Saturday, January 30, 2021

Chatzy Madness Volume 379: Stadler Ni Chousen

Jumpropeman: saw this cereal box on top of the fridge today
Jumpropeman: I don't like how it looks like Toucan Sam is one of those photoshopped birds with arms
Jumpropeman: they're usually wings that have feather form fingers
Jumpropeman: but here they're human arms turned blue
Jumpropeman: to compare
Jumpropeman: admittedly other images of mr. sam show the wings-to-arms better but I figure at least show something closer to what they're going for
Mid Sheep: What have they done to Toucan Sam
Mid Sheep: a play in two acts


The Deleter: Finally picked Pokémon sword back up
The Deleter: Spikemuth looks like how I remember Nottingham :U


Hooded Pitohui: Ma
Hooded Pitohui: yu
Hooded Pitohui: mi
RubyChao: it begins
Hooded Pitohui: (that's all for now, picture wise)
RubyChao: folks i have been hearing about this girl for a month
RubyChao: now
RubyChao: it is your turn.
Gooper Blooper: I enjoyed how at the end of his blogpost he just started overflowing with hype
Hooded Pitohui: This girl! I can't even tell you! Chao linked me one (1) remix of her theme for completely unrelated reasons to her specifically - this one specifically (warning, it's kind of loud)
Gooper Blooper: My first exposure to her was earlier last year, when Harpy linked HANIPAGANDA- there it is
Gooper Blooper: it definitely made a strong first impression
Mid Sheep sees Random Cute Girl shattered
Mid Sheep: Okay, NOW I'm interested
Hooded Pitohui: And then after a few weeks, months, I forget, he links this one
Hooded Pitohui: And from there my mind goes off as I research this girl and ideas for her start clicking rapid-fire, everything new I learn about her incorporating seamlessly
Gooper Blooper: She's made of clay, Sheep
Gooper Blooper: Just like Carla's new bod, since they're from the same lady
Mid Sheep: I don't hate what I'm seeing of this character
Mid Sheep: As Some Hat Girl Sans Hat, she's setting a high bar
Gooper Blooper: she leads her army of gyroids and needle-less cactaurs into battle
Hooded Pitohui: Into giving her a new spin, building an idea for a character rooted in what we know about her but also on its own two feet
Hooded Pitohui: Sheep! Finding out she's made of clay, seeing all the art of her shattering in part, it was all a grand trip, let me tell you
RubyChao: reminder
Gooper Blooper: Sheep definitely likes it when the cute girls aren't just cute girls
RubyChao: pitohui took the touhou sorter like what
Gooper Blooper: he's a fan of Dolby
RubyChao: two weeks after i linked the second theme to him?
RubyChao: and she was second
OOPS ALL CATS: keiki be like :o
Hooded Pitohui: She has some wonderful potential in the strange ways, this Haniwa Lance Corporal as they call her
RubyChao: out of all touhous
RubyChao: this has been building ridiculously fast and high
Gooper Blooper: The sorter was our first time seeing the love
Draco: What if...the cute girl...was also...A FIRE FIGHTER?
RubyChao: sanae making ends meet
Gooper Blooper: I expected "lel first place is a birb" but this was the big surprise
Mid Sheep: I have high hopes, Mr, Pitohui
RubyChao: i'm honestly surprised he managed to wait this long to finally do this
Mid Sheep: High hopes.
Gooper Blooper: on it, draco
Hooded Pitohui: On one hand, I don't want to go into all the specifics when it comes to the plans for her, but, goodness, she's so cute, such a dork in the best way but also this serious girl who ascribes importance to history and what's been discarded and forgotten
Gooper Blooper: oh hey, well if that ain't just PERFECT for Agama
OOPS ALL CATS: gotta wait til things are confirmed right?
OOPS ALL CATS: *cries in tanuki*
Gooper Blooper: considering almost everyone seems to converging on "ARCHAEOLOGY ARCHAEOLOGY" for Agama plans
Draco: Thank you, Goops. You're a hero.
Draco: Wait, we're doing ARCHAEOLOGY? I thought we were all doing ARACHNOLOGY!!! *cancels The Spiders*
RubyChao: i sure am!
Mid Sheep: I'm torn between Dmitri and Marlow Briggs for Agama...
Gooper Blooper: don't cancel the spiders
Gooper Blooper: I have A Lot Of Spiders planned for Agama
Gooper Blooper: potentially an entire event filled with them
Gooper Blooper: spiders everywhere
OOPS ALL CATS: oh boy, tori can bring her electric spider?!?!?
Mid Sheep: Return of the Visorak
Mid Sheep: Prep your h and k keys!
Gooper Blooper flings Cordie into the jungle
Draco: Very well. I shall bring back...The Spiders.
Draco: *reveals that the entire hotel staff is Spiders, even the ones RP'd by other users*

Monday, January 11, 2021

Chatzy Madness Volume 378: A Fine Dinner Of Air

 (Re: the lone Rocket Grunt in Kanto in Pokemon GSC)

Miao: Chanda woulda just whooped that rocket's ass without a pokemon battle
Miao: "defeat me, you must, to find the truth!"
Miao: Chanda takes out her wrench, adjusts it so the middle part spews out flames
Miao: "Keep wastin' my time and see what happens, punk."
Miao: grabs him, points the flames towards him
Miao: she takes power grid repairs seriously


Jumpropeman: radical!
Draco: I'm pretty sure it's canon.
Jumpropeman: that is how Clownpiece will win Blood Ball (which is Blood Bowl with baskets)
Draco: Double canon.


Midnight Sheep: "Earl, a rotund yellow alien wearing shorts and shades but no shirt to speak of"
Midnight Sheep: And yet, to speak of the lack of a thing...
Midnight Sheep: Is that not to speak of the thing itself?


(JRM is playing Yakuza, on the hunt for an infamous minigame...)

Jumpropeman: you know I'm looking for that karoake game
RubyChao: jrm; the karoke place is over in the lower right area of Kamurocho
RubyChao: iirc it's on the rightmost of the main vertical streets
Jumpropeman: ah good! I am close by!
Jumpropeman is stopped by a Palm Reader substory
Jumpropeman: karaoke will have to wait
RubyChao: the most Kobber thing about Kiryu
RubyChao: is that every time he just plans to go around town he gets into a variety of wacky situations and also fights
Miao!: noticed that when i moved my routine to the working bathroom on the other side of the house
Miao!: i
Miao!: stopped doing those
Miao!: i need to move them back, the facial stuff at least
RubyChao: for a second, harpy
RubyChao: i thought you meant that every time you crossed the house you got into a variety of wacky situations
Miao!: if that happened every time i'd probably have high blood pressure issues
Miao!: or cry because of sad MAGIC stuff
Miao!: or something


Jumpropeman plays darts drunk in Yakuza
Jumpropeman: how did I lose
festivel: don't drink and dart


Jumpropeman: "Substory 47: Crisis on the Crapper"
Jumpropeman: alright yakuza
Miao?: getting those corpse party elements in there
Jumpropeman: time to show me how bathroom problems become a street brawl
RubyChao: jrm has gradually been learning one of the most satisfying things about yakuza
RubyChao: that being
RubyChao: if you meet a jerk, 99 times out of 100 they will eventually challenge Kiryu to a fight
RubyChao: solely so that you can enjoy throwing them around
Jumpropeman roped into Pocket Circuit car races before I can even finish bathroom quest
Gooper Blooper: oh god, Sidequest Pileup
RubyChao: that's also yakuza in a nutshell
RubyChao: you will have all sorts of side things available at any given time
RubyChao: that's why there's a postgame mode of just "run around and do the stuff"
Jumpropeman: the funny thing is
Jumpropeman: for bathroom quest
Jumpropeman: I just had to walk like ten feet to the left to get to the item box
Jumpropeman: but even that got interrupted :V


RubyChao: i like how
RubyChao: even if jrm tells me which chapter of yakuza kiwami he's on
RubyChao: i have no idea how far along he'll be
RubyChao: as in how close to the end
RubyChao: because who knows how much side content he'll bump into
Jumpropeman: chao, it is very important I get this plush sparrow in the crane game! the crime family drama can wait!
Miao?: oh geez
Gooper Blooper: From the sound of it he could finish Yakuza in twenty minutes if he didn't keep getting roped into bumper cars and javelina herding minigames
RubyChao: that's pretty accurate
Miao?: that sound like real sidequests and i want them
RubyChao: don't forget bumping into majima
Jumpropeman: i'd probably not care about the sidestories and amusements if they weren't so entertaining


Draco: Controversial Opinion: VTubers