Sunday, December 25, 2011


So I got a 3DS for Christmas and [insert FrogDrugs here]

That 3D effect, man, it's something else.

My other gifts this year included Super Mario 3D Land, Mario Kart 7, Ghost Trick, and Seek and Destroy in the gaming department, and a book about Godzilla, a chocolate bar, and little tiny Robot Wars pullback toys in the not-gaming department.

My poor mom fell into the "Flavored" trap, though - I also received a pack of marshmallow snowmen that are "chocolatey coated". Nooooooo

My brother made out like a bandit - he got a case for his electric guitar, a giant amp for said guitar, Rocksmith (which is also for said guitar - have you guessed his favorite instrument yet?!) Skyrim, and a laptop. And some Old Spice. Even with my limited budget, I got him a damn television (only paid ten bucks and it works like a dream!). But the best thing about his haul is that laptop. Not only does he love it, it means he has much less reason to take the desktop computer from me, meaning I'll hopefully be able to participate in more Zoofights RP next year without getting stranded on iPod and being unable to keep up with everyone else posting like mad.

Viva la commercialism!

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