Friday, July 29, 2016

Chatzy Madness Volume 256: Deadtris

PandemonicChao: >​RD voted
PandemonicChao: >​there's very little huge text or color
PandemonicChao: i
PandemonicChao: what world am i in


Jumpropeman: im gonna try and find myself in those four hours Mighty No. 8 credits
PandemonicChao: goodbye, jrm
Jumpropeman: ...
Jumpropeman: they didn't credit me right
Jumpropeman: It just says "- a Generous Backer"
Harpy: a generous becker
Jumpropeman: my Kickstarter info is public and I said my name on the surveys they sent out
Jumpropeman: well, hopefully my name will be in other games
Jumpropeman: being the Special Thanks in Axe Cop can't be my only legacy
Jumpropeman: who needs children when you can have your name amidst a crowd of other forgettable names *o*
Onoving: Well, JRM, at least it wasn't what they gave Josephine. I don't think you want your post life credit to be 'a generous backside'.
PandemonicChao: i dunno, with her character at this point, she might actually be proud of that


Del: lol i ordered too many multibases for kings of war
Del: i ordered what i thought was 1 regiment and 2 troop bases
SteelKomodo: del pls
Del: what i have is 5 regiments and 14 troops
Del: i'm dying
Del: at least i don't have to order more for the rest of my kingdoms of men
Del: derp
SteelKomodo: rip u


Jumpropeman: is gino from mabinogi
Jumpropeman: or is he from something else
ivel: yes
Harpy: he is indeed from mabinogi!
Harpy: milletians and all of his moves come from mabinogi
Jumpropeman: coolio, that'll help me a bit
ivel: and his name was from... a name generator :U
ivel: but yes
Harpy: those moves he listed are from there and are some of the strongest skills there are in the melee stuff
Jumpropeman: *has Ginocini use the Kamehameha*
ivel: lel


(Springtrap insults every Brawl entrant besides himself that CW doesn't vote for)

Rainbow Red Ambrose: I debated on whether to have Springtrap end EVERY reason with "also you fucking suck." I decided in the end it was a Sideshow Bob steps on rakes joke.
Gooper Blooper: And then everyone jumps springtrap at the start for mocking them and he gets last
Rainbow Red Ambrose: "you people have no sense of humor."

Saturday, July 23, 2016

Chatzy Madness Volume 255: BLOOD PIANTA

FuryWulf: Oh hey it's Autistic Pride Day and also LGBT Pride month, that's good shit
FuryWulf: Hi I'm Audrey I'm autistic as shit and gay as fuck #squad
Bree: LGBT pride month?!?!?!
Bree: we need to unleash all the gay on the forum
FuryWulf: Yeah June was made LGBT Pride month for the US last year
Jumpropeman: it is also
Jumpropeman: Alzheimers Awareness Month
FuryWulf: I am now aware of alzheimers, thank you JRM
Jumpropeman: you're welcome


Dellaris: Okay brief lesson in how to julius
Jumpropeman: 1) kill EVERYTHING
Jumpropeman: 2) never say sorry




Draco: Bree left the chat 117 seconds ago
Gooper Blooper left the chat 2 minutes ago
Draco: Thank you for making that distinction, Chatzy. BV


(Custardkittensrock enters Broque Monsieur and Broggy into the Brawl)

desperate roleplayer: >​broggy
desperate roleplayer: we're fucking dead


Jumpropeman: I have seen the face of suffering, and it's name...
Jumpropeman: is Wild Woody
Jumpropeman: 2:00 minutes in
Draco: If you reveal your Secret Fiter, JRM is replacing it with Wild Woody.


Draco: Parsee and Yamame baked Father's Day muffins for Gloria. They later asked how Helios liked them and Gloria went "....yes." Then cast invisible and fled. ;V

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Exposing the Esoteric

The first of my three major 2016 plots is in the books, and now that Brawl Season and the fabled trip to Ohio are over and I've gotten a chance to rest, I can share some info about the plot. I'll break it down event by event, then show off what got cut.

This plot pretty much had to happen. I determined in 2015 after Sumireko graduated from Fite Club cameo to minor character and then to regular character that she needed a plot, but my initial idea was a pretty weak one-day affair, the specifics of which I don't even really remember any more.  However, Chao wound up reminding me about the Occult Balls, the magical and bizarre macguffins everyone is after in Sumireko's source game, and it was off to the races as I set a number of balls - seven, a classic number for macguffins if you ask me - and assigned each one a different attribute.

Let's go to the event rundown...

Friday, July 1, 2016

Chatzy Madness Volume 254: Pikapurp

ThermalChao: AAAAAAA
ThermalChao: hi


Normal Guy Carlos: i take other people's shit and then add onto them like i'm adding 20 crab claws to this sarah drawing
Normal Guy Carlos: (i'm not)
Gooper Blooper: perfectly normal sarahcrab


(Concerning Dimension's Hasp, a world in RP of cut/unused/retconned/rumored content in video games)

ThermalChao: i wonder
ThermalChao: could i get away with creepypasta stuff here
ThermalChao: because it's
ThermalChao: ​JUST A GLITCH
Jumpropeman: ​return of K. Rool Country? :V​
ThermalChao: sadly no
ThermalChao: k. rool country did not use the phrase just a glitch
Jumpropeman: ​DEAD UTSUHO​
Jumpropeman: just post entirely in spanish
Gooper Blooper: I believe that creepypasta stuff would only qualify if it genuinely ​was​ "just a glitch"
Gooper Blooper: which it never was, it was evil
ThermalChao: blast, foiled again
ThermalChao: there goes my chance to set up my next Spooky Scary entrant
Gooper Blooper: it's a little early for that :V
ThermalChao: because if spoopyfite happens i'll probably just enter more creepypasta, sorry :V


Normal Guy Carlos: this is the dumbest thing i've done yet
Normal Guy Carlos: i have no idea i just know "pikablu" and just made a thing
Jumpropeman: there was this thing
Jumpropeman: which started the pikablu rumors
Jumpropeman: even though its pinkish-purple
Normal Guy Carlos: pikapurp
Normal Guy Carlos: doesn't have the same ring
Normal Guy Carlos: that's obviously marill to me
Normal Guy Carlos: :U
Jumpropeman: Purpachu
Jumpropeman: Pinkachu
Jumpropeman: link
Normal Guy Carlos: canon
Jumpropeman: look at this damn thing
Normal Guy Carlos: plz
Jumpropeman: looks like the bootleg version of an actual pokemon
Normal Guy Carlos: bootlegs
Gooper Blooper: As someone who was around for Pikablu
Gooper Blooper: As far as I recall, it was simply a nickname for Marill before GSC got localized
Gooper Blooper: So Pikablu and Marill are identical
Normal Guy Carlos: ...
Jumpropeman: Pikablu is in Bill's Garden with Togepi
Jumpropeman: duh
Gooper Blooper: You could easily swap in that pink thing though
Jumpropeman: and the other PokeGods
Normal Guy Carlos: why must you ruin me, goops
Normal Guy Carlos: nah i kid
Gooper Blooper: lel sorry :V
Jumpropeman: and it says PIKAPURP
Jumpropeman: in the raspiest manly voice
Normal Guy Carlos: THE DREAM IS DEAD
Normal Guy Carlos: i'm dead
Normal Guy Carlos: someone's gonna need to continue this plot and it's not me
Normal Guy Carlos: i'll be here
Normal Guy Carlos: dead
Jumpropeman: Pikapurp takes a sip from its beer while sitting in a lawnchair on the porch
Jumpropeman: "Gonna fix the car later, mhm"