Sunday, December 4, 2011

Mixed Blessing

Several days ago my computer monitor broke. There was absolutely no warning - I went to bed and it was fine, woke up and saw my mom had it by the trash. I hate it when stuff goes wrong with electronics for no discernable reason.

Anyway, with the monitor gone, obviously the computer can't be used until our ordered replacement arrives. With less online time, I've turned to video games, and the funny thing is that I've wound up playing a few games I was just sorta sitting on.

The first is MySims Agents for the Wii. It's not a terribly exciting game, all minigames and fetch quests, but it's a pleasant diversion for when I feel like gaming, but not like GAMING gaming, ya know?

I named my main character Sarah - not because of Zoofights, but because years ago when I played the original MySims I named the character Sarah. I've just always liked that name, and I've also used it to name mages in Disgaea (also before Zoofights).

The second is Advance Wars: Days of Ruin for the DS. I've had this thing sitting around for over a year since buying it for nine bucks on my birthday last year. I'm glad I finally played it - it's a pretty solid turn-based strategy game.

Using my mom's laptop for schoolwork is a pain, though. No mouse, just that stupid touchpad, and it's buggy and unable to run any browser but Internet Explorer. It also occasionally closes windows for no reason. Even the iPod I'm typing this blog post with is better for most things - but with no keyboard or word processor, using an iPod for school is out of the question, heh.

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