Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Chatzy Madness Volume 407: The Glory of the Garf


RubyChao: Gooper Blooper: also, been thinking about character things lately and I don't think we've seen the last of Tron Bonne in RP
-Gooper Blooper: I have A Plan
-Jumpropeman: Tron creates the Neo Neo Kobbers

RubyChao: from mid-2019
Delmon-chan: Oh boy
RubyChao: jrm predicted them right down to the name...
Jumpropeman: I expect Tron to show up BI

Jumpropeman: man, where would Mario be without Upside-Down Pipes?
Gooper Blooper: don't forget the most important mario character, Purple Yoshi
Draco: "Fantastic Firsts: Upside Down pipes" Okay, I guess those are good. "Poison mushroom" HUGE impact on the series, sure.
Gooper Blooper: I especially like the "Fantastic Firsts" listed for Mario Land 2, consisting of Wario and then a bunch of stuff they dropped forever after one game
Jumpropeman: I am just taking this image's word that 3-Up Hearts are a thing
Jumpropeman: cool kids get 3-ups from smiling moons!
Gooper Blooper: I played some Mario Land 2 when the Switch Game Boy app hit, can confirm 3-up hearts are real
Gooper Blooper: I think a lot of the weirdness of Mario Land 2's items comes from needing to be clear without using color, so you get hearts instead of one-up shrooms because you couldn't distinguish them from normal shrooms
Gooper Blooper: and Mario randomly getting a feather on his head when he's Fire Mario in this game only
Draco: What I really find funny is that Super Mario Bros 2 had more of an effect on the series than than the actual sequel to Super Mario Bros and it wasn't even originally a Mario game.
Draco: link
Jumpropeman: gotta love a feel-good story <3

Jumpropeman: after I looked up those lanterby pictures on pinterest the other day
Jumpropeman: pinterest keeps shoving screen caps of her at me
Gooper Blooper: quick, look at some valhalla so it goes back to shoving pictures of stella, jill, dana, and dorothy at you
Jumpropeman: I see a lot of anime characters I don't recognize too who must be other characters from Lanterby's show
Jumpropeman: also, this
Gooper Blooper: We may be the first people on Earth to hear "Food Wars" and go "oh, you mean Lanterby's Show"
Jumpropeman: link
Draco: Viola loved Mario Day.
Jumpropeman: she's more a luigi's mansion kinda girl really
Jumpropeman: link
RubyChao: goops: we definitely are
Gooper Blooper: rantabi
RubyChao: i forget if i shared this in general but there was a fic i found where they gave Lanterby a younger brother who looked like her
RubyChao: named Rantabi
RubyChao: they also made it her first name which just throws me off
Gooper Blooper: "We're the Rantabi siblings. I'm Rantabi Rantabi, and she's Rantabi Lanterby."
Draco: Someone remembered Lanterby enough to write a fanfic about her?


Draco: My favorite Goosebumps book:
Gooper Blooper: Lownlu Makerk
Jumpropeman: Flounderzilla
Gooper Blooper: But really, fix the text and get rid of the nose eye and that's actually a really good fake goosebumps cover
Gooper Blooper: the AI nailed the art style
Draco: I just wish it were something I did. It actually is pretty good. XD


Gooper Blooper: Last week... I ordered some Battlebots merch!
Diadem: oooOOoooo
Gooper Blooper: I bought some stuff from Team Malice. If you're not familiar with Malice, it is pretty easily described as "Shortstack Tombstone"
Diadem: i had a distinct feeling it was Malice
Gooper Blooper: and everyone knows who Tombstone is because MAN he kicked ass in the brawl
MobileDraco: Oh my. Does Malice have wider hips than Tombstone?
Diadem: ...why did i suddenly think "there was a battlebots brawl?" when i'm clearly forgetting the best brawl
Diadem: i'm still waking up i'm sorry
MobileDraco: We DID have a BattleBots Brawl, yes.
Jumpropeman: there was a battlebots brawl in rp too!
Diadem: i was thinking more IRL
Diadem: for some reason
Jumpropeman: Mega Drive got second place in it, as is her lot
MobileDraco sends JRM to the Shadow Realm.
Diadem: but anyway-
MobileDraco: Just like Sega was second to Nintendo.
Gooper Blooper: Tombstone
Jumpropeman: it's almost pelvis shaped
Diadem: why did i just think
Diadem: "it's tombstone... ~for girls~"
Diadem: i hate this
Gooper Blooper: Malice has an "evil rabbit" logo on it because the team captain goes by the nickname "Bunny". I am occasionally reminded of Black Rabbath.
Gooper Blooper: Anyway I ordered a 12-pack of stickers, a keychain, and a couple magnets
Gooper Blooper: This is what actually arrived: link link link
Diadem: damn i'm here bout to cry over a card, wholesome
Gooper Blooper: (not pictured, a handful of Sour Patch Kids she also threw in)
MobileDraco: The Suck It sticker was going to be the highlight for me until I saw the card.
Gooper Blooper: You'll never guess which one of these people is Bunny-
Jumpropeman: oh snap
MobileDraco: Glasses dude?
Jumpropeman: that's awesome
Diadem: its the handsome dude next to bunny girl right
Gooper Blooper: but yes, this is the wholesome content I usually expect and receive with my robot fighting
Diadem: >she tossed in sour patch kids
Diadem: YES
Gooper Blooper: these folks just love bots
Diadem: sorry i'm just. clearly in some weird manic state
Gooper Blooper: I'm gonna see if Goopsbro likes em :V
Jumpropeman: you should be in a weird MALICE state instead
Diadem: that's this coming thursday when i can safely buy merch because paycheck
Diadem: :)
Gooper Blooper: Malice is generally pretty mid-tier in terms of how they do on the actual show but you can believe I'm pulling for em now
Jumpropeman: Malice did go up in my books thanks to this too


Diadem: link
Jumpropeman: she lives on a tv show where they can't use name brands for legal reasons
Diadem: dr dazzle, your favorite drink
Jumpropeman: Dr. Dazzle is Shimmer's wrestling name


Jumpropeman joined the chat
Jumpropeman: azerbaijan
Jumpropeman: oh, sorry, I meant boip


Malodorous Sheep: Hmm, this Beck guy looks familiar.
Malodorous Sheep: "everyone knew him as Beck Gold"
RubyChao: link
Malodorous Sheep: ?!
Malodorous Sheep: "Zan Partizanne, the yellow-haired oldest of and leader of the Three Mage Sisters"
Malodorous Sheep: And who definitely is NOT a alternate universe Hecatia
Malodorous Sheep: I-I mean
Malodorous Sheep: w-who would even think that???
Malodorous Sheep sweats
RubyChao: link
Malodorous Sheep: "Of course we can't beat the Kobbers. That's not what my benefactor wants."
Malodorous Sheep: cut to Bottom Dollar staring into the middle distance.
Malodorous Sheep: "the red-haired mage Flamberge says"
Malodorous Sheep: It didn't hit me until right this second
RubyChao: what didn't?
Malodorous Sheep: just how many red-haired anime ladies named Flamberge there are
RubyChao: lmao
Malodorous Sheep: at which point, it struck me like a mack truck
Malodorous Sheep: "My benefactor wants to humiliate them. They don't need to be crushed, but knocked off their pedestal. It's not just spite, though - it's revenge."
Malodorous Sheep: "For burying my benefactor's old saviors. Taking over their turf and then erasing their name. Nobody remembers them now, and my benefactor knows the Kobbers are to blame."
Malodorous Sheep: Aaaah, how interesting
Malodorous Sheep: I can't believe Chao's avenging Troubled Helix
Malodorous Sheep: "Coming this spring, we will change all that. You, me, my benefactor, and with luck, a handful of others. This doesn't need to be a big operation, just a small group. One we can trust. "
Malodorous Sheep: Coming this spring: Chao's Eleven
Malodorous Sheep: "to the Neo Neo Kobbers."
Malodorous Sheep: It happened again?!
RubyChao: and thaaaat's why i laughed at "not hecatia"


Lurkabree: I fell on a bunch of sharp prickly mulch and dead winter bush detritus while giving money to a homeless man
Lurkabree: for reals
Lurkabree: no good deed goes unpunished???
Jumpropeman: geeze
Lurkabree: I am unrepentant, I will continue to commit acts of reckless charity


Gooper Blooper: So the 3DS has an RPG Maker game, and the eshop has a free app that lets you download games people made with it
Gooper Blooper: The online database of games will be yanked at the end of the month, a couple days after the shop closes, so on a lark I grabbed some games for it and I played, just, just an absolute masterpiece
Gooper Blooper: titled "Oersted Gets Milk"
Lurkabree: oh boy
Diadem: oersted
RubyChao: Oh No
Diadem: oersted are you okay
Gooper Blooper: The plot is as follows: Oersted is at home sleeping, but he wakes up at 3 in the morning and, in a typo-ridden mass of anguish, declares his mouth is as dry as a desert and he requires milk
Gooper Blooper: so you take him downstairs to raid the fridge
Draco: Oersted is fine.
Gooper Blooper: After he gets his milk the doorbell rings and Oersted is confused as to who could be at his door at this hour
Gooper Blooper: and at the door is... THE IMPOSTER FROM AMOGUS
Jumpropeman: canon
Diadem: damn
Gooper Blooper: Oersted flips out (he left my control and scurried across the floor in random directions while a scare chord played) and said it couldn't possibly be "Imposter From Amougs" because they're not real
Gooper Blooper: Imposter said "oh, okay" and left
RubyChao: oh no
Diadem: oh, okay
Gooper Blooper: A message popped up saying that I'd win if I returned Oersted to bed. I did so and the credits rolled.
Gooper Blooper: 10/10, 100/100
RubyChao: beautiful.
Diadem: damn i can't believe goops knows all there is to know about oersted in one RPG maker game
Draco: It's canon.


Jumpropeman: playing Demon King Box
Gooper Blooper: at last
Jumpropeman: aka "that game that is always on sale and has the booby demon"
Jumpropeman: the english translation is pretty bad V:
Jumpropeman: not "Vroom in the Night Sky" levels of funny, but feels like every other line has a grammar quirk or typo
Jumpropeman: "Look, those machines escape to there" "Tracing all the way."
Draco: The Booby Demon? Priere?
Gooper Blooper: From what I know about Demon King Box, it's basically someone trying to rip off Disgaea without putting in any of the gameplay that makes people like Disgaea
Gooper Blooper: but the monster design is pretty clearly "hello disgaea fans"
Jumpropeman: there she is, bottom middle as if that was a question :V
Gooper Blooper: the pink boob demon there is the one chosen for the 3DS menu icon despite being a random generic, hence JRM's claim :V
Jumpropeman: there's actually a big booby major character they coulda used and pretended it was a coincidence (although her boobs are apparently the result of slime magic :V)
Gooper Blooper: they only wanted GENUINE fictional character pixelated tiddy
Jumpropeman: "This hefty one sounds sad"
Draco: Damn, that's 90s How To Draw Anime Priere.
Jumpropeman: who needs zombie maid from disgaea when you have devil maid from demon king box
Gooper Blooper: Clearly she's a Neo Neo Kobber and the two will face off
Jumpropeman: "Why are these Devil Pigs so hug now?" "I don't care what you name is!"

Jumpropeman: I beat Demon King Box last night
Jumpropeman: the Succubus unit seen on the store icon? she became a regular in my five minion lineup :V
Gooper Blooper: excellent
Gooper Blooper: Morgan and Lily's eccentric cousin they never talk about
Jumpropeman: Millie


Draco: Pure evil:
Jumpropeman: who doesn't dress as their brother for halloween
Gooper Blooper: link
Jumpropeman: friend
Gooper Blooper: I feel like Madeline showed up a setting too early, so I'm glad HP is carrying her over to Whalestrand. "Coat-wearing mountain climber with ghostly tagalong" is about as Glasetera as it gets.
Jumpropeman: you never know what's around the bend!

Gooper Blooper: https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/6126201
RubyChao: (she is not sorry)


Gooper Blooper: link
MobileDraco: Like, comment, and subscribe to bring back Susie.
MobileDraco: Susy
Gooper Blooper: Saucy
MobileDraco: Only with Constanze.


Jumpropeman joined the chat
Diadem: hi
Jumpropeman: THERE HE IS
Jumpropeman: hi harp
Austivel 3:16 counters into a stunner
Austivel 3:16 SAYS... boip

Jumpropeman IS DESTROYED
Diadem: owned


Jumpropeman: read the first volume of komi now
Jumpropeman: as in, I read it
Jumpropeman: her inability to communicate is more extreme than I anticipated :V
Gooper Blooper: they said she can't communicate and they weren't screwing around
Jumpropeman: another library trip today
Jumpropeman: got chainsaw man volumes 4-6 and Komi volumes 2 to... 16 :V
RubyChao: it sounds like you like komi.
Jumpropeman: it was cute, I wouldn't usually dive in so hard but also like, why not. I get to have them for almost a month so I bet I could get through them


RubyChao: https://youtube.com/watch?v=RKgX4mfUSts
Jumpropeman: back in school we joked that criminals could just hide in wyoming since no one would bother to go there
Gooper Blooper: "he is partially correct in that if you go to where wyoming is supposed to be you won't find anything there"
RubyChao: consider this
RubyChao: wyoming was real, but for the sake of the bit, garfield used his near-godlike powers to simply unmake it
Gooper Blooper: I have got to do Garfield Plot someday. There is so much material I could use. I just need an actual plotline to string together the insanity.
Jumpropeman: we fight all nine of garfield's lives
Jumpropeman: thanks to ivel, I do own Garfield Kart - Furious Racing now, even if it's just a minor touch-up
Gooper Blooper: well
Gooper Blooper: you never wrote a review of garfield kart original
Jumpropeman: Garfield and his nine reviews
Gooper Blooper: if only...
RubyChao: i mean
RubyChao: there's definitely more than nine here.
Jumpropeman: "Garfield games are to be published by Microïds" Microids really putting in work keeping licensed games alive
Jumpropeman: the problem with garfield games seems to be they didn't quite plummet in price like shrek games
Jumpropeman: there's some cheap ones and then a fair few 20 dollar ones
RubyChao: >not shelling out for the Glory of the Garf
Jumpropeman: imagine spending 100 dollars on garfield games
RubyChao: I've spent more on less worth-
Gooper Blooper: Yeah, I found that out when I tried looking into it. Some of the older ones could be emulated but it ConsoleClassix and Archive.org don't have them, JRM won't play
Jumpropeman: consoleclassix has Caught in the Act
RubyChao: one down.


Jumpropeman: "It has the same problems of a Punch-Out!! game mainly having to memorize the tells of the enemies and learn the patterns to be able to survive" I get Punch-Out!! probably isn't this youtuber's cup of tea (the earlier mentioned FromTheVoid guy), but it is amusing to see a game's appeal listed as its downside :V
Gooper Blooper: I'd really get into the Mario series but the problem is they're platformers and you have to jump on stuff
Gooper Blooper: There's all these levels and worlds you have to do, what a drag
Jumpropeman: don't get me started on Madden, where you have to play football the whole game...
Gooper Blooper: Football shouldn't be the basis of the entire game, it's best a supplement you play in brief minigames in between long periods of staring at pngs of scantily clad texans
Jumpropeman: now we're talking!


Diadem: >watches friend play octopath
Diadem: damn it why is she tempting me to play ALL THESE GAMES
Jumpropeman: you knew the risk harp
Diadem: >:( now i am exposed to best girl tressa

Jumpropeman: anyone need a drink?
Gooper Blooper: Unavailable?! How dare they not be rolling this abomination off the factory presses 24/7

Gooper Blooper: I've uncovered another surefire genius idea from Nathen Mazri, the man who brought the world GarfieldEATS
Gooper Blooper: His latest venture is so incoherent that in an interview about it the guy interviewing him literally did not understand what the business was supposed to even do
RubyChao: do we know, or is it a mystery to everyone
Gooper Blooper: I think I've seen enough of it and discussion from other people about it that I've grasped what exactly it's supposed to be
Gooper Blooper: This time, our glorious Nathfield is touting an online storefront app he calls "Egeez" with the catchphrase "Egeez, Oh Jeez!"
Gooper Blooper: Egeez is not pronounced like Oh Jeez. We're off to a great start.
Draco: O_o
Gooper Blooper: It's pronounced "Iggies".
Draco: o_O
Gooper Blooper: Nathen has only gotten more word salady over time as he descends further into madness (losing the garfield license was a serious blow) but from what I can figure, the purpose of Egeez is to get the approval of companies that sell licensed merchandise (like, for example, Batman action figures or Spongebob bedsheets) and offer them for sale on the app. The purpose of doing this is because Egeez will only accept real official licenses - in other words, it wouldn't be like Amazon and eBay where you can easily find bootlegs and ripoffs
RubyChao: i give it five years before nathan ascends to become the final boss of something
Draco: But how will I get my bootleg Fumos?
Jumpropeman: without bootlegs, how would I get a twilight sparkle thermos?!
Gooper Blooper: Now, okay, I... kind of see the appeal here. I can personally easily sort out bootlegs from official merch, but parents trying to buy things for their kids are frequent victims of stuff like bootlegs and mockbusters
Gooper Blooper: ratatoing etc
Gooper Blooper: But of course the way he's going about it is very wrong
Gooper Blooper: The site (not the actual app, just a site promoting it because it wasn't out) was filled with pngs of licensed characters that had been turned into silhouettes, so you had official art of characters like Hello Kitty and Mickey Mouse right there on the site
RubyChao: oh no
Gooper Blooper: why yes of course Garfield was among them
Gooper Blooper: Nathen also threw around poorly-censored swear words like candy as he promoted the site, which will surely convince children's media empires to give him products to sell
Draco: That very specific example creeps me out.
RubyChao: what IS this man
Gooper Blooper: One article that seemed to grasp the concept said he was trying to become the "Amazon of licensing", but in promotional copy Nathen quoted the line and then claimed what Egeez really wanted to be was "the UberEATS of licensing"
Jumpropeman: dream big, die hard
Gooper Blooper: and so the theory has emerged that all of this is just a desperate attempt to reclaim Garfield
Draco: Pffft. What the fuck, dude. XD
RubyChao: nathen is garfield's crazy ex-boyfriend at this point
Gooper Blooper: Finally, Egeez was first revealed in 2020, with a promise that the app would be out by Christmas. It has yet to release, presumably because no one signed on. He's now claiming an early 2023 release.
Draco: Well, early 2023 is almost gone.


Gooper Blooper: link
Jumpropeman: whaaaa
Jumpropeman: who this normal girl
Jumpropeman: she's not even a birb!
Gooper Blooper: she's been unbirbed, it's my 2023 megaplot
Gooper Blooper: she is now just
Gooper Blooper: Shoe
Draco: :O How evil!


Jumpropeman: this website showed itself to me today
Jumpropeman: buy reviews... but no, we're not bad! We got real humans!
Gooper Blooper: Our service is illegal. But you know you want it.
Draco: "Plus, they have a credible record of reviewing other businesses before" <- Because the other clients got their businesses reviewed.


Gooper Blooper: link
Diadem: reimu fridge fumo
Jumpropeman: link
Gooper Blooper: Perfection


Jumpropeman: thanks to the Completionist buying all those 3DS/Wii U games and crunching the numbers on how much space that takes up, we can now get headlines like this: "Call of Duty: Modern Warfare takes up almost as much hard drive space as every 3DS game combined"
Draco: He's done us all a service.
Jumpropeman: "Modern Warfare, together with Warzone, needs a total of around 250GB on PC. While the combined size of all 1,547 3DS titles, over $13,000 worth of games, is 267GB."


Jumpropeman: one thing I've noticed when saving box art images from nintendo's websites is they seemingly use cloudinary for their image hosting
Jumpropeman: it's got the cloudinary logo on the tab for image file pages
RubyChao: not just that
RubyChao: but when i looked at the url jrm showed me
Jumpropeman: they're one of the big businesses that ponies up cash so we can use it for free
RubyChao: "c_fill,w_1200/q_auto:best/f_auto/dpr_2.0" - this stuff here is the exact formatting Cloudinary generates when you use their image editing tools
RubyChao: so yeah, the big n is definitely a Cloudinary user
RubyChao: and this is why i fear cloudinary less than others
RubyChao: because we know where the server bills are getting paid V:
Gooper Blooper: >not using the bootleg disgaea succubus for the "box art"
Jumpropeman: oh don't worry, I'm not using that specific image for the review :V
Gooper Blooper: Do you think Nintendo keeps all of their cloudinary images unsorted except for a folder named "mario" with one picture of mario in it
Gooper Blooper: link
Jumpropeman: Remario for Mario Kart Tour
RubyChao: so
RubyChao: when is Remario showing up in the third Curse iteration
Gooper Blooper: Paper Remario for Neo Neo Kobbers


Seychelles: I have decided that all my RP characters are roommates because that’s funny to me
Seychelles: Raihan essentially rented a giant loft because he needed space for 3 dragons
Seychelles: He needed roommates to cover the cost, so Laurent and Morgan joined up


Gooper Blooper: Years ago, I was in the 3DS Theme Shop and a new release got a bunch of free themes. I'd never heard of the game the themes were for, but they were free, so I shrugged and downloaded them
Gooper Blooper: Yesterday I suddenly realized something and checked my themes
Gooper Blooper: Sure enough, they're themes for Gurumin, which I bought yesterday :V
ivel: welp
Jumpropeman: hahaha
RubyChao: god for some reason goops starting off with "years ago" just reminds me of that one shenmue line


Jumpropeman: "Zhang, you're alive!" "Yes, I'm here to help!" *villain immediately kills Zhang*
Diadem: thanks, villain
Draco: Zhang had it coming.


Jumpropeman: "it is said too, that to touch the nostrils of a mule with the lips, will arrest sneezing" Pliny the Elder passing off pranks as medical advice


MobileDraco: I just saw the movie 65. Not bad, could have been better.
Mit Sheep: If you had to grade the film
Mit Sheep: on a numerical scale, say
Mit Sheep: What would it come out to?
Jumpropeman: 64
Mit Sheep withers


RubyChao: "with cartridge manufacturing having ended, and the eShop closing in 4 hours after this tweet - Mighty No. 9 can no longer have a commercial release for the Nintendo 3DS. it is finally cancelled"


Gooper Blooper: fun fact: Ubisoft has pulled out of E3 in favor of hosting their own game news event
Gooper Blooper: E3 is going to be an empty ball pit
Hooded Pitohui: There'll be a single presenter at E3 jumping around and waving his hands as he explains to his audience of sixteen that he's playing with his imagination, the greatest gaming system of all time.
Draco: Single presenter at E3. He's showing off Diablo Immortal.
Gooper Blooper: don't you guys have phones?????
Jumpropeman: back when the console owners pulled out of e3, I said I thought Ubisoft would be happy to have the big platform
Jumpropeman: but nope, even they're too good for it now :V
Gooper Blooper: Apparently the biggest name confirmed for E3 right now is Konami. E3's gonna be the talk of the gaming world with all the new slot machines and pachinkos getting debuted there
Draco: Yeeha. Man, I can't wait for all the sick gaming news on those slot machines.
Jumpropeman: it could be cute if e3 instead became an indie event
Draco: I'd be impressed if it did.
(A couple days later, E3 was cancelled. Again.)
RubyChao: "there are currently 21 youtube essayists working overtime to get out the first rise and fall of e3 video"


Draco: link
Jumpropeman: cute gasa!
Gooper Blooper: we've been posting kogasas ever since she left us in preparation for her return
Jumpropeman: good, I'm excited for her!
Gooper Blooper: I'm sure we'd do the same for Claire if she had any art
Jumpropeman: just post her sprite like ten times


Cornwind Evil: How well can Zeldoten do this stuff?
Draco: She's really good at it.
Draco: She's better at picking locks than picking pockets, but she's still really good at it.
Jumpropeman: but what about locked pockets
Draco: Then she gets to combine both of her skill bonuses and becomes unstoppable.
Cornwind Evil: Dawn: She's good. She got me more than once.
Jumpropeman: dawn's security went from awful to the best in the world just trying to counter zeldo (and yet, still failing)
Cornwind Evil: Dawn: HOW DOES THAT WOMAN DO IT
Cornwind Evil: Dawn: SHE'S DRIVING ME TO DRINK
Jumpropeman: turns out Zeldo just carries a piece of an old destroyed dawn model around to trick the sensors
Cornwind Evil: That does sound like something Dawn would overlook


Jumpropeman: nintendo thought they could hold me back by removing the ability to upload wii u screenshots, but a fan made a tool that still allows it so behold
Jumpropeman: a mii with rouge the bat's body and wendy o. koopa's head
Draco: Beautiful work, JRM.
Draco: Is that how we defeat Gabriella and save the world?

(Sheep is present in chat but hasn't said anything for a long time)

Jumpropeman: https://youtube.com/watch?v=x3f2u3iWTlo
Jumpropeman is trying to revive sheep
Draco starts giving Sheep's Junko a happy career and a huge cash prize that she gets tax-free.

Gooper Blooper: And a pot roast.
Mit Sheep claws through the walls
Gooper Blooper: XD
ivel: the pot roast was too much
Draco: LOL


Jumpropeman: today is The Day
Draco: Yay
Gooper Blooper: aw yeah
Jumpropeman: that guy I remembered fighting last literally appears in the game opening in a flash forward saying he isn't the last one
Jumpropeman: it's like they knew
Gooper Blooper: Perfect.
Gooper Blooper: You weren't done! There was more hell to ride! Get back in there dammit!
Jumpropeman: i appreciate the incredibly accurate subtitles. Character says happnin' and its spelled that way
Draco: lol
Jumpropeman: pursuing devil's hand on their bikes, luckily if I slow down as much as possible they do too
Gooper Blooper: gotta give you a sporting chance
Jumpropeman: there's my favorite moment: watching the brother die and then immediately having a flashback to the brother's death
RubyChao: oh my god
RubyChao: It's Happening
Draco: We rode to Hell.
Jumpropeman: combat tutorial: fight back with A and X
Jumpropeman: I think you mean
Jumpropeman: just X
Jumpropeman: (and the kicking commenced)
Gooper Blooper: link
Jumpropeman: so much of this game I remember and think "surely my mind left out parts that made it less silly" but nope
RubyChao: link
Gooper Blooper: *looks up a boss fight in an LP to see how bad the kicking is*
Gooper Blooper: *kicking stunlocks the boss and the instant he stops kicking and tries punching instead he takes damage so he has to go back to kicking*
Gooper Blooper: A+
Jumpropeman: if i recall correctly, I exclusively fought Meathook just with kicking him in the corner
RubyChao: as one does when boxing
Gooper Blooper: Meathook is indeed the guy in the video!


RubyChao: remember that time cirral convinced bugs to skeletonize a villain
RubyChao: that was a good time


Seychelles joined the chat
Gooper Blooper joined the chat
Gooper Blooper: link
RubyChao: hey peeps
Gooper Blooper: hello
Draco: Hi Goops.
Draco: Hey Sey.
Draco: Wow, I do not remember seeing that ad. Then again, I don't remember a lot of the 80s.
Draco: Yes, my commissions are open. How may I Clownpiece you today?
Seychelles: You were alive in the 80s?
Draco: Yep.
Gooper Blooper: I'll take a double triple jester deluxe on a raft, 4x4 Dorat style, extra lightning with a Claire Voyant and a Planeswarden, light meta grease, make it laugh, roast it and let it honk.
Draco: WE SERVE FOOD HERE...so right away, sir. :3
Draco: 1984. I am Old Man Draco.
Seychelles: Can we get a cane that is also a gun
Draco: Yes.
Draco: It does 1d4 Bludgeoning/Piercing damage.
Seychelles: Got it
Gooper Blooper: I was alive in the 80s for a whole two and a half months
Gooper Blooper: total 80s kid over here
Draco: Goops is SO 80s. He has me beat. :<
Seychelles: I was alive in the nineties for under 2 years
Draco: Goops, we can't keep this one. She's making me feel decrepit. ;V jk
Seychelles: :3
Gooper Blooper: HP was already doing that to us though
Gooper Blooper: This is a millennial-built community but a couple of zoomers got in
Seychelles: Hey now, I was invited
Seychelles: Its all Bree's fault
Draco: I'll make sure to blame her next time I talk to her then. X)


Jumpropeman: hi sey
Seychelles: Hey Jumpman.
Jumpropeman: please, jumpman is my father


Gooper Blooper: https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/4303225
Jumpropeman: from what little I knew of Hylics, I thought somsnosa was some fan art extrapolation into a nice lady. There was less of that involved than I thought!
Gooper Blooper: I thought about actually using Somsnosa but decided I preferred faceclaiming since I don't know the actual series very well at all and it doesn't feel as plug and play as something like "Frost is from shooty game"
Jumpropeman: im sure Somsnosa would be typoed all the time too
Gooper Blooper: I'd make her a pokemon trainer and give her a Snom she nicknames Snomsosa
Draco: Snomsosa is her Snom.
Jumpropeman: Somsnosa is good friends with Sammy Sosa, she calls him Samsosa for short
Gooper Blooper: link
Gooper Blooper: link
Jumpropeman: I want to support Pincurchin but I keep forgetting he exists
Gooper Blooper: When I was doing the Crown Tundra DLC and did the thing where you have to use rental Pokemon to defeat a dynamax legendary, I ended up with a Pincurchin who won the day for me against Suicune and immensely raised Pincurchin's stock with me in the process
Gooper Blooper: Tragically they only let you keep one of the Pokemon you rent/catch though so I had to leave Pincurchin behind to get the Suicune
Jumpropeman: betrayal
Draco: Amazing


Draco: Shuma Gorath's retirement:
Jumpropeman: big Silence fan
Gooper Blooper: monster kobbers in a nutshell


MEGALON joined the chat
RubyChao joined the chat

MEGALON: chaody
RubyChao: yo
RubyChao: not much
RubyChao: on break so i'm chillin
RubyChao: currently not maxin or relaxin all cool
RubyChao: that is for later


Gooper Blooper: So there was more Merry Magoland with Goopsmom in Kirby today
Draco: Nice
Gooper Blooper: Her best game is far and away Samurai Kirby, she consistently beats me
Draco: She's a gamer.
Jumpropeman: her secret samurai past revealed...
Gooper Blooper: But then she tempted fate when she heard Goopsbro wandering around nearby and called him over to challenge him
Gooper Blooper: Goopsbro had never played Samurai Kirby before, and in the first match of "first to five wins is the winner", Goopsmom did win, but then he found his groove and in their second set he won
Gooper Blooper: I told Goopsmom "you knew the risk you were taking"
Gooper Blooper: she pouted
Draco: lol
Diadem: sorry goopsmom but
Diadem: owned


Hooded Pitohui: JRM Profile Updates: Firebrow is the best lad. He already deserves love and affection and all the putrid parasitized fish he could want.
Jumpropeman: I had a hunch Pito would be happy to see me Rping a bird V:


Cornwind Evil: Samhain is lucky, he could be attached to something off like this
Mit Sheep: Beating the Christmas cheer into him!
Cornwind Evil: And out


Gooper Blooper: Season 13 spoilers:
Jumpropeman: I almost made a joke about how done we'd be with a plot if we turned up and the villain was the trollface guy but
Jumpropeman: that feels like something I'd do
Gooper Blooper: Biscotti's ultimate foe


Jumpropeman: when I was at the library recently thinking about renting some new manga, I decided to skip on Food Wars despite them having plenty of volumes available. I just reasoned it would take too long to get to Lanterby
Gooper Blooper: Yeah, if she didn't appear in the anime until the disastrous final season (which I think Chao said was the fifth) you'd have to read a lot of non-ruined to get to her
Draco: Why would you want to read Lanterby's part? She's an evil Kirika.
Jumpropeman: komi and jojo I got the ruined right off the bat!
Gooper Blooper: It's the downside to our tendency to rescue minor/overlooked/scrapped characters
Gooper Blooper: we go looking for more and there isn't any more...
Gooper Blooper: (atelier annie game hoard review when)
BIG SNAKE ATE ALL THE GOLD: Yeah whats his face was definitely ruined when he got shoved into that rock
Jumpropeman: whenever chao's up to sending it to me. I was even thinking of playing an atelier game recently but gamefly conveniently has not had the one I was aiming for available since I made that decision
Jumpropeman: (I was going to rent Atelier Sophie, because the library has Atelier Sophie 2 and I feel bad for them knowing that like no one will rent it so I want to beat the first one and then rent it to surprise them :V)
Gooper Blooper: Ah yes, that old chestnut of the library/video store/etc having the second game/book/movie in a series but not the first...
RubyChao: looking at the stuff
RubyChao: lanterby's only real significant role is volume 33, though i believe she makes sparse appearances after that
RubyChao: out of 36 volumes i mean
Jumpropeman: hahaha
RubyChao: also annie will be Someday
RubyChao: i need to play it myself :V
Jumpropeman: whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
RubyChao: i have a large backlog!
Jumpropeman: chao just like "cute tomboy on cover"
Jumpropeman: "i'll rp her"
Jumpropeman: "NO ONE WILL EVER KNOW"
RubyChao: i mean, yes.
RubyChao: and now everyone loves her, especially kirik
RubyChao: *kirika
Draco: Captain James T. Kirik
Draco: Annie? Who's that? Never heard of her.
Gooper Blooper: I thought you played an emulated version!
RubyChao: i started an emulated version!
RubyChao: i just didn't get all that far into it
Gooper Blooper: Now that's power. I've had possible RP prospects I dropped because I started but did not finish their games
Gooper Blooper: Annie managed it anyway
RubyChao: reminder that this face was arrested for tomboy crimes murder
Gooper Blooper: https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/1501011


Jumpropeman: The library has these dvd movie packs and one of them is dinosaur movies for kids. Amidst reasonable choices like Land Before Time: Who Fucking Knows, Theodore Rex was squashed into the bundle, ready to surprise unsuspecting children
RubyChao: oh my GOD that land before time gag hit me right
Draco: lol
RubyChao: my god
RubyChao: that last one tho
Draco: Littlefoot and friends are looking for the Sword of the Brave.
Gooper Blooper: Chatzy Madness: Land Before Time: Who Fucking Knows
Jumpropeman: that's the kinda title that got your blog m rated
Gooper Blooper: I was trying to work in an m-rated blog joke but gave up :V


Jumpropeman: one thing I like in Sonic Frontiers is characters talking about past entries rather than shying away from the less liked ones. Like, villains from Shadow the Hedgehog have been brought up multiple times casually. Sega ain't ashamed.
Gooper Blooper: Just because a game is bad doesn't mean it can't be mined for good content
Draco: Then why doesn't Black Bull have his own game yet? Do you KNOW how many Sin Points he was worth to Shadow?! Like, seven, I think.
Gooper Blooper: 97 of those 98 Heroes weren't worth the time of day, but the 98th one...
Draco: She doesn't clown around.
Jumpropeman: i wonder if her creator even remembers she exists
Draco: I think she's made piece with that status.
BIG SNAKE ATE ALL THE GOLD: They don't mention Penders though
BIG SNAKE ATE ALL THE GOLD: Even he's a bridge too far
Draco: His contributions to Sonic canon got retconned SO hard.
Gooper Blooper: That man is an entire circus. I'm almost surprised he didn't try to take legal action against me for my "Eggette's real name" joke.
Draco: Just wait.


Jumpropeman: Sega might be acquiring Rovio, the angry birds people
Jumpropeman: they misheard that Sega Saturn acquired Ravio-


Jumpropeman: you think babies really care about the designs on their diapers or is that just a "for the parents" thing
Diadem: for the parents, because babies give only one kind of shit
Jumpropeman: and it kind of ruins the design-
(JRM starts playing Tales of Berseria to see Magilou)
Jumpropeman: can confirm Magilou is a walking meme
Jumpropeman: Her introduction is great. She just thrusts her wackiness at the serious main lady Velvet and Velvet refuses to engage, just walking off


Gooper Blooper collapses into dust
RubyChao: have you tried just not being old
Gooper Blooper gestures at extensive toy collection
Gooper Blooper: yes

Gooper Blooper: 

RubyChao: reminder that Master Chief is RP canon!
Draco: He is! He was a Neo Kobber. Now he can join the Neo Neo Neo Kobbers.
Gooper Blooper: hardcore gamers play in their browser.
Diadem: post written by the newgrounds gang
Draco: lol


Jumpropeman: kinda funny how in the world of nintendo, the only characters in stable relationships are apes. DK and Diddy both have girlfriends, and Cranky was married!
Jumpropeman: mario and link can't even get a kiss
Gooper Blooper: HOW ABOUT A KISS
Gooper Blooper: FOR LUCK
Draco: No
Jumpropeman: well, zelda 2 has an implied kiss and i think mario got one at the end of mario world?
Gooper Blooper: He got one in Mario 64 IIRC
Jumpropeman: *googles mario kiss, regrets it*
Jumpropeman: https://youtube.com/watch?v=8EzcfBvaLLg
Gooper Blooper: Kirby has also gotten a smooch (that he really enjoyed) and a few different ship teases but resists any long-term relationships
RubyChao: counterpoint;
RubyChao: Olimar is married, and has two children
Jumpropeman: Kirby smooches his allies to heal them
Jumpropeman: true, olimar has 'em beat
Jumpropeman: there are also endings to star fox command where Fox has kids, but that game has a lot of non-canon endings
Jumpropeman: https://youtube.com/watch?v=6a0hxS5wSms


Jumpropeman: link
Gooper Blooper: such elegance
Jumpropeman: link
Gooper Blooper: JRM has used the word "flouncing" before
Gooper Blooper: we've never had a more accurate depiction of what flouncing looks like
Jumpropeman: that is perfect
Gooper Blooper: I think playing her game is raising magilou's stock with JRM
Jumpropeman: indeed it has!


Seychelles: 9 days until May
Draco: Then you will evolve into Maychelles.


Jumpropeman: in tales of berseria, there are islands with little monster battle arenas
Jumpropeman: and for some inexplicable reason, they're the only place in the game that allows screenshots and streaming
Draco: Are they called Kanto and Johto?
Jumpropeman: so far the islands have all been pretty weak too since they just throw monsters from previous areas at me, so who wouldn't want to watch a stream of easily trouncing trash mobs?
Diadem: tales of bewilderia

Jumpropeman: another day, another library!
Jumpropeman: picked up Jojo Part 2, which means I'm going to end up reading this series in a very odd order! Got a lot of One Punch Man and a few Komi Can't Communicates
Jumpropeman: more importantly
Jumpropeman: (really though, I put in a hold on Part 1 so I think I'll stop reading Part 3 and 4 until I can more properly go through it :V)
RubyChao: >he still hasn't picked up food wars volume 33 and no other
Jumpropeman: why would i want to see that jerk in her natural habitat
Jumpropeman: i was thinking recently
Jumpropeman: I actually do not know what something "tart" tastes like
Jumpropeman: I know bitter, but I don't think I have eaten something and known it was tart
Diadem: tart stuff is stuff like citrus
Jumpropeman: i don't think I've tasted a citrus since my age was in the single digits
Diadem: gesp
Jumpropeman: 0% orange juice over here-
RubyChao: you betrayed honoka and hibiki...
Jumpropeman: oh don't worry, I'd eat them
Jumpropeman: just not actual citrus
Harpbebobop: Poppo is disappointed
Draco: ඞ
Jumpropeman: IMPOSTER D:
Draco throws JRM into space.
Jumpropeman: jokes on you, that was my last task B)
Draco: Yeah, but Harpy's my Imposter buddy and we outnumber Chao.
Seychelles: Hey
Jumpropeman: hi!
Jumpropeman: now you can vote out those imposters
Draco: Hey Sey.
Draco: JRM is sus. I saw him vent in the Announcements section of the forum.

RubyChao: playing a wind waker randomizer, and i found two of the three sacred pearls needed to progress in midgame
RubyChao: one of them was up for auction and the second was just given to me by a random kid
RubyChao: starting to think these pearls could have been guarded better
Jumpropeman: "sacred" pearls
Jumpropeman: they got like 500 in the back, they just pretend they're rare to sell them for a good price

Jumpropeman: im not ready to dive into the big word pool of rp yet...
Draco: Alright, JRM has said he's not ready so we are pushing back the start date to May 1st at NOON instead of midnight. ;p jk
Seychelles: Six days until RP
Draco: 6.5 days
Jumpropeman: i both dread what that means for my free time and also, I'm already thinking up stuff for NEXT year so :V
Jumpropeman: the eternal struggle
Draco: I have too, don't worry. I might have put more thought into next year than this year.
Jumpropeman: we'll sequence break into the middle of draco's next year plot

Gooper Blooper: Current Kobbers: "GEE, IT SURE IS BORING AROUND HERE"
Draco Sage pokes her head through a portal.

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