Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Chatzy Madness Volume 19: Sparkle Sparkle Neigh

Cornwind Evil: THE DOCTOR
Erebus: Who?
Cornwind Evil: JUST THE SHOW
Saberwulf: DOCTOR WHO?
Erebus: Doctor what?
Saberwulf: They totally made that joke again in the season finale
Saberwulf: it was fantastic


Cornwind Evil: ...Tangwhaup?
RedSpy: Its a whimbrel. A type of bird
RedSpy: Goops searched the entire english language
Saberwulf: Holy shit TANGWHAUP is a word


SteelKomodo: Is Mitt Romney really that bad?
TheDeleter: yes


MechaSpy!!!: OCEANUS
MechaSpy!!!: ahahahaha look at that fat fuck


TheDeleter: so
TheDeleter: where is everyone?
TheDeleter: did everyone in america just, like, fall asleep?
TheDeleter: or vanish?
MechaSpy!!!: I had to walk the dogs
TheDeleter: not you spy
TheDeleter: you and goops appear to be the only american citizens alive
MechaSpy!!!: XD
SteelKomodo: What, did Godzilla appear and trample all the cities?


Saberwulf: Five thirty in the morning? Well ain't that just a downright perfecto time to get on the ol' Chatzy
Saberwulf: oh god why did I get up this early this shit isn't until 9
Saberwulf: Guess I'll spend 9-12 stuffing my face full of pancakes and eggs like a horrible breakfast monster in a room full of New Jersey politicians and CEOs
Saberwulf: Because it's not like that's ever had an adverse effect on anything


MechaSpy!!!: So how about that small town sports team?
Saberwulf: I hear they finally beat that other rival small town sports team
Saberwulf: So basically we now have nothing to talk about
MechaSpy!!!: God damnit small town sports team
MechaSpy!!!: You betray us once again


TheDeleter: woah
TheDeleter: just had the MOTHER of all dota games at batrider
TheDeleter: it exemplified everything about dota
TheDeleter: comebacks
TheDeleter: tons of gold
TheDeleter: back and forth gameplay
MechaSpy!!!: Holy shit what
MechaSpy!!!: Explain
TheDeleter: skeleton king screaming noob at us at every opportunity
TheDeleter: so here was the team
TheDeleter: me as batrider
TheDeleter: the other four as skeleton king, faceless void, queen of pain and ursa
TheDeleter: all carries
TheDeleter: except me, batrider is an initiator more or less
TheDeleter: the other team was a much better composition
TheDeleter: treant protector, earthshaker, riki, clinkz and sven
TheDeleter: more supports, clinkz and riki to carry, sven to do whatevr sven does i guess
MechaSpy!!!: Svenitude
TheDeleter: indeed
TheDeleter: anyway the lanes were weird to start with
TheDeleter: i was mid against earthshaker, a melee support i should have trashed
TheDeleter: but i made the mistake of not just killing the asshole when i hit 6
TheDeleter: meanwhile, the others were discovering that picking four carries was a bad idea against a team with stuns
TheDeleter: queen of pain died a stupid amount of times
TheDeleter: skeleton king called us all noobs at every opportunity
TheDeleter: after the first two towers fell (both ours), we grouped and and just pushed as hard as we could
TheDeleter: this resulted in strangeness
TheDeleter: sometimes, if we took precautions, we could murder the other team, taking out riki and clinkz before they did anything
TheDeleter: othertimes, we got destroyed
MechaSpy!!!: Oh god D:
TheDeleter: i got a blink dagger, which is basically flash from LoL, and a black king bar, which made me immune to spells
TheDeleter: they kind of helped
TheDeleter: i should have built tankier
TheDeleter: but eventually we got their middle barracks
TheDeleter: then they got ours
TheDeleter: and it was only after we ganked clinkz for the umpteenth time to stop him splitpushing that we noticed ursa and faceless void had dived into the enemy base and were busy wrecking shit up
TheDeleter: so we dashed off to help them and we won
MechaSpy!!!: Holy shit, nice
MechaSpy!!!: And then 4 carry became the new DotA2 Metagame standby


SteelKomodo: I still don't get that one
SteelKomodo: I mean, where the heck are you gonna get a bucket of duck? And how does it even fit into the workings of the trap?
TheDeleter: well the trap also requires a normal duck and a hunting duck


GB: I'm probably going to name every white mage I ever have for the rest of eternity "Sarah"
GB: ZFRP will follow me forever
TheDeleter: hahaha
GB: I have an old FF1 file where I named the white mage "Jess"
GB: And now I'm like "my god that doesn't fit at all"
TheDeleter: XD


MechaSpy!!!: Hey guys, guess what
SteelKomodo: what
TheDeleter: what


SteelKomodo: spy what
SteelKomodo: don't leave us hanging man D:
MechaSpy!!!: I dunno
SteelKomodo: ah
TheDeleter: goddamnit spy


TheDeleter: well
TheDeleter: firefall is good
TheDeleter: but i picked jonesy and then some dude started following me asking if i was a girl
TheDeleter: that was awkward


GB: Have either of you fellows played Advance Wars
SteelKomodo: Del has
GB: I was linked to this online flash version of Advance Wars earlier today called "Strategery 2012"
GB: you play as Mitt Romney
TheDeleter: oooooh
TheDeleter: this sounds
TheDeleter: intriguing
GB: The units are things like Volunteers and Campaign Buses
GB: Instead of killing people, you discourage them to quit campaigning
GB: Mitt's CO ability is Suppress The Vote
GB: It cancels out the points your opponent earns from one of his captured cities
GB: I made it to Rick Santorum, but he kicked my ass
TheDeleter: that's bizarre
TheDeleter: i have to try this
GB: It helped that he was the first opponent with a CO ability that didn't hurt him
GB: hang on I'll link it
GB: Obviously the final boss must be Obama
GB: I bet I was close!


TheDeleter joined the chat 74 minutes ago
TheDeleter: i have an announcement
TheDeleter: fuck UDK 2012 in the ass with a rust fork until even its tapeworms contract tetanus
TheDeleter: that is all
TheDeleter left the chat 72 minutes ago
TheDeleter joined the chat 50 minutes ago

TheDeleter: scratch that i fixed it
TheDeleter: carry on
TheDeleter left the chat 49 minutes ago


TheDeleter: fucking beautiful


MechaSpy!!!: I had a pair of hilarious mini-scene ideas
MechaSpy!!!: 1st: AI core mixups at Celestia's Waffle Haus: what happens when everybody's circuits get a little scrambled up
MechaSpy!!!: 2nd: In an effort to not terrify THE BABBY, Zephyrus is forced to wear some ridiculous smiley face hubcap over his fan
GB: So Skeiron wants to punch things, Zeph pays in pennies and the Oceanus is a loaf of bread
MechaSpy!!!: . . . pfffft
MechaSpy!!!: Nah, Poseidon is a loaf of bread
MechaSpy!!!: And Oceanus is chewing on everything he sees
GB: Mach apologizing
MechaSpy!!!: He'd better apologize to the tractor
GB: Little Brother arresting peeps, Browny working with cement
MechaSpy!!!: That thing hates his guts
GB: Mechadon finally gets AI but it's Cannonbeetle's so no big deal
MechaSpy!!!: pffft
MechaSpy!!!: Stag Beetle pilots the Death Machine
GB: Alpha, Beta, Gamma and Delta switch AIs
GB: nobody notices
MechaSpy!!!: pfft poor Warmechs
MechaSpy!!!: Celestia and Sarah switch brains
GB: but not metabolisms
GB: that could be problematic
MechaSpy!!!: Suddenly, the Sarah Abode is so much neater and more frugal
MechaSpy!!!: While Dirk finds the honeypants don't fit poor Celestia anymore
GB: Suddenly Celestia's ass is enormous
GB: more than before, I mean
MechaSpy!!!: pffffft
GB: Sarah piloting battling robots
GB: Alex would be very uncomfortable
MechaSpy!!!: pffffft
MechaSpy!!!: On today's episode of Bar Wife Swap
MechaSpy!!!: Can Stella tolerate Erebus' sloppy dragon handling?
MechaSpy!!!: Can Jonesy deal with being an empre- Oh, fuck, she's already bathing in the imperial chocolate fountain


Pharmacy: I am a unicorn
SteelKomodo: so you are
Pharmacy sparkle sparkle neigh


Saberwulf: The President serves much of the same role in US politics as the English Queen serves in US politics
Saberwulf: and by that I mean basically nothing
GB: now hold on there
GB: he recently declared Chimney Rock a national monument
GB: heavy stuff
Saberwulf: woo?
GB: Now Chimney Rock is preserved for future generations
TheDeleter: a true victory for american politics
SteelKomodo: huzzah!
Saberwulf: And now they can legally taze people for climbing Chimney Rock
Saberwulf: "Take that, freeloading hippie!"
TheDeleter: the best part!


GB: I read a story once that was about a dark telling of government sabotage, looming war, and the impending apocalypse
GB: Turned out it was a prequel for WALL-E
SteelKomodo: WELP


SteelKomodo: I know getting hyped is probably a bad thing, but screw it
TheDeleter: =D
TheDeleter: xcom at 69% lol sex jokes
SteelKomodo: Pfffft
SteelKomodo: *insert RP sex joke here*
TheDeleter: jonesyboners
TheDeleter: wait shit forget i ever typed that
SteelKomodo: I'll... Try to forget that
SteelKomodo: Like, I'm going to try and unsee that now
TheDeleter: hahahaha
TheDeleter: i am so sorry but i'm laughing so hard too
TheDeleter: i think i need medical attention


TheDeleter: jonesy's nickname is pixie
GB: It's hilariously unfitting
SteelKomodo: it is
GB: Pixie and Hug Monster
TheDeleter: :3
GB: And their son Chilly-C Svilnizzle
SteelKomodo: XD
TheDeleter: hahahahaha


TheDeleter: there we go
TheDeleter: but is it good enough?
Saberwulf: I'm still writing my post so give me a sec
SteelKomodo: ...d'aaaaaaaaaaaaaw
SteelKomodo: All the d'aaaw right now :3
Saberwulf: awwwwwww that's sweet
Saberwulf: now for "Sentinels arrest David"
TheDeleter: oh man
TheDeleter: that's not great
TheDeleter: that is pretty much the 100% opposite of great
Saberwulf: tadaaaaaaa


RedSpy: so cold
GB: It was pretty chilly this morning
GB: Just equip an Ice Shield, you'll be fine
RedSpy: I was in Massachusetts this morning ;A;
GB: Massachusetts, smassachusetts
GB: you forget who you're talking to
GB: The guy that lives in northern goddamn Vermont
RedSpy: . . . Oh holy fuck, you're right
RedSpy: How do you do that
GB: Two years ago there was a blizzard that left our driveway with over four feet of snow
RedSpy: . . . JESUS WHAT
GB: Our driveway is only like fifteen feet long
GB: But it still took me two hours with a break in the middle to clear it
RedSpy: What the christ
GB: And there was no hiring a snowplow, because we don't have a garage
GB: Ergo the car was completely buried in the middle
GB: But last year was pretty pathetic, thanks to global warming destroying the world
GB: droughts in Texas means mild winter in Vermont!
RedSpy: Al Gore warned us
GB: so did Ariel
RedSpy: Now he's fleeing the earth on a giant mecha spaceship
GB: Next year's final boss is global warming
GB: Ariel shall lead us to victory
RedSpy: I blame Wily
RedSpy: All those fire and electricity robots can't be fuel efficient
GB: I did note the irony of Wood Man showing his appreciation for Ariel's enthusiasm by crying tears of oil
RedSpy: He's a robot okay he can't hel pit
GB: hell pit
RedSpy: help it. Not Hell Pit
RedSpy: Pit's an angel. For now
GB: The next step up from Dark Pit
GB: Hill Pet
RedSpy: Its like Digimon
RedSpy: The final form is obviously Satan Pit
GB: Satin Pat
GB: And then he has four arms and turns Celestia into a parrot


TheDeleter: haha
TheDeleter: sarah just told erebus to "rub some dirt on it you wimp"
GB: uh
RedSpy: Holy fuck
RedSpy: Sarah grew some balls
TheDeleter: mind you she said it whilst she was healing him
TheDeleter: so uh
GB: Still the best 199X
TheDeleter: yeah
SteelKomodo: XD


GB: If you pirate Four Heroes
GB: The enemies have infinite HP
SteelKomodo: ...D:


TheDeleter: promotional site for robocop homage/remake
TheDeleter: dat ed209
TheDeleter: skeiron upgrade XD
SteelKomodo: best ED 209


SteelKomodo: ...I think I get why Death is so snarky all the time now
SteelKomodo: because Erebus died so many times he got fed up of ferrying his soul to whatever afterlife was next on the list
TheDeleter: hahaha
SteelKomodo: "Ugh, you've probably won some kind of lottery on this..."
TheDeleter: "Alright, which one is it? The Webway? Hell? Whatever'll upset Jonesy most? Damnit, I'm out of options here!"
RedSpy: XD
SteelKomodo: XD
GB: "Okay, I'm sending ya to the TF2 respawn void, just for something different. Have fun."
RedSpy: "Ah, I would not wish such a fate on any man"
RedSpy: "Best of luck"
GB: "So where am I going this time?" "All I can say is hope like hell Zephyrus decides to take up swordplay again."
GB: "The good news is you're gonna respawn in a few minutes. The bad news is that now Jonesy will have two babies to care for."
SteelKomodo: EREBABY
TheDeleter: EREBABY
TheDeleter: and he must beat widow baby in order to return to his normal self
RedSpy: But can they handle . . . BABYPHYRUS!?
RedSpy: What happens when Celestia's out of metal
GB: "I'm sorry, dear, but I only had enough to recreate that time you were shrunk down and got batted around by Antoinette's cat."
SteelKomodo: Babby Dirk
SteelKomodo: ...kill me
RedSpy changed name to RedMedic
GB: "No, you're getting a BOTTLE."
RedMedic: Later
RedMedic changed name to RedSpy
SteelKomodo: XD
RedSpy: Babby Del
RedSpy: And his plushie valkyrie
GB: Skeiron Babby
GB: It's a toaster with feet
RedSpy: Babby Sarah
TheDeleter: Babby Sine
TheDeleter: She's learnt her first word!
TheDeleter: And her second!
TheDeleter: And her third, fourth, fifth...
TheDeleter: *half an hour later*
TheDeleter: >​_>​
GB: Sarahbabby's bottle
SteelKomodo: Baby Rain
SteelKomodo: BABALITY
GB: Babby Stel-Stel
SteelKomodo: so many babbies
RedSpy: Baby Oceanus
GB: it works on so many levels
RedSpy: Fuck it. Next year we're doing The King of Babbies
RedSpy: Spy Plot 1: That Jerk Bass Stole My Toy Hoverboard
GB: It would be horrifying - except all the villains are babbies as well
RedSpy: The Lord is the new teenage helper at Gezora's Daycare
RedSpy: Sometimes he horrifies the babbies by reading his emo poetry at them
SteelKomodo: ARCHIMEDES D:<
RedSpy: Well, tries to at least. Usually it just goes right over their heads
TheDeleter: hahaha
RedSpy: Mengsk is the self-proclaimed "king of the daycare" who Del always plays toy soldiers with
RedSpy: "Ah'm gunna git ya this time, Mengsk!"
GB: Widow Maker keeps going on about baby-themed spinoffs but nobody understands
GB: Gloria is at a seventh-grade reading level
RedSpy: Meat Boy lives in the hamster cage
TheDeleter: :3


GB: I've got an update on that Atari 2600
TheDeleter: because xcom insists on rugged men and deadly srs women
GB: I went to Radio Shack today and bought the part I needed
TheDeleter: oh do tell!
GB: So I plugged in the part, hooked up the system, turned it on
GB: static
GB: Messed around with it, tried different games
TheDeleter: welp
GB: I noticed it reacted when I turned the system on and off
GB: Then I tried Combat and I saw the little tank
SteelKomodo: TANK =D
GB: There was static and vertical hold and no color but dammit I SAW IT
GB: But no sound
RedSpy: Happy birthday Goops!
GB: thanks Spy!
GB: So I looked up some tutorials/troubleshootin​g guides
GB: Time to crack the hood on this fucker
GB: I started unscrewing them screws
GB: one screw left
TheDeleter: oh shit
GB: it is the mightiest screw that has ever existed in all of creation
GB: Eloher trembles in the shadow of this screw
GB: I take a power drill to it
GB: The drill's battery dies from the effort
GB: I wait a bit and try to go at it one more time
TheDeleter: hahahahaha
TheDeleter: HERO SCREW
SteelKomodo: oh boy
GB: The power drill finds a little more juice deep inside
GB: and the screw
GB: begins
GB: to turn
GB: The screw is fully unscrewed
GB: it still won't come out
GB: This screw has been waiting twenty years for this fight
GB: it's not going to lay down and die now
TheDeleter: hahahahahahaha
TheDeleter: eye of the tiger
GB: finally
GB: it comes out
GB: The motherboard won't budge
GB: That's when I notice the screws on the other side
GB: the screw ruse was a distaction
TheDeleter: XD
SteelKomodo: D:<
SteelKomodo: i mean XD
GB: Fortunately those screws were pussies
TheDeleter: whoo
GB: Here there is a plastic circle you can turn to adjust the picture
GB: It doesn't really help
GB: So here I am, with 50 screws, a bunch of Atari parts, and a 3.50 cable adapter
GB: So close to playing ET I can almost taste it
GB: but not quite there
GB: and that is what I did tonight


GB joined the chat
SteelKomodo: hi GB!
SteelKomodo: what is the good news?
GB: Well before I tell you that
GB: Last night, after the movie
GB: I returned to my work
GB: my Atari work
SteelKomodo: ooooh, do tell
GB: Now remember, I got this thing for free
GB: So I was doing stuff I'd never normally do
GB: Because nothing was at stake
GB: Hence the popping it open etc
SteelKomodo: mmhm
GB: So after the movie I had a bunch of Atari guts all over the bed
GB: And I just start poking at everything on the motherboard
GB: It all seems pretty sturdily set in there, nothing loose
GB: I put in Space Invaders and flip the switch
SteelKomodo: YES
TheDeleter: WHOOO
GB: I start trying the games
GB: There were eight total
GB: Space Invaders, ET, Cosmic Ark, Combat, Donkey Kong, Video Pinball, and 2 copies of Pac-Man
GB: They all work
SteelKomodo: HOORAY!
GB: (that's the good news, I just didn't want to spoil it so I pretended it wasn't the good news)
SteelKomodo: pfffft

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