Saturday, July 15, 2017

Chatzy Madness Volume 297: Big Bar Brawl 7 Edition

Beatles, Brah: I've said it before and I'll say it again, laddyo. =u I make a point to learn what things I hate before I decide I hate 'em.
Big Cooler: if goops ever prattles on about serial killers, i officially declare my RP life to be over
Mixing Sheep: ^
Mixing Sheep: er, the first one
Big Cooler: that was just bad timing, sheep
Big Cooler: you can't just quit anyway, we need to know why the fuck the sheep trashed Alex's apartment
Gooper Blooper: Harpy we already know why the sheep did that
Big Cooler: we do?
Big Cooler: because I don't!
Gooper Blooper: it was because THERE IS A WOLF IN THE FOLD
Gooper Blooper: (that was the message we were given at the end of that plot)
Mixing Sheep: Freakin' Gooper Bloopers
Mixing Sheep: rememberin' yer plots


Mixing Sheep: So, how about that small town sports team?
Mixing Sheep: I hear they're having some real trouble with that other small town sports team
Big Cooler: well they just traded their star players away
Big Cooler: Chao
DMG: holy shit
Big Cooler: are you channeling your inner Duer


Mixing Sheep: >He turns to leave, but as he's walking away, a hawk swoops down to grab his fish. He doesn't let go, and is carried away to who knows where.
Mixing Sheep: It's hard being Daikon


BACK IN: yeah i'm back into league
BACK IN: may god help me


Sex and Ads on the Moon: Haunted Toinette doll that drinks all your vodka and calls you a bitch
B.C.: Now at your local Beach Episode!
Sex and Ads on the Moon: Got a whole range of em
Sex and Ads on the Moon: Haunted Dia doll
B.C.: Steals all your sweets and talks shit about your cooking
B.C.: Haunted sine doll
B.C.: Keeps wordsing at you at night and causes a crisis in your house
Draco: How cuddly is the haunted Dia doll?
B.C.: Haunted parsee doll sasses you on your made up villains- oh wait thats the real paru
B.C. rolled a die with 100 sides. The die showed: 41
B.C.: Normal amounts of cuddly
Sex and Ads on the Moon: Haunted Vince doll
Sex and Ads on the Moon: Heckles your anime
SteelKomodo: haunted dirk doll that drinks all your cider and calls your butt fat
Draco: Haunted Parsee doll drinks your chocolate milk.
Big Cooler: haunted gino doll that
Big Cooler: lazes about
ivel: I was gonna say that too :U
ivel: haunted gino doll that wanders the forest- wait that's Geno
Big Cooler: haw
Big Cooler: haunted gino doll that can one shot your boss
Draco: Haunted Gino Doll steals your Haunted Dia Doll.
Big Cooler: it's a two for one deal, whether you like it or not
Big Cooler: haunted brandon doll cries to sleep every night and rides your dog to the kitchen every morning


Sex and Ads on the Moon: Meet Haru
Sex and Ads on the Moon: She is fluffy
Sex and Ads on the Moon: She likes coffee, gardening, and the dying screams of her foes
Sex and Ads on the Moon: She's also rich af
Sex and Ads on the Moon: She's almost a brine character
iKomodo: Yaaaay
iKomodo: Yo bro concept
iKomodo: nasty crimeboys vs gorillaz
Sex and Ads on the Moon: A good concept
iKomodo: Crimeboys speed past Gorillaz in their houseboat
Sex and Ads on the Moon: Kek
Sex and Ads on the Moon: Oh yeah
Sex and Ads on the Moon: Haru's persona is Milady de Winter from the Three Musketeers
Sex and Ads on the Moon: Fyi
Brinehammer: She seems nice. One day she can meet a Brine-certified jerk.
Sex and Ads on the Moon: They can discuss dismemberment techniques!


Draco: The last really good character I made was struck down by the gods for the blasphemy of using a dead gnome as a hand puppet.


Jumpropeman joined the chat
Jumpropeman: hello you invertebrats
Jumpropeman: im gonna teach you how to do the sponge
Jumpropeman: *disappears into review mode for a few minutes*


RubyChao joined the chat
RubyChao: also hi


Big Cooler: gino's weakness: dia.
Big Cooler: that's it
clever username: plz
Big Cooler: "WHY AM I HERE"
clever username: dia's weakness: gino
Big Cooler: dia's weakness: everything, especially gino
Big Cooler: -can be bribed easily by jelly donuts
Big Cooler: -is that a dogge? must pette dogge
Jumpropeman: everybody, no matter how powerful, is weak to being crushed by a sufficiently sized rock
Rowlf: Yeah, probably, although it'll take a bigger rock for a rock. =v
Jumpropeman: drop a larger clone of General Cleft on him
Big Cooler: drop the sun on etrohus, that'll teach him.
Jumpropeman: and then an even larger General Cleft on that one
DMG: when you're a rock, everybody else is a hammer
Rowlf: It's Clefts and turtles all the way down.
DMG: all things considered, a hammer is really just a big rock on a stick
DMG: and if that's the case, Ilsaria's sure to win the brawl!


Jumpropeman: *has Horatio do this year's pre-fite show*


Jumpropeman: I have been thinking about my poor characters marooned outside of RP :V
Jumpropeman: I hope Keahi has been diligently serving drinks in my absence
Rowlf: Hurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrmghhhhmm. He maaay have been temporarily replaced by Gullinkambi.
Jumpropeman: how could you ven
Jumpropeman: the ONE thing I asked for
Jumpropeman: was no Norse chicken bartenders in my absence
Rowlf: I'm a weak man. ;c; I couldn't say no to the roosters of ragnarok.
Rowlf: In all seriousness, yes, Keahi has, although his conversation hasn't been as scintillating as usual.


Gooper Blooper: that fite club was a nice character bit for both Duer and Clownpiece
Best Cuddler: Duer fuckin cried that night
Best Cuddler: he just wants Clownpiece to go far ;_;
Draco: (b^_^)b Clownpiece believes in the Duer that believes in her.
Best Cuddler: I liked how it turned out, although honestly I wanted Clownpiece to win so Duer can act like a doting father for the first and possibly last time in his life
Best Cuddler: because afterwards everybody will tease him about it
Best Cuddler: ESPECIALLY dia
Draco: He can take Clownpiece out for pizza afterwards and tell her how proud he is that she got in the top eighty-two.
Best Cuddler: Duer: Sorry, clown daughter, no pizza unless you place top 10.
Gooper Blooper: there's her motivation
ivel: and 10 is only a personal pizza, not even a large
Best Cuddler: excuse me
Gooper Blooper: first place is a full-on pizza party
Best Cuddler: top 10 is worth a medium
ivel: first place is that giant pizza jrm got that one time
Draco: Clownpiece gets Meh Burger if she only makes the bottom ten.
Heatsleep: Does she get apple pies if she breaks perfectly even in the middle?
Best Cuddler: A mcdonalds apple pie if she places in the middle
Gooper Blooper: A can of expired walnuts if she gets last
RubyChao: and six candies
RubyChao: by which i mean, she gets a copy of paper mario: sticker star


Sloops of war: link
Me: Haha, Ven drawing.
Sloops of war: Oh, that's not mine. =u I stole those. You don't want to see mine. They're bad.
Me: They can't be worse then mine.
Sloops of war: Bad. I have reasons to pay-or-trade-with-artists for my ideas on paper.
Sloops of war: =Y
B.C.: Hyperealistic lasagna drawing
B.C.: No, thats good
Me: Yeah ven
Me: I'm hungry now
B.C.: Better than my borbs
Sloops of war: ._o
Me: Ven you should teach me how to draw women, because i just can't.
Me: All i've been drawing are guys
Sloops of war: Alright, so drawing women-
Step one: Get drunk enough to post terrible doodles.
Step two: Never use the account again
Step three: ????????
Step four: Profit?


ivel: what is this
Jorb?: Footbaw
RubyChao: this is performance art
Jorb?: I feel like Juice is basically a Del char


Jesus Whistle Hands Christ: Okay
Jesus Whistle Hands Christ: Looking back on my blog
Jesus Whistle Hands Christ: Jesus
Jesus Whistle Hands Christ: I need to burn half of it dow.
Jesus Whistle Hands Christ: It's so baf
Jesus Whistle Hands Christ: *baf
Jesus Whistle Hands Christ: *BAD
RubyChao: think of it this way
RubyChao: you can use it as a power glove
RubyChao: :d
RubyChao: *:d
RubyChao: oh i had caps on
RubyChao: rip



Sloops of war: Armor piercing is surely a good skill for a ninja.
Best Cuddler: WELL
Best Cuddler: AP stands for ability points and its the currency you need to rank up stuff
Best Cuddler: some skills just
Best Cuddler: eat it all up
Best Cuddler: especially the stronger magic skills
Best Cuddler: although armor piercing is great too :U
ivel: that's basically what the Smash skill is; it pierces through basic defenses, only Counterattack can specifically stop it. That or just hit them before their Smash hits you
Draco: I throw a baby raccoon in the way of Smash skills.
Jumpropeman: when you don't have a shield
Jumpropeman: a baby raccoon is the natural alternative


Jumpropeman: my pizza should've been done a long time ago
Jumpropeman: naturally
Jumpropeman: as soon as I typed that the pizza was done
Jumpropeman: making me look the fool in front of all my cool friends


Brinehammer rolled a die with 11 sides. The die showed: 7
Brinehammer rolled a die with 11 sides. The die showed: 5

Gooper Blooper: >Brine's using a d11 too
Gooper Blooper: be still my heart, is wimpod going to win something
Brinehammer: I'm not gonna lie, I'll be shocked if Pidgey wins.
MobileDrac: Pidgey's got this because Brawl entrants aren't allowed to die.
MobileDrac: And if Pidgey loses, Voth might kill Wimpod.

(Wimpod won)


Jumpropeman: "The body was used by two sisters during a party, and it got blasted."
Jumpropeman: ZFRP, where you can mention a corpse at a party blowing up like it ain't no thang


Bree: what show are those cats from, they look so goddamn familiar but I can't place it
Gooper Blooper joined the chat
Gooper Blooper: That'd be CatScratch
DMG: flawless entrance, Gooper
Gooper Blooper: I was needed


Gooper Blooper: in ruined news, I discovered recently
Gooper Blooper: that there is a variety of pear named
Gooper Blooper: josephine
RubyChao: >sweet
RubyChao: >rich
RubyChao: >juicy
RubyChao: accurate
SteelKomodo: Dirk: ALL OF THIS IS TRUE


Boreas Child: dia's alliance of "plz don't hurt me"


RubyChao: part of my dinner is brussel sprouts and i am actively enjoying that part
RubyChao: truly, i am an old man now
Gooper Blooper: chao pls
RubyChao: well i like the taste
Bree: I've never had a brussel sprout but they ate them on GMM and declared that they taste like farts
RubyChao: i disagree
DMG: if cooked properly, brussel sprouts are pretty good
Bree: yeah they ate uncooked brussel sprouts IIRC
DMG: oh
Bree: so that does explain a lot :V
DMG: yeah, that's no good
RubyChao: yeah these are cooked
Bree: but I remember it for that description, they insisted it tastes like eating a fart
DMG: if you bake them with a glaze of vinaigrette and some sea salt, they're delicious
DMG looks over what I just posted
DMG: so about being an old man...
Jumpropeman: Dudemangeezer
DMG: the truest sign of growing old, actually knowing recipes for cooking vegetables
Bree: we all have a senior citizen hidden inside us, just waiting to RIP OPEN OUR SKIN FROM THE INSIDE AND ASSUME OUR IDENTITIES
RubyChao: jrm plot 2018
RubyChao: the old people were inside you all along
RubyChao: in a terrifying way


DMG: do we have any characters in the brawl who are gangsta as fuck but also like cooking?
Gooper Blooper: It turns out there are difficulties involved in drawing 100 pictures in two weeks for a thousand-paragraph story
Gooper Blooper: who knew?!
DMG: cuz I kinda want this song to be used somewhere
Bree: celestia is gangsta as fuck
Bree: fo sho
Gooper Blooper: No, Celestia would be The Most Embarrassing Parent if she tried to be gangsta
Bree: that's why it should happen
Gooper Blooper: I should totally have her try to be gangsta if she wins
Gooper Blooper: Imagine Celestia doing the Team Skull Walk
Bree: she recruits melissa and sid to help her learn to be gangsta
DMG: I could imagine her twerking, and then Sarah just casts blind on herself
Bree: celestia has twerked before
RubyChao: she did once
Gooper Blooper: Celestia has twerked in canon
RubyChao: it was
Gooper Blooper: 2slow
RubyChao: a sight
DMG: but in front of everybody?
Bree: it was in drown yer mates
RubyChao: yes
Bree: so it was televised
Gooper Blooper: She did it just before being eliminated in Drown Yer Mates Four
DMG: ah, that would do it
ivel: ahahaha
Gooper Blooper: She fell off the table afterwards and was KOed
Bree: it resulted in a dirk-helios double KO
Bree: from #butts
Gooper Blooper: hang on a sec
Gooper Blooper: "Well, ladies and gentlmen, I... I don't think we'll see anything like that ever again. In fact, I'm not entirely sure I can describe what just happened. There are no words for it. Uh, I'm getting reports that the ZFS has been knocked into a higher orbit from the shockwaves. Birds fell out of the sky on the planet below. My tea just went from cold to boiling, and the black mage has fallen off the table and onto the floor."


Bree: I fucking love pet RP


Jumpropeman: shipping radar pinging something
Jumpropeman: *cuts through the posts with a machete*
Jumpropeman: I'M COMING FOR YOU


Jumpropeman: "I went ahead and enchanted your prop wings to fly. It's temporary, just for the brawl, but it'll be enough to give you an advantage. I think the ghost probably expects you to fly, anyway."
Jumpropeman: harpy's good people


Thank_You_Chatzy_Madness: I wiped my browser history, forgot I never bookmarked the new KoB address, and lost my ability to find Chatzy until I saw the URL in a screencap on Chatzy madness
Thank_You_Chatzy_Madness: Suck iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit!
Thank_You_Chatzy_Madness: Also preshow was amazeballs
Bree: lel spy
Bree: you could've just got a link from someone on steam
Thank_You_Chatzy_Madness: . . .
Thank_You_Chatzy_Madness jumps out the window
Thank_You_Chatzy_Madness does a tactical roll away from everyone
Thank_You_Chatzy_Madness runs into the wild green yonder


Gooper Blooper: You'll be seeing the intro pic soon enough and I think that'll be worth a thousand words on its own
Thank_You_Chatzy_Madness: >soon
Thank_You_Chatzy_Madness vibrates
Thank_You_Chatzy_Madness digs to the center of the earth with nothing but my shaking

Gooper Blooper: JRM could appear without warning at any moment
Gooper Blooper: until then, we all wait here
Bree: kinda just got this mental image of like
Bree: a small conference room
Bree: inside, thirteen people sit in boring office chairs
Bree: every one of them is frozen in a grin of overwhelming excitement and eagerness
Bree: every one is staring fixedly, unblinking, at the exact same spot on the door
Bree: nobody moves
Bree: nobody breathes
Bree: then
Bree: slowly
Bree: the door opens
Bree: it's jumpropeman
Bree: he sets one foot in the room


Gooper Blooper: Goopsmom knows the Brawl is tonight
Gooper Blooper: "Is that nostalgia girl in there?" "Yeah" "What's her name again?" "Dolby" "Dolby's gonna win"
Bree: did you tell goopsmom that this brawl has a breemom character
Gooper Blooper: I did and she was super jealous
Pierce the Ivel: lel goopsmom
Cornwind Evil: (Dolby suddenly a fat plumber in yellow. "IMMA DOLBY. IMMA GONNA WEEN.")
Gooper Blooper: "Dolby didn't get that many votes" "IT'S RIGGED"


SPYPE: "Surrounding the island on all sides are large boats built solely to house the stands for the many fans who came here tonight to witness this spectacle, with each one having jumbotrons as well so they don’t miss the action just because their BleacherBoat drifted away from it!"
SPYPE: Appule: "Shit, cheating's gonna take actual effort!"


BrawlChao: what a first KO
BrawlChao: also i think Parsee is going to be laughing and laughing and laughing
Cornwind Evil: Wow, sorry Ikki, I thought you'd do better.
Pierce the Ivel: shit


Brinehammer changed name to Brawlhammer


Big Blooper Brawl: I noticed Suta is back to Satu in the bar thread today
Big Blooper Brawl: so I'll call him that in the standings posts
Brawlropeman: Dr. Satu Suta Games


Brawl in the Family: Vince you useless gobhound
SPYPE: BBB: If Vince wasn't a useless shit Ruukuto might still be alive
SPYPE: Vince is an AMAZING useless shit


Springtrap (Cornwind Evil) joined the chat
Springtrap: i told you that eventually this would work
Springtrap: wow, its so white in here
SPYPE: So, Springtrap, seems this Deadly Alliance is working out way better than the last one
Springtrap: is this heaven
BrawlChao: yes
BrawlChao: you died, sorry
BrawlChao: (disclaimer springtrap may or may not have actually died in the brawl)
Springtrap: god damn it
Springtrap: i knew i should have taken that left turn at albequrque
Spectating Death eVenT: Slipped the bonds of existence. Pulled an Enoch.
Spectating Death eVenT: Walked right off into the after existence physically.
Springtrap: anyway i will just hang around here until i feel compelled to leave
Springtrap: because you monsters make a puppet of my life
Cornwind Evil: Oh be quiet
Cornwind Evil: I took a character based on a child murderer and made him beloved
Springtrap: you mean that sable lyn and joshua shaw did all the work and you reaped the benefits
Cornwind Evil: ....I still contributed!


Brawl in the Family: FUCK YESSSSSSSS


SPYPE: Big the Cat confirmed godbeast!?
Pierce the Ivel: he already was, remember? :U
DudeManFite: Large the Cat needs a new, bigger playmat
BrawlChao: take the existing one, scale it up 500%
SPYPE: . . . God DAMNIT chao
SPYPE: I just did that!!!
Big Blooper Brawl: Large Fun Mat
Brawlropeman: now its a table cover instead of just a mat
SPYPE: Let's see how Big gets taken down to size . . .
DudeManFite: Assuming he even does get taken down to size.
DudeManFite: #Largethecat2017
SPYPE: #If Large Wins We Riot


Big Blooper Brawl: how have I not lost a guy


Cornwind Evil: Etrohus explicitly entered the Brawl to die. What placement did he get? 44th.


DudeManFite: Wimpod is my new favorite character
BrawlChao: this post though
SPYPE: Also Jumpluff is legit terrifying??


DudeManFite: He's in this for the long haul


Cornwind Evil: Wait, when did Kratos sleep with an elf?


Cornwind Evil: You know, even if some people hadn't cared for it, I think this year would have seen the last Dangerous Alliance anyway. I think this Brawl has pretty much done everything that can be done with alliances.
Brawlropeman: *flops around in a pile of allied bodies*
DudeManFite: I actually like how the alliances form on their own
SPYPE: There were so many organic ones cropping up, even midfite
Brawlropeman: yeah, alliances are really helpful, I just don't want everyone to over-ally before the brawl you know
Brawlropeman: they have to kill each other in there :P
DudeManFite: I actually like going into it knowing that even if you win, all but one of your characters are still going to die
DudeManFite: and the anticipation of seeing which ones is fantastic
SPYPE: Big made it inordinately far on 0 support
DudeManFite: or they all die, and it's still a great time
SPYPE: And Appule is STILL somehow fucking in this
DudeManFite: For having no votes, I'm glad Vyn got a pretty cool kill
SPYPE: If he wins, Raspberry, Praline, and all of the rest of Ki Arts dojo will surely be disappointed
SPYPE: Greed was more of a walking power-up than a serious fiter, so I'm glad his death turned Emily into a goddamn terminator. I love it
SPYPE: And Bob? Well, I think it's almost time for some foobaw


DudeManFite: why do I get the feeling that the finale is gonna be Bob vs Emily?


Brawlropeman: goops you absolute madlad
Brawlropeman: now I can drug homeless people for pocket change myself
Brawlropeman: thanks for real gooper
Brawlropeman: mystery of the druids is definitely a candidate for a future Disaster Report just on what I know of it :V
Big Blooper Brawl: Oh, there it is!
Big Blooper Brawl: Guys, lemme explain
Big Blooper Brawl: I bought Mystery of the Druids for JRM during the Steam Sale... but I timed it so he'd get it now
Big Blooper Brawl jazz hands


SPYPE: “No. I can’t lose to a mistake again!”
SPYPE: I'm guessing she means to her own mistake
SPYPE: But jeezus that's harsh, Dawn
BrawlChao: BBB that Dawn KO was delightfully brutal, and Mario going down was hilarious


Big Blooper Brawl: "Polka-Dot Man, still somehow alive,"


SPYPE: Oh god, Bob has 3 KOs
SPYPE: Chao, hold me
DudeManFite: "There won’t be such a thing as bigfoot anymore!"
DudeManFite: I hope that's a ticker
Brawlropeman: guys Bob just made a species extinct... just kidding, there are like seven Andrettis all who are also Italian-American Race Car Drivers


SPYPE: It's so weird thinking of 18 as the entire Big Bar Brawl
SPYPE: When today, 18 is like
SPYPE: The last hour of it
BrawlChao: we've gotten a bit
BrawlChao: out of hand since BBB1
Brawlropeman: get ready next year when the gimmick is the Coconut Entrant, where we put all the entrants in a tree and shake it to pick who gets to brawl


BrawlChao: how the fuck does Maria have five KOs when you count combo kills
BrawlChao: jesus christ she's more than making up for literally the entire rest of my cast


Cornwind Evil: Polka Dot Man is STILL IN THERE.


DudeManFite: Holy shit, Jim went down like a fucking legend
DudeManFite: The hype is so real right now
Cornwind Evil: Who called Emily vs Bob?
SPYPE: I honestly thought Bob'd barely squeak into the Top 5
BrawlChao: fun fact: this guarantees Winning User Never Won A Brawl Before
DudeManFite: I'm sad that I can't listen to both Bob and Emily's endgame music at the same time
DudeManFite: I mean, I could but it would sound like trash


Phone: Congratulations, Spy and Bob
DudeManFite: congrats, Spy, that was an epic fite and a well deserved win
SPYPE: Thanks DMG! I can't believe I pulled it off'
BrawlChao: so Spy
BrawlChao: how does it feel to join Godbot, Brine, JRM, Goops, Draco, and myself
SPYPE: It feels damn good!
SPYPE: “What do you think I’m doing, Jim? There’s no way I’m going back to retirement after a win like that! Watch out folks, Bob Bifford’s returning to Blood Bowl!”


Brawlropeman: time
Brawlropeman: to eat
Brawlropeman: *closes like a hundred windows*


(I reveal my Secret Fiter choice - Black Knight 2000)

SPYPE: Gooper oh my god xD
Brawlropeman: gooppost that is some intense music for pinball
Big Blooper Brawl: He was my pick almost entirely because of the music/voice


Draco: Holy Shit
Draco: Black Knight 2000 was another guy I was considering for Secret Fiter.
Brawlropeman: what, how
Brawlropeman: Draco just a secret pinball wizard


Brawlropeman: Mini-Lucky Best Lucky
Brawlropeman: I was responsible for Baby Wids though, so maybe I'm biased
Brawlropeman: *revives all my characters as babies*


Draco: Listening to this right now
Brawlropeman: dang
Brawlropeman: how did i forget about Bravely Default music
Brawlropeman: I was looking for stuff to listen to while writing the brawl
Spectating Death eVenT: The banks arrested our protagonists after they bravely defaulted on their loans.
BrawlChao: honestly i always liked wicked battle more than wicked flight
Brawlropeman: *probably would've just listened to Baby Bird for 3 hours*
BrawlChao: >not love's vagrant
BrawlChao: pls.


Brawlropeman: "Scientists have created "golden" bananas rich in vitamin A to fight vitamin A deficiency in Uganda."
Brawlropeman: OH, BANANA!


Brawlropeman: oh hey, i didn't see the new chatzy madness til now
Draco: Well, to be fair, you were busy.
Brawlropeman: for some things draco, you make the time


Brawlropeman: "Jumpropeman: Ryuk and Ryuko, I'm sure that's another place where there will be zero typos"
Brawlropeman: Proud to say, think it only happened once during the pre-fite show
Brawlropeman: and I caught it before posting


Brawlropeman: seeing the ogre burger challenge thing posted in chatzy like, right after I rolled the results for the Brawl... I wanted so hard to say something :V


M Sheep: >but there’s no way we’re ever holding a Big Bar Brawl 777
M Sheep: :I
Spectating Death eVenT: The unbroken Jumpropelineage wrote centuries of Brawls together until BBB 776, when their line was extinguished at last by a lack of Doctor Pepper.
Draco: I can safely just enter Commander Fox-type characters next year. Don't care about winning it anymore. :)
M Sheep: That's the Brawl the Hot Messes forum competes as a robot controlled by the entire forum Twitch Plays style
Brawlropeman: I actually think that forum is really cute and I was really happy when they popped up again this year


B.C.: Holy shit
B.C.: Brawl was good
B.C.: i almost tasted victory but that was so good. My victory will come next yeaaar
Brawlropeman: it worked for gooper and spy :V
Brawlropeman: also thank you =D


Spectating Death eVenT: JRM, they're selling time in England.
Spectating Death eVenT: You, ah... you may want to get on that.
Brawlropeman: who do you think is selling it B)
Spectating Death eVenT: DB


Spectating Death eVenT: What will Big do, now that he has gained and lost 'froggy' once again?
Spy cameo: Begin the search anew, now 50 feet tall
Spy cameo: The age of Big has passed. We are now in the age of Large
Spectating Death eVenT: Hehhhh


M Sheep: Hina's faaace
M Sheep: It's the Mona Hina
M Sheep: "Your reckoning is truly at hand, vile bugbears!”
M Sheep: I truly hope Caeseo keeps up these insults the whole Brawl
M Sheep: Sidebar: Why do Londoners hate air conditioning so much?!
M Sheep: "This be not the place for milksops. Aroint thee, babe!"
M Sheep: ^JRM, killing it.
M Sheep: “It does appear one of the least sturdy alliances is ALREADY fracturing!"
M Sheep: Father SquidxHappiness?
M Sheep: "However, her small struggle had already turned the eyes of the audience to her, and she could feel her body shifting and growing in power from the attention. It seems Nibbler had helped her in one way at least..."
M Sheep: All I'm saying is give me Dovemass
M Sheep: OH MY GOD, I had though the JRMSister art had peaked early this year, but Nibbler is HORRIFYING!
M Sheep: >Polka-Dot Man hadn’t expected Arr to be a formidable foe in the slightest.
M Sheep: Polka-Dot Man has no room to be criticizing other people's schticks
M Sheep: a pirate eaten by a pig....I had hoped Arr would go farther
M Sheep: "Frustrating, isn’t it kid?”
M Sheep: Yes
M Sheep: Corrupt the child!
M Sheep: >it can take control of a person in the last minutes of their life, and Ryuk had instructed Juzo to try his hardest to kill his friends.
M Sheep: I'll take it!
M Sheep: Someone put some care in drawing Ryuk
M Sheep: "Elsewhere though, Dovetail was happy to see what she managed to pull out from behind her back, looking through the notebook and thinking of how best she could quickly acquire a writing utensil…"
M Sheep: ohno
M Sheep: Dawn looks so pleased to get a kill
M Sheep: >Levi vs Nemu
M Sheep: Well, I think we all expected this
M Sheep: >Jumpluff was sitting on top of the kaiju’s shell, a Grass Knot dangling off and snagging the monster hunter by the foot.
M Sheep: "Everyone watching at home! Pray for Gamera! Give him your strength! Only you can save the giant turtle now in his most desperate hour!"
M Sheep: Clap your hands if you belieeeeeve
M Sheep: “Now,” he whispered, “I will concede that a supposed Goddess of Hell is a poor choice for a first target,” Maurice began,
M Sheep: Been enjoying how JRM's been writing the Brothers
M Sheep: Alack and alas! My poor Brothers are down! I had hoped they would go the the furthest of my fiters.
SPYPE: I was sad too. I adored them while they were in the fray, though
M Sheep: JRM wrote them very well while they around. Very good quality all through the altercation.
M Sheep: Eeeey, Squid got a demon kill!
M Sheep: >If only she had Liefeld Pouches, there’s no way someone else would steal them!
M Sheep snrk
M Sheep: Haw geeze. Really was in baited breath over Dovetail's fite against Vyn.
M Sheep: >This attack unfortunately put her within arm’s reach of the Gorton’s Fisherman however, and he created a massive fishing spear that he jabbed directly towards her head.
M Sheep: Call him Ishmail
M Sheep: Drat, I was hoping the Gorton Fisherman would drive Nemu mad first.
M Sheep: Aw maaan, in a row.
M Sheep: Always a bitter pill to swallow
M Sheep: >Marie feels her nose break from the strike,
M Sheep: Do Squid Girls even have nose bones?
SteelKomodo: I dunno tbh
SteelKomodo: never really thought about it
Del: the only solid part of a squid's body is their beak so no
Del: so she aint got no nose
SteelKomodo: yeah, squidgirls ain't got no nosebones
M Sheep: He's a Chuckster!
M Sheep: >Ryuko landing on the beach and refusing to look behind her as the Astral Knight explodes behind her.
M Sheep: all this anime in the Brawl


SPYPE: Harps: I wonder if Emily kept . . . THE PICTURE
SPYPE motions dramatically to a wad of cardboard
Beautiful Car: course she did ;U


Cornwind Evil: Oh god
Cornwind Evil: They're making a Junji Ito anthology anime series
Cornwind Evil: So finally we'll see the hole meant for us IN NICE FLUID MOTION DETAIL
RubyChao continues to laugh like a maniac


Beautiful Car: wait
Beautiful Car: one important bet has not been accounted for
Beautiful Car: DID
Beautiful Car: DUER
Beautiful Car: GET
Beautiful Car: DRUNK?
Beautiful Car rolled a die with 100 sides. The die showed: 100
Gooper Blooper: ...
Beautiful Car: holy SHIT
RubyChao: i'm going to take that is a Very Solid Yes
RubyChao: he is drunk as hell and clownpiece won her bet
iKomodo: WELP
Beautiful Car: he WAS drunk
Beautiful Car: Duer got drunk, had one moment where he seemed sober, then got back to getting smashed as fuck without the worries of liver damage
Beautiful Car: AND NO HANGOVERS... or he had a hangover moment before he went to bed
Beautiful Car: so basically we just got proof that duer is, indeed, an irishman
iKomodo: Dirk gets happy to meet a fellow irishman
iKomodo: ...reminder that I made Pit and Dirk Irish
Beautiful Car: duer fuckin flipped when he found out way back when
Beautiful Car: out of sight of the kobbers
Beautiful Car: but still
iKomodo: Pfffft


Brawlropeman joined the chat
Brawlropeman: *animal noise*

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