Thursday, March 25, 2021

Chatzy Madness Volume 382: Fungus Never Disappoints

Draco pounces on the new Chatzy Madness like Meiling seeing a new cute girl to fall in love with.


Draco: We're making this the new forum banner.


Marbles Sheep: "N Goat: These pretzel sticks are awful"
Marbles Sheep: They really were though.
Marbles Sheep: They really were.
Marbles Sheep gazes silently out the window


Jumpropeman: "Mega Drive's #1 fan."
Jumpropeman: this guy
Jumpropeman: he don't know
Jumpropeman: this tumblr does make me aware of a Lost Episode of Sega Hard Girls though
Jumpropeman: one with Master System in it!
Jumpropeman: sadly it's only in Japanese
Jumpropeman: its also full of rehashed animations from the other episodes :V
Gooper Blooper: pictured: mega drive's actual number one fan
Draco: That guy is obviously lying to himself because I saw this.
Jumpropeman: that's how I found him! But also, I am now following because like, how else will we get the hottest new hard girl fanart besides this dude?
Draco: Good question!
Draco: Draw it yourself, then you'll always know when new art is available.


(Harpy and myself leave Chatzy at the same time)

Draco: Bye Harpy's Friend Goops.
Draco: Bye Goops' Friend Harpy.
Gooper Blooper left the chat
Draco: I'm all alone. ;-;
Jumpropeman: yup
Jumpropeman: Draco's friend Draco
Draco: My ONLY friend.
RubyChao: draco is friends with draco???
Draco: Correct.
Draco: He even follows me on MySpace.


Working from Del: wario's pants remain terrifying


Jumpropeman joined the chat
Jumpropeman congeals


Jumpropeman: "Remember, Mario Dies March 31st!"
Jumpropeman: I'm glad sites are using headlines like this
Jumpropeman: celebrate mario's anniversary with extreme negativity, as Nintendo deserves for how they're handling it
Draco: lol


Saviour of Bees: link
Jumpropeman: if you got kong and zilla dna, what else are you supposed to do!


Gooper Blooper: link
inkblot and monochrome witch: the relationship i wish those two had in canon
Gooper Blooper: link
inkblot and monochrome witch: reisen be like: "wot"
Draco: Fixed that for you, Goops.
Gooper Blooper: ahahahahahah
inkblot and monochrome witch: this is not how doremy thought she was gonna be introduced to the master of the esoteric
inkblot and monochrome witch: and her girlfriend
Gooper Blooper: OH, that reminds me! I made a lovely gift for you all
Gooper Blooper: I saw this meme going around that challenged people to draw their friends' OCs badly on purpose
Gooper Blooper: enjoy

Draco: I don't know. That's the best Hiroki you've ever drawn.
inkblot and monochrome witch: i have 0 idea who koishi is representing but that's hilarious
inkblot and monochrome witch: man i absolutely love tapeworm purmina
Gooper Blooper: assuming you mean bottom middle, that's supposed to be gino
inkblot and monochrome witch: I CAN'T BELIEVE GINO WAS KOISHI
inkblot and monochrome witch: we did it fellas
samuraivel: drawn so badly he was mistaken for someone else, beautiful
inkblot and monochrome witch: (its the hat that makes me think koishi i'm sorry)
Draco: Perfect Zedot
inkblot and monochrome witch: third row, third column i assume is a del char but i am resisting the urge to say "is that jonesy" [Editor's note: that's Aiko]
RubyChao: that's a nice cirral
RubyChao: her ideal form...
Draco: That's her daughter with Wriggle, right?
inkblot and monochrome witch: sonia just looks like a nesting egg doll
samuraivel: you mean she isn't?
inkblot and monochrome witch: most of the time she isn't
inkblot and monochrome witch: she is one when you least expect her to be
inkblot and monochrome witch: such is the true nature of a chaos goddess
samuraivel: but what if I always expect her to be?
inkblot and monochrome witch: then she never is
Draco: One part's right. Sonia's always a doll. ;)
samuraivel: she's always nesting
Draco: She's always an egg?
inkblot and monochrome witch: she's... she a mamma bird?
Gooper Blooper: we'll get Amber to sit on Sonia and warm the egg
inkblot and monochrome witch: ah yes
inkblot and monochrome witch: egg holiday is incoming
Draco: The day when we all go East.
RubyChao: eggst
Jumpropeman: that poorly drawn shimmer is amazing
Gooper Blooper: hi JRM, I'm glad you like my shim doodle
Jumpropeman: the Airhead Crystal is strong in the image
inkblot and monochrome witch: new avatar?
Jumpropeman: very tempting!
Draco: Might as well join the party. I've already made Zedot my avatar.
Jumpropeman: squished zeldo looks so chill
Gooper Blooper: she's vibin
Draco: She's trying hard to be after Sumireko asked if she could keep a cryptid she found as a pet.
Jumpropeman: "Sumi, it's just a really fat donkey." "It's a catoblepas, Zeldo! It killed someone with its breath!" "That's because its breath stinks so bad :X"
inkblot and monochrome witch: suffer my non-transparent potato on forum
inkblot and monochrome witch: suffer
RubyChao: suffer like D did?
inkblot and monochrome witch: yes?


Brinehammer: Squiggly Clash is tops.
Saviour of Bees: That’s a good Ryuga and Laura
Marbles Sheep: That Shimmer is some kind of mood.
Marbles Sheep: Thanks for drawing Purnima, Goops


Jumpropeman: "In 2010 a journalist decided to show [Yakuza 3] to actual members of the real-world Yakuza to see what they thought. Amazingly, not only did the Yakuza members enjoy the game, they praised it for its realism... The Yakuza members enjoyed the detail showed in specific regards to the Yakuza and their customs, praising everything from how they spoke to the manner in which they dressed, with the exception of Kiryu.
Specifically they hated his shirt, stating that it looked cheap and was more in line with what a low-level Yakuza member would wear. The gang members spent a good few minutes talking about how the shirt and how shitty it looked was pretty much the only thing they found unrealistic about the version of Yakuza 3 they were playing.
One thing worth noting is that they couldn’t understand why exactly Kiryu was beating so many people up, with one perplexed Yakuza member asking aloud, “Why doesn’t he just shoot them?”"

Dobile Mel: Lmao
samuraivel: isn't the thing about looks basically what Kiryu's friend said in Yakuza 0 :U iirc
Saviour of Bees: Pfffft
Jumpropeman: true, but in Yakuza 0 he was a low-level member :V
samuraivel: I know, but still made me think of it :U


tsubakara: "my new arm smells like a pepperoni pizza!" "well yeah, making a new arm and making a pizza is essentially the same"
tsubakara: t
tsubakara: tsuba
tsubakara: tsubaka
tsubakara: what
tsubakara: now i'm just imagining tsuba in the emergency ward with someone's arm cut off due to the brawl and she's here using an ez bake oven to bake them a new arm
Draco: Do not let Tsubakura help after the Brawl.
Draco: She is banned from the hospital, especially if she Brawled.


Saviour of Bees: die another day is on
Saviour of Bees: It is such 2000’s era ridic
Saviour of Bees: Invisible cars, genetic disguise, ice palaces, dream machines
Saviour of Bees: It’s wild
Draco: Still waiting for MY invisible car, Bill Jobs Musk. >:U


Jumpropeman: "Kirby and friends get up to yummy hijinks in this delightful manga collection. Join Kirby and his Dream Land friends as they go on zany adventures in manga form! Jump into Dream Land with Kirby and gobble up some fun!"
Jumpropeman: they just keep saying the same thing


tsubakara: i hate this dude's way of talking.
tsubakara: also he has a long ass name nobody can bother themselves to write out
tsubakara: i'm pretty sure the katakana says "claus" or something to that effect
Jumpropeman: I don't see "the issue" with the way "this guy" speaks
tsubakara: i cannot believe you're doing this.
tsubakara: ...granted i could do it.
Gooper Blooper: >(Name Omitted)
Gooper Blooper: This Space Intentionally Left Blank
tsubakara: look at this wiki page and you'll understand why.
tsubakara: named himself like he was a pretentious edgy teenager
Jumpropeman: I like that you must scream his last name
pepsivel looks at Harpy
tsubakara: of course, gotta "give" such a name some most needed "oomph"
Draco: lol
Gooper Blooper: "Species » Annoyance"
tsubakara: yeah that's kobbers
tsubakara: .txt
tsubakara: anyway i forgive wario's pants now because look at this guy's eclair lookin ass
Jumpropeman: I never forgave wario's pants
Jumpropeman: there was never anything to forgive
Jumpropeman embraces wario's pants as the studio audience lets out an "Awwww"


Gooper Blooper: I look forward to Harpy's 2021 Christmas blogpost
Gooper Blooper: The Santa Clause
tsubakara: good god i'd die


Gooper Blooper: I bought a hot wheels car today
Draco: The Battlebots Hot Wheels?
tsubakara: oh shit that reminds me
tsubakara: we went to a new action figure store
tsubakara: they had fuckloads of hot wheels
tsubakara: wish they had that one
tsubakara: unfortunately i was kinda too focused on community day to really look :(
Jumpropeman: Mattel makes incredible bank on hot wheels
Jumpropeman: they nearly get the same amount of revenue from hot wheels as they do the entire fisher-price line of toys
Jumpropeman: Fisher-Price is one of those names where it's a shame it's obviously just two dudes' last names
Jumpropeman: imagine naming your kids toy company after how much a fisherman would pay for things


Marbles Sheep: "1984: The Transformers launches in the US, in toy, comic and cartoon formats, forever ruining Transformers."
Marbles Sheep: When is JRM going to Wiki Walk the Transformers Wiki
Gooper Blooper: no can do, it's too high quality
Draco: The Transformers Wiki is actually good, so JRM would be wasting his time.
Marbles Sheep: "Thomas the Tank Engine seems to have the second-most Unpleasable Fanbase in history next to Transformers (though the spot is contested for by Metallica's fanbase)"
Marbles Sheep:
Marbles Sheep: link
Marbles Sheep: T_T
Draco: Nobody's going to be surprised when the bar restroom turns out to be Decepticon HQ now. THANKS. D:<
Marbles Sheep left the chat
Draco: Oh no...I didn't mean to chase him off.
Draco: I'm sorry, Sheep. Come back to me. D;
Marbles Sheep joined the chat
Marbles Sheep: Oh wait, I thought it was time for Fire Force
Marbles Sheep: link
RubyChao: not for an hour, sheep
Draco: lol
Marbles Sheep: "Available only as part of a Hasbro-brand-names fast food promotion (which included miniature versions of other Hasbro properties like Mr. Potato Head), and labeled simply as "Beast Wars", this toy is an extremely simplified version of the Transmetal Rhinox toy, available only at participating Rally's and Checkers restaurants."
Marbles Sheep: "Despite it being... well, look at it... it goes for mad money on the secondary market. Or, more likely, because of look at it. Most people didn't realize the promotion even existed until after it was over, and the restaurant chain is fairly small and somewhat regional."
Draco: Damn that's obscure.


(Sheep and Chao anime night:)

N Goat: "Sorry, but I just can't be taken down by a fellow nerd, okay?"
Jumpropeman: final words in a future brawl no doubt
N Goat: This guy's voice actor is a consistent delight
N Goat: He's a guiding light in this wildly uneven show
N Goat: "Do you know why I wear this cute angel belt buckle? Because I'm a nice lady, okay?"
N Goat: Tonight on Fire Force: A Five Minute Scene on The Importance of Naming Conventions in Mechanical Tools
N Goat: wha
N Goat: Why is Gizmo
N Goat: of Gremlins fame
N Goat: hawking Mountain Dew?
Jumpropeman: its safer for him then water
N Goat: This man's gross and biologically unfeasible crescent moon eyes
N Goat shakes fist
N Goat: What is this Power Rangers Vehicle Take-off Sequence nonsense?!
N Goat: Well, I didn't hear a peep from Chao
N Goat: But I'm sure he was here in spirit
N Goat: Oh jeeze
N Goat: Sally's back in Black Clover
RubyChao: i was here in fullscreen game
RubyChao: also sally's back?
RubyChao: i was going to skip black clover
RubyChao: but this i must see
N Goat: Yeah...
N Goat: It's a Sally episode...
RubyChao: i just tuned in and
RubyChao: is
RubyChao: is this the Everyone Tries To Overcome Their One Note Character Traits episode
N Goat: Sort of
Jumpropeman: I can't wait for the efforts to not stick!
N Goat: It's more Sally sets a trap based on that trait
N Goat: and they fall for it anyway
RubyChao: reminder
RubyChao: there will be more Sally this year
N Goat: :I
RubyChao: you can't escape her sheep
RubyChao: it's not even my fault
RubyChao: but everyone just loved her
N Goat: It's a little your fault!
N Goat: You can't hold everyone responsible!
N Goat: They wanted to rescue Ranamon!
N Goat: They clearly have no idea what they're doing!
Jumpropeman: Sally and Ranamon would be a good partnership!


Jumpropeman: oh my
Jumpropeman: I just heard Craig Stadler's voice in the Japanese version of Pebble Beach Golf Links
Jumpropeman: its not a very convincing dub :V
Draco: Shame they couldn't get the man himself.


RubyChao: fun fact
RubyChao: in railroad tycoon 2, there's a map where you have to stop a worldwide flood
RubyChao: there's a piece of track on the pre-existing line where, if it breaks from flooding, you basically have no way of pulling it off anymore
RubyChao: i checked in the map editor and not only is there an event to make you auto-lose if you lose that piece of track
RubyChao: the territory they use for that (as part of how the event system works) is literally called "The Killer Territory"
N Goat: Hmmm
N Goat: I see
Jumpropeman: but what if you put more tracks on either side to block it instead?
Jumpropeman: what if I just put so many random unconnected tracks as walls that no water would ever get through
RubyChao: jrm: the serious answer is that A: water destroys the tracks and B: you can't lay track in that scenario
Jumpropeman: :I
Jumpropeman: my genius goes unappreciated in our time
RubyChao: if you want to watch it
N Goat: Or any time
Draco: What genius?
Jumpropeman: the one I keep in a bottle
Draco: Turns out Railroad Tycoon 2 is a post-apocalyptic game about trying to use trains to survive volcanos.
Draco: Why are we wasting money on things like The Avengers and Godzilla when we could be having the epic Railroad Tycoon movie?!
Draco: Why not carry passengers to the volcano? Free labor!


Jumpropeman: in toy story
Jumpropeman: all the kids at Andy's birthday party
Jumpropeman: are also Andy
RubyChao: nah
RubyChao: it's Andy, Andii, Andi, and Andy 2


RubyChao: found this
RubyChao: immediately decided to try zfrp
RubyChao: Tenshi: Here's some advice
Utsuho: I didn't ask for any
Tenshi: Too bad. I'm stuck here with my thoughts and you're the only one who talks to me

RubyChao: off to a good start.
pepsivel: Gino: If there's going to be a big dramatic scene, wait until I get back.
Dia: Of course. I can't flip this table by myself.

Draco: Chris: I'm a reverse necromancer.
Kirika: Isn't that just killing people?
Chris: Ah, technicality.

pepsivel: Gino: You're 'the second worst thing to ever happen to those orphans', what does that mean?
Dia: It means i was second worst thing to happen to those orphans.
Gino: but what’s the first worst thing?
*Awkward pause*
Dia: Gino, they...they weren’t always orphans.

pepsivel: DIA NO
pepsivel: Gino: Someone will die.
Dia: Of fun!

RubyChao: Utsuho, tending to Tenshi's wounds: How would you rate your pain?
Tenshi: Zero stars. Would NOT recommend.

RubyChao: tenshi is complaining because pain is this weird foreign feeling
RubyChao: she does not like it
RubyChao: Tenshi: In light of what you did for me, you can hug me for four to five seconds.
Tenshi: No! Four to five seconds!
Utsuho: Too late!!!

RubyChao: i keep wanting to change the names but these two dolts are just too perfect!
Draco: They're perfect for it.
RubyChao: *Utsuho and Tenshi skipping stones on lake*
Utsuho: It’s such a beautiful evening.
Tenshi, whispering: Take that you fucking lake

RubyChao: Tenshi: *holding a bottle* Is this whiskey or perfume?
Utsuho: *chugs entire bottle*
Utsuho: It’s perfume.

RubyChao: Okuu would and probably has done this.
Gooper Blooper: Unyu.
tsubakara: oh no
tsubakara: that's tsuba-drinks-ink levels of bad
Gooper Blooper: Gloria: You are now one day closer to eating your next plate of nachos.
Josephine: That's the most hopeful thing I've ever heard.
Sarah: But what if I die tomorrow and never eat any nachos?
Ariel: Then tomorrow is nacho lucky day.

Draco: Ariel is my favorite RP girl again.
Gooper Blooper: Gloria: Isn’t it weird that we pay money to see other people?
Josephine: Plane tickets?
Sarah: Concert tickets?
Ariel: Prostitution?
Gloria, holding their broken frames: Glasses.

Draco: Ariel knocking it out of the park again.
tsubakara: Sonia: bitches b like “im baby” but have childhood trauma and neglect like wtf do u know about being baby u were forced to grow up from an early age anyways I’m bitches
RubyChao: Tenshi: You know, not every problem can be solved with a sword.
Utsuho: That's why I carry two swords.

tsubakara: oh no its too true except sonia does not talk like that
Gooper Blooper: Gloria: I think we're missing something.
Josephine: Teamwork?
Sarah: Cohesion?
Ariel: A general sense of what we’re doing?

RubyChao: Tachi, to Honoka: My life is in the hands of an idiot!
Honoka, motioning to themself and Bikkie: No no no no no, TWO idiots!

Gooper Blooper: Gloria: Good morning.
Josephine: Good morning.
Sarah: Good morning.
Ariel: You all sound like robots, try spicing it up a bit.

Draco: That's definitely Celestia. XD
tsubakara: Marisa: *Walking in to a room* Sorry I’m late... I was... doing things.
*Sounds of running footsteps progressively getting louder*
Tsubakura: *Out of breath* THEY PUSHED ME DOWN THE FUCKIN’ STAIRS.

tsubakara: lets face it, tsuba deserved it probably.
RubyChao: Bikkie: Tachi, can I talk to you for a second?
Tachi: Yeah, what’s up? Lemme guess. You and Honoka are having problems and you want me to teach you how to kiss?
Bikkie: What? No, stop that. I know how to kiss. I’ve read books.

tsubakara: Tsubakura: So what’s for dinner?
Marisa, staring at the food they just burnt: Regret.

Gooper Blooper: Dolby: Do you ever want to talk about your emotions, Rachel?
Rachel: … No.
Sumireko: I do!
Dolby: I know, Sumireko.
Sumireko: I’m sad!
Dolby: I know, Sumireko.

RubyChao: Tachi: Would you stab your best friend in the leg for 10 million gold?
Honoka: You stab me, and then when my leg gets better, we buy a big-ass house.
Bikkie: You can stab me too, then we'll have 20 million.
Honoka: Good thinking.

pepsivel: Aldebaran: Hah! 69! You know what that means?
Ichi: What?
Jabu: That you're a child.

tsubakara: ALDEBARAN NO
pepsivel: Cop: You’re receiving a ticket for having three people on one motorcycle.
Aldebaran: Shit.
Ichi: Wait, three?
Cop: Yeah?

tsubakara: Cute Villain: *Gets down on one knee*
Tsubakura: Oh my god, it’s finally happening.
Cute Villain: *Falls over*
Tsubakura: The poison is kicking in.

tsubakara: i'm trying not to piss myself laughing
pepsivel: Aldebaran: Dammit, Ichi!
Ichi: What?! It wasn’t me!
Aldebaran: Sorry, force of habit. Dammit, Jabu!
Jabu: Not me either.
Aldebaran: Oh...Then who set the house on fire?
Ikki: *whistles*

I mean, he IS the fire one...
Gooper Blooper: Dolby: How's the sexiest person here~?
Rachel: I don't know, how are they~?
Dolby, flustered: I-
Sumireko, from across the room: I'm doing great, thanks!

pepsivel: lel
tsubakara: Troy: Man, I only ever see you awake, do you ever shut down or stop running?
Biscotti: Oh, I’m always running
Biscotti: The question is from what

Gooper Blooper: not so much running as hurling herself ass-first up stairs
tsubakara: Troy, trying to cheer the group up: Things could be worse, you know!
Biscotti: How?
Troy: How what?
Biscotti: How could they be worse?
Troy: They couldn’t, I lied.

RubyChao: Gallade: There are seven chairs and ten kids. What do you do?
Corporal Guy: Have everyone stand.
Lord Crump: Bring three more chairs!
Axem Blue: The most important ones can sit down.
Jester Chao: Kill three.

RubyChao: Gallade: You really put aside everything and came all this way for me? How did you even get here so fast?
Jester Chao: Several traffic violations.
Lord Crump: Three counts of resisting arrest.
Axem Blue: Roughly thirteen cans of energy drinks.
Corporal Guy: Also, that’s not our car.

RubyChao: okay but i think this one is actual canon
tsubakara: that's a shitty inaccurate quote then


Draco: Season 11 Patchouli
Gooper Blooper: Are we sure that's not Stocking?


Jumpropeman: gonna head out for the night. Remember to tip your waitresses!
Jumpropeman left the chat
Draco: Bye JRM.
Draco tips Miss Black General over.


Jumpropeman: this was a real creature
pepsivel: looks like Spore
Jumpropeman: cambrian aquatic life is basically Spore


RubyChao: thanks for explaining why maya has tits
Jumpropeman: it was very important


Gooper Blooper: link
pepsivel: link
Gooper Blooper: link
pepsivel: link
Gooper Blooper: link
pepsivel: link
team monochrome: rip
RubyChao: man garfield
RubyChao: you should really stop getting eaten by a bear


MobileDraco: Ironically (coincidentally?) I'd been visualizing Aiko as Del using Kasumi from Royal in a non-retcon way.
The Bree: I doooon't think aiko and kasumi are anything alike
The Bree: kasumi is like pretty feminine ballerina gymnast girl
The Bree: aiko is
The Bree: um
The Bree: idk
MobileDraco: Well, my brain used Kasumi as a faceclaim at least. ^_^;
The Bree: but draco she's a clone of akira
The Bree: and akira is fucking bishounen to begin with XD
team monochrome: She’s rule 34 akira
The Bree: wrong rule harpy
team monochrome: Think thats the right rule- figured.
team monochrome: Genderbent akira
The Bree: genderbender is rule 63
The Bree: rule 34 is porn.
The Deleter: Lel
MobileDraco: Considering some of Jinteki's stuff, why not both?
The Deleter: Aiko is uh
The Deleter: I've imagined her as like, tall and permanently underfed looking
The Bree: it fits
The Bree: but I'm not sure how I'd describe her aesthetic. at first I was going to say butch lesbian but she's not really
The Bree: butch
The Deleter: I think my turn of phrase when she first met Giselle was "anxious goth stork"
The Bree: ahahaha
The Bree: nice
team monochrome: Oh boy
MobileDraco: Probably not redhead uber-babe like Kasumi then.
The Deleter: Yeah she's definitely not conventionally attractive
The Deleter: Not an Anime Babe
The Bree: I disagree, tall and skinny can be conventionally attractive :V
The Bree: and her gene base is akira (who is hot af) and some nisei
The Bree: also: jinteki is jinteki
The Deleter: True but I imagine her environment has roughed her up some
The Deleter: Definitely some badass scars
The Bree: fair, fair
The Deleter: Bit of a broken nose
The Deleter: That kind of thing
The Bree: you know what aiko needs to complete her look, she needs some sick tats
The Deleter: She probably looks more akira-y now, she's eating better and doesn't have the eternal enemy of mankind riding in her brain
The Deleter: Yeah she does!
The Bree: I could see aiko getting full sleeves on both arms
The Bree: of a collage of just the most cliche gangster shit like pinup girls and playing cards and dollar bills and whatever
The Bree: guns idk
The Deleter: Absolutely
The Deleter: Giselle would be one of those pinup girls and aiko would never regret it
The Bree: can you imagine how absolutely fucking epic a sleeve tat of giselle would look
The Bree: haha ninja'd
The Deleter: Yeah absolutely
The Bree: but giselle looks so badass she would make an insanely badass tattoo I think
The Bree: people'd be like "whoa your tat is dope" and aiko's like "thanks that's my girlfriend" and they're like "wat"
The Deleter: Damn aiko starts wearing tank tops just to show off the sick arm tat of her girlfriend
The Bree: it is zfrp canon that ibuki has some tats!
The Bree: I don't remember if it's been mentioned before though
The Deleter: I think Jared has a tat too, it's a lipstick print just above his collarbone on his neck
The Bree: it has actually been onscreen established that meiling has a full size back tattoo
The Bree: what
The Bree: did he get that before or after dating ren lel
The Deleter: Before
The Deleter: Just a coincidence lel
The Deleter: It's a reference to the first line of this song
The Bree: ren petitions for him to go back to the tattoo parlor and get some faux bite marks added
The Deleter: Lmao damn he'd do that
The Deleter: Although he'd try and be smooth and be like "surely you could add those yourself"
The Deleter: Cos he's a fuckin dork
The Bree: haha
MobileDraco: It's what I'd say.
MobileDraco: And then Ren would say it'd hurt like Hell and not be permanent anyway.
The Deleter: True
The Bree: pretty much, drac
The Bree: except at this point in the offseason she has bitten jared plenty so he doesn't need to be told it's painful lel
MobileDraco: So she's already updating the tattoo for him? BV
The Bree: :V
The Bree: she's not necessarily biting in the right spot but sure
MobileDraco: Gotcha. X)
The Deleter: God
The Deleter: I missed this chat!
The Deleter: I love it when we're dumb in this here chat
The Deleter: Love this chatzy madness
The Deleter: As it were
MobileDraco: Yeah, it gets quiet when we're entertaining ourselves. ;p


(Re: Railroad Tycoon 2)

RubyChao: one of the campaign maps is bugged, so behold, the beautiful city of warsaw
The Bree: traaaaaaaaains
RubyChao: (there's a bug where if you manually place an industry within a city's limit, it glitches out and never places the REST of the city)
Gooper Blooper: Warsaw sounds like a battlebot name
The Bree: seems legit
The Bree: warsaw is in poland goops, it's the capital!
The Bree: pretty sure that's totally what it actually looks like
RubyChao: he's right though
RubyChao: it does sound like a battlebot name
The Bree: war saw
The Bree: would be an extremely literal battlebot name
The Bree: delightfully literal
Gooper Blooper: WARSAW
Draco: Neat.
Gooper Blooper: This is "Battlesaw". So close.
RubyChao: battlesaw is clearly the younger sibling


Dobile Mel: Memes
SteelKomodo: big memes


Jumpropeman joined the chat
Jumpropeman: it me
Draco: It's you?! D:
Jumpropeman: til further notice, yes
Jumpropeman: 9 out of 10 dentist agree: it me
Draco: Excellent. I was worried it was someone else for a moment there.
Jumpropeman infiltration successful, proceeding to the next step of the plan
Draco: :l
Draco: What happened to the 10th Dentist?
Jumpropeman: you're about to find out, Dr. Aco DDS BI
Draco: D8


team monochrome: kasen's story: where mamizou throws a gacha ball full of aliens and
team monochrome: uh
Gooper Blooper: hi kauket and takora
team monochrome: i can't believe they made it into 2hu :)


team monochrome: so this is basically boomer vs zoomer huh.
Jumpropeman: ive been seeing a lot of weird zoomer statements lately
team monochrome: indulge me
Jumpropeman: like that somehow randomness was invented by them when it was peak early 2000s humor with things like TEH PENGUIN OF DOOM and Newgrounds and Invader Zim
team monochrome: well
team monochrome: the wheel turns
team monochrome: the influences of the elder affect the younger generations
RubyChao: its the whole "you don't realize what came before and thus you think you are new"
RubyChao: every generation thinks they invented rebelling against the system
Gooper Blooper holds up spork
team monochrome: goops nooo
Jumpropeman: i think one reason might be that zoomers are now old enough to write the news articles about themselves
RubyChao: anyhow i can confirm that 13 year old millennial me thought randomness was peak comedy
team monochrome: same
team monochrome: still kinda do
team monochrome: but thats because i botch my words a lot and therefore


team monochrome: OH GOD I CHOKED
team monochrome: COULD YOU
team monochrome: NOT SAY IT LIKE THAT
Draco: XD
team monochrome: ichi realizes the joy of balls
Gooper Blooper: seriously, they did this on purpose
Gooper Blooper: the comments.
team monochrome: this game's unintentionally hilarious
team monochrome: sumi brought forth the joy of balls
team monochrome: gensokyo's basically a ball pit
Draco: Parsee is jealous of Sumireko's balls.
team monochrome: link
Gooper Blooper: Seriously.
team monochrome: did ZUN not realize this plot would
team monochrome: do this


team monochrome: link
Gooper Blooper: I see they've finally commented on the balls thing
team monochrome: they've been making puns
team monochrome: but i'm surprised it took Omega THAT long to say that
team monochrome: maybe after playing like 5 scenarios so far...
Gooper Blooper: it was kind of the elephant in the room
Draco: I'm starting to think we need to change one letter in her name.
team monochrome: the balls got to him
team monochrome: *grabs newspaper*
RubyChao: draco has been overcome by balls...


Gooper Blooper: basic summary of harpy's youtube viewing recently
Draco: Buckets
Jumpropeman: we had a mr. bucket
THUN-DER!: how'd that work out?
Jumpropeman: I think I played it once
Jumpropeman: but it was often part of cleaning up after small children like my niece


Jumpropeman: this game is basically just Shovel Knight with the Butts code active
THUN-DER!: for better or for worse, yes
THUN-DER!: can't tell if its a translation quirk or in the original japanese it really was just balls all the way down


Mars Sheep (Marbles Sheep) joined the chat
Mars Sheep incoherent screaming
Mars Sheep: 'lo again
Draco: Hi Sheep.
Jumpropeman: hi sheep
Jumpropeman: you're just in time for me to throw shade at those types of teachers who never give 100s on essays because there's no such thing as a perfect essay
Jumpropeman: gotta bump down the kids' GPAs to make a point no one wants to hear
Mars Sheep: Ah
Draco: Good on you, JRM! Take those teachers....TO SCHOOL!
Mars Sheep: Hm
Mars Sheep: Unfortunate
Mars Sheep: Do you see the teacher now, JRM?
Jumpropeman: I do
Jumpropeman: because he's YOU
Jumpropeman: or something
Jumpropeman: my brother is an english teacher
Mars Sheep: I became that which I swore to destroyyyy
Jumpropeman: I don't think he does that shtick
Mars Sheep: Ah, it all becomes clear
Mars Sheep: Yeah, it's an unfortunate practice
Draco: Ask him if he does and threaten to read Middle English badly if he does.
Jumpropeman: i already know how to bug him :V I just got to speak in essay cliches
Mars Sheep: And that's what I'm going to explain in this essay.
Jumpropeman: Some people say that my method is very effective
Draco: Excellent.


Jumpropeman: every few weeks my dad goes to a place called Ruby's Pantry where you pay 20 bucks and they give you a big box of food based on what's available. Usually there's the staples like milk in there but you might also get pizza or ice cream and so on. I just realized today that it's basically a food version of a loot box :V
pepsivel: I mean, there are food loot crate things
pepsivel: that sounds neat though
Draco: Food Box
Draco: I'd give it a shot.
Jumpropeman: i do eye their pizzas with suspicion. They look cheap and the branding isn't present on them
Gooper Blooper: Logo brand pizza
Gooper Blooper: 100% guaranteed to look like a pizza
Gooper Blooper: now with real cheese!
pepsivel: lel
pepsivel: that just makes me think of this one car place near us
pepsivel: Johnson's OK Cars or something like that
pepsivel: but I started making fun of the fact that they're just "ok" cars
pepsivel: then ivelmom was like "oh yeah it does say that"
pepsivel: maybe OK Used Cars
pepsivel: either way
Jumpropeman: I bet Oklahoma is filled with jokes about things just being OK
Draco: Logo Brand Pizza: now with at least 25% Fresh ingredients.


The Bree: neigh
THUN-DER!: neigh


Jumpropeman: some of these Zoopals
Jumpropeman: do not make eating fun
RubyChao: oh no
RubyChao: you brought back the memories
THUN-DER!: welp
The Deleter: Plew


Jumpropeman: whenever I reach the pearly gates, God will look down on me and say "Life is the greatest gift I could give you, and yet you used a portion of it to watch Mars Needs Moms on DVD." and I will have no answer for my greatest shame
The Deleter: That bad huh
Jumpropeman: it's definitely in that dull class of awful media
Saviour of Bees: Oh nooooo
Jumpropeman: "Entertainment Weekly positively described the film as a children's movie version of Avatar"
Jumpropeman: Avatar got released in China for the first time recently to bump it back up to the highest grossing movie of all time
Jumpropeman: which was a smart plan, since someone should be excited for Avatar 2 which is supposedly coming next year
pepsivel: they can finally watch Aang huh
Jumpropeman: imagine if they did get sent the live action last airbender
Jumpropeman: they'd probably double their box office income admittedly


Draco: Someone has taken my seat.
THUN-DER!: guess you'll have a danmaku battle over it.


Gooper Blooper: link
Jumpropeman: she's made it
Jumpropeman: she's buying the wonderbread
THUN-DER!: *hisses*


Gooper Blooper joined the chat
THUN-DER!: hi goops, witness the reason canon sumi gets dunked on.
RubyChao: hi sumi
RubyChao: i
RubyChao: i just called goops sumi
Jumpropeman: gooper saved sumi
Jumpropeman: he deserves her name?
THUN-DER!: goops saved sumi
THUN-DER!: and therefore he is now gooper "sumi salamirenko" blooper


Jumpropeman: ive been watching the CGI clone wars cartoon gradually to keep up with A More Civilized Age
Jumpropeman: and even before the podcast mentioned it, the cartoon goes HARD on saying "I've Got a Bad Feeling About This" all the time
Jumpropeman: almost once per episode and sometimes while they're already in danger
RubyChao: do you have a bad feeling about this
Jumpropeman: i do have a bad feeling about this
Jumpropeman: supposedly after season 1 they tone it down
Jumpropeman: in between doing that though
Jumpropeman: I've been watching that old animated version of The Ricky Gervais Show
Jumpropeman: primarily just because Karl Pilkington is a fascinating man
RubyChao: does karl have a bad feeling about this?
Jumpropeman: Karl can never answer a question directly and almost never actually does supply an answer after his unusual reasoning gets the three guys sidetracked
Jumpropeman: so I don't know and will never know how he feels about anything
RubyChao: I've got a bad feeling about that.
Jumpropeman: Karl Pilkington not only thought the phrase "those who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones" was a metaphor meaning "don't be chucking stuff about", but he thought it was based on his understanding that people did actually live in glass houses at one point
RubyChao: i mean
RubyChao: don't you?
Jumpropeman: I do like his own phrase: "Those who live in glass houses have to answer the door"
RubyChao: i've got a bad feeling about that.
Jumpropeman: chao you are insufferable
RubyChao: love you too best buddy
Jumpropeman: <3


RubyChao: sumi goes on a documentary quest for the legendary
RubyChao: Bignerd
RubyChao: she ends up hunting for herself


Draco: \
Jumpropeman: take that back D':
Draco: \
Jumpropeman: that's better :)
Draco: 👍


AMA about... things: th
AMA about... things: these people mistyped my last name as
AMA about... things: "Fortuny"
AMA about... things: that's hilarious
Dobile Mel: Fortuny
Dobile Mel: Very powerful
Jumpropeman: she's tiny, she's fortuny, she's just a little looney


Draco: link
Gooper Blooper: we're out here and he's in there
Jumpropeman: registeel in a shirt is just a pair of boobs struggling to be contained
Jumpropeman: with some wild cleavage drift
Jumpropeman: that's why it is the sexiest regi
Gooper Blooper: and you used to dislike it!
Jumpropeman: you know how it is, you tease the person you have a crush on


The Bree: I gotta try not to be embarrassed/ashamed/anxious when talking about this but
The Bree: I have been playing huniepop 2.
The Bree: and when it comes to the dialogue options I am just straight up RPing as meiling
The Bree: except that occasionally I'll pick the funniest answer instead of the meilingest one
The Bree: but often they're one and the same


Jumpropeman: I'm JUGGLER 7


RubyChao: but gentlemen
RubyChao: how do we make it MORE boring
Jumpropeman: just take a screenshot of the letters aol in chatzy for the next logo
Gooper Blooper: I think there's a reason AOL hasn't been relevant since the mid-2000s
Jumpropeman: what is more minimalist than nothing
popping in for a sec: aol.
Maroon Sheep: something boring
popping in for a sec: aol went awol
Maroon Sheep: A span of beige wallpaper
Jumpropeman: a picture of an unexceptional lamp


Jumpropeman: so the website with the story that the PS3, PSP, and Vita networks will go down was from a website known for unreliable clickbait, so crossing my fingers here
Draco: Fingers crossed.
Gooper Blooper: PS3 and PSP are two gens behind now so I'm sure it's an inevitability, but the longer it's up the better
Jumpropeman: I don't want to be a pirate but they're taking away my avenues ; w ;
Gooper Blooper: The fools. Every service they take down only makes the pirates stronger.
Draco: Yeah, they're just going to encourage piracy by making legal access unavailable.
Jumpropeman: i do wonder about PS Now since that has some PS3 digital titles in it
Jumpropeman: that's how I played Derrick the Deathfin and Zack Zero
Jumpropeman: they just gonna yank those out or what
Jumpropeman: (PS Now being Playstation's Netflix like game streaming service)
Jumpropeman: If I buy a hacked PSP it's not my fault if it's full of downloaded games right-
Gooper Blooper: just COINCIDENTALLY has a flash card inside with a thousand games no one sells any more
Gooper Blooper: whoops, who left THAT in there, how silly
Jumpropeman: it's not piracy if someone buys me a loaded flash cart as a gift and their name is Jumperopeman right?
Gooper Blooper: You still paid to play!!


Draco: Yamame
Jumpropeman: she looks like a dork
Jumpropeman: Gloria's rubbing off on her


Hooded Pitohui: I bring fungus tonight, namely an interesting case of a fungus infecting Xyris flowers, inhibiting the growth of their flowers, and growing in such a way that it closely resembles those flowers in hopes that insects looking for a nectar meal will instead end up spreading its spores.
Maroon Sheep: Fascinating!
Maroon Sheep: Ah, that's really quite interesting
Maroon Sheep: Fungus never disappoints.
Hooded Pitohui: It really does not.


Jumpropeman: one of the trippiest videos I've seen
Draco: Bowling alleys are weird as hell.
Hooded Pitohui: Bowling is one of my favorite group activities, so I frequent bowling alleys, and, yeah, I don't think I've ever been in one that hasn't had some kind of inexplicably off aesthetic.
RubyChao: i remember one where every time you scored it just
RubyChao: played a random clip of some other sport
Jumpropeman: video seems more like it would be for a spare :P
taishi civel: "People keep saying it should be a spare but pin never went back up and the ball never stopped rolling"
taishi civel: also wow that was dark
Jumpropeman: as soon as it left the alley technically the strike was assured anyway


Jumpropeman: one of the most mysterious games I own
Jumpropeman: no reviews on steam or any other website from what I find
Draco: it.
Maroon Sheep: Aladinuki
Draco: Please.
Gooper Blooper: "More secrets than you will ever find."
Gooper Blooper: Bold.
Jumpropeman: that's one reason I hadn't played it yet :V
Draco: Oh.
RubyChao: well i mean
RubyChao: it seems to be itself a secret...
RubyChao: also looking at the achievements
RubyChao: you ever see that thing where achievements come in like... very even blocks of percentages, and you realize from that not many people played this game in the first place?
RubyChao: yeah.
Jumpropeman: i just didn't want it to be a Fez situation where you can easily play through the main game and not realize there's the whole secondary aspect to it, but it does look kinda simplistic so I think I will dust off the review key
Jumpropeman: the fact two different Endings have the same completion percentage is probably the best hint that it was like, the developer who got those or something
RubyChao: yep
RubyChao: as well as "beat on normal, beat on hard, beat on harder"
Gooper Blooper: Yeah, it doesn't get much more obscure than this
Jumpropeman: for comparison, There A No Armadillos in This Game has two other reviews besides mine
Harpy: oh
Jumpropeman: "A Dream of Burning Sand is an idea that has been stewing in Rainer Deyke's head for over a decade now. Actual development started in April 2014 and has been going on more or less continuously since then. Most of the game was developed by Rainer Deyke personally."
Jumpropeman: ouch, for it to go under the radar so much after all that
RubyChao: oof :(
Gooper Blooper: sounds like it's your DUTY to call attention to this game!
Gooper Blooper: *and then it gets a Bad and no one plays it*
Jumpropeman: the capricious game designer achievement is for jumping down a pit in level 1 thirteen times on a monday while holding a dictionary
RubyChao: Huh.
Jumpropeman: at least it's level 1 but I have no clue how difficult that is yet
Jumpropeman: although the singing on the title screen is uh... I think the game designer did it himself
Gooper Blooper: oh no


Jumpropeman searches Toy Story on Gamefly
Jumpropeman: "History Legends of War: Patton"
Jumpropeman: yup, that's toy story alright


Draco: 2021 Brawl Champion.
Gooper Blooper: I am unfortunately not planning on entering bonki into this year's Brawl, but if she does well this season in RP she's on the shortlist for 2022
Draco: Too late, Goops. I already wrote the Brawl and she defeated Princess Charm to become the champ.
Gooper Blooper:
Draco: Winner of Brawl 76.
Jungle 2 Jungle: claire sees clownpieces win in the future... Which means its in like three minutes so get cracking!


Jumpropeman: link
Harpy: they say that worm pika won't hurt you
Harpy: but it hurts me


  1. Titling it after the Touhou ball discussion woulda been too easy.
