Thursday, October 30, 2014

Chatzy Madness Volume 158: Gnaw Gnaw Gnaw

Vendictated: I probably shan't try to participate in plot. Not for lack of interest, you understand, but it's projected to start thirty minutes out from work. Hope your mandatory bit goes favorably!
Vendictated: I would have thirty minutes of the plot being active, but knowing me, I'd just set any character sent on fire or explode them as an out.
Harpy: Mkay, do whatever you feel like doin'
Vendictated: Some would call that a poor choice of words. >​;D
-rolls up sleeves; begins plot to kill world with apparent kindnesses that turn out horrific tragedies-
-turns the seas to ice cream without first adapting the wildlife-
-disables death, leaving people with the ability to feel pain, get injured, and progressively decay... but not to cease these things-
-kills the concept of 'greed', leaving no equal vital spark of 'desire' or 'ambition' to make their miserable lives have meaning-
-paints sky purple for no deeper meaning-
-paints kobber kill silhouettes all over Ostarion's gleaming white bones-
-mutates half of cast and demutates other half of ZFS protagonists-
Vendictated quietly continues wrecking things
Harpy: within reason? :U
Vendictated: Ohhh.
Vendictated reverses these things
Vendictated dusts off relative reasonable normal things
Vendictated backs awaaaay

Harpy: and then the courier nuked the entire gallery and EVERYTHING DIED
Harpy: the end :D
Harpy: there goes his phat paycheck from selling off the Lunar Eclipse
Vendictated: Ahehhh.


Harpy: goops
Harpy: guess who saw a 5 lb hershey bar in the school store
Gooper Blooper: you
Harpy: damn right
Harpy: I did not buy it in fear of getting creeped out stares from people


Cornwind Evil joined the chat
Cornwind Evil: Mrgrgr
Vendictated: Hello yourself, friend.
Vendictated: What's wrong, CW?
the walking dead: You okay CW?
Cornwind Evil: MRGRGRGR
RubyChao: cw what's up
Cornwind Evil: Mrgrgr?
Cornwind Evil: Mrgrgr
Vendictated: ohdear. : < That bad?
Gooper Blooper: CW has finally actually become a Pokemon
Cornwind Evil changed name to Cornmrgrgr
Cornmrgrgr: Cornmr.
Cornmrgrgr: Mrgrgr

Monday, October 27, 2014

Chatzy Madness Volume 157: The Clefable With the Plan

SteelKomodo: um, i remember saying there was gonna be a silly thing to offset Calicoplot
SteelKomodo: ...can I get back to you on that?
RubyChao: and then smash ate SK and we never saw him again


Gooper Blooper: new stupid comic featuring an entirely different Brawl In The Family than what we're used to


Cornwind Evil: Time to traumatize Cauren again
SteelKomodo: once, we traumatized Beck. Now it's Cauren's turn!
SteelKomodo: at the bar, Beck puts a consoling arm around Cauren
SteelKomodo: "Trust me, I know how you feel."
Bree: ...I have this dumb mental image of Beck's arm being too short to go around Cauren's shoulders, so he uses the Xel and his arm extends until it's long enough
Bree: I don't know why
SteelKomodo: XD
SteelKomodo: trust me, he'd do it, too


Bree: also apparently in Awful Tumblr RP, Okuu has a babby
Bree: the character called "Oni" calls her mother
iKomodo: D:
Gooper Blooper: okuu cravings
iKomodo: oh lawd
iKomodo: Pit: ...MY ENTIRE FRIDGE D:
RubyChao: combine the joke about god-based cravings and recent rp events
RubyChao: the succubi just better avoid okuu for months
Gooper Blooper: Sarah and Utsuho get cravings at the same time, Shimmer just stands there in complete awe
Bree: eate all the foode
iKomodo: hahahahahahaha
Bree: but srsly, Okuu is allowed to eat Pit's entire fridge, I mean it would be Pit's babby XD
Bree: he should own up to it
Bree: just let Okuu eat the fridge itself if she wants to
Gooper Blooper: okuu eats the entire ZFS and that's why we have to change settings
iKomodo: Dirk: ...I'm seriously not gonna make a comment here.
Gooper Blooper: The last post is the front half of the ship crashing into Las Vegas while Okuu eats the controls
Summoned Vengeance: Oh goodness.
RubyChao: relevant
Bree: okuu put on some weight
Gooper Blooper: it all went to her chest
iKomodo: hahaha
Bree: and suddenly, boobs
Bree: (tenshi is jealous)
iKomodo: Pit: *embarrassedface.png*
Summoned Vengeance: Hehhhh.

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Chatzy Madness Volume 156: Twerking to Tame The Cerberus

SteelKomodo: when i did some shopping in Sainsbury's to get alcohol for the flatmates
SteelKomodo: I saw some Beck's in there - Beck's Blue, to be accurate
SteelKomodo: and I thought "Of course Beck's blue, it's all he wears!"
SteelKomodo: #Ruined


Keeby: *sets desktop background to ALL PUMPKABOO*
Keeby: spoopy



Gooper Blooper: harpy
Keeby: oh jesus my thighs
Keeby: those thighs can kill a man
Keeby: not sure whether from crushing their heads or by giving them diabetes
Del in a Hole: Its the diabetus


Renenged Vengeance: I still maintain that Waldo is the world's single greatest ninja assassin. No matter how many times you think you've found him; no matter how ridiculously obviously he dresses; no matter where he goes- -all you have to do is glance elsewhere, say, another page, and he's gone again.

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Chatzy Madness Volume 155: Big Bad Beetlepoop

(FormerVengeance enters Race Yer Mates 2)

RubyChao: >​aiden
RubyChao approves!
RubyChao: see, now you can stamp "RUBYCHAO APPROVED" on your post
RubyChao: and we all know that's what really matters
RubyChao: (no it isn't)
Grey Spy: Its John Cena
RubyChao: no, spy
RubyChao: that's your entrant
RubyChao: meat boy is actually john cena
Grey Spy: he slingshots himself off the ring ropes
Grey Spy: And just keeps flying
Grey Spy: Advantages: Rapadoo
Grey Spy: Disadvantages: Can't turn


Jumpropeman: THAT'S IT! That's who I'll enter in RYM2
Jumpropeman: Dakota, using her whole body as her vehicle
Jumpropeman: and the track suggestion: North Dakota!
Draco: Excellent. =D
Draco: Gotta use all that space for something since nobody else is.
Keeby: Hansel would ride on that
Keeby: ...
Keeby: i said it
Keeby: help
Jumpropeman: ;D
Jumpropeman: ;D ;D ;D
Grey Spy: ;D
Grey Spy: ;D ;D
Draco: Hansel's all over those amber waves of grain and wants to go face-first into her purple mountains' majesty.
Grey Spy: ;D ;D ;D
Grey Spy: ;D ;D
Grey Spy: ;D
Grey Spy: Awww Draco broke it
Endeavoring notwroth Vengeance: Post.
Cornwind Evil: Will you stop
Draco: Hansel gonna shed ALL his grace on thee.


Writingwulf: I may or may not want Calico and David to fight solely so I can have David go fuckballs insane in the desert and keep yelling multiversal secrets at Calico
Delsposition: Hahaha


Jumpropeman: I am scheduling a funeral for Shmeth this Sunday, please do attend
RubyChao: *nobody attends*
Gooper Blooper: mental image time
Gooper Blooper: The empty funeral sits there for several days, then Stag Beetle strolls over, takes a little beetle poop on the unmarked grave, and strolls away
Keeb: Yiss
Golem Vengeance: Yo.
Delsposition: Big bad beetlepoop

Saturday, October 18, 2014

The End of The End is the Beginning

So ends my plot. Tiamat 2011 was my first megaplot, and Bulgraveplot 2012 was the deepest, while my plots for 2013 were simple and short. Now, just as Jumpropeman did, I'm going to dump all the thoughts, behind the scenes stuff, and cutting room floor material that I can into this post.

In 2013, during a routine look at the Drunken Gryphon message board, I included a request on the board for someone to "awaken the key". Nobody picked up on this. If it had been followed, the placer of the request would turn out to be an insane cultist who wanted people to help him find an ancient artifact that would summon The End, who was originally named Leviathan.

This was Leviathan's initial design. From the very start, I wanted to create the largest enemy the kobbers have ever faced. I wound up failing in that goal in the long run due to JRM - not only did he bring in Actaeus this year, but Rafflesia from Season 1, another living planet, is also presumably larger than The End. The End remained a possibility as a Final Boss From Nowhere but I ultimately just sat on the concept and stored it away.

In the offseason between seasons 3 and 4, I gained a hankering for wanting to do a plot with a big twist to it. All of my plots from the first three seasons were relatively straightforward, although there were surprises like Tiamat employing Celestia and Dr. Bulgrave surrendering. This time I wanted something big. My plots tend to have characters that heel-face turn, so this year I wanted a character to face-heel turn. Mercutio Ferros, AKA Chronos Xarr, was born.

Another thing I wanted to do was make full use of our setting. Similar to how JRM built The Deck around being the ultimate medieval-themed plot, I wanted a plot that made full use of our unique space/medieval setting, so I combined the two to create a plot that could only happen properly in the unique world of the ZFS and Ardea, a criminal from another galaxy infiltrating a medieval society and using medieval weapons, soldiers, and artifacts.

First, we'll review the cast of this plot one more time. Then, I'll excavate my DropBox for a load of pictures depicting characters, items, and plot points that were left out.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Chatzy Madness Volume 154: Don't Boop the Goop

Saberwulf: Goddamn beauty tips are like fucking schizophrenic pagan rituals
Saberwulf: "I love this tip I got from "Allure: Confessions of a Beauty Editor." When elbows get rough, you can soften them up with a sock trick. Cut the toes off a clean pair of thick socks, rub Crisco on your elbows and slip the socks over your arms"
Saberwulf: Like what the fuck
SteelKomodo: D:
Del: hahahahaha


Keeby: back
SteelKomodo: wb harps
Saberwulf: wb
Del: wb
RubyChao: bw
RubyChao fights The Man


RubyChao: meanwhile, a MYSTERIOUS STRANGER appeared in the bar! potential villain? new ardean hero? a random plot thread that will never come up again?
Deletons: IT'S PIKACHU
RubyChao: It's actually a Jigglypuff seen from above. Sorry to ruin the surprise so early.


2Goopy: Konami keeping up with them newfangled internet maymays


2Goopy: he would never have been able to resist dat ass
Bree: well it's his wife's ass, so he doesn't have to resist :U
RubyChao: even the years they spent together weren't enough to build up a tolerance
butt butt butt joined the chat
2Goopy: dat timing

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Chatzy Madness Volume 153: And Den Meat Boy Trew Her Hed

Harp: i found my reaction sound to any and all omnious, dangerous villains
SteelKomodo: oh?
Harp: [luigi noises]
SteelKomodo: ...which one is it?
SteelKomodo: it's made up of all different ones
Harp: all of them
SteelKomodo: wat
Harp: but mainly "mama mia" and "BLEH"
Gooper Blooper: Siren staring down giant villain, opens her mouth, stream of Luigi voice clips
Harp: ...
Harp: brb crying and laughing


Procedural Dels: here's some real honest-to-god lore from endless legend
Procedural Dels: one faction, the broken lords, are nanobot ghost vampire knights
Procedural Dels: one of their heroes, when he was alive, was basically the shittiest knight ever
Saberwulf: pff
Procedural Dels: instead of jousting, he'd pretend to be ill and then introduce a sympathetic girl with big boobs to his "lance"
Procedural Dels: eventually his dad got fed up, sat him on a horse and told him to joust you fucking waster
Procedural Dels: he got wrecked
Procedural Dels: and then he decided to be the best knight ever instead
Procedural Dels: and then i guess he died and became a nanobot vampire ghost knight
Procedural Dels: THE END
Saberwulf: Nanobot ghost vampire Conrad
SteelKomodo: XD
Procedural Dels: ahahahahaha
Procedural Dels: "Mom, I don't wanna joust!" "Conrad David Svilzerian, I'll break your fucking arms if you don't get out there right now!"
Saberwulf: Mama Jonesy layin' down the law
Saberwulf: Also holy shit there's no way his middle name is David
Procedural Dels: it is
Saberwulf: Yesssss
Procedural Dels: i decided that as of right now
Saberwulf: "You're named after a goat I found in the garbage"
Procedural Dels: "Gee thanks mom"
Saberwulf: At least it wasn't like "you're named after the bravest men I knew, Conrad Airman Alexthejanitor Svilzerian"


Delvasion: TheDeleter: but hooray at least little conrad officially exists now
-Saberwulf: Conrad David Svilzerian I think you mean

-TheDeleter: no joke, i did actually consider making his middle name david at one point
-TheDeleter: i didn't dismiss it, i just never thought about it again :P
-Saberwulf: David is a very narcissistic person
-Saberwulf: Well if you ever want to change it, David knows some people. One day he's Conrad David Svilzerian, next day he's David Conrad Svilzerian

Delvasion: FUCK
Gooper Blooper: Yeah I was gonna say the other day del
Gooper Blooper: Middle name David was the plan from the start
Delvasion: It was always his middle name
Delvasion: Plot twist
Delvasion: Never Forget


Vengeance, making lasagna: I'm still having trouble working out how a single kobber in a two-day period could travel several hundred miles between targets, murder three boss-level characters and three point two five thousand mooks, and still come home for dinner when *on* screen, the dread pirates could wreck at him so bad on their lonesome.
-blows raspberry-
Gooper Blooper: Have you forgotten, FV?
Gooper Blooper: It's The Conservation of Ninjutsu. The more Razaans and pirates you toss in there, the faster they'll go!
Vengeance, making lasagna: That's a question I get posed more often than you'd think in-
Cornwind Evil: What GB said
Vengeance, making lasagna: oh.
Gooper Blooper: If this plot was just the real Razaan and Vanderdecken we'd be fucking screwed
Vengeance, making lasagna: -revises plans drastically-
Saberwulf: Obviously the Kobbers' soul coronas interacted so much over the years they all, through the conceptual realization of the "Kobber" title they foist upon themselves, unsticks them from reality which is why tiny magic ladies can fight godbeasts and not get exploded too hard
Saberwulf: Or I dunno maybe they're all Orks and the blood they spill makes them go faster
Delvasion: All kobbers are orks
Vengeance, making lasagna: Paint it all red, boys! Red! Crypt gray and omen black are right out! You must make it -DAKA!-
Delvasion: Now canon
Delvasion: Carol da meklady