Thursday, March 9, 2023

Chatzy Madness Volume 406: Ride Back To Hell

Jumpropeman: Gale in Hisui:
Jumpropeman: no rainbow hair option :V
Draco: They didn't have rainbows back then.


Gooper Blooper: The goopsfamily has made a tentative plan to go somewhere new and exciting this fall
Jumpropeman: kmart?


Jumpropeman: Gain Ground features playable characters like FIRE KNIGHT, SYBER, GENERAL... Mud Harry... Mum... Betty... AND WEBAD
Draco: WEBAD
Gooper Blooper: WEBAD
RubyChao: WEBAD, the successor to Sinbad
Jumpropeman: Webad is a cool dwarf archer
Gooper Blooper: Webad face reveal!


Jumpropeman: one thing I forgot to mention
Jumpropeman: Webad, the dwarf archer from Gain Ground, ended up being the most useful unit
Jumpropeman: so really
Jumpropeman: more like
Jumpropeman: Wegood
Bree: git gud? more like gotgud
Draco: gitgreat


Draco: Chat is for nerds. Huge stupid nerds who ride Dolphin Paddlers.


Jumpropeman: "January 18 at 11:59 PM PT" more time than I thought left thanks to timezones
Jumpropeman: Stadia's death goes by draco time... suspicious
Draco: BI
Draco: I killed Stadia, you caught me.
Jumpropeman: you know what this means drac...
Jumpropeman gives you a medal
Draco: ;o;7


Jumpropeman: stadia isn't letting me take new screenshots
Jumpropeman: the death has begun...
Draco: The death knell...
Jumpropeman: I posted to twitter I am playing outcasters and suddenly I'm getting games reliably!
Jumpropeman: 32 minutes til stadia death!
Draco: lol
Jumpropeman: stadia's still running!
Draco: Someone must still be playing Halo 2 on it.
Jumpropeman: some people are reporting that they're getting kicked out of their games
Jumpropeman: but I'm still in it at 2:20!
Jumpropeman: following the stadia reddit during this, people reporting which games still work and their images of the kicked out screen
Jumpropeman: oh
Jumpropeman: that might be it
Jumpropeman: yup
Jumpropeman: can't open worm game or outcasters now
Jumpropeman: Rest in Pastaroni, Stadia
Jumpropeman: shame because we were literally starting a multiplayer match in Outcasters before it... cast us out
Jumpropeman: seems 12:30 PT is a bit more of a hard cutoff as more people get booted
Jumpropeman: site still works in general though
Jumpropeman: look at all those games you can no longer play
Jumpropeman: can't even access my profile or screenshots anymore now, so yeah, plug fully pulled
Delstuck: Rip
Delstuck: So long stadia
Kuro: so long gay stadia
ivel: rip
RubyChao: here lies stadia it never scored
SteelKomodo: rip stadia
SteelKomodo: it died
SteelKomodo: the end


Jumpropeman: ps3 emulation recently got to the point that every game can boot but not necessarily play, I imagine it's at a "only the major games work" level
Jumpropeman: ps3 games are thankfully not hard to get a hold of yet
Jumpropeman: cept freaking
Jumpropeman: Afrika
Jumpropeman: and 3D Dot Game Heroes
ivel looks at his copy of the latter
Jumpropeman: holy moley
ivel: I THINK I still have it around
Jumpropeman: I'd probably want to borrow that first, it's supposed to be quite good
ivel: it is!
ivel sends jrm Knack instead
Jumpropeman: awwwwww yeaaaaaah
RubyChao: well jrm
RubyChao: maybe if you blessed the rains


RubyChao: LUNAR
A series of RPGs by Game Arts.
Lunar: The Silver Star (Sega/Mega-CD, 1992)
Lunar Legend - retelling (Game Boy Adavance, 2001)
Lunar: Harmony of Silver Star - remake (Playstation Portable, 2010)
Lunar 2: Eternal Blue (Sega/Mega-CD, 1994)

RubyChao: danbooru's Lunar tag is making me cackle
Draco: How so?
RubyChao: they don't have even have a mention of Dragon Song
Draco: lol
Jumpropeman: no one wants to make fanart of that game


Jumpropeman: congratulations are in order to Velma
Jumpropeman: it is now the lowest rated thing in IMDB
Jumpropeman: and you might think "oh I bet that happens to shows all the time" but Dragon Ball Evolution held that spot for ten years


RubyChao: today's fun hitman story:
RubyChao: -doing the silent assassin suit only (never get caught never change your disguise) on master (more stealth breakers and one save) for vermont
RubyChao: -my idea to kill the first guy goes off without a hitch
RubyChao: -my idea to kill the second guy completely fails and i have to scramble to put together something using nothing but what i can find in the level
RubyChao: -successfully kill him SASO anyway
RubyChao: i'm good at murder
Gooper Blooper: finally, we've found it
Gooper Blooper: the fabled murder simulator
RubyChao: i mean... yeah, it literally is
RubyChao: (i used the ol' classic, the sparking car battery in the broken hydrant trick)
Jumpropeman: who hasn't done that trick!
Gooper Blooper: turning my poor state's green mountains red with blood
Gooper Blooper: When Chao first told me about the Vermont level in Hitman 2 I commented on the oddness of Vermont being used for anything and realized we have very different perspectives since Chao is from a city that is constantly referenced in media whereas you gotta look real hard to find anyone willing to set their media in Vermont
RubyChao: pretty much, nyc is one of the biggest go-tos
Gooper Blooper: even Major Failure used it
Draco: Who would think to look for the ex-KGB in Vermont?
RubyChao: hitman 2 also has a New York level
RubyChao: so it adds up
zombivel: welp
RubyChao: "If you’re more into seeing cities than, say, Mount Rushmore, Olson also created a similar map that prioritizes TripAdvisor’s most recommended metros. This trip is only 12,290 miles but excludes cities from North Dakota, Vermont and West Virginia, since TripAdvisor says there’s nothing worth stopping for in those states."
Gooper Blooper: >North Dakota
Gooper Blooper: I'm in good company
Jumpropeman: she still suffers even now
RubyChao: oh, fun fact, goops
RubyChao: one of the NPCs in the vermont level is a local politician trying to make it big, with the problem that everyone in the town hates him for various stunts he pulled (like trying to ban christmas decorations to make the houses look identical)
RubyChao: his worst crime of all:
RubyChao: he tried to ban maple syrup lollipops
Gooper Blooper: did he give a reason
RubyChao: no
Jumpropeman: lollipops are for lollygaggers!
Gooper Blooper: I guarantee a local politician running on an anti-christmas, anti-maple platform would get somewhere around negative ten percent of the vote
Jumpropeman: next he'll say they need to do something about those colorful leaves
RubyChao: unrelated screenshot from the level
Gooper Blooper: >level takes place in fall
Gooper Blooper: excellent


Draco: I have made...hotel name suggestions. Please regard them kindly.
Kuro: *regards kindly*
Draco: Thank


Bree: the basic context here is
Bree: that friend who wanted to buy azure a computer, he had a hard time figuring out how to do it from all the way in new zealand, but he managed finally
Bree: got her a fantastic computer from this place but the experience was so surreal
Bree: you'll see what I mean
Bree: this is chatzy madness worthy
Jumpropeman: some people collect bottlecaps or playing cards
Jumpropeman: they collect GOD
Gooper Blooper: You turn on the computer for the first time and it shines a glorious light out from the screen while angels sing
Draco: "I'm already on the line with toby" <- Toby sounds like a cool dude.
Gooper Blooper: blessed be thy comp
Bree: he is indeed a cool dude, he bought azure a ding diddly dang fucking 1400 dollares computer
Bree: that is the big bux
Jumpropeman: ctrl+alt+believe


Gooper Blooper: So Battlebots is going to be doing a new thing called "Battlebots Destruct-A-Thon", and it's essentially Battlebots as a regularly-held live show (they are headquartered in Vegas, so it makes sense)
Gooper Blooper: they commissioned some old school builders to make fleets of stock robots so they can do shows multiple times a week and have spare bots ready to go
Gooper Blooper: he's back
Jumpropeman: for a minute I thought that was some horrible singular robot
Draco: They combine, JRM.
Draco: Like Decepticons.
Jumpropeman: drop your robot in the middle and suffer
Gooper Blooper: the council of nightmares will decide your fate
Bree: the elusive Nightmare Star, Ninja Shuriken of Death edition
Draco: I found out recently my cousin's son is in a robotics club. They don't do robot battles, but they still do robots.
Jumpropeman: they don't do robot battles OFFICIALLY
Draco: Right. ;)
Gooper Blooper: link
Jumpropeman: lil' cirno suffers most


Bree: let's see if I have enough brain cells to explain this in a sensibly-nonsensical way
Bree: the storyline Questionable Content is currently running
Bree: there is a floating platform city-in-the-sea commune research facility sort of thing in like... nova scotia
Bree: and they're run by a giant alien jellyfish robot and said jellyfish's slimegirl robot avatars
Bree: and it is a place where weirdos congregate and research weird shit together because they all just really vibe with the weird, you know
Bree: but they're so disorganized they have no hierarchy or database or organizational systems of any kind
Bree: so they are maybe trying to hire marten's trans girlfriend with a library science degree to create an organized database of this weird shit and run a library/catalogue sort of department
Bree: for which she is massively underqualified but they want her 'cause she's no nonsense and don't take no shit and they need that because they're all variably-sexually-oriented-and-gendered disasters
Bree: the head of security is an AI with the randomly generated name of Evanescent Incinerator (just call her evan) and she has anxiety and almost made claire the library girl ragequit/leave in fury because she was caught obsessively neatening her and marten's guest suite and claire thought she was spying or planting surveillance bugs
Jumpropeman: I almost made that joke but I thought the joke was too expected :V
Gooper Blooper: I got ZFRP vibes as early as "floating platform city-in-the-sea" since we've had setting pitches similar to that and eventually got Olympia as our city in a bubble instead of doing it in the ocean
Bree: claire is trying to grasp what might be needed to get this archive up and running and started, so she told marten to go wander and get a coffee or some shit and marten has just been approached by a cheerful friendly AI dude who said his name's grant then said wait I can't remember maybe it was greg or brent, he's that terrible with names
Bree: during the head slimegirl avatar's tour and overview of the place claire asked if normal not-weird people live here or if there's a religious bent and moray (the slimegirl) was like oh gosh no no no we're not a cult, lotta people have asked that though
Bree: moray like eels because the director is a giant alien jellyfish
Bree: robot
Draco: That is an incredibly silly situation, yes. I also love how QC just keeps getting less and less grounded in reality as time goes by. The start of the comic with just Pintsize was so tame compared to now. X3
Bree: she's I think moray-23 or something and her predecessor was like moray-45 (can't be bothered to grab exact numbers, you'll know why in a sec) and claire was like "wait you're not numbered sequentially?" and moray was like "no we just kinda pick our fave number" and claire was like "that's going to piss me off forever"
Bree: then marten asked "was there a moray 69420" and moray was like "yes. they got eaten by a whale. it was their own fault"
Draco: I sympathize with Claire.


Jumpropeman: I saw an article scaremongering that a projection from a tech group said AI might understand human language properly in seven years, and I'm like "well that's probably the best AI use, instant perfect language translation"
Jumpropeman: i look forward to it allowing for more easy consumption of foreign media
Draco: That'd be nice.
Draco: Get AI to translate those Gundam hentais manga for me.
Kuro: :V
Kuro: april fools joke: have an AI write a review for the game hoard
Jumpropeman: I was thinking recently how at least AI can't take the role of a reviewer since they'd just write unrelated nonsense
Gooper Blooper: I remember sometimes getting snippets that sounded like game reviews back when Talk To Transformer was the AI darling
Jumpropeman: it can imitate the style sure, but it would probably just swap in random positive and negative words without regards for the truth of it
Jumpropeman: donkey kong country has excellent voice acting but when you press triangle there is a delay on the reload animation
Draco: There is?! Wow! Glad you reviewed it so professionally for me! :D
Gooper Blooper: "and so, I give Donkey Kong Country for the Google Stadia....... *graphic shows Okay* an ATROCIOUS rating."
Kuro: beautiful
Jumpropeman: "Donkey Kong Country is an excellent game about overcoming adversity. At one point I was dying and one of the Donkey Kongs helped me out. In this case, I did my very best and came through for them."
Gooper Blooper: That one sounds less like an AI and more like the old joke of "kid writes book report about book he did not read"
Jumpropeman: "This is a review of Donkey Kong Country for the Super Nintendo. It has been both starred and panned by many fans, due to its lack of innovation in gameplay, but also due to being laggy, laggy, and laggy, and for being overpriced. It is also the only Donkey Kong game to have a multiplayer mode, although it is not playable offline. There are no new features in the game compared to the original Donkey Kong Country, but it was still an enjoyable port of the game for longtime fans of the series. It can be played on the Super Nintendo in any region, although it was originally released only in Japan. Many people consider this port to be superior to the Game Boy Advance release. The game has three different game modes: Solo, Party, and Time Attack. In the solo mode, Donkey Kong is the only playable character, and has to find all the bananas in a maze. There are hidden eggs on each stage, giving access to secret bonus stages."
Gooper Blooper: LAGGY
Jumpropeman: this is more what I'd expect from an AI review, a lot of things that sound right for some games but don't apply to the subject matter
Gooper Blooper: yeah that one is definitely AI-feeling
univel: ah yes
univel: the SNES port of Donkey Kong Country for the SNES
Gooper Blooper: after the GBA port, it was ported back to SNES for another go
Gooper Blooper: unfortunately this made it very laggy, but at least they added hidden eggs
univel: also online only multiplayer
univel: very impressive for the time
Gooper Blooper: SNES Online
Jumpropeman: "This is a review of Lunar: Dragon Song for the Nintendo DS.
Lunar: Dragon Song is the first entry in Namco Bandai Games' long-running action platforming franchise, dating back to Super Monkey Ball in 2001. The game is a sequel to the Wii-exclusive Nintendo DS game Sonic Adventure 2: The Shadow Transformation, and thus a spiritual successor to the legendary Sonic Adventure trilogy, which spanned from 2001 to 2006.
Released in March 2007 in North America, the game focuses on the adventures of the Shenzen Institute's Professor Gerald Robotnik, who is attempting to wipe out all life in the entire solar system. I will refrain from commenting further as to the meaning of the main plot of the game. The game is heavily inspired by the plot and tone of the anime shows Robotnik's Head, Sonic X, and Perfect Cherry Blossom (and of course Sega's own Sonic the Hedgehog video game series), all of which were airing at the time of release."
Jumpropeman: I LOVED Robotnik's Head


Jumpropeman: playing Persona 1
Jumpropeman: you can talk to all the monsters you face, and the last time I fought some toilet ghosts I made them angry enough they exploded all over me for a game over
Jumpropeman: so naturally the first thing I do when I face more toilet ghosts is talk to them and make them angry again-


Jumpropeman: finally convinced a toilet to be my friend without dying
Gooper Blooper: now that's an achievement


Jumpropeman: you know, people give the Signs aliens a lot of crap for going to a planet full of water when it's their weakness, but we're over here trying to go to Mars which is inhospitable to us entirely
Draco: Matt Damon lived there for awhile, right? That...that wasn't just a movie, was it?
Gooper Blooper: Maybe the Signs aliens should have worn a suit. Or anything at all...
Jumpropeman: don't judge their lifestyle
Jumpropeman: naked and proud!
Draco: D:


Jumpropeman: had a dream that got me really excited. A new Star Fox game that actually continued from the old ones instead of a reboot, Peppy Hare confirmed for Smash, and inexplicable Star Fox DLC for Iron Man VR :V you'd think the last one would have clued me in this couldn't be real but instead it took waking up for me to be disappointed


Jumpropeman: gonna go grab some nash, bros
Jumpropeman: *nosh
Jumpropeman: gonna grab steve nash, brb
Draco: k
Jumpropeman: couldn't catch steve, he's too fast
Draco: Oh well. That's Minecraft for you.


RubyChao: "If 47 disguises himself as the surgeon and kills the target during the surgery, this exchange can occur between him and a nurse:
Nurse: Doctor! That's terrible about your patient. What happened?
47: He died."


Munich Sheep: I've been needing to get back to reading the Game Hoard, so now's as good a time to start as any with...
Munich Sheep: oh
Munich Sheep: Spongebob Squarepants.
Munich Sheep: "so many gamers hold a nostalgic spot for it in their heart that a surprisingly lively speedrun scene emerged around it"
Munich Sheep: "SpongeBob will get some unlockable abilities like the bowling bubble and the cruise missile bubble he can guide to his target"
Munich Sheep: They weaponized whimsy.
Munich Sheep: "Sometimes you’ll be asked to solve a small puzzle"
Munich Sheep: Did you remember the pickles?
Munich Sheep: and my car keys?
Munich Sheep: "and floating goodies called Shiny Objects are used as currency"
Munich Sheep: :I
Munich Sheep: "Barnacleboy probably wouldn’t stand out as the best if not for the poor writing on other characters,"
Munich Sheep: oh
Munich Sheep: "most humor being fairly uncreative"
Munich Sheep: aughuagh
Munich Sheep: "and characters are often boiled down to their most basic traits"
Munich Sheep: Rehydrated may be in the title, but I'd insert some creepy image of dehydrated spongebob right here.
Munich Sheep: "When looking through SpongeBob SquarePants: Battle for Bikini Bottom – Rehydrated"
Munich Sheep: "I knew the most difficult part of writing this review would be the name."-JRM, probably
Munich Sheep: "but what stands out most about this 3D collectathon is that not much actually stands out about it"
Munich Sheep shorts out at paradox

Munich Sheep: "this unexpected remake at least deserves some kudos for putting together something that isn’t that bad"
Munich Sheep: Blessed be the mediocre, for they shall inherit next-generation gaming design
Munich Sheep: "However, to my surprise, the best part of Yono and the Celestial Elephants turned out to be its world-building."
Munich Sheep: Time for some celestial elephant lore.
Munich Sheep: "Instead, once every 1000 years, an elephant is born and tumbles down from the stars"
Munich Sheep: Thus, the myth of The Fifth Elephant
Munich Sheep: Whose fossilized body is the supposed source of the great tallow mines
Deltroid Dreld: hell yeah
Munich Sheep: "these divine creatures having an inherent desire to help the people of the world with whatever problems they may be facing"
Munich Sheep: Elephants, the true heroes of Earth
Munich Sheep: "Yono is the latest in a long line of elephants that may go back further than even recorded history"
Munich Sheep: Lore so deep it is unwritten in the puzzle game
Munich Sheep: "this young elephant is eager to assist, but he does soon begin to feel the crushing weight of his responsibilities as the requests go from simple things like finding objects for people to trying to prevent voting fraud, curing a blight that has lead to new members of a species no longer being born, and attempting to negotiate the power disparity in the kingdom"
Munich Sheep: Good lord
Munich Sheep: This is the box art, by the way
Delstuck: That's cute
Munich Sheep: Sure
Munich Sheep: and also your saviour.
Munich Sheep: "Across the game you can collect letters of the alphabet that let you unlock the lore of the previous celestial elephants and their accomplishments"
Munich Sheep: This A is for the elephant Avery.
Munich Sheep: He cured polio.
Munich Sheep: "The Bonewights are all too happy to share their philosophies about death and life, having completely abandoned most concepts of materialism and time"
Munich Sheep: This is still the cute elephant puzzle game, right??
Munich Sheep: "The Mekani meanwhile grapple with how to change from simplistic machines built for one purpose to beings with free will and no predetermined roles deciding their fates. Compared to humans these two societies are clearly second class citizens as well, leading to political issues such as"
Munich Sheep lies down

Munich Sheep: "The puzzles in Yono and the Celestial Elephants do come in many stripes"
Munich Sheep: No, that's zebras that are striped. Yono is a elephant.
Munich Sheep: "At different points in the game, Yono can spray different things from his trunk like water, fire, or peanuts"
Munich Sheep: The three elements
Munich Sheep: "Yono sometimes finding himself on surprisingly tight walkways over drops as if the game forgot you were playing as a rather large baby elephant"
Munich Sheep: Can an elephant not dance on the tip of a pin?
Munich Sheep: "the puzzle progression does go through a few different gimmicks to avoid things becoming stale"
Munich Sheep: Unlike the peanuts
Delstuck: This description as relayed through sheep feels so wild
Munich Sheep: "even the best rewards just tend to pay off with the health piece, the letters for elephant lore, or some cash"
Munich Sheep: That last one hit me like a mack truck
Munich Sheep: "Despite the Bonewights opining on death and the Mekani trying to figure out the ethics of a subservient people going to war, Yono and the Celestial Elephants is probably the kind of decent adventure I’d recommend for younger players."
Munich Sheep: That's it.
Munich Sheep: That's the joke.


Kuro: sup
Draco: Not much. Just hanging out.
Jumpropeman: same
Jumpropeman: bad news though, I failed the Are You A MILF? quiz :(
Jumpropeman: "MILF METER: Not about that MILF life
You sparkle and shine in your own way, but the MILF life just isn't your thing. Although you didn't get a perfect score on the MILF Meter, there's no doubt you're a 10/10 in our book!"

Jumpropeman: milf'n ain't easy...
Draco: You're not a MILF? I feel so...lied to!
Jumpropeman: sorry draco, our friendship was built on falsehood
Draco: Noooooooooooooooo ;o;
univel: now I want to take that quiz
univel: I got the same as you, jrm
Jumpropeman: we'll never be milfs...
Draco: Moderate MILF
Jumpropeman: society may not believe us to be milfs, but we know the truth
Draco: ;-;
You have many fabulous qualities of a MILF, but not quite all of them. One thing's for sure: you're an absolute showstopper!

Jumpropeman: oh dang, chao out-milfing us
univel: Draco said moderate!


Jumpropeman: jumpropeman here with another Pokemon HOT TAKE: Jigglypuff is a TERRIBLE lyricist! It just sings its own name over and over! Egotistical much? 😏


Kuro: dia beat up a king of gods
Jumpropeman: must be wednesday
Gooper Blooper: vintage dia


Harpbebobop: Tfw you wake up from a dream where the scooby doo gang forms in the beginning, united to find who killed velma’s sister and bring them to justice before the statute of limitations expires and the criminal walks away scot free. Velma and shaggy are already pals, shaggy introduces her to daphne who is rich and can look for clues with her connections. Fred is daphne’s friend who just likes going on thrilling adventures but also has some weird connections. He’s the one who brings scooby in the equation, who was some dog genetically modified to be a killing machine and smart but oops, coward is his personality


Munich Sheep: "The two Hoshii Holdings representatives combine their strength"
Munich Sheep: a zero times itself is still zero
Munich Sheep has become the villain
Gooper Blooper: ouch
Kuro: die
Draco: Truth hurts.


(Re: Pokemon Go)

Draco: Alright, three Noibats evolved and two powered up. Burned through almost all my Stardust doing it but it was worth it.
Draco: 250,000 stardust dumped into two Noiverns. Worth it.
Jumpropeman: meowza!
Draco: Prior to today, I caught about...five Noibats? Let's see how many I have caught now.
Draco: 367 caught, 375 seen. A few ran away from me today.
Gooper Blooper: And I thought I was picking up lots of Stardust playing Shield the other day...
Gooper Blooper: I wonder how much Stardust you need to become a Super Wizard and turn your enemies into just a head
Draco: Yeah, Stardust in Pokemon Go works a little differently. You need it and candy to power up your Pokemon.
Jumpropeman: i never actually made the connection between normal pokemon stardust and pokemon go stardust
Gooper Blooper: link
Jumpropeman: so many atrocious games pulled back to active memory...
Gooper Blooper: I didn't manage to include every single Atrocious you'd done since Mr. Hippo's big finale in Season 11, but I only left out a couple!
Gooper Blooper: Also, one of the things I really liked about Vroom In The Night Sky's Report, which might not even have been intentional
Gooper Blooper: was that the first two screenshots don't have really obvious translation jank, so you kind of build up to it
Gooper Blooper: then the next two screens are obviously poorly translated but still understandable
Gooper Blooper: and then the fifth shot is this
Gooper Blooper: masterful
Jumpropeman: it IS a completely sky
Draco: ;o;


Gooper Blooper: Goopsbro's deadpan sense of humor was in full effect today when I texted him about tomorrow having a Nintendo Direct we can watch together
Gooper Blooper: "Yes! I hope we get farming games (praying emoji)"
Draco: FARMVILLE FOR SWITCH?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?


Draco: link
RubyChao: guess we're getting another video game girls plot!
Gooper Blooper: where's JRM when you need him
Draco: Milking a HECKING COW. Or something. I don't know.


RubyChao: so jrm
RubyChao: segaplots all year every year now
RubyChao: right? right.
Jumpropeman: sega forever, the meredith dream


Draco: Clownpiece and her Stand [Pierrot of the Star-Spangled Banner]:
Satori family photo:
Gooper Blooper: MEGA FUMOS
Draco: They just arrived this morning.
Gooper Blooper: They're beautiful. Your esteemed collection grows.
Draco: I agree. Very nice work.
Draco: The Okuu one is even to scale with Satori and Koishi. ;p


Jumpropeman: volume warning, but also, this commercial feels like someone just had a commercial idea and didn't care about the product
Gooper Blooper: final boss 2023
Draco: Wow.
Draco: I thought it was the college.
Jumpropeman: it would be even wilder if it was
Draco: I'd never heard of Perdue dinners before this though, so...I learned something, I guess?
Jumpropeman: you learned not to give your pet too much milk too I hope
Draco: Definitely. Not after the last time he rampaged across the house and under the couch.


MobileChao: I saw William shatner live on stage
Jumpropeman: doing spoken word raps?
MobileChao: Sadly no
MobileChao: But he told us some great rambling stories
MobileChao: Also saw wrath of khan beforehand
Jumpropeman: a good choice of film
Jumpropeman: possibly my favorite sci-fi film and I don't even watch Trek
MobileChao: I am a big trek fan thanks specifically to reading lots of trek books growing up
MobileChao: They were all tos so I am tos biased
Jumpropeman: I want to get into trek more but also don't want to do the legwork :V
Jumpropeman: watching Captain Sarah videos counts, right?
Draco: Close enough!
Draco: It has all you need to know: a wise man can smell profit on the wind!
RubyChao: i even took a picture of shatner (and the moderator) on stage
RubyChao: it's not the World's Best Picture but it wasn't meant to be
RubyChao: just a neat memento
Jumpropeman: the moderator's angelic glow blew out the image
RubyChao: heeeeh


Birthday Evil-42: Does he still talk in that stop start way?
RubyChao: yeah he does, and lots of rambling
RubyChao: good rambling though, fun stories
RubyChao: he told one about how deforest kelley really liked toasted bagels so he and nimoy once played a prank on him by distracting him and then stealing the toasting bagels while he wasn't looking
RubyChao: he was caught because he had no place to hide the second bagel so he tried just eating it and kelley noticed shatner eating said bagel
Birthday Evil-42: Whoops


Gooper Blooper: amazing battlebots fun fact I just discovered
Draco: Oh?
Gooper Blooper: There was a robot entered back in the Comedy Central seasons named "Chameleon" that never made it to TV... but the people who built Chameleon were also video game developers, so they put it in one of their games as a secret vehicle
Draco: Neat.
Jumpropeman: wow


Gooper Blooper: link
Draco: No games set in Iowa. :(
RubyChao: Video games set in New York City‎ (4 C, 463 P)
Gooper Blooper: >:I
Gooper Blooper: link
RubyChao: "Where in North Dakota Is Carmen Sandiego? is a 1989 edutainment video game. It is the fourth game in the Carmen Sandiego video game series after World (1985), U.S.A. (1986), and Europe (1988). Having observed the popularity of the Carmen Sandiego franchise in the education of school children, educators were inspired to develop a North Dakota version to teach North Dakotans about their state's history and geography."



Gooper Blooper:
Draco: Two good Helltakers and an awful fly.
Gooper Blooper: Waiter, there's a fly by my fries.
Draco: And it's narrating.


Jumpropeman: you can tell youtube's algorithm isn't perfect because it can't tell that when I watch Skooks I will inevitably want to watch all the others and yet it doesnt suggest them
Draco: I remember around the time Sonic Frontiers came out, I watched a video that was one of its songs. The Youtube algorithm decided I wanted to listen to the same song for about an hour straight with a different upload each time.
Jumpropeman: musta been a REALLY good song
Draco: It is a good song, but not quite that good.


RubyChao: "Through this game, and others, my sincere hope is to perpetuate the spirit of Indie Games, which I feel is sort of the last bastion of 'Free' gaming. There is so much red tape that game developers face in the world of gaming today that destroys what may have been some of our favorite games.
Indie Gaming, I hope, will thrive in the face of dull, spiritless, cloned, big-budget games. Not every game created has to be the 'best game', but they could at least be fun. But what makes a game fun? To that I'd have to say that it's both a science and an art, and that it's purely subjective. Fun should be subjective, and that's what makes Indie Gaming so great: the games cost virtually nothing to produce, they can take greater risks, and they don't have to go through the 'creative' oversight of a publisher. I'm probably not telling you anything you don't already know, but I hope to at least share why I'm so passionate about the games I make."

RubyChao: fun fact
RubyChao: this was from one of those ripoff kickstarters that vanished forever
Gooper Blooper: oh my god
Draco: lol
supervel: which one was this?
RubyChao: (the biggest object lesson from kickstarter was that publishers had a purpose)
RubyChao: ivel: the ron paul one that just stole and edited sprites for its mockup
supervel: welp


Draco: link
Jumpropeman: all dracochars are connected...
Draco: That's right. Yohane was Labrys' persona all along. :3
Gooper Blooper: Yohane, the f
allen angel
Draco: BLA
Jumpropeman: m o n k e y


Jumpropeman: not a crossover I expected, even if it's rather tiny
Jumpropeman: this game also has a spice and wolf crossover, but not with myuri
Draco: Kino is done with peace:
Cornwind Evil: Kino: You can get further with a kind word and a gun than with a kind word alone.


Deldeldeldeldel joined the chat
Jumpropeman: whoooop


MobileDraco joined the chat
MobileDraco: Peko peko peko peko
Deltroid Dreld joined the chat
Deltroid Dreld: fuck you *unpekos your peko*
RubyChao: damn
RubyChao: guess i'm only playing Yama now
Deltroid Dreld: putting yama into google now
Deltroid Dreld: "Yama or Yamarāja, is a deity of death, dharma, the south direction, and the underworld who predominantly features in Hindu and Buddhist religion, belonging to an early stratum of Rigvedic Hindu deities."
Deltroid Dreld: guess its time for chao to go full wulf/sheep
MobileDraco: I just headcanon Peko as being, like, six feet tall. Absolute giant vampire.
RubyChao: i'm down for that
MobileDraco: She's so cool.


Gooper Blooper: squad goals
Draco: When the squad goes Kazuma Kazuma Kazuma Kazuma Kazuma Kazuma Kazuma Kazuma.


Kuro: i went to nap around 6
Kuro: i conked out and woke up at 9:45
Kuro: ivel had to check to make sure i was, in fact, still alive
Draco: Whoops.
Jumpropeman: what were his findings
Kuro: i am, in fact, still alive
Jumpropeman: phew!
Kuro: i joked that "when the pizza hits you just right"
Kuro: (i ate pizza right before my nap)
Draco: Good to know.
Draco: I had some Udon tonight and it hit the spot.
Jumpropeman: i was eating leftover pizza right around when you came in
Kuro: peppino be like
Draco: Mama Mia


Draco: The best commercial:
Jumpropeman: even if the mario movie doesn't turn out good, at least they're going all out with the fun stuff
Kuro: i cannot believe.
Draco: As I hear it, the lady in the commercial is even voiced by the same lady as Princess Toadstool from the Super Show.
Gooper Blooper: I've said before that Mario content is at its' best when it's weird, old, and obscure because of how wild Mario's 80s and 90s were compared to the rather sanitized and samey Mario we usually see today
Gooper Blooper: so the movie making all these references is great
Draco: I love it.
Draco: I may even forgive Chris Pratt.


RubyChao: fun fact
RubyChao: there was a fanfic i saw for symphogear
RubyChao: where the nickname they gave to AU Hibiki to distringuish her from Hibiki Prime was...
RubyChao: Ibiki.
Jumpropeman: Ibiki and her wife Onoka
Draco: lol


RubyChao: "Float down to #NintendoNYC this Friday, 2/24, starting at 9am and pick up your Kirby’s Return to Dream Land Deluxe game!! Kirby will also be making appearances from 9am-11am and 5pm-7pm!"
Jumpropeman: are you going to go meet kirby
RubyChao: on spy's behalf, yes
RubyChao: because he will not be able to meet kirby...
Moa Sheep: Kirby never comes here...


Jumpropeman: i do worry that putting dakota and hansel as a foot forward perhaps gives an overly skewed perspective of our community :V
Jumpropeman: really you just gotta tell new peeps "we've done most the touhous" to be accurate
RubyChao: someday it will be all the touhous
Draco: Did Dakota and Hansel get married? I mean, close enough, but was it ever made formal and how do we fix that this year? ;V
Moa Sheep: Fine, JRM, we'll start them off with something simple like how a person who is a hive for the swarm making up their actual mind came to forge a friendship with a giant bee whose mannerisms are determined by the hat he he puts on that is made out an echo of a person.
Jumpropeman: or just talk about the sassy weather satellite and her organic car boyfriend who talks like he's from the 1930s
Moa Sheep: Gotta get that thing fixed...
Draco: Or we can talk about the weirdest character of them all: Mary the convenience store clerk.
RubyChao: all i've got is *checks notes*
RubyChao: an orphan with anxiety who dated a robot
Draco: Haven't we all been that orphan at some point?
Moa Sheep: Haven't we all been that robot?
Moa Sheep squints at self
Draco: Sheep is right.
Kuro: i save that for when i am authorized to link the forum so they can read for themselves
Kuro: :)
Kuro: for now i just leave it as "the endgame for last year meant we beat up a clown who wanted to trap everyone in blissful illusions for eternity"
Jumpropeman: as compared to Jester Chao who wants to trap everyone into listening to bad jokes for a few minutes
Draco: As opposed to Clownpiece who is just going to make burgers for eternity.
Moa Sheep: This year: WALL!! traps everyone to listen to his mixtape.
Kuro: Peppino will break through him like the Kool-Aid Man
Draco: But we already listened to it and it is FIRE.
Draco: I mean, FIRED. We fired WALL!! and sent him back to Disney.


Moa Sheep: The sheer, ridiculous gaudiness of the royal kinnikucar
Moa Sheep: Don't know how yet
Moa Sheep: But I'mma steal that car for RP
RubyChao: it's tom the cat's
Moa Sheep: I literally said "oh no" out loud while laughing


Jumpropeman: so, I was playing two games today, one was a nature game I won't name since it's a spoiler in this story and the other a word search video game. I told my mom I was playing both of them, but later when she asked what I was up to I told her I beat a game but it had a very sad ending. I meant the nature game, but she was perplexed trying to figure out how a word search somehow got melancholy
RubyChao: heeeeh
Draco: The word search gives you nothing but synonyms for sad.


RubyChao: changed my forum avatar
RubyChao: FEAR
Draco: If it's Lanterby, I'm disowning you. >:I

(It was Lanterby.)


Draco: The latest character in Touhou Lost Word, Kasen's Arm:
Jumpropeman: I knew arms were nothing but trouble
Jumpropeman: that why I got my hands attached at my shoulders


LurkBree: y'all are all marshmallows I'm realizing
Jumpropeman: im more of a twinkie


Draco: link
Jumpropeman: sounds about right
Gooper Blooper: link
Jumpropeman: the sound of acceptance


Gooper Blooper: checked in on the AI Steamed Hams stream a bit ago
Gooper Blooper: Skinner served Chalmers Yorkshire pudding instead of the advertised Kentucky Wonder Beans, and upon being asked why, said "because I felt like it". And at the end when they'd left the house, Skinner insisted the fire wasn't real and Chalmers just said "Yeah, I know."
Jumpropeman: the actors sound like they're getting tired
Jumpropeman: too much improv


Gooper Blooper: this just in, a Shrek-themed robot is applying to the next season of battlebots
Gooper Blooper: they teased their announcement the day beforehand by posting a screenshot of the outhouse
Jumpropeman: just noticed the saw is an onion...
Gooper Blooper: yeah, see, they can't use the name Shrek(tm)
Gooper Blooper: but if you name your robot Ogrekill and it attacks with a spinning onion...
Gooper Blooper: (it's actually a multibot, the two pics aren't just showing two different setups, it's a team of two small bots)


Jumpropeman: the real reason there are no guns in pokemon
Gooper Blooper: They look like they're having a great time


Jumpropeman: BEHOLD
Jumpropeman: HOMME
Jumpropeman: Homme Castle
Jumpropeman: also called Ham
Jumpropeman: but I like the name Homme because it just sounds like they got home one day and were really tired and were like
Jumpropeman: we homme
Jumpropeman: if you're wondering "where's the castle"
Jumpropeman: (it's invisible)
Jumpropeman: really though, it's completely gone, but people still bill this place as a tourist destination
Kuro: the hill is a national treasure


Jumpropeman: today, for some reason, is the last day you can buy fire emblem revelations
Jumpropeman: far as I can tell, you have to already own one of the games and open it to purchase it too
Gooper Blooper: Apparently the reason for this is because you have to purchase one of three DLCs partway through, so it's a measure to try and keep people from buying it one day before the eshop closes and then be unable to finish.
Jumpropeman: you can buy conquest and birthright physically, revelation is digital only though
Gooper Blooper: you're not supposed to buy Old Game anyway, can't you see New Game Starring Pepsi Toothpaste came out???
Jumpropeman: :I
Jumpropeman: shoulda got into a simpler hobby
Jumpropeman: the quilt hoard


Gooper Blooper: Well, I've somehow made another GarfieldEATS discovery, and if there's a bottom to this rabbit hole I can't think of anything more fitting than this.
Gooper Blooper: Nathan Mazri made himself a garfsona called Nathfield and has a Twitter account for it where it loudly shouts various political opinions, claims to "pass judgement" on people and will "clean this bitch world", and regularly advertises what is either a podcast or an animated series starring the character (it's a little garbled, maybe both??). Scooby-Doo EATS is also confirmed already dead (he only had the license for a single year), via the announcement "cats rule, dogs drool".
Kuro: damn dude that's
Kuro: that's a garfield hole alright
RubyChao: what the Fuck
Kuro: "i will clean this bitch world" sounds like a ZFRP quote, not something a real person would say
Gooper Blooper: click if you dare:
Kuro: oh, no, peppino dislikes this
Kuro: you have hurt peppino, and now you will go to hell
Gooper Blooper: one tweet also implied he's a little bitter Garfield "abandoned" him for Nickelodeon, but the GarfieldEATs account has recently started tweeting again, trying to stir up interest in a revival
Kuro: wh
Gooper Blooper: the gift that keeps on giving.
Kuro: garfieldsaga
Jumpropeman: 2023 be weird so far
Jumpropeman: updates to GarfieldEATS and Arkansas Switch Daddy
Jumpropeman: which zombie shall rise next
Kuro: zoofights somehow
Jumpropeman: i can't even imagine that
Gooper Blooper: I will say, Nathfield actually first appeared in April 2022 (he did the reveal on april fool's day and then emphasized it was not a joke)
Gooper Blooper: we just missed it for eleven months



Gooper Blooper: >amazon asks me if I'm a fan of Jurassic World after I purchase my eight zillionth JW figure from them
Gooper Blooper: what tipped you off, amazon
Jumpropeman: eerie how it could figure that out...
Jumpropeman: ai is clearly out of control!
Gooper Blooper: It only took four years!


Jumpropeman: can't believe brandon become a professor:
Kuro: DAMN
Kuro: can't believe brandon just got upgraded behind my back
Draco: So proud... ;o;
Kuro: nintendo 'bout to hit me with the cease and desist
Jumpropeman: the real reason for the delay on pokemon sleep: acquiring the brandon rights
Draco: Buyout Complete
Kuro: they didn't give me money 0/10
Kuro: bastards
Kuro: it is my type of game tho. i sleep lots. i get lots of pogeysleep.


Draco: "This official Spamton plush was designed by Saber Murphy and measures about 12 inches long when cradled like a newborn baby in your arms."
Kuro: ...
Kuro: my god


Kuro: i have these pangs to become a vtuber then remember 1. that costs way more money and 2. i'd be torn between Kiwii, Dia, Tabitha, Kuroma, or all four smooshed into one somehow as one big abomination
Kuro: and 3. the great fear of being Known
Gooper Blooper: I'm quite happy being unknown
Jumpropeman: i'd like some more renown :V
Draco: Who are you all again?
Kuro: i'm your cat
Gooper Blooper: that reminds me, I noticed last week
RubyChao: well jrm
Kuro: meow meow meow
RubyChao: i do share the game hoard around
Gooper Blooper: JRM finally got a small brigade of people angrily disagreeing with one of his reviews
Kuro: wh
Kuro: what game
Jumpropeman: battlezone?
Gooper Blooper: There's a bunch of old-timers in the Battlezone review taking issue with his Bad
Draco: lol
Kuro: damn dude
Gooper Blooper: it was good in 1980 so that means it's good now, whippersnapper
RubyChao: oh this i gotta see
Jumpropeman: I have deleted harassment comments, but if people just disagree it stays
Jumpropeman: battlezone has had no harassing
RubyChao: yeah i remember the ones you told me about
RubyChao: "Perhaps 42 odd years of improvements to 3D and even VR has jaded you, but I was 20."
Kuro: i will not go into the battlefield in fear of getting ptsd but i'll be here to listen to the funny disagreements
Kuro: "but i was 20"
Kuro: the fuck you mean, bro
Kuro: bro onto nothing
Jumpropeman: the "I was 20" comment is my favorite
Jumpropeman: dude basically just says "the graphics impressed me, so it's good!"
Gooper Blooper: While Battlezone may not be great today, it was an important game in its' time, but tragically it's not included in Atari 50 because during Atari's mid-2000s bankruptcy some random company bought the rights to JUST Battlezone and has proceeded to squat on them ever since
Jumpropeman: funnily enough, there's a Battlezone PSVR game
Jumpropeman: I intend to rent it when I'm not sick
Kuro: a game is not just its graphics- *launches into a diatribe*
Kuro: man one of these days someone's gonna pay me to let me go on a full blown rant about something
Kuro: or so i dream.
Kuro: speaking of dreaming i should probably sleep
Gooper Blooper: nite, radical dreamer
Kuro: *does a kickflip off a skateboard she wouldn't be able to do in real life*
Kuro: dufe
Kuro: this is what peak performance looks like
Kuro left the chat
Draco: That was awesome. I envy Harpy and her mad skills.
Jumpropeman: she ain't staying unknown with such STUNTS


Gooper Blooper: Imagine Party Babyz is one of those games I'm sad JRM played too soon
Gooper Blooper: no hoard review...
Jumpropeman: we'll just say it got a Great and be done with it-
Jumpropeman: if it makes you feel better
Jumpropeman: I have a disaster report ready for the fourth
Gooper Blooper: :O
Gooper Blooper: it's been 15 months...
Jumpropeman: it's not as big as some, but I wanted to see if it could still work. I felt I had to talk about the whole game but it's also not a very deep game :V
Gooper Blooper: someone patron pick ride to hell, make him play that again-
Draco: Does he still own it?
Jumpropeman: it was on steam, so yup
RubyChao: at least the soundtrack is still a banger
Jumpropeman memories flood back
RubyChao: honestly
RubyChao: of all the BBBBPs i hosted
RubyChao: the Entire Devil's Hand Even The DLC Guy is my favorite
Draco: Alright, my March Patron Pick is Ride to Hell: Retribution.
Gooper Blooper: I remember it partly because it was a rough marathon of a fight
RubyChao: someday we need to get Jake Conway in RP
Jumpropeman: if it's alright, can it be april? I want to do 3ds/wii u as much as I can this month
RubyChao: so goops
RubyChao: "Eventually, quantity has a quality all its' own. Which is good, because rats are quite shit." the nine bad game bikers in a nutshell, right
Gooper Blooper: basically chao
Gooper Blooper: and yes, delay it so JRM can mop up as much Past-Gen Nintendo as possible, show the fellow some mercy
Gooper Blooper: I'm sorry for what I have wrought JRM, but look at it this way
Gooper Blooper: it's the make-good for Golden Axe Beast Rider only being Terrible
Jumpropeman: gonna watch so much fully-clothed sex
RubyChao: seriously, how did the soundtrack end up this good
RubyChao: for That game
Jumpropeman: i don't think I ever finished ride to hell actually
RubyChao: >didn't finish
RubyChao: WELL
Gooper Blooper: Is that so?!
Gooper Blooper: this just got a lot more important!!
Jumpropeman: i did the dlc guy, and I think the last main guy I fought was the grenade guy at the junkyard
Jumpropeman: I don't want to remember too much so I can be surprised again by what I've forgot :V
Draco: Alright, April's fine, but I expect you to play a fun 3DS game to make up for it. >:U
Jumpropeman: BIG ASK
RubyChao: >the junkyard
RubyChao: jrm
RubyChao: you weren't even halfway throug
Jumpropeman: i might be misremembering
Gooper Blooper: -JRM said to himself, desperately wishing Chao's words were untrue
Jumpropeman: looking at my achievements...
Jumpropeman: I think chao is right
RubyChao: ahahahaha
RubyChao: high fives all around
Gooper Blooper: I feel like I have done a terrible thing, but also you're welcome Chao, I love you best friend
Gooper Blooper: link
Jumpropeman: amazing
RubyChao: yeah that's basically the energy of "jrm's three buds condemn him to hell... RIDE to hell"
Gooper Blooper: it took all three of us combining our powers, but this spring
Gooper Blooper: improbably
Gooper Blooper: we ride back to hell
Draco: :O
Draco: I have powers?
RubyChao: jrm just so you know if ride to hell somehow makes you want to use any characters from it besidfes the devil's hand
RubyChao: you have my full permission
RubyChao: i have no idea how this would happen but JUST IN CASE
Jumpropeman: perfect material for Salvagers 2
RubyChao: jake event: he kicks someone into a corner
RubyChao: the entire event
Jumpropeman: every post from me is just a gif of him kicking
Gooper Blooper: Salvagers 2: they come to salvage the Salvagers
Gooper Blooper: Five minutes before the first event Claire suddenly stares off into space. Clownpiece asks her what's wrong. Claire says "Oh for fuck's sake." and does not elaborate.
Jumpropeman: featuring Moonface's brother: Sunbutt
Gooper Blooper: and the final boss, an older evil version of Ginger from As Told By Ginger
Jumpropeman: the grass is much greener... in another dimension
Gooper Blooper: (Salvagers was a great plot.)
Jumpropeman: thanks!


Jumpropeman: "Girls Gone Wired, which the network is touting as the first beauty contest involving two-dimensional video-game characters. Categories include “hottest video-game newcomer,” “character with the sexiest voice,” and “most likely to kick enemy ass.”"
Jumpropeman: early 2000s sure hits different
RubyChao: god i didn't realize the context at first
RubyChao: and i was going
RubyChao: i thought we left that in the early 2000s
Jumpropeman: "A G4 flack points out that, for people who play video games, the characters “are just as real” as Cameron Diaz."
Jumpropeman: even more 2000s: Cameron Diaz as a heartthrob
Jumpropeman: tried to find the winners... instead I found they did something called Video Game Vixens next year with the same premise
Jumpropeman: "Dressed to Kill—Kasumi from the Dead or Alive series.
Sexiest Finisher—Summer from Outlaw Golf 2.
Dirtiest Dancer/Video Game Vixen of the Year—Tina from the Dead or Alive series.
Most Dangerous Curves—Rayne from BloodRayne.
Biggest Guns-Ada Wong from Resident Evil.
Best Bounce—Reiko from Rumble Roses.
Best Booty—Lara Croft from Tomb Raider.
Kinkiest Accessory—Ivy Valentine from the Soul Caliber series.
Baddest Good Girl/Viewer's Choice Winner—Rikku From Final Fantasy X-2."

Jumpropeman: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>BEST BOUNCE
Kuro: outlaw golf
RubyChao: "Players take control one of several characters, each with their own unique caddy. The series is noted for its crude humor, particularly in regard to the characters, most of whom fall under an exaggerated archetype. These include a stripper, a hippie, a biker, and more. Unique to the series is the Composure Meter. As players do well, the player character's composure meter increases. The maximum distance rating for each club increases or decreases in relation to the player character's composure. This is designed to simulate frustration: the more shots missed, the more frustrated the player character gets and the worse they perform. In order to counteract this, the player character can beat or humiliate their caddy in some way, which raises the composure meter."
Jumpropeman: alright folks, let's play the classic game: "is this old lesser known game super expensive or super cheap" with outlaw golf
Jumpropeman: the answer... it and its sequels seem to go for around 5 bucks or less each :V
Kuro: good
Jumpropeman: on lukiegames it's actually cheaper to buy an Outlaw Golf/Seablade two pack than just outlaw golf alone
Jumpropeman: speaking of early 2000s...


Kuro: ...lanterby and peppino in the same room
Kuro: spicy italian fight


 Gooper Blooper: Good Disaster Report, JRM! A fun surprise.
Jumpropeman: glad to hear it!
Gooper Blooper: "The call of "Leila..." will repeat constantly until you find the big glowing orb of pink energy that represents the entrance to the dream world"
Jumpropeman: she would be one to creepily whisper it and you could hear it anywhere you are
Gooper Blooper: The real princess was the horses we rode along the way.
Jumpropeman: The Unicorn Princess allows you to purchase multiple horses so they can wallow in your stable unusued!
Gooper Blooper: I especially loved the big reveal towards the end.
Draco: Only Leila can find The Baby.
Gooper Blooper: Laila Plot 2022: Behold, A Pale Horse
Jumpropeman: that 0/10 hockey game IGN reviewed didn't realize how good they have it. At least that kept the same amount of content!
Draco: "The call of "Leila..." will repeat constantly until you find the big glowing orb of pink energy that represents the entrance to the dream world" <- Doremy, we need your help.
RubyChao: but goops
RubyChao: who does she have for the Red, Black, and White horses
Gooper Blooper: Laila for Death, Elvira for Pestilence, Frost for War, Lanterby for Famine
Gooper Blooper: the four ZF staff members of the akobberlypse
Draco: Funny enough, the Final Boss event for those four has everybody only target Lanterby for some reason.
Draco: It's almost like the other three are likable.
RubyChao: link
Gooper Blooper: picture it
Gooper Blooper: sicily
Draco: Do I have to? D:


Jumpropeman: I have a video about all the Lord of the Rings video games playing in the background right now and the guy doing it mentioned at a certain point in one of the games he gave up and stopped playing. I don't blame him, it sounded rough... but his channel IS called "I Finished a Video Game" V:
Gooper Blooper: Finished a Video Game, not Finished Every Video Game
Jumpropeman: he finished one a long time ago and swore... never again
Gooper Blooper: I finished a video game once and it was awful
RubyChao: lanterby is definitely "i had fun once and it was awful"


Jumpropeman: I'm more willing to accept that the Lord of the Rings movies are 20+ years old than I am that this is 18 years old
Jumpropeman: link
Draco: Sometimes I forget y'all are, like, eight year olds or something. ;V


Harpbebobop: Shitpost dia
Jumpropeman: hahaha
Jumpropeman joined the chat
Draco: Hi JRM. Long time no see.
Harpbebobop: What
Harpbebobop: Anyway yeah drac commed pizzadia
Draco: That's me. I'm Drac.
Jumpropeman: THE drac :O
Jumpropeman: I'm your biggest HATER :D
Jumpropeman: wait, I mean fan
Jumpropeman: since I'm such a big fan you'll say some incriminating evidence into this microphone for me right?
Draco: Of course! Any requests or just that Silvania committed tax evasion?
Jumpropeman: WE GOT EM BOYS!
Draco: Maybe she wouldn't if the IRS used some accuracy buffs. >:U


RubyChao: >the mafia is strongest in sicily, of all the regions of italy
RubyChao: time to look askance at lanterby
Draco: We'll make her an offer she can't refuse.


Gooper Blooper:
Jumpropeman: can't believe may is a Johnny Tsunami fan
AIvel: clearly she meant Johnny from Mario RPG
Gooper Blooper: No, she loves Johny Johny Yes Papa
AIvel: ...who I just was reminded is named Jonathan Jones
AIvel: JoJo confirmed
Jumpropeman: I cannot find any Johnny Tsunami fan art online, only art of people who also came up with the name


Jumpropeman: *glares at Dr. Luigi, trying to will its price lower*
Gooper Blooper: I looked into Dr. Luigi, you're seriously not missing much
Gooper Blooper: it's just Dr. Mario
Jumpropeman: but they're l-shaped, gooper!
Jumpropeman: L-SHAPED!
Gooper Blooper: I seem to remember that Dr. Mario Miracle Cure on 3DS has the same L-pill mode included
Jumpropeman: oh yeah
Gooper Blooper: Okay I just checked - yeah, Miracle Cure has all of Dr. Luigi's content
Jumpropeman: but I bet it's harder to write the first paragraph about that game-
Gooper Blooper: it's got the Virus Buster mode as well, which was Dr. Luigi's other weird new gimmick mode
Jumpropeman: virus buster was in brain age 2
Jumpropeman: you do make good points though, so
Jumpropeman: *glares at Miracle Cure, trying to will its price lower*
Gooper Blooper: I have Miracle Cure, clearly I should mail you my 3DS-


Jumpropeman: chao sent me this and now it's canon-
RubyChao: roxie why.
Jumpropeman: cuz toads rule!
Gooper Blooper: toads are METAL
Draco: So Roxie had a Croagunk?


Jumpropeman: i don't know
Jumpropeman: if it's something about 2023
Jumpropeman: but mobygames and wikipedia changed their designs
Draco: wao
Jumpropeman: and now, the backend stuff for the game hoard wants to push a new look
Jumpropeman: cloudinary is changing too!
Gooper Blooper: was just gonna say Cloudinary is also redesigning
Diadem: why is everyone getting a new wardrobe
Gooper Blooper: Chao told me he gave the new Cloudinary a shot and it's fine once you toggle folders back on
Diadem: y'all here using folders? /j
Gooper Blooper: I still remember when JRM told us about his cloudinary
Gooper Blooper: everything dumped together in one section
Gooper Blooper: except a folder labeled "cirno"
Gooper Blooper: with one picture of cirno in it
Diadem: sounds like exactly what it needed to be
Jumpropeman: it was a good cirno
Jumpropeman: i do have more folders now
Jumpropeman: but the cirno folder is still there
Jumpropeman: with its 1 image
Jumpropeman: it's almost as good as my Recipes folder!


Draco: (hasn't been in RP proper yet)
Gooper Blooper: >clicks the tag for the lady
Gooper Blooper: >she's an android
Gooper Blooper: how is she not in RP yet, exactly
Draco points at all the other robot ladies he's had to RP.
Draco points at all the other THINGS from that anime he's had in RP.

Draco: If I got rid of every organic lady on my roster, I could finally RP every robot girl I know of. :V
Draco: If I got rid of every man on my roster...I could RP one more because bye Skullmageddon.
RubyChao: what if you got rid of every sentient snowman
Jumpropeman: GOOD RIDDANCE
Draco: He was going to play a key role in Team Rocket Plot. ;-;
Gooper Blooper: But what if... you used anime characters and disguised them as your own OCs? Delightfully devilish, Draco.
RubyChao: goops:
RubyChao: i once played in an RP elsewhere a couple incidental characters - they were a brother and sister pair, i used the pokemon snowboarder and skier sprites from gen 4
RubyChao: and they were blue and pink color-wise
RubyChao: one guy was DEAD CERTAIN they were going to turn out to be jessie and james
Hooded Pitohui: Honestly, they even fit, too (I was not the guy who was dead certain, though)
Draco: When have I ever done that? >:O *hides all the dragons under a rug*
Draco: *it's a big rug because Sapphire likes chocolate*

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