Saturday, May 21, 2016

Chatzy Madness Volume 250: I Want To Kill Old Jumpropeman

(A deathtrap set by a Cornwind villain is destroyed before it can kill anyone)

Cornwind Evil: I dangled the chance for JRM and Sheep to massacre characters and then cruelly snatched it away
Jumpropeman: sadly, Melvin Underbelly would have just gummed up those threshers :(
Maid Sheep: Truly
Maid Sheep: I was going to break the nice Junkos and Eleven Thirtys
Maid Sheep: ...break out
Maid Sheep: clearly, I meant break out


iKomodo: I used to really like Harry Potter
iKomodo: but then the movies came along and you could tell the people making them just wanted to make money off of it
iKomodo: so I lost interest. I saw the corporate machine behind the silver screen and got away whilst I could
Jumpropeman: and JK Rowling's been none too kind to her series after the books ended with the same motivations
Jumpropeman: that Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them movie could be interesting though
Jumpropeman: since it seems to be an original story at least
iKomodo: I was hype for it, then I found they were stretching it into another fucking trilogy when a standalone film would have done
Jumpropeman: way
iKomodo: and my erection wilted like a Venus flytrap in the presence of a hungry brontosaurus


CloudyChao: fun fact of the day
CloudyChao: danbooru is so old, it predates touhou 9
CloudyChao: which came out in 2005
Gooper Blooper: There are a fair few super-old sites now, if by "super-old" you go by, say, 10 years or older
CloudyChao: yeah, it's kind of interesting
CloudyChao: you don't really realize how long the net's been around until you start looking at the age of a lot of popular sites
Gooper Blooper: Youtube is over 10
Gooper Blooper: Chatzy was created in 2001
CloudyChao: >​chatzy is THAT OLD
CloudyChao: holy shit
Bree: chatzy is 15! it's a teenager!
Bree: it can almost drive!
iKomodo: Yaaaaay
Gooper Blooper: well now that I look at it
Gooper Blooper: the site DOES look pretty simplistic/old-fashioned​, does it not
Tiz: kek

Saturday, May 14, 2016

Chatzy Madness Volume 249: Outraged Goldfish

Cornwind Evil: I've figured out a Twisted Metal solution
Cornwind Evil: And at the end of Round 3 there will be a SURPRISE in terms of RL stuff
Samoa Dinosaurs: Raspberry is forcibly ejected from the tournament?
Jumpropeman: the surprise is that Cornwind will do the finale entirely on film through charades
DiamondChao: the SURPRISE is that we will get together and do it in real life
Shaman Obssessed Harpy: oh god its a LARP
Jumpropeman: imagine a bunch of people running around pretending to drive cars and blowing raspberries for engine noises
Samoa Dinosaurs: Twisted Metal spoilers:
Samoa Dinosaurs: ​Joshy steals the six human souls and becomes omega joshy
Samoa Dinosaurs: ​Nothing changes
Samoa Dinosaurs: ​He just keeps driving his kratt and competing


Jumpropeman: some people say they want to skydive before they die as sort of the "crazy stunt" they do so they don't feel unfulfilled
Jumpropeman: but I want to be
Jumpropeman: a human cannonball
Jumpropeman: and if I can do that
Jumpropeman: I'll die happy
Cornwind Evil: Thing is, anyone can skydive
Cornwind Evil: You need training to be a human cannonball methinks
ivel: that is true
Jumpropeman: i'd be willing
Jumpropeman: I'll put a pot on my head like Guybrush and I should be fine though, right?


Cornwind Evil: Hey GB, check it out
Cornwind Evil: It's the forgotten cousin of the Metal Slug series
Cornwind Evil: And what an AMAZING ending!
Gooper Blooper: An old arcade game? You bet your ass it'll have a fantastic ending
Gooper Blooper: they always made sure to make it worth your effort and quarters, and by that I mean CONFLATURATIONS YOU WINNER
Cornwind Evil rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 14
Cornwind Evil: Parsee gives an adequate conflaturation.
Cornwind Evil: ...see, Draco? Now you've got ME doing it
ivel: that ending
ivel: really
Gooper Blooper: Draco has taken control of CW's chatzy handle
Draco: :I
Draco: I did no such thing. *hides the remote control*
Cornwind Evil: Cornwindplot 2016 is cancelled
Bree: hooray!
Draco: More time for Skype.
Bree: I mean uh
Bree: oh no :<
Cornwind Evil: Unfortunately, since I had no wholly set plot, that command inverts on itself
Draco: Oh no! Cornwindplot consume all other plots!
Shaman Obssessed Harpy: two season long harplot
Shaman Obssessed Harpy: ye
Shaman Obssessed Harpy rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 1
Shaman Obssessed Harpy: no
Shaman Obssessed Harpy: the dream never hadplen
DiamondChao: wait
DiamondChao: so does that ending
DiamondChao: do they literally just ​restart the game
Gooper Blooper: Oh my, that IS bad
Gooper Blooper: especially for 1994
Gooper Blooper: Pathetic, really