Monday, September 20, 2021

Chatzy Madness Volume 392: Don't Spank Em

Jumpropeman: without covid context
Jumpropeman: these would be wild


brolivel: "Gamemaster — Today at 6:53 PM
So i finally got AV cables for my Sega Saturn. I never owned one as a kid and I'm still convinced it isn't real. This thing is an elaborate ploy by everyone else to make me believe this system existed"

Jumpropeman: that's how I used to feel about Turbografx
MobileDraco: lol
MobileDraco: My cousin used to have a TurboGrafx 16.
The Deleter: But father
The Deleter: I AM a TurboGrafx 16
Draco: "Sega Genesis never told you what happened to your father." "He told me enough. He told me you got him discontinued!" "No, I am your TurboGrafx 16!"
The Deleter: Lmao


Modus Sheep: I have no idea, energy, or motivation, but would anyone talk to a stinky ratman in a bar?
Modus Sheep: I know
Modus Sheep: I make it sound so appealing


Bree: did I miss the plot about tsubasa's jerkass grandpa
Bree: did we deal with him
Harpy: we did deal with him with a way, but there's still a bit more to go
Gooper Blooper: Yesterday we exposed his awfulness and Tsubasa officially broke off from him
Harpy: gaslit her so much you woulda thought he was about to set her on fire
Gooper Blooper: we actually fight him later this month
Modus Sheep: they're penciling him in
Modus Sheep: brutally
Gooper Blooper: I mean, that's basically the RP Schedule in a nutshell
Gooper Blooper: "I can pencil you in on the 23rd for an ass-whuppin, have your people call my people"


Jumpropeman: "Game Developer reported the game "was criticized for featuring too much pink in its graphics.""
Cornwind Evil hears sad Poyos in the distance.
Harpy: as the local expert in pink
Harpy: i feel like someone is exaggerating
Jumpropeman: the horse isn't even pink!
Harpy: an orange brown, maybe rust
Harpy: maybe the stone tiles are bugging him and maybe it needs the hue toned down a bit
Jumpropeman: there are pink horses in the game, but I'd hardly say it's an overdose
Bree: those bricks are super pink but that's not "too much pink" in the game
Bree: and the fact it's the color pink they're complaining about makes me think it's them being sexist
Harpy: yeah, i profess this game to be
Bree: this cute game about a horse is not manly enough
Harpy: brohamsicle you have red dead redemption 2 right there
Modus Sheep: Pony Island?!
Jumpropeman: somehow I have not got around to pony island yet
Modus Sheep cracks the game whip
Modus Sheep gets hung up on the motion controls

Jumpropeman: ohhh, the pony is customizable
Jumpropeman: so you CAN make a pink pony
Modus Sheep: A pretty pony!
Jumpropeman: I, however, will be making a hulk pony
Modus Sheep: It's deeply conflicted and filled equally with self-loathing and rage?
Jumpropeman: that and it's got black hair, green skin, and a purple tail
Modus Sheep: What luxury!
Bree: name it bulk biceps
Jumpropeman: finally, I saved one of my pony friends! What does she have to say in gratitude? *image of a circus wagon* glad to have you back friend ; w ;
Jumpropeman walk a few feet forward, see a circus wagon with another pony friend in it
Gooper Blooper: this is some intense horse gaming action
Jumpropeman: i didn't have the right jewel to save circus wagon horse though
Jumpropeman finds horse fused into a stone mountainside
Jumpropeman: the witch has stepped up her game from circus wagons...
Draco: D:
Jumpropeman: i have saved all the ponies
Modus Sheep: Woah, that was fast!
Jumpropeman: it's a short game! I'm gonna look at HARD MODE
Draco: That WASN'T hard mode?! Being a gamer who has played a game, I need all of my games so easy I can get through the tutorial!
Jumpropeman: in hard mode, the animals give NO HINTS
Gooper Blooper: GASP

Friday, September 3, 2021

Chatzy Madness Volume 391: Frog-Like Aura

RubyChao: "so anyway, i started blasting"
Jumpropeman: were there any non-targets you DIDN'T kill
Harpy: chaaao, did you blow up corpse piles agaaaain?
RubyChao: only the ones i knocked unconscious earlier before things all went to hell
No Scope! Power Bomb!: Why the heck did you kill 124 non targets!?
MobileDraco: Chao is an overachiever. :3
Gooper Blooper: He hit a LOT of men! And some women too apparently
RubyChao: i was trying to do a challenge that involved "get seen doing a kill and thus have witnesses, then remove all witnesses via KO or kill"
RubyChao: but in this case it started spiraling out of control because i got witnesses to my witnesses and so on and so forth and finally i went "fuck it" and decided to just massacre everyone on the map
RubyChao: there can be no witnesses if no one is alive
Harpy: well i guess that technically completes the challenge
RubyChao: it does!
RubyChao: it counted!
Harpy: astounding


Modus Sheep: There's another space lady from Gooseworx to be turned into a hardened criminal:
Jumpropeman: well, time to make another Blastoplot
RubyChao: it worked for nova
Jumpropeman: i think I'd like this supernova design more if she didn't have her tongue sticking out
Modus Sheep: What if she was sweating constantly, JRM?
Jumpropeman: give her a little fang and eyebrows through the hair while you're at it
Harpy: aww jrm but she's just the ;P
Jumpropeman: I think the sharp points implies a character who's more excitable rather than the dopiness implied by a hanging out tongue
Gooper Blooper: she probably would be sweaty after six minutes of constant gyrating
Jumpropeman: if I use her I'd probably airbrush the tongue out :V
Gooper Blooper: I bet she'll get fanart, but I also bet every single piece of fanart will include the tongue
Modus Sheep: Make the tongue
Modus Sheep: BIGGER


Jumpropeman mistypes Curse of the Dead Gods as Curse of the Dad Gods
Jumpropeman: Curse of the Dad Bods


Modus Sheep: I miss writing Camilla.
Modus Sheep stares into the middle-distance
Gooper Blooper: I'm a fan of Yakuza Plot! It's nice to cut loose and just bash stuff
Gooper Blooper: guess you'll have to make her a regular again, sheep
Modus Sheep: :I
Modus Sheep: She had little arcs against Neelsen and COLONEL BOGEY himself
Modus Sheep: I'm running out golfers to pit her against!
Gooper Blooper: Quick, Chao, bring back Lara
Modus Sheep: Clearly, we need another golfing-based plot
RubyChao: i am happy to bring back lara
RubyChao: she cute
Jumpropeman: no
Jumpropeman: we need the ultimate golf challenge
Jumpropeman: Camilla, do you think you can get it within HIS?
Gooper Blooper: oh man
Gooper Blooper: let's settle it in pebble beach
Modus Sheep: oh no
Gooper Blooper: televised world championships
Gooper Blooper: the world is watching
Jumpropeman: "Personality
Craig is known for giving guidance to others."

Jumpropeman: "In Chapter 14, Craig appears at the end of the chapter telling the readers that 'Time for hell to break loose'."
Gooper Blooper: I was going to quote both of those XD
Gooper Blooper: I love how all of his appearances aside from TIME FOR HELL TO BREAK LOOSE are him just popping up and surprising other characters
Jumpropeman: Craig Stadler Pop Scare
Gooper Blooper:
Gooper Blooper: From this wiki's homepage, in the rules: "Please do not write any unimportant statements such as 'This guy is my husband' or 'The best boy' on any pages."
Harpy: but it is an important statement
Jumpropeman: Craig Stadler is the only golfer in all the universes
Jumpropeman edits Stadler's page to say The Best Boy