Monday, December 4, 2023

Chatzy Madness Volume 413: Socially Acceptable Peanut Butter Devouring

Jumpropeman: playing the original mario maker while its online is still available
Draco: Good.
Draco: Play EVERY game.
Gooper Blooper: Using the Ashley costume for every level I bet-
Jumpropeman: one of the top rated levels of all time is a coffin dance autolevel/music level
Draco: Nice.
Gooper Blooper: A relic of its' era.


(Draco makes a Cloudinary account because Discord is nuking its' image hosting)

Gooper Blooper: welcome to Cloudinary
Jumpropeman: huzzah!
Gooper Blooper politely waves around buzzword-laden business apps
Draco: Yes, Chao had to break three of my toes and threaten my Fumos, but I am formally using Cloudinary now.
Gooper Blooper: The fumos?! Chao, we are not cavemen
RubyChao: look
RubyChao: i was desperate
Jumpropeman: they're happy in a fumo garden now


I HATE YOUR FLIP FLOPS: "Then again, there was the specialized oath of Green Lantern in the 90's creation Jack T. Chance...
"You who are wicked, evil and mean,
I'm the nastiest creep you've ever seen!
Come one, come all, put up a fight
I'll pound your butts with Green Lantern's light!
Draco: Yowza
Gooper Blooper: Yao Zerr
RubyChao: perhaps someday we will learn if they let him teach again.........


I HATE YOUR FLIP FLOPS: When you're kissing Tony Stark, you're kissing Galactus.


(JRM is playing Mario Kart 64)

Jumpropeman hit peach with a green shell, she bounces multiple car lengths across the finish line anyway
Jumpropeman: she'll need a full body cast, but it was worth it for her
Gooper Blooper: XD


Gooper Blooper: one of my F-Zero 99 rivals was named "Who Cares" and their only badge they chose to display is the one you get for crashing a lot
Gooper Blooper: f-zero depression


Brinehammer: Whenever works for Ginny/Zadanost, let me know! I figured stuff was going on, we'd get to it when we did.
Jumpropeman: she's been in the hospital this whole time after Annis-
Draco: Ginny more like three broken spines.
Jumpropeman: demonde gave her extra parts just so more could break
Oh No, The Crossing: Reminds me of a bit from Transmetropolitan
Oh No, The Crossing: Where they're in a gun store and one of the main characters is waving around this gigantic cannon
Oh No, The Crossing: And the store owner says "Don't even play, that thing's designed to be fired by people modified with two backup spines."
Oh No, The Crossing: (Transmetropolitan takes place in the future. How far is never said. Could be a hundred years, could be a thousand, could be 4000)
Jumpropeman: could be... tomorrow *eerie music plays*
Draco: Could even be YESTERDAY.
Oh No, The Crossing: No pretty sure it's not happened yet


Draco: "Makkatipew" <- My favorite Youtuber.


RubyChao: something i was reminded of today: canonically, barack obama in zfrp lives on mars
RubyChao: that is all
Gooper Blooper: Dear USA
Draco: ...wut?
The Waluigi of Orcs: is that from the olden days
Gooper Blooper: Yeah, BBB3
Gooper Blooper: Spy's illusionist Ricard tried to distract General Cleft by making an illusion of Barack Obama, but because all he had to go on was a waist-up photo, he had elf shoes on and began his stirring patriotic speech by saying "Dear USA", as if he was writing a letter to the United States itself instead of the people living in it
Gooper Blooper: Ricard did not survive this encounter with General Cleft.
RubyChao: as for the mars thing, that was an incidental moment in 2015 where the effects of conrad going apotheosis had obama decide "fuck this i'm out" and take a rocket to mars
RubyChao: which ended up being fully enshrined in canon via that being how Michael Wilson became president for draco's plot
Jumpropeman: link
Draco: We missed out on President Obamasnow of Kanto.
Jumpropeman: Claire turns to Eggerman, wraps him in rope "I'VE BEEN PLAYING THE LONG GAME! FINALLY I'VE CAPTURED YOU FOR THE SALVAGERS!"
The Waluigi of Orcs: this hit me like a sack of hammers
The Waluigi of Orcs: I can't believe the huge dork made president Barack Obama fuck off to mars
Draco: He's President of Mars now.
The Waluigi of Orcs: I like to believe that time and growing older have made me immune to the idea that the position of president is inherently funny, but that got a chuckle out of me


Gooper Blooper: important discovery: my 2B plush may not be able to stand on her legs, but she can do a perfectly balanced headstand
Draco: An important discovery for sure.


Brinehammer: Post
Jumpropeman: "You're a git." Today event cancelled since Jack was just DESTROYED
Jumpropeman: *two day
Draco: No, no. I'm just ending THIS one here too. Raya Von HOLYSHIT
Gooper Blooper: It's the one attack against which Jack has no defense. He tried to get us to shut up at the start of the fight so that no one would say "Git".
Brinehammer: Maybe just one little speech :v Glad Reya could contribute!


Jumpropeman: tomorrow we save the clown and save the universe
Draco: No, pick one to save. You can't have both. jk
Jumpropeman: clown it is-


Jumpropeman: malpverse having a julia brings up the terrifying idea that our universe, in turn, must have its own julia
Jumpropeman: since she's originally from weav verse after all
RubyChao: oh no.
RubyChao: plot twist
RubyChao: that julia
RubyChao: was albert einstein


Cornwind Evil: Now, I will try to write two line horror stories.
Cornwind Evil: I was at nice birthday party having a good time with my friends.
All of my friends were actually killer clowns in disguise and they ate me.
Cornwind Evil: Okay, that sucked. Try again
Cornwind Evil: I was having a nice day in the park with my dog
My dog was actually a killer clown in disguise and it ate me.
Cornwind Evil: Dang it
Cornwind Evil: Okay, Take 3.
Cornwind Evil: I sat down to have a nice breakfast in the morning and my parents asked me if I knew what was for breakfast?
I said I didn't know, and they said, "You are!!!" and it turned out my parents were killer clowns in disguise and they ate me.
Cornwind Evil: Dang nab it I knew I shouldn't have watched It every day this month!
Draco: Srspost
Cornwind Evil: In celebration I will try one more time!
Cornwind Evil: I was having a nice day at the beach
Then some bullies showed up and I was actually a killer clown in disguise and I ate them.
Cornwind Evil:'s a start.


(Re: taking on the Teal Mask DLC for Pokemon Violet with a refreshed team)

LadySeychelles: Glad to know you didn't beat up a random child with your endgame team
Gooper Blooper: Sad Goth Child and Angry Tsundere are still no match for my secondary squad though
RubyChao: punching random children is what pokemon is all about!
Jumpropeman: Hitmonchan dynamic punching igglybuff out of existence
Hooded Pitohui: Demolish them, take their money, occasionally get their phone number for it all
Hooded Pitohui: Such is life



Gooper Blooper: I figured out what Candlemaker was reminding me of
Gooper Blooper: Take the Lord of the Night and completely excise his gift of gab
Gooper Blooper: Lord crossed with Death Gun
Cornwind Evil: As I told Goops, most of his lines are coming verbatim from his source material.
RubyChao: which will MAKE CANDLES
RubyChao: the CANDLES of the CANDLE MAKE
Cornwind Evil: Thing is he was more of a danger there because he had less of a powerful force opposing him
Cornwind Evil: And even in that they rapidly got sick of it


Gooper Blooper: I believe Miyoi and Lanterby are now tied for how many final bosses they've appeared for, at three each
Jumpropeman: is it three for three?
Jumpropeman: oh, we mean plots in general, not just end year right?
Gooper Blooper: Yeah, they both attended Foodplot Finale and Cabinet Finale, and Lanterby showed up for Grizz while Miyoi appeared for Candle
Gooper Blooper: So unless I missed anything the score is 3 each for the pacifist whale waitress and the small angry critic
Jumpropeman: time for them to fight EACH OTHER
RubyChao: enter the brawl next year miyori
RubyChao: watch them be final two


The Waluigi of Orcs: I have been playing
The Waluigi of Orcs: spiderman
The Waluigi of Orcs: there's the ps5 upgrade you see
The Waluigi of Orcs: it's neat
The Waluigi of Orcs: but man the ps5 doesn't have much storage
Mystery Sheep: Oh really?
RubyChao: ah yes
RubyChao: no storage for the no games-
The Waluigi of Orcs: okay I gotta say
The Waluigi of Orcs: I don't understand why the ps5 doesn't have any killer games for it
The Waluigi of Orcs: where did they go
The Waluigi of Orcs: like haha funny joke but also wtf where are they
Mystery Sheep: They're kept in a vault
RubyChao: in all seriousness i wonder if it's like... they were coasting from the ps4 in a way? that had a lot of solid exclusives and such so they're just riding high on momentum and whoops we forgot to make Big System Sellers for the ps5
RubyChao: kind of like how the wii u didn't have many killer apps
Jumpropeman: its in the wii u trap: all the big titles are sequels that do the same thing as the games before
Jumpropeman: chao and I both slamming the wii u
Mystery Sheep: As you should


Gooper Blooper: I'm off to bed, nite
Gooper Blooper: I'll be back to clobber a q-tip sloth or whatever they are-
Draco: Bye Goops.
Draco: Q-Tip Sloth works at the DMV.
Jumpropeman: night!
Jumpropeman: q-tip sloth is quite the name twist
Jumpropeman: should have been sloths instead of fish...
Gooper Blooper: harder to work with than candlemaker
Gooper Blooper: but I tried
Gooper Blooper left the chat
Draco: Qlippoth more like a Clip-on Tie.
Jumpropeman: aqua whips that out and Tehom DIES OF EMBARRASSMENT
Jumpropeman: he's been around for eons but never learned to tie a tie
Draco: Neither has Aqua; Suwako had to tie it for her this morning.


Jumpropeman: a lady in a phantasy star village asks if I like Sega games
Jumpropeman: I said yes at first, but if you say no, she's flabbergasted you played so far into the game then
Gooper Blooper:
Jumpropeman: Mega Drive sitting there looking at the question, trying to work up the power to say no so she can see every bit of content in the game
Gooper Blooper: She has to call over Rachel and have her choose no
Jumpropeman: "You don't really mean it though Rachel, right?"
Gooper Blooper: Rachel makes a show of it and looks away while pressing the button as if barely capable of doing it
RubyChao: mega stays out of the room to see rachel's actual reaction, she slams on that no with the force of a god
Gooper Blooper: she thinks the Nomad sucks, she just thought Meredith was hot-
Jumpropeman: Meredith probably spends a lot more time singing the Nomad's praises now, completely unrelated, definitely
Draco: Rachel knows the best Sega is the Game Gear. The most exciting eight minutes of your life.
Diadem: wao.


RubyChao: reminder that both of these vile criminals were arrested for murder
MobileDraco: They got what they deserved. BI


THIS SWORD WONT BE A SWORD: There was a short lived sitcom called Kevin Can Wait
THIS SWORD WONT BE A SWORD: The second chance for Kevin James to have a sitcom after the successful The King of Queens
THIS SWORD WONT BE A SWORD: It didn't work out
THIS SWORD WONT BE A SWORD: But, remember that sitcom I talked about that went through like three ridiculous reworkings, and the last one literally made everyone quit the show?
THIS SWORD WONT BE A SWORD: Kevin Can Wait had something similar.
THIS SWORD WONT BE A SWORD: End of Season 1, he's married and the sitcom is about his family
THIS SWORD WONT BE A SWORD: Oh, his wife is dead now
THIS SWORD WONT BE A SWORD: Let's focus on the workplace
THIS SWORD WONT BE A SWORD: The sheer callousness of just killing the character off and acting like he just lost a broom or something ticked off so many people behind the scenes that several later came together to do a black comedy spiritual successor which basically went 'Hey what if they played the sitcom bumbling dad who never learns anything no matter what straight?"
THIS SWORD WONT BE A SWORD: End result: The show 'Kevin Can F*** Himself."


MobileDraco: Five Nights at Freddy's: 0/10. Nobody said 'Inhale' once. >=U


Gooper Blooper:
RubyChao: Sumi, why.
Diadem: muh fuggin pancahkes


Draco: >stumble upon a trainer I hadn't battled already
>Level 15 Sinistea
>Almost feel guilty for what I'll do
Gooper Blooper: they had a shot


Gooper Blooper joined the chat
Jumpropeman: hi goop
RubyChao: hey goops
Jumpropeman: I feel like there was something I was waiting for goops to be here to tell him but all I can think about instead is that there are 13 Swan Princess movies as it basically took over the crown from Land Before Time


Jason Has Stupid Weak Legs: Some people get beam eyes, healing factors and claws, the ability to turn themselves to metal, immense psychic powers, controlling one of the fundamental forces of the universe...and others...don't.
Gooper Blooper: "Soft Serve is not the only mutant with ice cream-related powers, the other being the assassin Eye-Scream, who can turn himself into any flavor of ice cream. According to Bob Quinn, there is no relation between the two but Soft Serve is a "big fan" of Eye-Scream."
Gooper Blooper:
Draco: Gross. XD
Jumpropeman: ive made sure ckr does not know of Soft Serve
Gooper Blooper: you can't hide her from the truth forever
Jumpropeman: I'll RP her for one post to make her ineligible-
Draco: Excellent.
Jason Has Stupid Weak Legs: The same reason Necroevil can never be a Secret Fiter


Jumpropeman: hot dog! There's a registration card in my Dreamcast copy of Marvel Vs. Capcom where, if I fill it out, I could win a free game!
RubyChao: wow!!!
Jumpropeman: Do you have access to online services or the Internet?

Draco: *begins screaming in dial tone*
Jason Has Stupid Weak Legs: I am amazed that in some dark cracks of the Western world, AOL persists
Jumpropeman: they still have over 1 million subscribers
RubyChao: my parents still use AOL
RubyChao: they do not use dial-up though :V


I CRACKED THE RED LUST CAPITAL: Chao, explain yourself
RubyChao: No


Gooper Blooper: So, funny thing about Hypnospace Outlaw... When I first started, the in-game clock said it was November 5, and since it was in fact November 5 in real life I figured it was just tied to your PC, but then I saw a bunch of characters in-game talking about how their Halloween went and such
Gooper Blooper: HO always begins on November 5, I just started it on November 5 by complete accident.
Jumpropeman: can confirm, I started it today
Gooper Blooper: aha, I started something
RubyChao: amazing


Jumpropeman: you enter the artcade and see this
Draco: Terrifying
Jumpropeman: smart kobber villains know the most terrifying thing you can see is a friendly girl
Gooper Blooper: it was true in 2011 and remains so today
Jumpropeman: we've come a long way from sarah hitting Vile in the nuts with her hammer


Draco: Shinki's getting added as a PLAYABLE CHARACTER along with Mima in Touhou Lost Word tonight.
Gooper Blooper: nice
Gooper Blooper: of course it would be the mobile game that finally gives PC-98 its due
Gooper Blooper: when's kotohime
Draco: Good question, Goops.
Jumpropeman: i wish mario kart tour had embraced mobile game nonsense like that more
Jumpropeman: we could have actually got fawful in mario kart



RubyChao: [10:14 PM]layze: primeape has 14 unique pokedex entries throughout the series
[10:14 PM]layze: and every single one of them is about how FUCKING angry this monkey is

RubyChao: this is making me laugh really hard and i don't know why
RubyChao: so i had to share it
Gooper Blooper: Primeape got one gimmick and he is sticking to it


Jumpropeman: Mario figured out the best way to keep people from trying to record him


Josey Joestar: Hey goops
Josey Joestar: When do you usually post the new chatzy madness
Gooper Blooper: There is no schedule, they go up when the blog is full enough. This one's been slow because I haven't been seeing a lot I was especially taken with.
Jumpropeman: let's get wacky, gang
Jumpropeman juggles rubber chickens
Draco: Yeeha
Draco naps.


(Re: Challenges, AKA achievements, in Hitman)

RubyChao: my favorite name for one in the entire game is from this mission
RubyChao: you have to capture someone alive, you automatically fail the mission if he dies, and the targets hold killswitches that will instantly kill him if used - you can pick these up to have leverage to take him alive
RubyChao: you clear a challenge if you push the killswitch, killing him instantly and failing
RubyChao: it's called "Couldn't Resist"


Gooper Blooper: I like that the holiday season has recurring memes. Every year the Mariah Carey and Padoru jokes come back and it's like they themselves are holiday traditions now
Gooper Blooper: I also still think Elf Practice is funny
Jumpropeman: because it is
RubyChao: goops:
RubyChao: don't forget that in a month IT'S LIKE CHRISTMAS MORNING
LadySeychelles: If you find Elf Practice funny WHY WERENT YOU THERE
LadySeychelles: whats Padoru?
Gooper Blooper:
Jumpropeman: just look at the forum and you'll see
Gooper Blooper: One of Brine's characters faceclaims the same character who is the face of the Padoru meme, making it especially powerful here
LadySeychelles: oh that
Hooded Pitohui: I appreciate the memes becoming traditions of their own, too. Holiday traditions have really fallen out of fashion in my family, so, small as they are, it's nice to have a few touchstones shared with folks I'm regularly engaged with that actually feel celebratory.
RubyChao: honestly at this point i link that one tf2 video every christmas just because it's full tradition
RubyChao: at this point it's not even about the joke anymore
Jumpropeman: it wouldn't feel right if you just stopped
Gooper Blooper: and even though it's burned into my brain, every year I still click the link and watch the army of snipers say the line


Harpbebobop: i ated the cookies
Harpbebobop: my family approves, ivel ate like two
Jumpropeman: harpy stole the cookies from the cookie jar
Harpbebobop: I made the cookies myself
Jumpropeman: so you had every right
Harpbebobop: Yeah! It was my first time so they look kinda wonky but
Jumpropeman: the taste's what matters!
Harpbebobop: It was basically like eating a more portable, sweeter peanut butter
Harpbebobop: socially acceptable peanut butter devouring
Jumpropeman: good chatzy madness title
Gooper Blooper: agreed


Jumpropeman: first five minutes of Shrek: Shrek farts, picks nose, plays with mud and bugs
Food execs: we gotta have this guy on our food


Jumpropeman joined the chat
Diadem: boip?
Jumpropeman: happy turkey day!
Diadem: happy turkey day
MobileDraco: Happy
LadySeychelles: Turkey
MobileDraco: Day
Jumpropeman: we did it


RubyChao: i found pierrette's first appearance in november 2021 and i can tell i didn't know where i was going with her yet
RubyChao: because she was completely normal and coherent.


Jumpropeman: link
Diadem: I'M DEAD
Gooper Blooper: Lasagna


(Re: Brawl team rules)

MobileDraco: Margit with ten Miniors is legit, I think.
Gooper Blooper: Margit enters with a catapult she loads the Miniors onto
Josey Joestar: A Minior League if you will
MobileDraco: Nice XD
MobileDraco: This year's Brawl invasion is Margit's team after she gets LAST PLACE.


(After half a dozen people change their avatars to different variations of Padoru for the holiday season) 

Cornwind Evil joined the chat
Cornwind Evil: Noticing an avatar theme


LadySeychelles: I have new Kobbers
Cornwind Evil: They arrived just in time to sit around for months
LadySeychelles: Pretty much


Cornwind Evil: Poor Shao Kahn
Cornwind Evil: In Mortal Kombat 11, he was rock bottom of the tier list
Cornwind Evil: And now in Mortal Kombat 1, he's...
Cornwind Evil: ...still rock bottom of the tier list
Cornwind Evil: Meanwhile
Cornwind Evil: Street Fighter 5
Cornwind Evil: Final DLC character: Luke, a preview of the new main character for SF6
Cornwind Evil: He shoots right to the top of the tier list, even with nerfs
Cornwind Evil: His game finally comes out a few years later and the meta has shaken out for now
Cornwind Evil: Luke is now...
Cornwind Evil: ....again at the top of the tier list.
Cornwind Evil: Some people have all the luck


Jumpropeman: link
Gooper Blooper: I was wondering why paizuri kept getting casually mentioned in chat
Diadem: yeah she just casually draws a sword from booba
Gooper Blooper: there is nothing casual about that gif
Gooper Blooper: she knows it's a big deal
Diadem: god i just love raiden


Gooper Blooper: link
Jumpropeman: the world is lush with stellas
Gooper Blooper: I very much appreciate that a second-tier character in an indie game has this much art
Gooper Blooper: instead of making Nirvana they should do Stella Simulator where you build obscene wealth and then spend it on helping people
Jumpropeman hammers the yes button


Gooper Blooper: link
Jumpropeman: okay boomer
Jumpropeman: (just kidding, she's an exceptional boomer)
Gooper Blooper: her strength grows each day until christmas
Draco: On Christmas Day, she has the power to crack the Earth in two. Only Mrs. Claus can contain the Holly, Jolly Hell on Earth.
Gooper Blooper: So be good for goodness sake.
Jumpropeman: precious
Jumpropeman: i'll buy twenty
Draco: Only twenty? BI


Cornwind Evil: "And then she fell into a plot hole and ceased to be Tony's problem."
Jumpropeman: "Trivia
She used to sing for her father."
Jumpropeman: this has big "I opened the issue she was in and included all I could find" energy
Cornwind Evil: She was technically in four issues
Cornwind Evil: I find this one jarring considering what her circumstances were
Cornwind Evil: When minor characters just disappear, you can usually assume they just retired or something
Jumpropeman reads the history
Jumpropeman: oh dang, she dark
Cornwind Evil: But that ain't really an option for her
Cornwind Evil: Like, take this guy
Cornwind Evil: You could just assume he retired to a normal life


Jumpropeman: "just picture it… Winter without winter!" well I know what side gooper will support
Hooded Pitohui: To heck with distant island chains, next year we explore different aspects of the ice and snow!!
MobileDraco: Goops' entire roster turns on us.


Jumpropeman: "Which Smash Bros. Characters Have Canonically Eaten Pizza?"
>55 minute video
LadySeychelles: What constitutes pizza in this case
Jumpropeman: not sure, haven't started it. notably though, there is a pizza as a Food item in smash. I guess the "Canon" part is the important part of this question
Jumpropeman: although you then have questions like, Mario Party characters have eaten pizza due to the Eatsa Pizza minigame
Jumpropeman: but mario party probably isn't "canon"
LadySeychelles: I mean, what are we counting as pizza.
Jumpropeman: probably... pizza
Jumpropeman: considering its a 55 minute video though, I wager that question eventually comes up :V
Hooded Pitohui: >Mario Party not considered "canon"
Hooded Pitohui: JRM is instantly covered in the Twitter swarms of Mario canon believers
RubyChao: oh god
RubyChao: do we tell him
Draco: HP, don't you determine what's canon? Aren't YOU the Mario GODS?
Hooded Pitohui: That's powerful knowledge, Chao
Hooded Pitohui: (Do it)
Jumpropeman: oh no
Jumpropeman: in my mind I try to make all the james bond movies somehow the same guy despite direct contradictions but I'm not going to defend that stance to the death
Jumpropeman: i am personally fine with most mario stuff being canon
RubyChao: yeah see me and pito have run into a guy who believes
RubyChao: A: every mario game, ever, is canon (except the captain toad treasure tracker remake)
RubyChao: B: this is a nintendo-designed, carefully crafted timeline and if you disagree with that you are an idiot
Jumpropeman: captain toad is a bridge too far
RubyChao: no no
RubyChao: original captain toad is still canon!
RubyChao: the switch remake isn't
LadySeychelles: Understandable
LadySeychelles understands nothing
Jumpropeman: what about mario's time machine
Hooded Pitohui:
RubyChao: and like
RubyChao: it'd be one thing (and a fun thing) if this was just "yeah mario is a mess, i tried to make a timeline out of it, wanna see?"
Hooded Pitohui: I think my favorite thing in this entire jumble is that Wario losing his motorcycle license by the time of Mario Party 4 is a crucial event for piecing together this timeline
Jumpropeman: I was about to say this would be neat if it was that, chao
RubyChao: but he is Convinced this is written directly into every game and that we are all fools and idiots for not seeing Miyamoto's glorious vision
RubyChao: completely insufferable
Hooded Pitohui: It's legitimately cool as a fun headcanon, lots of work put into it
Jumpropeman: i appreciate the game and watch title inclusions
Hooded Pitohui: It's the combative approach that drags it down
Draco: (ಠ_ಠ)
Jumpropeman: the guys at DKVine are really big on DK lore and have said some obliviously funny things like "Donkey Kong has deeper lore than Kirby" but they also know they're reading a lot into it and understand their idea that Diddy Kong wears prosthetic golfing fingers to account for his sudden extra finger in Mario Golf Toadstool Tour is more a fun excuse to hold things together than hard truth
RubyChao: yeah exactly
Draco: These revelations have almost put me off my gourmet dinner of fast food ramen, guys.
RubyChao: if he was dkvining it that would be fine!
RubyChao: if stuff like "wario lost his motorcycle license, thus determining mario party 4's place in the timeline" had this sense of "yeah i'm just pulling thin connections, ain't it nuts"
RubyChao: but it's this whole "this is the grand vision. i am the Only One who understands it. the mario timeline is perfect, and set down by miyamoto himself" vibe
Jumpropeman: Miyamoto, famed for his concern over game stories
Draco: Can I get him to write the Clownpiece timeline?


Jumpropeman: "Donkey Kong and Mario have a bubble-blowing fight. They seem to have made-up by this point." nah brah, this fight is definitely to the death
RubyChao: oh god
RubyChao: you're still reading it-
Gooper Blooper: But where does that rejected Mario movie script some guy tried to give to Nintendo fit into this
Gooper Blooper: Oh yeah, that reminds me
Gooper Blooper: A while back, Chao and/or HP informed us of a crazy Marioboards user who was obsessed with Charles Martinet and was building a conspiracy theory about Nintendo pushing him out, complete with a subtheory that Mario's voice in Wonder was not Charles
Gooper Blooper: I hate that that guy was right.
RubyChao: right?
RubyChao: just "wow i can't believe you got validated"
Jumpropeman: "While Mario was away in Sarasaland, Wario took over Mario Land, likely because he didn't get to name it Wario Land during Mario Party 2." deep motivations
Jumpropeman: "Donkey Kong and Diddy Kong don't know what Bongos are at the beginning of this game, but they play them in Donkey Kong 64. This places this game before the events of Donkey Kong 64." I do like some of these justifications though
Hooded Pitohui: It's good fun in isolation! One appreciates the dedicated detail searching on its own.
RubyChao: yeah!
RubyChao: i'd love talking about this stuff with this guy if he didn't take it so seriously
Jumpropeman: DDR Mario: "The ending of this game heavily implies that all of the Mario characters can now hear the background music, allowing them to dance to it." What a brilliant way to connect the NSMB Bah-bah dancing
Hooded Pitohui: Diegetic Mario background music is genuinely a cool explanation to pull from such an obscure game.
Jumpropeman: no Mario's Early Years: Preschool Fun on this timeline, smh
Gooper Blooper: I require lore for the Mario edutainment games


Gooper Blooper: shrek lost media
Jumpropeman: imagine that shrek looking back at you from a twinkies box
Gooper Blooper: 1995 shrek but everything else is exactly the same
Gooper Blooper: same huge media empire, still got four movies


I Keep Killing Homer Simpson: Godzilla Minus One strikes me as a very mean film
I Keep Killing Homer Simpson: Oh hey, World War II just ended. You know what we should do in one universe? Immediately have Godzilla come calling
MobileDraco: Yeah. Yeah it does. XD
I Keep Killing Homer Simpson: I mean at least in the original Godzilla he waited a decade!


I Keep Killing Homer Simpson: The dub at this point was just the writers screwing around
RubyChao: honestly i can't even blame them
RubyChao: this guy was a random final boss that showed up after the ones where they actually had emotional investment
RubyChao: and it ties in well with "giant pile of failed mons"
RubyChao: he's Not Doing Well


Gooper Blooper: we have you surrounded


RubyChao: what are video games but simply the way to get mad


Gooper Blooper:
Jumpropeman: the most adorable traitor
Gooper Blooper: hey now, OCGA just wants to show the Kobbers some cool new food ideas
Gooper Blooper: I'm sure they're completely above board
MobileDraco: More adorable than Nova or Attami?
MobileDraco: Or noteworthy Kobber Professor Vyglass?
Gooper Blooper: don't forget Evil Miyoi Who Doesn't Do Refills
Jumpropeman: miyoi can't imagine how anyone could be so cruel...
MobileDraco: A villain worse than the entire MALP...


Delder-Man: the giant fish has defeated me twice
Delder-Man: why does he scream
Delder-Man: who can know
Delder-Man: he screams a fucking lot tho
Diadem: what fish defeated you tho
Delder-Man: the new king salmonid
Diadem: oh damn
Delder-Man: yep
Diadem: new plot boss
Delder-Man: yeah i'm so mad i didn't get to include them
Delder-Man: megalodontia
Diadem: ...
Diadem: i thought
Diadem: you said
Diadem: megalovania
Diadem: and i lost it
Delder-Man: LMAO
Diadem: damn can't believe someone made a splatoon mix of that
Delder-Man: wild tangent but there IS a sans joke in the moonstone tabletop game
Delder-Man: there's an upcoming undead faction
Diadem: oh god
Delder-Man: and one of the characters is a skeleton called serif
Diadem: NO
Delder-Man: one of his abilities is "a skele-ton of bolts"
Delder-Man: cos he has a crossbow
Diadem: BITCH
Diadem: i'm papyrus rite the fuk now
Delder-Man: lmao
Delder-Man: absolutely
Delder-Man: on this page if you wanna see the crime for yourself
Diadem: "the real whimsical shady"
Diadem: i


LadySeychelles: So I don't have any newcomers who are cute girls
LadySeychelles: I hope you guys will still love me anyways
Delder-Man: mandatory reading/lostening imo
Delder-Man: we love you regardless of how many lesbians you submit
Delder-Man: or cute girls i guess you could be submitting lesbians that aren't cute girls
Delder-Man: i don't know
LadySeychelles: bisexuals
Delder-Man: acceptable 


RubyChao: i went to the nero wolfe book club banquet today
RubyChao: it was a very nice time
Gooper Blooper: >nero wolfe banquet
Gooper Blooper: were there sandwiches
RubyChao: we received NO SANDWICHES
Gooper Blooper: :O


RubyChao: honoka kosaka's greatest foe
Gooper Blooper:
Gooper Blooper:
Gooper Blooper: those two years you were just absolutely completely consumed with adoration for these two derpy anime women
RubyChao: i was
RubyChao: they are still fantastic
RubyChao: and they are very happy together
RubyChao: honestly if they didn't feel SO setting tied they would have totally hopped to agama but
RubyChao: they just really feel like they're super tied to olympia and the nature of the city
Gooper Blooper: "hey bikkie, wanna go live in a cave in the australian outback" "BOY WOULD I"


RubyChao: goooooodnight friends
RubyChao: thank you for season 13
RubyChao: it was a great time
Jumpropeman: night chao!
MobileDraco: Bye Chao.
Jumpropeman: let's do it again sometime


Delder-Man: we never fucking got splinter a gift
Delder-Man: its been years

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