Monday, September 30, 2019

Chatzy Madness Volume 348: Instead Of Answering That Question, Here Is A Picture Of General Oda

Jumpropeman: the reason I RPed Phantomon in the first place was in anticipation of him digivolving to Piedmon
Jumpropeman: I now like Phantomon a lot more than I used to :V


Jumpropeman: Shimmer will never trust a centipede again
Draco: What about a worm?
Jumpropeman: depends on how cute the worm is
Gooper Blooper: I thought Gujarek had a cute design
Gooper Blooper: then it turned out he was a huge asshole
Draco: Is this cute enough
RubyChao: needs more blush and sparkles
Draco: Is this cute enough
RubyChao: yes.
Gooper Blooper: simply darling
Jumpropeman: now that's a worm I'd like to meet!


Jumpropeman: solution to the Gyronna problem: She says OOGA BOOGA BOOGA and turns out to be evil so we don't have to save her!
Gooper Blooper: XD


Jumpropeman: "Kisha finally pipes up before just leaning against a wall like she's some sorta cool cat or some shit"
Jumpropeman: like some sort of
Jumpropeman: Cool Cat Saves the Kids?
HarpFairy: :V
Gooper Blooper: I'd watch Kisha Saves The Kids
HarpFairy: i don't know anything so as per usual
HarpFairy: i'm pretending i know
Jumpropeman: with Juan as Daddy Derek
HarpFairy: the Battlebots Bad Boy?
HarpFairy: "assuming Complete Control!" "WRONG DEREK"


Mice Sheep: "Shimmer says, remembering her armor this time"
Mice Sheep: Shimmer Armor Watch; the great RP past time
Mice Sheep: Will she take it this time?
Mice Sheep: Will she not?!
Mice Sheep: Thrilling

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Chatzy Madness Volume 347: Old Dog Eating ASMR

N Goat: Tonight on Black Clover: "Some stuff sure did happen."


Cornwind Evil: What's Pitohui's real name again
Jumpropeman: elsa kanzaki
ivel: Pit O Hui
Moonlit Sheep: excuse you
Moonlit Sheep: it's Pit O'Hui
Moonlit Sheep: respect her heritage!


Moonlit Sheep: Yanno
Moonlit Sheep: When I see a box of DVDs sold for almost 400 bucks
Moonlit Sheep: and then there's a charge of 4 more dollars for shipping
Moonlit Sheep: I feel like I'm being laughed at
Draco: You are.


Cornwind Evil: "Lifetime isn’t wasting a single second in its effort to release a movie about the college admissions scandal as quickly as possible—in fact, rather than spend a moment thinking up a more creative title, they’re just calling it The College Admissions Scandal."
Harpy: uh
Harpy: ?!?!?
Cornwind Evil: What are you ?!?!? about Harps?
Harpy: that whole sentence
Harpy: why is lifetime putting this up
Harpy: why aren't they being creative about it
Harpy: there's a scandal about college admissions?
Jumpropeman: the college admissions scandal was a bunch of rich people paying their children's way into college
Cornwind Evil: 1) It's Lifetime
Cornwind Evil: 2) It's Lifetime
Cornwind Evil: 3) Yes
Cornwind Evil: 3.5) It's better than "Mother, Can I Sleep With Danger?"
Harpy: mother can i sleep with a raptor?
Cornwind Evil: Ask Chuck Tingle
Harpy: can i ride a lil tykes raptor-mobile?
Harpy: (i saw one of those in walmart today and i had to stop myself from imagining Dashra proving why she needs a driver's license with it)

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Chatzy Madness Volume 346: Category: Meanies

Gooper Blooper: Dr. Amigo does prostate exams and he's got a hot deal going
Jumpropeman: you weren't lacking for fake dr marios if you needed them


Jumpropeman: im trying to post
Jumpropeman: brownie is trying to stop me
Jumpropeman: Brownie
Rank: Post Saboteur
Codename: BROWN DOG

Gooper Blooper: there are just
Gooper Blooper: so many curse members
Meringue Sheep: Even these words are Curse members!
RubyChao: so manyyyy
Jumpropeman: I'm gonna miss the Curse
RubyChao: Steve Buscemi
Rank: Javalina Farmer
Codename: COMEDY


Jumpropeman: somebody thought this video was worth making
Gooper Blooper: HELP ME INTERNET
Jumpropeman: more importantly
Jumpropeman: they thought it was worth making
Jumpropeman: in 2017
Gooper Blooper: Look, somewhere out there is someone who bought FireRed in 2004 and has been waiting 13 years for someone to tell them how to cut trees
Gooper Blooper: Also out there: someone who watches the video and sobs desperately because they have LeafGreen instead and there's no video for that version
Jumpropeman: even more important
Jumpropeman: this is the only pokemon thing on their channel
Gooper Blooper: oh god, that's the best one
Gooper Blooper: I was expecting you to have found some stupid channel with a million pointless Pokemon FAQ videos
Jumpropeman: they do have a lot of important subjects though
Jumpropeman: like this
Gooper Blooper: I've always wanted to wash my hair with eggs
Jumpropeman: spoilers, the video says how long a peacock is, not how tall
Jumpropeman: although the description concerns me
Jumpropeman: 28 FOOT TALL PEACOCK
Jumpropeman: "They retail in stores for up to but you can make them just a peacocks."
Jumpropeman: Some algorithm is definitely making these


Jumpropeman: link
Gooper Blooper: well
Gooper Blooper: you gotta play that
Meringue Sheep: Now that's some sort of art
Jumpropeman: humpty dumpty and a bat had a son
Jumpropeman: "Did you ever get punched by a banana? Tussle with a mushroom? Tumble into a black hole? You will now! ZOOM into space and race around the play grids, out-running the funny critters who pop up in the strangest places!"
Jumpropeman: that guy's name
Jumpropeman: is Mr. Smart
Meringue Sheep: Is it now?