Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Chatzy Madness Volume 213: Big Bar Brawl 5 Edition

Del: morgan freeman why
Del: why are you in so many bad movies
BakedKomodo: his career peaked after the Dark Knight trilogy
Lost Tomwhere in Time: I think there comes a point
BakedKomodo: there was only one way to go after that
Lost Tomwhere in Time: in an old actor's life
Lost Tomwhere in Time: where you really just go
Lost Tomwhere in Time: "You know what? I'm Morgan Freeman. Fuck it."
M Sheep: okay, back
BakedKomodo: wb sheep
M Sheep: danke
Lost Tomwhere in Time: I mean, I'll be honest
Lost Tomwhere in Time: if I was Morgan Freeman
Lost Tomwhere in Time: I'd be doing this to troll the crap out of people
Lost Tomwhere in Time: It would be my singular purpose
Lost Tomwhere in Time: I'd deliberately go to the most arbitrary and ridiculous of stores, and purchase items at random
Lost Tomwhere in Time: just so people could hear me ask for these specific items
Lost Tomwhere in Time: I even have a similar plan in mind when I become an author
Fate Intruded: Is it to become Darth Vader?
Lost Tomwhere in Time: I'll have a strong and solid career of well rounded, well paced stories with solid and interesting characters
Lost Tomwhere in Time: and then
Lost Tomwhere in Time: suddenly
Lost Tomwhere in Time: I will start writing erotica
Lost Tomwhere in Time: but not just any erotica
BakedKomodo: Tom pls D:
Lost Tomwhere in Time: epic fantasy erotica
Fate Intruded: That works too. :v
M Sheep: I kind of want to see Morgan Freeman appear in a film
M Sheep: and not say anything
Lost Tomwhere in Time: six books of thoroughly well plotted, well written porn
Fate Intruded: Tom, that's an oxymoron. 8 0
M Sheep: a recurring character who shows up, but never speaks a word the whole thing
Lost Tomwhere in Time: that would be pretty brilliant, Sheep
Lost Tomwhere in Time: I'd never have thought of that
M Sheep: At most, you get a sigh like he's drawing himself up to say something
M Sheep: and then nothing
BakedKomodo: hahaha
M Sheep: so much tension in the audience, just waiting for one character to SAY SOMETHING


Bree: so um
Bree: rolling defenses for yonaka in spehss court
Bree: the results
Bree: are hilarious
Bree: that's all I'm sayin
RubyChao: kek
BakedKomodo: kek
Gooper Blooper: Yonaka rolls a 31 for everything except when bree joke rolled for Edea and got a 1 and a tails, Yonaka splattered by chocolate from hundreds of feet away somehow
Bree: lel
The Timeline Has Been Ruined: I hope sean's roll did it
Cornwind Evil: Yonaka splattered with chocolate
Cornwind Evil: It turns out she hates chocolate
Cornwind Evil: Hence making her the most evil villain in kobber history
Gooper Blooper: my gluttons descend upon yonaka like piranha
Harpy: Cian is disappointed with Yonaka for her shit taste in everything
Harpy: "I bet you even like that chocolate-flavored stuff. :I "

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Chatzy Madness Volume 212: We All Know Blade's Going To Die

Aurora: i really don't want mac to win
RubyChao: if blue had gotten in
RubyChao: would that still be a better winner than mac
Aurora: yes, Blue would be better
Aurora: because Mac would be free
Aurora: i just want him to be free from this cheeseburgerless brawl hell


Gooper Blooper: >​I'm thirty chatlogs behind in chatzy madness
RubyChao never talks again to slow things down
Del: hahaha

(As of this writing I am now nearly fifty chatlogs behind)


Gooper Blooper: I don't even begin to consider "dork" as an insult any more since all the users and characters described as such are great
Draco: I'm pretty sure I'm NOT a dork.
Lying Cat joined the chat
Lying Cat: LYING.
Lying Cat left the chat
Gooper Blooper: sorry draco
Gooper Blooper: it knew
SteelKomodo: lel
Del: u got owned draco
Draco: D:


Cornwind Evil: Going into review moe
Gooper Blooper: >​review moe
Gooper Blooper: I hope chatzy-senpai notices me today


Cornwind Evil: I actually had a dream about the Big Bar Brawl
Cornwind Evil: But all I remember was looking at a list of placements and remembering where Ash was
Gooper Blooper: did you win
Cornwind Evil: ​He got 9th
Jumpropeman: that's... pretty good!
RubyChao: better than last year
Gooper Blooper: making top ten gets more and more impressive each year since the brawl keeps getting bigger
Gooper Blooper: Wids got 11th in 2011 and it meant she finished in the bottom half
Gooper Blooper: If she placed the same, had she entered this time, it would have looked pretty damn good
RubyChao: reminder: the entirity of BBB2 fits into the top half of BBB5
Jumpropeman: if Ash got 9th, that would be the highest placed Cornwind's ever been

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Chatzy Madness Volume 211: Fat City

Draco: 1. #Mac Tonight
2. #Mac Tonight
3. #Mac Tonight
4. #Mac Tonight
5. #Goomy
RubyChao: *draco is banned from the forum*
Draco: Thank goodness! Freed from Parseeplot at last! ='D


RubyChao: this okuu tho
Cornwind Evil: That a new picture?
Cornwind Evil: As in recently done?
iKomodo: :3
Jumpropeman: chao is on the cutting edge of touhou pics
Aurora: uploaded a day ago
Cornwind Evil: Make sure you save that for the wedding
HELL OR HALLELUJAH: hahaha that utsuho pic


Wulfout 4: Oh hey, VS does sell DDD bras
Wulfout 4: And they're on sale
Wulfout 4: What the hell, why are the A cup bras 70 fucking dollars
Jumpropeman: I found it
Jumpropeman: The Dedede bra
Aurora was timed out
Jumpropeman: Harpy was forced out by its majesty
Aurora joined the chat
Jumpropeman: Harpy was also lured back by its majesty
Indan Chief Cursing Sleep: But she returned to dote upon its glorious majesty-
Indan Chief Cursing Sleep: JRM bested me.


M Sheep: Ash is very plot-proactive
M Sheep: He's got to nab them quests
Jumpropeman: he was a very good foci for all of Cornwind's involvement, and he gets involved in the more usual way than someone like Sine who is all crafty like a fox
M Sheep: Crafty like a fox with superweapons


HELL OR HALLELUJAH: Hahahah sakuya
HELL OR HALLELUJAH: Taking charge of sean
HELL OR HALLELUJAH: Sean goes "yes, ma'am" on automatic
Bree: and dimitri also says "yes, ma'am" just to make fun of sean