Tuesday, December 29, 2020

What Got Cut From Dark Matter Plot?

A lot.

But no, really. My main 2020 plot was always intended to be smaller in size than The Curse despite the increased stakes, but even with that in mind, the massive plot logjam we wound up with in the second half of the season, one of the most intense ever despite the low overall post count of the season, ensured I had to keep Dark Matter trimmed down to the basics. If it hadn't been for the plot's collaborative nature, Dark Matter might not have left much of an impact, but the events from other users kept the plot going when I was unable to squeeze in any events (I managed just one Dark Matter plot in July, one in August, two in September, and the three-day finale in October.)

As a result, a ton of content was cut from the plot, as I scaled even further back from my original plans. Most of it was Kirby-related content I cut in favor of focusing on alternate dimension Kobbers, as I felt that was on the whole the more interesting angle. Kracko and Miracle Matter were non-negotiable, however - these two Kirby bosses are near and dear to my heart. Let's go into why.

Miracle Matter is the easy one to explain. Aside from the Kirby 64 connection, Miracle Matter was also set up earlier in the year as the method to get Bree to slip in a Dark Matter representative, that being Miracle the Ditto. I couldn't very well cut Bree's only representation in the plot, and really didn't want to, either, considering the status I was planning to assign to Miracle as being the most powerful of the vassals due to the Dark Star Kobbers being unable to keep up with its' rapid shapeshifting. (Side note: We would have had an extra round of combat against Miracle where she turned into various Kirby bosses I'd had to cut from the plot, but I cut that round of battle as well when people figured out her deal early in the fight.)

Kracko is a personal one. On another forum I used to frequent way back before ZFRP took off, I was the author of a Paper Mario-themed fanfiction that, while juvenile and crude by my current writing standards, I will always owe a debt to, because it was how I first got the courage to start writing and posting things online and joining a community instead of being at the fringes. The fanfic was received well by my peers, to the point I'd built up a minor cult of personality around myself. One of the most ridiculous results of this was a user joining the forum with a username nigh-identical to my own, which they took specifically out of admiration of me. This was flattering and all, but the resulting name confusion bothered me, and rather than ask this person to change their username, I did my own change, and shifted from one minor Nintendo boss to another, going under the username "Kracko" for a while in the mid-2000s. As a result of using him as my name and avatar, I felt a connection to this silly recurring Kirby boss, and so when I decided to do a Kirby plot, I knew I simply had to integrate him into the proceedings.

So, about those cut characters... 

Friday, December 25, 2020

Chatzy Madness Volume 377: Call Me Ishmael

pizza o’ clock: I overslept this morning
pizza o’ clock: you could set my morning to the saved by the bell theme and it would be accurate


RubyChao: here is a fun fact
RubyChao: that will make you all feel old
RubyChao: today i taught pitohui about Half-Life: Full Life Consequences
Gooper Blooper: pitohui has wepon
Draco: I forgot Pitohui is in diapers.
RubyChao: [4:45 PM] Hooded Pitohui: I hate (read: enjoy) how much the choice of music and the camera panning at the "Saver of humens" segment makes this feel like a serious ending.
It's great after so much time watching this glorious steaming pile of meme garbage.

Draco: Full Life Consequences starring Biscotti


pizza o’ clock: I just read that chatzy madness
pizza o’ clock: and jrm you need to explain what the fuck the Jailers are
pizza o’ clock: because the name alone is giving me the shivers
pizza o’ clock: Like i know it’s a story you told your step nephew to keep him quiet but
pizza o’ clock: what did you tell him about the jailers
Jumpropeman: I don't remember too much of what was said, but the Jailers watch and listen for bad little kids who break the rules and come scoop them up and throw them in the old-fashioned kind of prison with iron bars.
pizza o’ clock: That’s some premium nightmare fuel right there
Jumpropeman: I wonder if he even remembers, I haven't seen him in ages
pizza o’ clock: I c
Jumpropeman: because the Jailers scooped him up obviously
Deleton King: thats some dr who villain material right there
Deleton King: chatzy madness confirms harp's cat is sprinkles


Draco: When I downloaded Opera on my new PC, it came with a built-in VPN. Because of that VPN, I just got to see a Dutch drill commercial.
Jumpropeman: lucky draco D: I don't get ANY drill commercials
Draco: Someday you'll get to go to Spatula City, I promise.
Jumpropeman: is that where Spongebob gets his spatula in the first episode of The 'Bob
Draco: The holy site, yes.

Monday, December 7, 2020

Chatzy Madness Volume 376: But Why, Though

(Re: Elliott's epilogue)

Draco: "They're good for business but my life doesn't revolve around them!" <- It does revolve around Citrus though.
Jungle Book 2 on Disney DVD: Someones gotta keep those breadheads in check!
Violet: breadheads, haaa


Miserable Sheep sees video titled: "A Witch's Spiritual Hoedown [Bonus Footage] [VHS]"
Miserable Sheep: Tempting.
Miserable Sheep: you're supposed to unspook it though
Violet: you're not supposed to unspook it
Miserable Sheep: unspook it you're supposed to though
Violet: okay yoda.


Jumpropeman joined the chat
Jumpropeman: i return in human form
thanksgivel: I'm not convinced
Draco: Me neither. Looks a bit...stretchy.
Jumpropeman browses at a thrift store but doesn't buy anything
Violet: that sounds like me
Jumpropeman: are you a human?
Violet: i window shop in more places than thrift stores
Violet: almost wrote "thrist stores"
Violet: which looks like "thirst stores"
Jumpropeman: Thirst Stores
Violet: so... dollar tree
thanksgivel: she's a Harpy, jrm
Jumpropeman: dang
Jumpropeman: my cover blown
Jumpropeman makes a nest out of string and human flesh? I'm new at this
thanksgivel puts a "You Tried" star on the nest
Draco: Harpy is secretly a creature of the Fey Wilds. RP is her way of dousing us in almost-lethal levels of cuteness.
Violet: i pledge my allegiance to the winter court, in an attempt to warm people's hearts
Violet: and also maybe overdo it.
Jumpropeman: I hadn't seen Brine's new cool ladies!
Violet: like gentle snowflakes turning into a dump of a snowstorm
Violet: its in his profiles now?
Jumpropeman: which one do I need to get unreasonably attached to this time
Jumpropeman: yup!
Violet: noice
Jumpropeman: I'm leaning toward Chunor
Draco: Goops and I already discussed which one DeMonde is adopting this year.
Jumpropeman: Game Gear's offseason misadventures as a stepmom: "You kids wanna play games together?" "Nah, not really." "Shit I'm out of ideas"
Violet: puppies...
Violet: or squidie...
Draco: It's okay, Game Gear. They're Nintendo Kids.