Thursday, June 6, 2024

Chatzy Madness Volume 417: Kick Squirrel, Try Not To Kick Chainsaw

(Re: the previous Chatzy Madness)

Presentgate: I am very glad goops provided a link to the harkness test
Gooper Blooper: It seemed like important context, I'd never heard of it myself
Presentgate: That actually makes you really vanilla compared to some discords I'm in
Gooper Blooper: You have NO IDEA how absolutely TWISTED I can get!!!
Gooper Blooper has two cute girls hold hands
Jumpropeman: BANNED
Presentgate: 🤔


Presentgate: Hello CW
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA: There's an enemy called the Beheaded Kamikaze
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA: All it can do is run at you carrying bombs
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA: Fragile, but they always come in numbers, and the game's selling point is often fighting in very large open areas where they can appear all around you
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA: So when you start hearing AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA you know you're not in for a fun time
Draco: Hi Cornwind.
Presentgate: unlike all funtimes you normally have hearing someone scream in all caps
Gooper Blooper: I remember seeing a video of this guy many years ago
Gooper Blooper: it's basically all I know about Serious Sam, that there's an enemy who runs at you going AAAAAA
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA: Yes, and that guy was in a semi good spot in that they all came from the semi same direction and he had lots of room to back up
Jumpropeman: oh wow, its been a while since I've seen a serious sam game. Did not expect the generic fps small city
Draco: Dang. That IS kinda disconcerting. Even worse than a Super Mutant Suicider.


AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA: Barpost to make Ginny's life harder


Gooper Blooper: so today, goopsbro was browsing the nintendo eshop and saw Garfield Kart on sale for two dollars, and he had exactly two dollars in Gold Points
Gooper Blooper: so we played Garfield Kart today.
Jumpropeman: family fun time!
Gooper Blooper: The way Goopsbro put it was pretty logical
Gooper Blooper: "if we have fun with this together for one afternoon that's worth two dollars"
Gooper Blooper: he found it actually enjoyable because he just likes kart racers and Garfield Kart is not a broken game, just aggressively by-the-numbers
Jumpropeman: but did he feel shame for using no boosts
Gooper Blooper: The one on Switch is the Furious Racing version, which removes the coin and boost system
Gooper Blooper: so we were spared that!
RubyChao: No Boost System? Shame!
Gooper Blooper: My Garfield calendar gave me this strip today, so if we don't see him again for the rest of the season, this is why


Gooper Blooper: Best quote from Goopsbro after we went back to Garfield Kart to play the second half of it: "We've done three races and it feels like we've been playing for an hour."