Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Chatzy Madness Volume 354: Borf Forfles

Jumpropeman: "Everyone talking about “baby Yoda” is jarring for me because I loved Yoda so much as a child my mom lied to me that the movie “Mac and me” was about “baby Yoda” and I was so fucking stupid I believed her even all the way through watching it."


iKomodo: First leaks of Pokémon Gun looking great
Draco: XD


Draco: The next Brinegirl.
Jumpropeman: seems perfectly accurate


(Immediately after a discussion about classic RP villain The Lord)

Muddled Sheep: link
Jumpropeman: not now noonsa
Gooper Blooper: sheeplot 2020 is just "Here's More Joke Enemies From Slayers"
Muddled Sheep: Noonsa is always relevant :I
Jumpropeman: Noonsa is hopefully not relevant to very recent chat
Muddled Sheep: ALWAYS relevant
Jumpropeman: o.o
Jumpropeman: meanwhile im over here trying to convince myself not to eat a pizza for some reason
Muddled Sheep: Would you eat in a house?
Muddled Sheep: Would you eat it with a mouse?
Jumpropeman: don't get me thinking about green eggs and ham again
Gooper Blooper: you'll make him cry!
Draco: Let's try hash browns and bacon instead.
Jumpropeman: I was dangerously close to making two characters from it RP characters. DANGEROUSLY.
Muddled Sheep: Dangerously cheesy?!
Draco: Which two characters?
Muddled Sheep: Was it the French mouse :I
Gooper Blooper: one of them is, of course
Gooper Blooper: Joey
Muddled Sheep sounds of pottery toppling off the back of a donkey cart
Jumpropeman: https://youtube.com/watch?v=VurfnihEVl0
Jumpropeman: my favorite part of this scene: "He's a liar!" "If the man were a liar, his pants would be on fire. Those are clearly just scaredy pants."
Gooper Blooper: #TooLateForCurse
Jumpropeman: McWinkle is something interesting, in that he's a gruff, tough guy who does not get fed up with his bumbling sidekick's shenanigans
Jumpropeman: he's a very understanding bad guy
Muddled Sheep: He seemed a little fed up at the end of that scene
Jumpropeman: on some levels yeah
Jumpropeman: like, he's not completely permissive
Muddled Sheep: I see
Draco: How does Green Eggs and Ham have BAD GUYS?
Jumpropeman: I will not go further into a potential character analysis, I recognize this trap
Muddled Sheep: Trap???
Cornwind Evil: "Realizing they will not be able to raise enough money by legitimate means, Debbie convinces the other girls to engage in sexual activities for more money. They agree, but only if it is on their terms. From this point onward, the film abandons the central plot (leaving it unresolved whether Debbie ever makes it to Dallas)."
Cornwind Evil: Because, of course, this is vitally important.
Muddled Sheep: CW
Muddled Sheep: why
Jumpropeman: he fell for my trap!
Gooper Blooper: well, I mean, it's in the title!
Gooper Blooper: How can Debbie do Dallas if she's not in Dallas?!?!
Jumpropeman: there isn't even a character named Dallas
Jumpropeman: which feels like a missed opportunity
Draco: Deb made it to Dallas at least.
Muddled Sheep retreats back to the entirely different hell of post making
Jumpropeman: "Graham Silcock as “The other boy in the shower”"
Jumpropeman: holy
Jumpropeman: there are a lot of remakes, sequels, and spinoffs to Debbie Does Dallas
Jumpropeman: Debbie Does Dallas: The Revenge (2003)
Jumpropeman: "In 2001, Debbie Does Dallas: The Musical was created by Susan L. Schwartz for the New York International Fringe Festival.[16] In 2002 it was made into an Off-Broadway musical comedy of the same name.[17] Unlike the original movie, the musical did not contain any actual sex or nudity,[17] which caused some disappointment among people"
Jumpropeman: I am
Jumpropeman: not going down this particular rabbit hole
Jumpropeman: I'm going for that pizza
Cornwind Evil: I will, JRM
Cornwind Evil: Or rather I did
Cornwind Evil: And it is never confirmed if she ever made it to Dallas
Cornwind Evil: Who would have thought a pornographic film would care so little about its story premise.
Draco: Shocker, I agree.


Muddled Sheep clears throat
Jumpropeman: banned
 Muddled Sheep: Gooper Blooper's Fruit Salad Island
Jumpropeman: we were having a moment of silence for gooper
Muddled Sheep: Gooper?
Muddled Sheep: More like
Draco: Blooper
Muddled Sheep: Nooper
Draco: Mooper Shooper
Muddled Sheep: How DARE you
Draco: Listen, YOU, if you want to be the last ticker of November, you'd better get it together!
Muddled Sheep looks at Chatzy Madness
Muddled Sheep: "The Big Fat Flumpus! I'll Put Salt On His Grapefruit."
Muddled Sheep: I have so many questions
Draco: You'll get no answers though!
Draco swallows his cyanide tooth.
Jumpropeman: little did draco know
Jumpropeman: I put salt on his cyanide tooth!
Draco: So THAT'S why it tastes so good! :D
Draco dies.
Muddled Sheep: "Turkey Bree (Turkbree): he's savage"
Muddled Sheep: "Turkey Bree (Turkbree): he blackmailed a guy for some flowers"
Muddled Sheep: Now that's how you sell a book!
Jumpropeman: SHEEP
Jumpropeman: now he's gonna have to die again so we can do it RIGHT
Muddled Sheep: "The big fat flumpus! I'll put salt on his grapefruit."
Muddled Sheep: THERE IT IS
Muddled Sheep: and I had me a good giggle, I'll tell you what
Muddled Sheep: "i hope I never sink so low that I have to eat my characters to survive"-JRM, 2019


Deletons: The other day we had a terrorist attack that was defeated by a man with a fire extinguisher and an ex-con polish man with a narwhal horn
Deletons: So at this point I choose to believe this is zoofights world now
RubyChao: that explains the giant pyramid out my window, then
Reshiram: *perfectly normal life here in delaware*
Deletons: If nothing strange is happening harp
Deletons: Then maybe
Deletons: You're the strange one
Deletons: What I'm saying is you're a magical girl now
Reshiram: i'm just a girl playing dnd
Deletons: That's magic, according to moms in the 80s


haarpharp: if your lvl 64 kricketot still knows growl
haarpharp: you did something wrong
haarpharp: either that or you're trying to do some sick "can i win pogeys with no new moves?!?" challenge


Waluigi joined the chat
Waluigi changed name to Brinehammer

Jumpropeman: with the season over, he has broken free of his curse
ivel: wa
RubyChao: waluigi... is no more
RubyChao: now there is only
RubyChao: WA.
Jumpropeman: (wait he was brine the whole time?!)
Brinehammer: Waluigi died on the way back to his home planet


Mandibular Sheep: please, no violence in front of the cactus


Jumpropeman: "You know what they say: Before you can kiss a handsome doctor, you gotta draw a circle on the bottom screen of your DS"
haarpharp: not even lips?
haarpharp: damn son
haarpharp: also my mouth is on fire
haarpharp: that's some good siracha
Jumpropeman: did you draw the circle wrong?
haarpharp: i drew satan and now i'm dying


Jumpropeman: the bee character in Bug Fables
Jumpropeman: is basically Beesephine
Jumpropeman: greedy and feisty, wants to punch problems in the face instead of talking with the bad guy, but a good person
Gooper Blooper: hell yeah
Jumpropeman: she's a bee too so she's got a big butt
Gooper Blooper: as if I needed another reason to want that game


Working Del: the catch rates in sword and shield are too damn low
Working Del: i don't even want galarian stunfisk
Working Del: but its personal now


N Goat: "A game doesn’t need a good plot or even much of a plot at all to be enjoyable though."
ivel: that's not wrong, though it does help :U
N Goat: "In fact, even a bad plot is easily overlooked if the game works well,"


Bree: do you want to know how bonkers the ending to the nero wolfe story I read was
MelMel: yes
MelMel: did it involve blackmail
Draco: Sure would, Bree.
Bree: spoilers for the ending of this particular story, obviously: nero wolfe straight up fucking orchestrates the culprit's death. that motherfucker is dead, yo
Bree: the police inspector was there
MelMel: holy fuckin shit, i'm so confused
Bree: afterwards he's like "wolfe, you can't fucking do that," and wolfe's like "actually here's why I can"
RubyChao: being cramer is endless headaches
RubyChao: JRM can confirm
MelMel: i don't care, it will probably become massively funnier if i knew the ending then read the context for it
Gooper Blooper: go for it
Draco: Go for it, Bree.
Bree: mkay so, there's like... maybe eleven people in this story, overall.
Bree: one is the victim and one is very minor and isn't present in the scene we're talking about.
Bree: so: nine people, counting wolfe, goodwin, inspector cramer, and everyone relevant to the case.
Bree: wolfe gathers all nine of these people in the same room. coincidentally, it's a hermetically sealable chamber that he uses to fumigate his beloved orchids. there's valves to pump in ciphogene, an insecticide gas that can kill a human being in two minutes
Bree: there's a valve in the adjacent room where you can turn it on to pump the ciphogene into the fumigating room
Bree: now one of these people - a lady named rose - knows exactly who did it, because she saw the culprit while hidden. but she won't say who it was because she doesn't want word to get out that she was having an affair with the victim, and she thinks if she reveals such crucial knowledge they'll force her to testify in court.
Bree: wolfe arranges things in advance so he can accuse someone else and they'll act along with it, being all indignant, etc.
Bree: he then proceeds to explain the entire case down to the very nitty gritty - except the only difference is he's substituted the real culprit for the fakeout culprit, who plays along and acts Very Guilty
Bree: meanwhile the real culprit, who is also in the room, is probably sweating bullets
Bree: there's another person that can prove wolfe's "theory" and he claims they're going to call that person for their testimony. he asks the real culprit to answer the phone, which is in the nearby room that has the aforementioned valve that releases deadly gas
Bree: he wants them to do it supposedly because the "culprit" (the fake one) won't cooperate, and they want to get the information out of the dude on the phone and so he wants this other guy to impersonate the "culprit"
Bree: culprit leaves the fumigating room.
Bree: barely a minute later someone tries the door and oh no! it's locked from the outside! the real culprit that they just let out of the room has locked them all in the fumigating room. and he's going to open the valve that releases the deadly gas!
Bree: wolfe has arranged it so that the real culprit has the world's most convenient opportunity to kill All Of The People Who Know Anything About This Case At All
Bree: eight fucking people. everyone ever that is in any way, shape or form connected to the murder that the culprit committed.
Bree: except, wolfe explains, he took some "precautions" in case the real culprit decided to ATTEMPT TO MURDER ALL OF THEM
Bree: he shut off the pump in the fumigating room and opened a pipe in the adjacent room (the plant room, where the real culprit is) so that instead of releasing ciphogene in the fumigating room, it will be released in the plant room.
Bree: so basically: the culprit, finding himself very nearly backed into a corner, because he's certain one of the people involved is going to go "no, it's not that guy, it's this guy," tries to commit ANOTHER EIGHT MURDERS to cover up his one original murder...
Bree: ...and, as a consequence of his decision, ends up unintentionally killing himself instead
Bree: wolfe did all of this because "it was easier than taking the guy to court"
RubyChao: who needs a trial when you can intentionally arrange the death of a man - nero wolfe
MelMel: i mean
Gooper Blooper: having a trial is too much work
MelMel: he just saved the government several dollars in work
MelMel: and so much time
Bree: he had a whole bunch of people who didn't want to get publicly involved in this case, and his payment - the three black orchids that he blackmailed a guy for - would've been forfeit if the guy had had to appear in court and get smeared in the newspapers and such
MelMel: rip the police investigator tho
RubyChao: like i said
RubyChao: being cramer is a series of endless headaches
MelMel: government appreciates not spending more money on court cases
Draco: So was the guy with the flowers actually the culprit?
Bree: no, the guy with the flowers was the fakeout culprit who helped wolfe with his Plan
Bree: the real culprit tried to sorta-kinda frame him (by using one of the guy's personal belongings in the setup for the murder)
Bree: basically like five different people would've been in hot water if they took the case to court. the murder method was a string tied to the trigger of a revolver
Draco: Awesome.
Bree: the other end of the string was tied to Flower Owner Guy's cane. so, that immediately makes him suspect because it's HIS cane.
Bree: then, of course, it was wolfe's right-hand man archie that ended up picking up the cane, inadvertently firing the revolver and killing the victim
Bree: he of course didn't know at the time that that had happened, but yeah, wolfe's assistant was technically the one who actually killed the dude.
MelMel: that's the only reason archie went along with nero's bullshit right
Bree: wolfe also asserts that rose would have definitely tried to kill herself if they made her testify in court about her involvement in any of this (she was certain her family would disown her over her affair with the victim)
Bree: and they couldn't have convicted the culprit without all of these people having to take the stand and all of this information getting out
Bree: archie didn't immediately know what wolfe was up to and spends the entire scene having a low-key panic attack because Oh Fuck What Is He Gonna Fucking Do Now?
Bree: which is a very justified response since the answer to "what is he going to do now" was "fucking kill somebody"
MelMel: salting his grapefruit won't solve this
Draco: It might!
Bree: my favorite part is the police inspector is like, "wolfe, you committed murder," and wolfe's like "lol no. I could tell a jury everything with 100% complete honesty and they'd never convict me"
MelMel: being cramer is suffering
Gooper Blooper: I love how "non-combat Kobber" all of that is
Bree: so yeah my reaction to this ending was "jesus fucking christ, wolfe"
Bree: I did not see that coming.
Bree: I described him as savage and a total bastard earlier
RubyChao: this is not even the only time Wolfe arranges a man's death for one reason or another
Bree: but I didn't expect it to be THAT accurate
MelMel: this is just a bunch of assholes being assholes and then this one guy is just suffering
Bree: apparently there's a story where archie shoots (and kills) a guy for similar reasons
Bree: so I told chao I want to read that one
MelMel: i kinda want to read these now
MelMel: or at least one of them
RubyChao: nero wolfe is high on my list of mystery recommendations!
Bree: he's the bestworst detective ever
MelMel: like i've watched way too much detective conan
Bree: fat, lazy, uncooperative with the police, fucking kills people...
RubyChao: many people ask "can wolfe visit me at this time" and the response is invariably "no, but you can visit him at this time"


Jumpropeman: you know I didn't get why so many people found Gardevoir attractive but after I saw this I knew
ivel: welp
Jumpropeman: that purple pillow certainly likes it
ivel: it has a good view


Jumpropeman: "The Bratz Babyz are back and cuter than ever in this delectably sweet Christmas adventure about the power of friendship and positive attitude! When a trip to the mall with Gran leads to a shocking discovery that Santa won't be able to "deliver" this Christmas, the Bratz Babyz take matters into their own hands and work together to save Christmas!"
Jumpropeman: I'm gonna make this canon in RP and no one can stop me


MelMel: *learning about making fudge for 0 reason other than character stuff*
MelMel: oh, just four ingredients, you say?
MelMel: tell me more about your fudge making ways


Myotis Sheep entered for the first time
Myotis Sheep flippedy flaps into that chat
Brinehammer joined the chat

Myotis Sheep: It's a shiny Waaa!
Myotis Sheep throws Poke ball
ivel knocks the ball away

Myotis Sheep: Why
Brinehammer flees!
Myotis Sheep: It's Groudon all over again.
Myotis Sheep flies away on his Pellipper
ivel uses Thunderbolt on the Pelipper while Sheep's flying away
MobileDraco uses some delicious Quarter Water to lure Sheep back.
Myotis Sheep scuttles out from behind the fridge


Myotis Sheep: "or playing in a card game tournament"
Myotis Sheep: I, for one, would be ecstatic to see the Bug Fables Shadow Realm.
Jumpropeman: the backgrounds do get very trippy during the card games, but it's more disco light trippy than Condemned to Eternal Limbo trippy
Myotis Sheep: "Even with"
Myotis Sheep: You struck deep fear into my heart with those two words, because i was convinced everything was going to go downhill!
Jumpropeman: mwahahaha
Myotis Sheep: Oh, I like this relay mechanic!
MobileDraco: I think JRM liked Bug Fables.
Myotis Sheep: God, I want this game.
MobileDraco: No. You're not allowed to have Joy in your life.
Myotis Sheep: The Paper Mario games hold a special place in my heart because it was always a communal experience with my sister, myself, and often a friend gathered around the console.
MobileDraco: I never played any Paper Mario.
Jumpropeman: *sounds of Gooper fainting in the distance*
MobileDraco: I'll go play Sticker Star.
Jumpropeman: *checks steam* Bug Fables has 334 positive reviews and 1 negative review where the complaint was a crash breaking someone's save
MobileDraco: Oof
Jumpropeman: seems like that problem was patched at least
MobileDraco: Yay 😄
Jumpropeman: I hope Bug Fables does well so that the Vi plush from my dream can become real ;P
Myotis Sheep: Man, my sister loves the Thousand Year Door to bits
Myotis Sheep: She even picked up a Japanese copy
Jumpropeman: i'm sure she'll be pleased if she checks out boog fubbles
Myotis Sheep: Hmm, actually, that might have been the first game she picked up in Japanese
Myotis Sheep: But Thousand Door was definitely her favorite
Jumpropeman: does she pick up a lot of japanese games?
Myotis Sheep: I don't believe so. Paper Mario the only I definitely remember. I feel like she might have two more at most.
Myotis Sheep: That is, if you meant games she has played in Japanese
Myotis Sheep: That is, them being Japanese copies :V
Myotis Sheep: me continues to reword into oblivion
Myotis Sheep still being overwhelmed by old Paper Mario nostalgia
Gooper Blooper: It's not a Bug Fables plush but it'll have to do, JRM
Jumpropeman: beautiful ; o ;
Gooper Blooper: ya like jazz
Gooper Blooper: Bug Fables but every time they do something right it cuts to footage of Sticker Star fucking up
Myotis Sheep currently warring within himself whether to add Bug Fables to his wishlist or try and wait it out for who knows how long before the Switch release
Sporp: I'm-a be fully honest
Sporp: Game Hoard sold me right the fuck on Bug Tales
Jumpropeman: glad to hear it spy!
Myotis Sheep: Ooooh
Myotis Sheep: watching the trailer was a mistake
Myotis Sheep: in this war
Myotis Sheep breaks out into a sweat


Jumpropeman: Dracozolt for life
Jumpropeman: I love this cheery affront to god


Jumpropeman: tore open an elf's face to get to the chocolate beneath
Jumpropeman: gotta love advent calendars
Myotis Sheep: GOTTA LOVE 'EM
Jumpropeman: please turn in your proof of love before the 10 PM curfew or report for reeducation


Jumpropeman: link
Bree: oh my god what is this XD
Jumpropeman: somebody's very anime nero wolfe :V
Gooper Blooper: glorious
harp: that's absurdly anime


Bree: https://youtube.com/watch?v=s6c0Je8020Y


Hooded Pitohui: Hey, so I wanted to do this well in advance so it didn't distract from the Rumble, but I haven't had a chance to show anyone but Harps the card, and, well... Chao's just an amazing friend who sent me the absolute greatest gift and I can't thank him enough.
Hooded Pitohui: But to make a long story short all of you have already proven you're far too nice of people and I appreciate all of this - from letting me join you all to these thoughtful and lovely gifts - more than I can properly express.
Hooded Pitohui: (Also I included a single excerpt from the new light novel I'm currently working my way through because it actually made me chuckle aloud with how dumb but on-brand it was)
Rider Crimes: :3
Hooded Pitohui: https://imgur.com/a/muHLMUo
RubyChao: that card's got a weird name
RubyChao: should be ainthe & amber & aurora GX
Rider Crimes: Ha
Merman Sheep: Pitohui ASMR can always be found at the nearest battlefield.


Gooper Blooper: https://youtube.com/watch?v=A2c1f4FE8cY
Jumpropeman: wow, can't believe someone uploaded all the shrek movies in one video and it wasn't taken down


Jumpropeman: "The bosses are caricatures of political figures, such as Gerald Ford, Jimmy Carter, and Ross Perot.[2][4] In one situation, Socks must push Millie the dog, pet of former president George H. W. Bush, out the front door to avoid Arab terrorist felines.[5] Also, Richard Nixon calls in bomb raids and Ted Kennedy is seen driving a car on a bridge"
Jumpropeman: I need to play Socks the Cat yesterday


Gooper Blooper: Chao, I gotta say
Gooper Blooper: I think this is an order of magnitude better than last year's rumble, you've absolutely improved with pacing especially
RubyChao: awwwwww
RubyChao: thank you!! <3
RubyChao: i was worried this wouldn't be as good as last year's if anything
Gooper Blooper: It is definitely Better
RubyChao: i think the eight million tractorless plots we did this year helped a LOT with my ability to write action on my own
Gooper Blooper: we took the training wheels off!
RubyChao: speaking of pacing
harp: we're rockin and rollin
RubyChao: rumblepost
Merman Sheep: I expect another Rumble on my desk by Monday
Gooper Blooper writes a Curse Battle Royale with every single Curse member
Merman Sheep: Don't play with my heart like that, goops
Gooper Blooper: *Spat wins*
Merman Sheep squints
Merman Sheep: Is...is Kotohime biting her handcuffs?! That has to taste AWFUL!
RubyChao: don't mock her handcuffs fetish, sheep.
RubyChao: jk


(The Chao Royal Rumble comes down to his two favorites, Hibiki and Honoka)

harp: orange you glad these two are the finalists?
Gooper Blooper: XD
Merman Sheep: I can't believe the bread girl won.


harp: bugge fables
harp: i mus hav
harp: ye
harp: ...but only after i complete my pogeyman laps
Gooper Blooper: I absolutely must have it... next year
harp: happy birthday in advance
Gooper Blooper: *JRM and Harpy compete to shove a cute bee in my face*
harp: i mean, i can and will, i already did so with moth
Jumpropeman: Vi's just too spunky
N Goat continues to crave Bug Fables like a vampire
Jumpropeman: and I already love bees
Jumpropeman: CLEARLY
Jumpropeman: she's Broderick's niece
Jumpropeman: that's how I work her into rp-
N Goat: Who is Broderick's sister?
N Goat: Sectonia?
Jumpropeman: shhhhh
Jumpropeman: either her or the unusually sexy queen bea from Secret Squirrel
Gooper Blooper: what about the unusually sexy bee from Banjo-Tooie
Jumpropeman: Honey B. literally speaking in sighs
Jumpropeman: why are there so many sexy bee characters


RubyChao: i wanted to add some music for the big finale but i felt putting in either Symphogear or Love Live would be too much of a potential tell
RubyChao: so
RubyChao: i did both :V
Jumpropeman: shoulda put in Skeleton Warriors to really throw us off


RubyChao: guys
harp: Wut
RubyChao: garfieldeats redesigned their site
RubyChao: it's not as bad :(
Jumpropeman: nooooo
harp: oh no
Jumpropeman: we loved him, we fed him... and he still left us :(
Jumpropeman: they don't even mention entergagement anymore
harp: Rip


Gooper Blooper: link
Jumpropeman: Pictures right before disaster


Jumpropeman: somehow we once believed this was real
Deletons: Hahahah
Deletons: All of the fossil Pokémon in swoosh give me anxiety
Deletons: They'll never be fixed
Jumpropeman: i still think dracozolt seems pretty happy now that he's dummy thicc
Jumpropeman: it helps the gijinkas too
Deletons: Fgsfgsf
Bree: dracozolt got that jonk in tha tronk
Meat Sheep concern level rising
Bree: that's the correct and intended response, sheep
ivel: is that all that's rising
Bree: ivelpls


Gooper Blooper: So that Dracozolt girl is going to be in the roller derby, right


Bree: so, far cry 5 had a super dumb quest
Bree: based on you helping the town hold one of these
Bree: arrange might have been a better choice of verbiage there
Bree: arrange one of those
Deletons: Oh wow I dislike that immediately
Deletons: Yeesh!
Bree: thanks, guy from the united kingdom where they invented haggis
ivel: when do Rhett and Link go to one
Bree: it's enough of a thing that it has its own euphemistic dish name, the rocky mountain oyster
ivel: indeed
Meat Sheep: Hmm.
Bree: in my opinion, being somebody that doesn't eat oysters, it's not really any more gross to eat than actual oysters are :V
Deletons: Okay but haggis isn't testicles, and also it's Scottish and I'm one of the perfidious English :U
Bree: so anyhow in this quest
Bree: firstly the quest dialogue is goddamn hilarious
Bree: but then you're tasked with acquiring the bull testicles, and he's like "okay we gotta serve 'em up three ways"
Bree: first: shredded. go run over a bull with this tractor
Bree: with a big rotating blade on the front of it
Meat Sheep blinks
Bree: second: roasted. go kill a bull with this flamethrower
Bree: molotov cocktails also valid
Bree: and third:
Bree: blue.
Bree: go kill a bull while it's trying to get its freak on with the cows
Bree: you have to unlock the paddock containing the cows (so they get into the same area the bulls are in) and then this 70s porno music starts playing
Bree: I'm not kidding you
Bree: and the bulls will mount the cows and you have to kill one while it's attempting this process
Deletons: Man
Deletons: The last far cry game I played was 2
Deletons: I better catch up!
Bree: I'm not that far in so I can't tell you if this kind of humor is popular but it was very funny :V
Bree: been playing with azure and gryph and they've both expressed being excited about seeing my reactions to some of the cutscenes
Bree: including one that they called "the snot." I was like "...the snot? like, S-N-O-T the stuff that comes out of your nose?" and they're like "yes! this game has some very lovingly rendered cutscenes!"
Bree: and I went "is it gross?" and gryph says "oh it's absolutely disgusting!"
Deletons: Nice
Meat Sheep: Ha!
ivel: I played the weird 80s Far Cry
ivel: Blood Dragon?
Bree: idk this is my first time playing any of this series
ivel: yeah, it was Blood Dragon, a standalone expansion to Far Cry 3
Meat Sheep: A dragon MADE OF BLOOD??!?
ivel: been interested in playing recent stuff, that one is the only one I really played
ivel: hm, Unheard seems neat
ivel: I have Orwell
Meat Sheep: They do seem neat
Meat Sheep: Has anyone played Orwell?
Meat Sheep: How is it?
ivel: I haven't actually played it, sadly
Meat Sheep: Then you have failed me
ivel: no, I have plenty more of that left
Meat Sheep presses button to open the trap door
ivel watches Sheep fall through the trap door

Meat Sheep: WRONG LEVEEEEEEEeeeeeer
ivel: well, if you were looking for a lever, pressing a button instead was your first mistake
Meat Sheep: But the button is so much more ergonomical! Look at all the space I saved by not installing a big ole lever!
Meat Sheep: Really opens the room up
ivel: haaaaa


Jumpropeman: link
Jumpropeman: but it's perfeeeeect
Jumpropeman: clearly she gets an upgrade for doing good
MelnTroy: yes, i was just thinking of something more plain for a plain ol humanoid form, mostly harkening to how she was before she became cactus
Gooper Blooper: BC
Gooper Blooper: Before Cactus
MelnTroy: BRANDON.
MelnTroy: >:V
Jumpropeman: CLEARLY
Jumpropeman: uh
Jumpropeman: clearly
Jumpropeman: she wanted to be cuter so she became this
Gooper Blooper: they said I could be anything I wanted
Gooper Blooper: so I became a cactus
ivel: Brandon Cactus?
Gooper Blooper: Cacti are the secret underlying theme of ZFRP, it's all Saguaro PI's fault


Meat Sheep: Did I ever tell Chao that Miu is in WVGCW?
RubyChao: you did not!!
Jumpropeman: why did you keep this info from him
RubyChao: if you'd shown me this, miu might have made it into the rumble itself
Meat Sheep: I only saw this after the Rumble!
RubyChao: Y O U R F A U L T
Meat Sheep: :I


(Stated in the middle of December:)

Mervyn Sheep: I think I shall attempt Costume Quest
Jumpropeman: it is in season after all


ivel: Knack 2 is discounted in the PSN's end of year sale
Jumpropeman: IT'S A TRAP
Jumpropeman: STILL NO PATCH
ivel: clearly this is my chance to clear it for jrm
Mervyn Sheep: OH NO, IVEL CAN'T HEAR US!
Mervyn Sheep: HE'S GOT HIS discount goggles ON!
ivel: nah, if I actually got it, I'd rather have a physical copy
ivel: that way I could return it if it gets that issue too :U


Jumpropeman: CALL OF DUTY 4
Yes No
X- Confirm

Jumpropeman: what am I confirming
ToriKillsTeamPlasma: confirm.
Jumpropeman: *picks No*
Jumpropeman: "Use the PS button to return to the home menu"
Jumpropeman: I have to reset the game now that I picked that :V
Jumpropeman: can't do anything on the screen
thirtivel: good job
thirtivel: you confirmed
Jumpropeman: I'm trying to pick yes now
Jumpropeman: and it doesn't work :V
ToriKillsTeamPlasma: perish


Jumpropeman: I somehow acquired FEAR 2 and 3 on my computer
Jumpropeman: but FEAR on steam is like 50 bucks still
Jumpropeman: because you can't buy it individually
Jumpropeman: *checks*
Jumpropeman: it's 2.50 on GOG


Jumpropeman: no matter how far I search
Jumpropeman: I cannot find
Jumpropeman: Girl Knack
Gooper Blooper: home alone on a Thursday night?
Gooper Blooper: just remember
Gooper Blooper: this knack


Gooper Blooper: Brave Dungeon update: I played a whole friggin shitload of it today, it's somewhat addictive in that "Numbers Go Up" kind of way
ToriKills: gib number
ToriKills: glad you're havin fun tho!
Gooper Blooper: I've got a bunch of games on my 3DS to play so even though I want Boog Fabbles I have no problem waiting
Jumpropeman: please wait warmly until Bog Fumbles is on Switch
Draco: :)
ToriKills: i will wait coldly
ToriKills: for borg feeblees
Gooper Blooper: Borf Forfles
ToriKills: bork fleebees
Gooper Blooper: I gave myself the hiccups with my stupid meme name god dammit
ToriKills: rip you
ToriKills: i did not give myself hiccups making my characters debate about pokemon voting rights
Jumpropeman: Big Fuckles
ToriKills: i did laugh ugly at that tho
Gooper Blooper: Paper Bugs
Gooper Blooper: oh wait
ToriKills: Bug Mario
ToriKills: Mario Fables


Jumpropeman: gonna maybe watch the Video Game Awards
Jumpropeman: they start in 30 seconds but who knows if it will keep my interest
Jumpropeman: yeah I might not watch it
Jumpropeman: *continues watching it*


Jumpropeman: I am very interested in Plague Tale
Tori: A Plague Tale is not about Plague
thirtivel: same, it looks so good jrm
Tori: i'm disappointed
Draco: Awwwww


Jumpropeman: "Key features:
- Open World
- Special skills
- Realistic fight with Satan
- Over 30 miracles like healing people, walking on water, calming storm, feeding people
- Baptising and getting super power of Holy Spirit
- Praying and increasing of Holy Spirit
- Crucifixion and Resurection"

Jumpropeman: im so tired
Jumpropeman: of games with unrealistic satan fights


thirtivel: "For the most part of Haru’s trailer she expresses her sense of justice and what needs to be done. However, there’s a humorous exchange at the end while introducing herself to investigator Zenkichi Hasegawa:
Zenkichi Hasegawa: “A bishoujo*… what now?” (*lit: “beautiful girl”)
Haru Okumura: “I’m the b-bishoujo Phantom Thief…!”
Zenkichi Hasegawa: “You… actually call yourself that, huh…”"

Rider Crimes: Haru
Rider Crimes: The phantom fluff


Tori: fallout is just post-apoc dnd


Mechanized Sheep: link
MobileDraco: Sheep is ready for more Spat RP.
Jumpropeman: spatplot
Jumpropeman: coming to olympia
MobileDraco: And Rapture and Sweden afterwards.


Rider Limes: On this, my birthday, I will answer one question truthfully
Rider Limes: Ask wisely
RubyChao: okay del
RubyChao: ahem
RubyChao: *shuffles papers*
RubyChao: *cleans off glasses*
MobileDraco: How are you doing today?
RubyChao: *gets drink of water*
RubyChao: *spins bowtie*
Rider Limes: I'm doing great thanks! Had a lovely time
RubyChao: why can steve buscimi see why kids love cinnamon toast crunch?
Rider Limes: Because of his new York mob connections
RubyChao: thank you
Rider Limes: No problem
MobileDraco: Good to hear. I hope you and You Two had a great birthday.
Rider Limes: 🙂
Gooper Blooper: Christmas is in 11 days. Did you remember to get a gift for Splinter?
MobileDraco: Yes!
MobileDraco: ...
MobileDraco: No.
Rider Limes: Now I have to get a gift for Splinter
Jumpropeman: I heard he likes framed pizzas
Jumpropeman: and six yo-yos, specifically
Jumpropeman: even though I'm only holding five


Tori: *flexes*
Tori: *muscle sags*
Tori: >:I


Tori: Tomorrow
Tori: train!
Manacled Sheep: Yes
Manacled Sheep: we have hot chocolate
Jumpropeman: i don't believe you sheep
Jumpropeman: I demand a dance number to demonstrate
Manacled Sheep: https://youtube.com/watch?v=byAfC5yW_hw
Jumpropeman: ooo, i remember this!
Jumpropeman: cutest ghost
Draco: Ooh, I love that video! :)
Manacled Sheep: There's your dance sequence :I
Gooper Blooper: holy shit
Gooper Blooper: exactly two years and one day ago I saw this gif and saved it and now I know where it's from
Gooper Blooper: thank you sheep
Manacled Sheep: Oh! Ahah! Glad to be of service!
Manacled Sheep: JRM?
Jumpropeman: now this is the kind of licensed game we need


N Goat: "Fun is not crucial to human survival."
Gooper Blooper: YES IT IS
Draco: Are you anime yet, Sheep?
N Goat: not yet
N Goat: Give me a few more hours in the anime oven
Jumpropeman: are you feeling it now mr sheep
Draco: Alright.
Draco puts on more Black Clover and the weird fanservice anime with Fire Girl or whatever
N Goat: Next: Fire Force forces it's way into the time slot.
N Goat: Sigh.
Gooper Blooper: Fire Force Plot starring Tamaki when
RubyChao: next year
RubyChao: it's 10 events
RubyChao: she's fanservice in all of them
Jumpropeman: maybe during this time slot you can instead watch Mickey and the Roadster Racers Season 3 Episode 11 – Goofasaur Teahouse Helpers
Jumpropeman: I don't want anyone getting too excited, but a tour of Tokyo goes sideways when Goofy accidentally unleashes a robot dinosaur upon the city! And Minnie takes her friends to experience A TRADITIONAL JAPANESE TEA CEREMONY!
Jumpropeman: fans of Nika Futterman will be pleased to find her reprising her role as Cuckoo Loca
Jumpropeman: a real fan favorite
Jumpropeman: I will remind you this is TV-Y, which means the whole family can enjoy!
Jumpropeman: I can tell by your silence that you want me to buy you this specific episode on Amazon Prime for Christmas, so I'm gonna go do that
Draco: Excellent. My life is complete.




Gooper Blooper: Chao and Draco's corruptive influence grows
Gooper Blooper: now I'm reading Black General too
Jumpropeman: garsp
Draco: Excellent. :D
Jumpropeman: *prepares for Black General RP*
RubyChao: it worked!!
RubyChao: mwahahahah
Gooper Blooper: Chao is actually one of the three little minion guys
Draco: Yep. It's the new Curse.
Gooper Blooper: spreading the influence of Black General and Black General's chest
RubyChao: it's a good chest
Gooper Blooper: >she cheekpuffs twice in Chapter 2 alone
Gooper Blooper: run away JRM
Gooper Blooper: while you still can
Jumpropeman: oh god
Draco: She's a good girl. :I
Draco: Good at EVIL.
Draco: I corrupted Goops by showing him the cute bug girl.
Jumpropeman: good thing I have no weaknesses
RubyChao: and i finished the job by telling him how the big bad boss of black general is just Plague
Gooper Blooper: I'm pretty sure these two images pretty much sum up what this manga is about


Deletons: They called the fourth Xbox the xbox
Jumpropeman: they have to realize this isn't going to work
Jumpropeman: it's not like a movie
Deletons: They're all from another planet


Jumpropeman: oh hey, my family just got Disney+ apparently
Jumpropeman: time to watch The Computer Wore Tennis Shoes
Manacle Sheep: You could watch
Manacle Sheep: Johnny Tsunami
Jumpropeman: the joke is we aren't supposed to say cinematic masterpieces, sheep
Manacle Sheep: You could watch
Manacle Sheep: uh
Manacle Sheep: Can of Worms


TheGunisGoodThePenisIsEvil (Jumanji Hates Millennials) joined the chat
TheGunisGoodThePenisIsEvil: Hey guys! I tried acid for the first time-wait
TheGunisGoodThePenisIsEvil: No I didn't
TheGunisGoodThePenisIsEvil: I just watched the film Zardoz
Manacle Sheep concerned?
TheGunisGoodThePenisIsEvil: The same thing
Jumpropeman: zardoz is about that very hairy last man on earth, isn't it?
TheGunisGoodThePenisIsEvil: Yes.
Manacle Sheep: That's very specific!

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