Saturday, November 19, 2011

That Goddamn Sheep

Have you been wondering what that crazy sheep has been up to since Zoofights ended? (Because you just KNOW he's going to resurrect again)

Wonder no more!

Also, on GameFAQs, turns out Ramza went down without much of a fight. Bad Alex! BAD Alex! No Black Legend!


  1. Sadly, Soul Calibur is much more popular than Final Fantasy Tactics. This is pretty much a popularity contest, after all.

  2. This is now sheep!canon.

    May turn into literal sheep cannon at some point.

    But worry not gentlecreatures! The sheep won't be resurrecting for some time as its Mother has finally moved his/her/its ponderous seven-dimensional bulk over here and breached into this universe, and gobbled its rebellious offspring up.

    Problem solved!
