Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Chatzy Madness Volume 420: Star Wars Ain't Real

Diadem: don't worry we'll put benedictine cucumberpatch in her place too eventually
Diadem: but she's smart not to get kobberitised this early
Brine: She didn't want anything to do with the Kobbers, they just kept... showing up! Just, sighing and washing her hands of this whole thing. For now. We're gonna get her though!
Diadem: don't send operatives to where kobbers have been recently seen you silly cucumber
Brine: That darn Lee, crawling to safety with them. Absolutely gross. Sending less people to stay under the radar backfired, definitely :V Benedictine back at home like "Well... Fiddlesticks."
MobileCurryy: Damn she owns part of tennessee but can’t say fuck smdh
Brine: Too much class! It'll make it mean that much more when she drops one midKobbering.


Jumpropeman: in the same way Randy was likely hired when the ZFPD became more "official", Chiyari probably joined the hospital around the time they became an organization
Jumpropeman: she has a low social battery so even if a Kobber tried to get chummy with her before, she probably just did the bare minimum in the conversation
Jumpropeman: aren't you excited to meet her?!?!
Mobile Draco: Does she like potatoes?
Jumpropeman: i did consider having her have a snack for this scene. so I'll go with... yes


Mbwah Sheep joined the chat
Turalli Traveler tosses a net over Sheep

Turalli Traveler: Stay!
Mbwah Sheep releases his spores in self defense
Mbwah Sheep: Hello
Turalli Traveler: You know spores aren’t going to do much against a net
Mbwah Sheep chews on net
Turalli Traveler: Slightly more effective.
Jumpropeman: hi sheep
Mbwah Sheep: yo
Turalli Traveler: So how is brawl victory tasting
Mbwah Sheep: I'm coping :L
Jumpropeman: just think about how happy it made chao!
RubyChao: it's true
RubyChao: legit how goops felt when harpy finally won
Mbwah Sheep: :I
Mbwah Sheep: this is my smiling face...
Draco: Sheep is smiling? Nature is healing! ;o;
Turalli Traveler: I wanna try and win next year.
RubyChao: good luck!
Draco: I'll vote for you.
Draco: I'm not voting for Sheep anymore though. He's had too much excitement for one year.
Mbwah Sheep: It's true. We had to hire a guy to run on a little wheel where my heart used to be.
Jumpropeman: so that's where spat went
Mbwah Sheep: Listen, he's a busy guy
Turalli Traveler: Sorry CW.
Turalli Traveler: I am not holding back
Turalli Traveler: Next year I will bring in
Turalli Traveler: The cute girls
Draco: Oh no
Draco: Cornwind doesn't have many of those. D:
Jumpropeman: 😱
Jumpropeman: im gonna enter a cute goat, i heard those win
Jumpropeman: wait, I entered yuuma last year
Draco: Not cute enough, apparently.
Draco: Cornwind should enter the god-making villain so she can win and we can make "First time" jokes forever.
Turalli Traveler: He does!
Turalli Traveler: It’s just that his cute girls can and will break a person’s spine over their knee
RubyChao: in fairness, i think a lot of cute girls in rp can
Draco: Mine can't. All my cute girls skipped knee day.
Turalli Traveler: Well mine couldn’t with their knees specifically


Jumpropeman: considering JRM's amoral approach to brawl entry management, if Old Bun Eye had won the brawl, I guess he'd just kinda turn the monster loose afterwards :V Post-Brawl plot: stop the Tyranibble attack on Glasetera
RubyChao: spy did say that he would have cobbled together a plot for us
Draco: Old Bun Eye gets turned into a cute anime girl by Brine too.


Mbwah Sheep: Birds fly. Fish swim. And Playmate loses at cards.