Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Chatzy Madness Volume 424: I Don't Like Killing, But I LOVE Steroids

RubyChao: Exactly how bad is the funding situation for Monarch, again?
Gooper Blooper: oh god
Gooper Blooper: Monarch is a huge deal in the Monsterverse and is easy bait for a massive, world-spanning plot, which I still might do, but I liked the idea of starting small
Gooper Blooper: Binah dreams of being a globetrotting kaiju whisperer but she's stuck here in the desert with Doug
RubyChao: i like it too however binah having to do a stint at mcmechos is still funny to picture


(After JRM changes his avatar to Mimi Sentry)

Jumpropeman: I can promise
Jumpropeman: Mimi is an idiot


Gooper Blooper: the real reason JRM dislikes single fangs: why have just one when you can give a girl a mouth like a bear trap
Brine: Accurate, best kind.


New Years Eve-Il: "In Lufia 2, The Sea Ring is strong against Sea Creatures...but the programmers didn't flag any monsters as "Sea Creatures".
Harpydia: owned
Gooper Blooper: Big "Gen 1 ghosts beat psychics" energy
New Years Eve-Il: "Likewise, there is a Capsule monster with "Soil" attacks. There are no monsters with the Soil weakness flag set."
RubyChao: big "moon ball and burn heal" energy
New Years Eve-Il: "Final Fantasy Adventure has an item that cures the "Moogle" status—but the player can't use items as a Moogle, which renders the cure useless."
Harpydia: get moogled, idiot


Gooper Blooper: started playing a new robot fighting game today called Battle RC, runs great on the new comp
Jumpropeman: according to steam, Battle RC is similar to the game I've played, Sonic and All Stars Racing Transformed
Gooper Blooper: My favorite thing about it is the Steam Workshop where people are uploading bot designs because there are a couple of super hardcore robot combat fans on there. Know how I know? Because instead of making replicas of famous and popular robots, they're putting the most obscure and random robots imaginable into Battle RC
Jumpropeman: excellent
Jumpropeman: ZFRP tier selection methods
Gooper Blooper: link
Jumpropeman: that's the kind of robot you throw into a tournament and it goes on an inexplicable run
Gooper Blooper: A few actually famous robots like Tombstone, Hydra, Toro, and Rusty did get representation on the workshop, but they are definitely outnumbered by the hordes of obscure one-and-done robots from multiple seasons ago
Gooper Blooper: who could forget... *checks notes*... Bucktooth Burl, who entered one tournament and didn't even get on television
Jumpropeman: excellent
Jumpropeman: sorted by most popular, looked at the first page, only recognize Tombstone :V
Gooper Blooper: (Malice is on the front page though, we know them because they sent me cool merch!)
Jumpropeman: Unidentified Red and Yellow Flipper for next Robot Champions


RubyChao: reminder
RubyChao: next year
RubyChao: argo will be invaded... by ZOMBIES
Jumpropeman: sounds like...
Jumpropeman: a good time


RubyChao: jrm i gotta know
RubyChao: does pinterest have anything good for anelace
Jumpropeman: it autosuggests her full name... only to have zero results
Jumpropeman: wait
Jumpropeman: one spotted
RubyChao: They know.
Mobile Pitohui: Autocompleting Anelace and then giving zero results has the same energy as tumblr regularly popping up "Popular in #Prismriver Sisters" and then showing me zero blogs.


Harpydia: i'm still fucking salty that VBA changed something that i could not fucking play kirby's tilt and tumble anymore and i have not unlocked the sorcery to make it work again
Gooper Blooper: Tilt and Tumble is on NSO now
Jumpropeman: if only you had a switch
Harpydia: oh my fucking god i forgor


Jumpropeman: funnily enough
Jumpropeman: that is my Vita's home screen wallpaper
Gooper Blooper: excellent
Gooper Blooper: the sega hard girls continue to persist
Jumpropeman: "Vita, why do you have Gale on your home screen?" "goals. Lazy AND dating a draco girl"
Draco: Good. Someday, Nepgear will make it into RP and we'll finally get that sister sandwich.
Gooper Blooper: they've been "replaced" twice over but I still love the OGs
RubyChao: i look forward to replacing them a third time
Gooper Blooper: Vita enjoys the company of her fellow Hoodlums
Gooper Blooper: it's nice to know people you can just flop in the general vicinity of and everyone agrees it was a nice time afterward
Jumpropeman: Hoodlum meetings: *absolute silence besides beeping of handhelds and rustles of chip bags*
After the meeting: that was great, same time next week


Gooper Blooper: few characters can do the "duality of man" meme better than utsuho
Jumpropeman: How villains see Kobbers
How Kobbers really are
Gooper Blooper: she is one of the most powerful Kobbers in history, a force of nature associated with one of the most terrible, devastating powers mankind has ever harnessed
Gooper Blooper: but she's also an adorable glutton who likes hugging people
RubyChao: Unyu.


Jumpropeman: I hadn't listened to My Brother My Brother and Me's podcast at all in 2024, and each year they give the year a nickname and theme. Their 2024: 20Fungalore: He Heard Your Wish, based on a magical mushroom man OC the came up with on the spot since it was supposed to be Fun Galore initially. I gotta say, a magical mushroom mascot feels fitting after ZFRP's 2024 :V
Gooper Blooper: But is he also a god?
Jumpropeman: I've only listened to a few episodes, but they keep having to resist the urge to pray to him since they don't want him to be a god
Gooper Blooper: holy shit
Gooper Blooper: it's too late guys
Gooper Blooper: tried to find a video that was just the BWOMPH sound effect but this will have to do
Jumpropeman: my jam
Jumpropeman: mushroomcore
Jumpropeman: put it on that Hypnospace website
Gooper Blooper: FUNGUS SCENE
Jumpropeman: *google image searches Fungalore*
Jumpropeman: ...
Gooper Blooper: Welp.
RubyChao: aaaaahahahah
Jumpropeman: there was something in the air in 2024, and it was mushroom spores
Gooper Blooper: "You cannot kill me in a way that matters."
Draco: Goops is quoting Utsuho again.
Gooper Blooper: Ever since I found out as a kid that fungi aren't plants, whenever I see mushrooms I think of them as just a little otherworldly. Fungi are pretty much the one non-microscopic living thing we come across that isn't an animal or a plant.
Gooper Blooper: They looked at our nice neat natural world of animals and plants and they checked the box that said 'neither'
Draco: Sucy's moving to Whalestrand to wait for more mushroom gods.
Jumpropeman: fungi are really neat. and kinda scary
Jumpropeman: i fear mold...
Jumpropeman: i don't want to end up like Sarcastro


RubyChao: rereading srs as i save it makes me want to remind you all that pale death's appearance is because mizuchi likes big baps
RubyChao: thanks mizuchi
Draco: lol
Gooper Blooper: much appreciated
Final Fantasy II: Room EMPTY: I mean, you can at least get some practical use out of big baps
Final Fantasy II: Room EMPTY: Use 'em for poison sacks and stuff
Final Fantasy II: Room EMPTY: Now I'm picturing Paddy asking what big baps are supposed to be for for the species that naturally have them
Brine: Mizuchi's greatest triumph


Jumpropeman: saw that gamefly is sending me sakura wars on wii after I tried to get it over and over so that's good
Jumpropeman: gonna fight robots and smooch babes, whenever it comes in the mail
Harpydia: plz
Draco: Why would you fight AND smooch Sue?
RubyChao: foreplay
Draco: O mai~


Calvinball Anime: in infinity nikki petting animals is a core game mechanic
Jumpropeman: endless ocean core


Gooper Blooper: hey JRM-
Jumpropeman: ive been getting game and watch screenshots from game and watch emulators, and I've been mighty tempted seeing the other handhelds those accounts have...
Jumpropeman: link
Gooper Blooper: link
Gooper Blooper: Game And Watch opened the floodgates
Jumpropeman: link
Jumpropeman: I used to own this one
Gooper Blooper: It actually got a reissue a few years ago! Tiger rereleased some of their old handhelds to get nostalgia buys
Jumpropeman: that's probably why I found this image on
Draco: Nice
Gooper Blooper: I actually bought this one but it was in such poor shape when it arrived that I returned it (I got it off Amazon Warehouse and didn't think it would be as scuffed up as it was)
Jumpropeman: handled by actual dinosaurs
Gooper Blooper: link
Jumpropeman: tennis mouse is like if you tried to make rouge in sonic forces
Gooper Blooper: link
Jumpropeman: cream looking like she's from Qbert


Calvinball Anime: Sometimes you're doing your rounds and you walk into the workroom to find your coworker has created a gated enclousure for herself out of bookcarts
World Wide Jade: well
World Wide Jade: uh
World Wide Jade: any reason she did that?
Calvinball Anime: There were a lot of book carts
World Wide Jade: well
World Wide Jade: if you gotta do something with em
World Wide Jade: can't think of much worse


RubyChao: "According to John Denver, West Virginia is "Almost Heaven"-meaning that Heaven is somewhere above it. If the Devil went down to Georgia, then Hell must be somewhere between West Virginia and Georgia. Ergo, I postulate that Hell is located in South Carolina."
RubyChao: I believe it.
Jumpropeman: I thought it was in New Jersey
RubyChao: no no, that's robot hell
Draco nods academically.


Gooper Blooper: So in Battle RC, my new robot combat game, one of the bots you can download from the workshop is Slammow
Gooper Blooper: Slammow is pretty neat, at least design-wise, but the problem is that its' builder is a fella named Craig Danby who absolutely must be the unluckiest robot builder on the face of the earth
Jumpropeman: tell us the story, robot master
Gooper Blooper: He has been at this for over twenty years and his robots always work fine in testing and in untelevised competitions but the absolute instant you point a television camera at one of his robots they get stage fright, lock up, and die for no reason
Gooper Blooper: Absolutely anything that can go wrong will go wrong
Jumpropeman: robot stage fright...
Gooper Blooper: Parts that have never broken before snap like twigs. New and weird radio signal glitches pop up out of nowhere. One time Slammow was fighting another robot and beating the hell out of it and it lost drive on one side so he backed off so it would get counted out (this was back when the I NEED TO SEE CONTROLLED MOVEMENT rule was still in play)
Gooper Blooper: The other robot was not, in fact, counted out, and instead what he thought was the other robot getting counted out was HIM getting counted out because Slammow wasn't moving. Not because it was broken but because he thought the fight was over so he stopped using the controller
Gooper Blooper: and then he got counted out and lost.
Draco: OOF
Gooper Blooper: Fortunately in the world of Battle RC, Slammow actually works properly and doesn't die for no reason
Gooper Blooper: What I've been doing lately is setting up 32-bot tournaments and enabling the option that lets me pick a bot to control in every fight, so I try to guide the outcome to my favored winner
Gooper Blooper: I played as Slammow every time its' turn came up and got it to the finals, where it faced Revolt, who is one of the base game bots. Revolt is essentially "We have Bloodsport at home". (the green one)
Jumpropeman: every time I see those little gears they sit on I need to remember they're not part of the bot
Gooper Blooper: The final fight was tremendous, particularly because for whatever reason the AI played more like a real player than AI usually does in these games where the AI bot just shoves itself at you constantly. Revolt was actually circling around the arena trying to catch Slammow's side while I had Slammow sit in the middle and keep its' business end pointed at it. When Revolt came in for a hit, Slammow would take some damage but also use its' lifter to tip Revolt up so that its' weapon hit the ground and made it skid away, so both robots were getting hurt and it was incredibly close
Gooper Blooper: One of the best video game robot fights I've ever had
Gooper Blooper: Time runs out, the decision is made, and...
Jumpropeman: its day finally came...
Gooper Blooper: Justice for Slammow
Draco: Goops playing as the House Bot.


Jumpropeman: miu realizing she wasn't the takeoff dangangirl
Gooper Blooper: "Wh-what you mean I was only his flash in the pan fave and he went back to Peko?!"
RubyChao: shoulda been turned into a vampire in BBB8, miu


(After receiving multiple Steam popups about a game Chao keeps launching repeatedly)

Draco: lol
RubyChao: i'm troubleshooting!
RubyChao: old games are like that!
Jumpropeman: it was funny to see on my steam year in review that I had like, 19 sessions in a game but that's because it kept crashing, not because it was that good :V
RubyChao: it's funny how many people always go "how dare this game run in a window, i want fullscreen mode" and i'm the one bitch who's always going "anyway about windowed mode?"
Gooper Blooper: I had a feeling it was being stubborn!
Gooper Blooper: I don't often multitask between a vidya and something else, but when I do, I need that window!
RubyChao: i always get distracted by "what could i be missing" if i play fullscreen
RubyChao: about the only game i fully accept as fullscreen is rt2 where i can let myself lose an hour in that game fullscreen
Draco: I like playing Fallout 3 on Fullscreen but if I tab out it won't reopen.
RubyChao: still mad about rpgolf legends, how do you make a game and release it in 2022 and have no way to let me run it in a window :I
Gooper Blooper: heading to bed, nite
Draco: Bye Goops.
RubyChao: niiight
Gooper Blooper left the chat
Draco slowly turns towards Chao.
RubyChao: Concern
Jumpropeman: he can't sleep yet, he has men of courage to command
Draco: Oh, okay then.
Draco: How many of them?
Jumpropeman: at least 2
RubyChao: i'm off to bed
RubyChao: night!
Jumpropeman: i guess they died


Gooper Blooper: going to bed, nite
Jumpropeman: 1night
Gooper Blooper: yeah only for 1 night
Gooper Blooper: I'll be back next time
Jumpropeman: phew, glad to hear it
Gooper Blooper: if I don't show up you'll just have to get someone else to heave cute RP girl pictures into the chat
Jumpropeman: if only anyone else could...


Gooper Blooper dangles Binah in front of Chao and Cordie in front of JRM like distracting a baby with jangly keys
RubyChao: it's true, it works
Draco out there? D:
Jumpropeman joined the chat
RubyChao: instructions unclear
RubyChao: bringing back Susie
RubyChao: hi jrm
Gooper Blooper: link
Jumpropeman: my face when I see a cordie


Gooper Blooper: I do remember piness getting memed on a much lesser level
Gooper Blooper: You can't beat PINGAS' delivery


Jumpropeman: spooky
Jumpropeman: is she about to fight kiryu-
RubyChao: No, JRM
RubyChao: you can tell because she's still got her shirt on


Draco: The best dragon.
Jumpropeman appreciates
Gooper Blooper: More upcoming holidays, thanks Samhain
Jan 17: International Day of Italian Cuisines (Lanterby on notice)
Jan 18: Winnie The Pooh Day
Jan 19: Tin Can Day
Jan 20: Basketball Day and Penguin Awareness Day
Jan 21: Squirrel Appreciation Day (PSP on notice)
Jan 22: Hot Sauce Day (that one guy from Concord on notice)
Jan 23: National Pie Day (Gabby on notice)
RubyChao: the 15th was bagel day
Gooper Blooper: OR, IS IT THE BAGEL?
Gooper Blooper: that's actually what made me go look up holidays - I accidentally clicked the Search button on my taskbar and it brought up a pile of bagel articles and offered them to me, saying it was National Bagel Day
RubyChao: ha, it did the same for me
RubyChao: i've made bagels a couple time
RubyChao: what i really need to do is some gluten-free baking
not because i need a gluten-free diet
RubyChao: i just want to experiment with more possibilities
RubyChao: almond bagel...
Jumpropeman: today is also strawberry ice cream day according to my mom's calendar
Gooper Blooper: Week Long Observances
Week 1: Diet Resolution Week
Week 2: National Pizza Week
Gooper Blooper: Perfect.
Jumpropeman: 2012 Josephine experience
Draco: Winnie the Pooh Day? So the perfect day to watch horror movies. :D


RubyChao: i am off to bed
RubyChao: goodnight folks
Jumpropeman: night!
RubyChao: see you tomorrow for nothing in particular
RubyChao left the chat
Gooper Blooper: the power of the offseason
Jumpropeman: he must not have many dragons to appreciate


Jumpropeman: on the one hand, maybe I should start saving money for it. On the other, no way is it going to be easy to buy for a couple months whenever it does come out :V
Jumpropeman: it's time... for Arkansas Switch Daddy 2
RubyChao: the sequel: kansas switch mommy


Gooper Blooper: link
Jumpropeman: nerdy switch 2 tan is a good look
Gooper Blooper: Considering her eyes evoke Xyra I am not surprised you like the tan-
Jumpropeman: >_>
Jumpropeman: @_@
Draco: Switch-2 shows up next year, needs to be DEFEATED by Vita.
Jumpropeman: Switch 2 and her pal N64-
Jumpropeman: here I was thinking "maybe after the playstation girls the game girls concept could wind down"
Gooper Blooper: N64, SNES, NES, Wii U... you left out a whole bunch
Gooper Blooper: and, of course, considering the recent spurt of Game Hoard reviews
Gooper Blooper: Ms. Game And Watch
RubyChao: Ms. Game and Witch is just Mr. Game and Watch with a new hairstyle
Gooper Blooper: haven't even gotten to Atari, Microsoft, or Neo Geo yet
Gooper Blooper: when's Hyperscan Hard Girl
Jumpropeman: the year is 2035, Apple Pipin challenges the Intellivision girls to a game or die tournament
Gooper Blooper: Vectrex
Tiger LCD
Jumpropeman: and the new nintendo girl SummerCart 64
Jumpropeman: i am not getting into peripheral girls
Jumpropeman: I would never be free then
Gooper Blooper: N64 Girl's powerset revolves around the summercart
Jumpropeman: either that or we just call her that when she's in her swimwear
Jumpropeman: that is dangerously cute...
Jumpropeman closes that link... opens it again. closes it... opens it again
Jumpropeman: dangerous...
Gooper Blooper: maple's latest customer
Gooper Blooper adds frecks to the first image
Jumpropeman: if she does join rp, don't worry, they'd be canon
Gooper Blooper: you're too kind


Jumpropeman: she heard about us using the power of friendship to take down baddies and thought she could harness it
Draco: Friendship is the power, violence is the delivery mechanism.
Draco has Margit punch the evil out of Doug.
Gooper Blooper: Evil.
Jumpropeman: what is he plotting...


Jumpropeman: Real life: "I love Japanese stuff!" "Why?" "Because it looks neat!"
In Fiction: "I love Japanese stuff!" "Why?" "Because ten years ago, a Japanese man gave his life to save me from drowning..."


Jumpropeman: over in Sakura Wars, I've been trying to figure out which girl to pursue. Maybe the effervescent cowgirl Gemini, or perhaps the enigmatic genius from Japan, Subaru. Then, I check my bonds after the most recent checkpoint...
Jumpropeman: she's like if meredith had miyoi's personality so-
Gooper Blooper: JRM waifu fusion
Jumpropeman: I can't pretend to be upset, I was like "heck yeah" when I saw her bond was the biggest. I just had to be true to myself after seeing it
Jumpropeman: I was trying to convince myself I didn't have a type though
Gooper Blooper: JRM hypes up a new character for RP, the "new character" is just Meredith wearing a whale hat
Draco: In Fallout 3, Macka convinced some 'vampires' to stop going to a town to terrorize it, then she helped a NERD write her history book. There was also some dude with a flamethrower and an evil scientist making mind control chips in a tricycle factory too.
Jumpropeman: she didn't bother those other two, they weren't doing any harm
Gooper Blooper: link
Draco: Who is "we"? Dreamcast, Mega Drive, and Gale?
Draco: And Master System?
Gooper Blooper: A+ character design
Gooper Blooper: link
Draco: Weird. There's only two girls in that picture. Where's Gale and Ariel's girlfriend Master System?
Gooper Blooper: what has draco got against dreamcast
Gooper Blooper: wait, no, he did acknowledge her in the first link. It's Saturn he's dunking on
Jumpropeman: saturn still collecting L's...
Gooper Blooper: Saturn's great though
Gooper Blooper: *HP bursts in to defend Sharon's honor*
RubyChao joined the chat
RubyChao: hello
Draco: link
Draco: Hi Chao.
Jumpropeman: mega let that whale hat go to her head
Draco: I'm trying to cope with the fact that Game Gear doesn't get a cool Nendo figure for me to collect.
Jumpropeman: the real reason they need to give the girls a bigger spotlight
Jumpropeman: a miracle we already got any of them
Draco: ;w;
Gooper Blooper: I'm very happy that Saturn got a Nendo but it is deeply upsetting that she's the only one
Gooper Blooper: Imagine if they did, like, a Regirock nendo
Gooper Blooper: and that was it
Gooper Blooper: That's what it feels like.



Jumpropeman: in Sakura Wars, I have betrayed the myoiredith character. She was supplanted by the Japanese girl, Subaru
Gooper Blooper: What prompted this betrayal?
Jumpropeman: Unfortunately, Diana didn't have much depth, but Subaru has a more textured personality and is more fascinating to get to know. She develops a whole lot more compared to Diana's pretty quick and simple arc
Jumpropeman: i was drawn in by the intellectual stimulation compared to the nice girl...
Gooper Blooper: JRM pushing past the looks to go for someone with more depth! (and it's not like Subaru over here isn't cute too)


Gooper Blooper: quaso
Gooper Blooper: link
Draco: quaso
RubyChao: my one regret about going the faceclaim route
RubyChao: losing "croissant" as a name
Jumpropeman: make it her last name
Gooper Blooper: Grace "Croissant" Samiel


Cornwind Evil: "then she helped a NERD write her history book" Which involved purposefully irritating yourself and breaking your own bones, I suspect
Draco: Some of the book tasks have been more arduous than others. So far I've managed to do all of the optional parts though.
Draco: The easiest was hurting myself and crippling a limb: I went to a subway tunnel and reset a bear trap until I was properly mutilated. :D
Cornwind Evil: I just jumped off a building
RubyChao: the heck is draco talking about
Jumpropeman: you guys live tough lives
Draco: Fallout 3
Cornwind Evil: One quest is 'help this somewhat odd woman write a wasteland survival guide'
Cornwind Evil: This includes 'the symptoms of severe radiation poisoning' and 'signs you have crippled a limb'
RubyChao: ohhhh i see
Cornwind Evil: I tried to use the Megaton bomb for the radiation thing, then I realized I would gather rads much faster if I just drank out of the nearest toilet.
Harpydia: *dabs*


RubyChao: "For some reason, I always thought it was really funny that the ytp community has unanimously repurposed Ludwig's castle hotel to be Hyrule Castle in YTPs"
RubyChao: this describes perfectly how i feel
RubyChao: it's so delightfully consistent


Draco: I wonder if JRM wants Hannah in the Brawl.
Jumpropeman: i am pretty subtle
Draco: Definitely not Maple though.
Jumpropeman: maple who?
Jumpropeman: why would I want a tree in the brawl
Draco: Maple Story, the video game?
RubyChao: dumb thought i just had
RubyChao: Both of JRM's extra-emphasized picks count as Huge Women
RubyChao: in different ways
Gooper Blooper: we need them huge women
Cornwind Evil: The next time Celeste sees Hannah, she's going to think that the woman started using steroids.
Jumpropeman: The Huge Bar Brawl
Draco: Huge Women but not Big women. ;p
Gooper Blooper: I honestly might as well make their Brawl icons whenever, because to not enter them probably qualifies as some sort of crime in at least fifteen countries
Draco: Good Wishlist. Instructions clear: time to enter Hannah and Maple.
RubyChao: yeah, between you and pitohui and jrm i think if i tried to not enter maple you guys would forcibly edit my signup post to say maple
Jumpropeman: Maple, spread across five entries
Jumpropeman: she's that huge
Draco: >No Apollo
RubyChao: [9:39 PM]Hooded Pitohui: Brine not submitting Hannah would be the biggest and most disappointing twist in my entire time at ZFRP
Cornwind Evil: I don't know if Patty will ever enter. She severely dislikes killing
Jumpropeman: "dislikes killing"
Jumpropeman: her family makes up for her lack of it
Cornwind Evil: She can theoretically do it if she HAS to or if something enraged her enough, but 95 percent of the time she's just gonna disable you
Draco: Wish List read and understood. Brawl entry ready:
Gooper Blooper: close enough-
Cornwind Evil: She can't compartmentalize as well as her older siblings
Draco: But yes, Chao has threatened to break into my house and steal my Yohane Fumo if I don't enter 2B.
Cornwind Evil: And even the whole 'well it's just a brief death, a jumped up knockout' might not be enough for her to put aside how she feels
Brine: I had thought of a scene where someone kept asking Hannah if she was Riding a Bike or On Cycle and she had no idea what they actually meant... She's all natty, brah. She's gotta Brawl! Her and Vimmy/Venny are my hard and fast confirmations, not super sure on everyone else.
Draco: No Vortexer on the list is a crime.
Jumpropeman: I was gonna put Vanessa but you had to kill her >:I
Gooper Blooper: I liked in the leadup to BBB5 when CW's Ash and Silence sparred at Fite Club. Ash thought Silence was on steroids and Silence was so offended she won the Brawl just to stick it to him
Harpydia: damn dude you can't just say that
Cornwind Evil: But at least Silence was all big and muscular from the start
Harpydia: hannah kept a journal of her gains and everything!!!!
Cornwind Evil: Hannah went from kind of thin and frail to that, within a year
RubyChao: imagine if piyori and only piyori of the neokama wasn't there
Gooper Blooper: Look at all these Hannah Morning Posts!
Gooper Blooper: yeah I think I already confirmed it in my character wrapup blog but: locking in Piyori to ensure we max out on neokama
Gooper Blooper: she will be there
Draco: Piyori and 2B, the Neokama Duo! :D
Draco: Since JRM has demanded it, plot next year stars Vanessa so she can Brawl. huge JK there
Cornwind Evil: Chao doesn't enter Maple
Cornwind Evil: I enter Patty
Cornwind Evil: It's Maple in disguise
Cornwind Evil: Even if he doesn't, reality warps to get her in
Gooper Blooper: "patty since when are you twelve feet tall" "uhhhhhh... growth spurt"
Harpydia: "steroids"
Cornwind Evil: "I don't like killing, but I LOVE steroids!"
Harpydia: i am going to SCREAM
Cornwind Evil: Scream for steroids ice cream?


Jumpropeman: link
Jumpropeman: this is my way of announcing Spot is replacing Mimi
Gooper Blooper: that image feels appropriate for if you cut her from RP, yes
Draco: Good to know.
Jumpropeman: I don't think I could get away with that so easily
Jumpropeman: on the other hand
Jumpropeman: if I scrapped Concord plot
Jumpropeman: that would just feel appropriate


Jumpropeman: i think it's time
Jumpropeman: for kong... to rise
Jumpropeman: "Use Headphones for Best Experience"
Jumpropeman: well no wonder it gets bad reviews, people aren't using headphones
Jumpropeman: havent finished the tutorial level yet and it's already painful
Jumpropeman: somewhat literally
Jumpropeman: the camera shakes so much
Jumpropeman: found my first collectible! "Baby Skull"
Harpydia: hows it goin
Jumpropeman: getting my butt kicked by a crab
Harpydia: giant enemy or just a regular crab
Jumpropeman: well, its kong, so everything is technically large even though it doesn't look it
Jumpropeman: also, after dying, my attacks were bugged so I couldn't do combos and got killed again :V
Harpydia: damn that's not very kong of them
Jumpropeman: was able to win the fight when the combo system started working again for some reason :V
Harpydia: welp
Jumpropeman: *lands on a rock along the main path, no longer has any control over kong*
Jumpropeman: he's just standing there
Gooper Blooper joined the chat
Gooper Blooper: gasp
Gooper Blooper: Kong is happening
Jumpropeman: this is very old school awful
Jumpropeman: all the control issues, glitches...
Jumpropeman: i'll be surprised if I finish the game without falling out of bounds
Gooper Blooper: a good old-fashioned shitty licensed game
Gooper Blooper: like mom used to make


Jumpropeman: rise of kong starting to feel like an online game with tons of lag
Gooper Blooper: other players are controlling the crabs and using special skills that take your moveset away, JRM
Gooper Blooper: it's a secret MMO
Jumpropeman: there was a new type of crab recently
Gooper Blooper: every copy of Rise Of Kong is personalized
Jumpropeman: I couldn't tell if it was grabbing me or I was grabbing it


Jumpropeman: Rise of Kong has been kongquered
RubyChao: was it everything you didn't hope for?
Jumpropeman: well, let me tell ya about this one part
Jumpropeman: the game's fourth boss, undoubtedly the most difficult and tedious, has this dastardly trick
Jumpropeman: when you beat it, it crashes the game
Jumpropeman: so I had to fight it three times
Jumpropeman: no clue why it didn't crash the third time, but it seems to be pretty consistent for other people who played Rise of Kong
Jumpropeman: rise of kong really knows how to raise the stakes! Will your game crash after the boss? Will you land on a rock and suddenly lose control of Kong? Will dying or loading a save remove some of your attacking options?
Jumpropeman: that is how you give a game tension!
RubyChao: so, a solid Good
RubyChao: got it


Gooper Blooper: pink dedede
Jumpropeman: trust in Pink Dedede
Jumpropeman: Margit's face when she sees official Guppystrand brand Grand Guppy Pickled Eggs (they're always in stock!)
Draco: A friend of mine was drawing some cute pics for stuff at her job so she drew Margit.


Jumpropeman: I hope you're ready for my offseason blog series: Miyoi's Monster Truck Adventures


Gooper Blooper: Every so often I come across an image that just makes me go "this absolutely must be dumped into chatzy"
Jumpropeman: wow, the fact there's new maya art is almost as surprising as it being spamton inspired


Jumpropeman: the tenshi experience
Gooper Blooper: paf
RubyChao: can you blame tenshi
RubyChao: she's surrounded by so many dunderheads
Jumpropeman: i do, and often
Jumpropeman: tenshi's a jerk (positive)


Harpydia: god its a sad day when i'm thinking of asking people for pots and pans for my birthday


Jumpropeman: *opens pinterest without being logged in*
Jumpropeman: where's the womens?!
Draco: That's not Constanze.


Jumpropeman: I was looking forward to asking Draco to do some trades in Pokemon TCG Pocket after they added it last night... but the trading is a train wreck :V
Draco: They added trading? Neat.
Jumpropeman: well...
Jumpropeman: you can trade 1 and 2 star diamond cards okay (aka the common and uncommon cards)
Jumpropeman: but anything more valuable and it's a disaster
Draco: Yikes. Looks like you need IN-GAME CURRENCY too.
Jumpropeman: anything more valuable costs Trade Tokens, which you get by grinding up duplicate cards. You do not get any for the 1 and 2 diamonds, so you have to do 3 diamonds or higher. To trade a singular 3 Diamond card, you must grind up 5 other 3 diamond cards. You cannot grind up a card if you do not have at least 3 of that card. The person you're trading with must also grind up 5 3 diamond cards. Then you can actually trade 1 card for 1 card
Draco: ...what the fuck.
Jumpropeman: meaning the minimum cost for a trade will be six cards, although if you want to trade a 4 diamond or 1 star or whatever, it's even more expensive!
Draco: Why THREE?
Jumpropeman: for people more familiar with the regular card game, it's like paying 5 rare cards for the opportunity to trade away 1 rare card, but then there are holo rares, ultra rares, and secret rares (you can't even trade secret rares)
Draco: Good grief.
Jumpropeman: so draco... wanna trade 8D
Draco: Sure. Let me grind up my MewTwos so you can have my spare Bulbasaur.


Gooper Blooper joined the chat
Jumpropeman: hi bloop
Gooper Blooper: this shoebill push from JRM...
Jumpropeman: its simple goop
Jumpropeman: she's a good bird
Gooper Blooper: this is very true
Gooper Blooper: she got into RP pretty much entirely via "cute..."
Jumpropeman: valid


Gooper Blooper: all of the tennessee folks in Brine's latest blog have profiles in his profiles post
Gooper Blooper: the reveal of just how over-the-top Benedictine looks was worth the wait
Gooper Blooper: "hi I'll be your final boss for this plot, have a seat"
RubyChao: katherine was way more moe than i expected
RubyChao: hudson made me think she was an ish faceclaim for a minute
Gooper Blooper: Annis looked so unassuming in comparison
Gooper Blooper: but this fucker
Jumpropeman: benedictine about to end a jrpg
Draco: lol
Gooper Blooper: *Wicked Flight blaring in background*


Gooper Blooper: I'm on pins and needles every even-numbered day waiting for the kong review
Gooper Blooper: hype
Jumpropeman: I pushed up the Pickleball Smash review specifically because it gets mentioned in the Kong review
Gooper Blooper: I enjoyed seeing that as well
Gooper Blooper: every time it seems the pickleball discourse has finally stopped, it comes back yet again
Draco: JRM, blink twice if Rickle is pointing a racquet at you right now.
Jumpropeman: my parents were watching tv two nights ago, a show called the Neighborhood. I walked in specifically on the scene they were playing pickleball on the show. They even made a kitchen joke
Draco: lol
Jumpropeman: there's no pickleball images on danbooru yet


Jumpropeman: When Juri first appeared in YuYu Hakusho, she was drawn to be more sultry and mature, but a chapter or two later she softens into a cutie instead
Portable Draco: Weird.
Portable Draco: Are you saying she needs to be nice next season?
Gooper Blooper: I think you need to make it more obvious she likes girls. It was too subtle in her appearances last year and it was easy to miss the joke.
Jumpropeman: she needs to say at least three awoogas when meeting a pretty lady
RubyChao: don't forget her head turning into a steam whistle


Gooper Blooper: fumo phantom
Jumpropeman: nice pic
Portable Draco: I've actually caught a few Pokemon out at sea too. I'm keeping a Wartortle but I also have a ton of Carnivine.
Portable Draco: I also caught Maractus.
Jumpropeman: nice
RubyChao: man
RubyChao: now i'm remembering that maractus game
RubyChao: that was great
Jumpropeman: big "this music didn't need to go so hard" energy


Portable Draco: Masterful review today, JRM. A delightful read.
Jumpropeman: Kong is such a classic mess. Like at least Gollum you could see some effort put into parts
Jumpropeman: like, Gollum had water. Kong has a single moving texture for water that would look bad on N64
Portable Draco: King Kong 64


Walter Fell Into The World: I just spent 15 minutes figuring out if Superman can be turned into a vampire or not


Jumpropeman: so I've been playing Reus, the game with the nature giants that del rped back in season 4. In it, you can reshape the land and add resources but its on the humans what to do with it
RubyChao: they were in season 3
RubyChao: and i played it in 2020!
RubyChao: solid and fun time
Jumpropeman: well, to get a just established desert town going quickly, I placed down two herds of javelinas
Jumpropeman: what I didn't remember is that javelinas are dangerous, so in a bit, I got a notification that the town was under attack. The javelinas ran rampant and ended up destroying the entire city
Jumpropeman: the true intention behind sheep's javelina farms finally revealed...
Gooper Blooper: Sheep tried to warn us


Jumpropeman: forum search ain't working
Jumpropeman: I was going to look up that setz commission of gloria
Gooper Blooper: huh, I used it earlier today
Gooper Blooper: must be a very recent break
Gooper Blooper: here you go, JRM
Jumpropeman: there we are
Jumpropeman: the goodgals
Gooper Blooper: some of chao's first ZFRP obsessions right there
RubyChao: takes me back
Gooper Blooper: Nerd Club was originally a group formed entirely of Chao blorbos that I called "The Chaoservice Contingent" because I like giving him fanservice
RubyChao: it's true! back when it was just Gloria, Viola, and Sumireko
Gooper Blooper: And before Sumireko, Myriam was part of that group but she left before it metamorphosed
Gooper Blooper: myriam scuttlebutt is the Pete Best of Nerd Club


Jumpropeman: I was thinking recently about how in the Hitman universe their version of history books could be like, "this dictator's regime came to an unexpected end when a spotlight on stage came loose and crushed them" or alternatively "this dictator met his end when an unidentified man in a flamingo costume just started shooting wildly, also killing twenty guards before running away"
Portable Draco: "A briefcase spiraled out of nowhere..."
DECAPITATED OVER NUTMEG: "His wife fell on him."


Gooper Blooper: So my local Walgreens is going to go out of business next month and I gotta say I am impressed with their hubris
Gooper Blooper: they sent me a letter in the mail helpfully pointing out that I can go to a Walgreens forty minutes away instead, as opposed to, you know, the Walmart right down the road
Jumpropeman: no, it must be walgreens BI


RubyChao: "Warn them to get out of the way, then! The Kobbers can just get healed up at their fancy hospital! Now stop pushing me around, Momopie, I haven't Exploded anything in ages! I'm tired of waiting! SO I'M GONNA CAST EXPLOSION AND YOU CAN'T STOP ME!"
And so, here in the middle of Olympia, with people of all types both good and evil gathering together... Megumin plans to solve the problem by blasting away ALL OF THEM.
Houston, we have a problem.
Gooper Blooper: I really enjoyed this image as the perfect shorthand for "boi she bout to do it"
Draco: MEG NO
Gooper Blooper: link
Gooper Blooper: This is probably my favorite momopie fanart just because it so absolutely perfectly captures the essence of what I made her into in RP.
Gooper Blooper: absolute fucking gremlin
RubyChao: one of my favorite moments is always her looking at the villain about to explode and just going
RubyChao: "Well, bye!" and walking out
Gooper Blooper: Just walk out! You can leave!
RubyChao: that one is menacing imo
Gooper Blooper: Behind you is a solid wall. In front of you is Momopie.
Gooper Blooper: You are at her mercy.
Jumpropeman: momopie for switch online pls
RubyChao: Painter Momopie received fairly mixed reviews. Famitsu gave it a total score of 21/40.[2] German magazine Power Play gave it a 47 out of 100.[3]
Retrospective views on the game have been fairly positive. A retrospective review by Hardcore Gaming 101 called it a 'hidden gem' on the Game Boy, although criticized the lack of save features and level reuse towards the end of the game.[1]


RubyChao: "It makes me wonder how many other obscure subcultures are out there existing disconnected from their much larger and technically related hobbies."
RubyChao: hmmmm
RubyChao: i think i can name one


Draco: That's not a hot girl. D:
Jumpropeman: how dare draco
Jumpropeman: Kauket is fine
Gooper Blooper: The age of 5000 is in demand
Draco: Fair


Gooper Blooper: Cordie moving her stuff, helpfully labeled "Stuff", into her Argo hotel room
Draco: Oh good. I thought for a moment the box was empty!
Jumpropeman: she didn't want to mistake it for her Junk
Draco: That's a different box completely!
Jumpropeman: she keeps that box in her trunk
Gooper Blooper: female spiders are known for their sizable abdomens-
Draco: Dang. Yamame be looking respectfully with all eight eyes.


Gooper Blooper: link
Jumpropeman: believing dorothy to be straight is impossible
RubyChao: rammy is perfect


Cornwind Evil: Apparently Lovecraft wrote a story called "Old Bugs"
SteelKomodo: he did
Bring the Jade: m sheep ass title


Jumpropeman: im going to come right out and say it
Jumpropeman: turtwig is cute
New Name Pending: Listen JRM
New Name Pending: Turtwig is cute, but Piplup is cuter
Jumpropeman: piplup is cute, yes
Jumpropeman: but consider this
Jumpropeman: instead of making them compete, enjoy two cute things
New Name Pending: Hmmm
New Name Pending: I
New Name Pending: You convinced me
Jumpropeman: and so the world is a cuter place


Gooper Blooper: today in my wikipedia browsing I bring you bisexual vulture drama
Gooper Blooper: "In 1998, two male griffon vultures named Dashik and Yehuda, at the Jerusalem Biblical Zoo, engaged in "open and energetic sex" and built a nest. The keepers provided the couple with an artificial egg, which the two parents took turns incubating, and 45 days later, the zoo replaced the egg with a baby vulture. The two male vultures raised the chick together.[79] A few years later, however, Yehuda became interested in a female vulture that was brought into the aviary. Dashik became depressed, and was eventually moved to the zoological research garden at Tel Aviv University where he too set up a nest with a female vulture.[80]"
Calvinball Anime: Vulback Mountain
Mobile Pitohui: Fascinating vulture drama
Draco: ...okay.
Draco: That's something to come back to. XD
Draco: Chatzy Madness 424: Bisexual Vulture Drama
Jumpropeman: wait
Jumpropeman: if only Trigger the vulture in RP was real and not an alien parasite
Calvinball Anime: no
Calvinball Anime: go go go
Jumpropeman: he would have legit been a bi vulture
Draco: lel
Draco: If you're a freedom fighter who likes men and women, are you a bi-partisan?
Calvinball Anime: Man the alien plot was fun


Brine: A manager's gotta do what a manager's gotta do... Anyway, here's Wonderwall
Jumpropeman: saving on having to pay an opening act


Jumpropeman: "EVERY GAME?? Just on MobyGames we’ve cataloged 294,490 games (and we’re missing tons still). If we assume you spend ONLY an hour per game and you sleep 8 hours a day - this would take ~45 years. No breaks. No food or work. Just gaming and your 8 hours of sleep. 💀 I raise my glass to your efforts! 🍻" I'm legit shocked the number is so low
Draco: Good luck, JRM.


Gooper Blooper: link
Jumpropeman: laila if she had been the one to make potemkin's run
Gooper Blooper: oh man, can you imagine all of us panicking as Laila threatens to make me a three-time champ with back to back wins
Gooper Blooper: the scariest she'd ever be
The Lone Wanderer Needs To Pee: "I CAN'T STOP ELEVATING."
Gooper Blooper: elevator stocks skyrocket, Argo suddenly installs tons of them as Laila comes to Argo to defend the title
Draco: I think at that point we unanimously vote to ban you from the Brawl. ;V
The Lone Wanderer Needs To Pee: Christopher removes the elevators from his house
The Lone Wanderer Needs To Pee: (the joke is, he doesn't have any to begin with, just stairs)
Jumpropeman: then laila wins her defense run too-


Jumpropeman: i realized last night I can never find a harem anime unrealistic again
Jumpropeman: because it was Literally Me in high school and I didn't realize it :V I was best described as like, Emo Harry Potter, yet not even counting the girls I did have a relationship with, I can count multiple attractive girls who would tell me they were interested and there were others Im pretty sure liked me too. And yet I didn't realize it at the time or act on them because I was an oblivious dork
Jumpropeman: this isn't an attempt to brag, if anything, it's like the opposite because I feel very dumb in retrospect...
Gooper Blooper: I imagine looking like Emo Harry Potter would be a powerful asset in the 2000s, yes
RubyChao: it's ok jrm
RubyChao: i also feel dumb when i think about how many women have been openly and blatantly interested in me and i assumed it was jokes or being friendly


Jumpropeman: someone stop sey, she's out of control
Gooper Blooper: I like the comment that's just "gaychelles"


Draco: Canon
Jumpropeman: Doug when he gets all the jiggies


Cornwind Evil: So evil
Gooper Blooper: "Again after been long gone, Sheamus who now return in his old hairstyle vows to returns in WWE and crush everyone in his way."


Gooper Blooper: today, from the category of free-to-play game hell, I bring you the tale of Dauntless
Gooper Blooper: So Dauntless came out five years ago. It's a Monster Hunter style game. You go out, kill monsters, get loot, that's your gameplay loop
Harpnaomi: oh goodness, a goops review!
Gooper Blooper: Their first error came when crowdfunding to get things started - a lot of people gave money for the promise of getting exclusive goodies in the Steam version
Gooper Blooper: But no Steam version came, because they took Epic Game Store money and made Dauntless Epic exclusive
Gooper Blooper: That turned off the folks who refuse to use Epic, but Dauntless managed to slot into a nice niche as a Monster Hunter style experience on PC back when there were no Monster Hunter games on PC
Gooper Blooper: It puttered along for a few years, then got an update called "Reforged" that wiped everyone's progress
Draco: The Clever Mantis Hoard
Gooper Blooper: It retained a dedicated player base and continued onward, though updates faded away to nothing and it was left in kind of a holding pattern
Gooper Blooper: Eventually, though, word came that a big new update promising big changes was coming! It was called Awakening and it was going to give Dauntless a nice kick in the pants and bring it back to life
Draco: If it were a webcomic...
Harpnaomi: HMMMM...
Gooper Blooper: Meanwhile Dauntless was sold off of its' parent company and bought by another company
Gooper Blooper: The new company is a blockchain company that does crypto shit. They do not make video games.
Jumpropeman: alas
Gooper Blooper: December 2024, Awakening drops, and alongside it Dauntless finally releases on Steam!
Draco: Uh oh...
Jumpropeman: new big update: Dauntless Coin
Gooper Blooper: Awakening is a disaster. The "get materials to make gear" mechanic, which I'm told is basically the entire point of any Monster Hunter game, was removed. Instead you now get to buy new weapons with real money
Jumpropeman: hot dog!
Draco: Woo
Harpnaomi: mmm, macrotransactions
Gooper Blooper: Also they wiped everyone's progress again and took all their weapons away so they couldn't avoid the weapon shop
Gooper Blooper: But they did add a whole ONE new monster!
Jumpropeman: HOT DOG
Gooper Blooper: The backlash is intense. Dauntless got review-bombed to hell on Steam and the player count plummeted. By early February, less than 200 people are still playing
Jumpropeman: ain't modern gaming swell
Gooper Blooper: The crypto company, seeing that going full pay-to-win did not make Dauntless an instant money machine, responded the only way they knew how
Gooper Blooper: They fired the entire Dauntless dev team and said servers will shut down in a couple months
Draco: Wow. Who would've guessed that players having their established progress wiped out for blatant cash grabs would backfire?
Gooper Blooper: Sadly for JRM, while this means you do technically have a chance to play Dauntless before it shuts down, the original game is already gone and you'd be left reviewing the dead, empty, F2P hellhole that is the Awakening update
Jumpropeman: do these companies actually think things like this will work
Jumpropeman: has it ever worked


Jumpropeman throws a girl in a garbage can
Jumpropeman: peak design

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