Thursday, March 9, 2023

Chatzy Madness Volume 406: Ride Back To Hell

Jumpropeman: Gale in Hisui:
Jumpropeman: no rainbow hair option :V
Draco: They didn't have rainbows back then.


Gooper Blooper: The goopsfamily has made a tentative plan to go somewhere new and exciting this fall
Jumpropeman: kmart?


Jumpropeman: Gain Ground features playable characters like FIRE KNIGHT, SYBER, GENERAL... Mud Harry... Mum... Betty... AND WEBAD
Draco: WEBAD
Gooper Blooper: WEBAD
RubyChao: WEBAD, the successor to Sinbad
Jumpropeman: Webad is a cool dwarf archer
Gooper Blooper: Webad face reveal!


Jumpropeman: one thing I forgot to mention
Jumpropeman: Webad, the dwarf archer from Gain Ground, ended up being the most useful unit
Jumpropeman: so really
Jumpropeman: more like
Jumpropeman: Wegood
Bree: git gud? more like gotgud
Draco: gitgreat


Draco: Chat is for nerds. Huge stupid nerds who ride Dolphin Paddlers.


Jumpropeman: "January 18 at 11:59 PM PT" more time than I thought left thanks to timezones
Jumpropeman: Stadia's death goes by draco time... suspicious
Draco: BI
Draco: I killed Stadia, you caught me.
Jumpropeman: you know what this means drac...
Jumpropeman gives you a medal
Draco: ;o;7


Jumpropeman: stadia isn't letting me take new screenshots
Jumpropeman: the death has begun...
Draco: The death knell...
Jumpropeman: I posted to twitter I am playing outcasters and suddenly I'm getting games reliably!
Jumpropeman: 32 minutes til stadia death!
Draco: lol
Jumpropeman: stadia's still running!
Draco: Someone must still be playing Halo 2 on it.
Jumpropeman: some people are reporting that they're getting kicked out of their games
Jumpropeman: but I'm still in it at 2:20!
Jumpropeman: following the stadia reddit during this, people reporting which games still work and their images of the kicked out screen
Jumpropeman: oh
Jumpropeman: that might be it
Jumpropeman: yup
Jumpropeman: can't open worm game or outcasters now
Jumpropeman: Rest in Pastaroni, Stadia
Jumpropeman: shame because we were literally starting a multiplayer match in Outcasters before it... cast us out
Jumpropeman: seems 12:30 PT is a bit more of a hard cutoff as more people get booted
Jumpropeman: site still works in general though
Jumpropeman: look at all those games you can no longer play
Jumpropeman: can't even access my profile or screenshots anymore now, so yeah, plug fully pulled
Delstuck: Rip
Delstuck: So long stadia
Kuro: so long gay stadia
ivel: rip
RubyChao: here lies stadia it never scored
SteelKomodo: rip stadia
SteelKomodo: it died
SteelKomodo: the end