Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Chatzy Madness Volume 414: King K Rool Country Returns

Gooper Blooper: So I've had my yearly game review blog in progress since summer, so I could write reviews when the vidya I beat were still fresh in my mind, and this has also helped to make the workload of reviewing dozens of games in one post a lot more manageable
RubyChao: nice nice, goops!
Gooper Blooper: but despite the fact that I didn't need this padding, unless JRM posts a review of it before April, I will beat him to the punch and put up a review of the vidya JRM has said is his "I need a review up and I have ten minutes" ace in the hole
RubyChao: G A S P
Gooper Blooper: Slot Machine for Atari 2600
Diadem: oh shit
Gooper Blooper: it's happening
Jumpropeman: hahaha
Jumpropeman: i expect an in depth explanation of every symbol on the machine
Gooper Blooper: JRM reaching as far as he can for a Disaster Report


Jumpropeman: if you were trapped on a dessert island, how long until you eat the whole island and drown
LadySeychelles: depends on what the island is made of I guess
Jumpropeman: i watched that pizza video I mentioned the other day
Jumpropeman: the best part was the guy figuring out if the fire emblem characters have eaten it
LadySeychelles: I expect a lot of digging into medivel history
Jumpropeman: because all Smash Bros. Fire Emblem character appears in Engage, but they're spirits so they can't eat the game's pizza. You can however eat the pizza independently, then save it as leftovers, then during a battle you can merge with that character's spirit and eat the leftovers
LadySeychelles: ...
LadySeychelles: Honestly wasn't expecting that
Red Birb Del: this is a lot of work to get marth to experience pizza
LadySeychelles: Does marth LIKE pizza?
Jumpropeman: i don't feel like he would.
Jumpropeman: he likes hard bread and a glass of room temperature water
LadySeychelles: ouch
LadySeychelles: low opinon of Marth I c
Jumpropeman: he seems pretty basic hero type
MobileDraco: Marth is Basic
Jumpropeman: smash bros is adding more spirits in an update next year, which means its gonna be time for me to 100% it again soon


Gooper Blooper: I reread some RP from early this season today and Lanterby's angry rant against Wanze hits different now that Chao's avatar makes me imagine Padoru Lanterby doing it
RubyChao: utterly undermined.
Gooper Blooper: instead of punching him, she did the padoru spin and smacked him with the sack
Diadem: he got
Diadem: sacked
LadySeychelles makes a sad wa-wa noise


RubyChao: reminder
RubyChao: Purple Francis is dead...
Josey Joestar: Don’t remind me
Josey Joestar: My life is so much less purple without him
Josey Joestar: Although I have to ask
Josey Joestar: Is there a Non-Purple Francis
Jumpropeman: once you've gone purple, you never go back