Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Chatzy Madness Volume 399: Paper Octopath Symphodread Riverboat Casino

Gooper Blooper: in honor of today's entry in 50 Years Of Vidya I give you one of my favorite old commercials
Jumpropeman: wow, a lot of effort in this commercial
Gooper Blooper: Also of historical importance as the first time Luigi was ever depicted as a lovable coward
Gooper Blooper: the fringes of Mario are, as always, the most interesting parts
Jumpropeman: took me a second to recognize why the song sounded familiar
Gooper Blooper: I JUST SAW THAT IN THE COMMENTS BEFORE LOGGING TO CHATZY, god that threw me for a loop
Jumpropeman: I only have faint flickers of this show in my memory but the song remains
Gooper Blooper: That song has been burned into my subconscious ever since I first found it on Youtube almost 15 years ago due to a youtube poop
Gooper Blooper: and it was a reference to a 60s TV show the whole time
Gooper Blooper: again, fringe Mario rabbit hole. Top tier.
Kurororo: ma-ri-oooh, where aaaare you?
Gooper Blooper: ATARI MARY-OH BROTHERS WITH MARY-OH (from dawnkey kawng)


Gooper Blooper: Gee, Bill
Jumpropeman: woa
Kurororo: gee
Jumpropeman: they're like sisters
Draco: Which one's the real Kaede?


Gooper Blooper: Baltan is one of those characters JRM and I in particular seem to get a lot of mileage out of
Gooper Blooper: someone really dumb who you can make spew whatever ridiculous junk pops into your head
Jumpropeman: a magnificent formula
Gooper Blooper: *gestures at JRM's pile of cute dumb girls*


Gooper Blooper:
Jumpropeman: the biggest guy in show biz (but not showbiz pizza)
Kurororo: i'm just like "Where the fuck did this come from i feel like i know this"
Jumpropeman: defunctland im pretty sure
RubyChao: that's one of the best defunctland lines
RubyChao: the other best one is
RubyChao: "California Adventure, a California-themed amusement park located in the already California-themed California."