Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Chatzy Madness Volume 213: Big Bar Brawl 5 Edition

Del: morgan freeman why
Del: why are you in so many bad movies
BakedKomodo: his career peaked after the Dark Knight trilogy
Lost Tomwhere in Time: I think there comes a point
BakedKomodo: there was only one way to go after that
Lost Tomwhere in Time: in an old actor's life
Lost Tomwhere in Time: where you really just go
Lost Tomwhere in Time: "You know what? I'm Morgan Freeman. Fuck it."
M Sheep: okay, back
BakedKomodo: wb sheep
M Sheep: danke
Lost Tomwhere in Time: I mean, I'll be honest
Lost Tomwhere in Time: if I was Morgan Freeman
Lost Tomwhere in Time: I'd be doing this to troll the crap out of people
Lost Tomwhere in Time: It would be my singular purpose
Lost Tomwhere in Time: I'd deliberately go to the most arbitrary and ridiculous of stores, and purchase items at random
Lost Tomwhere in Time: just so people could hear me ask for these specific items
Lost Tomwhere in Time: I even have a similar plan in mind when I become an author
Fate Intruded: Is it to become Darth Vader?
Lost Tomwhere in Time: I'll have a strong and solid career of well rounded, well paced stories with solid and interesting characters
Lost Tomwhere in Time: and then
Lost Tomwhere in Time: suddenly
Lost Tomwhere in Time: I will start writing erotica
Lost Tomwhere in Time: but not just any erotica
BakedKomodo: Tom pls D:
Lost Tomwhere in Time: epic fantasy erotica
Fate Intruded: That works too. :v
M Sheep: I kind of want to see Morgan Freeman appear in a film
M Sheep: and not say anything
Lost Tomwhere in Time: six books of thoroughly well plotted, well written porn
Fate Intruded: Tom, that's an oxymoron. 8 0
M Sheep: a recurring character who shows up, but never speaks a word the whole thing
Lost Tomwhere in Time: that would be pretty brilliant, Sheep
Lost Tomwhere in Time: I'd never have thought of that
M Sheep: At most, you get a sigh like he's drawing himself up to say something
M Sheep: and then nothing
BakedKomodo: hahaha
M Sheep: so much tension in the audience, just waiting for one character to SAY SOMETHING


Bree: so um
Bree: rolling defenses for yonaka in spehss court
Bree: the results
Bree: are hilarious
Bree: that's all I'm sayin
RubyChao: kek
BakedKomodo: kek
Gooper Blooper: Yonaka rolls a 31 for everything except when bree joke rolled for Edea and got a 1 and a tails, Yonaka splattered by chocolate from hundreds of feet away somehow
Bree: lel
The Timeline Has Been Ruined: I hope sean's roll did it
Cornwind Evil: Yonaka splattered with chocolate
Cornwind Evil: It turns out she hates chocolate
Cornwind Evil: Hence making her the most evil villain in kobber history
Gooper Blooper: my gluttons descend upon yonaka like piranha
Harpy: Cian is disappointed with Yonaka for her shit taste in everything
Harpy: "I bet you even like that chocolate-flavored stuff. :I "


M Sheep: We're gonna have to save the hotel with a bake sale!
Bree: sine just throws money at it
Bree: all of the disposable cash
M Sheep: Literally just throws money at Attwater's face while he just stands there
M Sheep: not reacting


M Sheep: >​but Elise has the distinct advantage of being in a 3DS.
M Sheep only in ZFRP


Gooper Blooper: Earlier today when I posted about brawl posting and time and schedules and things, I imagined JRM posting the entire brawl at once and chao coming back in five minutes with "that was a good big bar brawl"
RubyChao: hahahahaaaaaaa
M Sheep: huehuehuehue
Gooper Blooper: like, he just spends WEEKS making this thing
RubyChao: no wonder you cited my superhuman reading speeds in your post, then
Gooper Blooper: and then chao just burns through it before he can do anything


Cornwind Evil: And now....why you should NOT piss Sine off
Cornwind Evil: Park 2
Gooper Blooper: oh god *runs to read*
Fate Intruded: ​There's a Park 1​
Fate Intruded: An entire theme park based on why you shouldn't piss Sine off. Rides, exhibits, the works. :V
Harpy: Elise: That was hardly necessary-
RubyChao: the bass ride!
Harpy: Sine now has a lot of eldritch abominations cheering for her
RubyChao: sit in an underground cell for ​forever​ a few weeks!
iKomodo: Park 1 was where the T. rex escaped :U


RubyChao rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 6
RubyChao rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 15

RubyChao: jackal more like jobkal
Gooper Blooper: jobber's asterisk
RubyChao: nah he's not that... bad...
RubyChao remembers that in three plots he went on, Jackal got KOed in two and went bust in the third
RubyChao: ...maybe he is
Gooper Blooper: pff


Jumpropeman: my sister posted a picture on her facebook, and at first I thought it was off some strange exercise equipment you kind of lay in, but it turns out
Jumpropeman: it was a closeup of a pair of high heels


The Timeline Has Been Ruined: So the moral of secret wars is
The Timeline Has Been Ruined: Dr doom is a huge baby


(JRM is writing the Brawl)

Jumpropeman: off i go again. 17/60 remain
SteelKomodo: gl, jrm!
RubyChao: damn, nice progress
Jumpropeman: I'll just put "and then this guy died KO and so did she KO" for the last 17
Jumpropeman: "and then the rest died too the end!"
Gooper Blooper: meat boy and tut-tut fite
Gooper Blooper: punching and kicking KO


Boreas: i got a coke
SteelKomodo: yay coke :)
Boreas: "share a coke with Sara"
SteelKomodo: :3
RubyChao: Sara the Geomancer will be so happy
Boreas: i can't share one if I can't meet her :<
Gooper Blooper: Oh that reminds me
Gooper Blooper: An ad I got on my kindle a couple days ago
Gooper Blooper: it was an ad for a book and the tagline was "He thought he knew everything about Sarah. He was wrong."
Boreas: oh god
SteelKomodo: oh god what
SteelKomodo: Sarah pls


Gooper Blooper rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 1
Gooper Blooper: herpity derp
iKomodo: Derpsephine

(One turn of combat later)

Gooper Blooper rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 1
Gooper Blooper: amazing
Draco: Jobsephine
Draco: Which sister is Dirk fighting again? =V
iKomodo: Lel
Gooper Blooper: "JO WHERE'D YOUR BUTT GO"
Gooper Blooper: "I'm over here, you've been fighting Ariel in a chemist dress since you got pinned"
iKomodo: hahaha


Gooper Blooper rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 1
Gooper Blooper: okay that's the third 1
Gooper Blooper: what the hell sephine
Draco: Ariel's over in the stands thinking "Finally free of that rep! ='D "


RubyChao: >​plot needs to wait for a week and a half or so to do
RubyChao: >​already want to do it
RubyChao: rip me


Bree: how badly has octavious been buried?
Bree: so badly that cornwind forgot his name
Bree: called him orpheus
Bree: admitted that he'd forgotten
RubyChao: octavious
RubyChao: more like
RubyChao: octwhovious
Gooper Blooper: that guy that's a doll
Gooper Blooper: I think he's Melody's subordinate
Gooper Blooper: mental image
Gooper Blooper: doll sitcom-style opening
Gooper Blooper: "MELODY!" *shot of Melody* "MOMOKO!" *shot of Momoko and her pogeys* "AND THE REST!" *all the others crammed into the frame*
Bree: nah, it lists cerise and amity, then "and the rest"


M Sheep: incrimental plotpost
M Sheep: move the snail forward another inch
RubyChao: ​wasn't expecting bobbet to be a mutant
RubyChao: ​...but he's a sheep character, of course SOMETHING's gotta be up
M Sheep: ​so thaaaat's why his voice is so high pitched​
Gooper Blooper: BRAWL PREDICTION: ​Junko will place extremely highly, but will sell getting a top ten spot the same as if she'd placed in the bottom five, because nothing but absolute victory is acceptable
Draco: ​Of course it isn't. When you shoot for the top, anything lower is a miss.
Draco: Junko is ​the Wind Vestal
M Sheep: ​Junko revives after the Brawl as Lemongrab​
Cornwind Evil: How WOULD Junko feel ​if she did win the Brawl?
Gooper Blooper: I would hope for positive character development, but
Gooper Blooper gestures sadly at Sheep as he wallows gleefully in his characters' misfortunes
M Sheep wallows


Do not Hate Me Please: Cole may need a bandaid, though.
Do not Hate Me Please: Or some hugs.
Do not Hate Me Please: Or the idea of hugs.
Do not Hate Me Please: :U
Gooper Blooper: he can shadow sarah for a bit
Do not Hate Me Please: Just put the bandaid over where his face was, it'll work just as well. 8v
RubyChao: sarah can sense when someone needs a hug
Gooper Blooper: she thinks about cuddles almost as often as she thinks about fud
Do not Hate Me Please: Fud/cuddles/alex/save day/fud
Do not Hate Me Please: It's a busy cycle. :3
Gooper Blooper: an accurate summary of sarah
Do not Hate Me Please: She is not, very happily, a propoetide.
Do not Hate Me Please: ... I feel I may have mildly mispelled that. SHEEP, SHARE YOUR CORNER
Do not Hate Me Please: No, no, propoetides were whom I meant.
Do not Hate Me Please: Priestesses that... welllllllllll... they'd fit in as VampireSine's girlfriends right well! :U Crazy rituals, devoured flesh from manipulated-and-sacrific​ed lovers, dark and arcane religious rites.
Do not Hate Me Please: All the fun stuff Sarah doesn't do on the weekends.
Do not Hate Me Please: ​The historical Nega-Sarahs, if you will.
Draco: No time to rest: there's fud.
M Sheep: That should be Ven's signature


M Sheep jazz hands
M Sheep pulls cord that makes him go "I'll be here all week!"
M Sheep pulls cord

M Sheep: "Ill be here all week!"
M Sheep pulls cord
M Sheep: "There's a snake in my boot!"
M Sheep: Hmm
M Sheep: That's not right


Do not Hate Me Please: Goodness gracious. :U I looked up Sauron's Eye, and deviantart says related tags are : Rainbow Dash.
Do not Hate Me Please: ​Foreshadowing for final boss '15, are we?
Gooper Blooper: dashie finally snaps after her fifth brawl loss
M Sheep: You must throw the horseshoe in the volcano of Mt. Rainbow


Jumpropeman: a great description of the Red Mage class: "PREPARE FOR CRIPPLING ADEQUACY"
RubyChao: *victor weakens*


SLEEP WHaT Is ThaT? joined the chat 13 hours ago
SLEEP WHaT Is ThaT?: Wut os sweep
SLEEP WHaT Is ThaT?: Yay werds
SLEEP WHaT Is ThaT?: zboo cryions
SLEEP WHaT Is ThaT?: tree daz to brall
SLEEP WHaT Is ThaT?: hi is ven
no had sweeps
Caf goned
is will aer bleh
SLEEP WHaT Is ThaT? rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 20
SLEEP WHaT Is ThaT?: + \
SLEEP WHaT Is ThaT? rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 16
SLEEP WHaT Is ThaT?: + \
SLEEP WHaT Is ThaT? rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 9
Draco joined the chat

SLEEP WHaT Is ThaT?: glbbrgh
Draco: Bah weep granna weep ni ni bong.
SLEEP WHaT Is ThaT?: No cry cry, ni so no non
SLEEP WHaT Is ThaT?: Pingpostbar wrek
SLEEP WHaT Is ThaT?: pink iz trap
gud werk
SLEEP WHaT Is ThaT?: :b
Draco: Word up.
SLEEP WHaT Is ThaT?: k
-endeavors to up words to English variation of phrasings and articles-
Good morning, Draco. I've not slept very much at all, and I apologize for any sleep deprived ideas that- however funny within my own mind- may in fact merely be the productions of a rem-starved brain. I should like to inquire as to how you are doing, and credit you with excellent bounty hunter traps jokingly, in the latest of my usual inane barposts.
SLEEP WHaT Is ThaT?: It is, as always, good to see you, and
SLEEP WHaT Is ThaT?: bbkgahhh
SLEEP WHaT Is ThaT? slumps and drools on keyboard
SLEEP WHaT Is ThaT?: tost iz gud
SLEEP WHaT Is ThaT?: seerus sez voela has #hips in spiderlady hex dress ;s
Cleffy took Clefable.
SLEEP WHaT Is ThaT?: -braindead speak aside, thank you again for participating in the morning's plot, and for your ever delightful contributions. : ) Should the Sealanders desire more than Alakawhat, there's an open opportunity going; but they've proven, once again, to be the superior pogey trainers in armed conflict, as well as remarkable persons and aspiring Mando'ade.
SLEEP WHaT Is ThaT? resumes being a puddle of useless goop


iNhale: I'm in a booth with some Taiwan girls
iNhale: i shall remain true
iNhale: emprah preserve meh
iKomodo: Del PLS D:
Saberwulf: Hahaha
iNhale: Nah I'm fine
iNhale: theres only one girl in my life
Saberwulf: Is it Jonesy
iNhale: Lol no u silly
Saberwulf can't physically blush harder
Saberwulf applies more blush
Saberwulf finally has a use for all this sparkle blush that hot lesbian gave me


Draco: Wow. The Domino's website keeps track of when I order pizza and it turns out a year ago today I ordered pizza from there. =o
Draco: What I ordered last year sounds pretty good, but I want something more than Canadian Bacon.


RubyChao: i just realized
RubyChao: sk went to sleep ​before​ del
RubyChao: what crazy negaverse am i in


RubyChao: wulf making a list
RubyChao: "Okay, so that's destination 1..."
Saberwulf: You joke but I literally do have a list
RubyChao: show him the museum of sex, i'm sure that wouldn't be awkward at all
Draco: O_o
The Timeline Has Been Ruined: The history of boning
Saberwulf: I was considering it, but someone said it was boring and overpriced
RubyChao: sad


Congratulations! joined the chat
RubyChao: hello spy
Gooper Blooper: Oh, spy, I finally caught you
Congratulations!: Oh shit
Congratulations! left the chat
Draco: lel
Congratulations! joined the chat
Draco: XD
Congratulations!: Wait fuck I should've said a witty one-liner
Congratulations!: Like
Gooper Blooper: I found this picture a few days ago but you were never in chat with me
Draco: Goop one, Spy.
Gooper Blooper: spy pls
Congratulations! left the chat
Congratulations! joined the chat

Congratulations!: Or maybe
Congratulations!: SPYCHECK: FAILED
Congratulations! left the chat
Congratulations! joined the chat

Congratulations!: Wait shit a pic I gotta see this
Gooper Blooper: link
Congratulations!: . . . Oh my god
RubyChao: what has science done D:
Cornwind Evil: I have read the story that comes from
RubyChao: you have to tell us now, you understand
Cornwind Evil: It's a story from WWE Comics
Cornwind Evil: Where all the memorable wrestlers from history are inexplicably fighting
Cornwind Evil: It turns out that it's like 700 years in the future and the 'WWE Galaxy Syndicate' is having an anniversary, so they mentally cloned a bunch of important people in WWE history
Cornwind Evil: But when they made the mental clone of Bobby The Brain Heenan it went rogue, took over the whole network, and started having everyone from across time fight everyone else
Cornwind Evil: So Brain could make hybrid clones of the world's strongest wrestlers to...take over the universe or something
Gooper Blooper: gee bobby the brain, what are we going to do tonight


Saberwulf: Am I a big enough dork to download Love Live on my phone
Saberwulf: I think I am
iKomodo: Do it
Saberwulf: Just did
Saberwulf: Gimme dem anime goyls
Saberwulf: The opening song was Japanese ska
Saberwulf: Liking this already
iKomodo: Pffft
Draco: ...Japanese ska? O_o
Saberwulf: Oh god they even have voice acting and idol profiles
Saberwulf: Help
Saberwulf: Kosaka's hobbies are swimming and collecting stickers
Saberwulf: But her names rhyme so fuck her
iKomodo: Pfffft
Saberwulf: "Nozomi Tojo, hobbies: Taking naps"
Saberwulf: Now that's some real talk
Draco: I can relate to this person.
Saberwulf: Bull fucking shit Nico is a third year she's like three feet tall
Saberwulf: Don't you put the devil's curse on me Love Live
Saberwulf: Don't you do it
RubyChao: nico nico niiiiiiiiiiiiiii
Saberwulf shakes fist at Chao
Saberwulf: Okay so should I go for the tall girl who likes reading and writing, or the slightly shorter redhead who likes stargazing
The Timeline Has Been Ruined: Redhead redhead redhead
Saberwulf: Wait the tall girls' VA is adorable and is in the new Digimon
The Timeline Has Been Ruined: Shit
Saberwulf: But the redhead is a real singer and SHE'S ALSO CUTE
Bree: tall goyls
Saberwulf: Goddamn you Japanese media for forcing women to be adorable for money
RubyChao: >​implying you have any choice that isn't books
Saberwulf: Went with the tall one
RubyChao: yay
Saberwulf LOGGED IN
Draco: Wulf is connect! She is one with The Matrix! D:
Saberwulf: Fuck the tall girl's team came with Honaka and Kotori
The Timeline Has Been Ruined: Rip
SteelKomodo: D:
Saberwulf: RESTART
Saberwulf: Mother of fuck you can't restart
SteelKomodo: welp
SteelKomodo: rip wulf


Gooper Blooper: I checked in on Smogon a couple days ago and they're trying to ban Scald
Harpy: >​ban scald
Harpy: laughing my way to the bank
Gooper Blooper: The 30% burn chance apparently results in "burn fishing"


Draco: Don't give Tenshi a Pokemon. She won't know how to take care of it and will have to have Viola around all the time to help her.
Gooper Blooper: oh yes, they'd have to spend even more time together, and Tenshi would have to let Viola lead her in something for once instead of Viola following her around
Gooper Blooper: that would be awful
RubyChao: truly awful
Draco: #TheWorst
Gooper Blooper: mental image
Gooper Blooper: tenshi just holding her pogey at arm's length
Gooper Blooper: "now what"


iKomodo: Zzzzz
Jumpropeman: *puts SK's hand in warm water*
iKomodo: D:


Harpy: ​>​roman reigns
iKomodo: ​hahahaha
Cornwind Evil: ​I so wanted him to get in. The entrance would have been solid gold.
Harpy: ​i thought Triple H would have a solid gold entrance ;U


Another Day: The wonderful thing about Tiggers is... ​there'll soon be only none. ​-aims-


SickTom: I stumble back to look in on Chatzy, finally, and Goops immediately rolls a 1. Clearly this is a sign


Jumpropeman: so I know what you guys are wondering
Jumpropeman: who is this cool new Bluez character
Jumpropeman: how can I get more Bluez
Gooper Blooper: I liked Bluez
Jumpropeman: is there Bluez merchandise?


Gooper Blooper foolishly attempts to have a presence in three threads at once
RubyChao: rip goopy
RubyChao proceeds to engage Goops in a PM chain because he totally has time for that, right?
RubyChao: (no)
Jumpropeman: hey goops I have like 10 more pictures that need to be done you're good right?


Jumpropeman: there's soup in my stomach and a spring in my step
Jumpropeman: the doctors say the spring can't be removed without causing irreparable damage
Jumpropeman: but now I can jump as high as Tigger!
RubyChao: and then you crash into the ceiling and bust your head open
RubyChao: rip
Jumpropeman: and then that's when its revealed I've been a tiny alien piloting a human robot this whole time


Jumpropeman: I'm listening to a greatest hits video on youtube, and there's a duet where they just cut off the rest of the song after the main singer finishes their last part
Draco: Get your own Youtube account, lady. BU


iNhale: Gasp
iNhale: santos has eyes againnnn
iNhale: He's gonna be happy, which consists of being slightly less terse than normal
Cornwind Evil: Yeah the Godsend helped him out a fair bit last year
Cornwind Evil: Rhonda: Santos, this is a ballpark hot dog.
iNhale: Hahahahaha
iNhale: Oh yeah I forgot that happened last year
iNhale: Watching the brawlll
Jumpropeman: "This is a chair" "Rhonda please I'm not that unaware of the world" "and this is what people call a cup" "RHONDA PLEASE"


SteelKomodo: there's a meme about Peach's "hips of steel" going round
SteelKomodo: Dirk: ...Eh, 6/10


Gooper Blooper: I watched the second episode of battlebots last night and there were shenanigans
SteelKomodo: shenanigans?
Gooper Blooper: ​eeeevil​ shenanigans
RubyChao: "THE BEST KIND" - Gallde
Gooper Blooper: There was this robot with a big propeller on it named Ghost Raptor, set to fight a Canadian robot with a grabbing arm and a flamethrower named Complete Control
Gooper Blooper: Before the fight started Complete Control's builder had a box covered with a tarp next to his robot. After they were introduced, he pulled the tarp off to reveal a big present wrapped in donut-pattern wrapping paper
Gooper Blooper: Taped to the present was a note that said "Dear Ghost Raptor, Our deepest condolences. Love, Complete Control"
Gooper Blooper: I'm not making this up
SteelKomodo: D:
Gooper Blooper: So he positions the box so it fits inside Complete Control's grabber, so the fight begins with Complete Control literally holding the present
Gooper Blooper: Ghost Raptor, of course, charges directly at the present with his propeller going at full speed, which was exactly what Complete Control wanted
Gooper Blooper: Because inside the present
Gooper Blooper: ​was a giant mesh net, which jammed Ghost Raptor's weapon and eventually got into his wheels and immobilized him
SteelKomodo: ...D:
SteelKomodo: ​WHAT
Gooper Blooper: So did the judges
RubyChao: hahahahaaaaaa
Gooper Blooper: Traditionally, this type of weapon has been banned in BattleBots rules. However, the Complete Control team checked the rules carefully and saw that the rule had been removed, along with "no flamethrowers" which a whole bunch of robots have been using
Gooper Blooper: There was a big argument and the match got thrown out with the judges ordering a rematch
Gooper Blooper: The rematch was somehow even better than the first match
SteelKomodo: hahaha
Gooper Blooper: Five seconds in, Complete Control accidentally broke his own driving mechanism and could hardly move. Twenty seconds later, Ghost Raptor attacked him and half of his propeller broke off. The match became a desperate struggle between two crippled robots
Gooper Blooper: ​The judges went for Ghost Raptor
SteelKomodo: ​hahahaha that's fucking amazing


Gooper Blooper: so hype to share brawl title pic, but I cannot
Gooper Blooper: so instead have edea eating a burger
RubyChao: >​EdeaEatBurger
RubyChao: >​Burger
RubyChao: >​not Brgrgr
Gooper Blooper: Yes, burger. Look how unimpressed she is.
Gooper Blooper: That is clearly not a brgrgr


Gooper Blooper: ​>​Gordon Freeman rooting for Silence
Gooper Blooper: twenty keks


Bree: selah does think being naked is pretty awesome
Bree: not even for #lewd reasons
Bree: it's just fun
Bree: she has designated naked days


M Sheep: ​“I be collecting the signatures of famous pirates the world over, and I couldn’t miss me chance to get that of the famous Pirate Clint Hurdle!”​


M Sheep: ​"Anyway, on board the Feldspar King, a single orb of sunlight drops down from above, landing on the Sunflower and causing it to dance happily.​"
M Sheep: Well, I'm sure that won't become important


The Timeline Has Been Ruined: Bet you a steam game a fazfuck makes it to the top 20
RubyChao: freddy beats ko, it's "inhale my KO enragement ko"
Gooper Blooper: it's chica somehow
The Timeline Has Been Ruined: If it isnt chica im going to shit
Bree: I'll take that bet, del
The Timeline Has Been Ruined: Alrighty bree
The Timeline Has Been Ruined: You asked for it
The Timeline Has Been Ruined buys bree 50 copies of bad rats
Gooper Blooper: no, no
Gooper Blooper: 25 copies of Bad Rats, 24 copies of Gearcrack Arena, and one Shannon Tweed's Attack of the Groupies
Gooper Blooper: ZIGGO WILL WIN


Jumpropeman: fun fact: ​I didn't even tell CKR the names of the characters in Bottleman's KO pic. I just said "draw a LEGO hammer crushing a bottle"​


RubyChao: spy, important question
RubyChao: did ricard indeed take up like 25 seats with him and his duplicates
RubyChao: to cheer for siren
Jumpropeman: there's a special set of bleachers just filled with Ricards
Dongs: He did
Dongs: As many as he could buy
Dongs: Unfortunately Sunshine bought a whole stand to cheer for his boy Checkmate
RubyChao: despite the fact that his boy checkmate didn't even enter?
Dongs: "Whaddaya MEAN he's not in this one!?"


Jumpropeman: joke I wish I could have made but don't want to slide it in and have it stick out all strangely: ​the end of the post says PLAY IT LOUD, which was the slogan for Donkey Kong Country. I almost wanted him to turn around as if summoned by the slogan, but I wanted to end on Gooper's gif​


Bree: "and conjuring a McDonald’s McCafe Frozen Strawberry Lemonade"
Bree: I laughed at this and I don't know why


M Sheep: Okay, THAT made me laugh out loud over here

M Sheep: ​ AHAHAHA I LOVE how cheerful Emma looks as she carves a teen girl in half​
M Sheep: ^Phrases you only say in ZFRP
Brinehammer#: That picture was 100% dead on.


Jumpropeman: ​Selah dangling the trumpet overboard​
Harpy: ​AHAHAHAHA oh god


Gooper Blooper: "Sarah finds out rather quickly her opponent has the speed advantage"
Gooper Blooper: well no shit :V
Gooper Blooper: ​>​Force Push can't move Sarah
Gooper Blooper: ​GAHAHAHAHA
Jumpropeman: ​The Force is powerless in Fat City​
Harpy: ​many keks were had


Jumpropeman: I just told Rainbow Dash the person Rainbow Dash spends the whole brawl just eating spaghetti, and she texted me back saying "NO! THAT IS MOOSH'S JOB!"


Attempting to rev up for brawl: ​The Mondorian versus Mandalorian was unexpected, but now that I see it in a sentence, surely necessary and inevitable. :U Though the result surprised me.


Cornwind Evil: ​Whew, Ash has not jobbed yet.


M Sheep: ​Bee Kevvy is best Kevvy​


M Sheep: ​Oh my God, Bikker fulfilled the prophecy and became the most idiotic entrant in BBB history by not using the buffing crown he bought. We did it, ladies and gentlemen.​


Dongs: I love how ​Raspberry is just kinda there
Dongs: ​He isn't even actively hiding, just occasionally showing up. It's beautiful
Jumpropeman: ​he's being the perfect grunt, just standing in crowds and stuff​
Cornwind Evil: ​What I want to know is, where is Tenshi
Cornwind Evil: ​ We're about 1/3 of the way through and she hasn't gotten a single moment yet
RubyChao: ​if she got a moment that'd detract from the inevitable #comeuppance
Jumpropeman: ​the #comeuppance is she never actually appears at all​
Dongs: ​alternatively fighting Romance Reigns for the Money in the Bank briefcase
RubyChao: ​it's the final 3, tenshi hasn't appeared
RubyChao: ​and someone mentions "oh she died offscreen"
Dongs: ​Meat Boy respawns too high in the air, falls on TenshI for the KO
RubyChao: ​ctrl+f tells me, Tenshi's name has shown up three times in the actual brawl so far
RubyChao: ​viola is desperately cheering for her, hoping she pulls off something cool


Cornwind Evil: ​Raspberry seems confused at the very concept of winning


Gooper Blooper: ​Statler And Waldorf Watch: Statler and Waldorf are still here


Cornwind Evil: ​ "giant reptile flopping around like a fat seal." JRM waiting the whole Brawl to say this


Jumpropeman: in this post: ​Expand ON Dong​
Jumpropeman: didn't even do that on purpose


Cornwind Evil: ​Also, someone please draw a confused Donkey Kong looking at swans.


Harpy: ​MAC IS DEAD.


WAAAAAAAAAARIO joined the chat
WAAAAAAAAAARIO farts on the entrants

Gooper Blooper: wario you didn't enter
WAAAAAAAAAARIO farts and flies away
Gooper Blooper: and you've been in RP so you can't be a secret
WAAAAAAAAAARIO left the chat


RubyChao: ​also that cheerleader KO
Cornwind Evil: ​That might be one of the greatest KO's ever. No style and grace, indeed.
RubyChao: would you say it's


Attempting to rev up for brawl: All that gore. :'v -splashes happily-


Jumpropeman: SO, this next post has another one of my favorite arts of this Big Bar Brawl.... ​but I may not live to see your reactions after you kill me for this post :V​

(Rose kills Sarah with a bullet through the head)

Jumpropeman: ​IT HAD TO BE DONE​
Jumpropeman: ​begins nailing himself to the cross to save ya'll some time​
Gooper Blooper: ​OH MY GOD




Cornwind Evil: ​Also Junko and Tenshi are still in there
RubyChao: also ​shit yeah Junko's there, i forgot :V
Jumpropeman: well duh, she's fiting Tenshi :V V: :V​
RubyChao: will tenshi finally do a thing only 5/6ths into the battle? WILL SHE? (no)
RubyChao: ​Ko, Gigas, Kevin, and Silence are the Big Four for me, but most of the others are good too
RubyChao: ​tenshi needs to lose though
Gooper Blooper: ​"No she does not"
RubyChao: ​no viola, for once you need to fuck off viola
Draco: ​*Vina throws Viola into the lake* "MY CLIENT SHILLELAGH!"


RubyChao: ​...how the fuck is blade still alive


RubyChao: ​DON'T DO IT

(she does it)


Gooper Blooper: ​I can't get over Blade still being here
Gooper Blooper: ​He actually has MORE equipment than he started with


M Sheep: YES
M Sheep: ​I would have laughed so much if right after that slightly horrifying K.O. on Wailord, that Junko was K.O.ed by Regibro going in for the high five​
M Sheep: ​“Woah… I killed somebody! …And I’m still alive!”​
M Sheep: ​Darnit, Blade, stop making me like you​


(Cauren reaches the final two)

Attempting to rev up for brawl: Well. This was... entirely unexpected.
Gooper Blooper: ​Okay so
Gooper Blooper: ​Either I win... or I get second place ​for the third time
Harpy: ​here's hoping you win, goopy
RubyChao: ​eternal second


M Sheep: ​I can't tell if I'm projecting smug onto Tenshi K.O.ing Ko, or if is she just IS smug​
Gooper Blooper: ​She embodies smug
Gooper Blooper: ​Tenshi is Smug, and Smug is Tenshi
M Sheep: ​Smug The Smuggening 2: Smug Harder​


RubyChao: ​OH MY GOD
RubyChao: ​YOU DID IT
Harpy: goops
Harpy: i love you
Harpy: that's all i have to say
RubyChao ​forcibly grabs Goops in a bff hug
ROMMIN PAINIS tacklehugs the Gooper
RubyChao: ​not only that, but this is the very first time anyone besides the winner survived the BBB
Attempting to rev up for brawl: ​Erdrick is an attention whore. :U Ven knows how to read JRM. Cauren did spectacularly better than any of my folks thought, but Sine's still short a sponsored win or so. Blade survived.
Attempting to rev up for brawl reflects its a good end, all in all


Gooper Blooper: ​To be honest... I think this was the best possible winner out of my four. Storywise, at least.
RubyChao: ​IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN GIGAS but yeah i understand
Gooper Blooper: ​I almost thought Blade was gonna get killed by the swans :V
RubyChao: ​i was legit stunned when he lived


M Sheep: ​Silence is what's best for business​
Gooper Blooper: What's really sad though
Gooper Blooper: is last place
RubyChao: yeeeeah
M Sheep: yeeeeah


Gooper Blooper: Goodnight HULKAMANIACS and jabronie marks without a life that don't know it a work when you work a work and work yourself into a shoot,marks
Gooper Blooper takes keyboard back from hollywood hogan
Harpy: good night
M Sheep: Night-o, Goops!
Gooper Blooper crumples, but tags in Silence

Gooper Blooper: good luck, roman


Brinehammer@: ​Azula might show up again.​
RubyChao: ​*everything changes*


M Sheep: Anyway, at the very real risk of crossing over into mere gushing, the amount of effort you put into this little gathering of people goofing around with words will always endear the Brawl to me.
M Sheep: That you continue to try and do more it with it every year in some way will always have my gratitude
Jumpropeman: I know it probably seems like a token kind of thank you, but I really do all of this because of your amazing characters and the fact you are all amazing people I want to impress and entertain
M Sheep torments Junko to cover up FEELINGS

Jumpropeman: the best way you could thank me is by making Junko so happy she is always skipping and wearing flowers in her hair and playing with puppies and okay don't do any of that just keep being M Sheep
M Sheep: Got it
M Sheep doesn't finish anything ever
Jumpropeman: okay be a little less M Sheep
M Sheep changed name to N Goat
N Goat: This better?
N Goat: Also: >​Worrying about complicated biology
N Goat mocks as readers' eyes glaze over reading through his explanations of how mutants work


Cornwind Evil: So Mac is finally free
Jumpropeman: free... TO MAKE A COMEBACK NEXT YEAR
Jumpropeman: *is re-crucified*
Cornwind Evil: No, leave him alone
Cornwind Evil: Let him watch it without reality Rube Goldberging him into it to die
Cornwind Evil: Well, time to sleep
Cornwind Evil: Sleep the sleep of the just, JRM
Jumpropeman: night cornwind
Jumpropeman: *sleeps the sleep of the guilty because he was watching cartoons without paying B|*
Jumpropeman: i am a hardened criminal


RubyChao: oh, goops, very important question
RubyChao: will blade be shouting "MY CLIENT SILENCE CONQUERED THE BIG BAR BRAWL" at literally everyone he can today
Gooper Blooper: ​He can try. He may not be successful.


WorkDel: im going to shit
WorkDel explodes


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