Friday, July 29, 2016

Chatzy Madness Volume 256: Deadtris

PandemonicChao: >​RD voted
PandemonicChao: >​there's very little huge text or color
PandemonicChao: i
PandemonicChao: what world am i in


Jumpropeman: im gonna try and find myself in those four hours Mighty No. 8 credits
PandemonicChao: goodbye, jrm
Jumpropeman: ...
Jumpropeman: they didn't credit me right
Jumpropeman: It just says "- a Generous Backer"
Harpy: a generous becker
Jumpropeman: my Kickstarter info is public and I said my name on the surveys they sent out
Jumpropeman: well, hopefully my name will be in other games
Jumpropeman: being the Special Thanks in Axe Cop can't be my only legacy
Jumpropeman: who needs children when you can have your name amidst a crowd of other forgettable names *o*
Onoving: Well, JRM, at least it wasn't what they gave Josephine. I don't think you want your post life credit to be 'a generous backside'.
PandemonicChao: i dunno, with her character at this point, she might actually be proud of that


Del: lol i ordered too many multibases for kings of war
Del: i ordered what i thought was 1 regiment and 2 troop bases
SteelKomodo: del pls
Del: what i have is 5 regiments and 14 troops
Del: i'm dying
Del: at least i don't have to order more for the rest of my kingdoms of men
Del: derp
SteelKomodo: rip u


Jumpropeman: is gino from mabinogi
Jumpropeman: or is he from something else
ivel: yes
Harpy: he is indeed from mabinogi!
Harpy: milletians and all of his moves come from mabinogi
Jumpropeman: coolio, that'll help me a bit
ivel: and his name was from... a name generator :U
ivel: but yes
Harpy: those moves he listed are from there and are some of the strongest skills there are in the melee stuff
Jumpropeman: *has Ginocini use the Kamehameha*
ivel: lel


(Springtrap insults every Brawl entrant besides himself that CW doesn't vote for)

Rainbow Red Ambrose: I debated on whether to have Springtrap end EVERY reason with "also you fucking suck." I decided in the end it was a Sideshow Bob steps on rakes joke.
Gooper Blooper: And then everyone jumps springtrap at the start for mocking them and he gets last
Rainbow Red Ambrose: "you people have no sense of humor."


Harpy: who is leading the charge on my side
Harpy: (not sammy)
Gooper Blooper: That'd be Stacy, she's tied for first in the popular vote with Biollante
Harpy: stacy punches out a kaiju?!?!?
Gooper Blooper: It made me think
Gooper Blooper: if it somehow came down to those two
Gooper Blooper: what would JRM have to do to make it work
Gooper Blooper: Biollante doesn't shrink when you throw swans at her
Jumpropeman: try Staiju Snax for a limited time only
PandemonicChao: stacy ends up with all the potions in the brawl spilling on her at once
Harpy: its shadow of the colossus all over again, goops
Harpy: just
PandemonicChao: she grows to biollante's size
Harpy: a massive trek up a kaiju
Harpy: and then punching it in the face
ivel: think of that one Kirby minigame where you punch through the planet
Harpy: if she can't even survive the climb, she has no business being champ :U
ivel: just with Stacy punching Biollante
Gooper Blooper: if we got that
Gooper Blooper: I might actually be okay with getting second place a third time
EhSpy: ​And then the top 3 places last somehow
EhSpy: ​And Bandana Dee wins


Jumpropeman: *votes for Cirno 9 times*


Draco: I spent last night dreaming that I accidentally spent my lunch hour and afternoon walking around a shopping mall with Donald Trump. The floors were freshly waxed too, so I had trouble walking in my crocs.
Draco: I think there was a ghost too because sometimes my shoes would just disappear.
SubmergedChao: rip


Spy Has Slain The GRE Monster: Pie is in oven!
Happy (But Still Sick) Bree: woooooooooo pie
Happy (But Still Sick) Bree: what kind of pie?
Happy (But Still Sick) Bree: ​is it pie flavor​
Spy Has Slain The GRE Monster: link
Happy (But Still Sick) Bree: dammit spy stop being so amazing
Happy (But Still Sick) Bree: you're a genius, you're super nice, you bake delicious pies
Happy (But Still Sick) Bree: wtf, stop being a perfect human being
Happy (But Still Sick) Bree: you're gonna make the rest of us look bad
Spy Has Slain The GRE Monster dies of blushitis
Spy Has Slain The GRE Monster: You're way too nice I can't handle it
Happy (But Still Sick) Bree: lel



Gooper Blooper: okay, I don't want to alarm anyone
Gooper Blooper: but I'm adding in CKR's votes and
Gooper Blooper: stan ligature
Gooper Blooper: we're... we're going to need to worry about stan ligature
Harpy: he's antigodbeast
Harpy: he's just
Harpy: so plain
Harpy: its dangerous
Harpy: everybody will forget
Gooper Blooper: he's in the top ten vote-getters
Harpy: and then they are lulled to sleep
Gooper Blooper: tied with Cian
Harpy: quick someone help vote for gino- oh. how about myna- wait she's not here. uh
Harpy: nah
Harpy: none shall survive if myna joins RP
Harpy: weaponized cuteness
Draco changes Biollante vote to Stan.
Jumpropeman: "my votes are straight fire" -CKR
Draco: Tell CKR she's officially my BFF.


Gooper Blooper: In news that is simultaneously pleasant and just a little bit worrying, fifth place is Ingrid
Gooper Blooper: she's got 15
SubmergedChao: oh god
SubmergedChao: please fail, ingrid
SubmergedChao: pleeeease
Harpy: ingrid will get 5th place
SubmergedChao: i'm okay with that
SubmergedChao: Anything But First
#DEE: Anyone but you, Roman


Jumpropeman: there is this lady at the retirement home I work at who has a pet dog that she loves but doesn't want to take care of so she has someone else basically own her. You'll never guess the dog's name
Gooper Blooper: Tiberius
Draco: Lucky
Jumpropeman: it's name is Bubbles
Draco: XD
Gooper Blooper: #ruined


Cornwind Evil: I found a horror movie where the monster's critical weakness, their sunlight, their silver bullet, cats
Happy (But Still Sick) Bree: is it a mouse monster
Gooper Blooper: Cornwind's favorite movie


Gooper Blooper: will anyone ever be ready for if Rainbow Dash ever actually fucking wins


Happy (But Still Sick) Bree: I'm gonna go out on a limb and guess that you added a joke villain plot to this year's plans to counterbalance Literally The Saw Series As A Plot
Happy (But Still Sick) Bree: *Except With Nobody Dying
Cornwind Evil: I will replicate the end of Saw 6 yet!


Harpy: next time on FFT
Harpy: alex yells at cloud


Maester Cressen: VOTING IS CLOSED
Maester Cressen: now then, for your viewing pleasure, the Gorillion Slots will be rolled IN HERE using the choose function!
Draco: Glee! =D
Maester Cressen: Slot 1:
Maester Cressen asked Chatzy to choose between Sumireko, Phoenix, Mystery, Meiling, Wet Tiger, Booby, Bandanna Dee, Zeldoten, Nitori, Rainbow Mika, Gran, Owen, Amity, Yotam, Owen and Rainbow Dash. Chatzy chose: Booby
#DEE: >​Booby
#DEE: . . . Wow, I predicted it
Draco applauds.
#DEE: >​Booby
Maester Cressen: Slot 2:
Maester Cressen asked Chatzy to choose between Clash, Sumireko, Secret, Elesh Norn, Secret, Yotam, Winston, Joe Mufferaw, Gamera, Josephine, Booby, 421, Kamen Rider OOO, Gamera, Booby and Gran. Chatzy chose: Secret
Draco: AW YISS
Maester Cressen: and finally, Slot 3:
Maester Cressen asked Chatzy to choose between 421, Sean, Bluddflagg, Wet Tiger, Mystery, Caitir, Booby, Reggae Shark, Yuyuko, Owen, Zeldoten, Sumireko, Sunshine, Booby, T-Bone and Wet Tiger. Chatzy chose: Zeldoten
Maester Cressen: there you have it! Sir Booby, the Secret Fiter, and Zeldoten all get 6 extra votes each! All our losers walk away with only one
Zeldoten joined the chat
Maester Cressen: !!!
Zeldoten: Chatzy has chosen well! HU HU HU HU HU!
Maester Cressen: she's here to steal the Gorillion D:
Zeldoten: I've stolen your Gorillion votes, Fiters! Now what can you do?!
Zeldoten flees with the Gorillion votes! HU HU HU HU HU!
Zeldoten left the chat
Cornwind Evil: I'm going to laugh when she places in the 40's
Draco: Me too, Cornwind. Me too. :)


Del: guys
Del: guys
Del: there's nothing on the steam sale that i want
Del: holy god
Del: i've
Del: i've conquered the universe
Maester Cressen: the impossible has happened
Maester Cressen: close down the world guys
Vadaro: I'm afraid not, Del. It's just that the universe has lost all meaning because it's merged into everything. Theologian won.
Vadaro: Sorry, man.
Del: shit
Del: ven was right
Del: any recommends for me then
Del: on this here sale
Maester Cressen: Hunie Cam Studio
Del: no jrm
Del: i can't sink that low


M Sheep: "Clash, it's okay to be you, but try and be more."
M Sheep: You heard it here first, kids!
M Sheep: Don't be yourself
M Sheep: >​She liked Nylora, even if sometimes the Necromancer seemed a little dead.
M Sheep: I'm just going to leave this here.
M Sheep: "MAURICE!"
PierrotChao: maurice is Federation Red
PierrotChao: like Green and Yellow
PierrotChao: he is one of the fodder marines from Other M
M Sheep: But who IS he though? What are his aspiration in life? What lead him to become the man he is today? What did he eat for breakfast this morning?
PierrotChao: all that and more will be answered this week
M Sheep: >​The hotel just blew up and collapsed with Samus and her two 'companions' still aside.
M Sheep: I'm afraid I'm going to have to leave a negative review on Yelp
M Sheep: >​Samus is Samus. Being inside a building as it explodes means very little to her
M Sheep: HAH
M Sheep: >​Mulcifer is going to start targeting the Kobbers.
M Sheep now, imagine your Friendly Neighborhood M Sheep as a fly
M Sheep now imagine him doing that thing flies do where they rub the tips of their front legs together

Draco: Sheep is digesting food!


PierrotChao: i love how "Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix" is a real thing
PierrotChao: sometimes life makes the jokes for us


PierrotChao: Jumpropeman: RubyChao messaged me too
-Jumpropeman: and I am trying to urge him to enter a second full character
PierrotChao: holy shit imagine if jrm had failed
PierrotChao: where would we be
Gooper Blooper: In a worse position
Gooper Blooper: (reminder that General Cleft was the last character to enter BBB3, with like ninety minutes left before the deadline)
PierrotChao: that's true, cleft winning and being obligated to return was basically the "OKAY NOW YOU HAVE TO STICK AROUND" thing you guys brandished at me
Gooper Blooper: it was just all so perfect
Gooper Blooper: you make your debut, and your last-minute patriot wins on the fourth of goddamn july
Gooper Blooper: you couldn't possibly turn your back after that
PierrotChao: he was powered by PURE AMERICAN FREEDOM
PierrotChao: -i remember that we kept mentioning to JRM "it's okay! You don't have to complete it on the fourth!" when he seemed like he was wearing out near the end
PierrotChao: and then he posted the winner
PierrotChao: and we all realized "Oh. You ​had​ to post it all on the fourth."
Gooper Blooper: he knew what he was doing all along


M Sheep: >​With a single flick of her finger, Norn opened a box of brown sugar Pop-tarts
M Sheep: What a mental image
M Sheep: (Meg had bought them from Grab N' Go.)
M Sheep: Brinechars just can't get enough of that place


M Sheep: Some nice characterization stuff for Mizuki here
M Sheep: the march to Main Character status continues


M Sheep: "Jester Chao has gained weight?"
M Sheep: The fat jokes
M Sheep: they're genetic
Gooper Blooper: all those fat jokes Sister Alice wasn't able to use in her brawl analysis
Gooper Blooper: lost to time
M Sheep: No time for fat jokes on ZOO NEWS!
Harpy: does stacy take this as a complement
Harpy flipped a coin. The coin showed: Heads
Harpy: yes
Harpy: yes she does
Gooper Blooper: wooo
Harpy: to be compared to jester chao is a blessing
Gooper Blooper: Josephine took the one joke Alice got to say as a compliment


M Sheep: Hyde has been quite a menacing villain
M Sheep: I guess he's the super competent middle management behind the boss
PierrotChao: so are you saying
PierrotChao: if i ever send mizuki as a boss
PierrotChao: she'll be as unstoppable as botwoon?
M Sheep: mebbe
Gooper Blooper: yeah basically


PierrotChao: Gooper Blooper: RubyChao is telling me he MAY RP at some point
PierrotChao: Gooper Blooper: Sounds like his character of choice will be Samus, but if one of his guys wins the Brawl he'll probably use that one
PierrotChao: he had no idea
Gooper Blooper: none of us did, not even you
Gooper Blooper: Chao's reactions that night were A+++
Gooper Blooper: he started out just enjoying the Brawl, but by about halfway he was like "wow, all three of my characters are still here"
Gooper Blooper: then eventually Samus lost but the other two kept going and going and going
Gooper Blooper: and then it happened
Gooper Blooper: darn, Chao PMed me his immediate reaction to winning but it was on another forum, not Zeta
PierrotChao: hang on bro
PierrotChao: i'll go dig it up for you
PierrotChao: "i'm probably going to stick with the one. i have zero ideas for the other two that are fitting since nuclear powered hell ravens would not be a very good idea so"
PierrotChao: "you're all such good roleplayers and i'm not"
Gooper Blooper: yeah sure they'd be an awful idea
Gooper Blooper: so terrible
Gooper Blooper: and totally not ascend to legendary kobber status and have fans and a pairing and a wedding
PierrotChao: "i decided to scratch RM, i don't have enough ideas for how to write a good entry for him
sorry, man
maybe next year"

PierrotChao: or maybe
PierrotChao: later that year
PierrotChao: "(Why do I actually think tossing Utsuho in the lotto would be funny? Maybe because after Spider-Pig all bets were off anyhow)"
PierrotChao: goops began a legend
Gooper Blooper: thank you spider-pig for helping chao to realize utsuho was acceptable
PierrotChao: "If Utsuho wins she could be a ditzy version of ROB - seemingly harmless character everyone else speaks of in hushed tones, makes occasional cameos, turns up in major battles to make the save."
PierrotChao: >​occasional
PierrotChao: "Well, you're basically guaranteed at least one kill, and you're fairly likely to get more than that. Someone's gotta slay the big guns that didn't win... IT COULD BE YOU."
PierrotChao: it was.
PierrotChao points to Aevar
Gooper Blooper: also saxton hale
PierrotChao: god i forgot that
Gooper Blooper: reminder that Cleft's KOs were fucking ​Aevar and Saxton Hale​ (and Ricard)
PierrotChao: cleft got a boost to victory from going unnoticed by others
PierrotChao: but those two KOs proved that he earned the win
PierrotChao: "According to this count, YOU have the single highest chance of winning the Big Bar Brawl, with Erebus right behind you."
PierrotChao attempts to and fails to muffle laughter
Gooper Blooper: The user with the best odds to win won, which is actually still an upset in the brawl
PierrotChao: i found it but it's all caps and i'm a little embarrassed :V
PierrotChao: i didn't mean to shout!!
Gooper Blooper: it's okay, I was hype when Silence won too
PierrotChao: okay
ohhh wow the adreline is wearing off now"

PierrotChao: there you go
Gooper Blooper: there it is
Gooper Blooper: ahhhhh yes
PierrotChao: also i forgot that like a week and a half afterwards i made a joke that wasn't 100% perfectly received and immediately panicked and fled
PierrotChao: the old days, when i still felt like a massive outsider
PierrotChao: "PMed you on ZF last night, then noticed your last activity was almost a week ago."
PierrotChao: remember when i vanished from the forum for a week
PierrotChao: and the chatzy
Gooper Blooper: remember last year when you vanished from the forum for a week and RP ground to a halt
Draco: srspost
Gooper Blooper: and you'd make "cameos" that lasted hours because you couldn't keep away
PierrotChao: yep


Gooper Blooper: You know, I basically went into Season 6 with no idea what Gloria would do
Gooper Blooper: She wound up with "is entwined in 80% of Draco's stuff this season"
Draco: Hey, she also did that thing on Sumiplot, I think?
Draco: That crucial "sat in a truck" scene, remember? ;V


PierrotChao: ridiculously unexpected #ruined
Gooper Blooper: "This project's funding goal was not reached on August 29, 2013."
Gooper Blooper: Naoko's tragic backstory revealed


Harpy rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 20
Harpy rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 1

Harpy: ringabel
Harpy: you doofus
Harpy rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 21
CouncilChao: that back and forth
Harpy rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 1
Gooper Blooper: these schizophrenic rolls from harpy
CouncilChao: oh my god
Harpy: Sol i know you're tanky as fuck but can you at least try
Harpy rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 21
Harpy: OH GOD
CouncilChao: WOW
CouncilChao: 20, 1, 21, 1, 21
Harpy: sol had it planned all along
#DEE rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 6
CouncilChao: i don't think i've EVER seen the tractor this janky


Big Trouble joined the chat
Puddleglum: Hello, spy. Are you in River City by any chance, and are there trombones?
Puddleglum: Wait, no, this isn't theater.
Draco: I used to live in "River City" and I still have my trombone.
Draco scowls at yet another mockery of his life by chat. BI
Harpy: we love you draco
Puddleglum: =v
As a final question, does the big trouble start with a capital p that stands for pool?
Puddleglum flees Draco
Draco: First my crocs, now my trombone. What will you MONSTERS ruin next? My beloved car? My precious cats?! MY CABBAGES?!?! D8<
Puddleglum: JRM actually did ruin the cabbages already. =s
Draco: DB
Draco flips the table of his soul.
CouncilChao: oh uh about your car
CouncilChao: see, when i was practicing for plot, i wanted to practice on a real car
CouncilChao: and it was just sitting there, so...
Draco: So Counciplot cancelled due to MURDER.
Gooper Blooper:
Draco pushes his SOUL BENDING DESPAIR down the stairs.


Draco: Barpost legitimizing the one nice person in chat.
Harpy: i'm nice?
Harpy: shit i gotta heel turn
Harpy: um
Harpy: er
Harpy: *puts noses on every goopy pic*
Gooper Blooper: WHYYYYYYY
Harpy: i mean
Gooper Blooper: boo this harpy
Harpy: i'm a terrible liar
Puddleglum: It looks great on the squid monsters. =u I never knew how much they were missing naturally.
Puddleglum hangs Harpy's edit in an art museum


Draco: Reaction image to Bravely Singing Pirates:
Draco: Reaction image to Ringabel jumping to the moon:
Draco: Reaction image to Big the Cat showing up:
Draco: Reaction image to me using the same reaction image constantly:


NauticalChao: barposted
NauticalChao: anyone is free to engage
Draco: I'm sorry, Chao. Gallade is a great guy but Noodle isn't ready for marriage.
NauticalChao: he'll just have to look elsewhere


NauticalChao rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 3
NauticalChao rolled a die with 20 sides. The die showed: 2

Harpy: Edgar's weakness: women
Harpy: bigger weakness: big, beautiful women
Harpy: biggest weakness: sammy
SteelKomodo: hahaha


Harpy: edgar and sammy are now officially on my crackship list
Gooper Blooper: but she doesn't want one, she's too cool for that
Harpy: least not right now
Harpy: either that
Harpy: or she's a closet lesbian


Sick Bree: today is le sheepe plotte
M Sheep: We'll
M Sheep: see how it goes

(Draco updates the Chatzy ticker to advertise Sheeplot)

Draco: BOOM. Ticker update.
M Sheep: The pressure is on!
Draco: I could make it threatening if that'd help.


Del: i got play of the game on overwatch by doing absolutely nothing
NauticalChao: how does it feel to be luigi
SteelKomodo: deluigi?
Del: pretty bad


Sick Bree: if celestia had said something about the kappa not deserving cookies (of course she wouldn't say that, but IF SHE DID)
Sick Bree: komachi was going to talk about how there are entire families of kappa working for kawashiro
Sick Bree: mommy and daddy kappas bringing home cucumber cookies to the baby kappas
NauticalChao: there is also mizuki, who is the most deserving of cookies ever
NauticalChao: because her job is "clean up after nitori"
NauticalChao: the toughest job.
Sick Bree: because you know celestia's heart would be moved by the mental image of lil babby kappas not having any cookies
Gooper Blooper: of course, none of those cookies made it to any kappas' homes anyway :V
Gooper Blooper: but it's the thought that counts
Sick Bree: it occurs to me that vegas now has a sizeable kappa population and it's the friggin desert
NauticalChao: that's because nitori didn't give a shit, there's money to be made
Sick Bree: how did nitori convince 90% of all kappa to move to a desert
NauticalChao: with very good benefits
Gooper Blooper: good thing the water supply isn't being held hostage by a maniacal business tycoon
Cornwind Evil: They're all living in Dawn's saltwater distilling lake out in the desert


M Sheep: srspost up
M Sheep: hand is cramping up
M Sheep: literally always something
M Sheep: the fine quality you expect from a sheep production


(Patchouli is confronted with a staircase after burning out on magic and being unable to float)

NauticalChao: oh god, imagine patchy going up stairs
NauticalChao: "you mean i have to move my legs THAT MUCH"
NauticalChao: "why can't i just float already"
Gooper Blooper: つ ◕_◕ ༽つ give ELEVATOR
Draco: Yamame will carry her. :3
NauticalChao: but then yamame can't carry gloria :<
Draco: =O


NauticalChao: you know what would be hilarious at this point
NauticalChao: grabbing random quotes
NauticalChao: of 2012sephine
Gooper Blooper: 2012sephine vs 2016sephine
NauticalChao: electionsephines


Draco: ​Hopefully Xavier likes scars.
Harpy: xavier has scars of his own, i'm not sure he's one to judge
Harpy: alex, too, has scars
Harpy: such is the fate of those who fight in wars
Gooper Blooper: I remember Sarah's reaction to Alex's scars
Gooper Blooper: it was basically "my poor alex :< :< :<"
Harpy: alex is fine tho!
Harpy: just kinda battle hardened in spite of his cute looks
Draco: And then Sarah showed Alex her own scar: a vicious splinter from when she ate that popsicle.
Harpy: i fucking died
Harpy: well played, draco
Draco: (b^_^)b


NauticalChao: "No one was home at the time, so I turned on some music while I watched pointless videos. I saw in the Related Videos tab something that said, "Don't Watch This, OR ELSE." I figured it was just one of those things to make people click it. I clicked it anyway because curiosity got me to thinking of what it was going to say."
NauticalChao: "My front door opened, and my father walked in. He noticed that something wasn't right. He ran upstairs and looked at my laptop. He said, "You have to turn it off!"
Then I quickly reached for the power button. What looked like little bolts of light flew out of the power button. They went up my arm, and soon went inside my body. I couldn't control my arms, as the computer's virus had now manifested itself in the real world. My leg was burning, but I couldn't do anything about it. The virus then forced me to run to the kitchen and pull out a knife. I tried to fight back, and I dropped it."

NauticalChao: "I turned on my laptop, because this nightmare made me forget about the virus. Instead of a normal load up screen, it went straight to the login menu. There was a normal picture of me next to my name, but something was different. My eyes were bloodshot, and my smile was an evil one rather than a happy one. When I logged on with my password, my desktop background became the words, "I'm sorry."
The screen flashed a bright blue, and I quickly dove behind my laptop aware of what was going to happen. Things were flying out of it, and running into my clock, my TV, my lamps. My TV was chanting satanic messages, my lamp was flickering, and all my clocks in my house spelled out 6:66. I couldn't get away from the madness, as it had already overtaken me. My legs started moving on their own again, and they ran outside."

Gooper Blooper: SIX SIX SIX
NauticalChao: "So, I took a running start and got a leg up to the 2nd floor. I dodged many viruses, and proceeded to the window to my room. Jumping over many attacking viruses, I yelled for Chad to throw me a bucket of water. I poured some of it on the ground beneath me, I figured the viruses couldn't survive in water. Then I broke my window, and ran into my room.
I poured the water all over the laptop, and it slowly faded, with a message saying, "THIS ISN'T OVER."
I knew that the laptop couldn't hurt me anymore, but to be safe, I took it outside and smashed it. Inside was a piece of paper saying, "I'll be back...""

NauticalChao: i'm sorry for drowning you in this but it was so hilarious i had to share it all
NauticalChao: "--- Hello, This is a note from the New York Police Department Head Desk. This case is very extreme and has been taken into account of the FBI. Mr. Simons, the author of his encounter wth this hacker has passed away from the injuries he sustained. So far, this is the first report of a murder from the video link. We have contacted YouTube, asking them to remove the video, but they say the encryption is too strong. Please be aware and know we are doing everything in our power to stop this. Thank you."
Draco: What Could Pawssibly Go Wrong: A Bubsy Creepypasta
Draco: Once upon a time, I got a copy of Bubsy 3D. I played it. The glitches were hyperrealistic and I cried. The End
Harpy: one day i found a board game and it was named ouja and i thought it was a nice family game so when i bought it the cashier was like "do you really want to" and he looked sort of worried and i was like yeah okay and then i took it home and played it with my fam and then there were all these warnings and disclaimers and
Harpy: it was boring but i thought hey maybe if i play it longer it will get more fun and then suddenly the board pieces started moving on their own!
and that was exciting and then it wrote
Harpy: "GO TO HELL"
Harpy: and then there was BLOOD EVERYWHERE
Harpy: man i can't even make crappypasta
Gooper Blooper changed name to Deadtris
Deadtris: i wen to grareg sale 2day
Deadtris: andc at teh sal was a nes carddrige wit no labbel
Deadtris: somewun writ with majic murker "TETRIS"
Deadtris: an i lik tetris an other old gams, no calla duddy for me lolo
Deadtris: so i take it to man runnin sale an he say "is free, no refundz"
Deadtris: and i lick a good bergain so I say okay and tak it hom
Deadtris: the tittle scren didnt say tetris tho
Deadtris: it said DEADTRIS
Draco: one day, i went 2 teh flee market 4 sum cheep softwarez and an old gypsee woomin wsa sellign botleg s0ftw@re. she hed a copee of Windows 9. "Buit they deednt meke a windowz 9!!!1111" i shouted. "it is a lost portotayp thit miacrosft thru owt" te gispy sed. it wuz 2 gud 2 b3 tru so i bowt it wit my allowince. I tuhjk it hom so i cud C wut macrosotf dadnt want NE1 to see. when I installed it CLIPPY appeared. "wud u lik a nodle????" he axed. "no thanks i hat3 noodelz" i sed. tehn h3 c aym owt uv mai compooter, turned into a noddle, and started making me eat teh noodlez. do not but windowz 9 you guys or u w1ll haf 2 eet Clippy Pasta
Cornwind Evil: Why is bad creepypasta so damn formulaic
Deadtris: but the gam semed the samus usual
NauticalChao feels his heart beat in terror
Deadtris: I sterted makin linez and everythin was normal
Deadtris: but after I mad 10 lines the graphic s chanjed
Draco: -u-
Deadtris: they becam darker and more dreary, almost too gud for nes
Deadtris: and a mesage sed "CLEAR MORE LINES YOU HORSES ASS"
Deadtris: so i clered more linns
Deadtris: at 20 lins everything seemed spekkled wit red
Deadtris: and as u all kno, red is the color of...............
Deadtris: bricks
Deadtris: so anyway
Deadtris: the mesage said "CLEAR MORE LINES, PILES OF SHITS"
Deadtris: so i clared mor lyns
NauticalChao attempts to be brave, but cannot
Draco Defaults.

Harpy: be brave motherfuckers
Deadtris: at 30 lins it got the darkedest dark yet, almos as dark as a mid-2000s firs person shutter
Deadtris: and it sed "HA HA HA, NOW IS THE DOOM TIMES"
Deadtris: I clered a line, and sudenly I felt werd
Deadtris: I look down and the botoms of my fet were gone
Deadtris: I figure it was just a glitch an kept playing
Draco: Cryosammy is 2nd Best Sammy.
NauticalChao: YOU CLEARED YOURSELF!!!!!!1!!1!!!!!!​!!1!!!one!!
Deadtris: I cleare four lines at once and my fet vannished
Harpy: what is this, a glitch
Deadtris: i wanted to stup playin because I mised my fet
Deadtris: bu t th contrlolr was glued 2 my hanz
Deadtris: so I trid to fail th laval on purpose
Deadtris: I faild the larval, i breat sigh of releef, the nitemare was ovur
Deadtris: but Deadtris wasnt like normal tetris, it had lives sysem
Deadtris: so i had to keep playin bad an lose more livs
NauticalChao: oh nooooo
Deadtris: but aftr five livs lost in a row, it hapaned
Deadtris: it said "SUPER GUIDE ACTIVATED" and a little weegee appeared
NauticalChao: OH NOOOOO
Deadtris: weegee began taking the blocks wen dey fel down and putting them in gud plases (which werer BAD plases frum were I was sitin)
Deadtris: but sun I wasnt sittin at al
Deadtris: because
Deadtris: deadtris took my butt away
Deadtris: THE END
Draco: =O
Deadtris changed name to Josephine
Josephine: That's how you write these things, right?
NauticalChao: yep!
Draco: I'm 2spooked
Josephine: all right, cool
Harpy: josephine's ass is gone.
Harpy: :c
Josephine: don't worry, it's not real
Josephine: I can confirm for you the ass is fine
Yamame joined the chat


Harpy: pictured: mcgraw if he was a dad to a sammy with cyrokinesis
Gooper Blooper: haha mei as sammy, 2gud
Harpy: its true
Harpy: mei is more shy sammy
Harpy: or even
Harpy: more adorable sammy
Harpy: its like if you put carla and sammy together
Gooper Blooper: More adorable than sammy?!
Harpy: holy shit
Draco: D8
Harpy: the world is not worthy
Draco: Goops, you act like we don't already have someone like that.
Draco points to ​Spy


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