Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Chatzy Madness Volume 315: Doing A Boo-Boo With the Wa-Wa

Bree: my character with the largest breasts is komachi, who is a shinigami and doesn't get tired because she's an unliving revenant
Bree: also she's a lazy blob and she doesn't run 'cause she's slow as fuck
Bree: so I think it's perfectly realistic


Jumpropeman: it's not much, but check this out
Jumpropeman: I'm a recognized review source on mobygames :3
B.C.: aw
Jumpropeman: they only got the switch titles now but the others are in an approval queue
Gooper Blooper: Ha, that's great
Gooper Blooper: good work JRM
Bree: I could appreciate your achievement better if I knew what the mobygames site is about
Bree: do they collect reviews or something
Bree: is it like IMDB but for games
Jumpropeman: mobygames has been around since 1999. It's a video game information site sorta similar to IMDB yeah
infinitivel: "Video game information, credits, reviews, box covers, screenshots and more for 200+ video game platforms from 1950 to date!"
Jumpropeman: it's especially useful for finding info on retro games
Jumpropeman: so hopefully they'll approve my retro reviews as well
Bree: oh, okay, nice
Bree: cornflarturations
Bree: u did it
Gooper Blooper: Ah yes, the 50s, my favorite gaming decade
Jumpropeman: Gamerankings is my next prey, but they have a 300 review minimum before they recognize you :V
Gooper Blooper: maybe next offseason
Jumpropeman: a flood of atari and colecovision reviews
Jumpropeman: alternatively: a flood of barely different iOS dentist games
Gooper Blooper: I'm waiting for the day you review a real stinker from mobile game hell
Bree: I want a full disaster report on one of those inane beauty makeover games for little girls
Gooper Blooper: Honestly I feel like JRM could get a full disaster report out of mobile hell, but only if it was, like, a look at a number of different games all in the same category
Gooper Blooper: like "games that rip off Hello Neighbor" or "makeover/doctor games"
Gooper Blooper: Just one probably doesn't have enough substance for an in-depth lengthy review, and it'd let him dissect the general trend and the stuff that led to awful mobile shit being the norm
Jumpropeman: my white whale still remains A1 Celebrity Wedding Dentist Awesome Kids Little Surgery Salon HD - Fun Superstar Dental Doctor Office Makeover Game
Jumpropeman: I found the name, but by the time I had the hardware, it disappeared


Jumpropeman: steamed hams would eventually get into rp no doubt
Jumpropeman: might as well be first day
Jumpropeman: *scraps Just the Entire Steamed Hams Scene mystery fiter*
Jumpropeman: you might think they'd get no kills
Jumpropeman: but there's no Krusty Burger in sight
Jumpropeman: he'll have to get that meat elsewhere
Gooper Blooper: their weapon is a burning house, that's pretty dangerous
Jumpropeman: "These burgers are quite similar to the combined flesh of our fellow entrants." "Patented skinning- SKINNER... burgers"

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Chatzy Madness Volume 314: Embrace the Baby Shit

Jumpropeman: I don't know if I ever told anyone that my used original Xbox came with tons of early 2000s music downloaded on it and whoever owned it before me set the system name to WHORE
Jumpropeman: first time I played Halo and went into multiplayer and just saw WHORE plastered across the screen
Jumpropeman: so confused
Gooper Blooper: that sounds hilariously edgy
Gooper Blooper: so early 2000s it hurts


Yijun: i want in on more mutant plot goddamn it and I NEED MORE MUTANTS
Yijun: *shoves Shiva in everything like he's the new fad*
Jumpropeman: *makes Knack into a mutant AND a psychic for maximum plot potential*
MobileDrac: Clone Sammy?
Yijun: we can't clone sammy
Yijun: that would destroy the very fabrics of our universe
MobileDrac: With joy


Jumpropeman: chao said he wanted to read about the beanie baby boom
Jumpropeman: but what about the big mouth billy bass boom
Jumpropeman: catfish, swordfish, lobster
Jumpropeman: there were singing fish on plaques across the land
Jumpropeman: and then suddenly we realized
Jumpropeman: we didn't actually like them
Jumpropeman: but it was too late
Jumpropeman: we rocked the boat
Jumpropeman: we rocked the boat baby
Jumpropeman: we rocked the boat
Jumpropeman: we tipped the boat over
Jumpropeman: we rocked the boaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa