Saturday, October 31, 2020

Chatzy Madness Volume 373: Yogi Bear Is My Boss

The Deleter: I kinda love that we have lovingly rendered breath of the wild link and byleth and joker
The Deleter: And banjo even
The Deleter: And then here's programmer-art-ass steve
The Deleter: Who can barely move
Jumpropeman: I'm so glad he's stiff as a board
The Deleter: Looks like garbage
all hallows ivel: that's how I felt about Game & Watch :U
The Deleter: And apparently is a stone cold killer
Jumpropeman: I like that if they look up you even see that black patch where there's no texture
all hallows ivel: Steve and Villager hang out, clearly
Jumpropeman: it's shocking how close to Just Minecraft it can look when you're Steve in the Minecraft stage
Jumpropeman: I kinda wish his reveal had been that. Just something at that Minecraft convention with Steve running around, nothing looks unusual... then Donkey Kong just bumbles into frame


all hallows ivel: Prodigious 36 lbs Lot of Pez Dispensers
Current Price: $153.00
Minimum Bid: $154.00

all hallows ivel: uh...
Jumpropeman: I like their choice of adjective
all hallows ivel: but of course, it IS a PRODIGIOUS lot


Misty Sheep: "The Sega Hard Girls are a set of characters where women have outfits based on the different consoles Sega manufactured back when it was still in the hardware game."
Misty Sheep: Sound like a buncha WEIRDOS
Misty Sheep: "Rather than having traditional difficulty settings, you unlock plans as you go, these options sometimes being as small as determining whether or not you can see the eyebrows of the main cast through their hair"
Misty Sheep: Okay.
Jumpropeman: while I understand why art has eyes/eyebrows visible through hair, I've personally never liked the look
Jumpropeman: I actually edited the art Setz did of Gysel to undo the eyebrows you could see through her hair :V
MobileDraco: 😱
MobileDraco: Butcher!
Misty Sheep: You do realize
Misty Sheep: You can never make fun of Goops and noses again
Jumpropeman: I'm making images MORE realistic!


Jumpropeman: so, I've quadruple checked it, but it appears The Game Hoard is in the first page of results when you google a little game called Helltaker
Misty Sheep: Never heard of it
Gooper Blooper:
RubyChao: holy shit it is
Jumpropeman: I have no idea why spam emails keep acting like getting front page of google is hard-
Misty Sheep: That is a surprise
MAGIC: wow!
RubyChao: link
Gooper Blooper: Steam, Know Your Meme, Wikipedia, The Helltaker Wiki... and Game Hoard
Jumpropeman: why am I above Escapist
MAGIC: above metacritic
Jumpropeman: why am I above METACRITIC
MAGIC: because
MAGIC: u quality
Gooper Blooper: you beat TV Tropes, too
Gooper Blooper: And vanripper's twitter
MAGIC: i mean it has to beat it in clicks and all i'd assume
RubyChao: but jrm
RubyChao: does this make you as proud as being the top result
Jumpropeman: that will always have a spot in my heart

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Chatzy Madness Volume 372: Thrive, Bratty Egg

Jumpropeman: the only people as excited for bread as ZFRP characters are
Gooper Blooper: beautiful


Mel Returns was timed out
Mobile Draco: Mel did not return.


Jumpropeman: did Betty or Kalcyon stick around outside?
Jumpropeman: Maya's giving Grab some coins for the phone but isn't sure if he can reach the coin slot :V
Gooper Blooper: In my post, Stella goes back outside and gets the scoop from Maya
Jumpropeman: that works!
Gooper Blooper: the catbot cannot reach the coin slot :V
Jumpropeman: oh
Jumpropeman: that doesn't works!
Mop Sheep: Kalcyon's already been stripped for parts and put up on concrete blocks
Gooper Blooper: it is smol
Jumpropeman: they'll pile on top of each other
Mop Sheep: I can't believe a coin slot defeated the Kobbers
Mop Sheep: It all ends here
Mop Sheep: They had a good run
Gooper Blooper: well I mean all Chao has to do is respond to JRM :V
Mop Sheep: Choa, if your presence is with us, knock twice!
Jumpropeman: the suspense is killing me!
Mop Sheep: Deb tries to put the money in
Mop Sheep: Accidentally uses the drill hand
RubyChao: hi
RubyChao: sorry, multitasking
RubyChao: let me catch up
RubyChao: something that's been long-running finished up on my other forum
Jumpropeman: over on that forum they were struggling to reach a coin slot too
Jumpropeman: it's basically what chao's good for these days
RubyChao: i'd say kalcyon stayed outside, betty was inside
Jumpropeman: but can HE reach it
Mop Sheep: I put him under one of the legs of my coffee table to keep it steady
RubyChao: i mean
RubyChao: he's very tall
RubyChao: so probably
Mop Sheep: Then it turns out he's TOO tall and his robot body is to inflexible to reach down-
Bree: why IS kalcyon so tall, that wasn't his height as a human was it
RubyChao: nah
Bree: new headcanon, kalcyon was quite small as a human and when he became a robot he just went MAXIMUM LORGE
RubyChao: it was basically a side effect of the various other weapons and such
RubyChao: need the space for all that
RubyChao: scale up the body
Bree: no
Bree: I refuse
Bree: kalcyon just wanted to be thicc
Mop Sheep: A lot of people say "I wish I was taller".
Mop Sheep: Kalcyon just made it happen
Bree: like a football linebacker but made entirely of metal
Bree: the weapons were an afterthought, like "shit we got all this space, might as well put something useful in it"
Jumpropeman: Kalcyon as a human had a huge head but a baby's body
RubyChao: also i'm not sure i'll be able to focus for a while longer so
RubyChao: i'm just gonna let you guys borrow betty and kalcyon for now
RubyChao: thanks!
Mop Sheep: Seeya, Chao
Jumpropeman: that fool, leaving them in my care!
Jumpropeman: I'll make Kalcyon's baby body canon!