Monday, August 29, 2016

Chatzy Madness Volume 260: Regards, Gul'dan

M Sheep: OoOoOoOoOoOoOoO
ivel uses the Poltergust 3000
M Sheep: OoOo-aw, maAaAaAaA-*pop*


PremiumChao: god i forgot how ridiculous some of my old rp was
PremiumChao: gallade became a senator
PremiumChao: and he lived in "Unnamed City"
Jumpropeman: Unnamed City
PremiumChao: which was the actual name of the city
Jumpropeman: capital of A State
PremiumChao: Gallade: I'll take three people up to the station with me, and we will-
*Phone rings*
Gallade: Hello? A meeting of Congress? Now? Ack! *Hangs up* Congress is meeting, so I have to leave. General Goomba, you take charge!
*Gallade flies through a wall, and heads off*

PremiumChao: Gallade: "Position Open for Congress Member. The spot of representive of Unnamed City is open...* Hey! I could run for Congress!
Jumpropeman: congress and its wacky impromptu meetings
Viva Vermont: *gallade is thrown into the sea*
PremiumChao: also their billboard was "Welcome to Unnamed City. Now scram!"
Viva Vermont: unnamed city was actually the inside of oscar the grouch's trash can
Jumpropeman: sounds like a joke from a cartoon
Draco: Sounds like a city in Vermont.
PremiumChao: Axem Blue's Hobbies: Slicing stuff, being somewhat evil, being an AoE member.
PremiumChao: i was good at character descriptions


PremiumChao: Gallade: *Looks at the three members of the AoE getting up, then at Eggman-X* Eggman-X, what are you DOING?
Eggman-X: I'm playing golf.
Gallade: Why?
Eggman-X: Because I'm using exploding golf balls.
*Eggman-X takes a swing, but he hits the golf ball too hard, causing it to explode in his face*
Eggman-X: Ow.

f-: Heeheeeenheee.
Jumpropeman: Eggman-X then kicked an exploding blitzball
PremiumChao: *The Pink Chao lands next to Alphashi*
Alphashi: Who are you?
TPC: I am The Pink Chao.
Steelshi: Ahahahahahahah! You're PINK!
TPC: *Fires an Ice Arrow, freezing Steelshi* Why I'm here is to explain the Red Star.
Crystalshi: Red... Star?
TPC: Have you noticed the red comet recently?
Alphashi: Yes.
TPC: That is the Red Star. It is a comet which appears at irregular intervals over this planet. It is only reachable by the Green Launch Star.
Crystalshi: What's on it?
TPC: That's not in the books. Bye! *Flies off*

PremiumChao: i was VERY GOOD at exposition in the old days
PremiumChao: General Goomba: But how will we get it from them?
Jester Chao: Leave it to me!
*Jester Chao puts on a fake moustache. He then walks up to the door and knocks on it. Steelshi opens the door*
Jester Chao: Hello. I'm from the government. We've detected energy spikes coming from this house. We believe you may have a powerful item causing these spikes.
Steelshi: Is it this? *Pulls out Green Power Star*
Jester Chao: Yes. In the interest of national security, I must consficate that.

Viva Vermont: imagine a book called "The Book Of The Red Star"
Viva Vermont: page 1: "The Red Star is a comet which appears at irregular intervals over this planet. It is only reachable by the Green Launch Star."
Viva Vermont: page 2: "we don't know anything else"

Monday, August 15, 2016

Chatzy Madness Volume 259: Draw Me Like One Of Your Noseless Girls

Etrohus: waiting for ivelpost
Etrohus: then i shall retreat to the safety of my bed
BrawlChao: >​ivelpost
BrawlChao: *harpy stays up for an eternity*
ivel: :I
Etrohus: i would if i didn't have work at 9
ivel: I guess I'll just cancel this post I was writing about Gino then (I actually am writing one, it's actually about to be posted)
Etrohus: nanimachines, son


NGAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHSpy: Why am I already trying to beat True Arena with no abilities
ivel: because you have a problem
NGAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHSpy: I have a serious problem


Etrohus: i have a stupid post in mind
Etrohus: please hold
ivel holds Harpy
ivel: that's what you meant right? :U
Draco: omai <3

Monday, August 8, 2016

Chatzy Madness Volume 258: Big Bar Brawl 6 Edition

MeleeChao: ​>​music meister interested in praline
MeleeChao: ​i've got a bad feel about this scoob


M Sheep: ​Still getting over Attenborough​
Jumpropeman: ​Attenborough seemed a very Zoofights-y thing to do so I just rolled with the idea when it came to me :P
SteelKomodo: ​ it crazy to say I wanna see him outside this?
SteelKomodo: ​like, maybe narrating stuff that happens in SRS RP?
The betting corner returns!?: ​Oh my god yes
M Sheep: ​Soar the Eagle snags a new hire to the team!​
Jumpropeman: ​"Here we see Dewnine engaging in a playful romp with Aggie. Notice how its slobber swings from its mouth every so briefly before freezing into icicles" *nature documentary music for 2 minutes as the camera watches Dewnine drool up close*​
SteelKomodo: ​hahahaha


Gooper Blooper: ​>​Ceneric's Cuties
M Sheep: ​Somebody get on drawing Ceneric's Cuties in Charlie's Angels poses​


SteelKomodo: ​"Josephine and Mika get in an impromptu wrestling match there on the ground"
SteelKomodo: ​Dirk's nose explodes with blood loud enough to startle Pit. "HOLY CRAP DIRK YOU OKAY"
Jumpropeman: first KO of the Brawl is Dirk
Jumpropeman: and it hasn't even started yet
Gooper Blooper: "Calm down, Dirky, at least wait until I cross off that bingo square!"


MeleeChao: there's 13 feeds
MeleeChao: and in a plot twist
MeleeChao: it turns out Alan Anderson is helping to bankroll the brawl this year
MeleeChao: ...okay that joke was a stretch, sorry
Jumpropeman: The Council storms the Brawl with a plesiosaur, a kaiju with scissors for a nose, and some Modern Dinosaurs like crocs and komodo dragons

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Chatzy Madness Volume 257: Kill All White Mages

M Sheep: "So, let's go over what we know."
M Sheep: Gloria then pauses for several seconds and says "And that's all we know."
M Sheep: Patchy: "But you didn't-"
M Sheep: Gloria: "Yes."
Gooper Blooper: no, sheep, that was last year
Gooper Blooper: this year you actually progressed things!
M Sheep: What?!
Kitty Bree: someday it has to end, sheep
Kitty Bree: someday
M Sheep: Some interesting theories from the Mage Minds to be sure
Gooper Blooper: *and then it turns out Gloria was wrong about everything and Purnima is the one who made the bomb*
M Sheep: Ohohohohoho~
M Sheep: Turns out, Purnima was Mrs. Kovalchuck
M Sheep: and the bomb is actually Junko
Draco: Junko is da bomb. <3
M Sheep: And to think Blik was the mastermind behind the whole thing
Draco: Alice was trying to save us.
Gooper Blooper: Blik even told us he was going to build a bomb back in season 2
Gooper Blooper: Unfortunately, none of us could understand him
Gooper Blooper: so we just played the king's quest town theme on loop and laughed at the unintelligible robot man
M Sheep: Alice wasn't the hero we wanted
M Sheep: but the hero we deserved
Draco: To be fair, Goops, Gloria gets obvious things wrong sometimes.
Gooper Blooper: Like having no idea that "Gloriamame" is just a scheme to allow Yamame to fill her with cookies and then eat her?
Draco: More or less. :V
Kitty Bree: don't eat the sugar mage, yamame, it'll go right to your hips
Kitty Bree: and you'll get the diabeetus
Draco: D::::
Kitty Bree: does yamame actually have eight eyes
Draco: Sometimes. Usually she only has two.
M Sheep: It's 2016
M Sheep: She can have as many eyes as she wants
M Sheep: I hope she works her way up to sixteen before the season is out
M Sheep: No slacking now!
Draco: ​You haven't seen Yamame go full spider yet.
Kitty Bree: ​will there be a terrifying image when yamame does go full spider?​
M Sheep: ​You never go full spider.​


Pellar: ​Gregor dies of injuries sustained while accepting Brawl Championship, meaning only the horse wins
FinancialChao: >​implying any assistants will make it
FinancialChao: they had their year >:(
Gooper Blooper: Actually, that makes me want to ask - Does the horse have a name? If so, JRM would want to know
Gooper Blooper: I'm guessing it doesn't
M Sheep: It's name is Gregor's Meal Ticket
FinancialChao: Gorgre
Pellar: In game, no. Scarcely any of the horses, really. For most characters it's just a class change. There's one in FE that does- Sophie's- but any for Gregor is flavortext. That said, liking to consume text as I do, we shall call it Ogre Gr.
Kitty Bree: its name is Emergency Rations
Gooper Blooper: mrgrgr
Pellar: It's name is That Remembrance Of Days Long Past That Neither Time Nor Drink May Blur.
Alternatively, you could plagiarize Geralt of Rivia and name the horse Roach, but I imagine the white wolf might take issue with that.
FinancialChao: its name is Bad Horse
FinancialChao: and it turns out it's the godbeast of the brawl
Pellar: Bad Horse, (Bad hoooorse!) Bad horse, he's bad!
He rides across the nation, The thoroughbred of sin *sings away badly*
FinancialChao: so, as someone who's never watched it, just read about it, answer me this
FinancialChao: is bad horse just literally a horse
FinancialChao: that is bad
Pellar: You never see him perform any actions, but at the ending, he is a literal horse standing at the table with the other human supervillains. =u Most of his characterization is from Horrible or from Bad Horse's own minions.
Pellar: It is ​implied​ that Bad Horse is entirely capable of speech, plotting, and motive, as well as possibly a great deal more, but whatchersee is a horse. Y8
FinancialChao: excellent
FinancialChao: i am glad that he is nothing else


Draco: For some reason, it just feels right having Zeldoten use British insults.