Saturday, July 23, 2016

Chatzy Madness Volume 255: BLOOD PIANTA

FuryWulf: Oh hey it's Autistic Pride Day and also LGBT Pride month, that's good shit
FuryWulf: Hi I'm Audrey I'm autistic as shit and gay as fuck #squad
Bree: LGBT pride month?!?!?!
Bree: we need to unleash all the gay on the forum
FuryWulf: Yeah June was made LGBT Pride month for the US last year
Jumpropeman: it is also
Jumpropeman: Alzheimers Awareness Month
FuryWulf: I am now aware of alzheimers, thank you JRM
Jumpropeman: you're welcome


Dellaris: Okay brief lesson in how to julius
Jumpropeman: 1) kill EVERYTHING
Jumpropeman: 2) never say sorry




Draco: Bree left the chat 117 seconds ago
Gooper Blooper left the chat 2 minutes ago
Draco: Thank you for making that distinction, Chatzy. BV


(Custardkittensrock enters Broque Monsieur and Broggy into the Brawl)

desperate roleplayer: >​broggy
desperate roleplayer: we're fucking dead


Jumpropeman: I have seen the face of suffering, and it's name...
Jumpropeman: is Wild Woody
Jumpropeman: 2:00 minutes in
Draco: If you reveal your Secret Fiter, JRM is replacing it with Wild Woody.


Draco: Parsee and Yamame baked Father's Day muffins for Gloria. They later asked how Helios liked them and Gloria went "....yes." Then cast invisible and fled. ;V


Gooper Blooper: I like how one of Sheep's lotto entrants is silly
Gooper Blooper: and the other one is absolutely horrifying
M Sheep: My entire Rp career in two entrants
Gooper Blooper: [insert joke about how Stan Ligature is the scary one here]


Spin the Roulette!: SPIIIIIIIIN
Spin the Roulette!: the ball has landed in...
Spin the Roulette!: 16 RED
LenChaolson: i am okay with this red team
Spin the Roulette!: Red Lotto gets in!
LenChaolson: so what does 16 equal
Spin the Roulette!: and 16 is...
Spin the Roulette!: Sheep~
Spin the Roulette!: Stan Ligature
M Sheep: what
LenChaolson: oh my god
Draco: :O
LenChaolson: staaaan
M Sheep: this is the darkest timeline


M Sheep in Overwatch vid I'm watching
M Sheep: "They've got a Winston! A Winston checking in!"


Danger Ranger: Arrighty! So I beat this paralogue in Fates and was midway between hitting the boss with final blows whheeeeen the 2DS died on me because I was walkin' home from work, so now I'm restartin' that. =u
Spin the Roulette!: D:
Danger Ranger: It was mine bad. I didn't charge it while I was asleep. =u I should have paid attention to the flickering red warnin'.
Danger Ranger: It's definitely been an entertaining gift, thank you again, mine man.
Spin the Roulette!: im really glad you like it, I was worried it would just be used when you visited us :P
Danger Ranger: It almost was, until I learned how to wall cable. =u Because it would die and not charge and all.
Danger Ranger how do you tech, you kids you
Danger Ranger is a doddering old man
Danger Ranger: We noticed your Sintendo products trying to maintain connections with and remaining hip unto 'the kids'. We wish to propose a videogame in the vein of a rather old one with controls that some adored and some despise, but update it with more modern content. Please flip your provided salepage now, tooo-
Beyonce Commando
Spin the Roulette!: ven no
Spin the Roulette!: please
Spin the Roulette!: have mercy
Danger Ranger: Oh, alright.


Spin the Roulette!: *remembers Ven is literally entering a kitten*
Spin the Roulette!: maybe Baby Winston isn't so bad :V


M Sheep: ​"And if I'm right, I'll wear a Canadian flag for a day."​
M Sheep: ​Oh my maple leafs and garters, Chao!​
PandemonicChao: ​you're less shocked about someone voting for a sheep character than i expected :V
M Sheep: ​Your votes shall only set sheep characters up for a greater fall! Bwahahaha!​


PandemonicChao: "Oh sweet, Godbot's doing a match? He's done some pretty neat art and some awesome writing in the past. This oughta be good."
PandemonicChao: it was good
PandemonicChao: in a way
PandemonicChao: "'Eh, it's all right. You just made it sound like I'd be waiting a few months before I ended up writing something."
PandemonicChao: kek


PandemonicChao: reminder that the first character lotto
PandemonicChao: the lotto wasn't decided until voting closed
Jumpropeman: wild times back then
PandemonicChao: also you didn't use islamic examples
PandemonicChao: it feels nothing like a brawl :I
Jumpropeman: my greatest shame


Brinehammer: Fun fact: Clash 100% was just going to be my go-to "I have no one there/I'm late to the plot? Clash teleports in and teleports out when it's over." Except the day before RP I decided to give her a personality and backstory. It worked a lot better, surprisingly :V
Gooper Blooper: Ever since Brine's comeback he's basically just been a fountain of cool girls
Brinehammer: Remember when I used to RP dudes? >​.>


Jumpropeman: i hope the pastebin summaries were mostly apt
Jumpropeman: its always a struggle to decide how much detail to include
Jumpropeman: ​and which touhous to leave off the ol' "flies and shoots bullets" descriptoer :V​


Jumpropeman: Wet Tiger has been a CKR idea since 2014 I believe, Custard Cats, Unikitty, and the tiger were all supposed to be entered for a "year of the cats"
Jumpropeman: and we'd just watch Cornwind have a heart attack
ivel: welp
Jumpropeman: Periwinkle, unsurprisingly, was supposedly to round it out for a fourth entry when she found out she might get one :V
Gooper Blooper: Can we all just soak in the majesty that is CKR sitting on a picture of a wet tiger for three years because she was so sure it would be a perfect entrant
ivel: she was right
ivel: also now I know how it feels
ivel: I have people in mind for next Brawl already :U
Gooper Blooper: it took a long time
Gooper Blooper: but we finally got the fishing hook in ivel
Jumpropeman: we've got our hooks in you


Gooper Blooper: It wasn't covered in the vote opening post but I assume the old "if you vote, your characters get a vote each as a reward for voting" rule still applies?
Harpy: you know what that means
Harpy: you gotta put in the effort and vote, ivel
ivel: but
ivel: EFFORT
Gooper Blooper: It's a very useful rule (because it helps bury JRM's characters harder)
Draco: Can I still vote for Goomy even though he's not in?
Jumpropeman: added that to the rules
Draco: Thanks. :D
Gooper Blooper: excellent, thank you (draco pls)
ivel: haha
Jumpropeman: all votes for Goomy automatically go to Yotam
Jumpropeman: as he is the most like Goomy
Draco: Deal.


Harpy: depending on how plot goes, carlos could be fucked for the next month or so
Harpy: maybe
Harpy: (probably not)
Gooper Blooper: good thing he didn't join the brawl!
Jumpropeman: I don't think girls will want him THAT badly afterwards
Gooper Blooper: top kek
Harpy: you say that as if a girl would want him, period :U
Gooper Blooper: ouch
Jumpropeman: Acid Jackrabbit doesn't even remember him anymoe
PandemonicChao: oh god, i remember that
Gooper Blooper: I was going to make an acid jackrabbit joke too
Harpy: he doesn't even remember her so that's cool ;u
Harpy: it felt forced anyway
Harpy: i was desperate in those times to retain my pairing title
Gooper Blooper: Truthfully it was, you were just desperate for pairings
Harpy: i'm glad someone else can see that i was desperate, like I still am :U
Gooper Blooper: and then later it worked out better and you got a pairing you didn't expect
Gooper Blooper: to the point you actually asked me "how did this pairing happen"


Jumpropeman: despite everything I've ever said, I actually HATE character development >​BI


Food Coma has oozed into a small corner pile
Food Coma: It's been hours why am I still in this food coma
Jumpropeman: musta been some good eats
Food Coma ferments
Harpy: stop turning into booze
Food Coma furiously bubbles


(Gloria destroys Zook with a Diaga when it's revealed he's an evil Draco spy)

PandemonicChao: ​you DID ask draco about this right :V
Gooper Blooper: Of course I did, what do you take me for
Gooper Blooper: He provided the line
PandemonicChao: someone who is really Anti-Zook
PandemonicChao: a Zookist
Jumpropeman: ​ZOOK ; o ;​
Jumpropeman: and finally Ant's impact on ZFRP comes to an end
Gooper Blooper: ​He had to go, he was the evil spy
M Sheep: Like, yoinks, Zook!
Gooper Blooper: Just you wait until Ant becomes the central character of Sheeplot in 2024
Jumpropeman: Ant and Nylora: Budz 4 liff
Food Coma: ​Zoooooook D:
M Sheep: ​Zooook​
PandemonicChao: so
PandemonicChao: all in favor of exiling gloria for this heinous crime?
PandemonicChao raises hand
Draco raises all eight hands.
M Sheep thinks about it

M Sheep hurriedly throws on powdered wig
M Sheep: Court plot?
Harpy: put your hand down, you have no courage to do so
Jumpropeman: *Gloria gets in the same situation as Rahat/H'astra*
Harpy: plz
Harpy: i don't think i could take it
Gooper Blooper: I don't know what you're all so upset about, Gloria can now summon Zook on demand
PandemonicChao: -oh my god
PandemonicChao: i hadn't thought of that
PandemonicChao: complaint rescinded


Jumpropeman: Melvin Underbelly is not dead, as it was explicitly stated Cornwind can't kill him
M Sheep: He's just Too Big
Gooper Blooper: I've got to know how Melvin survived that
PandemonicChao: by being fat
PandemonicChao: That Fat Enough
Jumpropeman: I have an idea
M Sheep: Melvin is Too Big To Fail
M Sheep: Gubberment had to step in

(And so, Melvin is saved by...)

PandemonicChao: ​>​fabio zargeesh
PandemonicChao weeps, for he will never see such beauty again


Jumpropeman: my final post of 2012 when it seemed like I was leaving RP:
"Floating away, a glance is spared back to the King of Beasts
I don't know where I'm headed, and I don't know if you all will be there, but all I know is it's been stellar.
Hugs and kisses ya'll, Jumpropeman"

Jumpropeman: and then I was back next year ROFLMAO PRANKED
Resonant Revenant: Stellar... and then heading out... into space... .... .. ...... to another.... ​planet...
Resonant Revenant: ._______________________​_.
Resonant Revenant: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa​aaaaaghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Resonant Revenant: And then you resumed trying to recruit me. And then I joined one Brawl. And then I quit thirty seven times and every time a desperate, disparate alternative self murdered the one that forfeited their right to exist and rejoined the site while making apologies. An then we all had pudding.
Jumpropeman: I'm still trying to figure out which Ven is my favorite
Resonant Revenant: The one that won as the Deku King, surely.


PandemonicChao: the new metroid game is looking sharp


PandemonicChao: things i can probably blame on ven: i had a dream about stumbling into FMA's final battle


Resonant Revenant: It is only now, years later, that I realize Goops deliberately engineered Silence to best wrestling in ways I never even imagined. For instance, because he doesn't draw noses, she can never smell what the Rock is cooking and become afraid... =b
SteelKomodo: hahaha


DracoAFK: I'm playing Transformers and one of the captions is [Rarin'-to-go beeps]


PandemonicChao: hello sheep
PandemonicChao: you did a good job with okuu
M Sheep: Oh good
M Sheep: I was worried I was just shoving exclamation marks everywhere


Expose The Esoteric: It's important to remember that even after Kevvy's monster push, he still only had like a 10 percent chance of winning
Expose The Esoteric: Your odds are always a longshot in the brawl, that's why it's important to enjoy it for what it is
Expose The Esoteric: and it is fuckin awesome
Harpy: and thats why you should vote ginocini
Harpy: aside from the fact from "hey cleft won and that got chao to RP, what if that could do a similar effect to ivel"
Notivel: >:I
Harpy: i love you, but i'll keep making jokes about this
Harpy: until after the brawl
Harpy: then it's like it never even happen
PandemonicChao: and then ginocini jobs out
PandemonicChao: but phoenix ikki wins
Harpy: i'd fucking laugh
Harpy: not gonna lie
Notivel: lel
Harpy: fortunately ginocini cannot permanently die, ever
Harpy: such is the nature of being a militian
Harpy: he'll just end up in the middle of the street
Harpy: and one of his swords is missing
Harpy: "did i drop it in the brawl? fuck."
Notivel: then he has to pay 5 million gold to get it back
Harpy: you have to pay mayor EGGERMAN
Harpy: 5 million gold
Harpy: to get it back
Harpy: g fuckin g
Expose The Esoteric: ginocini plot
Harpy: i'd attend
Harpy: wow that's a giant surprise


DracoAFK asked a question: Are you ready for Freddy?
Chatzy closed the question after 3 responses:
Are you ready for Freddy?
Goddammit Draco    3         Notivel, PandemonicChao, Harpy

No    0        
Yes    0    


M Sheep: People ruin thins
M Sheep: News at 11
Expose The Esoteric: ​Josephine was a ruined thin​


Jumpropeman joined the chat
Jumpropeman: *runs in the room with toast in my mouth*


Jumpropeman: starting Beckgame
Jumpropeman: "It is the present year"
Cowl of Cynical, Cynicowl: The year of presents! Hooray!
PandemonicChao: i dunno
PandemonicChao: present year doesn't have the same ring that 20XX did


M Sheep: >​satin
M Sheep: and then Trent summoned Kletchatyy
Harpy: she rises up from the circle
Jumpropeman: Satin was the name of one of my old dogs
Cowl of Cynical, Cynicowl: That or Purnima. =y The worm cometh with all-cloths. DOOM IS NIGH UPON YOUR WORLD etc.
PandemonicChao: plot twist
PandemonicChao: instead of satan, they summon Lucifer
M Sheep: Instead of satan, they summon...
Harpy: HE'S BUSY
PandemonicChao: "oh god, you again?"
Harpy: did you mean: bubsy
Notivel: no, they summoned Feelsebub
M Sheep: "Hhheeeyyyyyyy ggguuuuuyyyyyzzzzzzzzzzz​zzzz!"
M Sheep: "Aaaaaawwww."
Harpy: they summoned macha, ivel
PandemonicChao: Beelzebubsy
M Sheep: The world is not ready, Chao
M Sheep: I pray it never will
Cowl of Cynical, Cynicowl: Instead of Satan, they summon Samayzel, the Angel of the Second Rebellion. The one suspended half between heaven and earth after he and his followers made out with enough humans to make the Nephilim. h:
Notivel: I don't blame them for summoning Macha :U
PandemonicChao: "Wwwwwhhhhhaaaatttt cccccooooouuuulllldddd ppppoooooossssssiiiibbbb​bbbbblllllllllyyyyyy gggggggooooo wwwwwwwrrrrrooooooonnnnn​gggggg?"


PandemonicChao: so much for sumireko's balls


Expose The Esoteric: >​spy voting for winston
Expose The Esoteric: why
PandemonicChao: because he's Spy
PandemonicChao: and he's the boss


M Sheep: Being Ray is hard
M Sheep: and nobody understands


Imagine Party Spyz: Hey Harpy, I found Frisk's vote for the Brawl


Sick Bree: Thomas Smith: I admit I think I will ultimately walk away disappointed, for one highly specific and truly ridiculous reason
-Brenda: oh?
-Brenda: is it because no ladies will be tied up
-Thomas Smith: no, that's the background disappointment of my entire life
-Thomas Smith: because no candidate is ever going to give me as pure and excellent a vote as
-Thomas Smith: #Whale


Expose The Esoteric: ...So that was Sumiplot!
Draco: That it was.
Expose The Esoteric: We exposed the esoteric
PandemonicChao: i loved it
PandemonicChao: SUMI.
Draco: Good ending. I liked the part where they ate cookies.
PandemonicChao: sumireko usamiiii
PandemonicChao: somirenko salami!
PandemonicChao: okay i'm done


Jumpropeman: this level sucks
Jumpropeman: sucks MAJOR donkey balls
Jumpropeman: -Hint- Use the Crouch Dash-
Jumpropeman: I got a hint for you Mighty No. 9
Jumpropeman: make the Crouch Dash work well
Draco: JRM? Mad at a game? D:


M Sheep: ​"I'm sorry, did you just say you've been touched by a booby?"​
M Sheep: It begins.
SteelKomodo: ​kek


Harpy: i'm just
Harpy: so groggy
Harpy: barpost
Harpy: is this how it feels
Harpy: to play bubsy
Harpy: (no)


PandemonicChao: "hates doing work, prefers sleeping, extremely lazy, thinks everything is a pain to do"
PandemonicChao: hey guys, i found a good summary of zfrp patchy


iKomodo: You guys ever watch this one video
iKomodo: and then it keeps showing up in your sidebar over and over?
iKomodo: it's happening with me
Gooper Blooper: Yes, youtube is very stubborn sometimes
Gooper Blooper: "WATCH IT AGAIN"
iKomodo: Mmhm
PandemonicChao: all the time


Harpy: most plots happen when you speep
Harpy: so timezonious is not working in our favor in general :c
Del: the solution is to wait to see who wins the election and then move to america if hillary wins
PandemonicChao: ​we all need to pack up and move to britain, that'll fix it
Gooper Blooper: kek
Del: don't come here
Del: our politicians are even worse
Gooper Blooper: MURKA
M Sheep: Clinton saves ZFRP
PandemonicChao: oh right your prime minister did That
M Sheep: Best president ever
Del: yeah he did the thing


Jumpropeman: fun fact: Bubsy makes less cat puns than Minette
Jumpropeman: somehow


Jumpropeman: also let it be said that Goops can somehow talk about the whole field but rather than feeling long, I'm like "awww, over already?"
Gooper Blooper: I remember you said something similar about last year's title pic - you were like "sixty entrants feels overwhelming but I look at the title pic and I'm like 'well it's not THAT many!'"
Gooper Blooper: Clearly it is my influence that helps JRM manage the mental hurdle needed to do this thing every year


Jumpropeman: if only Unikitty got into the Brawl I coulda done this scene
ivel: that would've been amazing
Jumpropeman: *stares longingly at the Black Lotto*
Jumpropeman: what could've been~


ivel: started watching someone opening 50 Dollar Tree Pogey packs to celebrate 2 years on Youtube
ivel: first pack
ivel: "You get some decent st-" *pulls a Mega Audino EX*


Jumpropeman: time to make Mizuki x Crump canon


Harpy: next time: more in gaster's lab! frisk looks like they got kidnapped, maybe! what the fuck is gaster's deal with sans, revealed!
M Sheep: doom and gloom while things go boom
Harpy: canon


Gooper Blooper: okay, I attempted to jump to the booby paragraph by hitting control+F and typing "booby"
Gooper Blooper: but something went wrong
M Sheep: Jumped to Meiling's entry?
Gooper Blooper: and that's how I wound up staring at the phrase "Kamen Rider Booby"
Gooper Blooper: lel sheep
Back to Spyberry: something went very wrong
Back to Spyberry: instead of booby . . . goops timed BLOODY
Back to Spyberry: and then he went to the page of the most secret and most 67th entrant
Back to Spyberry: but no. he wasn't entrant 67
Back to Spyberry: he was entrant
Back to Spyberry: 6
Back to Spyberry: 6
Back to Spyberry: 6
Harpy: boob
Back to Spyberry: it was a pianta but he wasn't like most piantas. the leaf on his head was wilted and there was smile in his eyes
Back to Spyberry: also he was cvered in the blood
Back to Spyberry: it said height: 6'66". weight: weighed down by your sins
Back to Spyberry: strengths: if you die in the brawl you die in real life
Gooper Blooper: a fragment of the mythical blood pianta
Back to Spyberry: now goops dind't know how this 666th fighter got here but he was part of the brawl ,and damnit that meant he was part of the aanalysis
Back to Spyberry: but when goops started typing . . . the keyboard tpyed by itself
Back to Spyberry: it was a gruesome bloody account just as long as the big bar brawl
Back to Spyberry: the blood pinata was killing everybody even winston
Back to Spyberry: soon it was the final two. blood pianta and mac tonight
Back to Spyberry: wait, mac tonight? mac tonight wasn't in this brawl!
Back to Spyberry: but the blood piajnta killed him anyway. then cleft. then doomrider. even rob
Back to Spyberry: "Where are your champions now" he asked. gooper lbooper didn't want this. gooper blooper liked our old chjampions
Back to Spyberry: but they were
Back to Spyberry: dead
Draco rolled a die with 666 sides. The die showed: 122
Back to Spyberry: he tired to hit backspace but it didn't work. instead the word NO flashed on his screen
Back to Spyberry: he hit it again. each time he hit it the word NO stayed around for longer
Sick Bree: impromptu creepypasta is best creepypasta
Back to Spyberry: Soon the NO started to fill his screen, pulsating the whole time
Back to Spyberry: it formed a face
Back to Spyberry: the face of tje blood pianta
Back to Spyberry: itr grinnec even though it didn't hjave a mouth
Harpy: what is the hadpen
Back to Spyberry: "If you die in the brawl you die in real life" it said to goops
Back to Spyberry: "I know.. I read that." goops said, as he reached for the plug to his computer
Back to Spyberry: but it didn't unlplug. The plug was gummed up . . . WITH BLOOD
Sick Bree: @harp: spaps is doing impromptu creepypasta theater
Gooper Blooper cowers in terror
Sick Bree: starring goops
Back to Spyberry: the blood pianta was lauhging on the screen. "you cannot stop me" it said
Gooper Blooper: too bad chao isn't here
Back to Spyberry: "none of you can stop me"
Draco: ​And then the abomination was Draco.
Sick Bree: that's what chatzy madness is for, goops!
Harpy: oh i know that
Back to Spyberry: it opened its mouth and spat something onto the floor. it was the spy's ski mask
Harpy: i'm like
Harpy: plz
Back to Spyberry: "they are all already dead"
Back to Spyberry: "you are too late"
Back to Spyberry: "you are nxt"
Back to Spyberry: goops was desperate and tried to smash his computer with a hammer. one smack. too smack. three smack
Back to Spyberry: it broke, but then a voice echoed through the house
Draco: Chatzy Madness canceled until after ZFRP.
Back to Spyberry: goops had only set the blood pianta free. it climbed out of the smashed monitor, lauhging and laughing
Gooper Blooper: it loffed and loffed and it was all my fault
Back to Spyberry: it took out a bloody paintbrush and held it threateningly at goops, liooking at him dead in the eye
Back to Spyberry: and he said
Back to Spyberry: "this is your blood"
Back to Spyberry: "clean this mother fucker"
Back to Spyberry: i don't know what happened next. i blacked out as the blood pianta laiughed
Back to Spyberry: i still hear him lauhging
Draco: ​And then Draco saved the day by deleting Chatzy.
Back to Spyberry: this will be the last thing i write for i am surely next
Sick Bree: *spoop intensifies*
Harpy: plz
Sick Bree: thank you spy
Sick Bree: it was a masterpiece
Cornwind Evil: Spy, your skill at this is...disturbing.
Sick Bree: it turns out spy invented creepypasta
Sick Bree: no, not just that
Sick Bree: secretly
Back to Spyberry: . . . wait Chao isn't here?
Sick Bree: he is responsible
Back to Spyberry: Also I'm glad you guys like!
Sick Bree: chao went to bed, dude
Gooper Blooper: Chao went to bed early
Harpy: i don't remember doing creepypasta night
Harpy: i think someone else wrote it for me
Draco: It's okay, Spy. I'll delete it all from Chatzy so he can't see it.
Back to Spyberry: Darn. He asks me to do Blood Pianta for like a year now
Back to Spyberry: Goops gives me the perfect hook and he's speep


Del: oh god the steam sale
Del: oh god
Del: oh thank god i've been called for tea
Del: i've avoided a terrible mistake
PandemonicChao: gaben glares at del, seeing a wallet escape his crushing squeeze


Draco: Hi Spy. Only 59 hours left to vote. WHY HAVEN'T YOU EFFORTED A WET TIGER YET. BU
PandemonicChao begins pondering if he could last 59 hours without chatzy
Draco: Let's find out, Chao. ​​BANNED.
Draco makes thunder noises.
PandemonicChao: noooooooooooooooo
PandemonicChao left the chat
Draco: Now to set the trap. BY
Draco begins putting Glorias in bear traps.
PandemonicChao joined the chat

Draco: :I
PandemonicChao: oh, sorry
PandemonicChao: did i ruin chatzy
Draco stops putting Glorias in bear traps.
Draco: You did. Forever. Brawlmas is cancelled and JRM just retired from the banjo.


Sick Bree: my favorite is still the joshy vote because it is so fucking weird
Sick Bree: 2017 all of spy RP is just joshy performance art


Dellaris: Conqueror Worm picks up a Berserker pack
Dellaris: Doomguy regrets entering brawl


Draco: Draco eternal loser BY CHOICE.
Sick Bree: shush you, you're gonna win a brawl someday too
Draco: I will only enter joke entrants to keep up my losing streak. BV



PandemonicChao: you know what i just noticed this year
PandemonicChao: the team entrants are concentrated in a handful of users
PandemonicChao: Draco, me, Goops, CKR, Ven, JRM, and Sheep
PandemonicChao: and all of them except CKR and Sheep entered multiple team entrants
PandemonicChao: #brawlfacts
Sick Bree: goops had the most team entrants since four of his six entries were teams
Sick Bree: namely: silence and blade, seaport and sara, biollante and nostronomitron, and baltan and kauket who didn't get in
Back to Spyberry: Maybe the real team entrant
Back to Spyberry: Was the friends we made along the way


Sick Bree: so SK
Sick Bree: how does mika feel about autographing people's butts
Dellaris: Pls answer it's very important
iKomodo: That is
iKomodo: um
iKomodo: a hell of a question
Sick Bree: celebs are constantly asked to sign people's body parts
Sick Bree: you know that, right
iKomodo: does someone in particular want her to autograph their butt?
Sick Bree: meiling
iKomodo: i... Did not know this
iKomodo: oh ok
iKomodo: i suppose yeah she'd be cool with it
PandemonicChao: wow
PandemonicChao: meiling, this is the most pls thing of all time
Sick Bree: blame del
iKomodo: ok! :D
Sick Bree: he is the one responsible
Dellaris: I am
Draco: I blame all of England.
iKomodo: Del pls
iKomodo: why
iKomodo: Welp
Sick Bree: also mental image
Sick Bree: komachi asks for eddie's autograph, meiling like "you should ask him to sign your cleavage" and komachi is like "NO! ...maybe."
Draco: Totes should.
Dellaris: Eddie's just like "sure whatever"
Dellaris: He gets that all the time I bet
Sick Bree: just to prove that it happens, here's a picture of donald trump autographing a lady's chest
Dellaris: See when he does it it's uncool
Dellaris: >:I
iKomodo: Eddie does it way better
Sick Bree: well then here's robert downey jr. autographing the chest of jack black himself
Dellaris: Perfect


Altair: Stop feeding your ivel after midnight
ripvel: I'm eating right now
Altair: Fuck


PandemonicChao: i had a dumb thought today
PandemonicChao: if i ever enter patchouli in the brawl, i should point out
PandemonicChao: she might actually hold back from killing someone
Gooper Blooper: so much work
PandemonicChao: not because of a lack of killing drive, but because - yep
PandemonicChao: like, she blasts them with royal flare, and on the one hand they're half-dead
Jumpropeman: she doesn't do anything until the top ten
PandemonicChao: but on the other hand they're at the other end of the arena
PandemonicChao: and who has time to float alllll the way over there?
Gooper Blooper: On the other hand, she hangs in there a long time
Gooper Blooper: because dying is too much work
Draco: Patchouli wins when 2 and 3 kill each other.
PandemonicChao: basically patchy is the latest incarnation of Sloth (no, not really)
PandemonicChao: (but she practically could be)


Draco goes back to mashing the Gloria and Yamame action figures together.
PandemonicChao drops a Patchouli figure on top of both
Draco is crushed by the Patchouli figure.
Gooper Blooper: alternate between mashing the gloria figure with the yamame and mashing the gloria figure against a cookie
Draco: ​But how do I mash Gloria against herself? ;B
Gooper Blooper: She's posable at the legs, you can bend her
Gooper Blooper: *gloria figure mashes face into own knees repeatedly*
ripvel: little did you know it was a VOODOO action figure
Draco: O_o


PandemonicChao: hmm
PandemonicChao: on the one hand, it might be funny to pull up some of my old rp to show how good i was in the Pokesquad days
PandemonicChao: on the other hand
PandemonicChao: that requires looking at my old RP
PandemonicChao: decisions, decisions

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