Monday, December 7, 2020

Chatzy Madness Volume 376: But Why, Though

(Re: Elliott's epilogue)

Draco: "They're good for business but my life doesn't revolve around them!" <- It does revolve around Citrus though.
Jungle Book 2 on Disney DVD: Someones gotta keep those breadheads in check!
Violet: breadheads, haaa


Miserable Sheep sees video titled: "A Witch's Spiritual Hoedown [Bonus Footage] [VHS]"
Miserable Sheep: Tempting.
Miserable Sheep: you're supposed to unspook it though
Violet: you're not supposed to unspook it
Miserable Sheep: unspook it you're supposed to though
Violet: okay yoda.


Jumpropeman joined the chat
Jumpropeman: i return in human form
thanksgivel: I'm not convinced
Draco: Me neither. Looks a bit...stretchy.
Jumpropeman browses at a thrift store but doesn't buy anything
Violet: that sounds like me
Jumpropeman: are you a human?
Violet: i window shop in more places than thrift stores
Violet: almost wrote "thrist stores"
Violet: which looks like "thirst stores"
Jumpropeman: Thirst Stores
Violet: so... dollar tree
thanksgivel: she's a Harpy, jrm
Jumpropeman: dang
Jumpropeman: my cover blown
Jumpropeman makes a nest out of string and human flesh? I'm new at this
thanksgivel puts a "You Tried" star on the nest
Draco: Harpy is secretly a creature of the Fey Wilds. RP is her way of dousing us in almost-lethal levels of cuteness.
Violet: i pledge my allegiance to the winter court, in an attempt to warm people's hearts
Violet: and also maybe overdo it.
Jumpropeman: I hadn't seen Brine's new cool ladies!
Violet: like gentle snowflakes turning into a dump of a snowstorm
Violet: its in his profiles now?
Jumpropeman: which one do I need to get unreasonably attached to this time
Jumpropeman: yup!
Violet: noice
Jumpropeman: I'm leaning toward Chunor
Draco: Goops and I already discussed which one DeMonde is adopting this year.
Jumpropeman: Game Gear's offseason misadventures as a stepmom: "You kids wanna play games together?" "Nah, not really." "Shit I'm out of ideas"
Violet: puppies...
Violet: or squidie...
Draco: It's okay, Game Gear. They're Nintendo Kids.


Miserable Sheep: Got medicated uuuuuup!
Miserable Sheep jazz hands
Violet: hooray
Miserable Sheep: We did it, everyone
Jumpropeman: quick! While Sheep's happy! Make him be nice to Haehyun!
Jumpropeman: I made it canon she had uninterrupted time out with the PNP!
Jumpropeman: he can't undo that!
Miserable Sheep: It was a magic clone made by a vengeful branch family of Clan Kum
Miserable Sheep: The real Haehyun was secreted out of the city where she has been tortured endlessly in a mind prison
Miserable Sheep: Next question.
Jumpropeman: oh phew
Jumpropeman: a good ending for a sheep character then
Miserable Sheep: I'm very on the fence if I'm going to commit to doing some clan stuff in Agama.
Miserable Sheep: Given that it was a remote place where magic's roots remained, this is the setting to do it if I am
Jumpropeman: you could wind it into Pitohui's stuff about Tsubasa's clan
Jumpropeman: and we can call it
Jumpropeman: we can call it
Jumpropeman: CLASH OF CLANS
Jumpropeman: and lo, Sheep canceled Clan Kum stuff in Agama


Jumpropeman: "Jumpropeman: you can tell people are in the christmas mood by the absurd traffic my elf bowling review is getting" my site's increase in traffic lead to my web host sending me a message about how I should buy their security package now that I'm more popular :V


Jumpropeman: I have a "character who is actually many characters" concept next year but I would have never Rped the other characters without the initial character :V
Jumpropeman is literally teasing my teasers
RubyChao: part of why i felt so free to pour in so many new charcters relative to my usual
RubyChao: is just how much of my olympia cast isn't returning
RubyChao: even with the surprise return
MobileDraco: I know the feeling. I basically decided to add another new character.
Jumpropeman: is it Zeldotwo?
MobileDraco: Zeldoeleven
MobileDraco: Aka Constanze
Miserable Sheep: "Jumpropeman: I have a "character who is actually many characters" concept next year but I would have never Rped the other characters without the initial character :V"
Jumpropeman: Constanze is best little witch
Miserable Sheep: I've tossed out so many of these over the years
MobileDraco: Agreed
Miserable Sheep: but one day
Miserable Sheep: I will get a Horde character in
MobileDraco: A Horde character named Sally?
The Bree: what are you hype about, harp?
Violet: too many ideas
Violet: :V
RubyChao: wow
RubyChao: sheep's stealing my character...
Jumpropeman: imagine it
Jumpropeman: twenty plus sallys running together
Jumpropeman: charging towards problems like Pikmin
Gooper Blooper: link
Violet: awww
Jumpropeman: told you best witch
Gooper Blooper: when you can't quite pull off the shimmer cheek puff
Draco: Someday, Constanze. ;-;7


thanksgivel: "A Mortal Kombat 11 movie skin pack is here. With the Klassic MK Movie Skin Pack, people can make Johnny Cage, Raiden, and Sonya Blade all resemble the actors who played them in the 1995 Mortal Kombat movie. But this is more than about appearances. Donning each outfit also changes how the character sounds."
thanksgivel: oh my god they did it
Gooper Blooper: A+
Miserable Sheep: HMM
Draco: The mad men! XD


The Bree: that frikkin editing on the king of bots thing reminded me of this
The Bree: the extreme melodrama of the editing
The Bree: except it was not this bad :V
The Bree: but I wanted the excuse to post this again
Draco: X_x That was a trip.
Jumpropeman: this is the second indian show I've seen go ham on the editing for a big reveal
Jumpropeman: soap operas must be intense over there
The Bree: "when you know it's time to fire the editor"
Jumpropeman: it sounds like space ships having a dogfight
The Bree: "I wonder if they knew each other"
The Bree: the video editors in india are all high as balls
The Bree: the only explanation
Jumpropeman: that hard cut because they couldn't make the tangle look natural :V
The Bree: see that just was not as dramatic
Jumpropeman: it needs at least three zoom ins, a circle wipe, and glass shatter effect
The Bree: it was in fact almost tame
Jumpropeman: then I'll know she's in danger
The Bree: it WOULD be excellent soap opera writing to have her die from it though
The Bree: everyone acts like the slap itself killed her
The Bree: they acknowledge that she died of strangulation but it was from the slap, they're not separate events
Violet: I feel like one of those iDramas editings could have given me a seizure


VioletHarps: i'm terrified at this indian drama editing but also
VioletHarps: one compilation i watched just now has?
VioletHarps: a laptop?
VioletHarps: hanging on a clothesline?
VioletHarps: and i'm like "the only time this overdramatic editing is required because i think i lost braincells trying to comprehend"
Jumpropeman: oh my I remember that
VioletHarps: LIKE WHAT
VioletHarps: one comment be like "when your mom finds your 18+ folder"
VioletHarps: and i'm just like
RubyChao: okay, to be completely fair
RubyChao: if i walked in, and saw my laptop hanging on a clothesline, just washed
RubyChao: that is how i'd react too
RubyChao: infinite stare and all
VioletHarps: only appropriate editing
VioletHarps: the first one is seizure inducing like holy hell
RubyChao: so harpy
RubyChao: when do we have a zfrp character whos only power is to cause these kinds of edits to happen in reality-
VioletHarps: if your question is "is chubee going to be stuck in a drama and edward has to watch this editing atrocity happen and possibly murder a man", then the answer is yes
VioletHarps: don't tempt me, that could easily become a Biscotti power.
VioletHarps: and god help us if she enters the brawl
VioletHarps: then jrm would have to figure out how to make a gif
VioletHarps: imagine troy and biscotti getting into an argument and when troy looks at the footage it has an absurd amount of cut ins and staggered zooms and he's like 'GOD DAMN IT BISCOTTI'


A Fuckin Scarecrow Again!: I like scarecrows, they're like skeletons made of plants
A Fuckin Scarecrow Again!: This is a bad analogy but I hope it conveys my intent


RubyChao: jrm
RubyChao: i think i found Touhou Yoshi
A Fuckin Scarecrow Again!: Touhoushi
Jumpropeman: time to nominate it for a steam award


The Bree: link
Jumpropeman: 3/4 ruined!
The Bree: and it will be 4/4 ruined because I'm finally caving to my long-standing desire to RP nekomaru
The Bree: too many charactersssss ahhhhhh
The Bree: yes before you ask he's going to brawl
Jumpropeman: haha!
The Bree: absolutely no one is prepared for the meiling and nekomaru duo
The Bree: not even me
The Bree: it's gonna be so stupid I guarantee it
The Bree: as soon as I thought about it went "oh god they're gonna get along so well"
Jumpropeman: i love it when a character's so dumb even the RPer can't handle them :V
RubyChao: soooo
RubyChao: Cirno
Jumpropeman: I mean
Jumpropeman: Cornwind has asked me before how Cirno would react to something and I've said "I honestly couldn't tell you in advance"
The Bree: jrm I know she's your character but that's the most cirno accurate thing I've ever heard
The Bree: cirno is too chaotic to predict
The Bree: I legit asked chao if nekomaru would just be meiling 2: electric boogaloo because I was uncertain if my cast really needed another hot blooded boisterous goofball
The Bree: but chao reassured me that nekomaru will be different enough and the similarities are things I can play off of
RubyChao: i think my most chaotic character is Jester Chao
RubyChao: i just kinda
RubyChao: let Jester Chao happen
The Bree: also accurate
The Bree: I can't think of anyone more deserving of the title of most unpredictable chaoacter
The Bree: not sure about mine. meiling feels closest because I frequently am not sure what'll come out when I go to post meiling, but she's still not that chaotic
The Bree: same for amity
Jumpropeman: yeah, if nekomaru is close to his dangan self I don't think I'd peg him as being too meilingy
thanksgivel: mine would be Nep
thanksgivel: second place would go to the minions experimenting with spells and traps
The Bree: close but not that close! I imagine him goofier and friendlier. he's already pretty goofy and friendly, but
The Bree: I admit I need to replay DR2, I can't remember his actual exact portrayal well enough
The Bree: less talk about shitting, more talk about rejecting toxic masculinity
The Bree: literally a mental image I had of bree!nekomaru antics: nekomaru in hot pink workout shorts and a hello kitty t-shirt loudly and emphatically encouraging some male harpchar to Be Yourself Unapologetically
Jumpropeman: I can already imagine the screaming!
Jumpropeman: the positive screams I mean
Jumpropeman: shouts
The Bree: meiling tends to shout unnecessarily at times but for nekomaru it's a defining trait
The Bree: one meiling trait he will not have is the flirtatiousness. I feel like it's just not as fun coming from a dude
The Bree: that is, he could be that and still be very respectful of women (meiling is!), but there's a lot of womanizing male characters in fiction
The Bree: it was fun because meiling being a lesbian broke the mold of it
Jumpropeman: meanwhile, I will keep Saturn far away from him for her own safety :P
The Bree: hahaha
The Bree: if a lady flirted with him I don't know if I'd have him flirt back or be oblivious
The Bree: we'd have to find out


(Re: Christmas)

RubyChao: sheep got me A Wizard's Guide to Defensive Baking, fantasy mystery from the looks of it
RubyChao: and the message he sent me with it was
thanksgivel: sounds neat!
RubyChao: "As The Yeast So She Rises. Faito Dayo."
Jumpropeman: I echo ivel's statement
VioletHarps: i want


RubyChao: someone showed off their scalped hoard of ps5s
RubyChao: and then someone else said "i am going to rob this man"
Jumpropeman: I know that screen well
RubyChao: and then proceeded to rob said man
The Bree: wao
VioletHarps: I MEAN
VioletHarps: justice?
The Bree: can't pretend I don't sorta approve
VioletHarps: unless he's scalping it instead
The Bree: what harpy said lel


Jumpropeman: GUYS
Jumpropeman: BOSS BABY 2
RubyChao: so this is the price we pay... to live in this timeline...
Gooper Blooper: Finally, REAL proof that 2021 will be better than 2020


RubyChao: so you guys remember how Symphogear's gacha game had a Godzilla collab, right?
Jumpropeman: people have been giving the poor take that "sony doesn't care who buys the PS5 as long as it sells" but PS5 and Series X are both loss leaders and if people aren't buying software then those systems are a full loss
VioletHarps: ye
RubyChao: well now it has a collab with
Jumpropeman: woah!
RubyChao: the four gear girls who didn't get kaijuified in the Godzilla one get kaijued up here
VioletHarps: you coulda replaced it with "HIBIKI, FRIEND TO ALL CHILDREN"
RubyChao: meaning we'll get Kaijubasa!
RubyChao: Gamera Gear and Gyaos Gear
Jumpropeman: I know you literally just told us its a symphogear gamera crossover
Jumpropeman: but seeing "Gamera Gear" got me momentarily hype for a Game Gear/Gamera crossover


The Bree: new hot take: what if gritty is jesus


thanksgivel: you can have a team of Ikki, Mickey Mouse, Goku, Batman, and Phoenix Wright in Puzzle & Dragons


Gooper Blooper: Agama's biggest, most popular store
Jumpropeman: spatula city, Elliott's new venture
VioletHarps: only because mel just can't
VioletHarps: stop
VioletHarps: buying them!!!
MobileDraco: Theodore and Mel competing over spatulas.
Gooper Blooper: It's that or beanie babies
Gooper Blooper: if you can't afford a royal blue peanut, why not purchase a spatula?
VioletHarps: you bastard
VioletHarps: how dare you drag beanie babies into this


Draco: In other news
Gooper Blooper: Too soon.
Gooper Blooper: (no, I'm laughing. XD)
RubyChao: i should have had Death Gun eliminate Yohane while I had the chance...
RubyChao: just to prevent her brutal kill...
Draco: The Death Gun, being a gun that deals out death, is no match for the powers of a Fallen Angel or a butter knife.
Jumpropeman: yohane is stone cold
Draco: That's her Brawl effort.
Jumpropeman: nice try yohane
Jumpropeman: I know you asked Sanae back there to do it for you
RubyChao: she used a butter knife
RubyChao: to prolong the suffering
Draco: Eternity will never miss it...IN HELL.


Jumpropeman: "The Godzilla of Offers"
Jumpropeman: you have my interest, spam email
Jumpropeman: its for weight loss pills
Draco: Like, what, Mister Ropeman?
Draco: Oh.
Draco: The only weight you'll lose will be in your wallet.
Miserable Sheep: Is that a jab at Godzilla's physique, pill manufacturer?


Gooper Blooper: I have yet to go through with it, but one of my glorious gift daydreams has been to send JRM like five or ten Shrek games at once.
Jumpropeman: fill up that Shrek tag on the site
Jumpropeman: Shrektember
Jumpropeman: A Review Series Shrektacular
Gooper Blooper:
Jumpropeman: the funny thing about this list too
Jumpropeman: is that the Shrek film tie-ins have to have their handheld versions play very different
Jumpropeman: so it's more Shrek games than it looks like
Jumpropeman: and there's still a lot
Gooper Blooper: you could do an entire month of shrek
Jumpropeman: ""Port" of the original Xbox game."
Jumpropeman: when Wikipedia uses quotation marks
Jumpropeman: you gotta wonder what's up
Gooper Blooper: Shrek The Third released on Xbox 360, Windows, Wii, PlayStation 2, PlayStation Portable, Nintendo DS, Game Boy Advance, iOS and J2ME
Gooper Blooper: there might be four, even five different games there
Gooper Blooper: I'm cracking up


thanksgivel: "Dark Deathscyther Force Jaggy (ダークデスサイザー・フォース・ジャギー, Dāku Desusaizā Fōsu Jagī) is an Attack Type Beyblade released by Takara Tomy as part of the Burst System as well as the Dual Layer System. It was released as a Booster in Japan on April 29th, 2016 for 972円. It is the evolution of Deathscyther Oval Accel and later evolves into Killer Deathscyther 2Vortex Hunter."
thanksgivel: those names
Harpy: oh, the edge.
Jumpropeman: dang Beyblade
Jumpropeman: you go hard
RubyChao: jrm
RubyChao: did you forget that canonically
RubyChao: someone beybladed so hard he died of it
Harpy: uh
Jumpropeman: that's amazing
RubyChao: hang on
Harpy: i thought beyblades parted the waters
Harpy: like moses
Jumpropeman: that's the one I remember
Harpy: i was trying my hardest not to mix up religious figures
RubyChao: "In both endings, Kai walks away into the corridor, kneels down by a wall, reflects on his battle and his teammates, then drops his Dranzer and the beyblade begins cracking, until it explodes in dozens of small peaces. In the original dub, Kai doesn't say a thing as Dranzer is destroyed, and Yuri is shown at the hospital shedding some tears while still unconscious. In the English dub, Kai tells Dranzer it is free to go, that his beyblading days are over and thanks Takao after images of his teammate staring at his own fist followed by an image of Kai smiling are shown."
Jumpropeman: let it R.I.P.
RubyChao: just fucking
RubyChao: died of beyblading too hard
Harpy: woah that design is pretty edge
Harpy: and maybe a little busy
Harpy: *distracted by hair in eyes person with goggles* want-
Harpy: but damn dude he beybladed too hard
thanksgivel: comments say he got better?
Harpy: damn he beybladed so hard he passed out
Harpy: also his beyblade be broke ya'll
RubyChao: i mean, ivel
RubyChao: if his beyblade broke
RubyChao: can we really say he got better
thanksgivel: he reappears but it's apparently debatable if he only comes back in spirit
Harpy: damn beyblade got debates.
thanksgivel: and you know how that debate should be settled
Harpy: nooo
thanksgivel: Bakugan battle
RubyChao: i watched bakugan as a kid
RubyChao: then i watched it again as an adult
RubyChao: and i can safely say
RubyChao: i have no fucking clue what the rules are
RubyChao: honestly i'd probably forget it entirely except one of the gals was like my first anime crush
RubyChao: so i remember her for that
thanksgivel: which one
Harpy: amazing
thanksgivel: wait, I think you said before
RubyChao: julie
Jumpropeman: Instead of Screw the Rules, I have Money
Jumpropeman: the Bakugan meme is
Jumpropeman: Screw the Rules
Jumpropeman: full stop


Harpy: *casually buys bug fables*
Jumpropeman: a good choice to casually buy


Gooper Blooper: link
Jumpropeman: "I showed you my gizmo please respond"
RubyChao: someone's enjoying him some hus
Jumpropeman: is that someone
Jumpropeman: all of us
Jumpropeman: every year


thanksgivel: ...
thanksgivel: I'm watching a MUGEN thing
thanksgivel: one of the characters is named Barlog
thanksgivel: it's Balrog from Street Fighter's head on a log.
Jumpropeman: nice
thanksgivel: he's winning :U
Gooper Blooper: his latest comeback...


Jumpropeman: 1455 games on sale on switch eshop
Jumpropeman: TIME TO BUY EM ALL


SteelKomodo: i've been down the rabbit hole of unmade godzilla movies
SteelKomodo: it's wild
thanksgivel: oh?
SteelKomodo: ok so
SteelKomodo: one early draft of godzilla vs mechagodzilla had him be literally a sentai mech
SteelKomodo: and that's why moguera is even a thing
thanksgivel: huh
SteelKomodo: but the earliest draft had mechagodzilla be an electronic alien life-form called berserk that absorbed metal until it became mechagodzilla
SteelKomodo: at one point just being a biollante-style mass of wires and scrap
SteelKomodo: anguirus was gonna show up in godzilla vs ghost godzilla, either that or a hybrid of him and baragon
SteelKomodo: varan was gonna be the harbringer of the apocalypse
SteelKomodo: and there's been so many goddamn versions of bagan it's not funny
SteelKomodo: (the varan one's my favourite :P)
SteelKomodo: also Godzilla vs SUPER NUKED GODZILLA IN RUSSIA
SteelKomodo: and the script for godzilla vs ghost godzilla went into some weird fuckin' places
thanksgivel: ghost godzilla?
SteelKomodo: link
thanksgivel: "One of the better-known unrealized proposals in the series, this story pit the modern Godzilla against the restless spirit of the original Godzilla."
thanksgivel: what the heck
SteelKomodo: essentially the restless spirit of the 1954 godzilla who got pissed off when people moved his bones
VioletHarps (Harpy) joined the chat
SteelKomodo: hipy
A Fuckin Scarecrow Again! joined the chat
A Fuckin Scarecrow Again!: Bones?????
A Fuckin Scarecrow Again!: You summon me!
SteelKomodo: yep
SteelKomodo: i said bones
A Fuckin Scarecrow Again!: Good


VioletHarps: "Inuit parents tell their children to beware of the northern lights. If you don't wear your hat in the winter, they'll say, the lights will come, take your head and use it as a soccer ball!"
VioletHarps: that's absurd to us adults, but really, that's one way to make sure kids wear their hats in the winter
Jumpropeman: I mean, I've heard my fair share of wild stories and told my fair share to kids to keep them to behave :V
Jumpropeman: I still remember telling my... step-nephew? that if he doesn't calm down and stop throwing things The Jailers will come and take him away
VioletHarps: don't pick your nose or it'll get as big as eggert's and your face won't handle it-
VioletHarps: *absolutely terrible*


Gooper Blooper: oh, nice, the video I used to introduce the sugar mage airship is still up
Gooper Blooper: This is canon.
VioletHarps: HE RISES
VioletHarps: also that is a very appropriately pink menu
RubyChao: it is
RubyChao: legitimately super weird
RubyChao: to remember them being Four White Mages
RubyChao: like, it's just the passage of time/presence but it completely screws with me any time i get a reminder it wasn't always Summoner/Chemist/White Mage/Archer
Gooper Blooper: they said it would never work.
VioletHarps: kek
Draco: Should have been Summoner, Summoner, Summoner, Summoner.
Gooper Blooper: remember when Draco's favorite was Ariel?
VioletHarps: remember when my favorite was Sarah?
Draco: Yeah. We all make mistakes.
Gooper Blooper: XD
VioletHarps: WOAH
Gooper Blooper: holy shit lol
VioletHarps: hot DAMN
RubyChao: brutal
VioletHarps: why are you murdering my girl like old yeller dude
RubyChao: i think Ariel just died again
Gooper Blooper: caught me off guard with that one, christ
VioletHarps: i'm crying and its all your fault
VioletHarps: i'm taking mr. bones and going home
Gooper Blooper: ah, Ariel... you poor little thing
Draco: It's okay. She's still in my Top 4.
VioletHarps: WELL
VioletHarps: okay
Draco: Oh wait, Celestia. Top 6.
VioletHarps: bastard


RubyChao: sheep, permission to rename the GHZ as part of an effort to give it a better reputation to help its inhabitants?
RubyChao: just dropping the Hell part
Jumpropeman: Green Zone
RubyChao: yes
RubyChao: unless they have a better name :V
Jumpropeman: Remembrance
Miserable Sheep: Green HFIL Zone.
VioletHarps: The Cradle
VioletHarps: ...i have ff13 on the mind shut up-
Jumpropeman: Purple Hell Zone
Jumpropeman: Olympia Jr.
Gooper Blooper: Underundercity
Miserable Sheep: Slowly becoming less of a place and more of a Stand


RubyChao: damn, i've only got two years left
VioletHarps: eh
VioletHarps: i have my whole life ahead of me
RubyChao: (yeah it's joke)
thanksgivel: as a 30 year old I can confirm that post-
VioletHarps: I know!
RubyChao: RIP ivel
VioletHarps: he's gonna die 12/11
VioletHarps: or 12/13?
VioletHarps: help
thanksgivel: 11
VioletHarps: OKAY GOOD
VioletHarps: i coulda gotten fired!
Gooper Blooper: >_>
VioletHarps: sorry goops you're a ghost now
VioletHarps: wakka wakka
RubyChao: Ghostper Blostper
Jumpropeman looks back on me twenties, it's video games and rp
Jumpropeman: time well spent :)
VioletHarps: yah samed
RubyChao: same


RubyChao: "You rate games that you play, from Atrocious to Masterpiece" saw someone's description of a game library management site
RubyChao: IMMEDIATELY reacted with
RubyChao: "that's wrong, it should go from Atrocious to Fantastic"


A Fuckin Scarecrow Again!: So me and drac are writing THE WEDDING right now
thanksgivel: GASP
A Fuckin Scarecrow Again!: Vince's side of the family is pretty small as he kinda doesn't have one really, does anyone wanna show some kobber rep for that half
A Fuckin Scarecrow Again!: Presumably koa's side can pull from THE ENTIRETY OF TOUHOU
lurk: it depends on whether you trust Dia to act like Vince's grandmama or if you want Biscotti to be the meme wine aunt
Miserable Sheep: yaaaay
A Fuckin Scarecrow Again!: Yes to both
lurk: or if you want to just... pay this relatively unknown hispanic girl to pretend she's his sister and cry because "I CAN'T BELIEVE VINCEY WINCEY'S ALL MARRIED NOW" and embarrass him enough to get fisticuffs
lurk: Clara be her name
lurk: Larissa no you can't sponsor your wedding dress collection they all look like you made carbon copies of the ps5
RubyChao: nobody's coming to mind offhand but you and draco can pull any of my cast you think fits
RubyChao: i trust you guys!
Miserable Sheep: hmmm
Miserable Sheep flips through rolodex
A Fuckin Scarecrow Again!: Alrighty
Miserable Sheep: It's either Father Squid or nothing
lurk: father squid is officiating the wedding?!?
Miserable Sheep: He'll officiate anything
Miserable Sheep: that taco truck opening over there?
Miserable Sheep: boom
lurk: i can't believe he's officiating Violet's yearly plant growth ritual
RubyChao: purnima shows up, claims to be vince's aunt
RubyChao: how is a giant grub his aunt?
RubyChao: We Do Not Know
lurk: oh no
lurk: biscotti vs purnima in petty aunt battles
lurk: carla's there, maybe, because Sonia's encouraging aunt battles
lurk: keiki scheming in the corner staring at a large stone she stole in front of a restuarant that looked round and smooth
pizza o’ clock: Can confirm Kouta will be there out of Rider Solidarity
A Fuckin Scarecrow Again!: I actually don't think I decided who would officiate
lurk: "clearly i will sculpt a 1:18th scale version of the groom and bride like a cake topper except its a stone so it can't be on a cake"
lurk: "k-keiki how are you gonna do that in a limited time?" "excuse me, i am a goddess and that means i can do this!"
lurk: "i can't bake cakes to save my life BUT I CAN AND WILL SCULPT THIS MARRIED COUPLE IN 30 MINUTES FLAT"
lurk: carla screams inside.
A Fuckin Scarecrow Again!: Didn't father squid officiate jonesy and Erebus?
A Fuckin Scarecrow Again!: Nostalgia smashes me over the head with a clay pot
lurk: keiki coming in with the clay pot outta nowhere!
Miserable Sheep: He did!
lurk: (i dunno if you get the joke but keiki's a sculpting/pottery goddess based off a real goddess Haniyasa)
Miserable Sheep: oooooh
A Fuckin Scarecrow Again!: Alright I can't pass up the chance for this callback
lurk: was saying it more for del and sk's benefit since i dunno if they knew about her
lurk: but yeah fun factssss
A Fuckin Scarecrow Again!: Factoids
A Fuckin Scarecrow Again!: I fuckin miss Jonesybus
lurk: maybe
lurk: just maybe
lurk: we'll rediscover what's going on with erebus
lurk: for better or worse
Miserable Sheep: Erebus just went out for cigarettes.


Miserable Sheep: "I believe SNK’s Nightmare in the Dark deserves just as much attention for that particular niche. It not only nails the horror aesthetic players would be looking for, but it brings a very different style of play than other games within the niche, even if the gameplay seems to be heavily inspired by the game Snow Bros."
Miserable Sheep: Great!
Miserable Sheep: I have no idea what that is!
Miserable Sheep: "Rather than panicking the populace of the nearby village, the gravedigger sets out to deal with the problem himself, coming across all sorts of ghouls, monsters, and undead creatures who attack him on his path to find the grave robber."
Miserable Sheep: Wait, wait, wait
Miserable Sheep: so the gravedigger sees some pillaged graves
Miserable Sheep: Goes to find the perpetrator
Miserable Sheep: runs into various monsters
Miserable Sheep: many of them of the undead persuasion
Miserable Sheep: and his thoughts are "Hmm, well these sure are a nuisance...but I need to go find that guy who robbed these graves."
Jumpropeman: yup V:
Miserable Sheep: Okay.
Miserable Sheep: With no segueway, I'm suddenly reminded of a random fact I learned about the He-Man toyline
Miserable Sheep: There is a toy, among the veritable hoard of figures they made, called Stinkor
Draco: I had him.
Miserable Sheep: So you know where this is going
Draco: Probably. :V
Draco: Keep reciting this fun fact anyway, please.
Draco: I like fun.
Miserable Sheep: link
Miserable Sheep: link
Miserable Sheep: Anyway, He-Man was a toyline absolutely ripe with gimmicks
RubyChao: so a toyline of sheepchars?
Miserable Sheep: There was one guy where you could take just about every piece of him apart and put him back together in whatever formation you wanted
Miserable Sheep: a guy with an elephant head whose trunk sucked up water and shot it back out
Jumpropeman: he looks like a repainted Mer-Man
Miserable Sheep: some two-headed guy that, when you pulled back either fist, would punch to the opposite head
Miserable Sheep: It is!
Miserable Sheep: They re-used the basic mold and some other bits from other figures
RubyChao: ah, mutants, i see
Miserable Sheep: :I
Miserable Sheep: Anyway, so, "action features" were a big deal
Miserable Sheep: Stinkor's action feature was that he actually stunk.
Draco: There were a ton of old He-Man figures that reused the same mold for the chests, legs, and arms. Heads were usually different and some guys had different parts because of their gimmicks.
Miserable Sheep: When mixing the plastic, they put this bead in that permeated it with a rotting odor
Draco: It did smell funny, this is true.
Miserable Sheep: In an interview later, one of the people who worked on the toyline talked about they got a ton of complaints from the factory where they made the plastic for Stinkor. Nobody wnated to work there, because the concentrated smell was so bad that people were even getting sick
Draco: Oof. XD
RubyChao: oh wow.
lurk: yikes
Miserable Sheep: Fun fact, there is actually ANOTHER toy in the He-Man lineup with a smell feature called Moss Man
thanksgivel: appropriate name
Miserable Sheep: I know nothing about Moss Man, so maybe he's pine scented for all I know
Miserable Sheep: "Many toy collectors mention that, even 20 years after its original purchase, the Stinkor toy still retains its smell."
Miserable Sheep: According to the wiki, which I looked up so I could remember the phrase "action feature"
Miserable Sheep: With this primer, I hope you all look forward to Stinkor's RP debut next season
Jumpropeman: good
Jumpropeman: I want RP to stink
Jumpropeman: scratch and sniff ZFRP
RubyChao: i will kill off my entire cast in May
RubyChao: and replace them all with Stinkor
RubyChao: just for this
Jumpropeman: they all get killed by Stinkor's smell


Miserable Sheep: I appreciate listings for Stinkor making sure to mention the toy still smells.


Miserable Sheep: Well
Miserable Sheep: Time to read about King of Texas 2: Monster Smash
Miserable Sheep: After I refill my water
Miserable Sheep fills glass while staring forward, unblinking, as Vesti la giubba plays

(Brief pause)

Miserable Sheep: Okay, I'm here
Jumpropeman: good luck sheep
Miserable Sheep: "Back when I took a look at King Key Games’s visual novel King of Texas"
Miserable Sheep: And I'm gone
Miserable Sheep: "interestingly enough, it decides to add political machinations"
Miserable Sheep concern level rising

Miserable Sheep: "King of Halloween has you playing as the new mayor of Halloween City, and you are none other than the famous Doctor Frankenstein himself."
Miserable Sheep: Please insert the jokes here
Miserable Sheep: All of them.
Miserable Sheep: "while the former mayor Draculina"
Miserable Sheep: Fangtastic.
Miserable Sheep: "Draculina makes sure to immediately insert some lascivious behavior and naughty language just to make sure you don’t think you picked up a political sim by mistake."
Miserable Sheep: Laughing or sobbing
Miserable Sheep: I'm not sure
Miserable Sheep: "It’s not going for the monster girl appeal clearly"
Miserable Sheep: More from our expert as this story develops.
Miserable Sheep: "King Key Games still makes sure that when you do get the specially done art of the girls naked, it’s of a higher quality and more detailed than the usual anime aesthetic"
Miserable Sheep: It's really that sense of craftsmanship you crave in this sort of content
Miserable Sheep: "since her district is so business-minded, she wants a bit of quid pro quo for agreeing to take it down"
Miserable Sheep: Since we're talking about a sea wall here, I think you mean
Miserable Sheep: squid pro quo
Miserable Sheep: "Abigail’s district has many of its witches employed on the wall so she doesn’t want all the talent stripped of high paying work, and Wendy fears that removing the financial burden of the wall will lead to more industrial development"
Miserable Sheep: Wait
Miserable Sheep sounds of furiously shuffled papers
Miserable Sheep: What game am I reading about again?
Miserable Sheep: "it feel like some of the setup was wasted, the player spending plenty of time reading to understand the characters and situation only for a lot of it to boil down to sexual favors"
Miserable Sheep: You don't say.
Miserable Sheep: "Thankfully"
Miserable Sheep concern rises

Miserable Sheep: "King of Halloween has most of the expected visual novel accoutrements."
Miserable Sheep: It's 148 hours long?
Miserable Sheep: "this helps with completion-minded players."
Miserable Sheep: No
Miserable Sheep: No
Miserable Sheep: There's no joke here
Miserable Sheep: Cut his mic
Miserable Sheep: CUT HIS MIC!
Miserable Sheep: "Most of the endings are bad endings"
Miserable Sheep: ...
Miserable Sheep: Oh!
Miserable Sheep: There's more!
Miserable Sheep: "fairly static stills of the girls accompanied by the textboxes until a more detailed image rarely pops up"
Miserable Sheep: You make it sound like you get jumpscared by a naked woman
Miserable Sheep: "Humor is given a big focus on King of Halloween"
Miserable Sheep groan

Miserable Sheep: I tell ya, right now a good game would be a jumpscare!
Miserable Sheep slowly turning into J. Jonah Jameson, apparently
Miserable Sheep: "it seems to carry over King of Texas’s problem with making an intimate moment feel like a teenager is writing it"
Miserable Sheep: aaa
Miserable Sheep: "Ridiculous euphemisms contrast the quality art while being pretty unimaginative again."
Miserable Sheep: AAA
Gooper Blooper: tab a, slot b, etc
Miserable Sheep: "And strangely enough, it’s clear that on some level, King of Halloween understands that."
Miserable Sheep: A cruel man that lowers a rope just so he can drop the other end.
Gooper Blooper: *JRM rates King Of Halloween higher than Night In The Woods*
Miserable Sheep: "When the act begins, the wording focuses on sensation and emotion"
Miserable Sheep: So strange that you have the story branch that shows some greater craft or at least understanding
Miserable Sheep: and the rest of the them are what they are
Miserable Sheep: very strange
Jumpropeman: the werewolf sex scene is the same bone joke twenty times
Miserable Sheep: Why
Gooper Blooper: maybe they had a different member of the king key korps working that one
Miserable Sheep: but why though
Miserable Sheep: I try, JRM and you throw that on me
Gooper Blooper: Why not, sheep
Gooper Blooper: why not
Miserable Sheep: but why though
Gooper Blooper: sheep looks to the sky, demanding answers
Gooper Blooper: sees nothing but Sally and Tamaki staring back
Miserable Sheep: "King of Halloween has some promising elements."
Miserable Sheep: This is the hill, huh?
Miserable Sheep: "King Key Games aren’t without hope"
Miserable Sheep: "they’ll rely on presenting poorly written visual novels with some decent adult material rather than going for something that has an appeal deeper than whatever word happens to be after “King of” this time around"
Miserable Sheep: "it could have been a sweet way to top off your Halloween celebrations."
Gooper Blooper: ~sweet~
Gooper Blooper: imagine if JRM's reviews single-handedly inspire king key to get better
Gooper Blooper: and they eventually put out, like, some genuinely good RPG that just happens to have oodles of fanservice
Miserable Sheep: Unfortunately, the gif I wanted of J. Jonah Jameson demanding the viewer to the shut up and get out his office is set to private
Miserable Sheep: Clearly, we live in a world of injustice
thanksgivel: no, that's DC, not Marvel
Miserable Sheep: Hah
Miserable Sheep: link
Miserable Sheep: link
lurk: alrighty, gonna wind down and get in bed
Gooper Blooper: nite harpy
lurk: good night, and pray you do not dream of fly surprises
Miserable Sheep: Seeya, Harpo
lurk left the chat
Miserable Sheep: Now, what was I doing?
Jumpropeman: rereading the king of halloween review
Gooper Blooper: you were just about to read the king of halloween-


RubyChao: in this star trek episode, Captain Kirk defends the Actual Satan by using magic
Gooper Blooper: Did you mean defeats or is kirk on Satan's team
RubyChao: the latter, because lucifer is his bro
Gooper Blooper: he's not such a bad guy
Gooper Blooper: I mean all you gotta do is make Lucifer a business lady with a love for crepes and suddenly folks are lining up to hail satan


Jumpropeman: *refreshes another page hopefully*
Jumpropeman: darn
Gooper Blooper: JRM waiting for master systems to be restocked in brazil
Jumpropeman: they'll appear the second I don't check and be gone the second I do!


Jumpropeman joined the chat
Jumpropeman: hello my little pogchamps
lurk: i feel offended.


lurk: feeling bold tonight
lurk: gonna try doing a shroomish-only run of Pokemon Emerald
Draco: Bold.


lurk: shamelessly name trainer Tori
lurk: "I didn't know that you were a girl"
lurk: "since you're the petalburg gym leader's kid and all-"
lurk: tori about to throw hands


lurk: "have you seen shroomish around here? it's my fave pogey"
lurk: this dude loses his shit when Tori holds up Boop
lurk: oh shit i'm about to lose to nincadas
Draco: Oh no! Your Nuzlocke is doomed! D:
Draco: Well, they're Bug/Ground, right?
lurk: no nuzlockes here
lurk: i forgot they were bug/ground.
Jumpropeman: still surprised there hasn't been a bug/ground worm pokemon
ripvel: does Wormadam count :U
Jumpropeman: bagworms aint even worms :I
ripvel: it's in the name!
Jumpropeman: starfish aint fish :I
Jumpropeman: not until they make it big in hollywood
Draco: And they won't as long as Sine is in charge. >:U


lurk: i
lurk: got lucky
lurk: again
Jumpropeman: the mantra of the shroomish run


Gooper Blooper: Draco gave me my christmas gift (warning: drawn bugge)
Jumpropeman: awww, a cute wids!
lurk: awwww
RubyChao: nice!!
Gooper Blooper: I've been wondering for literally years "what if a Much Better Artist drew my first RP OC"
Gooper Blooper: now we know
Draco: I'm just realizing the background makes it look like Wids starred in a Looney Tunes cartoon.
Gooper Blooper: *posts it after the wedding* "THAT'S ALL FOLKS" *locks topic*
Draco: lol


Miserable Sheep: "Hibiki, on the other hand... seems lost in thought. Very focused, too. What could she be thinking about?"
Miserable Sheep: It's bread.
A Fuckin Scarecrow Again!: Bready or not
Miserable Sheep: here comes Freddy.
A Fuckin Scarecrow Again!: Are you ready for Breddy
Miserable Sheep: Breddy and the Bake Machine
Miserable Sheep: Which could possibly be the name of a band
A Fuckin Scarecrow Again!: A good name for an awful band
Miserable Sheep: They're a Freebird coverband
Miserable Sheep: "We are gathered here today in the eyes of -"
Miserable Sheep: Father Squid is then smote seven times over
A Fuckin Scarecrow Again!: Lmao
Miserable Sheep: "As the cephalopod clergyman launched into his speech"
Miserable Sheep: "And all the elves were making toys and putting one foot in front of the other, and Burgermeister Meisterburger had a yoyo. And that's what Christmas is all about. You may kiss the bride."
Miserable Sheep: "She giggled a bit, her cheeks turning slightly pink as she listened to Father Squid."
Miserable Sheep: "...and all I'm saying is, Cray had some good ideas."
Jumpropeman: *the cirnos seal Squid's mouth too*
Koakuma joined the chat
A Fuckin Scarecrow Again!: Woah
Koakuma: Old man, we can have you replaced with any two-bit Shrine Maiden AT ANY TIME, so if you want to keep your PTSD IN your head, make like a good plate of seafood and CLAM UP.
Koakuma: Bl
Koakuma left the chat
Miserable Sheep: Hahah
Draco: Couldn't resist. Back to the grind for me. ;V
A Fuckin Scarecrow Again!: Lmao


A Fuckin Scarecrow Again!: I rewound back
A Fuckin Scarecrow Again!: Through time
A Fuckin Scarecrow Again!: And the first time Vince and Koa interacted was when the arcade was taken over
A Fuckin Scarecrow Again!: By the pacman ghosts
A Fuckin Scarecrow Again!: Actually there was a bit before then with Koa talking to beach episode
A Fuckin Scarecrow Again!: Can't believe we ended up here from Koa not understanding how pacman worked
A Fuckin Scarecrow Again!: Oh god I'm tired
A Fuckin Scarecrow Again!: And there's like
A Fuckin Scarecrow Again!: The fun half of the wedding left lol
Jumpropeman: Pac-Matchmaker
A Fuckin Scarecrow Again!: There's a joke about pac-man fever here
A Fuckin Scarecrow Again!: But I'm not making it


Jumpropeman: it appears I got a package from a sheep
Miserable Sheep: Oh!
Jumpropeman: addressed to cory baxter 8I
Miserable Sheep: Are you sure it's for you, then?
Miserable Sheep: I'm glad it got to you! I was worried, what with the mail system lately.
Jumpropeman: RainbowDash brought it in
Jumpropeman: and keenly observed that I DO live in a white house
Miserable Sheep: Ahahah
Jumpropeman: oh my
Miserable Sheep sweats
Jumpropeman: I've always been curious about the Treasure Planet game!
Jumpropeman: I can't say the same for High School Musical and Veggietales game :V although I do appreciate the unusual choices
Miserable Sheep: I saw the Veggietales game, which is not only Veggietales but we're going even deeper with Larryboy, and felt I had to send it your way
Jumpropeman: "There are five levels, each themed around a particular person's temptation" I am concerned that this LarryBoy game may have a Lust level
Harpy: UH
Miserable Sheep: I wonder which two sins they cut...


Jumpropeman: "you've received an invitation from maya to join adult dating site"
Jumpropeman: oh my, my spam has stepped it up
Gooper Blooper: MAYA NO


(Harpy needs a Pokemon that can use Flash to continue her Shroomish-only Pokemon Emerald challenge)

SHROOMISH: so i caught an oddish and named it Boob
RubyChao: i shouldn't be laughing at such immature humor


SHROOMISH: if your shiftry is still using pound
SHROOMISH: get a new career

(Harpy wins!)

SHROOMISH: now imagine
SHROOMISH: the glint in Tori's eye as she faces Wallace
SHROOMISH: "Hm... you seem confident you've already won," Wallace says, his cape shifting in the AC wind
SHROOMISH: Tori holds her shroomish Boop, who is vibrating from sheer eagerness to kick ass
SHROOMISH: "You trained under Juan, right?" she asked. "You were once a part of the Sootopolis Gym."
"You have the right of it, but..." A frown marred his looks. "Do you truly think a small little mushroom could win against my team's grace?"
Gooper Blooper:
SHROOMISH: She sets the mushroom down, a smirk breaking into a wide grin.
"If I could grit my teeth and eke out a victory against myriads of icicles and a hoard of dragons, your team's basically Boop's victory lap."
SHROOMISH: By the time his Gyarados was obliterated with a solar-powered beam, unable to swim Hoenn's vast seas again... He saw Tori's point.


Jumpropeman: gooper running pretty late
Jumpropeman: the day I got something to tell him of course :I
SHROOMISH: i'm sorry, we watchin bots
Draco: There is literally no RP of any sort at all. Let the man have a day off. :V
Jumpropeman: we're prewriting all of season 11! WE GOTTA START NOW


Jumpropeman: I guess I'll go because otherwise I'd be alone
Jumpropeman left the chat 18 hours ago
Brinehammer pops open the trapdoor, looks around, and goes back under the floorboards.
ripvel joined the chat 8 hours ago
ripvel locks the trapdoor

Draco: So that's where my Cool Ladies keep disappearing to. :o


MobileDraco: Jill's life routine returns to normal.


Gooper Blooper: a lot of my fandoms went through long periods of dead air in the 2000s and then they all kind of came back at once in the mid-2010s and it was great
Gooper Blooper: Jurassic, Battlebots, Godzilla all did it
Draco: Someday we'll find out that Goopsmom is secretly a former super-famous actress or something who tells Hollywood to revive those things if they're gone too long.


RubyChao: so I'm playing a subway station builder game
Gooper Blooper: how extremely chao of you
RubyChao: one thing that made me laugh is that one of the commuter reactions you can get is "great station, i will tell my friends"
RubyChao: and i realized
RubyChao: yeah i would, there's a couple in nyc that are pretty unique
Jumpropeman: it you


Jumpropeman: fun fact
Jumpropeman: Jack of All Games was my original idea for the game hoard's name
Jumpropeman: but it was already taken by a rather big company
Jumpropeman: The Game Hoard is a small canadian game shop but I mean
Jumpropeman: I can handle that
RubyChao: already planning the lawsuit?
Tori is Peak Stupid: i'm sure they predate The Game Hoard (2017)
Jumpropeman: yes... lawsuit... *hides the gasoline can*


Tori is Peak Stupid: this zfrp
Gooper Blooper: yes, harpy
ivel: way earlier than session 50
Tori is Peak Stupid: is this Pelswick.jpg
Tori is Peak Stupid: i'm sure there's a better example
Jumpropeman: my brother randomly brought up pelswick recently
Jumpropeman: I had to hold in the laughs
Tori is Peak Stupid: he doesn't know
Gooper Blooper: ha!
Tori is Peak Stupid: this poor soul
RubyChao: i mean, basically harpy
RubyChao: remember how Jester Chao was a joke character at first?
RubyChao: his only role was "tell bad jokes and be ineffectual"
Tori is Peak Stupid: "be ineffectual"
Tori is Peak Stupid: yeah, sure dude.
Jumpropeman: "joke" is being generous
RubyChao: he even showed up in BBB5 just to job!
RubyChao: and now at the rate he's going he's going to be like
RubyChao: final boss of season 14 or something


Jumpropeman: after beating Gears 4 with my bro just now I went into random online
Jumpropeman: and after the match there was like a 12 year old going "Fuck u COG. EHHHHHH fuck the COG" (COG being my team)
Jumpropeman: how easy it was to find the stereotypical kid gamer
Gooper Blooper: a classic species


Cornwind Evil asked Chatzy to choose between help the hunter, help the villager and go get worm guts. Chatzy chose: go get worm guts
Cornwind Evil: Why am I not surprised.


Cornwind Evil: Oh it wasn't worm guts
Cornwind Evil: It was worm VOMIT!!!!!!!!!
Cornwind Evil: None of them gave up the goods
Cornwind Evil: Instead they turned giant and attacked me
Cornwind Evil: "Help! Is anyone out there? I'm still alive in here, despite the horribly corrosive acid!" Sounds like something Josh would say


RubyChao: holy FUCK it's way too late
RubyChao: i need to fix my sleep schedule
Jumpropeman: bye chao!
RubyChao: but i keep getting into conversations with my cool friends draco and jrm
RubyChao: this is your fault for being cool friends
RubyChao: >:(
Jumpropeman: I apologize on Draco's behalf
Jumpropeman: I however am unrepentant


Jumpropeman: "A man named Adolf Hitler won a local election in Namibia in southern Africa, reminding us all that 2020 isn’t quite done dishing out the weird.
The man won a landslide victory for councilor in the Ompundja Constituency with 85% of the vote, according to The Washington Post. His full name is Adolf Hitler Uunona, and he represents the South West Africa People’s Organization or SWAPO party."

Jumpropeman: "Uunona told the German newspaper Bild that he is not 'striving for world domination' and has no plans to conquer the region he represents.
He told the paper that his father did name him after the Nazi dictator, but 'probably didn’t understand what Adolf Hitler stood for.'"

Jumpropeman: this guy is literally Hitler
Draco: XD
Mii Sheep: Oh dear
Mii Sheep: That has to be hard
Tori is Peak Stupid: yeah that's
Tori is Peak Stupid: uhm
Tori is Peak Stupid: fun


Hooded Pitohui: Going to head off and get some sleep. Goodnight, folks, and do enjoy the evening (and the Pogey, for JRM and Harps in particular)!
Jumpropeman: bye harp!
Jumpropeman: wait
Jumpropeman: bye pitohui!
Tori is Peak Stupid: for the last time, i'm not leaving! :V
Jumpropeman: it's just you do it so often! At least once a day!
Tori is Peak Stupid: i am!


(JRM is playing Let's Go Eevee)

Jumpropeman: alright, eevee, you are out of PP for your water move so let something weaker take a shot at this Pokemon. GO GYARADOS
Gooper Blooper: XD
Tori is Peak Stupid: damn just lettin water onix out like that


Jumpropeman: "Will you take care of this Bulbasaur?"
Jumpropeman: sure Melanie
Jumpropeman: *shoves in PC*


Jumpropeman: I can't believe Game Freak supports burglaries since they didn't change the Burglar trainer like they did the Gambler
Gooper Blooper: a rambling, burgling man
Jumpropeman: a bunch of Magmar sprinting around the Pokemon Mansion kinda ruins the spooky atmosphere
Jumpropeman: those buttheads gotta be somewhere yesterday!
Draco: You don't think a bunch of fire ducks aren't spooooooky?
Jumpropeman: in japan
Jumpropeman: it's a bunch of Boobers running around a mansion
Jumpropeman: which sounds more like the Playboy game
Draco: Where can I get a copy of the Japanese version?
Draco: Asking for a friend.
Draco: Named Draco.
RubyChao: wow, Draco, does it ever get confusing to have a friend named the same as you?
Draco: Yes! Very confusing. He's not even a very good friend.
Jumpropeman: Blaine put his mustache and glasses on those rhydon statues you find in every gym
Jumpropeman: the big question though
Jumpropeman: do I get the questions right at Blaine's gym
Gooper Blooper: I bet they made the questions easier
Jumpropeman: the first questions was "What is the Spitfire Pokemon?"
Jumpropeman: aww sugar I forgot I was trying to get these wrong
Jumpropeman: "A steel type move used on a fire type pokemon will be?" super or not very effective
RubyChao: t o m b s t o n e r
RubyChao: goops
Jumpropeman: at least these aren't like your example :V
RubyChao: when are we having a pogey use Tombstoner in RP
Gooper Blooper: have some ghost type use it
RubyChao: know
RubyChao: despite the fact that it's based on "tombstone"
Jumpropeman: how many gym badges was the question I got right because I forgot I wasn't trying to
RubyChao: for some reason my brain always registered it as a ground-type move
RubyChao: I don't know why.
RubyChao: like i have just had this unshakeable knowledge for years
Gooper Blooper: I thought of it as rock type
RubyChao: "if Tombstoner existed it would be a Ground-type move"
RubyChao: ah
RubyChao: so we must fight.
Jumpropeman: haha!
Jumpropeman: "TM28 contains the move Tombstony"
Jumpropeman: "True
What's That?!"

Jumpropeman: apparently being incredulous counts as a right answer :V
Gooper Blooper: thank you for remembering Tombstone, Let's Play Eevee (looked it up and the change to Tombstony was introduced in FRLG) 


Jumpropeman: I'm glad you had fun during the Giovanni fight eevee
Jumpropeman: it was neat to see Gyarados use four waterfalls
Gooper Blooper: JRM walking all over My First Pokemon Game


Jumpropeman: time to do a cracker factory fight
Jumpropeman: just like the bottled water fight and the fan warehouse fight
Gooper Blooper: I am ready to make the agama economy even stupider than we've already made it


Jumpropeman: "Dont READ THIS. YOU WILL BE KISSED ON THE BEST DAY OF YOUR LIFE. NOW THAT YOU’VE STARTED READING, Dont STOP. THIS IS SO FREAKY. 1 say your name 10 times 2. say your mum’s name 5 times and your crushes name 3 times 4. paste this onto 4 other games. If you do this, your crush will kiss you on the nearest Friday possible. But if you read this and do not paste this, you will get bad luck. SEND THIS ON 5 DIFFERENT GAMES IN 143 MINUTES."
Jumpropeman: I didn't expect to find this
Jumpropeman: been ages since I've seen one of these chain letter things


RubyChao: god remember how there were for years and years
RubyChao: theories about THE RED ON MT. SILVER IS A DEAD GHOST
RubyChao: and then sun and moon happen and he's just down here soaking up the sun in alola
RubyChao: i love it


RubyChao: "I often think about: John Wilkes Booth being a moderately successful actor. It's like if the president was killed by Zach Braff." this is fucking me up and yet i cannot deny it
Gooper Blooper: don't forget that time John Wilkes Booth whipped out a steampunk mech suit
RubyChao: and was defeated by batman


Mii Sheep: I can't believe one of the developers of Night In The Woods compared it to Chulip
Jumpropeman: I almost rented chulip once
Jumpropeman: now it doesn't even seem to be on gamefly anymore
Mii Sheep: oh nooooo
RubyChao: so jrm
RubyChao: when all that stands between you and Every Game is a single murder
RubyChao: you're gonna kill someone, right
RubyChao: four bullets
RubyChao: then pry the blood-soaked copy from their dead hand
Mii Sheep: Chulip is a real odd game
Mii Sheep: and very much aimed at a Japanese audience
Jumpropeman: in that case I'll skip Chulip!
Jumpropeman: I hate odd games
Mii Sheep: "What’s a video game? This question has plagued humankind since the dawn of time. Who can say? Are you a video game? Are we? Much to think about."


RubyChao: "Soundtrack Dissonance: Soft bluegrass pervades the game in all maps in Tycoon 2, which is weird when you are not in the USA, or when it's After the End."
RubyChao: i like that i can fully confirm that yes
RubyChao: Railroad Tycoon 2's campaign mode involves a post-apocalyptic setting in its final maps
Jumpropeman: with soft bluegrass?
RubyChao: Yes.
Jumpropeman: nice
RubyChao: soft bluegrass plays as you use trains to deliver cement to desperately try and seal a fissure that's causing a massive release of natural gasses and heat that's melting the polar ice caps and causing the world to flood
RubyChao: this is a real campaign map.
Jumpropeman: meowza
Jumpropeman: those are some important trains


RubyChao: it's so odd to see tidal waves of d21s in older chatzy
Jumpropeman: I don't miss that
Jumpropeman: we got some fun stuff from tractors of course
Jumpropeman: but sometimes chat was squashed beneath the tide
RubyChao: as i've said in discussion
RubyChao: while i'm glad we're past tractors they had their purpose and time and it was right for them to be around for as long as they were
Draco: I'll make sure to revive them for Season 20.
RubyChao: the cycle continues...
Jumpropeman: from now on I'll only do tractor rolls for how convincing my arguments are and how characters will react to things
Draco rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 20
Draco: And I'll revive the tractors very successfully. Y'all will be weeping tears of blood joy from how amazingly I do it too.
RubyChao rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 9
Jumpropeman: by season 20 it will be a 27 tractor
RubyChao: i will weep so many tears of blood, it disables me


RubyChao: you know
RubyChao: considering Lizard and Not a Lizard
RubyChao: jrm you should have blajboa cameo to meet maya
Jumpropeman: believe me chao, I've thought of it
Jumpropeman: I've invented two races with ties to reptiles
RubyChao: we have lizards
RubyChao: we have not lizards
RubyChao: now we need sometimes lizards
Jumpropeman: so you know Ani from the epilogue? the brume professor? I almost had her be Busuzima from Bloody Roar instead... who is a sometimes lizard :V
RubyChao: the ride


merrivel: >Hiker Georg
merrivel: >uses two Spinarak
merrivel: I can't believe that damn meme is in here
Harpy: this romhacker is a blessing


Harpy: cat knocked things over so ivel's tryin to get organized
Gooper Blooper: Does that cat ever do anything besides knock shit over? XD
Draco: I have never met Harpvel's cat, but I would die for it. :l
Harpy: he sleeps, eats, plays, and cleans but he's a Naughty


(Chao and Sheep watch Fire Force)

N Goat: sigh
RubyChao: siiiigh
N Goat: auugh
Jumpropeman: you can tell when tamaki is on screen
RubyChao: you can


RubyChao: when do i give Tenshi these shoes in rp
SUCK IT, KURT!: never
RubyChao: but how else will she get funky
Draco: I figured Tenshi already had those and that's how she managed to get over 5 feet.


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