I got to experience THE ENTIRE 90S
Gooper Blooper: YOU GUYS SO MISSED OUT ON 91 (except CW and draco)
Jumpropeman: I was born in 1991 :I
Gooper Blooper: darn
Jumpropeman: my brother was born in 1990 and he just told me it totally sucked
RubyChao: i missed out on the 90s
Jumpropeman: in fact, he doesn't remember any of it!
Gooper Blooper: Here's a weird one: My go-to "nostalgia year" was always 1996
RubyChao: huh
Gooper Blooper: Even in like 1999, I was thinking "man, 1996 sure was great"
Harpy: i have no favorite year
Draco: In 1995, I kept thinking "I sure wish it was 1996."
Draco: My favorite year is 2015 because that's this year.
Jumpropeman: 96 was the year Pokemon was released in Japan
Draco: Next year, my favorite year will probably be 2016.
RubyChao: i have no favorite year either
Gooper Blooper: I remember when I'd see the year 2000 in books and go "WOW THAT'S FAR AWAY"
Jumpropeman: my favorite year is 115 A.D.


Draco: Is Labrys doing this Pokemon thing right?
Jumpropeman: I don't get it, that's just a regular picture of Labrys

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