Monday, March 25, 2024

Chatzy Madness Volume 415: Powerful Daddy Energy

Gooper Blooper: link
Draco: Cute bugs
Draco: I bet one of them would smooch a Sega Dreamcast.
Gooper Blooper: Even if it smells like Taco Bell?
Draco: What kind of Taco Bell? Baja Blast or a Mexican Pizza?
Gooper Blooper: I forget exactly how JRM reported his new old system smelled
Draco: Fair.
Draco asked Chatzy to choose between Yes, No and BAJA BLAST. Chatzy chose: Yes
Draco: Yes, it would.
Jumpropeman: Jumpropeman: my dreamcast smells like taco bell
Jumpropeman: found it, goop was right


Mitochondria Powers the Del: "my Dreamcast smells like taco bell" might be the most 90s sentence I've ever read


Jumpropeman: "Aaha!"
―Scrat when he sees an acorn

Jumpropeman: thank you ice age wiki


Gooper Blooper: Shadow is pretty much the ultimate embodiment of early 2000s edge and it's great
Jumpropeman: im glad that we're mostly past the age of condemning edge, or at least like, normal edge
RubyChao: his theme remains ridiculously cheesy edge nonsense and it's still great
Jumpropeman: there's still definitely like "shock" edge that I doubt people will ever come around on
RubyChao: i unironically enjoy this song
RubyChao: oh yeah shock edge is way different than "shadow is so EDGY he uses GUNS and says DAMN"
Gooper Blooper: where's that
Gooper Blooper: D A M N
Gooper Blooper: fourth chaos emerald
Jumpropeman: =o
Jumpropeman: too far! too far!
Jumpropeman: im going back to my safe palworld server-
Draco: Diadem, Goops said a swear word. Punish him. ;-;
Jumpropeman: i imagine one reason we've cooled, beyond people just embracing cringe now more, is that we're past all those edgy early 2000s ads
Jumpropeman: game rated E for Everyone
Gooper Blooper: Also, the 2000s were long enough ago to fall into the Nostalgia Range
RubyChao: you know
RubyChao: you don't need full stalls for urinals but i have never understood the lack of like. those boards in a lot of bathrooms
RubyChao: it just feels weird
Jumpropeman: it probably costs 50 whole dollars to put up those boards!
Draco: The 2000s were almost 20 years ago.
Jumpropeman: it's also probably how like, I was amused by Bomberman Act Zero but back then, it seemed like the future was all edge and grit


Gooper Blooper: I apologize for there being more loud fire lady in RP next season
Gooper Blooper: I know you're all devastated you have to see more of her
Jumpropeman: GBC in shambles
Draco: It's okay, Goops. I'll get my revenge by forcing you to see Margit.
Gooper Blooper: Horrors!
Seychelles: I will counter your loud fire lady with loud ice man
Draco: Raihan is an ice man now?
newvel: he is pretty cool
Seychelles: No
Seychelles: Ghiaccio
newvel: Raihan isn't cool?
newvel: oh
Seychelles: The one literally named "Ice"
Draco: Oh. He needs to chill.
Seychelles: Careful
Seychelles: He does not like ice puns
Jumpropeman: he gives them the cold shoulder
Draco: Dang. JRM did it first.


Jumpropeman: there's a level in Dynasty Warrior 7 where your character is meant to push through his moral qualm over killing peasants who serve the enemy army, and when you encounter them, the character starts talking about trying to fight through his concerns and do his duty... as soon as I saw them I had wiped them out before he even could start so it didn't really land
RubyChao: wow
RubyChao: JRM confirmed a peasant murderer
RubyChao: i bet he kicks puppies into babies, too
Jumpropeman: im just saying, if you label the enemy, I'm gonna start attacking
Gooper Blooper: But don't you feel bad about playing this video game that refused to offer a non-violent solution?!
Draco: I did my Splatterhouse pacifist run just fine.
Jumpropeman: considering how dynasty warriors games work and you can end a level with over 1000 kills... yes I'm very broken up, how will China ever recover from my brutality
RubyChao: chinese history be like
>jumpropeman takes power
>247 million perish
Draco: >Daily
Jumpropeman: the average children born to a family in dynasty warriors is 300
Draco: >Daily
Love Honks: The mothers are the true heroes in that universe


Gooper Blooper: if Gabby is Texan, does that mean Meredith is also Texan but her accent's just much less pronounced-
Jumpropeman: when Sega announced they're bringing back old franchises finally, Meredith let out a quiet yeehaw


Jumpropeman: i realized something the other night
Jumpropeman: Quest for Camelot is on Switch Online probably because Nintendo published it back in the day
Jumpropeman: you know what other licensed game Nintendo published?
Jumpropeman: Hamtaro Ham Ham Heartbreak
Gooper Blooper: do it, nintendo
Gooper Blooper: give us those hamsters
Jumpropeman: i will attack that game instantly


Minister Sheep: "Placing a video game in a historical setting can immediately make the imagination run wild with the potential for what might be featured, but the extremely specific setting of the point-and-click adventure game The Mine intrigues because it is such an unexpectedly precise choice."
Minister Sheep: Picture it
Minister Sheep: Sici-


Jumpropeman: Jumpropeman: I say take the piss a lot
-Jumpropeman: I actually got fun of for doing so
-Jumpropeman: because I said at the wedding me and the groomsmen would sit on the sidelines and take the piss of the other wedding guests, but since they never heard the phrase, people thought I meant we'd be the toilets
-Jumpropeman: *cue jrm pls*
-AllerGB: mental image
-SteelKomodo: D:
-SteelKomodo: JRM PLS NO
-AllerGB: JRM the character sitting in a seat holding a bucket, with his usual goofy grin
-AllerGB: waiting expectantly

Jumpropeman: link
Gooper Blooper: You saw that merch and your mind immediately dredged up that ancient history


Jumpropeman: it's complete
Jumpropeman: all 151 pokemon (plus missingno) fused together based on top comments each day
Draco: It's monstrous. XD
Jumpropeman: a list of the additions to make sense of the chaos


Jumpropeman: heard Chao is a big fan of this series! He should check this one out!
Jumpropeman: link
Gooper Blooper: are we sure he's not just lying next to someone's attempt at a map of australia
Jumpropeman: yeah, he's not so much in a pool of blood as laying beside it
RubyChao: he's preparing for season 15...
Draco: The origin of Argo...


Gooper Blooper: Three years! They've had three years and this is it! No wonder that meme took off.
Jumpropeman: unreleased games, VR games, Remakes, 2 free games... gotta get that PS5!
Draco: I can't wait!
Jumpropeman: after the PS2, PlayStation has felt a bit like a cafeteria to me: they got a lot of stuff so I can go there if I need to, but it doesn't have a feel to it like nintendo or xbox
Draco: Yeah.
Jumpropeman: to amend my previous statement, I do have a soft spot or the Vita
Gooper Blooper: I didn't play them, but the PSP and Vita did certainly feel like they had an identity
Jumpropeman: The PSP is like a nut you can play with outside
Gooper Blooper: all I want for Christmas is my PSP
Jumpropeman: Vita's personality: hated by Sony
Draco: P S P
Gooper Blooper: this is good foreshadowing for how JRM plans to handle Vita in RP...
Jumpropeman: i plead the fifth-
Draco: Don't worry, we'll get Vita beaten up in the first week or 24.


Gooper Blooper: currently just kind of staring off into space after octopath 2 handed me one of the most batshit plot twists I've seen in my entire life
Draco: Oh no. Is Adelle actually a FAIRY?
Gooper Blooper: WORSE. Paimon is actually a space moth.
Draco: Ew. We should kick her out of RP before she gets germs on our spaghetti. D:


Gooper Blooper: the time for JRM's Berseria review draws closer...
Jumpropeman: tomorrow the jamboree begins!
Gooper Blooper: Closer than expected!
Draco: Yeeha! Can't wait for that Disaster Review. "It was almost a good game. Nice graphics and music, engaging story and gameplay, but there was this awful jester character who tried too hard."
Jumpropeman: MagiLOSER more like
Draco: Canon. Sucy has called her that at least thrice.
Gooper Blooper: She ruined EVERYTHING
Draco: She LOST the Brawl.


RubyChao: link
Draco: Cute
Gooper Blooper: savior of hags, swinger of swords, defender of cute justice
Jumpropeman: Hag Helper Anelace
Jumpropeman: its that time again
Jumpropeman: smash added four more spirits
RubyChao: did we get an annie spirit yet
Gooper Blooper: annie for smash
Jumpropeman: they have enough weak spirits
Gooper Blooper: OHHHHHH
RubyChao: link
Gooper Blooper: if annie wore a bunch of soft frills and ribbons instead of being a tomboy you could call her
Gooper Blooper sips water
Gooper Blooper taps mic

Gooper Blooper: annie-lace
Draco: Is Sheep here tonight? It sounds like he is.
RubyChao: eyyyyyyyyyy
Gooper Blooper: not enough image links to out of context kinnikuman panels
RubyChao: the anime for that is dropping in july
RubyChao: i'm hype
Draco: Fair. XD
Jumpropeman: and once again
Jumpropeman: I've 100%ed smash
Draco: Excellent. I look forward to you 100%ing it again in a couple weeks.
Jumpropeman: kinda messed up when they add more spirits since that means those characters all got killed too
Gooper Blooper: Galeem farts, four more characters die


The Del Piece: okay all
The Del Piece: the last video game you played
The Del Piece: but when you complete an objective, a timer starts and its pizza time starts playing
The Del Piece: what game is it and how fucked are you
SteelKomodo: ring fit adventure
SteelKomodo: and uh
SteelKomodo: i'm gonna be gasping like a beached whale by the end of it
The Del Piece: lol
Diadem: jokes on you that's exactly what deep rock galactic is like
SteelKomodo: lmao


RubyChao: "Clowns and samurai are not so different from each other. They both have their distinct code of honour that dictates how they should perform their duty, and while there may be disagreements about exactly how detailed the code is, and how strictly one is expected to follow it, they all do agree that the code does exist, and one who does not know the code is no true clown nor true samurai, and one that willingly and knowingly goes against it does not only bring shame upon their own head, but on the entire order.
Meanwhile, jesters and ninja were not known for any unyielding, uncompromising, almost mythical dedication to any code of honour. They were feared for their general attitude of "bold of you to assume I have dignity.""

Gooper Blooper: clown lore
Jumpropeman: those clowns don't have a college for nothing
Draco: Clownpiece had to get a degree or change her name.


Birthday Evil (Cornwind Evil) joined the chat
Birthday Evil: Time keeps on slipping...
Love Honks: Happy Day CW
RubyChao: happy birthday!
Birthday Evil: I STILL don't feel like an adult
Birthday Evil: And I'm the oldest one in this group


Birthday Evil: Go grab a big bird egg and throw it into the castle
Birthday Evil: It will make all the angry big birds attack the castle and you can go in

(Later, re: same game)

Legions Of Unpoisoned Fish Men: Anyway, one character can run a shop, though there's only two places you can do so
Legions Of Unpoisoned Fish Men: You go behind an empty counter and hit action with them at the front
Legions Of Unpoisoned Fish Men: And an NPC will show up and either try and buy something off of you, or offer to sell you something
Legions Of Unpoisoned Fish Men: Upside: Have patience and they will sell you rare equipment
Legions Of Unpoisoned Fish Men: Downside: Most will come in offering much less valuable stuff.
Legions Of Unpoisoned Fish Men: And you have to tell them 'No' each time. And since each time there's a chance the NPC will then offer the item at a lower price, or offer to buy it at a higher price
Legions Of Unpoisoned Fish Men: And you're trying to use fast forward
Legions Of Unpoisoned Fish Men: It's possible to accidently buy stuff you don't want or sell stuff you don't want to sell.
Legions Of Unpoisoned Fish Men: And the thing that these NPCS present most for their junk items?
Legions Of Unpoisoned Fish Men: 9 Antidotes
Legions Of Unpoisoned Fish Men: Endless fish men, all trying to sell antidotes
Legions Of Unpoisoned Fish Men: Like there was a mass wave of poisonings expected that didn't happen
Legions Of Unpoisoned Fish Men: And now they have a bunch of redundant stock
Legions Of Unpoisoned Fish Men: So I just picture a horde of fish men, all not poisoned, constantly wasting my time


Jumpropeman: I was looking forward to PS1 Jabba and he did not disappoint
Jumpropeman: surprisingly the official Phantom Menace game has no playable podracing
Jumpropeman: you don't even see the race, you just stand around and listen to the commentator talk about it
Draco: Weird.
RubyChao: now THIS is podracing
Jumpropeman: i will commend this game for letting you kill most any character. Jabba, Shmi, random kids... I get the feeling that this game wasn't shown to Lucas before release
Jumpropeman: one character that causes an instant loss to kill though? Jar Jar
RubyChao: well of course
RubyChao: he IS the sith mastermind
Legions Of Unpoisoned Fish Men: I swear
Legions Of Unpoisoned Fish Men: Lucas did intend that
Draco: The books want you to think Darth Plagueis was a Muun (the tall, skinny bank clan guys) but he was a Gungan all along.


Jumpropeman: I hope that Sonic Dream Team game gets a port to consoles
Jumpropeman: it looks and sounds promising
Gooper Blooper: I watched some footage of it a few weeks back and it didn't impress me, but a console port would help its' preservation status so that would be good
Jumpropeman: I have only seen small clips through a sonic tumblr I follow
Gooper Blooper: Superstars came close to tempting me but horror stories of the boss fights ensured I can't risk buying it
Jumpropeman: but maybe this will entice you to buy it
Gooper Blooper: hot diggedy dog
Jumpropeman: imagine you see a friend of yours run by and he's wearing a costume that is just you but with a hole cut out for his face


Jumpropeman: you also got that weird cloudinary email right?
Gooper Blooper: I did!
Gooper Blooper: Didn't seem alarming considering how much a "credit" is worth
Jumpropeman: yeah, on first read I was concerned, but I don't think I'll need to spend a credit on 1000 transformations anytime soon
Gooper Blooper: I transform my images all the time. You need to transform your images if you want to actualize your product concepts into eyeballs to get maximum entergagement with your customer base. It's a new paradigm.
RubyChao: yeah, i checked my plan usage and it says i've used 0 credits so far


Jumpropeman: Prince Ali lifted ten regular men on the end of an elephant's trunk and people were really surprised it was all a sham after


Gooper Blooper: link
RubyChao: couldn't resist, huh?
Gooper Blooper: you knew I wouldn't and why should I
RubyChao: i have had the pleasure of reading gooper's octopath reactions and it has been great to see him absolutely fall in love with castti
Gooper Blooper: I liked her immediately, but partway into her story she got a chapter that made me go from "Castti is great" to "this is one of the best characters I have ever met"
MobileDraco: "I always have this axe with me." <- Prepare for axe murders to skyrocket.
Gooper Blooper: actual gameplay quote
MobileDraco: O_O
MobileDraco: Way cooler than Margery


Gooper Blooper: Here's the best joke I've seen all day: My Backloggery lists my friends' status and under JRM's account it says he's not playing any video games
Draco: LOL
Draco: JRM, why aren't you playing video games? ;V
RubyChao: lmao
Jumpropeman: i think I've played enough
Jumpropeman: I'm moving on to crochet
Draco: If JRM ever goes to Los Angeles, he needs to go to Little Tokyo so he can browse the used video game store that had a Pokemon toaster for sale.
Gooper Blooper: You've seen all there is to see
Gooper Blooper: The other unplayed games? Just more of the same really


Jumpropeman: designing a character is sometime like "hmm... I have to think of some sort of flaw for my precious perfect baby" and other times its like "flaws: everything"
Hooded Pitohui: The spectrum of character creation, "you are so cool" on one end and "oh you are gonna be such a DORK (affectionate)" on the other
Hooded Pitohui: But of course, there's the secret third option: "Hmm, can I make you really sad?"
Gooper Blooper: The duality of HP:
Draco: Zeldoten was all three.
Jumpropeman: my characters exist to be lesbian, eat hot chip, and cry
Hooded Pitohui: *thunderous applause*
Draco: Which one of those is Gale, which one is Yuuma, and which one is Aviaticus?
Gooper Blooper: *loud "MYOOMS" chant starts up in the audience*
Draco: Myoom is *checks notes* #TheBest.


MobileDraco: I had a dream last night where I was trying to design a dream by AI and spent the entire dream adjusting settings.
SteelKomodo: oh god
SteelKomodo: that is some cyberpunk braindance shit


Minister Sheep: Alright, I'd better yoink myself out of here
Minister Sheep explodes into 3.2 million black flies carrying sleeping disease


RubyChao: i am here to make an extremely spicy take on jojo's bizarre adventure
RubyChao: part 3 joseph is hotter than part 2 joseph
RubyChao: that is all, thank you
Side Del: hmmm
Side Del: you're right
Side Del: and many people agree tbh
Side Del: he does get powerful daddy energy, a phrase I can't believe I just typed


Gooper Blooper: Found out today about some folks who cried foul over a "Willy Wonka experience" that turned out to be a total dud
Jumpropeman: it looks glorious
Jumpropeman: in that it's anything but glorious
Gooper Blooper: "People who attended a Willy Wonka-inspired “Chocolate Experience” in Glasgow, Scotland, were promised “extraordinary props, oversized lollipops, and a paradise of sweet treats” — all promoted with dreamlike, candy-colored images on its website.
When ticketholders arrived at the event over the weekend, they instead found a sparsely decorated warehouse with nothing resembling the “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory” franchise the event invoked in its advertising.
“It was just ridiculous. I mean, just very amateurish. Absolutely nothing like what was described,” said Alana Lockens, who paid £35 per ticket, or $44.40, to take her two young kids to the experience. “For the sake of my children, we were trying to be happy and smiley so that they wouldn’t pick up on the disappointment and just tried to make the best of a bad situation.”"

Draco: Oof
Jumpropeman: saw this without the Wonka context initially and I thought it was a screenshot of a rinkadink drug lab
Gooper Blooper: I saw a comparison to Fyre Festival, but no. I know what this is.
Gooper Blooper: This is Lapland New Forest for a new generation
RubyChao: it really, really is
Gooper Blooper: Also, the lavish, decorated images they used on their website to promote it? AI generated.
Jumpropeman: this is Krabby Land
RubyChao: the script was insanely over the top too
Draco: Fucking AI. XD
Gooper Blooper: I did see accusations that the script was also AI-generated
Gooper Blooper: and of course none of this was officially licensed


MobileDraco: So about the Wonka thing:
Jumpropeman: high schoolers put together better events as class projects than this wonka thing
RubyChao joined the chat 3 hours ago
Jumpropeman: "The Unknown is an evil chocolate maker who lives in the walls."
Jumpropeman: The Unknown for Brawl


Brinehammer joined the chat
Brinehammer: Hey hey!
Jumpropeman: howdy
Brinehammer: It's me, Briney the clown
Jumpropeman: this brine is pretty similar to the one they serve at krusty burger...
RubyChao: And you call her Nidhoggr despite the fact that she is obviously Mobius-
RubyChao: WAIT
RubyChao: WAIT JRM
Jumpropeman: the man, the myth, the legend
Gooper Blooper: excellent litr callback, chao
RubyChao: i've been thinking about that dwarf kicked into the fire all day
RubyChao: sadly jrm though
RubyChao: despite the fact that la-mulana 2 tapped norse myth a LOT
RubyChao: we did not have the legendary boss fight against Litr we deserved
Jumpropeman: it wouldn't feel right if the fight lasted more than a single hit
Gooper Blooper: Kanade vs Litr:


Jumpropeman: I was writing a review for a game called Tchia today that is mostly just pleasant island vibes until it gets surprisingly dark in the later portions of the game. I wondered if I should spoil to what degree in the review, and then I thought back on how gooper said I undersold Turnip Boy's dark stuff, so I will be including a mention that the main villain swallows a live baby whole
Gooper Blooper: ah yes
Gooper Blooper: the delectables
Draco: Uff da


Gooper Blooper:

Jumpropeman: when the customer proposes a higher price than you even dreamed of suggesting


Seychelles: Ok
Seychelles: Which of your Kobbers is the best and which one is the worst at Mario Party
Seychelles: Leo is the best, and he's insufferable.
Jumpropeman: i have so many technologically and game illiterate kobbers :V I think Gamecube is probably the best Mario Party player
Seychelles: Roman is inexplicably the worst
Seychelles: La Squadra are also very cutthroat Mario party players
Draco: Best: Nibbles the Crab
Worst: Garvan
Gooper Blooper: Not counting characters who don't play video games, it's probably
Best players: Anna Graem, Dorothy, Dr. Blooper
Worst players: Reina, Piyori
Draco: Lucy DeMonde would have been worst at one point, but then she got herself a Game Gear. ;V
Jumpropeman: Gale doesn't play to win, she plays to be a shit
Jumpropeman: she would teach Lucy how to play properly
Jumpropeman: so she can better understand how shitty Gale is acting
Draco: Gale is a great handheld console.
Jumpropeman: she sends boo after the last place player
Draco: So DeMonde is decent at Mario Party. Swack is good or terrible depending on if it's the N64 one or not.
CarrotEarth Good: With La Squadra Mario party I feel like Illuso and Formaggio keep putting shit in each others way
CarrotEarth Good: So Ghiaccio ends up winning a surprising amount of the time


Brinehammer: Best; Jackson. Actual Best in terms of skill/ability; Torn. Worst... Take your pick, probably Zyzyx initially.
Deldeldeldeldel: Joshua is the worst at Mario Party because he's too honest and trusting, he's betrayed every time. Aiko or Jade would be best in terms of ruthlessness, but Jared would be better at rolling with the RNG.
Deldeldeldeldel: Mariya is a sleeper winner. Vince refuses to play


Jumpropeman: "Teardown is the world's second and only second imagination-type game where you are given a map that is fully destructible and a set of objectives to get done in any way." very confused by this introduction to a Teardown PSN trophy guide, especially since I was thinking how unique the game was before reading it :V
Gooper Blooper: SECOND AND ONLY
Jumpropeman: imagination is in short supply!
Gooper Blooper: wait, you know what this reminds me of
Gooper Blooper: Jumpropeman: "She was the first heroine (in Dr. Seuss movies) who gives the protagonist a kiss on the cheek at the end for bringing Christmas back"
-Jumpropeman: I always hated how many times characters brought back Christmas and didn't get a kiss on the cheek! (in Dr. Seuss movies)
-Msomething Sheep throws a blanket over JRM

Jumpropeman: still waiting for that second kiss on a cheek for a character bringing back Christmas in a Dr. Suess movie 😞
Gooper Blooper: The WORLD'S FIRST roguelike deckbuilder with pixel sprites set in a theme park with officially licensed appearances from Slush Puppie made by a US studio!
Jumpropeman: well I'd be a fool to miss out on that!
Gooper Blooper: don't miss your chance to be present for history in the making!


Deldeldeldeldel joined the chat
Minister Sheep: Del needs his chips.
Deldeldeldeldel: Howdy
Deldeldeldeldel: Been a bit sheep
Minister Sheep: How do
Deldeldeldeldel: Well, I'm getting made redundant but I've got a new job lined up so that's whatever
Deldeldeldeldel: Uh, started watching Spy Family
Deldeldeldeldel: It's very good
Jumpropeman: hear hear!
Jumpropeman: I read volume 10 the other night
Minister Sheep: Well, darn, hope things go smoothly from one job to the next, Del
Deldeldeldeldel: The people did not lie
Deldeldeldeldel: Yeah the main obstacle is I need a car
Deldeldeldeldel: Cos it's either 20-40 minutes by car depending on traffic, or 2 hours on public transport
Deldeldeldeldel: Fun England fact - it sucks
Deldeldeldeldel: Just gonna get a cheap Volkswagen or something, it'll be useful for other stuff
Deldeldeldeldel: And I only have to go into the office Mondays and Tuesdays
Jumpropeman: I almost said a bike
Deldeldeldeldel: Hah, unfortunately I'm not rated for that
Deldeldeldeldel: And this involves motorway driving so
Minister Sheep: Del gonna get one of those vans with a wolf howling at the moon on one side and Bigfoot on the other.
Deldeldeldeldel: Lmao I'll modify one of those VW vans
Deldeldeldeldel: Take it to festivals, smoke in the back and cook sausages
Deldeldeldeldel: Sounds great tbh


(After Rooster Teeth shuts down)

Minister Sheep: Oh wait. Is RWBY not getting/had a proper finish?
RubyChao: sheep: it's up in the air
RubyChao: nobody knows what's happening with any of the RT stuff atm
Minister Sheep: I see. I suppose I just assumed the RWBY property would go on in some form because of the manga and its popularity
Minister Sheep: Popularity of RWBY as a whole, I mean
Deldeldeldeldel: RWBY's popularity is wild to me considering everything I've heard about it
Jumpropeman: link
Deldeldeldeldel: I'm more interested in what will happen to Red Vs Blue because of how linked it is to Halo visually, even though it keeps itself distanced plotwise
Deldeldeldeldel: Gen:lock absolutely will not sell though lol
Jumpropeman: i had never even heard of it
Minister Sheep: Is Gen Lock still a thing? I thought it had one season and then imploded
Deldeldeldeldel: So here's the thing about genlock
Deldeldeldeldel: It is ostensibly a mecha show
Deldeldeldeldel: But it's written in the same way that rwby is written in that it's like, lightly skimming the homework of other mech shows
Deldeldeldeldel: The creator said "unlike other mech shows, this one is about characters" which tells you how many mecha shows he watched
Deldeldeldeldel: (zero, the answer is zero)
Minister Sheep: But, unlike other mecha shows, Del
Minister Sheep: this one will be about politics
Deldeldeldeldel: Then at some point it fell apart, Michael b Jordan's production company got ahold of it and season two was full of sex scenes and the heroes had to kill themselves to save the world
Minister Sheep: WAIT
Minister Sheep: W H A T
Deldeldeldeldel: Uh huh
Deldeldeldeldel: UH HUH
Diadem: wha
Jumpropeman: WELL
Jumpropeman: I guess that's different from some mech shows


Minister Sheep: "You are a fully grown and capable badger"
Minister Sheep: -My Father Badger
Jumpropeman: I say that in the mirror every morning sheep
Minister Sheep: "As your quest for adequate food takes you away from the den"
Minister Sheep: A game about me
Minister Sheep: "the world is flush with vegetation you can easily pluck from the dirt and feed to your children" -My Father Badger
Minister Sheep: "Once a child is lost, they are gone"-JRM's Book of Parables
Minister Sheep: "and in a dark sort of way the game becomes easier with each one lost"
Minister Sheep: 8I
Minister Sheep: "losing a baby badger because it decided to run its face straight into a rock"
Minister Sheep: Evolution!
Minister Sheep: "Granting a baby some food while it’s too close will have the food drop in the middle of its body and make the baby rotate in place as well"
Minister Sheep: Just like real life!
Minister Sheep: "because no hawk in real life has acquired a meal by lucking out on a rotating badger clipping through level geometry"
Minister Sheep raises hand
Minister Sheep pauses
Minister Sheep lowers hand

Minister Sheep: I'm curious how many badgers you lost while playing, JRM
Minister Sheep: "loved the idea of being a mother badger with few responsibilities"
Minister Sheep squints
Minister Sheep: This is why the news says video games are corrupting our youth.
Seychelles: Would you say you are
Seychelles: badgered by this review
Jumpropeman: i know I lost one to a glitch, I believe I also lost one to legitimate circumstance
Minister Sheep: I'd be lion if I said otherwise, Seychelles
Minister Sheep: Can't believe JRM lost a badger to dysentery
Seychelles: Well we know he aint a cheetah so he takes the losses on the chin
Minister Sheep: "but by keeping its head low to the ground"
Minister Sheep: like a badger?
Minister Sheep: "but the kind of players that are enticed by this concept might still find enough to chew on"
Minister Sheep: Those low-poly badger cubs do look pretty tasty...
Minister Sheep: Glad to see a review of this game. I've been curious about the Shelter games.
Jumpropeman: i review two more of them as well!
Minister Sheep: I've seen!....just haven't read them yet...
Minister Sheep: "Why did the chicken cross the road? Apparently, it was trying to set a new high score."
Minister Sheep closes out of review
Minister Sheep: ...That's enough for today.
Jumpropeman: if I hadn't made the joke
Jumpropeman: you would have


RubyChao: fun trivia fact:
RubyChao: honoka has hired a couple other people to work at the bakery at this point
RubyChao: it's gotten popular thanks to her kobber connections!
RubyChao: (...also she wanted more coverage after the murder trial incident.)
Jumpropeman: we already know she employs all the bikis-


(Re: fighting at Waffle House)

Jumpropeman: First Rule: Don't talk about Waffle House Fight Club
Second Rule: You only get as much syrup as comes with the order
RubyChao: unless you're Maple
RubyChao: in which case you get infinite
Draco: She IS the order.
Jumpropeman: Maple stares deadeyed at the waitress, her hands oozing out on the plate until there's nothing visible but syrup
RubyChao: i hope everyone is prepared for Tall Maple
RubyChao: lanterby will not be.
Draco: Garvan asks where Tall Maple is.
Gloria How You Fight With Book: I was gonna use the Tall Man this year
Gloria How You Fight With Book: But he refuses to show up
Gloria How You Fight With Book: He's scared of Tall Maple
Gloria How You Fight With Book: -Might very well have Curien accidentally summon the Tall Man-
Draco: Use the Quiet Man.
Brinehammer: Zyzyx thinks it's wrong that Maple is taller than her.
Gloria How You Fight With Book: The Fantastic Four villain?
Draco: This one:
Jumpropeman: Blind Legend versus Quiet Man
Jumpropeman: which does its good intentions worse
Jumpropeman: (quiet man by a mile)
RubyChao: brine that just made me imagine maple looming smugly over zyzyx
RubyChao: and then pale death looming over both of them
Brinehammer: Accurate. Too much smug, Zyzyx seething and coping.
Gloria How You Fight With Book: That makes me think of the visual joke in Kill La Kill of secondary character Gamagori being as large as needed for comedy shots
Gloria How You Fight With Book: Spawning a meme of "Gamagori Size: BIGGER THAN YOU"
Jumpropeman: i saw a similar joke
Gloria How You Fight With Book: Considering what anime the Kill La Kill people worked on before it
Jumpropeman: Gamagori. Height: Bigger than last time
Gloria How You Fight With Book: The jokes to follow were obvious


Jumpropeman: got my new phone today!
Seychelles: who dis?
Jumpropeman: the guy who can now open pokemon go in ten seconds instead of like three minutes, after which it sometimes still froze up
Seychelles: Thats a lot of power
Jumpropeman plays WORDS WITH FRIENDS


Gooper Blooper:
Jumpropeman: Ankha: "a bob cut will be a cute look"
Ankha later: "Should have just shaved my head"


Jumpropeman: happy women's day
Gooper Blooper: a whole day for women...
RubyChao: damn
RubyChao: only one day for women
Gooper Blooper continues dumping cool ladies into RP the rest of the year regardless
Gooper Blooper they gmod ragdoll out of a dump truck as I lower the bucket onto the forum


Gooper Blooper:

Jumpropeman: did somebody say sega
Draco: I didn't realize Sega had relocated near to me until I saw their logo plastered on a building while driving home yesterday.
Gooper Blooper: dang, draco's got meredith for a new neighbor
RubyChao: i'm sorry draco
Jumpropeman: Gale trying to get closer to the Lucy Source
Draco: Pretty much. I drive by it every day I'm in the office. It's just hard to see because I need to keep my eyes on the road.
Jumpropeman: one day draco will be part of a Yakuza substory
Draco: The slot cars plot, hopefully.
Draco: Or since it's not far from a Dave and Busters, sliding coin game plot?
Gooper Blooper: I've played a coin pusher at Funspot and here is my review: It's a fantastic way to get the rush of wasting a ton of money very quickly on absolutely nothing.
Draco: Agreed. There's a Star Trek one of those at the Dave and Busters that you can get cards from to trade in for extra tickets.
Gooper Blooper: surely this token will cause the inevitable cascade of five million tokens and win you enough tickets to buy your very own fumo
Draco: Yeah, I'd sooner be able to get An Actual Car than a Fumo. XD


Worth A Shot: link
Jumpropeman: Emerald thinking about Warner Brothers
Worth A Shot: Low blow
Gooper Blooper: too soon...


Jumpropeman joined the chat
Seychelles joined the chat

Seychelles: ahhhh
Seychelles: pfuld6k,6fd
Jumpropeman: coincidence has lead to sey entering right after me a few times lately
Seychelles: I'm following you
Jumpropeman: well, just remember to close the doors behind you, i wouldn't want to let in a draft
Seychelles: I'm not a monster


Tusks on a Manatee:
Gooper Blooper: it her
Gooper Blooper: I like how Pinterest tries to embellish things by calling an image an "idea"
Gooper Blooper: the "idea" of a cute neo, apparently
Jumpropeman: sometimes i forget pinterest was originally for like, arts and crafts and fashion
Tusks on a Manatee: I mean. Cute Neo is just a fact
Gooper Blooper: It's the website equivalent of when stuff like magazines or TV channels drift away from their initial focus


Diadem: god it's already terrifying when biscotti does it
Diadem: we can't give that to my backup nuke, too


Jumpropeman: "Just Dance 2020 is the first game in the western Just Dance series to have an official release in Japan. It would've been second if Just Dance 2019 was released there." thank you just dance wiki for this clarification


Jumpropeman: preview of PlayStation Plot
Gooper Blooper: It's a Sony
Jumpropeman: just in case you couldn't tell
Draco: I couldn't!
Gooper Blooper: did you know that No One Can Stop Mr. Domino?
Draco: I didn't!


Gooper Blooper:
Jumpropeman: speaking of "product of their time" reviews, I was very amused a while back to read a review of a Toy Story tie-in game where the reviewer had to make sure people know that, despite thinking the game was fun, he still prefers his games with blood and babes, because you know, it was the early 2000s
Gooper Blooper: The early 2000s really were such a vastly different time from now...
RubyChao: oh good
RubyChao: i was worried he might be gay
Jumpropeman: he plays as girls in video games because he might as well look at a hot person's butt the whole game
Gooper Blooper: I remember that argument
Gooper Blooper: "if I'm gonna stare at someone's butt for fifteen hours I at least want it to be a butt I enjoy looking at"
Jumpropeman: "I'd rather have something unique than something good" I am almost always more interested by indies but the really good games tend to be the mainstream ones :V
Gooper Blooper: I definitely caught some whiffs of your gaming philosophy while watching that Garfield video, JRM
Gooper Blooper: that line brought up Game Hoard memories
Jumpropeman: >he makes a garfield improvement mod
Jumpropeman: hotdang
Gooper Blooper: GARFIELD PLUS
Cornwind Evil: Time for more comments
Gooper Blooper: Comments on First Fantasy, to be clear
Jumpropeman: they're not comments on Garfield Plus?


Jumpropeman: I have encountered a more benign issue with Playdate
Jumpropeman: that being, I was hoping to review all 24 included games eventually
Jumpropeman: but one of the "games"
Jumpropeman: is just a sound mixing program
Gooper Blooper: Guess it depends on your definition of what a video game is. I know you once reviewed a "kinetic novel", which is a visual novel with no interaction
RubyChao: umineko was a great read but yeah it really stretches what a video game is
RubyChao: fantastic story tho
Jumpropeman: ive never committed to a definition myself, as that one video about the first video game pointed out it can be hard to pin down
Jumpropeman: I do at least say it requires some input from a human besides activation
Jumpropeman: since otherwise that's a movie
Gooper Blooper: I demand reviews of the Game Boy Video series-
Jumpropeman: Shrek has never looked better than 144p
Gooper Blooper: best speedrun of all time
Jumpropeman: mobygames clearly has the "what is a video game" debate going on too since it has an entry from 1948
Jumpropeman: I'm not sure if I consider something like Bertie the Brain a video game, but if I get my hands on it you bet I'll review Tic Tac Toe with Lightbulbs anyway
Gooper Blooper: I'm happy I got to play Computer Space on real hardware
Gooper Blooper: it wasn't any good but that wasn't the point!
RubyChao: same goops!
RubyChao: god it was still the most "i know you're right but you shouldn't say it"
RubyChao: that the retro gaming expo proudly had Wii, 360, and PS3 there
RubyChao: sanae.png
Jumpropeman: Wii U was released 11 years ago
Gooper Blooper: "retro gaming" kind of has to be divided up into groups now, since playing an Atari 2600, a SNES, and a Gamecube are all "retro gaming" but are three wildly different experiences
Gooper Blooper: This is presumably the aforementioned "1948 video game" JRM mentioned and I will never not smile at this name
RubyChao: ah yes
Jumpropeman: when you leave the naming up to the engineers
Gooper Blooper: ARE YOU NOT AMUSED???
Jumpropeman: talk to me when you got 64 cathode ray tubes


High-Toned Son Of A Bitch: I have a truly special and unique video
High-Toned Son Of A Bitch: No joke here
High-Toned Son Of A Bitch: Because the woman in this video with the blue and white shirt with glasses and a cross necklace is my mom
Gooper Blooper: now there's a twist!
Draco: That was silly.
RubyChao: that's very neat, cornwind!
Gooper Blooper: Lobster supremacy.
High-Toned Son Of A Bitch: As shown by the date, this happened several years ago, but I couldn't find it at the time
High-Toned Son Of A Bitch: But it popped into my head recently
High-Toned Son Of A Bitch: And this time I did


Seychelles: I started playing Gnosia
High-Toned Son Of A Bitch: I don't know what Gnosia is
Seychelles: Neither do we


Hooded Pitohui joined the chat
Jumpropeman: hi pitohui
Hooded Pitohui: Good evening
Jumpropeman: I dreamed last night you were RPing Luigi, but to RP Luigi you needed incredibly powerful and dangerous electric generators that constantly kept causing power outages
Jumpropeman: so please, don't RP Luigi
Jumpropeman: for your health
SteelKomodo: oh no D:
SteelKomodo: luigi too powerful for rp
Hooded Pitohui: Dang, the dangers of Luigi, exposed
Hooded Pitohui: Listen I needed all that electricity to properly replicate the Thunderhand ability
Jumpropeman: THUNDERRRRR
RubyChao: HIGH
Tusks on a Manatee: Thunder cats roll out
Tusks on a Manatee: Or whatever
Diadem joined the chat
Diadem: *hides luigi in the closet*
Jumpropeman: careful harp, he's a fire hazard
Diadem: i mean i already have daisy cooking, don't need two fire hazards
Diadem: can't believe dream pituhui got money for electric generators tho
Jumpropeman: you could literally see the electricity arcing off them
SteelKomodo: wao


Draco: HP, will Myoom be ballin' in Whalestrand?
Hooded Pitohui: Sadly, she shall not.
Draco: );
RubyChao: what about when we dunk HER
RubyChao: as the ball
Hooded Pitohui: Mean!!!
Draco: That is acceptable.
Gooper Blooper: Have Myoom reshape herself to look like this and then she can be the ball


I, Komodo: So I’m having an evening
I, Komodo: on one hand, playing princess peach showtime, a lovely fluffy game
I, Komodo: on the other, watching river monsters, which is just now showing graphic images of what piranhas do to human bodies
I, Komodo: so uh
I, Komodo: tonal dissonance abounds!


Gooper Blooper: the yohane metroidvania is on sale on steam and nintendo switch right now
Gooper Blooper: also, there's a fucking yohane metroidvania
RubyChao: Meatboll.
Jumpropeman: she has a deckbuilder game too iirc
Gooper Blooper: She does indeed
Gooper Blooper: Hanamaru and You also make appearances, naturally


RubyChao: spontaneously remembered how the alliance of evil showed up as five identical figures in five identical cloaks
RubyChao: despite the fact that the cloaks were like half the size of axem blue
RubyChao: that was a good gag
Draco: Extradimensional cloaks.
RubyChao: who is it
RubyChao: who could it be


Jumpropeman: wikipedia has cited the game hoard once more!
RubyChao: GASP!
RubyChao: congrats
Gooper Blooper: Link us!!
Jumpropeman: in an unexpected location
Gooper Blooper: ahahahahah, as soon as I saw the article title I knew where this was going
Gooper Blooper: you could say that it's
Gooper Blooper: hysterical
Jumpropeman: a while back I thought "I played the dang goofy game instead of castle of illusion" but it paid off
Gooper Blooper: "Pete is the boss of each levels."
Jumpropeman: i considered fixing the typo but then people might say I just edited the citation in myself :V
Gooper Blooper: The Genesis has Castle of Illusion and The Great Circus Mystery and you walked past them to play Hysterical History Tour and Fantasia
Jumpropeman: I did play that pseudo castle of illusion remake way before the game hoard
Jumpropeman: this un
Jumpropeman: i know they completely changed boss battles for it
Gooper Blooper: I played three "Mickeyverse" Genesis games. Great Circus Mystery was the one I was the most familiar with since it was a purchased game and not a rental. It's pretty good.
Gooper Blooper: The second was Quackshot, which did get a Game Hoard review
Gooper Blooper: And the third was Mickey's Ultimate Challenge, and I have a good feeling JRM would not be kind to it considering what the "final boss" is
Gooper Blooper: (if anyone is wondering, the final boss of Mickey's Ultimate Challenge is a slide puzzle)
Jumpropeman: i know what game ain't getting a Fantastic then
Draco: Helldivers 2?
Gooper Blooper checks a Mickey's Ultimate Challenge longplay
Gooper Blooper: It's 40 minutes in length and the final boss is 12 of those minutes.
Jumpropeman: geeze
Gooper Blooper: >Matt Bozon listed in the credits for background design
Gooper Blooper: and it all circles back to patty wagon somehow


Gooper Blooper:
Draco: Cory in the HAUNTED House
Jumpropeman: peak cinema

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