Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Chatzy Madness Volume 390: Tums Festival

Harpy: *bowsette does a slam dunk off the top rope*
Working from Del: i wish i too was a turtle girl with horns and boobs
Harpy: i'm a girl with boobs
Harpy: that's it.
Harpy: that's all we're getting.
Working from Del: lol
Working from Del: thats all we are allowed


(Re: Hitman)

RubyChao: "During the cutscene that plays in the last part of the Orphanage mission, 47 will point whatever weapon he has in his hand at another character. This results in 47 pointing any number of objects—a shotgun, his fiber wire, a syringe, a book—like it was a handgun. It makes what is otherwise a very serious scene utterly hysterical. For bonus points, you can threateningly point a loaded bible at someone while dressed as a priest."
RubyChao: stop or my bible will shoot
Harpy: stop or i swear, god will smite you with the fury of a thousand suns.
RubyChao: it turns out, the way to make me REALLY like a stealth game is either to make it about killing people or to make it Touhou


Jumpropeman: oh yeah
Jumpropeman: my mom asked about the brawl winner
Jumpropeman: and she was very happy to hear the story about both harp and marisa finally getting a win
Jumpropeman: all moms support a harpwin
Gooper Blooper: On that note, a Goopsmom anecdote
Gooper Blooper: We read all of the Zoofights together so she knew about Zoofights 3 and the creepy orphan child that featured heavily in the lore, Lily Limbcake
Gooper Blooper: Goopsmom took to calling any creepy doll a "Lily Limbcake"
Harpymobil (Harpy) joined the chat
Gooper Blooper: This was around when I got that Marisa plush, so of course she called that Lily Limbcake as well
Jumpropeman: hahaha
Gooper Blooper: and then after not using the name for years and years, when she asked who won, I took out the Marisa plush (having told her earlier when Marisa won the popular vote that the character's name was Marisa and she was Harpy's)
Gooper Blooper: and she fucking said "Lily Limbcake won the Brawl?"
Draco: XD
Draco: Yes, Lily Limbcake won the Brawl. She rose up from her humble origins to be the best.
Harpymobil: Marisa “Lily Limbcake” Kirasame
RubyChao: holy shit
RubyChao: that's amazing
Jumpropeman: Lily Limbcake will win the Brawl when Necronomitron is on a tear
Gooper Blooper: I'm glad harpy came back in to see that
Harpymobil: I came in for a different reason but yes that’s hilarious
Harpymobil: Wait is Marisa Fumo a creepy doll now?!!?
Jumpropeman: I don't remember the context for gooper giving me four images for the fite but he sure did
Gooper Blooper: As I recall, it was just me being incredibly hype and providing images for how I imagined the fite going, and you worked them in because you were obliging like that
Jumpropeman: well those pics stuck with me so great job! I always think of that screaming lily first when I remember the character
Gooper Blooper: and yes, my Marisa mini fumo was considered "creepy" by goopsmom
RubyChao: wow
RubyChao: RUDE