Monday, September 21, 2015

Chatzy Madness Volume 214: 70 Days Behind, But The Tenshiola Buildup Is Still Relevant

RubyChao: spy: go look in srs
Dongs: I'm on mobile but I'll try to fumble over there
Dongs: NO
Dongs: NOT YOU
RubyChao: he's heeeeeeeeere


Harpy: mental image time: ​Alex wakes up, Sarah's snoozing next to him
Gooper Blooper: That needs to be canon immediately


Gooper Blooper: here's something that's always amused me
Gooper Blooper: when JRM uses "fite" as a verb
Gooper Blooper: like, when it's in the narration
Donga: I can't spell fight anymore
Donga: Its only fite
Gooper Blooper: this stuff transcends fighting, it can only be called fiting


Donga: End of the year
Donga: Last post of Season 5
Donga: "sunflower is alive"


Jumpropeman: "Did you know "...that the air strike fires Christmas shaped white glass shards, most likely a reference to C. S. Lewis' book The chronicles of NanaBatman, where three huskies attempt to kill the main characters with Christmas tree shaped missiles?""
Jumpropeman: "Disguise Kit - "The diguise kit is your first weapon or should i say kit unless u start with your enternal reward but u dont't.""
Jumpropeman: TF2 Wiki's wall of shame is amazing
Gooper Blooper: hire that man for an FYM guest write
Jumpropeman: "Essential Accessories - "But, it is a pity that from a suit coins, as don't fall inMonday Night Combat""
Jumpropeman: "Half-Zatoichi - "The Half Zatoichi is further proof that the Demoman is a time-traveling wizard. Although versions of the blade come in "Genuine" quality, the blade appears to be brand new. Obviously, the Demoman must have acquired it from the past.""


Cornwind Evil: I have an idea for something
Jumpropeman: *cornwind blows up Vegas*
Cornwind Evil: No no, something less violent
Jumpropeman: *cornwind blows up half of Vegas*


Gooper Blooper: There are three distinct segments of RP, I've noticed
Gooper Blooper: Everything before the Brawl is the warmup
Gooper Blooper: Post-brawl for the rest of the summer is Plotmass
Gooper Blooper: And fall is "oh god why did we start fifty plots, EVENTS EVERY DAY UNTIL ALL THE VILLAINS ARE DEAD"
SteelKomodo: mmhm
M Sheep: Villains will continue until morale improves


RubyChao: >​there's no darkpink but there's a deeppink


Jumpropeman: I've been asleep basically all day, which allowed me to dream an entire feature film about Attwater
M Sheep: wt
Gooper Blooper: amazing
Draco: yay
M Sheep: so much what I left out everything but the first and last letter
iKomodo: Jrm pls
Jumpropeman: Apparently his mutant power was to turn into an increasingly more powerful monster the more in peril he was, and he was inside two different skyscrapers, the first to destroy this thing to save mutants and the second to attack a woman called The Promethean who could change the fabric of the universe and looked like a live action Sine, and he used a Youtube Let's Player talking about bad poems to distract people from noticing him getting on an elevator
M Sheep: I was nodding along until LIVE ACTION SINE
M Sheep: Now in living color!
M Sheep: and I don't even know what to make of that last part


Jumpropeman: come on Tenshi's dad, don't be such a stick in the mud! What kind of dad doesn't let his daughter run off and die
Gooper Blooper: why can't you be more like Belinda's dad :V
Gooper Blooper: "60-WAY DEATHMATCH? GOOD LUCK!"
Harpy: "she'll get better"
RubyChao: or Sarah's mom
RubyChao: "sure honey, you can go off and probably die"
RubyChao: "just make sure to come back soon"
Gooper Blooper: "Don't be late for dinner"
Harpy: sarah is never late for dinner


Gooper Blooper: One plot branch I was considering this year was ​either Blade, Silence, or both joining the Neo Kobbers and turning their backs on the ZFRP Universe
Gooper Blooper: Due to their Brawl performance... it's not gonna happen. Ever. :V
Harpy: good, i wouldn't be able to handle such
Harpy: ...well i would but ya know
M Sheep: No more heels
M Sheep: only faces now
Harpy: ​isn't one heel-face turn enough, Silence :U
M Sheep: ​They finally did it. They finally went over.​


RubyChao: i can't believe i'm saying it
RubyChao: but
RubyChao: this food i'm having
RubyChao: is too hot


RubyChao: oh god
RubyChao: why did i just think of this
RubyChao: xavier mentioning he needs his arm off
RubyChao: Utsuho: "Huh, so you sure you need this amputated?"
RubyChao: high tension blade
RubyChao: "I'LL HELP!"
Harpy: ...that's exactly what happens
Harpy: the medical ward, mind
Gooper Blooper: Cauren just reaches over and rips the arm off
Gooper Blooper: "I am helping"
RubyChao: well if you want to then OKAY
Harpy: "Not my entire arm .n."
Gooper Blooper: Utsuho is the kind of bird I trust to perform surgery on me
Draco: "We'll leave a bit of shoulder."


Gooper Blooper: *goopsmom comes home, gives me Dove chocolate*
Gooper Blooper: yay
Harpy: goopsmooom
Draco: Goopsmom is kawaii desu
Harpy: its clearly your prize for winning, goops :U
RubyChao: yay
Bree: did you tell her you won
Gooper Blooper: I told her I won and she thought Silence was a really cool character concept
Gooper Blooper: I showed her Silence's "concept art" and she said "You ​drew​ that?!"
Gooper Blooper: apparently my 2013 art still holds up okay
Harpy: goopmom proud


SteelKomodo: goops only one of your tumblr posts has the butts tag
SteelKomodo: i am dissapoint


Gooper Blooper: If Josephine called up Jonesy and asked for suggestions for Sarah's bachelorette party, what would happen
Del: great things
Draco: Sarah would end up marrying an Alex impersonator in Miami.
Draco: And not know how she got that third arm.
Del: "okay so she likes chocolate, so what you gotta do is build a river of chocolate right through the middle of the reception"
Del: "like pure willy wonka fever dream shit"
Gooper Blooper: "uh-huh, uh-huh" *taking notes intensifies*
SteelKomodo: hahaha
Gooper Blooper: the river bed will have to be heated so the chocolate doesn't solidify
Del: of course
Gooper Blooper: sarah just positions herself at the foot of the river like a white mage shaped drainage pipe


Draco: Oh wait. I left.
Draco left the chat
Draco: Oh wait. I left.
Gooper Blooper: are you okay draco
RubyChao: "You're Draco, he's Draco, she's Draco! Are there any other Dracos I should know about?"


Gooper Blooper: ​more like booty
Harpy: that's dirk, not gloria


Harpy: also lets ship cards to goopy
Gooper Blooper: *opens big thick business envelope, hundreds of fossil grimers fall out*
Harpy: they're cheap confetti
ivel: no, we'd send you a giant box
Harpy: you'd have to find the sylveon in the grimerstack
ivel: fossil grimer packaging


The Red Seas: Guys, we only have two years left to turn the world into the setup in the ​Running Man.​
The Red Seas: I think we procrastinated too long.
The Red Seas: :l


RubyChao: i totally support the idea that celestia doesn't know the full deets and thinks satori is okuu's biological mom
RubyChao: and is very confused at first by the obvious differences
RubyChao: AND THEN WE HAVE A 300 POST PLOT OF CELESTIA TRYING TO UNDERSTAND no satori would just explain it


Gooper Blooper: *has Silence awkwardly blunder into the yuugi/meiling interaction* (not really)
Breeatley: kek
Breeatley: just imagining silence with this expression like "oh sorry I didn't realize you were lesbians I'll just uh show myself out"
Jumpropeman: Muscle Mama romance
Breeatley: rrrrrrrrrrromance


RubyChao: yay
Bree: those foreign ladies are so boned hurr hurr
I AM A PROGRAMMER: skellingtons


RubyChao: so when do we get the grand revival plot for the tit
Possibly Recovering Tom?: that's Top Secret
Possibly Recovering Tom?: no
Possibly Recovering Tom?: that's
Possibly Recovering Tom?: Tom Secret
Possibly Recovering Tom?: (TM)


SteelKomodo: thankfully, in Guacamelee you can't punch each other
Brilliant Kid: Ah, the most dreaded Streets of Rage foe - the second player
SteelKomodo: hahaha
Brilliant Kid: Yeah I think it would definitely be fun to play that with my husband :)
Brilliant Kid: (It is me, the second player who sides with Mr X every time)
SteelKomodo: hahaha
SteelKomodo: it also has a great sense of humor, too
The Timeline Has Been Ruined: At one point the mentor gives up and refuses to give you a power, so you get the power up sequence with the characters looking disappointed
The Timeline Has Been Ruined: "NOTHING"
Brilliant Kid: Hehehe


Bree: emma auditioning to wrassle
Bree: "no you can't bring the chainsaw to the matches" "aw"
Hammer of Brine: You guessed it!


Neo Gooper rolled a die with 26 sides. The die showed: 4
Neo Gooper rolled a die with 26 sides. The die showed: 20
Neo Gooper rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 4

Possibly Recovering Tom?: I swear if there is a 20 that follows this
RubyChao: lel
Neo Gooper: post
Neo Gooper: smoke plot erryday
iKomodo: Pfffft
Possibly Recovering Tom?: goddamn you goops I spit out my water
Possibly Recovering Tom?: you bastard


Neo Gooper rolled a die with 26 sides. The die showed: 24
Neo Gooper: checkmate this isn't working
RubyChao: but does tyrannoclaw have the right idea??
Neo Gooper rolled a die with 26 sides. The die showed: 2
Neo Gooper: YES HE DOES
Donga Gone Wronga: BUT DOES SPY?
Neo Gooper: we'll get to spy, trying to go in order
Donga Gone Wronga: BUT DOES JOHN CENA?
Donga Gone Wronga rolls a die with 26 side. The die showed: RAPADOOOOOOOOOOOO
I Have Always Been Smith rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 19
Neo Gooper rolled a die with 26 sides. The die showed: 1

Possibly Recovering Tom?: I need
Possibly Recovering Tom?: to stop looking at chatzy
Possibly Recovering Tom?: when goops wants to roll
Possibly Recovering Tom?: it's seriously causing problems guys
iKomodo: How so?
Possibly Recovering Tom?: this is the fifth time in the last week I've looked in at chatzy
Possibly Recovering Tom?: and a moment later
Possibly Recovering Tom?: someone rolls a 1
Neo Gooper: obviously you should just look all the time
Neo Gooper: everyone gets ones and all fights are decided by the tie-breaker coin flips
I Have Always Been Smith: It's just Ven's luck, Tom. :l It's been spreading and infecting them by degrees. Y'r fine.
Possibly Recovering Tom?: no, see, I have to tab out and then back in
Possibly Recovering Tom?: for it to work


Bree: "belinda waddles in"
Bree: waddles
Bree: lel belinda
Harpy: hey she's carrying all these instruments for her theme song
Bree: kek
Neo Gooper: harpy's characters waddle a lot
Neo Gooper: I just imagine they penguin-walk everywhere
Harpy: no, Belinda usually struts like she owns the place


Jumpropeman: if you look closely
Jumpropeman: the word devil has the word evil in it
Jumpropeman: PROOF that Satan is evil
Neo Gooper is 2spooked


Harpy: another delicious target to paste
Harpy: BM tomato paste over my Sundowner Spaghetti
Gooper Blooper: delicious villains
Harpy: served with a side of garlic bread bard
Harpy: and profiteur meatballs
Gooper Blooper: because the bread bard was a bard of bread
Harpy: why did I laugh at that
Harpy: that was horrible
Harpy: why
Harpy: why do you do this to me
RubyChao: because you're skeiron


Draco: Silence: the fifth Sarahkin.


Draco: SIDE NOTE: I saw Broderick's car today.
Draco: The license plate said "Nice hat"


Harpy: Boreas does not approve :I
Draco: AW
Draco: Boreas never approves of anything! Not setting fire to apartments, not selling medicines for grossly-inflated prices, not even putting peepee in Coke. D:<
Harpy: Boreas... does not approve of any of those
Harpy: Boreas only approves of hugs, cuddles, and wearing a tower of hats
Jumpropeman: Well, guess he doesn't approve of this basket of kittens
Harpy: Boreas approves of baskets of kittens
Jumpropeman: *tosses the basket of kittens into a river, they float down in and found by the Pharoah's wife*
Harpy: jrm no
Jumpropeman: *the kittens grow up to become the Princes of Egypt before they are visited by god*
Draco: Were they custard kittens?
Jumpropeman: This Summer
Jumpropeman: The Meowsis Story
Jumpropeman: Meowses
Jumpropeman: Moses but cats okay


Bree: fun fact: when meiling calls someone "beautiful" it's not meaningless flattery, she only applies that term to ladies she actually thinks are beautiful
Bree: and gensokyo is full of ladies
Gooper Blooper: I noticed this
Gooper Blooper: And it amused me because of earlier today
Gooper Blooper: "Meiling peeks into the bar. She spots Yuugi and is about to retreat... but Yuugi spots her too, which means she is doomed. She reluctantly joins the oni and the bucket youkai. 'Hey, beautiful. Hey, Kisume.'”
Bree: the subtlest ice burn
Bree: but no, she wasn't implying kisume isn't beautiful :U
Bree: she just has no interest in flattering the hell out of kisume
Bree: kisume is not a target for meiling's uncontrollable casanova-ness
Jumpropeman: Meiling isn't ready for the burden of a relationship with a bucket girl
Jumpropeman: you always got to carry her places
Jumpropeman: she keeps wanting to ride the teacups only at Disneyland
Jumpropeman: she's just the worst


Jumpropeman: Shimmer does still harbor small crushes but she doesn't pursue any because of her aversion to relationships
Gooper Blooper: who needs boys when you can be total idiot hair bros with sarah and okuu
Jumpropeman: exactly
Draco: Sarah and Okuu do.


Bree: so
Bree: can we have tenshiola tomorrow
Draco: I vote yes.
RubyChao: probably
RubyChao: depends on if we have time
RubyChao: ok then!
RubyChao cancels his plot for more Tenshiola
Jumpropeman: I'd like a Tenshiola and cheese, easy on the mayo
Jumpropeman: it is after the Brawl after all
Jumpropeman: Viola needs to come up with a new excuse not to admit her feelings
Bree: if she finds a new excuse
Bree: meiling will dracostare at her until she admits it to tenshi
Bree: "I told yuugi I was in love with her, if I have to fess up then so do you"
Jumpropeman: Meiling just points at Elise "DON'T END UP LIKE HER"
RubyChao: me and goops actually came up with an even more pivotal moment for viola to do so
Jumpropeman: when they both are about to toss themselves into a volcano to save the world
Harpy: please don't compare her to elise, elise would break into tears
Bree: does that even more pivotal moment involve a ton more waiting?
Jumpropeman: Tenshi is about to be frozen in carbonite, and Viola says "I love you!" and Tenshi says "I know" right before she's frozen and taken by Bendak Starkiller to Jabba the Hutt
RubyChao: shit, jrm just spoiled the whole thing
RubyChao: guess we have to rewrite it
Jumpropeman: and then when Tenshi is thawed she sings "I'm Hinanawi", which is "I'm Han Solo" but about her instead
Gooper Blooper: I'll predict the tenshiola climax will happen in early august, taking into consideration Saralex and Plotmass
Bree: but
Bree: but
Bree: that's
Bree: that's like
Gooper Blooper: I know
Bree: tenshiola climax had better be super worth it >:I
Bree: bree's patience level: negative fifty bajillion


The Timeline Has Been Ruined: That feel when you realise the very first sentence of your post alliterates
The Timeline Has Been Ruined: "Sean sees Sayuka's slumped shoulders"
The Timeline Has Been Ruined deletes the line and cries into his beer


Mildly Well Rested Tom: so does everyone look not-like-a-supervillain but me, then?
Mildly Well Rested Tom: is this one of this comic book things where I'm destined to try to take over the world?
Saberwulf: Well Ven sounds like a supervillian


Saberwulf: Harpy you always look like you work at a tiny cafe that serves latte art and has old books to read and a lazy cat sitting in the window
SteelKomodo: wulf pls
Harpy: i feel proud of that description because I probably would work there
Harpy: i call it
Harpy: the catfe
Harpy: i can't do latte art worth a damn tho
Saberwulf: They're opening a catfe in Philly in a couple months
Saberwulf: I wanna goooo
Harpy: i have no idea if they have a catfe in DC
Saberwulf: gasp
SteelKomodo: d'aaaaaw :3
Harpy: woah shit the coffee is kinda cheap there
Harpy: nearly 6 dollars for a milkshake tho
Saberwulf: Probably a damn good milkshake though
Saberwulf: A pulp fiction milkshake
Harpy: it better
Harpy: oh yeah 10 dollar reservation on weekdays, 12 on weekends
Saberwulf: Wow
Harpy: yeah this is prolly how they get most of their cash
Harpy: since they don't have many menu items and they're relatively inexpensive
Harpy: it's an entire hour tho
Bree: cattes
Saberwulf: I'd pay 10 bux for an hour with cats and smoothies
Harpy: i'd pay 10 bux for that too


Saberwulf: Free love dudes
Saberwulf puts on headband and sings joni mitchell
Saberwulf votes Nixon out of office


(It is revealed Dimitri, the AI living with Sean, has a soul)

Bree: sorta disappointed sean didn't react but whatever lel
Bree: dimitri's reaction was totally worth it
Bree: dimitri is a precious babby <3
Bree so biased
Harpy: precious babies
The Timeline Has Been Ruined: Sean isnt too bothered he always kinda believed in having a soul
Bree: that's adorable that dimitri wasn't sure he had a soul but sean just always believed that was the case
Bree: like
Bree: that's fucking adorable
Bree: don't ask me why, I guess because that's sweet, like everyone else is all philosophical and sean's just like "what? of course dimitri has a soul, why wouldn't he"
Bree: agh they're both precious babbies I'm dying
Bree dies
SteelKomodo: don't die bree


RubyChao: "i'm weally weally strong!" yes i'm sure you are k- *level 53 swinub* oh god she wasn't kidding


The Timeline Has Been Ruined: Okay
The Timeline Has Been Ruined: Let me sum up age of sigmar
The Timeline Has Been Ruined: Imagine the worst reboot of a comic series/book you've seen
The Timeline Has Been Ruined: Its worse than that


Mildly Well Rested Tom: anyone else notice Goops is sitting at a flat 5k posts?
RubyChao: well shit
RubyChao: now i can't get him on my plot because he can never post again
Draco: Goops can make another account and retire the old one.
RubyChao: his original account Blooper Blooper
Gooper Blooper: I also noticed my 5000th post consists of quoting a DKC cartoon song
Gooper Blooper: truly the best milestone


They Patched It: My friend saw the DK cartoon for the first time as part of our Lets Watch Bad Anime (And This Time Terrible Early CGI) days we have over skype on occasion
They Patched It: He wasn't prepared
Draco: That's because it's not anime, Spy.
SteelKomodo: hahaha
RubyChao: yes it is!
Jumpropeman: its better than anime
They Patched It: it probably helps that we started with the wedding episode
They Patched It: "Okay this one's called Two Weddings And A Coconut-" "Oh you're not even ready, we're starting with that one"


brinehammer joined the chat
Jumpropeman: hi brhinehamekmre
Jumpropeman: ...
They Patched It: JRM that's not how you fire the kamehame
brinehammer: Late to the party like always =/
Jumpropeman: brinehammer misesed teh party, wheatever it was
Jumpropeman: but me
Jumpropeman: I stayed up for this party
Jumpropeman: im not missing this dplot
RubyChao: jrm you can miss this plot
Gooper Blooper: JRM hates monopoly man even more than spaps
RubyChao: we have a lot of people here already
RubyChao: would people wanna start the plot a bit earlier, or no?
Gooper Blooper: I'm ready whenever it begins
Jumpropeman: I thought it was starting time
Jumpropeman: *eyes blur as he looks at timezones*


RubyChao: ​hope you guys don't mind fighting jojo villains
Draco: What's ​Jojo​?
RubyChao: ​Jojo's Bizarre Adventure
Draco: What's that?
RubyChao: it's an anime/manga series
Draco: Oh okay.
RubyChao: i was really, really, really
RubyChao: expecting you to say "What's anime?"
RubyChao: because draco.txt
Draco: ​What's .txt?


Gooper Blooper: I was looking back at the old BBB3 wrapup and JRM actually wanted to win, at least sort of
Gooper Blooper: Specifically he thought it would be interesting if whichever year he won, the winner was the Mystery Fiter
Jumpropeman: Yahoo Bot was the true savior of ZFRP
Gooper Blooper: Yahoo Bot got a mention too
Jumpropeman: I probably wouldn't have liked it if it actually happened :V
Draco: The year I enter with nothing but joke characters is the year I will win it.
Waldorf and Statler joined the chat
Waldorf and Statler: That didn't work the last five years; why would it work on the sixth?
Waldorf and Statler: D'OH HO HO HO HO HO HO HO!
Waldorf and Statler left the chat


Jumpropeman: >​Hannibal Buress has his own show now
Jumpropeman: I'm sorry guys, its been great, but I'm gonna spend all my time watching this now
Harpy: BYE JRM
Jumpropeman: it has one episode so far, but I'll just watch that until the next one airs
Draco: Bye JRM. Harpy will do a great job with the Brawl next year.


Draco: Does anybody want a Decepticonplot spoiler? =p
Draco: Mmmm...on second though, no spoilers for you. Don't want to spoil things.
Draco bops himself for asking.
Jumpropeman: the only spoiler I want is one on the back of their vehicle forms
Draco: Done.
Draco gives JRM a pile of car parts.
Jumpropeman: I'm in heaven~
Draco: I thought you already were after getting Cory in the House. Was that....a lie?
Jumpropeman: Cory in the House took me to Super Heaven, the spoilers actually knocked me down to regular heaven :(
Draco: Oh. I'm so sorry. D:
Draco cancels Dracoplot out of shame.
Jumpropeman: I'm in purgatory~
Draco cancels Parseeplot out of shame.
Jumpropeman: I'm in hell~
Draco cancels Wailordplot out of shame.
Gooper Blooper: draco why
Draco cancels Waldorfandstatlerplot out of shame.


Gooper Blooper: see you tomorrow ​when I pull out yet another shocking twist about silence​ nah I'm done for now :V
brinehammer: *Gasp*
Gooper Blooper: turns out she just didn't feel like talking


Cornwind Evil: Oh yeah
Cornwind Evil: Del I have a video you should watch if you want to refresh your memory about creative swears
Jumpropeman: my favorite swear word is ​boob ​ ​
The Timeline Has Been Ruined: Ha
Jumpropeman: don't tell my mom I said that
The Timeline Has Been Ruined: Haha
Draco calls Mrs. Ropeman right now.
Jumpropeman: I was just trying to be cool ; o ;
Draco: Excuse me, ma'am. Did you know your son was using CREATIVE SWEARS? BU
Draco: He...said..."THAT"
Draco: *dun dun duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuun*
Jumpropeman: thanks Draco, now I can't have ice cream for a week! >:I
Draco: Mission accomplished. I can cancel Dracoplot and retire now. (^_^)-b
Jumpropeman: but Draco, you can't cancel your plot! What about the scene we have planned at the very end where Vector is about to land the killing blow on Quick Fix when he sees the selfie they took on the wall above him? They finally see each other as the friends they once were, and Vector extends a hand not to hurt, but to mend, lifting Quick Fix to his feet as they finally reconcile their differences!
Draco:'re right. How can I cancel Dracoplot now? D;
Draco cancels Parseeplot instead.
Jumpropeman: now we'll never see the rise of Parseepolis


Draco: Goops, if you're reading this, draw Smiling Tangerine Sine.
Harpy: JRM should do it. He needs more silly Sine pics to fill his resume :U
Draco: JRM, if you're reading this, change your name to Goops and do that thing I just said to do.
Draco: Like, comment, and subscribe or I'll draw it.

SteelKomodo: GOOPS PLS


Ven: Goooooold needle.
Ven rummages
Ven rummages more
Ven rummages until-

Ven: AHA
Ven: No wait.
Ven: It's pyrite. :<
Ven resumes rummaging


RubyChao: viola noooooooooooo
Gooper Blooper: hahahaha
Gooper Blooper: I was wondering why you didn't react to that
RubyChao: fix the voela
RubyChao Alices at Harpy until viola is fixe
Gooper Blooper: fixe the gothe on the forume


Jumpropeman: I had like 24 youtube videos all paused and they all started playing at once

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