Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Chatzy Madness Volume 215: The Unlucky Number Show

Flying Buttresses sits, stern and imposing, the most dignified of gothic architecture.


Harpy: i should prolly look at more scenes from BD now
Gooper Blooper: scenes from ​a hat​ bravely default
Harpy: i'd definitely play Whose Line with anybody in RP
Jumpropeman: I would to, provided I get to be Ryan Stiles
Gooper Blooper: it's the game where the plot's made up and the tractor doesn't matter
Harpy: is ven Colin, JRM
iKomodo: Who's Bar Is It, Anyway?
Jumpropeman: Ven is Laura Hall and Linda Taylor
Jumpropeman: you know that guy likes writing songs for his characters :P
Harpy: i'm prolly one of the rotating guests :U
Jumpropeman: you're Kathy Greenwood, because Girl :V
Harpy: kek
iKomodo: Who would I be, I wonder?
Harpy: i imagine you as a Jeff Davis
Harpy: and Del is Brad
Jumpropeman: the real question is
Jumpropeman: who is Drew Carey
Flying Buttresses: But who is Spy
Gooper Blooper: Widow Maker
Gooper Blooper: ...*applies as the answer to both questions*
Jumpropeman: Spy feels the most Colin to me
iKomodo: Hahaha
Cornwind Evil: I am Steve Colbert
Cornwind Evil: Who appeared on the show once and never did again
Cornwind Evil: He was not the right improv fit
Cornwind Evil: Demonstrated when he played the rap game
Cornwind Evil: And instead of doing a rap based on the scenario, he just attempted an improvised rap in general


The Timeline Has Been Ruined: All together now
The Timeline Has Been Ruined: POOR JONESY
Jumpropeman: JOOR PONESY
The Timeline Has Been Ruined: jesnoy


RubyChao: can utsuho push the button
RubyChao: ​she wants to push the button
The Timeline Has Been Ruined: Too late chao!
RubyChao: darn
The Timeline Has Been Ruined: Jonesy is taking charge here
The Timeline Has Been Ruined: Although utsuho may push the button some more
The Timeline Has Been Ruined: If she likes
RubyChao: done so :V
RubyChao: she would totally do it
RubyChao: it's just very... okuu
Brinenurgle: If you push it twice it takes you to the secret SECRET basement.
The Timeline Has Been Ruined: The secretest basement
The Timeline Has Been Ruined: Its full of tau girls and fine wines
Gooper Blooper: Targitzan's Slightly Sacred Secret Basement
RubyChao: sudden mental image
RubyChao: thanks to goops
Gooper Blooper: Targitzan's Really Sacred Secret ​Secret​ Basement
The Timeline Has Been Ruined: Jonesy just goes "whoops wrong floor"
RubyChao: jonesy decides to pick up utsuho and point her at enemies for nuking purposes
RubyChao: it becomes banjo-tooie, with a hundred times more explosions and fire
Jumpropeman: Dragon Kazooie has nothing on Okuu
Gooper Blooper: Utsuho making the kazooie egg shooting noises
Gooper Blooper: "*HOCK* BEH BEH BEH BEH BEH"
The Timeline Has Been Ruined: Utso-Kajonesy


Gooper Blooper: I only ever hear the word "comeuppance" used in two ways
Gooper Blooper: The first is in wrestling as the favored term for when a heel loses a feud
Gooper Blooper: the second is tenshi
RubyChao: kek



Gooper Blooper: thank 4 plot, brine
Gooper Blooper said in a sentence fragment that would be complete gibberish to anyone besides a regular here
Draco: Is Goops speaking Simlish?
Jumpropeman: grashna grashna
Jumpropeman: one of my favorite things to do in Sims Bustin Out
Jumpropeman: was to make a dancefloor in the haunted mansion area
Jumpropeman: have everyone dance on it
Gooper Blooper: boo nits
Jumpropeman: build walls around it
Jumpropeman: and force them to dance between bouts of crying and falling asleep
Gooper Blooper: well that explains the bon para para segment of the prefite show
RubyChao: kek


Jumpropeman: "Oh, hello Parsee. This is Doomrider, old school Kobber and Daemon Prince of She Who Thirsts, Slaneesh. You might remember him from such films as I'M SHITFACED OUT OF MY MIND, SUPER DEMON COKE PARTY, and SUPER DEMON COKE PARTY 3. There was no second one."
Brineslaanesh: ^^^
M Sheep: the first movie to skip its own sequel!
Flying Buttresses: Gaben: *weeps*
M Sheep: this was actually a really bad horror film series called Thankskilling
Jumpropeman: did it have a sequel called Yourwelcomekilling
M Sheep: went from Thankskilling to Thankskilling 3
Draco: "We don't talk about SUPER DEMON COKE PARTY 2. It sucked worse than-" "PG-13 sign!"
M Sheep: The plot for Thankskilling 3 revolved around the characters trying to get a hold of the last remaining copy of Thankskilling 2: In Space
M Sheep: All the other copies were destroyed and buried in the dessert
Jumpropeman: sounds almost as good as Spaceballs 2: The Quest for More Money
RubyChao: i am ​almost​ interested now
Cornwind Evil: Don't be
Cornwind Evil: Thankskilling is....
Jumpropeman: that's more than a horror movie could ever dream of chao
M Sheep: The villain-who was the villain from the first Thankskilling, but apparently played himself inThankskilling 2?-wanted it to transmit it across Tvs all over the world and somehow harness the awfulness to mind control people?
M Sheep: I don't know
M Sheep: Thankskilling was made to be an intentionally bad horror film and it's sequel-which is the only one I've actually watched- has to be even worse
M Sheep: I knew it was going to be bad
M Sheep: i just didn't anticipate HOW bad
M Sheep: But I had to watch it when I found out the killer villain is a turkey


Cornwind Evil: A reminder
Cornwind Evil: That any one of us
Cornwind Evil: Could have run WCW better than its people did
RubyChao: someday i should pick up that book about the death of wcw
RubyChao: it seems interesting

(Chao eventually placed The Death Of WCW on his birthday wishlist)


Jumpropeman: next year, Big Beach Brawl? :V
RubyChao: MEN
RubyChao: WOMEN
RubyChao: ROBOTS
Jumpropeman: Gamera looks so good in that speedo
Bree: *Amity in a bikini*
Bree: just a Ditto
Bree: in a bikini
Bree: nothing to see here
Jumpropeman: "is sexy"


M Sheep: >​I don't like to write lava that doesn't act like lava except when I do shut up
M Sheep: Jrm is a complicated man
M Sheep: with a complicated beard
M Sheep: I assume
M Sheep: if Bree sources are to be Breelieved
Draco: You better Breelieve it.


Jumpropeman: What Parsee does when she's alone


The Timeline Has Been Ruined: Hey cupcake
The Timeline Has Been Ruined: Glad you could join us in the mojave desert
Saberwulf: "cupcake"
Saberwulf foams
The Timeline Has Been Ruined: Mwahahaha
The Timeline Has Been Ruined: I got you, i know your weaknesses
The Timeline Has Been Ruined: Aaaaaand im doing with this in chatzy
Saberwulf: You've become what you ruled against
Saberwulf: You've become The Public Sexer
The Timeline Has Been Ruined: It's too late now
The Timeline Has Been Ruined: I am the Sex Haver
Saberwulf: gasp
SteelKomodo: hahahahaha
SteelKomodo: amazing
SteelKomodo records for posterity
The Timeline Has Been Ruined: You fucker
The Timeline Has Been Ruined: But wait
The Timeline Has Been Ruined: It is i who is the fucker
The Timeline Has Been Ruined: Oh nooooooooo
Saberwulf: Fuckception
SteelKomodo: XD
Saberwulf: This would make a really weird Chatzy
SteelKomodo: it would
The Timeline Has Been Ruined: Goops will post it anyway
The Timeline Has Been Ruined: Oh that wacky goops
The Timeline Has Been Ruined: We love him so


Boreas: janet gonna die :u
Gooper Blooper: If Janet dies in a non-lethal fite we're looking at serious Jobber Of The Year potential
Boreas: id laugh


Delcation: finally
Delcation: i can field an army
Delcation: with no style
Delcation: and no grace
Delcation: and funny faces
SteelKomodo: XD
BE BRAVE MOTHERFUCKERS: He can tech himself out just for you
Gooper Blooper: HE HAS NO STATS
Delcation: neckbeard kong
Delcation: holy shit the minis i just linked
Delcation: they're based in new jersey
Saberwulf: JOISEY
SteelKomodo: yissss
Saberwulf: Oh hey they're from Fair Lawn
Saberwulf: A fucking nobody town
Delcation: if you wanted a million tiny lizardmen riding armored dinosaurs for $40 wulf you're in luck


RubyChao rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 1
RubyChao: ​rip
Gooper Blooper: kek
Tom: okay that one wasn't my fault
RubyChao: yes it waaaaa
RubyChao: *waaaaas
Gooper Blooper rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 1
Tom: alright that 1 was my fault


iKomodo: So you know how I'm a fan of the whole "animated actors" thing?
iKomodo: I imagine there was a lot of nasty backstage drama and politics going on in the making of Punch-Out
iKomodo: Like Soda Popinski's alcoholism :U
The Man: In the end they did what wcw did
Dacor: Working with a prima donna like Mike Tyson is gotta be tough too.
The Man: And just pretended it was soda
iKomodo: Yep
Dacor: Punch Out went broke because they couldn't afford to keep bringing Tyson back, so they got The Sandman.
iKomodo: Hahah
The Man: Hired a look-alike to avoid copyrights
iKomodo: Let's not even get started on Bald Bull
iKomodo: just... Bald Bull
iKomodo: also there was that weird phase where Little Mac dyed his hair blond
iKomodo: what was with that?
The Man: His mother never really loved him
The Man: Probly


RubyChao: Tenshifield
Gooper Blooper: kek
The Man: Garfield your theme fucking sucks
The Man: Is that what you define as music
The Man: No


Gooper Blooper: "I mean Samus never mentioned it but then again she usually wasn't the one making the games from what I remember..."
Gooper Blooper: she usually wasn't starring in em either! DOHOHOHOHOHO
RubyChao: too soon
Gooper Blooper: I am a streets of rage and skies of arcadia fan
Gooper Blooper: so I know that feel


RubyChao: clearly the most significant part of pitsuho wedding will be pit finally reversing the situation
Gooper Blooper: I want dramatic music and the crowd looking on in suspense as he tries to do it


BE BRAVE MOTHERFUCKERS: If you want to write a Spychar, though, I can teach you how in one easy step!
BE BRAVE MOTHERFUCKERS: Instead of ..., use . . .
BE BRAVE MOTHERFUCKERS: Boom. Instant Spy writing style
Gooper Blooper: Not quite, spy, you forgot something
Gooper Blooper: "Use British slang despite being from the US"
Gooper Blooper: Not as common now but the robros did it a lot
BE BRAVE MOTHERFUCKERS: Ah, when I was . . . holy fuck I was what, 14? 15?
Clefairpy: speebee
BE BRAVE MOTHERFUCKERS: Anyway, back when I thought that was the coolest stuff. Good times
BE BRAVE MOTHERFUCKERS: Note to self: invent time machine to uppercut past self


BE BRAVE MOTHERFUCKERS: like the time when i went to that friendly flea market down the road
BE BRAVE MOTHERFUCKERS: now the wii u is fun but the gmaecube has always been my favorit hof all systems. people ay it sucked but i say they can just got away
RubyChao: spy
RubyChao: spy pls
RubyChao: ​pls
BE BRAVE MOTHERFUCKERS: i mean it had so many games. metroid prim. twilight princess. but most of all my avorite
BE BRAVE MOTHERFUCKERS: suoer mario sunshine
RubyChao: oh god
RubyChao: is
RubyChao: is this the one, the one spoken of in hushed whispers
BE BRAVE MOTHERFUCKERS: It will be! When it isn't 12:30 AM


Jumpropeman: I only just saw a commercial for that new Fantastic Four movie the other day
Jumpropeman: it looked... like a movie
Jumpropeman: they decided to hide the Thing until the end as if he wasn't a character
Cornwind Evil: It reminds me of in 1998 how they did their best to hide the redone Godzilla
Cornwind Evil: They'd just show pieces of his body and you'd have to see the movie to see him entirely
iKomodo: Ouch
iKomodo: That's... kinda cold, marvel
iKomodo: I remember the marketing for that, CW
Jumpropeman: I remember him eating a Dorito truck
Cornwind Evil: ....I think I just insulted myself
iKomodo: Ahahahahahahaha
iKomodo: amazing


Saberwulf joined the chat
Saberwulf: Wazzup chingus
The Man: Hey babycakes
Saberwulf: "babycakes"
Saberwulf explodes
Saberwulf: You fuckeeerrr


Clefairpy: ivel's out so i'm taking the time to RP before he gets back and we play terraria
Saberwulf: Wooo
Bree: make sure ivel administers cuddles when he returns
Bree: very important


SteelKomodo: fuck you jamie oliver
SteelKomodo: you killed Turkey Twizzlers
SteelKomodo: i fucking loved those things


Saberwulf: Oh man my mom bought edible cookie dough
Clefairpy: >​edible cookie dough
The Man: Ur moms a legend


Dacor: Fun fact: Danbooru is blocked by my company's filter. =D
RubyChao: (all the porn)


Gooper Blooper: just what I needed
Dacor: "30000 Random Pokemon Basic Energies"
Dacor: "Description: 20000 Random Pokemon Basic Energies"
SteelKomodo: D:
Dacor: Where'd the other 10000 go?
RubyChao: they evolved
Gooper Blooper: in the related products: 100,000 magic the gathering commons


Clefairpy: and then cauren did ballet
Clefairpy rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 11
Clefairpy: okay some of the suits Carol was making got knocked over but aside from that WE'RE GOOD
Clefairpy: don't mind the fact that it's pop music coming out of the computer speakers
Sophistry: That's better than she used to do on two legs. :U She dances well when crippled or wielding something in the offhand. Really, she just... seems to need to have something heavy in one of her hands. Or balancing.
Sophistry eyes tractor
Sophistry: Yaaay eleven.
Sophistry: It could be the CRUTCH that made for great dancing, not the missing leg. :V
Sophistry: But that would be silly.
Clefairpy: ...cauren pole dancing
Clefairpy rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 19
Sophistry: The Tractor Myth Continues.
Clefairpy: LEG MUSCLES
Sophistry: She has something to balance on, and the Sexy Times are precisely that.
Sophistry: :v
Clefairpy: pole dancing isn't always a sexy dance but... hot damn
Clefairpy: Aurora don't look, you'll get jealous
Gooper Blooper rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 20
Gooper Blooper: succubi stealing the spotlight
Clefairpy: Sonia why are you even here
Clefairpy: get out
Gooper Blooper: *lilycling*
Clefairpy rolled a die with 31 sides. The die showed: 8
Clefairpy rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 17

Sophistry: I don't think getting one number under the literal goddesses of partying who were already sensual-demons and hedonists is a bad thing, Caur.
I mean, on some levels, that's a really bad thing, how'd you manage that well for a noob, but-
Sophistry: |D
Cornwind Evil: Chastity gives it a try.
Cornwind Evil rolled a die with 100 sides. The die showed: 63
Cornwind Evil: It's just an average day for her
Clefairpy: why did you roll a 100
Sophistry: We're using the fallout tractor now. XD I see.
Clefairpy: different scales bro
Bree: because chastity.txt
Bree: the joke is she's sssssssssexy
Clefairpy: eh
Bree: hypothetically, how good at pole dancing is sakuya
Bree rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 17
Bree: pretty good
Cornwind Evil: I will roll on the 21 just because
Sophistry rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 5
Cornwind Evil rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 21
Sophistry: Shepard Cant' Dance . Meme
Cornwind Evil: ......well. -waves hand-
Clefairpy: much better
Bree: hahahahahahahahahahahaha​hahahahahahahahahahaha
Gooper Blooper: kek
RubyChao rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 19
RubyChao: well
RubyChao: pit's gonna be impressed
Clefairpy: so cian
Clefairpy rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 9
Clefairpy: yeah thought so
Gooper Blooper: roll for tenshi
RubyChao: OKAY
Bree: I was almost hoping that roll was for yuugi
RubyChao rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 1
RubyChao: haaaa
RubyChao: hahahaaaa
Bree: as it should be!
Gooper Blooper: good lord
Terrible, Terrible Tom: I'M SO SORRY
Gooper Blooper: this tractor
RubyChao: tenshi manages to hit her head on the pole
Clefairpy: Cian: *knocks pole over as he tries eating food* AAAAGH CRAVINGS
RubyChao: knocks herself unconscious
Bree: "Jeez Angel we gotta get you some moves," says Meiling
Clefairpy: prinnyrolls
Clefairpy rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 19
Sophistry: Chastity broke the scale. :U Okuu and Cauren are equally good. Chastity is beyond the goddesses. Tenshi Can't Dance.
Gooper Blooper: viola steps in
Clefairpy rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 6
Clefairpy rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 8
Gooper Blooper rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 3

Clefairpy: Gonzales how
Gooper Blooper: look at these two losers
Bree: roll for yuugi~
Bree: for the sake of hilarity
Bree: ​she'd probably need a reinforced pole though​
RubyChao: oh yeah i should roll for yuugi
RubyChao rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 3
RubyChao: yuugi accidentally ripped the pole out of the ground
RubyChao: oops
Sophistry rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 21
Bree rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 20

Bree: amity
Bree: amity no
Bree: why are you good at this
Gooper Blooper: because she transformed into a succubus
Bree: amity why are you good at it that's so wrong
Clefairpy: then why did you roll D:
Sophistry: :l
I should not have done that. -cringes away from own twentyone- It's not nearly as wrong as who I rolled for.
Bree: for hilarity
Bree: it's still hilarious lel
Sophistry: But I was curious.
Clefairpy: Yagren no.
Bree: I was joking
Clefairpy: :U
Gooper Blooper: that 21 is yagren isn't it
Bree: it was courier
Bree: clearly
Sophistry: He broke Chastity's winning streak. :'v
Sophistry: No, it was Courier.
Clefairpy: aw
Gooper Blooper: >​breakdancing
Gooper Blooper: perfect
Clefairpy: my joke doesn't work
Bree: haha I knew it
Sophistry: I always roll a 31 for yag.
RubyChao: so how good IS yag then
Sophistry rolled a die with 31 sides. The die showed: 30
Gooper Blooper: deer lord
RubyChao: hahahaaaaaa
Sophistry: Da...... dkvbhgh.
Sophistry makes inarticulate noises at inexplicably Dancing Villains
Sophistry changes entirety of plots to resemble Footloose instead of Dark Souls


Bree: I found a Share A Coke With Sean and I fucking bought that sucker
Bree: because I said if I found one I'd buy it
Bree: and I'm a woman of my word
Bree: other #Ruined I found: Stephen, Tiffany, Rebecca, Samantha, Christine, Kevin
Draco: I found the Tenshi can of Coke the other day. It said "Superstar"


Draco: I had a dream where the Smash Bros and Parsee were battling some kind of vampire cult at a harbor of some sort that looked like a Call of Duty map. Lots of decrepit buildings and nobody else around. They also had a basement full of monsters that wouldn't leave unless expressly ordered to by the vampires.
SteelKomodo: welp
Draco: Then the cult summoned a Godbeast, which was a giant version of a Resident Evil monster, and Parsee could only defeat it by stealing Yukari the Touhou's hat, because it somehow gave her Super Saiyan powers. And then she almost drowned but Little Mac saved her.
Draco: This was incredibly important to tell y'all while I still remembered it because...um...reasons.
SteelKomodo: and then he Jolt Haymaker'd off the stage and never recovered
SteelKomodo: #dickingonmac
Draco: lel (it's funny because it's true)
Bree: that is a great dream




Ownzone Brommander joined the chat
Dacor: Greetings, Brommander
Ownzone Brommander: Greetings Lieutenant Draco
Dacor: Do you have any orders, sir? The boyz have been loafing around for a month waiting for some.
Ownzone Brommander: Go find the biggest looking thing that isn't us and hit it a bunch
Ownzone Brommander: Then report back
Dacor: Aye aye, sir.
Ownzone Brommander: Good work
Dacor: Sir, we found a joint the size of a tank. Permission to hit that shit.
Ownzone Brommander: Smoke it loud lieutenant
Dacor: Aye aye, sir. BD
Dacor: Duuuuuuuuuuuuuuude.
Ownzone Brommander: Lieutenant, report crunk levels
Dacor rolled a d21. The die showed: 420.
Ownzone Brommander: Good work lieutenant
Dacor: All units report blazin' it, sir.
Ownzone Brommander: Give them all promotions
Ownzone Brommander: Fine work
Dacor: Thank you, sir.


Gooper Blooper changed name to The Unlucky Number Show
The Unlucky Number Show: i love to plai my gameboy. i dun need any other syssem to b hapy
RubyChao: oh shit
Ownzone Brommander: Oh dear
The Unlucky Number Show: cal of duddy is for dum folk, OLD SCHOL ALL D WAY
RubyChao watches eagerly

The Unlucky Number Show: but wen I went to play my gameboi one day, my pogeymon gold carts battery was ded
The Unlucky Number Show: OH THE SADNESS
The Unlucky Number Show: I look online on compooper an see peopl offering batery replasement
SteelKomodo: oh boy
The Unlucky Number Show: but they wanted money, and i dont have money for batry replassing
The Unlucky Number Show: so to save mummy I kept lookin
RubyChao: not ze money :<
SORRY MOTHERFUCKERS: Profiteur laughs as he sits on his Gameboy stash
The Unlucky Number Show: I found strange website, it was hosted by geocities
The Unlucky Number Show: but i thought 'geocities is ded'
The Unlucky Number Show: but there it was anywa
The Unlucky Number Show: it said 'REPLACE YOUR CART BATTERY JUST PAY POSTAGE' and I thought 'i can pay dat much, pogeys is worth it'
The Unlucky Number Show: so I did
The Unlucky Number Show: two weks later i got back game and label was kinda smudgy, not like i member becuz I take verry good care of my games
RubyChao: 2spooky
The Unlucky Number Show: but it was pogeygold and my file was ded anyway so it didnt matter. i put it in gamebot and began to play and it was just like normal except the graphics seemed a little off
The Unlucky Number Show: like they were just a lil too good for 8bit, beter than I member
The Unlucky Number Show: i get to goldenrud city and get the radio card and I was so hapy because I loved the radio
The Unlucky Number Show: yeah there were only like three channels but it was fun
The Unlucky Number Show: I tun in to my favrit, the lucky number show
The Unlucky Number Show: the guy comes on and he says 'yeehaw! How yall doin now?' jus like normal, but then
The Unlucky Number Show: he say this not the lucky number show
The Unlucky Number Show: it the UNlucky number show
The Unlucky Number Show: 'make sur you tune in to the unlucky numbr show so you kno you dint get teh unlucky numbr' he sed
RubyChao: GASP
The Unlucky Number Show: the unluky number that day was 0666
The Unlucky Number Show: I hurty and check my trainer id
The Unlucky Number Show: my trainer id was 6660
RubyChao: whew
The Unlucky Number Show: "WHEW" i think, "i dint get unlukky nummer"
The Unlucky Number Show: so I play erry day, and erry day I chk the unluky numer show
SORRY MOTHERFUCKERS: Oh my god that twist
The Unlucky Number Show: part of me wantd to win actualy because I wanted to kno what happend
The Unlucky Number Show: The nex day the unluky number was 6066
iKomodo: Hahahaha
The Unlucky Number Show: an the day after day it was 6606
RubyChao: oh noooo
The Unlucky Number Show: so on the furth day i turn on gem and go to unluky numer sho
The Unlucky Number Show: it was 1234
The Unlucky Number Show: no i kidding it was 6660
The Unlucky Number Show: "th winner mus come to the rado tower" the guy said
The Unlucky Number Show: and I lost control of my charcter
The Unlucky Number Show: the sprit slowy walk to th tower, all the other sprits turning to look
The Unlucky Number Show: I was in bleckthurn city so it was a long walk
iKomodo: D:
The Unlucky Number Show: no wild pogeys appeard
RubyChao: what music was playing
The Unlucky Number Show: at firs it was the luky numer show song
The Unlucky Number Show: then i herd something else
The Unlucky Number Show: slowly the lucky song faded out, and was replased by
RubyChao: dun dun
The Unlucky Number Show: the lavendr tun them
The Unlucky Number Show: the original from red blue, not the nice version from gold
The Unlucky Number Show: and i was like 'this sung is not in the gam"
The Unlucky Number Show: funally i get to radio tower
The Unlucky Number Show: the radio people are ther, an DJ Mary is at the fron of the group
The Unlucky Number Show: her sprite begn movin weird, lik it was reachin into poket
The Unlucky Number Show: and then i couldn balee my eyes
M Sheep joined the chat
RubyChao: hi sheep
The Unlucky Number Show: she was holdin a hyper-realistic gun with replica details
RubyChao: goops is telling us
The Unlucky Number Show: "im sorry" she sed, "but you won the unluky nummer sho"
RubyChao: the spookiest story ever
The Unlucky Number Show: the gun fird and it was a hyper-realistic sound, too gud for a gameboy
The Unlucky Number Show: BANG
The Unlucky Number Show: my character lay down and there was lots of hyper-realistic blud
The Unlucky Number Show: DJ Mary sed 'put him with the others' and they took my trainers buddy to the radio tower basement
RubyChao: nooooooooooooo
RubyChao: >​the others
RubyChao: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The Unlucky Number Show: there was a pile of skeltals there
The Unlucky Number Show: and on each skeltal's forehed was a fore digit nummer
The Unlucky Number Show: THE END
RubyChao faints
RubyChao from sheer terror

Ownzone Brommander: Goops i think im dumber for reading that
Ownzone Brommander: Good job
The Unlucky Number Show: excellent
SORRY MOTHERFUCKERS: Man, Chao, remember the pasta where the Underground caved in
M Sheep: >​on each skeltal's forehed was a fore digit nummer
The Unlucky Number Show: NOW I CAN MOVE AGAIN
M Sheep: >​forehed was a fore digit nummer
RubyChao: yes
M Sheep: >​forehead fore nummer
M Sheep: worth it just for that pun


Gooper Blooper asked Chatzy to choose between Ash and HE. Chatzy chose: HE
Gooper Blooper asked Chatzy to choose between Ash and HAS. Chatzy chose: HAS
Gooper Blooper asked Chatzy to choose between Ash and NO. Chatzy chose: NO
Gooper Blooper asked Chatzy to choose between Ash and STYLE. Chatzy chose: Ash

Clefairpy: nobody has enough ash


Saberwulf joined the chat
iKomodo: Hi wulf
Gooper Blooper: evenin wulf
Saberwulf: Guess who got a free grilled cheese because I'm special
Ownzone Brommander: Its you isn't it cookie
Saberwulf: Oh god these nicknames are getting sweeter
Saberwulf: Also it is yes
Gooper Blooper: me every time del calls wulf a cutie-poo name
iKomodo: :3
Clefairpy: cookie?
Clefairpy: what kinda cookie
Ownzone Brommander: Hahaha
Ownzone Brommander: wulf is a double choc chip cookie
Saberwulf: Gesp


iKomodo: I'll let peeps argue this out first :U
iKomodo: Mostly because I wanna see Ash react to Josephine's sweet burn
iKomodo: And also because I'm reading fan game twitters
Gooper Blooper: god dammit read burn as bum
Gooper Blooper: fack
Clefairpy: wow
Cornwind Evil: Ash: I am not preferential to that body part like some.
iKomodo: sssshhh you want del to hear
iKomodo: :U
Gooper Blooper: "NOW IS NOT THE TIME"
iKomodo: Dirk: HANDS OFF


Cornwind Evil: Ash dislikes killing outside of battle or obvious defense
Cornwind Evil: But based on the guy's claims locking him up would be torture
Cornwind Evil: Ash wants punishment. That does not include torture
Cornwind Evil: Why do you think Wxlogy Prison is designed as it is?
Jumpropeman: to be an unusual punishment, but not a cruel one
Gooper Blooper: In general, the sarahkin are more about neutralizing threats and keeping people safe, not getting revenge (sine) or attempting to rehab or protect everyone including villains (ash)
Draco: ^
Gooper Blooper: Widow Maker is similar but with an extra dash of comeuppance
Jumpropeman: and then there's Everett
Gooper Blooper: And Browny likes to arrest but the gloves come off when baddies start throwing around superpowers/superweapons​
Draco: Ash is the Lawful Good straight man in a world full of Chaotic Good Sarahkin.
Clefairpy: i just do whatever
RubyChao: same as harps
RubyChao: although some of my characters are less likely to hold back than others
Clefairpy: most will hold back but not when it's obvious that there's no helping them
Gooper Blooper: reminder that I heeled it up with Trooper C as much as humanly possible but he still lived because of Everett
Jumpropeman: please send all thank you letters to your humble Porphyrion ambassador
Draco: "Dear Everett, thank you for not killing me. Your Friend - Not Victim - Parsee"
Jumpropeman: *Everett frames it above his desk, with a plaque reading "First Positive Piece of Mail"*
Gooper Blooper: Trooper C was going to return this year as a Neo Kobber but I didn't want to make it feel like I was screwing with everett's contributions by forcing the kill when he wasn't around to say no
Jumpropeman: *Everett crash lands on earth just to save Trooper C again, is disabled in his other arm this time*
Draco: lel
Gooper Blooper: When I hit my self-imposed neo kobber cap and wanted another character in, Trooper C was the first to go
Cornwind Evil: Everett keeps coming back every year to save Trooper C
RubyChao: do we have any villains who just keep getting arrested instead of-
RubyChao looks at his own roster
RubyChao looks at one particular villain who has survived four run-ins with the kobbers

RubyChao: yes
Cornwind Evil: By Season 12 Everett's just a head on a wheeled board moving with his tongue
Draco: And then Parsee murdered Everett just to see him die. The end. =D
Jumpropeman: Melvin Underbelly secretly has a shrine to Eggerman


Gooper Blooper: Celestia still doesn't have a Twisted Metal wish
Jumpropeman: She wishes for the biggest stick of butter in history to keep Sarah fed for the rest of her life
Draco: Celestia's wish: a SECOND robot arm!


Jumpropeman: also, as I browsed review mode, Steam decided to just tell me it was uninstalling Mount and Blade: With Fire and Sword for the umpteenth time
Jumpropeman: I think its subtly trying to make me want to play it


Delcation: hey kitten
Delcation: wassup
Saberwulf: Eeeyyyyy boo
Saberwulf: Also u butt I squealed IRL
Delcation: good
Saberwulf: How am I supposed to uphold this tough punk demeanor
Delcation: you can't
SteelKomodo: hahaha

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