Friday, June 15, 2012

Cutting Room Floor 4 and Ensemble Update

The GB Ensemble has been significantly added to and upgraded since it was first posted, and not just because the Dr. Bulgrave plot has created tons and tons of minor characters to write mini-profiles for. If you wanted to review the cast, check out their pictures, or just find out where the hell that sunglasses-wearing T-Rex with guns for arms came from, you can check it out here.

Now it's time for a quick Cutting Room Floor, with scrapped and altered storyline ideas!

* An old mini-plot I considered last year was about Widow Maker challenging Sarah to go a certain length of time without any sweets - either one or two days. Her success would probably have been tractored. Scrapped after Sarah went a day without sweets of her own free will to prepare herself for her fite with Draco.

* Project 29 was originally slated to be the "final boss" of the Projects - the last one to appear and the last one the bargoers fought. However, while drawing additional mutants I wound up making some that are even more dangerous-looking and powerful, so 29 was downgraded slightly and got to be unveiled early for the dinosaur hunt sequence.

* It was possible for the bargoers to tame Kasai Rex instead of killing him, but I didn't want to state it outright because if people knew it was an option they would obviously go for it and avoid killing him. Instead I figured maybe a T-Rex wearing sunglasses would get people to go "Wait, can we spare this one?". Sort of a secret bonus, if you will. Instead Jaxx Tantra punched him so hard his flesh vaporized. Welp.

* I have several scrapped RP characters, but I might use them someday so I won't say who they are. One I will mention is Cedric from King's Quest V, who I rejected in favor of Clippy, who fulfills a similar role.

Lastly, a few random RP thoughts.

* I was pretty much making the clockwork spider thing up from day to day. At first I thought about just making the spiders appear friendly. But then I thought, what if they actually were friendly due to glitches in their mass-produced AI?

* Dr. Bulgrave's name comes from a steampunk name generator. I took "Franklin" from one name and a last name from another was tweaked to "Bulgrave" from something else.

* I can't believe Lotta has nothing to do with the reincarnated Operatives.

* I actually thought Jonesy died when she was kidnapped by the Zerg. I normally would have been skeptical, but there was literally no way for her to escape. I figured it was a joint decision between Deleter and Erebus because they were bored of their main characters and wanted them to leave for a while, so this is how it would be accomplished, and after a lot of moping maybe Erebus would come back and there'd be a revival mission. What I didn't take into account was the possibility that the Zerg wanted her alive for something.

* The anniversary of the first RP couple forming (Saralex) is July 1. You can pretty much peg that as the starting point of the RP Explosion, as well, although it was a gradual thing that happened over the course of a month or so, starting in late June and reaching full steam by the end of July.


  1. I thought Jonesy was going to be dead for good too.

    And the Big Bar Brawl was July 2nd, so I would say that July was when the kindling we were laying down finally started on fire.

  2. ./google Cedric from King's quest

    mother of god o.o
