Wednesday, February 28, 2018

A Belated Behind the Scenes of 2017 GB Plots

It's been a long time coming, but now at last I'm bringing you some behind the scenes on my plots from Season 7. Here you'll find a chronological rundown of every event and details on the characters involved, what got cut, and my thought processes while plotting.

Saturday, February 3, 2018

Chatzy Madness Volume 304: Combo-Juggling A Robot

RubyChao: oh shit
RubyChao: guys
RubyChao: jrm missed cirno day
RubyChao: ;_;7
A Flute-Busting Prussian: RIP jrm
Gooper Blooper: I noticed this morning and was upset
Gooper Blooper: When Cirno is finally actually in RP, I expect a plot about her on Cirno Day
RubyChao: 9/9/19 in Season 9
RubyChao: cant' pass up that confluence
RubyChao: especially if he manages to post at 9:09
RubyChao: (even if cirno shows up next year cirnoplot should be season 9)
Jumpropeman: *steeples fingers, glasses shine*
Gooper Blooper: you only get one shot at this
Gooper Blooper: it's not something you can afford to pass up


Grabbin Pillz: Does anyone remember the yugioh episode with the zombies
Grabbin Pillz: From like season one
Grabbin Pillz: That shit was creepy when I was ten
RubyChao: i do!
Grabbin Pillz: I don't think that deck even worked like that in the actual card game
Grabbin Pillz: All the zombie monsters were separate cards
Grabbin Pillz: Yu-gi-oh is systemically busted anyway
ivel: I remember the episode with Bonz but I don't think that was season 1
RubyChao: it most definitely could not have worked like that
RubyChao: but then again season 1 had the flotation ring
RubyChao: basically duelist kingdom treated it like some weird hybrid of a card game and a tactics game
Five Minutes to Meennight: I could see a card reviving cards, changing their type to Zombie, and axing their defense
Five Minutes to Meennight: But not summoning entirely separate designs
ivel: wait Duelist Kingdom was season 1? Huh.
Five Minutes to Meennight: . . . Also god that reminds me of my favorite stupid Warhammer thing
RubyChao: yeah
RubyChao: season 1 is kaiba and then duelist kingdom
Five Minutes to Meennight: Namely, how to repopulate the Earth with just two lovers from two different planets
RubyChao: 2 is battle city, 3 is THE BIG FIVE i mean virtual world and battle city finals, 4 is Filler 2: The Fillering, and 5 is dawn of the duel
RubyChao: oh god why do i remember that all so easily
RubyChao: help
Five Minutes to Meennight: All you need is a Necron Warrior, a Poxwalker of Nurgle, some mood lighting, and really good luck on the dice
Five Minutes to Meennight: Poxwalkers revive troops they kill as another Poxwalker. Necron have Reanimation Protocols that, on a good role, let them come back from the dead
Five Minutes to Meennight: In all their infinite wisdom, GW ruled that these are not mutually exclusive
Five Minutes to Meennight: Zombie kills robit. Robit rises as zombie. Robit apparently climbs out of the zombie and gets back to fighting
Five Minutes to Meennight: There is no limit to this. You can end up with an entire zombie planet just combo-juggling this robot
ivel: oh god @Spy
ivel: of course they didn't think of that
Five Minutes to Meennight: Oh no, they thought of that
Five Minutes to Meennight: This was a conscious FAQ ruling
ivel: ...
Five Minutes to Meennight: I guess they didn't want to be rude to Necron players and say "oh this one specific unit can stop your reviving"
Five Minutes to Meennight: In the off chance a Poxwalker actually accomplishes something
Five Minutes to Meennight: But the result is friggin hilarious
Grabbin Pillz: I vote for the next chatzy madness title to be "combo-juggling a robot"