Friday, June 29, 2012

Character Debuts

The GB Ensemble now has dates for when every major and secondary character first appeared. Because people care about when I started pretending to be a WarMech.

I'll also post the dates here in a timeline format:

August 15, 2010: The ZF5 bonus match between Widow Maker and Marlin the Magnificent is announced.
May 30, 2011: Hella Jeff demands to know where the nanchoes are.
June 9, 2011: Four white mages make their first appearance to surgineer Widow Maker.
July 1, 2011: Jumpropeman bets the Five-Mantis Band on Cash Cow.
July 3, 2011: The Necronomitron awakens.
July 12, 2011: Sweet Bro makes his first appearance.
July 14, 2011: The Nostronomitron is born.
July 30, 2011: WarMech-1 appears, communicating to Tiamat about finding Sarah.
July 31, 2011: Biollante appears in rose form.
August 1, 2011: The WarMech Leader is introduced.
August 3, 2011: WarMech-3 says his first line.
August 15, 2011: The Martian and Biollante combine into Biollante's final form to combat the Lord.
August 31, 2011: Marilith attacks the bar.
September 9, 2011: The first of Kraken's multiple attempts to accomplish something. Anything at all.
September 16, 2011: Cagnazzo crosses the ocean.
September 17, 2011: Lich's first line.
October 9, 2011: Shuma-Gorath pranks Oceanus by dumping live tarantulas on him. Sarah gathers up a few to give to Widow Maker as a get-well gift.
October 14, 2011: Zephyrus gives Widow Maker two beetles as gifts.
March 2, 2012: 'Unit 1' appears in a blog post.
March 22, 2012: Dr. Bulgrave makes his debut in the blog post "Origins".
April 15, 2012: The Storm Bikers drive out the Excite Bikers from Manhattan.
May 8, 2012: Browny makes his first forum appearance to arrest Blade.
May 16, 2012: Dr. Bulgrave introduces himself to the Storm Bikers.
May 24, 2012: Sarah is reunited with Josephine.
June 12, 2012: Clippy leaves Widow Maker's PC for the first time.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Cutting Room Floor 5

Here's some stuff I forgot to talk about in the last post!

-Browny was almost introduced early twice. I had an introductory post all written up where he dove into the bar to use it as cover, then headshotted a thug before noticing all the people behind him and awkwardly introducing himself. He was introduced for real a few days later during one of the first 2012 season events.

-The other possible Browny introduction is far weirder and goes farther back. He almost showed up during the 2011 season when Cornwind sent that giant alien to the bar. He would have appeared unannounced during the fight and shown a friendliness towards Zephyrus, and afterward Celestia would appear and reveal that Browny was actually a drastically upgraded Skeiron. However, I decided to keep Skeiron in his current form with his limited dialogue and love of bread.

-Speaking of Skeiron, he almost became a tagalong fanboy of Starscream, but wound up being one of sorts for Zephyrus instead when Starscream took like two weeks to recover after his Fite Yer Mates victory.

-The Necronomitron was going to lurk in the shadows for the whole tournament, then there'd be a Fite yer Mates event or something similar where a bunch of bargoers fought him. This was scrapped for two reasons: One, Air Man challenged Necro to a fight. Two, the RP Explosion rapidly made the Necronomitron small fry (and a hero).

-Who remembers this snippet from Hephaestus last year?


"Get back in thine jar, swit, or I shalt be forced to inject you into that pig I keep in the corner. It has Down's Syndrome.")

Yes, Hephaestus had somehow acquired a small, powerless fragment of Mr. Evil Midnight and was keeping him for (I'm guessing) experimental purposes.

At the end of my introductory post for the Tiamat event, after introducing all those bad guys, a pig with Down's syndrome was going to pop into existence, flying high in the air above the city, then squeal a squeal of challenge. LordPig would have had all the abilities of the Lord, but vastly weaker (although nearly as durable).

I removed LordPig for two reasons: I didn't want any Lord-related drama of any kind to taint the event, and I didn't want Cornwind to feel like I was making fun of him or something, bringing back everyone's villains and then doing this to his.

-Blade was supposed to be the important Storm Biker, what the hell :psyduck:

Friday, June 15, 2012

Cutting Room Floor 4 and Ensemble Update

The GB Ensemble has been significantly added to and upgraded since it was first posted, and not just because the Dr. Bulgrave plot has created tons and tons of minor characters to write mini-profiles for. If you wanted to review the cast, check out their pictures, or just find out where the hell that sunglasses-wearing T-Rex with guns for arms came from, you can check it out here.

Now it's time for a quick Cutting Room Floor, with scrapped and altered storyline ideas!

* An old mini-plot I considered last year was about Widow Maker challenging Sarah to go a certain length of time without any sweets - either one or two days. Her success would probably have been tractored. Scrapped after Sarah went a day without sweets of her own free will to prepare herself for her fite with Draco.

* Project 29 was originally slated to be the "final boss" of the Projects - the last one to appear and the last one the bargoers fought. However, while drawing additional mutants I wound up making some that are even more dangerous-looking and powerful, so 29 was downgraded slightly and got to be unveiled early for the dinosaur hunt sequence.

* It was possible for the bargoers to tame Kasai Rex instead of killing him, but I didn't want to state it outright because if people knew it was an option they would obviously go for it and avoid killing him. Instead I figured maybe a T-Rex wearing sunglasses would get people to go "Wait, can we spare this one?". Sort of a secret bonus, if you will. Instead Jaxx Tantra punched him so hard his flesh vaporized. Welp.

* I have several scrapped RP characters, but I might use them someday so I won't say who they are. One I will mention is Cedric from King's Quest V, who I rejected in favor of Clippy, who fulfills a similar role.

Lastly, a few random RP thoughts.

* I was pretty much making the clockwork spider thing up from day to day. At first I thought about just making the spiders appear friendly. But then I thought, what if they actually were friendly due to glitches in their mass-produced AI?

* Dr. Bulgrave's name comes from a steampunk name generator. I took "Franklin" from one name and a last name from another was tweaked to "Bulgrave" from something else.

* I can't believe Lotta has nothing to do with the reincarnated Operatives.

* I actually thought Jonesy died when she was kidnapped by the Zerg. I normally would have been skeptical, but there was literally no way for her to escape. I figured it was a joint decision between Deleter and Erebus because they were bored of their main characters and wanted them to leave for a while, so this is how it would be accomplished, and after a lot of moping maybe Erebus would come back and there'd be a revival mission. What I didn't take into account was the possibility that the Zerg wanted her alive for something.

* The anniversary of the first RP couple forming (Saralex) is July 1. You can pretty much peg that as the starting point of the RP Explosion, as well, although it was a gradual thing that happened over the course of a month or so, starting in late June and reaching full steam by the end of July.

Monday, June 4, 2012

The Death Toll

Because I like useless statistics and because why not, it's time to count up how many times each of my characters has been killed!

Widow Maker - 3
- Sliced in two vertically in the Big Bar Brawl by Alexander Triden
- Bisected by the Lord
- Bisected by Urkrathos' chainsword

Wow, Widow Maker gets cut in half a lot.Yesterday's death at the hands of Urkrathos is the first time someone besides Elohim revived her, which means it's the first time she's avoided baby form.

Sarah - 2
- Gunned down during the Terminator Squadron fight
- Soul eaten by Atma

Sarah managed to go a seriously long time before her first death, but it did eventually come. She also came VERY close to dying after defeating Draco in Fite Yer Mates, but only just hung on.

Celestia - 0 (!!!)

I think Celestia might be the only major character of the 2011 season to never be killed. Everybody else I can think of either lost a Fite or died in RP. Rebecca could possibly count, although she didn't appear too often. After her you have to go down to characters like the Kirby Brigade and the Five-Mantis Band to find people who weren't killed at some point.

Skeiron - 4
- Crushed by Devastator
- Destroyed by Jaxx in the Fite Week Rumble
- Ripped to pieces by the Servitor shadow clone
- Blown up by Blade

Skeiron seems to die or be severely crippled very easily. I think it's because I can play fast-and-loose with him since he feels no pain and can just be rebuilt by Celestia.

The Martian/Biollante - 3
- Necronomitron - defeated by Zephyrus in FYM
- Nostronomitron - shot down by Celestia during the WarMech fight
- Biollante - Roasted by WarMechs

I'm not certain how many of these can be considered deaths. The Martian and Biollante have never needed outside help to recover from injury.

Hella Jeff - 2
- Destroyed by ROB in the Big Bar Brawl
- Killed by Doomrider in Fite Yer Mates

Hella Jeff also lost to Ironichide in FYM, but this was before losing a Fite was pretty much guaranteed death. I portrayed him as just really FUBAR instead.

Villains - 10
- Marilith - Destroyed by Alexander Triden
- Cagnazzo - Obliterated by a group effort from the bar
- Lich - Taken out during the Tiamat event
- Tiamat - Her death capped off the Tiamat event
- The Storm Bikers - Gale, Hurricane, and Tornado killed by Devil Ed, Doomrider, and Marcus
- The Projects - Projects 30, 31, and 32 murdered by Chet, Marcus, and Widow Maker

What's more notable are bad guys who manage to escape with their lives. So far that's limited to the Excite Bikers and some heel-face turns from Celestia, her Warmechs, Kraken, and the Martian.

The 2012 season has so far handed me two non-villain deaths. I expect quite a few more as we go through the summer - especially because I know my current perfect FYM record of 2-0 is not going to hold if I keep entering characters.